CITO urgent blood test - when is it prescribed and what is determined. What is CITO and what are its advantages? Urinalysis cito interpretation

Many patients have paid attention to the incomprehensible inscription on the “Cito” tests, but not everyone knows what it is and why it is done.

General concept of Cito analysis

WITH Latin language“Cito” translates as urgent analysis. Almost every day medical workers tests have to be issued with this mark, but this does not mean that the patient’s condition is bad or critical. Although such an analysis is often prescribed when urgent operations or in other emergency cases when it is urgent to know the results of laboratory diagnostics.

By using this method within 2-3 hours the results become known, and the attending physician can prescribe an effective and correct treatment to the patient. But not all tests can be performed using the Cito method. On the site There is a detailed list of medical tests that can be carried out urgently. At the same time, the analysis technology remains the same, it is simply done out of turn.

This analysis can be either paid or free. Free analysis is done at emergency when doctors need to act quickly. Paid analysis carried out at the request of the patient, if he wants to avoid the queue and quickly get the finished result.

In what cases is an urgent Cito analysis performed?

Indications for the Cito test may include the following:

If the patient needs urgent surgery.

If emergency assistance is needed.

If the prescribed treatment does not produce any results.

If you want to urgent help out-of-town patient.

On the patient's personal initiative.

If necessary, prevent the development of complications and allergies to medications.

At chronic diseases are in aggravation.

If the patient has a regularly progressive disease.

These are the main indicators for which urgent analysis is carried out. There are about 400 types of tests that are done with the “Cito” mark. The result can be obtained from 10 minutes to 6 hours, depending on the complexity of the analysis.

Convenience and comfort of “Cito” analyzes

Anyone who has ever been tested knows what kind of queues there are. Urgent analysis is convenient because it is completed instantly without any waiting and the result is obtained very quickly. Thanks to this, the doctor can quickly prescribe treatment to the patient. And the comfort lies in the fact that the patient and the doctor will receive the results on the day the biomaterials are submitted.

Methodology for urgent analysis

The methodology for conducting urgent analysis is completely similar to conventional analysis. To carry out the analysis, the same reagents, substances and the same equipment are used as in other studies. The only difference is that this analysis is done first.


Thanks to Cito, you can quickly establish the diagnosis and etiology of the disease, as a result of which therapy can be prescribed in a timely manner.

Purpose of Cito study

There are several situations in which Cito analysis is recommended, these could be:

  • urgency in quickly diagnosing the disease in order to determine effective treatment;
  • detection of pregnancy (test for beta-chorionic gonadotropin)
  • incorrect and ineffective previous treatment;
  • in the presence of allergic reactions in a patient before upcoming therapy in order to avoid side effects;
  • diagnosis and prevention of childhood diseases;
  • Adoption the right decision about the use of certain drugs for the treatment of children;
  • in case of emergency ambulance;
  • upcoming emergency surgery.

Conducting a quick laboratory analysis increases the patient's chances of recovery several times.

Cito research can be carried out in different directions; its scope is quite extensive. Includes the following tests:

  • general and extended blood tests;
  • microscopy of the urinary system;
  • immunology tests;
  • detailed urine analysis, as well as its general examination;
  • determination of blood gas components.

There are exceptions to assays that are not performed in Cito mode. For bacterial culture, it is not possible to use urgent research; such a procedure requires at least several hours, preferably several days. The Cito mode cannot influence the speed of bacterial sowing.

What is convenience?

IN modern world With an increased pace of life and constant lack of time, urgent and quick Cito tests become a solution to many problems with going to the hospital and standing in queues there.

Medical institutions are creating comfortable conditions for collecting biomaterial. In this case, the patient does not experience any discomfort or stress. In addition, often this procedure carried out not only in laboratory conditions, but can also be carried out at home, which is especially convenient for pregnant women and young children. Results can also be obtained in person, rather than at a hospital.

How is the technique carried out?

The Cito test is the same as any other laboratory procedure, but the test requires urgency, so laboratory technicians conduct it using special reagents and out of turn. The quality of the results obtained is no different from other analyzes that require additional time. The cost of Cito is high, this is due to the use of additional chemicals and the immediate execution of the test.

Cito in medicine

All medical terms and names are presented in Latin and Ancient Greek. It is sometimes difficult for an inexperienced person to understand the names of diseases, studies, and drugs. For example, the term cito in medicine, what does it mean?

Loosely translated from Greek, the expression cyto (cito) means emptiness, cavity, vessel or container for something. Usually in medical vocabulary this word is rarely used separately, more often - as part of difficult words related to the concept of cell, cellular structure.

The prefix cyto can be found in names orthopedic devices used in traumatology:

cyto nail - is an intraosseous device in the form metal rod for healing hip fractures;

cyto splint – a metal spacer (adjustable in length) with leather cuffs for the treatment of children under the first year of life with dislocation hip joint(congenital);

cyto splint – for adults used for shoulder fractures to fix the injured limb with proximal abduction humerus and the bend of the elbow joint.

In medical terms, each part of a word carries a specific semantic load. This is especially true for the root of the word. An example is the names of the diseases gastralgia, myalgia, neuralgia. The common part of the root “alg” means a pain symptom.

If the word cito in medicine is used in a single version, it means urgency and speed of action - immediately, immediately. The terminology refers to urgent tests, such as blood tests. In addition, the cito mark on the dispensing prescription medicines, means that medications must be given to the patient within two days (working days) after he contacts the pharmacy in accordance with the order approved by the Ministry of Health and social development RF.

The cyto particle is part of medical terms and names related to the study and diagnosis of cellular structures, as part of the names of drugs, diseases, etc. For example:

cytogenetics is a branch of genetics that studies the hereditary factor of a cell and its structures at the chromosome level;

cytology is a science that studies the structure of cells (plant and animal), its functions and connections with organs and tissues;

cytodiagnostics - a method for diagnosing cell elements by scraping or a fragment of liquid; cytoplasm - part of the cell protoplasm (extranuclear);

cytostatics are cytostatic drugs used mainly in oncology and aimed at blocking cell division.

“Cito” in medicine is usually found in doctors’ reports and referrals. The meaning of this term is interpreted as “Urgent”. That is, if you urgently need to resort to some kind of analysis, then the laboratories will examine the received material marked “Cito” in a matter of hours. Moreover, now there are many laboratories that are ready to send their specialists to carry out the analysis procedure directly to your home, office or country house. And the results can be obtained in any way convenient for you: in the laboratory, by e-mail or by fax.

This service allows you to take tests at a time convenient for the patient and receive results on the same day. Thanks to qualified doctors and nurses, biomaterial collection is carried out quickly and safely using vacuum disposable systems, which completely protects the patient and staff from possible infection. Moreover, it is possible to take tests anonymously.

Tests received by the laboratory are loaded into modern automatic analyzers, after which they are subjected to additional professional medical control.

In the “Cito” mode you can take a general clinical blood test, blood biochemistry, functional tests, tests for homeostasis and hormones, serology. Thanks to this method, you can protect yourself from unnecessary worries and stress, getting results in a minimum period of time. In terms of reliability and accuracy, analyzes performed in the “Cito” mode do not differ at all from conventional research.

The main biomaterial that will make it clear that there are problems in the body is blood. Most studies are performed on an empty stomach. It is advisable not to smoke an hour before donating blood for analysis, and you should also avoid drinking alcohol the day before. If you are taking any medications, it is advisable to consult your doctor before the test. laboratory examination while taking the drug, or inquire about the possibility of suspending the course of treatment while taking the test. It is not recommended to take tests after ultrasound, physiotherapy, rectal and other medical research. Before taking tests, you should minimize emotional and physical exercise, and even better - rest for 15-25 minutes before the procedure.

To take tests, the doctor issues a referral to the patient - it contains additional information for the laboratory that the doctor needs. If the form says “Cito”, then the analysis must be carried out in as soon as possible.

But there are laboratory tests, the results of which cannot be obtained urgently. WITH full list medical tests carried out using the “Cito” method can be found.

What does "Cito" mean?

Literally translated from Latin “Cito” - urgently! In medicine, this term is used in relation to tests. “Cito” analysis means urgent analysis.

Upon admission of the patient to medical institution first mandatory action— taking tests for laboratory research, only with their help can the doctor make an objective diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

When is this wording used?

Urgent tests are used in cases such as:

  • arrival of a patient by ambulance and the need for urgent care medical care;
  • acute illness in a patient requiring immediate treatment;
  • the need to quickly establish a more precise diagnosis and apply objective treatment to it;
  • the patient has been undergoing treatment for a long time, the disease is progressing, or there is no change in health status;
  • ineffective previously prescribed treatment;
  • appointed surgery, an assessment of his health condition is first necessary;
  • the patient went to a regional or regional hospital and cannot wait for the standard time for testing for personal reasons.

The sooner the study is carried out, the greater the chances of providing medical assistance to the patient.

What is the difference between analyzes using the Cito method?

“Cito” tests are carried out in an accelerated mode and the result, as a rule, can be obtained in a few hours, or on the day the biomaterial is submitted.

The difference between urgent tests and regular tests is only in the timing. The quality and information content of the analysis are the same as usual.

“Cito” tests have a higher cost compared to others, since a chemical set of reagents is used for a certain number of samples, and in the case of urgent ones, the entire set is spent on one sample to determine the urgent result. In addition to this factor, the cost is higher due to the short duration of the study.

Some studies still cannot be carried out urgently. These include, for example, bacterial culture biomaterial, since the process of growth of microorganisms cannot be accelerated.

Why are urgent tests convenient?

The convenience of urgent analysis is that there is no need to stand in queues or repeatedly visit the laboratory to get the result; in our modern times, time is of high value. The analysis is taken in conditions that are as comfortable as possible for the person; this procedure can also be performed at home, having previously submitted an application to the laboratory.

Medical institutions providing Cito analysis services are equipped with modern high-quality equipment, which allows the percentage of error to be minimized or eliminated altogether.


The methodology for conducting “Cito” studies is no different from conventional ones. In some cases, due to urgency, doctors use auxiliary reagents, but the quality of the study itself does not change.

In medical practice, situations often arise when the results of individual laboratory research must be received as soon as possible. Then, in the referral for tests, doctors leave the inscription “cito”, which when translated from Latin means “quickly, urgently”. The most common diagnosis of this type is the cito blood test: we’ll look at what it is in this article.

When is urgent diagnosis prescribed?

A study marked cyto is prescribed if it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, identify the cause of the pathology, immediately begin treatment of the patient or prescribe correct therapy to replace one that turned out to be ineffective. Often, urgent diagnostics eliminate serious complications And severe consequences for health, and sometimes the patient’s life depends on them.

Cito blood test: what does this mean for the patient? There are enough situations for urgent examination:

  1. Urgent need for emergency medical care. Typically, such situations arise when a patient is brought by ambulance with pronounced symptoms or in in serious condition posing a threat to life. In order to determine the cause and make a diagnosis, an urgent analysis is done.
  2. Emergency surgery. Often during long procedures, the study is carried out repeatedly, especially with large blood losses.
  3. Preparation for surgery.
  4. Monitoring changes in the patient's health status.
  5. Adjustment of treatment in order to determine the dosage, discontinuation or prescription of new medications in case of unsuccessful therapy.
  6. Revealing concomitant diseases or allergic reactions.
  7. Remoteness of the patient’s residence area, impossibility frequent visits doctor. Based on the results of urgent research, a specialist can evaluate the effectiveness of previously prescribed treatment or, conversely, prescribe a new therapeutic course.
  8. If the patient is at risk for any disease or is on a certain form accounting, requiring specialized assistance.

Modern clinical diagnostic laboratories allow tests marked cito at the request of the patient who does not want to wait a long time for examination results. Moreover, this can be done in the laboratory or at home. Similar diagnostic procedures are paid, carried out by public and private medical institutions.

Types of urgent blood tests

The list of urgent tests is quite significant: medical practice records about 400 types of studies, allowing you to get results in 3-8 hours. These include tests for various infections and pathogenic microorganisms, tumor markers, autoimmune and biochemical examinations, tests for tumor markers and general clinical diagnostics and many others.

The results of cito studies are processed on average in about 3-5 hours; some diagnostics allow you to get the result within a few minutes after collecting the material.

The most popular is the determination of three main hematological values ​​- the content of erythrocytes, leukocytes and hemoglobin, which makes it possible to identify the presence of acute/chronic inflammations/infections.

When prescribing urgent tests in a hospital setting, the doctor, as a rule, monitors the patient’s condition during the transfusion of blood components, as well as in case of heavy blood loss (usually during operations or in traumatology) and for urgent correction hemostasis.

Technique of the procedure

By marking cito on the form, the doctor does not imply that the study is being conducted in any special way. The technique of conducting and processing the results of routine and urgent analyzes is practically the same, since it is used standard set chemical reagents. The only difference is that it is carried out urgently, that is, out of turn.

In rare cases, additional reagents are used and their dosage is increased, but most often this is due to the type of study. IN Lately An automated system for processing test results is used, which guarantees 100% accuracy of the results.

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