What pills to take on vacation abroad. What medicines to take with you to the sea? List of medicines that are very useful

Any journey requires thorough preparation. So many things to take with you! Luggage weight is limited, and some things are very desirable to sacrifice. But the first-aid kit of a tourist is something that you definitely can’t leave at home. There must be a place for it in your luggage.

Why do you need to take a first aid kit with you?

Some doubt whether it is so important to carry a whole set of medicines with you? Very important! Of course, the main drugs can be found in pharmacies in most countries. But their names can be very different and you will not be able to “recognize” them without a Russian-speaking pharmacist. The difficulty lies in the fact that looking for a pharmacy in an unfamiliar city, if the stomach twisted sharply, is a dubious pleasure. It is better to take medicines on a trip and take out the cherished package from the backpack at the right time.

Another doubt: what if the first-aid kit is not useful? We sincerely hope it doesn't come in handy! Vacation is not the time for feeling unwell. But no one is immune from troubles and it is better to meet them fully armed. Moreover, the shelf life of most medicines is years, they definitely will not be lost, and in the end they will be useful to you or your fellow travelers.

What medicines to take on a trip? Conventionally, the contents of your first aid kit can be divided into three parts:

  1. medicines that you take without fail;
  2. drugs that you need to take exactly to the country you plan to visit;
  3. medicines to take on a trip at all times.

If you take medication regularly, replenish your supply before you travel.

Tip: do not carry all the packages with you at once - they are easy to lose. Divide the drugs you need into two parts: keep one with you, and let the second wait for you at the hotel.

What medicines to take on a trip

The basic set includes the most common names of drugs, dressings and first aid. The simpler this base is, the easier it will be to prepare for trips. Let's make a mandatory list of medicines by category. What do you need:

  • First aid for injuries - Individual dressing bag or sterile bandage, non-sterile bandage, plaster, cotton pads, iodine, hydrogen peroxide;
  • First aid for dehydration due to poisoning, diarrhea, overheating in the sun - Regidron;
  • Painkillers and antipyretics - aspirin, analgesics, no-shpa;
  • Gastric - activated charcoal, Imodium;
  • Antiallergic drugs - Suprastin;
  • Antibacterial agents - Biseptol,;
  • Remedies for colds and flu - Paracetamol;
  • From a runny nose, cough and sore throat - Vasoconstrictor sprays or drops, Furacilin, Tenflex
  • Heart remedies, sedatives - Valocordin, valerian infusion;
  • Ear cleaners - Remo-Vax;
  • Eye remedies - tetracycline ointment, Levomycetin.

You have a basic list of medicines for the trip. It remains only to supplement it with medicines that you take constantly (if any) and drugs “for the country you are going to. Items « eye remedies” and “ear cleaners” are a must for a first aid kit when traveling. Eyes and ears should be especially protected when bathing frequently, on sandy beaches and in heat. Dust, wind, sea ​​salt and sweat- bad friends our sight and hearing.

Tip: try not to take medications that you have not yet tested on yourself. The drug may be ineffective, cause allergies or give side effects. Your tourist first aid kit should contain only proven products.

fill your individual first aid kit need to refer to common sense and own health. Even if you have never experienced heart problems, you need to take heart medications with you anyway. But iodine or brilliant green can be taken to a minimum - one small bottle will be enough.

Tip: First aid for injuries and valocordin are best packed separately and carried with you. The most important medicines should be at hand at the right time, not in a suitcase.

visit different parts light requires the traveler to pay special attention to his first aid kit. Each region has its own characteristics - the rules for the import and sale of medicines can be very different.

What funds to take to Cuba

As you set off on your journey to the other side of the Atlantic, pack your first aid kit with Russian flair and generosity. This is especially true for trips to Cuba. In addition to medicines, take with you a supply of all hygiene products that you use. There are even toothbrushes on Liberty Island good quality- goods are in short supply. And the quality of soap in hotels can terrify even seasoned tourists.

By the way, a long flight awaits you, so you don’t need to put motion sickness remedies in the first aid kit - keep them in hand luggage or in your pocket.

What medicines to take to Cuba additionally? From sunburn, of course! Also focus on remedies for stomach disorders and poisoning. In addition to local exotic cuisine, conditions in Cuba do not always meet sanitary standards. In addition to the actual medicines, take several bottles of hand sanitizer and wet wipes. They will definitely come in handy.

Importing medicines to Cuba is simple: weight up to 10 kg and declared value up to $250 - there will be no problems with customs.

When leaving Cuba, if possible, do not be greedy, leave most of the contents of the first-aid kit to the locals.

What medicines to take to Mexico

Another popular destination Central America– Mexico. The exoticism of ancient civilizations attracts many. Deciding which medicines to take to Mexico is easier than in the case of Cuba. There is no shortage of medicines and hygiene products in this state.

When collecting a first-aid kit for a tourist in Mexico, focus on remedies for stomach problems. These medicines are best taken on a trip to Mexico with a margin. Especially if you are prone to stomach problems. The threat to you is the delicious Mexican cuisine, which is famous for its spiciness. It is difficult for any guest of Mexico to resist meat and vegetable dishes richly seasoned. Your first aid kit will have to eliminate the consequences of gastronomic exploits.

Tip: Take plenty of mosquito repellant to Mexico. Local insects not only bite painfully, but also carry various diseases.

When collecting a tourist first-aid kit in Mexico, consider the climate and nature. If your program includes not only beaches, but also excursions inland, be especially attentive to antiallergic and antibacterial agents.

Customs control in Mexico is not too harsh on medicines: at the border you may be asked to declare medicines only if you are transporting large volumes of rare prescription drugs.

Wherever you go, a well-stocked first aid kit will not hurt you! Happy travels!

Not only mothers, but all people, going on vacation, always wonder what they should take with them to the sea. This is not surprising, because when you get to a new place, there is a high risk of infection with local microbes, which can be familiar to local residents and intolerable to tourists. Most often, poisoning occurs, mainly from new water, which is part of any food. The cause of poor health can even be a clean sea ​​air, which enters the lungs of a person in much greater quantities than in a dusty city. In the summer near sea ​​waters tourists can also expect such ailments as sunburn, bites of various insects and even fevers. Therefore, it is important to know in advance which ones to take with you to the sea are best, so that the rest is pleasant and joyful.

To begin with, we will discuss the main categories of medications that you need to have with you. Among them, we will name the following: from scratches and abrasions, from insects and their bites, from flu and colds, to normalize bowel function (antidiarrheal, from stomach cramps, and so on) and allergy medications. Now, knowing what medicines to take with you to the sea in such generalized groups, we will consider a more extended list, which indicates specific medicines and the specifics of their action on the human body.

In the first category (remedies for wounds and abrasions), we allocate alcohol (or some other alcohol tincture), hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green or iodine, cotton wool, bandage, bactericidal plaster. This is the "backbone" of any first aid kit that is needed at sea, regardless of the age and health of a person. After all, from mechanical damage no one is safe. From the bites of local "insects" excellent remedy is "Psilo Balm". You can buy this remedy at any pharmacy at a very affordable price.

Now let's look at what medicines to take with you to the sea so that the rest is not overshadowed by the standard cold and runny nose. First of all, it is important to have Streptocid tablets with you as a kind of homeopathic remedy. From antipyretics, take the drug "Paracetamol" in tablets or suppositories. If a baby goes on vacation with you, children's cough and fever syrups are a must. Talk to your pediatrician ahead of time about which one is best for your child. Be sure to also take a thermometer with you to avoid false alarms.

Next, we will protect our own stomach. The ideal painkillers are Enterosgel and Smekta, which should definitely add to your list of drugs. At sea, you also need to take the Regidron medication, which will help normalize water balance in cases of poisoning. Do not forget about such means as "No-Shpa", "Sorbeks" and other drugs that relieve sharp pain and stabilize work gastrointestinal tract.

It is very important to know in advance which medicines to take at sea. It is also advisable to purchase all these drugs at home, and not in a resort pharmacy, because there their composition may differ slightly from that which will be offered in your city. And do not forget, when packing a first aid kit, take an allergy medication. The most effective remedy is Claritin, which is suitable for both adults and children.

Now you know exactly what medicines to take with you to the sea so that your vacation is not overshadowed by unnecessary ailments. It remains only to wish all readers a pleasant holiday and great and long health.

Now let's take a closer look at what medicines to take with you on vacation, whether it's the sea or the mountains.

What should be in the first aid kit

1. Medicines for motion sickness.

Needed by those who are familiar with nausea in transport. It should be noted that these drugs often have a pronounced sedative effect.

2. Sedatives.

They will make it easier to endure the hardships of the journey, they are also indispensable for sleep disorders associated with a change in the time zone. Worth giving preference herbal remedies dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

3. Antihistamines.

During the trip, contact with various allergens is possible (plant pollen, poisons of stinging insects, spices, Exotic fruits etc.). For treatment allergic manifestations are used antihistamines. However, some of them cause drowsiness. Therefore, when choosing tablet forms of allergy medications, it is best to prefer new generation drugs that do not penetrate the blood-brain barrier. A popular remedy is suprastin.

4. Antipyretics.

During the holiday period, the body's resistance to infection drops sharply. Especially the immune system affected by climate change. In the first aid kit, you must definitely put a thermometer (preferably electronic, not mercury) and medicines that have an antipyretic effect. It is advisable to use products containing paracetamol (aspirin is not recommended for ARVI, especially in children under 15 years of age).

It can be paracetamol - 3 packs. Used as an antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, adults at a temperature of 1 tablet every 6 hours, a break of at least 4 hours, children 0.2 g tablets (half dose for babies);

Efferalgan syrup (paracetamol, panadol) - 1 bottle, used as an antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent, dosage with a measuring spoon according to age.

5. Cold remedies.

SARS symptoms such as fever body, weakness, nasal congestion perfectly relieves hot drinks, so you should take several packages complex preparations for colds in the form of soluble powders. Do not do without drops (spray) for the nose. It is best to take prolonged forms of drugs that last up to 12 hours (1 bottle for children, 1 bottle for adults, used according to the instructions in accordance with age).

If there is a tendency to ear diseases, then you can take antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs with you. ear drops(otinum - 1 bottle, ear drops, instilled into the external ear canal 3-4 drops 3-4 times a day).

With conjunctivitis, it would be better to use eye drops (albucid - 1 bottle, eye drops, 1 drop in each eye 3 times a day).

6. Cough and sore throat remedies.

With a dry cough, expectorants will help well. Codelac - 1 bottle, dry cough syrup, used carefully, children over 2 years old ½ teaspoon 2 times a day, adults 1 teaspoon - 2 times a day. Dry cough medicine for children - 10 sachets, used for coughing in children, dilute according to the instructions 1 sachet - 1 dose per dose.

For a sore throat, you can use antiseptics local action- in the form of sucking lozenges or throat spray. It is also possible to take a sulfanilamide drug with you, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the ENT - organs, lungs, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. However, drugs in this group are usually prescribed by a doctor.

7. Painkillers.

In the tourist's first aid kit, there must be painkillers and antispasmodics. Ketorol - 1 pack, painkiller, adults 1 tablet for pain 3 times a day.

Cerucal - 1 pack, used for vomiting, but carefully, adults 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, children ¼ tablets 2 times a day.

Papaverine - 2 packs, used to relieve spasms ( high blood pressure pain caused by spasms smooth muscle), adults 1 tablet 3 times a day, children ¼ tablets 2 times a day, instead of papaverine, you can take No-shpu - 2 packs.

8. Preparations for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

During travel, various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are often encountered. To avoid trouble with the stomach, put sorbents in the first aid kit in advance. Activated charcoal - 3 packs, used at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight 3 times a day. Smektu - 8 sachets, adults use 1 sachet 3 times a day, children 1 sachet per day.

Antidiarrheals. Regidron - 6-8 sachets, the preparation of the solution depends on the dosage indicated on the sachet, a sachet for 1 liter. or 0.5 liters. liquids are often taken in small sips (a sip every 5-10 minutes) with diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration. Furazolidone - 4 packs of 10 tablets each, is used for diarrhea and urinary-genital infections, for children ¼ tablet 3 times a day after meals, for adults 1 tablet 3-4 times a day after meals. Baktisubtil - 1 pack, used for diarrhea, children 1 capsule - 1 time per day before meals, adults 1 capsule 2-3 times a day before meals. Mezim-forte - used for digestive errors, adults 1 tablet 3 times a day, children ¼ tablets - 2 times a day). Probiotics - substances that promote recovery and growth normal microflora intestines.

When eating fatty foods, digestion problems can also occur, here they will come to your aid enzyme preparations. If the cause of diarrhea is the ingestion of poor-quality food or water, then you can take antibacterial drug- Enterofuril.

But in many cases the problem of acute intestinal infections is that sometimes there is no way to thoroughly wash your hands before eating. Therefore, put hand sanitizer wipes (1 large pack for 1 day on the road) or some kind of alcohol-based lotion in your first aid kit, as well as ammonia- 1 bottle (used in case of loss of consciousness).

9. Antiseptic and dressing materials.

The first-aid kit of a tourist must contain dressings (cotton wool - 1 pack, sterile bandages and napkins - 2 packs), iodine or brilliant green (preferably in the form of a pencil - 1 pc.), Adhesive plaster (in a coil and "disposable" in a set).

Additional components of the first-aid kit of the tourist

For those who give Special attention tourists to their health, it would be useful to take additional medical supplies with them:

1. Permanent medicines for chronic patients. In addition to emergency supplies, patients suffering from chronic diseases should take with them a supply of those drugs that they have to take constantly.

2. Sunscreen and anti-burn products. For travelers going to hot and sunny countries, such as Thailand, along with the basic set of medicines, sunscreens must also be included in the first-aid kit. If, nevertheless, the southern sun burned the skin, then an anti-burn cream will help to cope with painful redness (Boro-Care cream is a universal cream, antiseptic, used for sunburn, insect bites, for the treatment of wounds, to relieve skin irritations).

3. Antifungal drugs . While relaxing on the beach or in a hotel, you can become infected with various fungal diseases, affecting the skin legs. Therefore, put in the first aid kit antifungal agent for external use, which has healing effect and prevent infection from spreading.

4. Personal hygiene products and antiseptics for women. Women should bring antiseptic suppositories with them, because swimming in open water, you can get any vaginal infection. And be sure to put in the first aid kit personal hygiene products - pads or tampons. With a sudden change in climate critical days may start at the wrong time.

5. Contraceptives and anti-infectives. Going on vacation, you should also think about sexually transmitted diseases, so it will not be superfluous to put condoms, an antiseptic solution (chlorhexidine) in your first-aid kit, and women also take contraceptives in candles or tablets.

To extreme recreation can be attributed skiing, river rafting, mountain climbing, jungle trekking with overnight stays in tents. This type of recreation is characterized by an increased risk of injury. Therefore, the standard first aid kit should be supplemented large quantity dressings, antiseptics for treating wounds (tincture of iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide solution). It must include a hemostatic tourniquet. For the treatment of bruises, joint sprains, painkillers and anti-inflammatory ointments, as well as elastic bandages, should be taken.

At relaxing in the forest there is a danger of being bitten by ticks and mosquitoes. A good repellent will save you from bloodsuckers, and mosquito net prevent biting while sleeping. Observe the method of application and the frequency of treatment with repellent.

Perhaps an antiseptic will come in handy for the trip. water disinfection. If there are no suitable tablets for “cold sterilization” of water, then you can use a filter made of cotton wool and crushed tablets activated carbon. A slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate also has antiseptic properties.

Protect skin hand cream will help from chapping and peeling, but it’s better to take it with you " baby cream”, which has a neutral pH, good emollient and light wound healing effect.

As you can see, the traveler's first aid kit is quite impressive. Of course, you can refuse some of the above medicines, protective equipment and hygiene for reasons of economy and independently determine what to take in the traveler's first aid kit, but you should not neglect your health and comfort either. Keep a balance and approach sensibly to the formation of a first-aid kit of a tourist, and then on vacation you will feel more confident and secure.

And if, nevertheless, it happened that you thoughtlessly ignored all the precautions and simply lightened your luggage by saving it from a heavy first-aid kit, then in case of unforeseen situation in the same Thailand, you can only hope for the guide accompanying you and lady luck. The easiest way to explain yourself in a Thai pharmacy is in two ways - with the help of gestures, clearly depicting what and where it hurts you or a friend, or using standard set English words, which should be enough for you to get the coveted medicine.

And the best thing is to take care of yourself in advance and not get sick!

But be careful: the most important thing begins even before the trip - when you pack your things, putting clothes and essentials into bags. This is what you will be using for the next 5-10 days, so pack your bags as responsibly as possible. It is very convenient to pre-draft a list and follow it.

Draw your attention to that at the end of this article is a TOP list of the most necessary medicines that you need with you in any unforeseen situation on vacation.

What things to take to the sea?

It all depends, of course, on the area in which you will live. The climate, the presence or absence of shops, good infrastructure - all this makes its own adjustments to the number of bags. But there is also general rules for everyone, they work no matter in which country, city or locality you will rest, these are essential things. Conventionally, all of them can be divided into several categories:

    The documents, bank cards or cash

    Necessary equipment

    Shoes and clothes

    Personal care products and cosmetics


Documents and money for the trip

Of course, the collection of documentation will depend on the distance of the trip. For example, for a vacation on the Black Sea, you will obviously need less important documentation than it would be if you travel abroad, say, to Italy.

For your home country, a passport or other identity document, as well as tickets, will suffice. For another country, you will invariably need:

    Passport (visa)

    Round trip flights

  • Insurance

    Documents for the child (if only one parent travels, and the trip is to be abroad, then a notarized permission from the second parent to leave is required)

Each individual state has its own subtleties in the work of the migration service. Check them out in advance.

As for money, you can take one or several types of currencies with you at once: the dollar, the euro and the currency of the travel country. By the way, it is convenient to store funds on plastic cards. The main thing is to make sure that in a particular area they accept the type of cards you need, and their validity period does not expire during the trip. This type of luggage fits in hand luggage.

Technique at sea

Today, most people take many times more equipment on vacation than before. It is hard to imagine even a week-long vacation without the conveniences of civilization. Decide in advance for yourself what kind of technical devices you will take with you, and most importantly, where you can use them. Most often, these things include:

    Phone and charger

    A camera (and a set of batteries or accumulators) for bright and colorful photos

    Boiler or mini kettle

  • Electronic book

    Player with headphones

With the choice of clothes, no one will help you decide better than your own style, preferences and ... people who live with you and can give useful advice. If you are going on vacation to a chosen area for the first time and do not know what you need to take with you to the sea, look for information about it on the Internet or find out from those who have already been there.

Especially seriously, a girl needs to choose clothes for countries Muslim world where violations of generally accepted norms can threaten with serious consequences. It will be enough for a man to take a pair of trousers and shirts for such an occasion.

Usually, things that meet three criteria are taken on a trip:

    They are light

  • Do not wrinkle

Otherwise, the following things are most often taken to the sea:


    Light comfortable shoes

    Hat or any other headgear

    Skirts, shorts, sundresses, t-shirts and t-shirts

    A couple of warm sweaters for the evening

    Light summer trousers

  • Towel


If you are traveling with a child, do not forget to take a couple of sets of warm clothes for him (even regardless of the weather), swimming trunks, underwear, beach slippers and an inflatable swimming ring.

Personal hygiene items: what to put in a bag?

    Burn remedies plus suntan lotion

    Bath accessories (if you do not buy them on the spot or use the hotel)

    Wet wipes

    Insect repellent

    Manicure set

    Pumice stone for feet

What medicines to take with you to the sea?

In your first aid kit there must be cures for several ailments at once. Among the most common means are:

Name of drugs

The above list is given only as an example: other similar drugs can be used in the treatment, respectively, with different dosages, formulations and manufacturers.

Please note: in the first aid kit there should be only those drugs that have been tested by you and your loved ones in action. Otherwise, there is a risk of experiencing not only the “charms” of the disease, but also a bouquet side effects from the wrong medication.

What to take with you to the sea with a child?

Traveling with a baby is definitely not easy. If a teenager can be entrusted with collecting things himself, then with one year old baby it won’t work out that way – taking care of his luggage is on you. Experienced mothers advise not to guess for a long time how many things the child will need at sea, but to solve the problem using the following formula: multiply the weight of the child by two - this will be the approximate weight of his personal luggage.

Otherwise, children's things are collected according to the same principle as things for adults: what is needed first. Only there are fewer categories of things and they are slightly different.

Baby clothes

For every day, it is better to take a couple of changes of clothes for the baby. Be sure to consider the possibility that the child on the same day will have to change into either warmer clothes or lighter ones. The principle of pairing applies to everything: shorts, panties, socks (unless, of course, you want to do laundry every day), shoes and hats.

It will be useful to take a baby blanket and bed.

Beach baby stuff

Directly by the sea, you will need toys, light Velcro shoes, a bathrobe, a towel and sunscreen. Don't forget about baby food! The child will probably want to eat on the beach, your task is to ensure the safety of the food. No bowl or cup does this better than a plastic one. Choose dishes with lids.

Hygiene products for children

The list of items can be adjusted depending on the age of the child. Often this is:



    Nipples (mandatory several pieces)

    Wet and paper towels

    Toilet paper

  • Garbage bags

Soap, shampoo and all kinds of lotions also select based on age and individual characteristics child. In the child's first aid kit, you also need to put a few medicines suitable for the baby by age.

Entertainment for the child

On the road, you will definitely need a few of your baby's favorite toys, as well as a couple of new ones (to occupy your attention with something for a while). Coloring books, pencils, felt-tip pens, books with bright pictures, as well as a laptop or tablet with pre-loaded cartoons are also suitable.

Children's food and drink

In hot weather, sandwiches with meat or mayonnaise are out of the question. It is better to take dried fruits, crackers, bagels, baby cookies and fresh fruit. It's a good idea to take a can of mashed potatoes.

The ideal option is if mom has a cooler bag. You can put almost any food and drink in it. Remember: any children's utensils must be protected from spilling or spilling food.

In order for the child to endure the road normally, take a few sour caramels with you - they will save you from motion sickness.

A relaxing holiday for the whole family - is it real?

Any vacation, not necessarily at sea, goes smoothly when all the necessary things are at hand. Gather without haste, then you will not forget anything - it is simple, but very effective principle. Remember, not only a tan and beautiful nature make an ideal vacation, but also your good mood and positive attitude!

what to take with you to the sea, things on the sea , holidays with a child

The kid goes for the first time with his parents on vacation to the sea. What awaits him– vivid impressions, fun and entertainment or unpleasant surprises in the form of ailments, poisoning, overheating and other misfortunes?

Much depends on the preparedness of adults for a long trip with a baby in a hot climate. Special attention should be given to the acquisition of the "correct" first-aid kit for the child.

First aid kit for a baby: a list of the essentials

On the road and on vacation even adult not insured from sudden illness not to mention the little traveller. On the way, and even on the coveted coast of the sea, there is not always a doctor nearby who can provide first aid. In addition, sometimes there is simply no time to look for the nearest pharmacy: immediate action is required.

Therefore, prudent parents prepare in advance a first aid kit, in which medicines and protective equipment are stocked for both the baby and themselves.

Important! It is better to complete a first-aid kit from proven, previously used drugs, to which the child is not allergic.

So what may need on the sea:

  • Painkillers and antipyretics means: paracetamol or nurofen, diclofenac gel, nise and similar medicines.

    On the beach or in a local cafe, vacationers are tempted by many temptations: mouth-watering pies and fragrant chebureks, exotic dishes and tempting fruits. How to refuse a little whim, who is not averse to feasting on all this diversity?

    Even if the parents are sure that they gave the child cleanly washed fruits and unspoiled foods, the baby’s intestines may “revolt” due to the penetration of unknown food into it. Therefore, without the above funds can not do.

  • Antihistamines: zyrtec or suprastin, fenistil gel, other means, age appropriate child.

    Allergies during travel and vacations can occur literally to everything from insect bites to food. First Mates Against dangerous reactions the body will be precisely these drugs.

  • Wound healing and first aid: hydrogen peroxide, "Rescuer" balm, bepanthen, panthenol, brilliant green, bactericidal plaster, ordinary sterile and elastic bandage.

    You should not hope for a miracle: even the most calm child he will not be able to sit still for more than half an hour - he wants to frolic, run along the bank and swim in the sea. The consequence of such mobility is the inevitable abrasions, wounds, cuts that must be quickly treated.

  • Preparations against the common cold, otitis media, cough: proven nasal drops (xymelin, tizin), vasoconstrictors, polydex spray, otipax, sofradex or garazon (containing an antibiotic), chloramphenicol, tantum verde spray.

    Colds, sand in the eyes or ears can cause conjunctivitis and otitis, sore throat. These drugs will help relieve the child from pain.

  • Means of protection and prevention: sunscreen with vitamin E (it is advisable to check it before traveling on a allergic reaction), electronic thermometer(it is safer than mercury on a trip), cotton pads and sticks, wet wipes, Sunglasses, panama.
  • Advice: dosage forms in the form of tablets and tubes of ointments and gels, it is preferable to suppositories and syrups, since the latter are not recommended to be stored at high temperature air.

    What you need to take on the road: remedies for motion sickness in transport and not only

    The danger of diseases, poisoning and ailments lies in wait for the family of travelers not only at sea, but also on the way. That's why in addition to collected drugs stock up on:

    Those who have chronic diseases you need to take with you medicines that prevent or stop attacks of the disease. Of course, allergy sufferers, asthmatics and heart patients are aware of their health problems, but it would be useful to remind them to take medicines with them on the road.

    You can not check in your luggage or hide at the bottom of your travel bag medicines of the so-called "emergency" care - disinfectants and wound healing, anti-allergies, high blood pressure, pain in the heart should always be at hand!

    On vacation with a baby: medicines for the little ones

    Of course, until the baby is 3 months old it is desirable to forget about long-distance travels completely - the baby is still not used to living, not to mention leaving somewhere from his home.

    Due to the imperfection of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and many other systems of the baby's body easily and quickly overcome all sorts of ailments, diseases and disorders. Isn't it better to live difficult period at home, where mom is calm and confident in the ambulance of relatives and a pediatrician?

    Nevertheless, circumstances can be different, and the beliefs of modern parents also do not always coincide. with the wishes of doctors. Brave parents who decide to go on vacation to the sea with a baby who is not yet a year old should collect a first-aid kit for children with all seriousness and taking into account all possible negative factors.

    To the list of medicines and remedies mentioned earlier (painkillers, wound healing, antihistamines, to combat intestinal disorders and others), young parents should add:

    • dill water against colic;
    • drugs to relieve pain during teething;
    • remedies for constipation;
    • baby cream and powder to help with diaper rash and prickly heat.

    Before the trip, it does not hurt to familiarize yourself with the addresses of clinics and the phone numbers of local pediatricians in order to quickly contact them in case of a child’s illness. You can also arrange an urgent consultation call with your pediatrician.

    How to prepare children for travel?

    The plan of medical preparation of the baby for the trip:

  1. visiting a pediatrician with questions about possible complications in the state of health of the child;
  2. more frequent and long walks outdoors;
  3. one month before travel course of vitamins to improve the performance of the immune system;
  4. 3 - 4 days before departure and within a week after arrival - taking drugs that support the intestinal microflora(Linex and the like).

If the child falls ill before the trip, the trip must be canceled or rescheduled until full recovery baby.

What drugs can not be transported across the border?

When forming a set of children's first aid kit must be aware of the prohibition for some medical preparations across the border. In most cases, the list of medicines for a child does not contain prohibited items. However, you need to know that will not be allowed abroad if The first aid kit contains:

  • strong painkillers;
  • hypnotic;
  • antidepressants and other drugs that affect the nervous system;
  • means for weight loss and appetite suppression;