What disease are the symptoms of mouse fever similar to? Complications caused by hemorrhagic fever

An infectious disease that is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication and kidney damage, spread by rodents (including mice) is called mouse fever. The medical (official) name of this pathology is fever with renal syndrome.

Symptoms of mouse fever

The virus (microorganism) enters the macroorganism with dust particles containing rodent secretions. You can become infected in the forest, field - places where rodents live. Residents of villages, those who like to spend time relaxing in the forest, and mushroom pickers are at greater risk of infection than others. Interestingly, the infection is not transmitted between people.

Rodents are just carriers of the disease, that is, their symptoms do not appear. To start the chain infectious process, only a small amount of the pathogen is required to enter the body.

How else is fever transmitted? In addition to the airborne dust route, you can become infected after direct contact of a person’s skin or mucous membranes with a contaminated object, as well as if you eat “dirty” foods.

Summer - favorable time for infection, which is associated with active excavation work. A focal outbreak of a disease is judged if a group of people fall ill and have acquired the pathogen from one source of infection.

First symptoms mouse fever do not appear immediately after the pathogen penetrates human tissue. Incubation period hidden symptoms) lasts several weeks. Then the following symptoms appear:

  • hyperthermia;
  • severe weakness;
  • eye reaction to bright light;
  • not always, but a skin rash in the area is possible armpits and on the lateral surfaces of the body;
  • strong headache, which can be confused with migraine.

The above symptoms are not specific to the disease and are more likely to resemble the symptoms of the flu or a common cold. At this time, the sick person begins to be treated with improvised medications that are available at home, thereby wasting time.

Therefore, it is important to seek help in all doubtful cases from a specialist who can provide timely assistance.

A few days later, other signs of the disease appear:

  • , indicating damage to kidney tissue;
  • fluctuations in body temperature (either increasing or decreasing to normal values);
  • decreased total urine output (oliguria);
  • an increase in symptoms of intoxication due to the accumulation of metabolic products in the blood and tissues of the body.

What does oliguria lead to? A decrease in diuresis leads to the accumulation of toxic ( unnecessary for the body substances) that cause self-poisoning.

Symptoms of mouse fever in children

Children's body particularly sensitive to the pathogen. Therefore, the incubation period is shorter and the intoxication syndrome is more pronounced. Characteristic signs diseases begin to appear a few days after the child comes into contact with places where mice are found. Against the background of elevated temperature (parents may think that the child has an acute respiratory infection), decreased diuresis, bleeding from the nose and gums appears. According to statistics, this disease is childhood is very rare. Any symptoms and controversial issues regarding the diagnosis should be resolved by the pediatrician with the participation of an infectious disease specialist.

Symptoms in men and women

Symptoms of the disease appear the same in both men and women. In addition to the above symptoms, swelling of the face, bleeding from the nasal cavity, and spots on the body may occur. Critical period the disease is accompanied acute pain in the lumbar region. The appearance of polyuria ( copious discharge urine) indicates normalization of kidney function and the beginning of recovery, which occurs several weeks after the appearance of the first symptoms. Along with diuresis, appetite returns and weakness disappears.

Consequences of fever:

  • change normal function kidneys until they rupture;
  • vascular insufficiency;
  • convulsions;
  • swelling and inflammation of areas of the lungs.

The disease requires immediate contact with a specialist. It is treated exclusively in inpatient conditions. The doctor prescribes drugs that affect the symptoms: reducing temperature, eliminating intoxication, restoring water-salt balance, etc. An important condition in recovery is the observance of special nutrition according to a diet that involves the use of easily digestible food, which is enriched with vitamins. Nonspecific prevention is the prevention of contact of mice and rats with food. For this purpose, deratization (rodent extermination) should be carried out.

IN initial stage They are very reminiscent of acute respiratory infections, so many people prefer to be treated at home without going to the doctor. However, this disease can give serious complications on the kidneys, and also lead to sharp deterioration blood composition and the formation of blood clots, which can be fatal.

The first manifestations of the disease begin 2-3 weeks after infection. In the initial period, which lasts from 1 to 3 days, the temperature rises sharply (up to 39-40oC), and severe chills, pain in the head, muscles and joints, weakness, dry mouth. The eyes become hypersensitive to light. The skin of the face, neck and upper part becomes red.

May also appear small rash, localized in the armpits and sides of the body.

Then comes the second period of illness, lasting about a week. Main symptom mouse fever at this stage - pain in the lumbar region, accompanied by frequent vomiting. Moreover, vomiting occurs regardless of food or medication intake. Due to swelling, urination becomes difficult.

Pain and bloating in the abdomen often also appear.

As already mentioned, at the beginning of the disease it can be confused with a severe form of acute respiratory infections. However, the second period is completely different. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor (if this has not already been done), and if the diagnosis is confirmed, do not refuse hospitalization!

The third period is characterized by a gradual improvement in well-being. Lower back pain disappears, vomiting stops, and urination normalizes. The patient may still experience dry mouth and weakness, but after about 1.5-2 weeks these symptoms should disappear.

How is mouse fever treated?

As already mentioned, it should be carried out in a hospital, in the infectious diseases department. The patient is prescribed antiviral, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic drugs. In case of kidney damage and blood clots, hemodialysis is performed with anticoagulants.

The diagnosis of fever is made by an infectious disease specialist based on the results of laboratory tests of blood and urine.

To prevent this disease, it is necessary to disinfect the premises where rodents live. Food should be stored in containers inaccessible to rodents.

The reason for many now existing diseases are infections.

Infectious diseases are divided into several types, among which are the so-called natural focal ones. Pathologies of this type have some features: their development is possible only in a limited area and under certain conditions; rodents are carriers of the virus.

When such infections enter the human body can be very dangerous and have enough serious consequences. Mouse fever is just one of these diseases of infectious etiology.

Mouse fever: description

As the name implies, the disease is characterized febrile state, but, besides this, there are other signs: thrombohemorrhagic syndrome, general intoxication of the body and kidney damage.

How is the virus transmitted?

In this case, the virus carriers are Norway rats and voles. What is characteristic is that rodents themselves do not suffer from the disease, but are only carriers. The virus is shed through the feces and urine of animals.

Routes of infection can be of the following types:

  • Nutritional. A person eats food or water that contains virus secretions.
  • Airborne dust. Inhaled dust contains contaminated excrement.
  • Contact. Damaged skin comes into contact with carriers of the disease or with objects contaminated by them.

The virus is not transmitted from person to person.

Most often, residents of villages and villages suffer from mouse fever, and most of the patients are men from 16 to 50 years old. The disease is seasonal - outbreaks of fever with renal syndrome are recorded in the warm season (from May to October). On the territory of Russia, natural foci of the disease are located in the Ural and Volga districts.

Symptoms of mouse fever in an adult

Murine fever with renal syndrome develops in stages. Signs and symptoms of murine fever in adults are determined by the stage of the disease.

There are four stages of the disease:

Mouse fever has symptoms similar to other pathologies ( intestinal infection, ORZ), that makes diagnosis difficult and therefore the disease is very dangerous. If the correct diagnosis is not made in time and treatment is not started, there is a huge risk of complications.

Particular attention should be paid to the symptoms of mouse fever in children. The child's body is more sensitive to the infectious agent, therefore the incubation period proceeds much faster, and the signs of the disease corresponding to the second and third periods are more intense and brighter. In addition, they can appear less than a week after infection.

TO the above signs mouse fever may occur bleeding gums. A heat often causes nosebleeds. Although children are much less likely to get sick with mouse fever, parents should be wary. At the first suspicion of infection, you should immediately contact your pediatrician in order to prevent possible dangerous consequences.

Treatment of mouse fever in adults

Treatment of the disease is carried out only in a hospital setting under the close supervision of an infectious disease specialist. While in the infectious diseases department, the patient must strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions and observe bed rest, which is set for a period of 7 to 30 days.

The patient is prescribed the following medications:

  • Painkillers (ketorold, analgin);
  • antipyretics (nurofen, paracetamol);
  • antiviral (lavomax, amiksin, ingavirin);
  • anti-inflammatory (piroxicam, aspirin);
  • vitamin complex (B vitamins, ascorbic acid);
  • infusion therapy (5% glucose solution, saline).

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe hormone therapy prednisolone. Treatment of thrombotic complications is carried out with anticoagulants (warfarin, heparin). At severe defeat kidney hemodialysis may be prescribed.

To diagnose a disease the following factors are required:

For accurate diagnosis The doctor prescribes mouse fever a number of laboratory tests

  • General urine test (protein and red blood cells will indicate the presence of the disease);
  • general analysis blood ( reduced quantity platelets should give rise to suspicion);
  • enzyme immunoassay, which allows us to determine the presence of special antibodies in the patient’s blood, the task of which is to fight the causative agent of the disease;
  • polymerase chain reaction is a method of detecting viruses that helps detect the genetic materials of the pathogen in the patient’s blood;
  • biochemical analysis blood to detect kidney problems;
  • stool test (blood found in feces indicates the presence of bleeding in the digestive system).

For the purpose of additional diagnosis, they may be prescribed following procedures:

Treatment of mouse fever is carried out by a therapist together with an infectious disease specialist. You may need help from an epidemiologist.


Since the prevention of mouse fever does not involve vaccination, you can protect yourself by taking necessary measures precautions. The most effective prophylactic for children, men and women is compliance with hygiene rules, which include the following:

Following these basic rules will help you avoid contracting mouse fever and protect you from its unpleasant consequences.

Type of incidence and features of the spread of mouse fever

Exist following types morbidity:

  • Production path (professional activities in forests, oil pipelines, drilling stations, etc.).
  • An agricultural type characterized by autumn-winter seasonality.
  • The forest type is the most common option. Infection occurs when visiting the forest (picking mushrooms, berries, etc.).
  • Garden type.
  • Household type. Infection at the dacha, in country house etc., that is, in those places that are located next to the forest or directly in it. With this type, the most cases of damage to the elderly and children have been recorded.
  • Camp type (rest homes, forest sanatoriums, children's camps, etc.).

Among the features of distribution the following can be distinguished:

  • The incidence of mouse fever is isolated, however, there are also outbreaks: group infections - infection occurs in several people at the same time (usually 10-20), sometimes 30-100.
  • Men are most often affected (up to 90)% of total number infected.
  • A large percentage of young people aged 18 to 50 are affected (80%).

Basically, with timely and correct treatment the prognosis is favorable. In percentage terms it looks like this:

After an infection in humans stable immunity is developed, repeated cases of infection are quite rare.

If you notice the first signs of mouse fever, you should immediately contact a specialist for testing. laboratory research and the subsequent course of treatment. To avoid the development of complications, do not delay the diagnosis of the disease.

Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), better known as “mouse fever,” is an acute viral infectious disease.

The carriers of the pathogen are rodents - field mice, rats, the bats, but the bank vole is recognized as the main carrier. A person can become infected through airborne dust.

Wooded areas are particularly dangerous, where the risk of infection is extremely high.

Rural residents, foresters, mushroom pickers, fishermen and lovers of outdoor recreation are at risk. It is worth noting that the disease is not transmitted from person to person.

Ways of infection with mouse fever

Few of us adore mice, which live in their holes and come out from there in search of their food, when everything around is calm and there are no people nearby. Having found food for their food, they not only spoil and gnaw it, they thereby spread the causative agent of a dangerous disease.

Mouse fever – acute viral disease, the causative agent of which is carried by voles, house mice, and Norway rats. Rodents themselves do not get sick, but they can transmit the pathogen to inheritance. Isolation of the virus in external environment occurs through rodent excrement. Considering in Lately As the population of mouse-like rodents increases, the possibility of contracting mouse fever increases.

Among the routes of infection, doctors identify the following:

  • Alimentary route - when consuming food or water that is contaminated with secretions containing viruses;
  • Contact route - through direct contact of damaged human skin with objects contaminated with excrement containing viruses, or through direct contact with infected rodents.

Very often, infection occurs when sweeping the floor in forest lodges, when cleaning basements and sheds, or when eating contaminated water or food.

A sick person is not dangerous to others, since the disease is not transmitted from person to person.

Symptoms of mouse fever

Duration incubation period can be on the order of 7-46 days, but the most common is 21-25 days. The initial period, oligouric (characterized by hemorrhagic and renal manifestations), the polyuric period and the period of convalescence are those current periods the course of the disease that characterizes mouse fever. Symptoms of mouse fever in children appear gradually, and their first manifestations can be noticed only on the fifteenth or even twentieth day after the infection occurred. Among them are the following:

  • Temperature rise up to 40°C;
  • Muscle pain, joint pain;
  • Chills;
  • Nausea with alternating vomiting;
  • Frequent migraines;
  • Deterioration of vision;
  • Severe gum bleeding, as well as nosebleeds.

As for adults, mouse fever has similar symptoms, general form which are presented as follows:

Initial period. Its duration is 1-3 days, it is characterized by a rather acute onset. The temperature, as we have already indicated, reaches about 40°C, often accompanied by chills. A headache occurs that is quite severe in its manifestation, the patient’s condition is accompanied by dry mouth and general weakness. The examination reveals the presence of signs of skin hyperemia (neck, face, upper thoracic regions), conjunctivitis occurs, and in some cases a hemorrhagic rash appears.

2-4 – 8-11 days of illness. As in the previous period, the disease is characterized elevated temperature, which lasts up to 4-7 days. Lowering the temperature does not lead to improvement general condition, moreover, it may even get worse. Typical manifestations for this period consist of lower back pain with varying degrees of severity. With the onset of pain lumbar region Vomiting also occurs (6-8 or more times a day), and it is not associated with the use of medications or food. Abdominal pain and often bloating also occur. A characteristic manifestation of the disease is kidney damage, which causes puffiness of the face, positive symptom Oliguria, pasty eyelids.

9-13 days. The period is polyuric. Vomiting stops, pain in the abdomen and lower back gradually disappears, appetite and sleep return to normal, and the daily amount of urine excreted increases. Dry mouth and weakness persist, the recovery period begins gradually, from 20-25 days.

Diagnosis of mouse fever

In order to diagnose the disease, the presence of factors such as:

  • Contact of the patient with rodents or objects infected with the virus;
  • The change in stages of the disease, the presence of its signs and symptoms, characteristic of mouse fever;

When diagnosing a disease in a laboratory, a doctor prescribes a number of tests, which include:

  • Polymerase chain reaction is a method for detecting viruses that allows one to identify the genetic materials of the pathogen in the blood;
  • Enzyme immunosorbent test is an analysis that determines the presence in the patient’s blood of special antibodies intended to combat the pathogen;
  • Complete blood count (a low platelet count should cause suspicion);
  • General urine test (if the disease occurs, red blood cells and protein will be detected);
  • Biochemical blood test (will help identify kidney problems);
  • Stool analysis (blood found in stool indicates bleeding in the digestive system).

For diagnostic purposes, a blood clotting test, ultrasound, electrocardiography and chest x-ray may be prescribed. Treatment of the disease is carried out by a therapist and an infectious disease specialist. You may also need to contact an epidemiologist.

Treatment of mouse fever

For mouse fever, treatment is exclusively inpatient. If you experience symptoms that are similar to hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, do not self-medicate under any circumstances, as you can only harm yourself. Be sure to contact an infectious disease specialist.

Like most infectious pathologies, treatment of mouse fever is symptomatic. Therapy is carried out in a hospital setting with the participation of specially trained personnel. The basis of the treatment regimen is to limit movements and ensure rest throughout the entire illness, including during the recovery period. All because it exists high risk hemorrhages, bleeding and thrombosis. Duration bed rest depends on the severity of the disease: with mild form it should last about a week, moderately severe - 2-3 weeks, and severe - 3-4 weeks. The duration of bed rest is mandatory until full recovery. The success of treatment depends on early contact with a specialist. During treatment it is important proper care for the patient, careful monitoring of the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, the level blood pressure, daily diuresis and stool character.

Various antiviral drugs, like amiksin, lavomax, etc.
Antipyretics help reduce fever. Most often it is paracetamol and nurofen. With pronounced pain syndrome The patient must be given painkillers, for example, ketorol or analgin. All medications should be prescribed and discontinued only by a doctor. Infusion therapy with glucose and saline solution. Improve metabolism and functioning immune system vitamins C and group B will help. If necessary, the patient is prescribed hormonal medications(dexamethasone, prednisolone, etc.). If blood clotting disorders are observed, anticoagulants are indicated - heparin, warfarin.

For hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, the most different ways elimination of toxic substances - oral and intravenous administration saline solutions, use of sorbents. IN severe cases there is a need for hemodialysis.

Nutritional Features

An important component of treatment is balanced diet patients. The food should be easily digestible and contain sufficient quantity proteins and vitamins. Meals should be divided into 4-5 meals, the food should be warm, but in no case hot. Vegetables (carrots, beets, cabbage) are recommended to be served pureed. At pronounced manifestations acute renal failure the amount of protein is limited, as well as fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of potassium (prunes, citrus fruits, potatoes) due to the risk of hyperkalemia and azotemia. In the first days of murine fever, when there are no renal dysfunctions, it is indicated drinking plenty of fluids (mineral water, fruit drinks, fruit juices, teas). During the period acute manifestations nutrition should be parenteral; during the recovery period, vegetable and dairy products are recommended light diet enriched with vitamins that strengthen the walls of blood vessels - C, K, PP.

After recovery, the patient is still for a long time is observed by a therapist and an infectious disease specialist. Immunity remains for life, so repeated cases of mouse fever are excluded.

Traditional methods of treating mouse fever

Treatment of mouse fever folk remedies more aimed at reducing kidney damage6

  • Flax seeds. 1 tsp. seeds, pour 200 ml of water, bring to a boil, cool and filter. Drink half a glass every 2 hours. This treatment lasts 2 days;
  • Cowberry. For 1 glass of boiling water take 2 tbsp. l. crushed leaves of this plant. The drug is kept in a water bath for 30 minutes, then cooled and consumed half a glass 3 times a day;
  • Blue cornflower. For 400 ml of boiling water take 1 tbsp. l. cornflower-colored, leave for half an hour, then filter. Drink the decoction half an hour before meals. The entire volume of the drug is drunk during the day. Horsetail. For 200 ml of boiling water take 2 tsp. herbs, leave for 1 hour, then filter. During the day you need to drink the entire infusion;
  • Orthosiphon. For 200 ml of boiling water take 3 g of dried crushed leaves of this plant. The drug is boiled for 5 minutes, then infused for 4 hours. Take half a glass warm twice a day before meals. This decoction is a potent diuretic;

  • Corn silk and honey. 10 g of crushed corn silks are poured into ½ cup of boiling water and left for 1 hour, then filtered. Cool the broth and add 2 tsp. honey Drink 1-3 tbsp. l. decoction every 3 hours. Treatment lasts 5 days;
  • Buckwheat. Healing effect render the flowering tops of this plant. For 1 liter of water, take 40 g of crushed buckwheat grass, boil for 5 minutes, then cool, filter and drink throughout the day. This remedy prevents the manifestation of hemorrhages in thrombohemorrhagic syndrome;
  • Geranium. A decoction of the roots of this plant is useful for hemorrhages. For 1 l. water take 4 fresh roots scented geranium. The roots are washed, chopped and boiled for 20 minutes, then cooled and filtered. Drink ½ cup of decoction every 20 minutes throughout the day. Treatment lasts until the patient's condition improves;
  • Currant. Freshly prepared currant juice is useful for thrombohemorrhagic syndrome. Drink 50–150 ml of juice three times a day.

Complications of mouse fever

The possibility of developing complications with mouse fever is very high. Infectious influence can cause:

  • development of focal pneumonia;
  • accumulation of extravascular fluid in the lungs, causing swelling;
  • rupture of kidney tissue;
  • acid-base imbalance, leading to the development of urine;
  • convulsive and fainting conditions;
  • inflammatory changes in renal tissues;
  • sudden cessation of renal function.

There are known cases of complications with the manifestation of meningoencephalitic symptoms.

For mild to moderate clinical picture illnesses, and timely treatment, the prognosis is good and life is not in danger. Mortality can be caused by untimely treatment and, as a consequence, the development of complicated processes.

Prevention of mouse fever

There are no measures that will completely avoid contracting mouse fever. The most in an effective way food and water will be protected from rodents using closed containers.

In addition, contact with rodents must be avoided. For rural residents, it is recommended to regularly carry out deratization. Such measures will reduce the risk of infection to a minimum.

Mouse fever - dangerous disease, therefore, when the first signs of intoxication of the body appear, which do not disappear within two days, you need to seek qualified medical help.

Mouse fever is an acute natural focal viral disease that causes fever, general intoxication of the body and damage to the kidneys. In medicine, the disease is better known as hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, and the term “mouse fever” is more often used by patients.

The disease is dangerous because if you do not start in a timely manner and correct treatment, may arise severe complications. The most dangerous is kidney damage, which can result in disability and even death.

More often, mouse fever occurs among rural residents, and the most frequent cases The disease occurs in the male half of the population aged 16 to 50 years. The disease is characterized by seasonality - its outbreaks are most often observed from May to October.

Virus transmission

The carriers of the virus are voles and Norway rats. In this case, the animals themselves do not get sick, but are only carriers of the virus, which is released in environment through rodent feces.

There are several types of possible infection:

  • An airborne dust route in which the patient inhales dust containing excrement with the virus.
  • Infection through nutritional means occurs when eating food or water that is contaminated with secretions containing the virus.
  • Infection by contact- when damaged skin comes into direct contact with rodents or objects infected with them.

There have been no recorded cases of transmission of the disease from one person to another.

Symptoms of mouse fever

Mouse fever goes through several successive periods in its development.
The first is the incubation period, its duration is 7-46 days (on average 21-25 days). At this time, there are no manifestations of the disease, and the person may not even suspect that he is sick.

The initial stage of the disease is very short, lasting up to 3 days. The onset is acute, the temperature rises to 40 degrees. Patients experience chills, general weakness, dry mouth, severe headache. The skin of the face, neck, chest turns red, conjunctivitis and hemorrhagic rash may occur. Sometimes a gradual onset of the disease is possible. The patient has been experiencing malaise, weakness, and a slight cough for several days, which can be regarded as a cold.

Oliguric stage (period of hemorrhagic and renal manifestations) begins 2-4 days after the onset of the disease. High fever persists, but from 4-7 days of illness the temperature begins to decrease slightly. In this case, the patient’s condition does not improve, and often may even worsen. During this period there appear intense pain in the lower back and stomach, and after 1-2 days repeated vomiting begins. Skin become dry, while the face and neck are still hyperemic, conjunctivitis persists, and pronounced subcutaneous pinpoint hemorrhages occur. Swelling on the face, especially in the eyelid area, indicates kidney damage. The volume of urine excreted sharply decreases, perhaps even complete absence(anuria). This is the most difficult period illness, its duration is approximately 10 days. The kidneys can be so affected that if not treated adequately, the patient can die.

After the 10th day, the oliguric period gives way to the polyuric period. Vomiting stops, pain in the abdomen and lower back decreases, and after a while they may disappear completely. The daily amount of urine increases sharply, which can even reach 3-5 liters. Severe general weakness. The duration of this period is approximately 4 days.

The recovery period is the final one for mouse fever. At the same time, the patient’s condition, kidney function, skin manifestations disappear.

Can be stored for 10 days residual effects. It must be taken into account that mouse fever is dangerous due to complications. Sometimes irreversible damage to vital organs may occur:

  • the development of renal failure, which causes self-poisoning of the body;
  • infectious-toxic shock;
  • the occurrence of coma;
  • hemorrhages in different internal organs, including the brain;
  • death due to multiple organ failure.

The outcome of the disease can be renal failure and uremia, fibrillation of small muscles, and impaired brain function.

Treatment of mouse fever

For mouse fever, treatment is exclusively inpatient. If you experience symptoms that are similar to hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, do not self-medicate under any circumstances, as you can only harm yourself. Be sure to contact an infectious disease specialist.

Like most infectious pathologies, treatment of mouse fever is symptomatic. Therapy is carried out in a hospital setting with the participation of specially trained personnel. The basis of the treatment regimen is to limit movements and ensure rest throughout the entire illness, including during the recovery period. This is because there is a high risk of hemorrhage, bleeding and blood clots. The duration of bed rest depends on the severity of the disease: for a mild form it should be about a week, for a moderate form it should be 2-3 weeks, and for a severe form it should be 3-4 weeks. The duration of bed rest is required until complete recovery. The success of treatment depends on early contact with a specialist. During treatment, it is important to properly care for the patient, carefully monitor the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, blood pressure levels, daily diuresis and stool character.

Various antiviral drugs are prescribed, such as, etc. Antipyretics help reduce fever. Most often this is and. If the patient has severe pain, it is necessary to administer painkillers, for example, or. All medications should be prescribed and discontinued only by a doctor. Infusion therapy with glucose and saline is widely used. Vitamins C and group B will help improve metabolism and the functioning of the immune system. If necessary, the patient is prescribed hormonal medications (, etc.). If blood clotting disorders are observed, anticoagulants are indicated -,.

For hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, a variety of methods for removing toxic substances are used - oral and intravenous administration of saline solutions, the use of sorbents. In severe cases, there is a need for hemodialysis.

An important component of treatment is the rational nutrition of patients. The food should be easily digestible and contain sufficient amounts of proteins and vitamins. Meals should be divided into 4-5 meals, the food should be warm, but in no case hot. Vegetables (carrots, beets, cabbage) are recommended to be served pureed. With severe manifestations of acute renal failure, the amount of protein is limited, as well as fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of potassium (prunes, citrus fruits, potatoes) due to the risk of hyperkalemia and azotemia. In the first days of mouse fever, when there are no kidney dysfunctions yet, drinking plenty of fluids (mineral waters, fruit drinks, fruit juices, teas) is recommended. During the period of acute manifestations, nutrition should be parenteral; during the recovery period, a light plant-milk diet enriched with vitamins that strengthen the walls of blood vessels - C, K, PP - is recommended.

After recovery, the patient is observed for a long time by a therapist and an infectious disease specialist. Immunity remains for life, so repeated cases of mouse fever are excluded.