Female reproductive age. Menstruation during menopause

Nature has laid down the main function in the female body - to produce offspring. Physiological features of development, social conditions, and the environment affect a woman’s reproductive age. Currently, experts define its boundaries as ranging from 15 to 45 years, but they are individual for each woman. According to the WHO definition, reproductive age is considered to be the age during which a woman is able to conceive a child, that is, from menarche to menopause.

What affects fertility

Female fertility is the biological ability to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. Some women easily manage to get pregnant and give birth in the presence of chronic diseases, after abortions. Others, who are relatively healthy, are unable to conceive or bear a child for a long time.

There are many factors that reduce fertility and cause infertility:

  • long-term heavy smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • frequent stress;
  • overweight (BMI >30);
  • insufficient (less than 45 kg) weight;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • inflammation of the genital organs;
  • traumatic injuries during abortion, childbirth;
  • intoxication of the body associated with an acute infectious disease;
  • abdominal operations;
  • age (over 35 years old).

To understand why a woman cannot get pregnant, the main indicators of fertility are examined: ovulation, fallopian tube patency, endometrial condition, hormone levels. At home, an ovulation test is carried out by measuring basal temperature, or using strips on which a special reagent with a control strip is applied. The test determines the concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. A high LH value is characteristic of a mature egg, ready for fertilization. In medical institutions, a gynecologist uses ultrasound to assess the size of the dominant follicle, the presence and size of the corpus luteum, the condition of the ovaries and uterus.

Late motherhood, in addition to possible difficulties, has positive aspects. Hormonal changes rejuvenate the body, giving strength and energy for care and education. The desire to raise and raise a child increases life expectancy, and later menopause occurs.

Reproductive age ends when eggs stop maturing and menstruation ends completely. Natural conception becomes impossible. A new physiological stage begins.

How to extend the reproductive period

Biological age does not always correspond to the date in the passport. The internal organs of a forty-year-old woman can work in the same way as those of a twenty-year-old girl. This is partly influenced by genetic predisposition, partly by lifestyle and environment.

The following will help you make the most of your childbearing years and extend your childbearing years:

  • giving up alcohol and smoking;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • balanced diet;
  • timely and complete treatment of diseases;
  • control of hormonal levels;
  • taking vitamins as prescribed by a doctor;
  • positive emotions.

It is important to undergo regular examinations with a gynecologist. Many diseases remain asymptomatic for a long time. In advanced cases, this negatively affects fertility. Therefore, it is necessary to devote more time to preventive measures. In every reproductive period, it is possible to safely give birth to a healthy baby without complications.

The childbearing period in a woman’s life is considered to be the time when she can conceive, bear and give birth to a child. When planning and preparing for pregnancy, it is very important to take into account such a moment in life as a woman’s reproductive age.

How many years is this? Many people have this question when talking about this period. Let's try to figure it out.

Beginning of reproductive age

Girls at the age of 10-12 already show the first signs of puberty. This is expressed in the enlargement of the mammary glands, the appearance of the first hair on the pubis and in the armpits. Despite these physical changes occurring in the body, the woman has not yet reached reproductive age. It begins with the arrival of the first menstruation (menarche), at about 13-15 years, perhaps a little earlier or later.

Some factors

However, the onset of puberty may depend on various factors - region of residence, genetic predisposition, race and even nationality. For example, in the southern regions, women “mature” earlier, but their reproductive age ends much faster. It also often happens that if the mother’s menstruation began late, then the daughter’s period should not be expected early.

But the arrival of menarche does not mean that a woman has reached full reproductive age. The fact is that a teenage girl’s body is not yet fully formed, and it is extremely difficult to bear a baby without causing harm to your or his health at this age. Complications are possible in the form of premature birth, bleeding, weak labor, and miscarriage is not uncommon.

And it’s not only about the girl’s physical characteristics, but also about her psychological preparation. Therefore, it is generally accepted that a woman’s reproductive age begins no earlier than 17-18 years, when she is ready not only to bear a child, but also to fully become a mother.

How long does it last?

The characteristics of a woman’s reproductive system are what usually determine the duration of her reproductive age. Each woman has a limited number of cells; they are formed before birth and mature throughout life. On average, a newborn already has about 500 eggs; during menstruation, usually one, rarely two or three, matures. However, their number can also be affected by external factors such as various chronic diseases, radiation, ecology, etc. Due to these and other reasons, the destruction of eggs that have not yet matured is possible. Because of these circumstances, by about 40 years of age, their number sharply decreases, and along with this the chance of getting pregnant. It is during this period that a woman’s childbearing age comes to an end.

The ideal average reproductive age of a woman for conceiving, bearing and giving birth to a child is 22-35 years. It is during this period that a woman is ready both physically and emotionally.

What about women after 40?

However, today, thanks to all kinds of modern methods, a woman can easily become pregnant at the age of 40-45, while giving birth to a 100% healthy baby. But still, at this age there are many dangers for the full bearing of a child - a woman’s hormonal background changes greatly, her periods become irregular, and the first signs of menopause appear. After which menopause begins (at about 50 years old), lasts about a year, and ends with the disappearance of the menstrual cycle. Based on the above, we can say that a woman’s reproductive age lasts approximately 25-30 years.

End of reproductive age

Doctors believe that the period when a woman can fully bear a child ends with the onset of menopause. However, the body prepares for the decline of reproductive functions from the age of 40. The termination process develops as a woman’s hormonal background changes.

The ability to conceive naturally is noticeably reduced - the menstrual cycle is disrupted, the ovulation process is disrupted, and the eggs laid at birth run out.

It is worth noting that the ability to conceive and carry a child does not disappear overnight. Even during the period of decline, a woman may well become pregnant. But we must not lose sight of the fact that the older the woman is at the time of pregnancy, the higher the risk of various complications associated with pregnancy, childbirth, and the health of the mother and child.

What is menopause?

Around the age of forty, the so-called menopause occurs, which means that eggs stop maturing and the risk of becoming pregnant is reduced to nothing. The likelihood of conception is practically eliminated. This process can last quite a long time, from the onset of menstrual irregularities to its complete disappearance.

But even during this period you can expect surprises. It often happens when a woman thinks that the absence of menstruation is menopause, but in reality it turns out to be nothing more than pregnancy. Therefore, you should not relax and treat contraception as an unnecessary attribute. You can stop using contraception only after passing all the necessary tests and visiting a doctor.


The reproductive ages of men and women are not very different, although they have their differences. Boys begin to mature at about 13 years of age, the fluff appears above the lip, the first hair under the arms and on the pubis, the penis noticeably enlarges, the morning erection intensifies, and spontaneous ejaculation often occurs at night. By the age of 15, boys begin to experience sexual attraction to the opposite sex. From this age the reproductive age of a man begins.

At 18-25 years old, he is in full swing, the quality and quantity of sperm are ideal. By the age of 30, testosterone levels decrease, and factors such as health, external environment, stress, and alcohol abuse can already affect childbearing. But still, the reproductive age of the stronger sex is still in full swing.

By the age of 40, there is a decline, erection decreases, and there is often a condition that prevents conception. But this does not mean that reproductive age has come to an end. For almost all men, this period lasts up to 65-70 years, that is, about 40 years, unless, of course, there are any serious diseases.

This question has worried many minds for more than a century. After all, prolongation of reproductive age means prolongation of youth. Of course, modern medicine has made significant steps in this direction, but its possibilities are not limitless. You need to think about your health from a young age - give up bad habits, eat well and properly, be able to allocate your time for work and rest, sleep at least 8 hours a day. Even positive thinking can increase reproductive age, unlike negative thinking.

Promiscuous relationships should also be avoided, as they increase the likelihood of sexually transmitted diseases. It is these pathologies that greatly influence the duration of reproductive age for both women and men. They can lead to infertility, adenoma, cancer, prostatitis. A healthy lifestyle and exercise are what will help prolong the reproductive period.

Some time ago, doctors increased the childbearing age with the help of hormonal drugs, but this led to the risk of breast cancer. Now this practice has been strictly limited and is allowed only for certain indications, for example, with early menopause.

As one might expect, there are quite a few characteristics of a woman’s reproductive age. In any case, for a full and healthy conception of a baby, it is necessary to undergo examination by specialists for both the child’s mother and his father.

I wish you health and beauty at any age!

The fertile period is the time during which a man can produce sperm that can fertilize an egg. Gradually, the amount of the main male hormone testosterone decreases, the number and quality of sperm rapidly decreases.

The process of ending the reproductive period in men is called “hypogonadism.” Hypogonadism is an irreversible change in hormonal levels, a restructuring of the body in which the condition of the genital organs and their functional purpose changes. This occurs in the life of every male, the only question is when and how it happens.

Why does a man lose the ability to fertilize?

Hypogonadism is provided by nature in order to remove outdated generations from the reproduction process. If hypogonadism had not been predetermined, then the number of genetic mutations (Down syndrome, cleft lip, cerebral palsy) and mental disorders among new generations would only increase.

Due to a decrease in testosterone levels, the body begins to produce sperm with damaged DNA, which leads to the birth of unhealthy offspring.

In addition, the aging body cannot withstand heavy physical and psychological stress and becomes fragile. Even if an elderly person had a child, it would be physically difficult for him to care for him. A child needs not only to be born, but also to be raised - this principle also guides nature, suppressing reproductive function in old age.

Favorable period for conceiving a child

The amount of testosterone begins to decline annually by 1-2% after 30-35 years. But this does not mean that at that age there will be infertility. Hypogonadism occurs when testosterone levels fall below normal. This can happen at any age. Some people are successfully sexually active until they are 70-80 years old, while others are already infertile at 30-40 years old. Here, the factors of each individual, his lifestyle, and health status play a big role.

But numerous studies have helped to determine the average figure for the fertile period. According to them, a man’s reproductive age reaches its peak at 23-30 years (then there are more active, high-quality sperm), and begins to fade by the age of 40.

  • At 42-50 years of age, the process of decline of reproductive function is observed in 17% of cases;
  • In 65-80 it is observed in 40% of cases;
  • After 80 years, 65% of males suffer from this.

Some more interesting facts about hypogonadism:

  • In America, 5 million people suffer from this pathology. And only 6% seek replacement therapy;
  • This physiological process causes bone fragility, injuries and fractures in 55% of cases after 42 years;
  • 10 people out of 1000 cannot psychologically accept age-related infertility, which is why they commit suicide.

How to identify hypogonadism?

Reproductive age may vary for each man, so symptoms are the main indicators for making a diagnosis. The end of reproductive age is preceded by the following signs:

  • Sexual desire decreases. The number of sexual acts is reduced;
  • Erectile dysfunction develops. The body is unable to maintain an erection for normal sexual intercourse;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Pain when urinating, frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • Violations of the vegetative-vascular system are observed - the face and cheeks turn red, body temperature rises, blood pressure jumps, dizziness, shortness of breath appears, and sudden fever;
  • Irritability;
  • Sensitivity;
  • Depressive state, apathy;
  • Decline in performance;
  • Memory impairment;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • The ratio between muscle mass and fat changes. There is a general trend - the hips and stomach are rounded;
  • Bone tissue becomes fragile;
  • The amount of hair decreases, bald patches appear;
  • The density of the skin decreases.

If at least a few signs match your needs, you should consult an andrologist or urologist for recommendations.

Causes of premature hypogonadism

Hypogonadism can be called early if reproductive function begins to fade at the age of 35-45. Usually, the reasons for the activation of a physiological process ahead of schedule lie in the lifestyle and genetic code.

Male menopause is approaching:

  • Injuries, surgery on the ovaries, genitals;
  • Sexually transmitted diseases, congenital anomalies of the genital organs;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Colds and infectious diseases that were difficult for the body to tolerate were associated with complications;
  • Stress, sedentary lifestyle;
  • Poor nutrition – an abundance of carbohydrates, fats;
  • Drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • Frequent change of sexual partner;
  • Testicular tumor;
  • Endocrine diseases;
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Ischemic disease;
  • Diabetes;
  • Irregular sex, rare ejaculation;
  • Improper intimate hygiene. Regular soap and shower gels irritate the surface of the penis and disrupt the natural microflora. It is advisable to buy a special product for intimate hygiene.

How to prepare for conception for men over 50?

Mature age at conception threatens the child with genetic mutations. Therefore, a man should approach this process with all attention, carefully monitor his health and follow the recommendations:

  • Follow a diet that has a positive effect on potency, erection, and sperm quality. It must contain vitamin E and C, folic acid, lutene, zinc, selenium. Be sure to eat citrus fruits, nuts, grains, fish, seafood;
  • Avoid hypothermia;
  • Avoid baths, saunas, hot baths;
  • Don’t worry, don’t get depressed;
  • Exercise at least 20-30 minutes daily;
  • Avoid coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, and foods with preservatives;
  • Establish sleep and rest patterns;
  • Wear loose cotton underwear;
  • Watch your weight. Obesity and lack of weight negatively affect the quality of semen;
  • Spend more time outdoors;
  • Strengthen immunity.
  • Try not to take antibiotics. Do this only if absolutely necessary. Antiviral drugs impair sperm quality;
  • It is necessary to drink more clean water;
  • Have sex 2-5 times a week.

To identify the likelihood of gene mutation in a child even before conception, you can undergo a genetic analysis or a spermogram. With drugs and therapy, doctors can correct and remove the damaged genome.

Reproductive age determines a woman’s ability to conceive and give birth to a child.

There are women who are able to conceive at 45, and there are those who have exhausted their supply of eggs by age 35. This reserve is commonly called ovarian reserve.

The genetic material that the female body provides for the reproduction of offspring is the egg. Each egg cell is located inside a vesicle - a follicle.

Ovarian reserve (ovarian reserve, follicular reserve) is the totality of all follicles (eggs) of a woman, or you can also say the potential of the ovaries to produce eggs now and in the future.

Every woman has an ovarian reserve before birth, and the size of the reserve is determined genetically. It is given once and for life. It cannot be increased. It is depleted year after year. When the number of follicles reaches a critical point, menopause occurs. This is a natural process.

Many women believe that the ability to bear a baby ends with the onset of menopause (the end of menstruation). This is wrong.

The reproductive function does not turn off “suddenly”, but fades away gradually. The inability to conceive occurs much earlier than menopause - even before the eggs are completely “over”.

Reproductive age is considered to be up to 49 years. But, taking into account modern life circumstances (stress, poor ecology, abortion, pelvic inflammatory processes, etc.), you should not confidently rely on this figure. Reproductive aging is promoted by ovarian surgery, various diseases, and heredity. Therefore, there is no universal answer - everything is individual.

“Passport” age is the main reason for decreased reproductive function. The reduction of eggs begins at birth, but after 35 years this process accelerates several times.

One of the factors of a pathological (premature) decrease in ovarian reserve is surgery on the internal reproductive organs of a woman (ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus). To date, a lot of information has been accumulated about the negative impact of pelvic operations on the ovarian reserve. Any intervention on these organs (as on any other) must be balanced and justified.

Ovarian reserve assessment includes:
- History taking. When talking with the patient, the doctor pays attention to the patient’s age, changes in the nature of menstruation (they have become more scanty, the interval between menstruation has shortened).
- Ultrasound. During an ultrasound examination, the doctor counts the number of follicles.
- Lab tests. The most commonly used laboratory signs are FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone). It is the FSH and AMH numbers that most doctors dealing with reproduction problems focus on.
FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) is produced by the pituitary gland and its amount directly depends on the woman’s ovarian reserve.
AMH (anti-Müllerian hormone) is a hormone that is produced jointly by all the follicles that a woman currently has. In young healthy women it is high. AMH decreases with age and in young women when the ovarian reserve is depleted.
To correctly assess ovarian reserve, it is impossible to focus on any one indicator. It is necessary to analyze all the data and compare them to answer the questions: Can I become a mother? How much time do I have? Time is especially valuable to those women who are at risk.

You should evaluate your ovarian reserve if:
- You are over 35 years old and planning to conceive;
- You have undergone surgery on the internal reproductive organs, trauma, inflammation;
- you have malformations of the internal genital organs;
- the nature of your menstruation has changed for no particular reason;
- You will be treated for malignant diseases (chemo- or radiation therapy);
- your mother, sister, aunt or grandmother experienced early menopause.

Smoking, alcohol abuse, and drug use are the causes of many adverse events and problems, including early reproductive aging.

Reproductive age is a concept on everyone's lips. However, do we all know what it is? Most often, no - someone heard something, but no one really knows. It’s probably time to close this gap, don’t you think? Today we will try to figure out what this reproductive age is and what features it has.

Moreover, we will not dwell on the generally accepted definition, which states that reproductive age is the age at which a woman can give birth to a child. This is clear without any explanation. But it is much more interesting to understand this issue in more detail. Surely you will learn a lot of new things for yourself.

Beginning of reproductive age

Most people believe that reproductive age begins with the arrival of the first menstruation. Strictly speaking, this is true. However, preparation for this moment begins much earlier - at about 10-11 years old, during the so-called puberty period or, more simply, puberty.

The first sign of the onset of puberty is almost always breast enlargement. As soon as parents notice this, they should understand that their daughter has begun to transform from a girl to a girl. This period is the most favorable for talking with the girl, telling her about the upcoming changes in her body, if you have not done this before.

Then, after some time, the first vegetation appears - first under the armpits, and then on the pubic area. As a finale - the beginning of menstruation. Official puberty is considered over. However, this does not mean at all that a girl can give birth to a child. That is, she is physically capable of becoming pregnant and, in most cases, bearing a child. But the price will be too high - the girl's health.

Which, strictly speaking, is not surprising, because in adolescence the girl herself is still a mere child and her body is not ready for bearing a child and giving birth. Doctors strongly advise against giving birth to a girl who is not at least 18-19 years old. Otherwise, there is a high risk of complications, and sometimes quite serious ones.

Gynecologists say that the younger a girl becomes pregnant, the higher the risk of miscarriage, various bleeding and, of course, severe toxicosis. And babies from such young mothers often have health problems: they are born with excessively low body weight, gain weight worse, and adaptation to external conditions is much more difficult.

Although we cannot write off the individual characteristics of the body of each specific girl - some people, even at the age of 14, are able to give birth to a beautiful, healthy baby, while maintaining their health. But in no case should we forget about the psychological aspect - it is extremely rare that a teenage girl is psychologically ready to become a mother.

To be fair, it should be said that in some cases very young girls become excellent mothers. But it’s still worth talking to your teenage daughter about methods of contraception. In the end, a child must remain a child - everything has its time. The girl will still have time to appreciate the beauty of sleepless nights, diapers, gas and other attributes.

Women's health during reproductive age

Women's health is a very delicate substance and depends on many factors. And first of all, on the general health of the woman. Any chronic diseases - be they problems with the cardiovascular system or other systemic ailments - greatly affect the state of the reproductive system. That is why it is so important to monitor your health, undergo regular medical examinations and under no circumstances self-medicate. There are no trivial diseases - even the most banal cold can affect a woman’s reproductive system.

In addition, you need to know that women’s health largely depends on the girl’s intrauterine development, her state of health during the neonatal period and childhood, not to mention adolescence. Unfortunately, medical statistics say that only 15-20 percent of babies are born completely healthy.

And it is not surprising that by the beginning of their reproductive years most girls already have one or another disease of the reproductive system. In order to avoid this, parents must carefully monitor the girl’s health and not ignore the existence of a pediatric gynecologist.

And an adult woman should remember that she should visit a gynecologist at least twice a year - even if nothing bothers her. Many diseases occur in a latent form for a very long time. And it is precisely such control examinations that can help to recognize the disease in time and begin the necessary treatment.

End of reproductive age

In medicine, it is generally accepted that the end of reproductive age is the beginning of menopause. In fact, the body begins to prepare for this in advance - after about 40 years, a gradual decline in reproductive function begins. This whole process develops as a result of changes in the hormonal background of the body.

The female body's ability to conceive naturally begins to decline - the menstrual cycle begins to go astray, and the ovulation process is also disrupted. Do you know that the number of eggs in a woman’s body is strictly determined at the birth of a girl? And these eggs mature during reproductive age. New eggs do not mature.

Of course, the ability to conceive does not disappear overnight - even during the period of declining reproductive function, a woman can still become pregnant. However, we must not forget that the older a woman is, the higher her likelihood of giving birth to a baby with certain genetic abnormalities.

This is why doctors do not recommend postponing the birth of a child for too long. Of course, no one says that at 40-45 years old there is no chance of having a child - they exist and are quite high. But in no case should we forget about the load on a woman’s body - the older the woman, the harder pregnancy is for her.


Separately, I would like to mention menopause, which occurs at approximately 45-50 years, when the eggs finally stop maturing. This means that the possibility of conceiving a child is excluded. Of course, this does not happen in one day - the entire process from the onset of menstrual irregularities to its complete disappearance can last several years.

And during this period, a woman can expect a surprise. Or rather, a kinder surprise, in the truest sense of the word. A woman believes that there is no menstruation due to menopause, but in fact she is pregnant! Therefore, be sure to protect yourself until the very end. And then - you can stop using contraception only if you visit a doctor and undergo the necessary tests.

As you can see, there are quite a few characteristics of a woman’s reproductive age. But if you know about them, you will probably be able to avoid a huge number of problems. Be healthy and beautiful at any age!