How to learn to read the Koran in a beautiful voice. How to start memorizing the suras of the Koran? Do's and Don'ts with regard to the Qur'an

Many dream of a bewitching reading of the Holy Scriptures, which raises faith and detaches from the worldly and vain; helping to move away from everyday thoughts and revealing the spiritual, intimate communication of a person with the Creator of all things.

In one of the hadiths narrated by Abd ar-Razzak and their other narrators, it is reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Each thing has its own decoration, and the beauty of the Qur'an is a beautiful voice. ».

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However, not everyone can do a sincere, genuinely pure reading of the Qur'an. It is sincere, and not “loud” and even “loud”, paying attention to the reader, and not to the Book. It is necessary to remember and control your skill, bestowed by the Almighty. Protecting a beautiful voice from praise and hypocrisy is not so easy, but possible.

One should remember the testament of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about the answer on the Day of Judgment: “A person who was engaged in knowledge and taught it to others will appear before the Lord, and Allah will let him know about His gifts, and he will recognize them. (God) will say: “How did you dispose of them?” He will answer: "I studied and taught it to others, and I read the Koran - (and all this) for the glory of You and for Your sake." (God) will say: “You are lying. You really studied, but only so that (about you) they could say: he is educated, knowledgeable. And you read the Qur'an so that (about you) they could say: he is a reader of the Holy Qur'an. So (about you) they said. And then it will be ordered to drag him face down (all the way) to the Fiery Hell and throw him there.

A true reader of the Koran, as a professional translator of a foreign language, should be only an inconspicuous bridge between the interlocutors: a person and the Supreme Creator. He is like an invisible conductor, floating into the world of sacred sounds, cutting through the soul, but not reminding himself or others of his "hand".

Reading and memorizing the Last Scriptures is one of the most charitable deeds, spiritually enriching a person and elevating him to many levels. Beautiful reading can become both the road to hell and the road to heaven. We must not forget about internal control and a person’s love for praise.

It is reported that Abu Umamah, may Allah be pleased with him, said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: "Read the Qur'an, for verily, on the Day of Resurrection, it will appear as an intercessor for those who read it. "».

More uncountable blessings are concluded for the believer in memorizing and reciting the Qur'an by heart. Hafiz of the Holy Scriptures, i.e. those who memorize the entire text of the Qur'an are the living bearers of the Divine Revelation, which the Almighty, in His infinite mercy, has made easy for memorization: "The best of you is he who studies the Qur'an and teaches it to others."

Imam al-Jazari said: Keeping the Qur'an in the heart by memorization, and not on scrolls or books, indicates the trust of Allah and the honorary feature bestowed by Allah on Muslims. This is in contrast to the possessors of the Scriptures, who keep the sacred texts only in books, without knowing them by heart, and therefore read them by looking into their books. Whereas Allah, by His will, endowed Muslims with the fact that some of them are completely devoted to perfect and correct reading, having received the Qur'an letter by letter from the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, without discarding a single vowel and not a single bitch».

It happens that novice students complain about lack of breath, the lack of a beautiful voice when reading "mysterious" letters and "overwhelming" verses. It seems that memorizing the Holy Scriptures is an impossible task. But the road will be mastered by the walking one! Moreover, in such a noble path, Almighty Allah Himself accompanies us!

Imam al-Mavridi noted that “one of the miracles of the Qur'an is that, when memorized, it is easy for all people, regardless of what languages ​​they speak. No book is memorized the way the Qur'an is memorized. This is the feature given to it by the Almighty, which makes it different from other books.

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Prophet Muhammad and the Holy Quran
The virtue of reading the Qur'an
Basic information about the Quran

The Holy Scriptures contain an verse calling for reading the Qur'an measuredly and in a singsong voice.

2. It is very useful to practice breathing, which is so often lacking when reading the Holy Scriptures. . For example, a casual and fun activity like blowing up balloons and soap bubbles or exercising breathing under water is good for the development of the lungs, which means it will help in solving the problem of lack of air when reading the Qur'an.

3. You can also offer several well-known exercises to develop the skills of proper speech breathing. . Similar exercises are performed by students of theater universities, as well as future teachers working on a beautiful strong voice. Perhaps they will help in improving the reading of the Qur'an.

Exercises to develop breathing activity


Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Lean forward and grab the handle of an imaginary car pump with both hands. Start pumping air: while straightening, inhale, and bending over, exhale. Now do the same, but with a sound: bending over, as if throwing another portion of water out of your mouth - “fffuu!”. Fold your lips, as if for a whistle, and forcefully exhale the air: “fffuu!”. Take your time; As you straighten up, take a full deep breath. Do the slopes 4-5 times in a row. Gradually, you can increase the number of slopes.

polite bow

Position one: rise on your toes, arms to the sides (inhale). Position two: slowly lean forward, gradually bringing your hands together and pressing them in the east to your chest. Bending down, say the word “Hello” stretched on the “s” sound. Make sure that the last syllable “te” sounds loud, clear, for which save a full-weight portion of air for it.

Exercises to train organized exhalation

Flower shop

Starting position - standing. Exhale to the sound "p-ff" and draw in the stomach. As you inhale, imagine that you are smelling a flower. After that, exhale slowly and smoothly at the sound “p-ff”. Inhale is short, exhale is long. Repeat 2-3 times.


Remember and reproduce the various sounds of nature and life: the whistling of the wind, the noise of the forest, the subtle ringing of a mosquito, the buzzing of a bee, the cawing of a crow, the roar of a motor, etc.

Exhalation Distribution Exercises


Let's take for training the well-known children's counting rhyme about Egor:

As on a hill, on a hillock there are 33 Yegorkas,

one Egorka, two Egorkas, three Egorkas... 33 Egorkas.

Distribute the breath into three portions, reading the text loudly, evenly, take a breathing pause after every third “Egorka”: “As on a hill, on a hillock (inhale), there are 33 Egorka (inhale): one Egorka, two Egorka, three Egorka (inhale) ... and so on until the end. When you feel that you have mastered this portion, switch to a longer count: inhale through 8.11 “Egorok”.

Breathing Skill Exercises

The breathing technique can be practiced on the above text of "Egorka". Having said the first part of the phrase “As on a hill, on a hillock there are 33 Yegorkas” in one breath (loudly, distinctly, slowly), take in air after each “Egorka”: “One Egorka (addition), two Egorka (addition) .. .” and so on until the end. Do not be embarrassed that you still do not have enough air, replenish it, but each time getting no more than what was used up! Make sure that the air is not consumed in pauses, but only for the next word.

Inhalation and exhalation are related in ideal artistic breathing as 1/20. Achieve this ratio by pronouncing entire texts with expression in a single breath, and when you stop, inhale quickly and so that it is not heard.

Luftpauses (pauses for breathing) should not break the flow of thought. Avoid air leakage between words and in pauses. Take your time, keep the time, keep a clear rhythm, finish every word. Save air distribution so that the last word in a line is as full-sounding as the first.

This, probably, is all ... There can be a lot of advice ... Read the Koran beautifully, with all your heart, with all your soul, surrendering to the text of Holy Scripture! And let each letter bring us closer to the Face of the Most High, His forgiveness and paradise.

All praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds!

The Quran is a holy book sent to us by Allah through the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu "alayhi wa sallam). Therefore, it must be treated with awe and reverence. There are external and internal rules of conduct when reading the Quran. External ones are the purity of the reader, the environment around and the behavior itself internal - this is the mood of a person when reading, the state of his soul.

External Rules for Reading the Qur'an:

Be sure to be in a state of ritual purity. “Verily, this is a noble Quran, which is in the Preserved Scripture, only the purified ones touch it.”(Sura al-Waqia 77-79). That is, it is strictly forbidden for men and women to touch and read the Koran after intimacy before performing ghusl - a complete ablution, and for men also after janabah (pollutions). It is also forbidden for women to touch the Qur'an with their hands during menstruation and postpartum hemorrhage, but they can recite it by heart if they are afraid to forget what they know from the Qur'an or as a dhikr. If the reader has already done ghusl, then he must do taharat (small ablution, wudu), that is, only those who have cleansed themselves with taharat can touch the Quran. And most scholars agree on this. However, if there is a ghusl, but there is no taharat, they can read the Qur'an from memory without touching it. Abu Salam said: “It was reported to me by someone who saw the Prophet (PBUH) once recite something from the Quran after urinating before touching the water (to perform ablution)”. (Ahmad 4/237. Hafiz Ibn Hajar called this hadith authentic. See “Nataij al-afqar” 1/213), another confirmation: Imam an-Nawawi said: “ Muslims are unanimous that it is permissible to read the Qur'an in the absence of a small wudu, although it is better to have a wudu for this. Imam al-Haramain and al-Ghazali said: “We do not say that reading the Qur'an without a small ablution is reprehensible, since it is reliably known from the Prophet (sallallahu "alayhi wa sallam) that he read the Koran without a small ablution!"” (See al-Majmu’ 2/82). As for the translations of the Quran or the electronic version on a computer or mobile, you can read and listen to the Quran without wudu. It is still better to have a ghusl out of respect for the words of Allah.

It is advisable to brush your teeth with miswak. (Miswak are sticks used to clean teeth made of Salvador Persian wood or arak). As the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Indeed, your mouths are the ways of the Qur'an, so purify it with miswak."(Suyuti, Fathul Kabir: 1/293).

The next is clothing. The clothes of the one who reads the Koran must comply with the requirements of Sharia. It is necessary to dress like during prayer observing the awra (for men, the part from the navel to the knees is closed, for women everything is closed except for the face and hands), and of course the clothes must be clean.

You need to sit down with respect, with wudu (taharat) facing the qibla. Although not forbidden in any direction. Take your time in reading, read with tartil (arrangement) and tajweed. That is, you need to read with reverence and respect, observing the rules of pronunciation and reading.

Try to cry, and even force yourself. The Koran says: “They fall on their faces, touching the ground with their chins and weeping. And this increases their humility.”. (Sura Al-Isra 109). Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: The Qur'an was sent down with sorrow and you weep while reading it. If you can't cry, at least pretend to cry". People asked one Alim: “Why don’t we cry while reading the Qur’an like the Sahaba (radiyallahu anhum) cried?” He replied: “Yes, simply because when the Sahaba read about the inhabitants of hell, they were afraid that they were among them and wept, and we always think that this is someone there, but by no means us. And when the companions of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) read in the Qur'an about the inhabitants of Paradise, they said: how far we are before them and after we cried, and when we read about the people of Paradise, we already imagine ourselves among them.

Pay tribute to the verses of mercy and punishment as mentioned above. That is, if in some sura it is written about the Day of Judgment or hellfire, reading the Koran, he should be aware of the importance of what is written and be afraid with all his heart and rejoice when reading verses that describe the mercy of Allah Almighty.

Recite in a singsong voice, because many hadiths give instructions for reciting the Qur'an in a singsong voice. One hadith says: Allah does not listen to anything like he listens to a prophet with a beautiful voice who recites the Qur'an aloud in a singsong voice". (Al-Maqdisi, "al-adab ash-shariyya", vol. 1, p. 741). The Prophet of Allah (PBUH) said: "Do not treat us who does not recite the Qur'an in a singsong voice." (Abu Dawud).

Internal rules defined by Mashaikhs (Sheikhs)

“Keep in your heart the Majesty of the Qur'an, how lofty these words are.

Keep in your heart the Majesty, Sublimity, Power of Allah Ta "ala, whose words are the Koran.

Clear the heart of waswas (doubts) and fears.

Reflect on the meaning and read with pleasure. The Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu "alayhi wa sallam) once spent the night reading the following verse again and again:" If You punish them, then they are Your slaves, and if You forgive them, then You are the Great, the Wise. Meal: 118). One night, Hazrat Sa "id ibn Jubair (radiallahu" anhu) read the following verse before morning: "Separate yourself today, sinners." (Sura Yasin: 59)

Subdue your heart to the verse you are reading. For example, if the verse is about mercy, then the heart should be filled with joy, and if the verse is about punishment, then the heart should tremble.

Make the hearing so attentive, as if Allah Ta'ala himself is speaking, and the one who reads Him is listening. May Allah Ta'ala, with His Kindness and Grace, give us the opportunity to read the Quran with all these rules.

Adaba regarding the Holy Qur'an.

The Arabic word "adab" in translation into Russian means "ethics", "correct behavior", "good attitude". Adaba is the rules of etiquette for Muslims. In this case, adabs are given in relation to the Qur'an. They also include the rules listed above.

Do's and Don'ts with regard to the Qur'an

You can not put the Koran on the floor, it is better to put it on a stand or pillow.

Don't slobber your finger when turning pages.

You can not throw the Koran when passing it to another person.

You can not put it on your feet or under your head or lean on it.

Do not take the Koran or any texts that contain verses from the Koran to the toilet. It is also not allowed to say the verses of the Qur'an in the toilet.

Do not eat or drink while reading the Qur'an.

You can not read the Koran in noisy places, in markets and bazaars, as well as where they have fun and drink alcohol.

Do not yawn while reading the Quran. Also if belching is tormenting. It is best to stop and continue when the yawning or burping has passed.

One cannot freely retell and translate the Qur'an. The Prophet (PBUH) said: Those who interpret the Qur'an according to their own understanding, let them prepare a place for themselves in the fire of Hell"(At-Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood and an-Nasai).

The Qur'an should not be read for worldly gain or to stand out from other Muslims. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: After reading from the Koran, ask for the goodness of Allah, ask for Paradise! Do not ask for a reward from worldly things (money, property). There will come a time when people will read the Qur'an in order to get close to people (to solve their worldly problems)."

You can’t talk about worldly things, laugh while reading the Koran.

Desirable actions in relation to the Qur'an

It is considered sunnah to start reading the Quran by saying: A'uzu billahi meena-shchaytani-rrajim» (I resort to the help of Allah against the wiles of the accursed shaitan!), and then « Bismillahi-rrahmani-rrahim (In the name of Allah, the Gracious and the Merciful).

It is considered sunnah to make a judgment (bow to the earth) if you have reached the verse with a sign of judgment (i.e., the verse of the bow to the earth).

At the end of reading the Qur'an, even if the entire Qur'an is not read completely, but only a part, you need to say the dua: “ Sadaqallahul-‘azim wa ballaga rasulukhul-kareem. Allahhumma-nfa‘na bihi wa barik lyana fihi wal-hamdu lillahi rabbil ‘alamin wa astagfirullahal-hayyal-qayyuma ". (“Great Allah spoke the truth and the noble Prophet brought it to the people. O Allah, grant us the benefit and grace of reading the Qur'an. All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and I turn to You with a request for the forgiveness of sins, O eternally Living and remaining forever!")

It is considered sunnah to read dua after reading the Qur'an. Any. Allah accepts such a prayer and answers it.

The Qur'an should be kept above other books and no other books should be placed on top of it.

« When the Qur'an is read, then listen to it and remain silent - perhaps you will have mercy"(Sura al-Araf 204).

It is advisable to repeat those verses of the Qur'an that have affected you. Once the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who knows the entire Qur'an, spent the whole night repeating the same verse: “If You punish them, then they are Your servants, and if You forgive them, then You are - Great, Wise!(Sura al-Maida (Meal): 118)

It is advisable to read the Quran at the time indicated by Allah: “ Pray from noon until nightfall and recite the Quran at dawn. Indeed, at dawn the Qur'an is recited in front of witnesses. ”(Sura al-Isra: 78) Because at dawn the angels are replaced: those who were with you at night are replaced by the angels of the morning. The reverse shift takes place in the late afternoon, after the afternoon prayer ʻAsr. And they are also witnesses to the recitation of the Qur'an.

Read the Qur'an slowly, pausing between verses. Meditate if you know the meanings of the verses, or read in parallel the translation of the meanings of the Qur'an. It is not recommended to read the Qur'an quickly. It is narrated that the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: The one who read it in less than three days did not understand the Qur'an".(Tirizi, Quran: 13; Abu Dawud, Ramadan: 8-9; Ibni Maja, Ikamat: 178; Darimi, Salat: 173; Ahmad bin Hanbal: 2/164, 165, 189, 193, 195) will be able to think about the verses, will not be able to understand, as he will follow the speed of reading.

It is correct to read the letters, because for each letter of the Qur'an there is a tenfold reward. " If someone reads one letter from the Qur'an, one reward is written to him, and then this reward is increased ten times more."(At-Tirmizi).

Even if the reading of the Quran is not good, do not give up, but continue on, because the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “ Experts of the Koran will be next to the saints, the most worthy angels. And the one who finds it difficult to read the Qur'an, but still reads it, will receive a double reward.. (Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmizi, an-Nasai). But this does not mean that one should not learn how to pronounce and read the Qur'an correctly.

Do not leave the Quran open after reading.

It is allowed if you sneezed yourself, say “al-hamdu lillah” and if another sneezed - “yarhamukallah”. It is also allowed to get up while reading the Qur'an, if an older, respected and well-behaved person has entered.

It is not forbidden to read the Quran lying down.

It is not forbidden to read the Koran on the graves, as there are hadiths that speak of the benefits of this reading for the departed: “ You read Surah Yasin over the dead"(Ahmad, Abu Daoud, Hakim).

The provisions of the ethics of honoring the Holy Quran given here are taken from the books: An-Nawawi. "At-Tibyan"; Az Zabidi. "Ithaf", Imam al-Kurtubi "Tafsir al-Kurtubi".

In conclusion, a few hadiths about the benefits of reading the Qur'an

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: The Quran is an intercessor before Allah and justifies the reader before Him, and the one who is guided by it (the Quran), he will lead to Paradise, and the one who is not guided by it is drawn into the fire of hell"(al-Khaytham, at-Tabarani).

« You read the Quran, on the Day of Judgment he will come and become your intercessor.”(Muslim).

“Whoever reads ten verses in one night, on that night his name will not be written among the careless people distracted from Allah"(Hakim).

For the first time in my blogging career, let me greet you the way it is done throughout the Muslim world - Assalamu Alaikum! Today there will be a very unusual article about how I learned to read the Koran at the age of 9, but then I successfully forgot everything. A few years later, he made another attempt to learn how to read the Holy Scriptures, and later he taught people himself.

For those who have long wanted to learn how to read in Arabic, I have prepared a nice present at the end of the article. In addition, only for the readers of my blog - a special and very profitable offer! But, see all this below, and now, with your consent, I will begin my story ...

Not to say that since childhood I had a dream - quran read. It all started very funny, back in 1994, my grandmother sent me, a seven-year-old boy, for bread to a nearby stall. According to the law of meanness, the bread was only sold out, and I had to go to the market. At the entrance, I drew attention to the old aksakal, who laid out some books on the table and twisted them in his hands.

The old man turned out to be a humorist and decided to play a trick on a little boy (that is, me), called him over and asked: “Baby, I don’t know what you are looking for, but it’s not so important. Better buy the Koran from me - it will feed you all your life. I confess that before that I knew exactly as much about the Holy Book of Muslims as the leader of the Ubra-Kuku tribe from Rwanda knows about us.

Despite his venerable age, this old man could give odds to many modern marketers. Imagine, out of a huge crowd, to accurately determine the one who may be interested in the Koran, call him to you and correctly click on the “sick” so that the desire to buy here and now will prevail over all objections. Nevertheless, he could not sell me anything, since I only had enough money in my pocket for bread. But, he aroused a strong desire to convince my granny of the need for a much-needed purchase.

It didn't take long for me to persuade my grandmother to buy the Holy Scriptures. It turned out that she herself had been thinking for a long time about how to give me to the mullah “on bail”. So, with the light hand of that aksakal, on one of the most beautiful days, I went with a confident gait to an old woman who taught children to read the Koran. At first everything went smoothly and sedately, I was known as a successful student, but then it turned out that either I was not quite smart, or the woman methodically illiterately approached teaching children. In a word, my interest in learning soon disappeared.

As they say, he called himself a load - climb into the basket, I had to bite the bullet and learn. By the way, there is such a tradition: after a person finishes studying the Koran, they conduct a “guran-chikhan”. Like graduation in a modern way, relatives bring all sorts of "sweets", gifts and money, but the mullah gets it all. I didn’t quite like this alignment, I strained and studied (it doesn’t matter how) - but in chocolate a mullah.

I'm ashamed to admit it, but one thing made me happy - now everything was behind me. Everyone won - the mullah with gifts and money, my grandmother fulfilled her dream, and I thought I could quran read. Although, I really could read, only mother laziness eventually took up. The fact is that it was necessary to constantly read, so as not to forget the language. But, make the little tomboy sit and read for two hours every day when your friends are playing football outside the window. But, as it turned out later, it was not about me, but about teaching. The teaching methodology was fundamentally wrong. But, this understanding came later. After two or three years, I "safely" forgot everything.

How to learn to read the Quran correctly?

At about the age of 14, the muse visited me again, and I wanted to master the language of my forefathers. Oh yes, let me clarify - I am a Persian by origin and my ancestors spoke Farsi. Probably, it was genetics that contributed to my good undertakings. So I ended up with a very respected teacher who taught the reading of the Koran - Hajj Vagif. I recently found out that he is gone...

A few words about my teacher - I have met few such sympathetic and kind people in my life. It felt like he put his all into our training. A man of respectable age went to the mountains every day, worked in the garden for 10-12 hours, and in the evening he came home and took up training. He was the most worthy person!

I still remember the words of my mentor, which he said on the first day of my training: “I will teach you to read the Koran so that you will never forget the rules of reading. Even if 20 years pass, and during this time you never look at the Arabic script, you will still be able to freely read the Holy Scriptures. Given my sad experience, his words were taken with irony. Later it turned out that he was right!

So, learning to read the Qur'an consists of four main components:

  • Learning the alphabet (in Arabic, the alphabet is called “Alif wa ba”);
  • Learning to write (unlike the Russian language, everything is much more complicated here);
  • Grammar (tajwid);
  • Direct reading.

At first glance, everything may seem as simple as one, two, three. In fact, each of these stages is divided into several sub-stages. The main point here is that you definitely need to learn how to write CORRECTLY in Arabic. Notice, not correctly, namely correctly. Until you learn to write, you can not move on to grammar and reading. It was this aspect that was omitted from the methodology of my first mentor. What this omission led to - you already know.

Two more important points: first, using this method, you will only learn how to write and read in Arabic, but not translate. For in-depth training, people travel to Arab countries, where they gnaw at the granite of science for 5 years. The second is to immediately decide on which Quran you will study. Yes, yes, there is a difference in this. Many old mentors teach on the Qur'an, which is popularly called "Ghazan".

I do not advise you to do this, because then it will be difficult to “transition” to the modern Koran. The meaning of the text is the same everywhere, only the font is very different. Of course, "Gazan" is easier, but it's better to immediately start learning with a new font. I know that now many do not quite understand the difference. To make it clearer, the font in the Quran should be as shown in the picture below:

Profitable proposition!!!

By the way, there you can pick up your favorite case and stand. Yes, the number of Qurans is limited, as more are simply not allowed to be carried across the border.

We will assume that you have the Koran (or you), it's time to move on to the alphabet. Here I recommend to immediately start a notebook and remember your 1st grade. Each letter 100 times will need to be printed in a notebook. The Arabic alphabet is not as complex as the Russian one. Firstly, there are only 28 letters in it, and secondly, there are only two vowels: “alif” and “ey”.

On the other hand, it can complicate the understanding of the language. Indeed, in addition to letters, there are also sounds: “a”, “i”, “u”, “un”. Moreover, almost all letters (except "alif", "dal", "zal", "rei", "zey", "wow") are written differently at the beginning of a word, in the middle and at the end. For many, it is also very difficult that you need to read from right to left. Everyone is used to reading "normally" - from left to right. And here it's the other way around.

Personally, this gave me inconvenience when learning to write. It is important here that the bias in the handwriting is from right to left, and not vice versa. I got used to it for a long time, but in the end I brought everything to automatism. Although, sometimes it also happens that I forget about the bias. By the way, here is the Arabic alphabet (yellow frames highlight the spelling of letters depending on their location in the word):

At first, it is very important that you write as much as possible. You need to "get your hand" on this, since during this period the foundation of your training is being built. In 30 days, it is quite possible to memorize the alphabet, know the spelling of letters and learn how to write. For example, your obedient servant kept within 18 days. Although, then the mentor noted that this is a record! All this was painfully interesting to me, and learning was easy.

After the alphabet is learned, you can already write, you can move on to grammar. In Arabic, it is called "tajwid" - the rules of reading. Grammar can be comprehended already directly while reading. Only one nuance - in the Koran the beginning is not where we are used to. The first mentor began training "from the end" of the Qur'an (in ordinary books - this is the beginning), and the second did the right thing - the training began from 1 surah of the Qur'an "Al-Fatiha".

Further, you will need to read 1-2 pages daily, 10 times each. It takes about an hour or two at first. Then the number of pages can be increased. The maximum I read was 15 pages. We came to class, read a passage from the Koran - homework, received feedback from the mentor, he pointed out mistakes and gave a new d / s. And so almost 3 months! After you are already perfect quran read, you can try to learn "avazu" - reading by singing. I didn't make it to the end, but still...

Friends, of course, it is impossible to convey everything that can be told through an article. Therefore, if you have a desire to learn how to read Arabic, look for madrasas or mentors in your city. Today this is no longer a problem. I am sure that live training will be 100 times more effective. If you do not have such an opportunity, then here is the promised present at the beginning of the article - download and install the Zekr program on your computer. It will help you learn to read and listen to the Scriptures. The program is absolutely free. Wikipedia article about the program, there is also a download link.

Let me finish my thoughts on this. I really hope that the article was useful to you. I will be glad to read your thoughts in the comments, write whatever you think (within reason), I am ready to discuss everyone's opinion. In conclusion, I want to show you a very interesting documentary film "Quran" from National Geographic:

P.S. I remind you once again about the 15% discount in our online store.

Every Muslim is aware of the meaning of the Quran. The whole life of a Muslim is built around this sacred scripture. The Qur'an is the light that will illuminate the path to the truth for us. In the Quran, the wisdom of the Almighty and the goal towards which we must move. The Qur'an is a book of happiness and barakat of Muslims, because the one who followed it, i.e. according to the precepts of Allah, will not be disappointed and deprived. Therefore, one of the most important tasks facing a Muslim is the study and memorization of the Holy Quran.

Conditions necessary for studying the Quran:

  1. sincere intention

It is important that the goal of memorizing and reading the Quran should be the desire for the pleasure of the Almighty, only then Allah will facilitate your work and make knowledge good.

  1. Respect for Holy Scripture

When handling the Qur'an, observe ethics, which consists in touching the Qur'an purified, one should not put the Qur'an on the ground. The reader of the Qur'an, if possible, should be in the best possible condition, in good clean clothes, covering his shoulders and knees out of respect for the Book of Allah.

  1. Choosing the right place

There are three cases when memorizing the Holy Quran:

  1. Read and understand the Arabic text of the Quran.
  2. Be able to read Arabic text without understanding the meaning.
  3. Not be able to read and understand Arabic text.

The most important thing in this business is to start. As soon as you memorize the beginning of the verse, the continuation will follow by itself. Take, for example, the first sura of the Qur'an, which consists of 7 verses.

The surah in transliteration looks like this:

bismillayahir-rahmaanir-rahiim (1)

Alhamdulillahi rabbil-"aalamiiyin (2)

Arrahmaanir-rahiyim (3)

Yauumiddiyin cradles (4)

Iyyakya na "I will va iyyakya nasta" iyin (5)

Ihdinas-syraatal-mustakkyyym (6)

Syraatallaziina an "amta" aleihim gairil-magduubi aleihim va lyaddaaalliyin (7)

Each verse begins with the following words:

  1. Bismillah.
  2. Alhamdulillahi.
  3. Arrahmaan.
  4. Myaliks.
  5. Iyyaakya.
  6. Ikhdina.
  7. Syraat.

Knowing how each verse begins will help you know where to start and help you memorize an entire sura.

Rules for reading the Quran

  1. Before starting the reading, one should say the words "Auzu billahi mina-shshaytani-rrajim".
  2. At the beginning of each sura, one should read "Bismi-Llahi-RRahmani-RRakhim".
  3. The reader should preferably read the Qur'an beautifully, drawlingly, as if into a chant and decorate it with his own voice.
  4. A Muslim must learn tajwid and know how to pronounce Arabic letters and sounds correctly so that reading it is correct and beautiful.
  5. It is encouraged if the reader of the Quran cries while reading.

The reading of the Holy Qur'an should not end only with its meaningless memorization. Such memorization will not bring benefits and rewards, as it will not be practiced in life. A person should meditate on the Qur'an. When a Muslim reads the verses of mercy, he should stop a little and ask Allah for mercy, and when he reads the verses of punishment, he should ask for the forgiveness of sins and salvation from hellfire.

The Qur'an is the Word of Allah, which is the key to Paradise. And the key to the Qur'an is Arabic. Therefore, a believer who strives for a true understanding of Him, reading Him in the language that God sent down, should study Arabic and read the Koran in Arabic.

These tips will help you memorize the Scriptures:

  • Make a plan for yourself to memorize the Qur'an (how many verses you should memorize per day) and stick to it.
  • Be constant in reading and memorizing the Qur'an, because, as we know from childhood, repetition is the basis of learning. The more often you memorize the verses, the easier the memorization process will become. It is very important not to miss a single day.
  • Make sure that you are not distracted by extraneous thoughts in this matter. Retire to a quiet place so that you can concentrate only on the Quran.
  • Memorize the verses with meaning: read the translation, before you start learning the verse, understand the meaning of what is written.
  • Before memorizing, it is helpful to listen to the verse you want to memorize. This will help you overcome pronunciation problems and improve the quality of your memorization.
  • Read the surahs aloud. Reading aloud helps not only to speak, but also to listen to yourself.
  • And most importantly, ask the Almighty to make it easier for you to memorize the Qur'an and send down the keys of knowledge.

Sayda Hyatt

Useful article? Please repost!

[“Tartil” is the reading of the Koran (by all rules), which implies a clear pronunciation of each letter (Approx. Transl.)].

He (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) recited the Qur'an in a singsong voice, measuredly, without breaking the correct rhythm, as Almighty Allah taught him, slowly and slowly, but rather the opposite, "clearly pronouncing each letter." [Ibn al-Mubarak in Az-Zuhd (162/1 from al-Kawaqib, 575), Abu Dawud and Ahmad cite this hadeeth through an authentic chain of narrators]. So when "he recited some surah in a leisurely and measured tone, it might seem as if it is longer than it actually is." [Muslim and Malik].

He said: "Whoever knew the Quran it will be said: “Read, rise and clearly pronounce the words (rattil ) as you did it in earthly life, and verily, your place will correspond to the last verse you read ” . [Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi, who called this hadeeth authentic. Thus, the highest level will be occupied by a person who knew the entire Qur'an by heart - naturally, provided that such an expert actually followed all the provisions of the Qur'an (Approx. transl.)].

[Meaning a person who knew the Qur'an by heart in whole or in part and acted in accordance with the commands contained in it (Approx. transl.)].

[We are talking about climbing the steps of Paradise (Approx. Transl.)].

["Rattil" - the imperative form of the verb "rattala" - to chant *[by all the rules, clearly pronouncing each letter] "Tartil" - reading the Qur'an (by all the rules), implying a clear pronunciation of each letter (Approx. trans.)] .

He "lengthened his own reading (of certain letters that can be lengthened), as, for example, the words "Bismi-Llahi", word "ar-Rahman", word "ar-Rahim"[Al-Bukhari and Abu Daoud], the word "nadiid" (surah "Kaf", ayat 10) * and other similar words.

*[Al-Bukhari in "Af'al al-'Ibad" gives this message through a reliable chain of transmitters].

He used to stop after reading each verse, as previously explained. [In the section "Reading each verse with a stop between them"].

Sometimes “he recited (verses of the Quran) in a beautiful vibrating tone*, such as on the Day of the Conquest of Mecca, when, sitting on his camel, he [very softly and tenderly] recited Surah Victory (48:29) [Al-Bukhari and Muslim], and Abdullah ibn Mughaffal reported that this beautiful tone had the sound: “aaa”. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim. Ibn Hajar in Fath al-Bari, explaining this sound of "ah-ah-ah", writes: “It is a hamza with a fatha followed by a silent alif followed by another hamza”. Sheikh Ali al-Qari gave the same explanation from others (experts of the Qur'an), and then said: “Obviously, these are three drawn-out alifs”. Note. Transl.: Hamza - a letter that is pronounced as a short breath between two vowels. It can be written separately, but is more often used as a stand for the letters alif, wow and ya. Fatah is a superscript sign meaning a short "a" sound. Alif is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet, which is pronounced as "a" long].

* [Tarji' - Ibn Hajar explained this word as a "vibrating tone"; Al-Manawi said: "He (this tone. - Approx. transl.) is uplifted because of the feeling of great joy and happiness experienced by him (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) on the Day of the Conquest of Mecca"].

He ordered to decorate the voice when reading the Koran, saying: “Adorn the Quran with your voices [for a beautiful voice adorns the beauty of the Quran]!” . [Al-Bukhari in the form of "ta'lik", Abu Dawud, ad-Darimi, al-Hakim, Tammam ar-Razi cite this hadeeth through two reliable chains of transmitters. An important note: in one version of this hadeeth, one of its narrators mixed up the words, saying: "Decorate your voices with the Qur'an." This error lies in the transmission of the hadith and its meaning, and anyone who calls the hadith given in this form authentic is deeply mistaken, because then this message contradicts other reliable explanatory hadiths considered in this section. In fact, reports of this kind are a typical example of hadith in the form of "maqlub" (when in the isnad or informative part of the hadith, one word is rearranged or replaced by another. - Approx. trans.). The issue raised in more detail is considered in the book "Silsilat al-Ahadis ad-Da'ifa" No. 5328].

And “Indeed, the best voice among those who recite the Quran is the one who you think fears Allah when you hear him recite the Quran.”. [This is an authentic hadith narrated by Ibn al-Mubarak in al-Zuhd (162/1 from al-Qawahib 575), ad-Darimi, Ibn Nasr, at-Tabarani, Abu Nu'aim in Akhbar Isbahan and ad-Diya' in al-Mukhtara].

He also ordered the Qur'an to be recited, saying: “Study the Book of Allah, read it constantly, master it (i.e. memorize the Qur'an) and recite it in a singsong voice, for by Him in Whose Hand my soul is truly delivered[forgotten] he is faster than camels get rid of their fetters " . [Ad-Darimi and Ahmad narrate this hadeeth through an authentic chain of narrators].

He also said: "The one who did not recite the Qur'an in a singsong voice does not belong to us" . [Abu Dawud and al-Hakim, who called this hadith authentic, and al-Dhahabi agreed with him]. And “Allah does not listen to anything as He listens to the Prophet with a beautiful voice, who [aloud] recites the Quran in a singsong voice*» . [Al-Bukhari, Muslim, at-Tahawi and Ibn Mandah in At-Tawhid 81/1].

*[Al-Munziri said that “the word 'taganna' means 'to read with a beautiful voice'; Sufyan bin ‘Uyayna and others were of the opinion that this had to do with the word “istagna” (not needing (thanks to the Qur’an) the blessings of this world), but such an opinion is rejected.

He said (to one of his eminent companions) Abu Musa al-Ash‘ari (may Allah be pleased with him): “You should have seen me when yesterday I was listening to your recitation (Quran)! *(Indeed) you were given a flute ** from among the pipes of the Daud family [And Abu Musa al-Ash'ari said: “If I had known that you were there, I would have read much more beautifully”].[Abdu-Razzaq in al-Amali (2/44/1), al-Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Nasr and al-Hakim].

*[That is: if you saw me at this time, it would give you joy (Approx. transl.)].

**[Scholars-theologians have pointed out that the flute here means a beautiful voice, and the family of Daud means the (prophet) Daud (peace be upon him). The family of someone can be specifically attributed only to himself, and Daud (peace be upon him) had a very beautiful voice, as Imam an-Nawawi points out in his commentary on Muslim's Sahih].