Find a contact page by last name. How to search for people on VKontakte

VKontakte is a social network for communication, so feel free to look for friends, acquaintances, relatives, classmates, classmates, like-minded people and join communities of interest. Lost a friend or girlfriend from childhood, youth, find him or her on VK. Here you can search by photo, name and a variety of criteria.
On social networks you can find not only good old friends who are lost in the whirlwind of life, but also expand your social circle by meeting new people.

How to find a person on VKontakte

Your first action is the “Search” tab. It is located at the top, left side of the page. Here you need to write the first and last name of the person you will be looking for.

The second step is filling out the data (person selection criteria). Write everything you know about the user or community.

When searching for a person, use the following criteria:
  • Last name, first name, patronymic of the person. If your friend is on VKontakte, he will definitely be found. And even if there are hundreds of users with that last name, you can use additional criteria to find the right person.
  • Region. The country and city make the search easier.
  • School. If your school friend is on VK, she will be found right away. This way you can find everyone who studied in the same class as you. To do this, you need specific data: school number (name), graduation date.
  • Higher education institution. Similar to the previous point, enter specific information (where you studied, what specialty, when you graduated and other details) and find all your classmates and even classmates.
  • Age. Enter the parameter from and to, for example, if you know the exact age, from 29 to 30.
  • Gender. Who are you looking for - a woman or a man?
  • Marital status. Not married? Specify “Actively searching.”
  • Photo. To avoid visiting the pages of people who do not have photos uploaded, specify the “with avatar” option. An avatar is a photograph that is called the electronic soul of a person. On the social network VKontakte, it is customary to put personal photos on your avatar (there are, of course, exceptions), so you will immediately see the person you are looking for.
  • Finding VK in real time. It is better not to specify the “now online” parameter.
  • Life position. If you know your friend's life views for sure, indicate them. How does he feel about smoking and alcohol, what are his political and religious views.
  • Work. Specify the place, position.
  • Military service. This is a great way to find fellow soldiers.
  • Additional. If you know a specific date of birth, enter it.
As you can see, there are a sufficient number of search parameters, so if a person has a page, he will definitely be found. Found a specific person? Write him a personal message, subscribe to his account updates and add him as a friend.

It is convenient to save the pages of the necessary people as bookmarks so that they are always at hand. You can also use the “possible friends” function. For example, if you correctly filled out information about yourself, telling about your school, institute, etc., the system will offer you friends who may have studied with you or lived in the same city.

Do you have a photo of the person you want? Then the search becomes easier! There are both special and entire communities focused on specific cities.

How to find a person on VKontakte by photo

So, if you have a photo of a friend and she has a page on the VK social network, it’s easy to find her. The largest and highest quality service for searching people by images is provided by. Go to the main page of the search resource and click the camera icon (it is located in the search bar).

Now you need to upload a photo of your friend from your hard drive, or provide a direct link from the storage.

The photo has been uploaded, click “Search by photo”.

As you can see, your friend, for example, Olga Buzova, has been successfully found. Go to her VKontakte page and write a message.

If your friend is not found on Google, try another effective method. Find a community, for example, “I’m looking for you in Minsk” and offer news.

Attach a photo and wait for your friends to respond.

In all CIS countries, the social network Vkontakte is popular; few people do not have a personal page there on which they indicate their data. Searching for people on VKontakte helps you find your friends, classmates and fellow students, co-workers or colleagues for free through first and last names. For this, there are different parameters and search methods if a person uses the VKontakte network. Then you will definitely find it and below it will be described how to do it.

Why do you need to search for people on VK?

The VK community is growing every day and the number of active participants is tens of millions. Finding people in contact is becoming more difficult, but the developers offer all their visitors a convenient and understandable tool. If the tool did not exist, it would simply not be possible to find the required user. Using specific criteria and parameters, you can narrow your search. To do this, you don’t even have to register on VKontakte, but be prepared that many users hide their pages from strangers, protecting their personal data.

You can try to do this using the search bar in VK itself or global search engines. You can search for people in a contact without registration in several ways:

  • from the main page of the service through the “People” tab;
  • use a search query in Yandex or Google;
  • using a photo through a search engine.

Sometimes users close their accounts, keeping their personal data from prying eyes. Previously, all people's friends were shown on the page, and everyone could view mutual acquaintances. Now there are special security settings that hide this data and complicate the search for people on VKontakte, but mutual friends are shown in a separate section of the left menu. It is much easier to find a user if you create a page.

To use this search method, you do not need to log in to VKontakte, you just need to go to the main page of the site. At the bottom there is an additional menu in which there is a “People” link, you need to click on it. A special search for people on VKontakte will open in front of you, where you just need to enter the name and surname of the user you want to find. The site will show results for this request. Keep in mind that the more accurately you write your first and last name, the higher the likelihood that you will find the right people. Many pages will always be shown for common names and surnames.

You can avoid this situation if you enter additional data, for example, select the country or date of birth of people. This method of searching for a person in a contact will work if you indicated your real first and last name on the page, or did not change them (marriage). If you can’t find the profile you need, you can use other methods:

  • search by photo;
  • via Google or Yandex;
  • in special groups.

Via google or yandex

This is another free option for searching people on the Internet. Search engines analyze and store in their memory every day all the data they read. The same applies to VK pages, so you can find a person on VK through Google and Yandex. To do this you just need:

  1. Open any of the above systems.
  2. Enter the person's details (first name, last name) into the search bar. You can additionally specify the user's city of residence.
  3. Click the "Find" button.
  4. Below there will be search results, among which you can find the person you need.

How to search for people in contact by last name and first name

This is the easiest and free way to search for a page on this social network. If the person is already among your friends, then you need:

  1. Open the corresponding tab in the left menu.
  2. Write your last name, first name.
  3. You don't even have to click on the search button, matches for this data will immediately be displayed to you.

Additional advanced search tools

If you get too many results from a standard query, you should use additional filters. They are located in the right column; if you have information about the person, you can significantly narrow your search and quickly find the right person. You can include the following in additional data:

  • the country where the person lives;
  • City of residence;
  • the school the person graduated from (or is still studying);
  • if you know, please indicate your age;
  • gender – sometimes male and female names are the same (Zhenya, Sasha);
  • marital status is an easy way to find a person who is available for a relationship;
  • currently on the site – you can sort people who are currently online on VKontakte;
  • life position - indicates the attitude towards politics, alcohol, smoking, etc.;
  • work – helps to find people by a certain type or place of employment;
  • military service - helps to find colleagues.

How to find friends in VKontakte by photo

Yandex and Google scan not only text data, but also graphic data. This means that you can find matches from pictures and photographs. This is another option for free searching for people on VKontakte. Most users post their photos every day and the system has learned to recognize similar options. To conduct a photo search you need to:

  • open the Google system;
  • Find the small camera icon next to the search bar;
  • upload a photo of your boyfriend or girlfriend from your computer;
  • It will show you options for matches and one of them may be on the VK page.

Through a group on VK to search for people

This is another option that is carried out within the social network itself. To search for people on VKontakte, special groups are created. Each person can use the “suggest news” button to ask a question to all participants. If anyone knows where this person is now or how to contact him, they will write about it in the comments to the post. How to submit a request correctly:

  1. Find a group with the name of that city. Where will you look for the person? For example, “Moscow is looking for you” or “Voronezh is looking for you.”
  2. There should be an inscription on the wall “Suggest news”, click the button and create a post.
  3. Indicate the first and last name of the person you are looking for, where you met or communicated, and possible additional information.
  4. It will be an additional advantage if you attach a photo of the person you are looking for.
  5. Click the “Suggest news” button below again and if someone knows something about your request, they will contact you.


How to find a person on VKontakte using a photo? Other ways to search for people on VKontakte

The VKontakte website is one of the most popular social networks in Russia. In order for this resource to be in great demand, its creators took care of the convenience of the interface. Despite its ascetic design, VK has all the functions necessary for communication. In addition, the site is being developed taking into account the latest achievements in the Internet industry. For this, the VKontakte network is preferred by many users.

But there are functions that not everyone is familiar with. These include, for example, advanced people search.

How to find a person on VKontakte? Search by various parameters

There are many ways to find people on VKontakte. But all search options can be divided into the following groups:

  • Search using the VK network.
  • Search for people using special services.
  • Interesting and unknown search methods.

Let's study each type of search separately.

What types of search for acquaintances can VKontakte offer?

You can find a person on VKontakte using the capabilities of the site itself:

  1. Using the "Photos" section.
  2. Using advanced search.
  3. Using the “All Possible Friends” function.

Now you can learn all these methods of finding friends.

We are looking for friends on VKontakte using the “Photos” section

You can find a person by photo on the VKontakte website by opening the “My News” section. Here you will see a menu with many options from which you need to select the “Photos” option.

On the tab that appears, you can notice all the pictures from your friends and groups. You can also find interesting images from VK here. The list of pictures on this page can be adjusted. To do this, follow the link “List of sources” and select in the window that opens which news you want to see and which you don’t.

In order to find out how to find a person on VKontakte using a photo, you need to study the “Search by Photo” function. You can search for photos in the search engine, which is located under the “Photos” section in your news. In the search bar you can enter the name and description of the picture. You can also use a variety of photo filters here. Search by geolocation, which can be set in the “Search” tab. In addition, you can exclude some words or search for copies of pictures using a link to the original.

To implement all of the above photo search functions, there are special notations:

  1. You can use the following types of photo filters: Fortuna, Aquilon, Hera, Vesta, Luna, Diana.
  2. To filter out unnecessary words, use a minus sign.
  3. A link to a copy of a picture is indicated by the following symbols: copy, photo, photo number.

Mysterious photo link: who is in the photo?

Let's find out how to find a person on VKontakte using a photo if you were given a link.

Have you ever had a situation where you were given a link to a VKontakte photo without saying whose photo it was? This link may look something like this: If you are familiar with this situation, let's try together to determine the owner of your image.

In order to find out who is shown in the photo, we need to “pull out” some elements from the picture. Take the set of numbers that comes after the first slash. In our case it is: 408919891. These characters are the user profile number. Now “pull out” the numbers located after the second slash (9985). This combination is the number of the album from which the image was taken.

To define an album, add the word album, album number, underscore and profile number to the address. You will get the following combination: album9985_408919891.

Looking for VKontakte photos using other methods

Now we’ll find out how to find a person “On VKontakte” from a photo, using secret and interesting search methods.

Firstly, there are now many sites offering to find your VKontakte double. Such resources include, for example,, which also provides other services for VK. To search for similar people, here you are asked to enter the number of your VKontakte page. This project and others like it should be treated with caution, as they can hack your profile. In addition, the VKontakte administration does not recommend using a variety of suspicious resources.

You can find someone you know from a photo on the Tofinder.Ru website, where you need to upload a picture or provide a link to it. Here they will not deceive you, but will show you which VK account has such a photo.

Search engine of the site "VKontakte"

You already know how to find a person on VKontakte using a photo. Let's look at what other types of search "VK" offers.

First, let's use the "Advanced Search" function. There are three ways to access this section:

When you visit the search page, carefully examine the column in which you can limit and refine your search query. Here you can choose:

  • your friend's place of residence;
  • companies in which the person worked or studied;
  • life credo;
  • many other operations.

Select several search options, then enter your friend's name in the search bar at the top of the page. You can also view users in all other tabs of the search section of the site.

Your possible friends and acquaintances

Find in the left menu of the site a banner with the caption “All possible friends.” You can add interesting people directly on your page or follow the link under the banner.

By clicking on the inscription “All possible friends”, you will find yourself on a special page for viewing new acquaintances. Here you will find a list of possible acquaintances, as well as the “Search for friends through social networks” function. networks." In addition, from this page you can go to the advanced search.

How to find a person on VKontakte. Searching for people on VK

VKontakte is a social network for communication, so feel free to look for friends, acquaintances, relatives, classmates, classmates, like-minded people and join communities of interest. Lost a friend or girlfriend from childhood, youth, find him or her on VK. Here you can search by photo, name and a number of criteria. On the social network you can find not only good old friends who are lost in the whirlwind of life, but also expand your social circle by meeting new people. Your first action is the “Search” tab. It is located at the top, left side of the page. Here you need to write the first and last name of the person you will be looking for.
The second step is filling out the data (person selection criteria). Write everything you know about the user or community.
When searching for a person, use the following criteria:

  • Last name, first name, patronymic of the person. If your friend is on VKontakte, he will definitely be found. And even if there are hundreds of users with that last name, you can use additional criteria to find the right person.
  • Region. The country and city make the search easier.
  • School. If your school friend is on VK, she will be found right away. This way you can find everyone who studied in the same class as you. To do this, you need specific data: school number (name), graduation date.
  • Higher education institution. Similar to the previous point, enter specific information (where you studied, what specialty, when you graduated and other details) and find all your classmates and even classmates.
  • Age. Enter the parameter from and to, for example, if you know the exact age, from 29 to 30.
  • Gender. Who are you looking for - a woman or a man?
  • Marital status. Not married? Specify “Actively searching.”
  • Photo. To avoid visiting the pages of people who do not have photos uploaded, specify the “with avatar” option. An avatar is a photograph that is called the electronic soul of a person. On the social network VKontakte, it is customary to put personal photos on your avatar (there are, of course, exceptions), so you will immediately see the person you are looking for.
  • Finding VK in real time. It is better not to specify the “now online” parameter.
  • Life position. If you know your friend's life views for sure, indicate them. How does he feel about smoking and alcohol, what are his political and religious views.
  • Work. Specify the place, position.
  • Military service. This is a great way to find fellow soldiers.
  • Additional. If you know a specific date of birth, enter it.
As you can see, there are a sufficient number of search parameters, so if a person has a page, he will definitely be found. Found a specific person? Write him a personal message, subscribe to updates on his account and add him as a friend. It’s convenient to save the pages of the right people as bookmarks so that they are always at hand. You can also use the “possible friends” function. For example, if you correctly filled out information about yourself, telling about your school, institute, etc., the system will offer you friends who may have studied with you or lived in the same city.

Do you have a photo of the person you want? Then the search becomes easier! There are both special image search services and entire communities focused on specific cities.

How to find a person on VKontakte by photo

So, if you have a photo of a friend and she has a page on the VK social network, it’s easy to find her. The largest and highest quality service for searching people by images is provided by Google. Go to the main page of the search resource and click the camera icon (it is located in the search bar). Now you need to upload a photo of your friend from your hard drive, or provide a direct link from the storage.
The photo has been uploaded, click “Search by photo.” As you can see, your friend, for example, Olga Buzova, has been successfully found. Go to her VKontakte page and write a message.
If your friend is not found on Google, try another effective method. Find a community, for example, “I’m looking for you in Minsk” and offer news.
Attach a photo and wait for your friends to respond.

What OS do you have installed?

How to find a person on VKontakte?

Search for people in contact

In people's lives, communication with other people, be it friends, relatives or work colleagues, plays a very important role. If you suddenly lose contact with friends, it is upsetting. But you need not to lose heart, but try to find the person on popular social networks, for example, “Vkontakte”. This network has over 60 million registered users and there is a real possibility that the person you want to find has their own account on this site.

Many people ask the question: “how to find a person in contact?” There are many ways to do this. When any user registers on a social network, he fills out a form in which he indicates his personal data. Usually the place of work, university and school are indicated. Many fields of the form are optional. In addition to personal data, you are invited to upload your photo to your account. However, unfortunately, not many people fill out a detailed questionnaire, so it becomes more difficult to find them, but a photo of a familiar face can help.

In this article we will tell you:

  • How to find classmates or classmates in VKontakte;
  • How to find a person on VKontakte at their place of residence;
  • How can you find a colleague on the site;
  • How to find someone at their place of work;
  • How to find a person “In Contact” by email address;
  • Other search methods.

How to find a classmate (fellow student) on the VKontakte website

To find a classmate (fellow student) on the site, first of all, click the “People” button located on the top panel of the page. A line will appear in which you must write the first and last name of the person you want to find. You need to remember and take into account the fact that some register using their name in various variations: Maksik, Max, Maksimka, Maksimych.

This affects the search result greatly. Therefore, it would be reasonable to enter the last name first, and not write the first name. Now on the panel on the right, find the buttons “School”, “University”, “Year of graduation”. When you select a country, a menu will appear in which you must select the region, city, district, and then the educational institutions available in it. In the school or university menu that opens, select your class, department or faculty. Finally, indicate the year of manufacture. Once you've done all this, examine your search results. There is a high probability that your wanted friend will be found in the search results.

If you don't find your friend in the results, try doing a less detailed search. This way you can view all the people who graduated from your school and have your friend's last name.

If you remove the last name from the search bar, but leave the school, class and year of graduation in the menu on the right, you will see your classmates who indicated the class where they studied in their personal data. When looking for a classmate, remember that she could get married, and many girls do not leave their maiden name in their account.

How to find a person on VKontakte by place of residence

If you know where your friend lives, then use the “Places” button on the right side of the panel. Here you can select the country, city, street, house and apartment number. But the problem is that less than 30% of people registering indicate their address in the form. If you know exactly the date of birth of a person, then you can find him if you enter the date of birth and the city in which he lives.

How can you find a colleague on the site?

To find an army comrade, go to the “Military Service” submenu, in which indicate the country, military unit and years of service in the army.

How to find someone at their place of work

If you want to find a colleague or former employee of your company, go to the “Work” submenu and in the fields indicate the name of the organization and the position of the person you are looking for.

How to find a person on VKontakte by email address

So, how to find a person on VKontakte if you know their email address? To do this, firstly, this address must be present in your email address book. If it is there, then in your VKontakte account, go to the “Friends” menu and find the “Search for Friends” item, here you will be asked to enter your email address and password of the mailbox that contains the address of the object you are looking for. When you do this, a list of addresses located in the address book of your mailbox to which VKontakte accounts are registered will be displayed. Select the address you need, if available.

Other search methods

If your search has not been successful, then there is another option. So what other way can you find a person in contact? Try to remember people who are in the social circle of the wanted person and with whom he could communicate on social networks. Look through the lists of friends on these people's pages. It may very well be that among them there will be a person whom you have been looking for for so long, and you will recognize him by his photo or name.

If after a long search you are finally lucky and you find your friend, then be sure to use the “Add as a friend” option and write him some message.

Never lose your friends and appreciate communication with them.

The VKontakte website is one of the most popular social networks in Russia. In order for this resource to be in great demand, its creators took care of the convenience of the interface. Despite its ascetic design, VK has all the functions necessary for communication. In addition, the site is being developed taking into account the latest achievements in the Internet industry. For this, the VKontakte network is preferred by many users.

But there are functions that not everyone is familiar with. These include, for example, advanced people search.

How to find a person on VKontakte? Search by various parameters

There are many ways to find people on VKontakte. But all search options can be divided into the following groups:

  • Search using the VK network.
  • Search for people using special services.
  • Interesting and unknown search methods.

Let's study each type of search separately.

What types of search for acquaintances can VKontakte offer?

You can find a person on VKontakte using the capabilities of the site itself:

  1. Using the "Photos" section.
  2. Using advanced search.
  3. Using the “All Possible Friends” function.

Now you can learn all these methods of finding friends.

We are looking for friends on VKontakte using the “Photos” section

You can find a person by photo on the VKontakte website by opening the “My News” section. Here you will see a menu with many options from which you need to select the “Photos” option.

On the tab that appears, you can notice all the pictures from your friends and groups. You can also find interesting images from VK here. The list of pictures on this page can be adjusted. To do this, follow the link “List of sources” and select in the window that opens which news you want to see and which you don’t.

In order to find out how to find a person on VKontakte using a photo, you need to study the “Search by Photo” function. You can search for photos in the search engine, which is located under the “Photos” section in your news. In the search bar you can enter the name and description of the picture. You can also use a variety of photo filters here. Search by geolocation, which can be set in the “Search” tab. In addition, you can exclude some words or search for copies of pictures using a link to the original.

To implement all of the above photo search functions, there are special notations:

  1. You can use the following types of photo filters: Fortuna, Aquilon, Hera, Vesta, Luna, Diana.
  2. To filter out unnecessary words, use a minus sign.
  3. A link to a copy of a picture is indicated by the following symbols: copy, photo, photo number.

Mysterious photo link: who is in the photo?

Let's find out how to find a person on VKontakte using a photo if you were given a link.

Have you ever had a situation where you were given a link to a VKontakte photo without saying whose photo it was? This link may look something like this: If you are familiar with this situation, let's try together to determine the owner of your image.

In order to find out who is shown in the photo, we need to “pull out” some elements from the picture. Take the set of numbers that comes after the first slash. In our case it is: 408919891. These characters are the user profile number. Now “pull out” the numbers located after the second slash (9985). This combination is the number of the album from which the image was taken.

To define an album, add the word album, album number, underscore and profile number to the address. You will get the following combination: album9985_408919891.

Looking for VKontakte photos using other methods

Now we’ll find out how to find a person “On VKontakte” from a photo, using secret and interesting search methods.

Firstly, there are now many sites offering to find your VKontakte double. Such resources include, for example,, which also provides other services for VK. To search here you are asked to enter the number of your VKontakte page. This project and others like it should be treated with caution, as they can hack your profile. In addition, the VKontakte administration does not recommend using a variety of suspicious resources.

You can find someone you know from a photo on the Tofinder.Ru website, where you need to upload a picture or provide a link to it. Here they will not deceive you, but will show you which VK account has such a photo.

website "VKontakte"

You already know how to find a person on VKontakte using a photo. Let's look at what other types of search "VK" offers.

First, let's use the "Advanced Search" function. There are three ways to access this section:

When you visit the search page, carefully examine the column in which you can limit and refine your search query. Here you can choose:

  • your friend's place of residence;
  • companies in which the person worked or studied;
  • life credo;
  • many other operations.

Select several search options, then enter your friend's name in the search bar at the top of the page. You can also view users in all other tabs of the search section of the site.

Your possible friends and acquaintances

Find in the left menu of the site a banner with the caption “All possible friends.” You can add interesting people directly on your page or follow the link under the banner.

By clicking on the inscription “All possible friends”, you will find yourself on a special page for viewing new acquaintances. Here you will find a list of possible acquaintances, as well as the “Search for friends through social networks” function. networks." In addition, from this page you can go to the advanced search.

Hello blog readers. Today we will try to answer a pressing question that comes up very often on the Internet, namely, how to find a person on VKontakte? This is indeed not an easy task, especially in cases where we need to find some distant relative, but we only know the last name and first name. In this article, I will try to cover this topic as widely as possible and talk about all the possible options for finding friends and other people through this social network. Let's begin!

And as always, first of all we will consider with you the ideal combination of circumstances, i.e. that situation when we know the user identification number, in other words, ID. Let's say we are looking for a person with whom we previously communicated in real life (unlikely via the Internet, then he could simply send a link to his page) or he told you his ID.

In this case, we do the following. We go to our page in Contact. Next, in the address bar of the browser we enter the following request: (x), where (x) is a numerical sequence representing the ID number. It should consist of several numbers, or a person could use his nickname instead of an ID, for a more beautiful display of his page on the site. Then the ID will no longer be a numerical sequence, but a set of characters. After entering your request, go to this page, rejoice, add us as a friend!

But this option, as I already said, is ideal. And it will probably help only a few. What to do if the ID is completely unknown to us? How to find a person on VKontakte then? You'll have to use the standard search. To do this, being on any page of the VKontakte website, in the top blue horizontal menu, click the “People” button.

Now we type the first and last name, after which the situation can take several turns. The search results turned up about 30-40 or less. In this case, we can scroll through them all, review all the user photos and find the person, or not, and in the latter case, it is most likely that we are looking for a person who may not yet be registered on this social network. His first or last name may be changed. Whatever it is, in this case it will either not be possible to find the person, or it will still turn out that he is not in VKontakte.

About searching for people in classmates.

Another scenario is the case when the number of search results has gone beyond a hundred and scrolling through them manually is simply a tedious task. How to reduce their number? There are search criteria on the right side of the screen. Don’t be lazy and enter all the values ​​you know in each of the items, right down to your place of work and the year you graduated from school. Of course, you must have complete confidence that the data is 100% correct.

Advice – if the person we are looking for has registered at your direction, i.e. not so long ago, then above the criteria, find the inscription “By popularity”. Click on it and select “By registration date” from the drop-down menu.

This way, all people who registered most recently will automatically move to the top positions in the search results. An important point is that this inscription is visible only if you have selected at least one criterion, for example, country.

Another point is the age criterion. Please note that if you indicate the number of years, then by entering, for example: “20 to 34”, those people who are 20 and 34 years old will also be indicated in the results. Also worth mentioning are schools and universities. Some time has passed since the creation of the social network. Many educational institutions have changed their names, but the old ones have also been preserved. Therefore, if you entered school No. 55 in the search criteria and did not find the one you were looking for, take a closer look at the list. Perhaps there is Lyceum No. 55 there, and the person indicated exactly this option on his page.

The most annoying thing is when you seem to know all the data, you think that you can find it on the Internet without any problems, but sometimes this is a mistaken opinion. Some users intentionally fill out their personal information with errors. For what? I have only 2 answers: they do it deliberately so that no one will find them, for example, the same social engineering, or they hide from their loved ones 😉 . Or the most common thing is that they were simply not attentive during registration.

Basically, that's all. Thank you for your attention. Good luck with your search, friends!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Let me make a reservation right away that the methods below for searching for people via the Internet (through social networks, search engines, special sites with databases, etc.) do not guarantee that you will definitely find them - they only give a chance. However, due to the fact that in this way it will be possible to find a person free completely unprepared person, suggests that it’s worth trying to use these recommendations - and maybe you’ll get lucky...

In general, it all depends on how important it really is for you to find someone. If you suddenly remembered a friend from school and you had a fleeting desire to spend some time searching for him via the Internet, then the tools below will help you with this desire. Moreover, if you don’t find it, you won’t be very upset if even at the search stage you don’t change your mind to continue.

In the case when Finding the right person is very, very important to you, then at the same time as carrying out search activities on the network on your own, I advise you to contact specialized government services that have complete information on the population of our huge country (a population census is conducted and periodically updated).

Another thing is that, unlike Soviet times, personal information is now protected and simply getting the address of the right person at the address bureau will not work, but this does not mean that this is not possible at all. Perhaps, just below, I will give the addresses and telephone numbers of government agencies where you should contact, and I will also describe a brief procedure for processing your application there to find the person you need (by first and last name, date of birth and similar information). Actually, let's look at everything in order (I wish you luck in advance, because you will need it).

Search for people on VKontakte (you can search on VK without registration)

If you don’t have time to bother searching for the person you need through the official authorities mentioned above (there is no such urgent need) or you are sure that the opponent you are looking for will not give permission to provide information about him, then you can always try independently search for it via the Internet.

This is especially true when searching for young and middle-aged people who, with a high degree of probability, can appear somewhere on the global network (register under your real last name and first name, indicate a real mobile phone number, Email, car number and the like, for which it will be possible to hook them and pull them out into the light).

The highest probability of finding a person by first and last name, by phone number (mobile or landline), by Email address and other similar things is, of course, provided in (the number of users registered in it is approaching the number of residents of Russia). You can read the details on registration and communication in it in the article at the link provided (you may need these skills if the search is successful and you need to make contact with the desired opponent).

To search for people in Contact, there is a separate tool (the “People” tab from the top menu). But before I start, I still, because if the search is successful, you will want to quickly contact the person you found, and this can only be done after authorization in the service. Himself, so it's up to you to decide.

If you still decide not to register on VKontakte, then just go to the page "people search" and enter the first and last name of the subject you are looking for.

If you are already registered, then you will be taken to the same search tab for living subjects by clicking on the “People” top menu item. This does not change the essence - the tab will open the same, whether with registration or without it.

Please note that in the above screenshot, the query for my last name and first name returned only two results, which is great, because you won’t have to look through thousands of profiles or try to filter them. But this will not always be the case. For example, Contact was found by as many as one hundred thousand people using this name:

Here You can’t do without additional conditions and filters, otherwise it will be possible to spend years studying all the profiles (and in vain, because among these Ivanovs there are not so many real people with such a surname, because “Ivan Ivanov” is something like a universal pseudonym Smith, which is constantly used in bourgeois films).

To narrow the search for the person you need in Contact, it will be enough to use the tools concentrated in the right column. For example, by indicating the country and city of residence, we will significantly reduce the circle of suspects. True, you should do this consciously, because if you make a mistake, you can filter out the very person you were looking for and ultimately not find it. For some types of surnames, it makes sense to explicitly indicate gender.

When searching for classmates and fellow students, you can respectively indicate the school and university where they studied (indicating the class, department, year of graduation). This will again weed out unnecessary people from the list, provided that the person you are looking for indicated this information in their profile and did it correctly (did not make a mistake or did not intentionally distort it).

If you have information about the age of the person you are looking for (and it’s absolutely great if you know his birthday), then don’t use this either (the date of birth can be specified in the drop-down menu of the lowest “Advanced” filter) to narrow the search circle on VKontakte. Just in case, you can indicate the age in the range so as not to miss.

If nothing is found this way, you can try search for people on the VKontakte website using Yandex or Google(read about that, and even smarter ones). To do this, it will be enough to enter the following request in their address bar: First Name Last Name

True, this method will only work for those user profiles who, in the VK settings, have not blocked their data from being indexed by search engines. By default, everything is open, but especially suspicious people can close this information to search engines - you won’t find them this way (only directly from the VKontakte website).

If possible, increase the likelihood of a successful search by including in the circle of wanted known to you acquaintances and relatives of this person. One of them may appear on the network and you, by pulling this thread, will unravel the whole tangle. By the way, fill out your VKontakte page, because some people do not respond to messages from those whose page is empty (they don’t want to waste their time on empty chores).

Also note that there are also abandoned VK pages, so the mere fact of finding the desired subject does not mean that you will be able to successfully contact him. Please note that at the top of the personal page on VKontakte it is written when its owner last appeared here.

How to find a person by photo on VKontakte

How to do it? You can, of course, use it by selecting the VK profile of the person you are looking for on the results page. But for this, the photo that is being searched must be added to the person’s profile, which is unlikely. However, there is another, more productive method.

You just can leave a search request in the VK thematic group, focused on finding people in a specific city or region. To do this, use the corresponding item in the left menu to go to “Groups”, as a result of which on the page that opens you will see a line at the top where you can search for communities on the Vkontakte social network. You can type something like “I’m looking for you in Moscow” into this line and look at the result:

Go to the most popular communities and click on the button "Suggest news":

Then fill out an application to find the person you need on VK (with a photo attached) and click on the “Suggest news” button. After the group moderators approve your news for publication, you will see it on the main page of this group, as well as many thousands of people who have subscribed to the news of this community.

All this significantly increases the likelihood of successfully tracing people through VKontakte, even if you don’t know their first or last name, but only have a photo. Surely, in the comments to your application, someone will write a guess about who might be depicted in the photo (it all depends on the ratio of the number of subscribers the group has and the dense population of the region to which this group of people belongs). A similar group can be found for almost any city in the CIS countries, because VK is very unusually popular among the Russian-speaking audience.

How to find a person by last name and first name on the Internet?

As you already understand, the Internet is well suited for searching for information, including people. Another thing is that there is no such unambiguous place (site) where you are 100% likely to find your counterpart. Everything is somewhat blurry, so in order to increase the likelihood of success, you will have to visit many resources suitable for this purpose and try your luck there.

One of the nice things is that no one online will ask you why you are looking for this particular person? Even if your intentions are not too pure, this will not affect the final result at all. And besides this for free, and the process itself can be considered as a certain kind of entertainment (like solving a charade or a rebus).

But the last name and first name alone may not be enough (especially if they are extremely common). It would be advisable to have at least approximate information about your date of birth, place of residence, place of study, etc., because this will significantly narrow the scope of your search and save you from routinely reviewing all the answers to your request (and they can sometimes count into the thousands).

If you can’t find a specific person (not everyone indicates their real first and last name in social network profiles), then try look for some of his friends or relatives, which then may well lead you to it. It is quite possible that one of them appeared online under their real names, indicated a real address or telephone number.

When the phone number is known, you can try to find the person or his relatives using special regional databases, which are abundantly presented on the Internet both in the form of websites and in the form of files for downloading (there is also the option of purchasing them at some malls or markets) . You can also perform a reverse search on similar databases, i.e. enter the first name, last name, place of residence and date of birth, receiving as a reward the phone number of this person so that you can contact him.

Let me just bring list of specialized sites and services, which may well help you by name and surname to try to find the people you need:

  1. Yandex People— search through popular social networks. On the one hand, this is convenient, because you don’t need to search in each network separately, but on the other hand, many users in the settings close their profiles on social networks for indexing by search engines and Yandex will not be able to add such profiles to its database, which means they there won't be any.

    But it’s quite possible to start with this service, because if you find the right person by name here, you’ll save a lot of time. Well, if you don’t find it, then you’ll have to go directly to Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and other networks.

  2. - official website of the TV program “Wait for Me.” Here you can either submit a search request yourself for free, or view existing requests in case this person is also looking for you.
  3. and - if you need to find a person and you know his last name, first name, patronymic, as well as the place and time of study, then these social networks can be successfully used for this purpose, because, in essence, this catalogs of school and university graduates for several decades.
  4. is a paid site for finding people, allegedly using the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You can enter almost any installation data: first and last name, telephone number, car number, etc. It’s really difficult to say how things stand, because I haven’t tried to submit applications. If you used the services of CenterPoisk, then write about the results in the comments to this article - it will be useful for everyone.
  5. is another paid site for searching people by last name and first name. Again, you will have to form an opinion about him yourself if you decide to use his services.
  6. ,,, and other social networks. networks - in each of them you can try to search for people by entering known full name data (there is a separate article about it, which I strongly advise you to read). Another question is that the user can use his first and last name, trying not to show too much (which is quite consistent with the current situation).
  7. is a very popular messenger in our country, which is used by everyone, young and old. This means we can try to use it for our own purposes - try to find through it a person by his first and last name (if he did not modify them when registering and filling out his profile). The search field is located in the upper right corner of the Skype program window:

    Just enter your first and last name there, and if there are too many results, then also your city of residence. To see more detailed information about a person, click on him in the list, and then on his avatar on the page that opens. Many of the people you find will have photos in their profiles, which will greatly facilitate the process of finding the person you need.

    If the object is found, then click on the “Add to contact list” button. At the same time, a message will be sent to this Skype user, which you will type in the form that opens. Try to explain to him who you are and why you are getting into his contacts. By the way, the same trick with your ears can be done in a less popular messenger called .

  8. is a website that helps find missing people in Moscow.

How to find a person by phone number

Sometimes you need to find the installation details of someone using a phone number you have. In principle, this requires telephone databases (preferably new ones that include mobile numbers). However, there is practically no such thing freely available on the Internet (with the exception of those services that I will give below). You can try to contact the mobile operator and ask for consent from the subscriber you need to provide his personal data.

However, there are simpler ways to find a person’s installation data by his mobile phone number (or vice versa - find out the phone number by last name and first name):

Search people by photo

We can probably imagine a situation where, apart from a photo, you have no other data on the wanted subject, or this data does not give the desired result (full name, he registered on social networks under fictitious data, the identifying data you have turned out to be incorrect, etc. ). In principle, there is only one chance left - searching using the photo you have.

There are a number of very large services on the Internet. This is mainly Google and, more recently, Yandex, but there are several other players in this market (for example,), which are discussed in the above article. How exactly to conduct a search is described in more detail there, so I won’t repeat myself: if you want, you can read it.

You can search by inserting into the URL search bar the address of a photo posted on the network (for example, one you found on one of the social networks, where there is no installation information you need, but you hope to find other profiles of this user in other social networks, where he will be more frank). The URL can be copied by right-clicking on the photo in the browser and selecting the context menu item “Copy image address” (or something similar in meaning - depends on the browser you are using.

You can also upload a photo to the address bar from your computer by specifying the path to it.

But you need to understand that the service will search for exactly the same photo, and not the specific person depicted on it. Although, apparently, this is not applicable to large scales of data (the size of the entire Internet) or is applicable, but has not yet been fully implemented. It is possible that when you read this article, such functionality will already appear in Google photo search.

Again, if you can’t find someone, then try to look for one of his acquaintances (relatives) whom you know. It is possible that they are not so secretive (they indicate their real identifying information on social networks) and through them you will be able to reach the subject you are looking for. In war, as they say, all means are good...

How to find a person by email address

If you only have Email (if you don’t know, then read that as a separator - interesting information), then in the same way you can enter it into the search bar of the most popular social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Moi Mir and etc.) - if this address was indicated by one of the users registered there, then you will be able to see his profile and get the information available about him from there.

If, after browsing through social networks, you haven’t found anything, then try inserting the Email into the Yandex or Google search bar. It is quite possible that this user has his own website, blog, or is registered on a forum where he indicated this Email address. There it will be possible to completely legitimately enter and, having gained trust, obtain the required installation data (but I didn’t tell you that).

Do not neglect the opportunity to write a message to the person you are looking for - fortunately you have his postal address. If you don't want to glow, you can. You can try using social engineering methods to extract the data you need from him, promising something interesting. But here you need talent or experience, because our citizens have become quite vigilant. Which is what I urge you to do too - It’s not always a buzz when I can easily find you via the Internet those you would not want to see or would never voluntarily want to communicate with.

You can also search by Email, for example, in instant messengers such as Skype, ICQ and others.

Good luck in your search! Don't forget to bookmark this page in case someone you know needs it too.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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