Castor oil for cats for constipation. Emergency measures at home

Intestinal dysfunction in cats (constipation) is a very dangerous phenomenon, so the animal requires mandatory assistance. If this problem does not occur regularly, your pet can be treated at home. Will help with this proper application laxatives and folk remedies.

Vaseline oil for cats for constipation

When a cat is constipated, stool is not excreted in time and poisons its body with waste products. Because of this, the animal’s stomach swells, nausea and vomiting appear. The pet becomes lethargic, has no appetite, and in some cases there is an increase in temperature.

The most safe remedy to provide first aid to a cat - Vaseline oil. You can buy it at any pharmacy. Of all the oils, it is the most harmless, since it is not absorbed by the animal’s body and is excreted unchanged after 6–12 hours. Vaseline oil envelops the intestines, softening and loosening the cat's stool. It should be given to your pet 2-3 times a day orally. The dosage depends on the pet’s body weight: 1.5 ml of the drug is required per 1 kg of weight.


The main treatment for constipation in a cat involves the use of laxatives. Before using them, you should consult your veterinarian. He will select the dosage and determine the medication regimen. For constipation, cats are prescribed the following laxatives:

A drug


Mode of application

Homeopathic medicine buckthorn bark, used for constipation of different origins. Available in tablets of 0.2 g.

Give the cat 0.1 g orally once, if necessary, repeat the dose after 4–6 hours.

Duphalac, Portalac, Lactulose

Lactulose-based laxatives soften stool and stimulate intestinal motility. Stools are observed 6–8 hours after use.

Depending on the clinical picture The dose for cats is 0.5–2 ml of syrup per 1 kg of body weight 1–3 times a day orally. Can be diluted half and half with water.

Magnesium sulfate

The drug is in powder form for oral administration. Irritates the intestinal walls and increases osmotic pressure, resulting in loose stools.

Dosage: 1.5 g of powder per 1 kg of animal body weight, diluted with water. Use no more than 1-2 times a day.

Folk remedies

Additional help Herbal medicine can help treat constipation in cats. Chamomile and mint remove bloating and reduce pain syndrome. Centaury restores the flow of bile, normalizing digestive processes. Sorrel has a laxative effect. Nettle strengthens general state, copes well with constipation.

Herbs can be used individually or in combination to prepare decoctions:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. spoon chamomile, centaury, nettle and mint, pour 600 ml of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, strain, give the cat 30-40 ml orally every 4 hours. Possible from of this decoction make a microenema.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of horse sorrel into a glass of water. Boil for 10 minutes, cool, strain. Give the animal a teaspoon 3 times a day.

Aloe juice stimulates intestinal motility well, thins feces, and relieves inflammation. It is mixed in equal proportions with water and poured into the cat’s mouth 10–15 drops 3 times a day. It is also recommended to give your pet sour milk to loosen the stool and light massage belly.

Diet therapy

During periods of problems with bowel movements, cats require special nutrition, which can be followed in the future. for preventive purposes. A cat's diet for constipation is as follows:

  • intensifies drinking regime, for better liquefaction of feces;
  • raw liver is given in small quantities;
  • introduced into the diet: pumpkin, carrots, fresh herbs;
  • plant or vegetable added to food butter;
  • mixed into the main food: oatmeal or wheat bran, ground sunflower seeds;
  • medicinal cat food for constipation is prescribed (Royal - Gastro Intestinal, Purina Pro Plan - EN ST/OX GASTROINTESTINAL).

Sample menu pet might look like this:

Day of the week


100 g raw liver, a handful medicinal food

150 g boiled chicken breast mixed with parsley oat bran and ½ teaspoon vegetable oil

50 g pumpkin puree+ 150 g boiled turkey meat

200 g raw chicken hearts

150 g boiled ground meat + 50 g cauliflower

100 g of medicinal food, 100 ml of curdled milk

150 g boiled chicken gizzards, 100 ml yogurt

150 g chopped meat + 50 g boiled broccoli + 50 g grated carrots

100g oatmeal with the addition of 100g liver and 20g ground sunflower seeds


To avoid constipation in cats, take preventive measures:

Your cat has stopped eating, she has had enough long time looks depressed, she refuses to play with you and practically doesn’t go to the toilet “in a big way” or runs and spins around very often, but in the end, such movement does not bring results. It is quite possible that your pet is constipated.

Constipation in older cats is quite common. Many animals refuse to eat balanced food, preferring the owner's, natural food. Human food may cause difficulty defecating in cats. If you notice that your pet has not gone to the litter box for two or even three days, then sound the alarm because your pet is constipated.

Constipation is defined as retention of stool for more than 3 days. Constipation is a disorder that affects many cats, so always keep an eye on how often your pet uses the litter box.

Causes of constipation in cats

There are many reasons why cats have difficulty defecating. The intestines begin to function poorly due to many factors. One of the most significant factors is the cat's nutrition. In addition to poor food, food that is difficult for an animal to digest, there are a number of other reasons related directly to the entry of various foreign bodies: The cat may accidentally ingest them along with food. Meat bones, which are too tough for cats; threads, fluff or hair accidentally lost in a bowl of food can cause constipation.

In addition to nutrition, one of the causes of constipation in adult cats is congenital diseases, as a result of which tumors, intestinal obstruction, and stagnation formed. A pet may suffer from constipation due to a recent fracture. hip joint, brain damage or spinal cord. There are known cases of cat disease with megacolon, when the animal’s large intestine is very distended, hence normal bowel movements are disrupted, emptying is either slow or completely absent.

There are also reasons for difficult bowel movements that are hormonal in nature. This can be caused by an overdose of vitamins or medical drugs for cat illness, also recent surgical interventions. So, if your cat’s constipation lasts for a long time, more than three days, she needs to be taken to a veterinarian for an examination. If you do not react to this problem in a timely manner, after waiting for several days, you risk losing your pet forever - the cat will die.

Symptoms of constipation in a cat

  • The cat is very stressed because she cannot go to the litter box. Even if she blows something out of herself, it will only be a small amount and it will be very dry or too watery.
  • The cat meows weakly, makes very pitiful sounds, trying to go to the litter box, but she can’t do it, and is probably experiencing severe pain and is in a very uncomfortable state.
  • The cat's tummy is very tense.
  • In some dangerous cases, the pet vomits something white and foamy.
  • On anus cats have clearly visible swelling.
  • The pet does not eat or drink anything at all.
  • Constantly lethargic and looks helpless.

What to do if your cat is constipated

The only way to find out if your cat is constipated is to veterinarian. Only after a thorough examination of the cat, ultrasound and diagnostics, will the veterinarian explain the cause of her constipation. However, if you yourself guess that your cat is constipated, but you don’t yet have the opportunity to take her to the veterinarian various reasons, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the what should you give your cat if she is constipated?:

  • Dry food should be strictly excluded from the cat’s diet. It is better to buy liquid canned food, and if necessary, replace them with natural food.
  • Buy a special fountain for your pet - a drinking bowl. They are freely sold in pet stores. You just need to make sure that there is fresh water in the drinking bowl. It is more interesting for an animal to drink from it than from a regular bowl.
  • Buy Miralax laxative for your cat. Mix the medicine into food, a quarter of a spoon is enough, you can increase the dose if the cat’s constipation continues for a very long time. Side effects no, Miralax is safe for cats.
  • Give your pet sweet Lactulose in powder form to drink, which is designed to speed up bowel movements and make the stool soft.

Treatment for constipation

  1. The very first aid for constipation is Vaseline oil. In every house, in home medicine cabinet I definitely have this one lying around medicinal product. Vaseline oil helps, as well as Lactulose, to soften feces, resulting in rapid emptying of the cat’s intestines. Vaseline oil is added to the cat's liquid food at the rate of two milliliters per kilogram of the animal's weight. To normalize your cat's stool, you should: this medicine add to the animal's food three times a day. Never replace this oil with any other, especially vegetable oil, which the intestines will absorb very quickly and there will be no result. And what’s worse, vegetable oil can cause serious damage to the animal’s liver.
  2. You should not give your cat any laxative drops or suppositories. Veterinarians and doctors are never enthusiastic about amateur performances. Most likely, the veterinarian will prescribe a laxative - Duphalac (add half a milliliter to your pet's food twice a day).
  3. Drugs that help the cat’s intestines function normally are also welcome. This Bifitrilak (it is prescribed to be added to the cat’s food once every 24 hours, 0.1 gram). The course of treatment is ten days.
  4. Very often, a cat with constipation needs an enema. This applies to pets with deep blockages. digestive tract. Then you can use a small rubber bulb and warm water to free the intestines from feces and dirty accumulations. However this procedure should be done very carefully so as not to scare the pet.

Droppers are prescribed to a cat if it does not eat or drink anything for quite a long time. Then the droppers will help prevent the cat from dehydration.

Remember, the main thing is not to treat the cat yourself, but after consulting with a veterinarian. You should not give your cat more than the prescribed dose. medicinal drugs constipation, otherwise she may develop diarrhea.

Prevention of constipation

Like many other diseases, it is better to prevent constipation in a pet, as it is much safer for the animal itself. What is required from the owners is patience, an attentive and conscientious attitude towards the pet, care and love, then the purring ball will never get sick.

Basic prevention of constipation in cats

  • To remove hair and constantly swallow it, buy a special paste for cats. We also recommend that you brush your pet friend frequently.
  • Make your cat move and play more to physical exercise were the norm for him.
  • Fresh water should be kept in the cat's bowl at all times and large quantities. Also, give your cat warm milk to drink several times a day.
  • Buy only rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Conduct frequent prophylaxis from fleas. If the cat lives in a private house and walks outside, inspect its body daily to see if the animal has picked up an infection in the air.
  • Take your cat to preventive examination to the veterinarian.

The article helps to better understand such a pressing issue today and proposes a solution to a problem that many veterinarians deal with in their practice, but you need to understand what to put accurate diagnosis and select the correct scheme Treatment is possible only after examination at a veterinary clinic.

Constipation in a cat: symptoms, causes and what to do, how to get rid of it

The causes of constipation in a cat can be: poor nutrition(lack of water or dry food, which led to a blockage in the stomach), eating fish or animal bones or wool in large quantities. Symptoms of constipation include very infrequent bowel movements and feces coming out as dry pellets or cracked masses.

There are three ways to get rid of constipation in a cat: deworming, medications in case of infection, or surgery in case of intestinal adhesions. Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian; self-medication can worsen the situation.

If your kitten is constipated, are boiled chicken and dry food allowed or not and what to feed?

If your cat is constipated, you need to decide on its diet. It is reasonable to do this with a veterinarian, but if this is not possible, then the first thing that is forbidden to give your pet is dry food, fried and salty food, fish and bones.

All this will further increase intestinal blockage. Need to give more liquid, boiled meat and vitamins. Solid foods and raw meat should not be given; eggplants are strictly prohibited.

How to treat constipation in a cat and bloody stools

Constipation in cats is always accompanied by pain and sometimes bleeding when going to the toilet. To save an animal from suffering, you can use several different treatment options:
1. Laxative;
2. Enema - done only in a veterinary clinic;
3. Medicines to soften stool;
4. Surgery to remove an obstruction in the intestine;
5. Water and diet.

The kitten has constipation and bloating, vomiting, paws have failed, a hard stomach, very lethargic, does not eat or drink, what to do at home

In order to relieve your cat of constipation and bloating, you need to consult a doctor to prescribe treatment based on the examination results. Treatment at home can lead to complications or even death of the pet.

What to give your cat for constipation: inexpensive and effective medicines and preparations

One of the best and most economical drugs for treating constipation in cats is Lactusan. It very carefully cleanses the intestines and softens blockages. Very effective in reducing stomach acidity. Lactusan costs an average of 100-110 rubles.

Constipation in a cat after castration surgery, anesthesia, deworming, antibiotics,

When constipation occurs in a cat after any kind of surgery, anesthesia and antibiotics, you need to be extremely careful in choosing the method of treatment. You can try giving 3 drops a day of Vaseline oil, sunflower oil giving is prohibited. You can give the drug Micromax with oil - it has a very beneficial effect on the body, give at a rate of 1 mg per 1 kg of pet.

Constipation in a cat after childbirth, sterilization, what to do

If the cat is not properly sterilized, the veterinarian may touch the intestinal wall, after which it will begin to tighten and stick to the other intestinal wall, forming an adhesion.

At self-treatment a case of rupture of the adhesions is possible, which results in peritonitis and death of the animal. Therefore, if constipation occurs after childbirth or sterilization, you should urgently take your cat to the veterinarian to prescribe the correct treatment.

Constipation in a cat, how to do an enema, what types of enemas are allowed

If your cat is constipated, an enema can be used as a treatment option. However, you should not do it at home, as you can damage the intestine, fail to calculate the temperature and amount of rectally administered fluid, which can lead to complications.

The veterinarian should look at how serious condition pet, and therefore perform a correctly calculated enema.

An enema did not help a kitten with constipation, what should I do?

When treating constipation in a kitten, you can use an enema, but it may not always help. Therefore, you need to buy Vaseline oil at a regular pharmacy and give it to the tip of the kitten’s lips to prevent it from choking. The oil is tasteless, so you shouldn't resist. Approximately 3 times a day, drip oil and observe the kitten's stool.

Constipation in a cat Duphalac dose that can be given

Duphalac is a remedy that can relieve constipation in a cat. The dosage of the drug directly depends on the weight of the cat. The calculation is 0.5 mg per 1 kg of pet weight. That is, a cat weighing 3 kg daily dose equal to 1.5 mg of Duphalac.

Many owners do not pay attention to the delay in defecation for three to five days, believing that the situation will resolve itself: “Just think, the cat is constipated. It’s not even a disease; if you want it, it’ll go away.” However, bowel retention is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. Constipation can lead to chronic disease and even death of your pet. It is important to know how to treat constipation in a cat and in what cases a doctor's help is required.

In order to notice the disease in time, you need to know how often a cat should poop. Stool frequency is an individual indicator, so you should monitor your pet in its normal state. Kittens have bowel movements several times a day, since the metabolism of a growing baby is accelerated compared to an adult animal. – once every two to three days. Young healthy cat- once a day. Cats eating quality ready-made food, empty their intestines more often than pets who eat natural products(in industrial feed High Quality contains easily digestible ingredients that take less time to process).

Since it is important to help your cat with constipation in a timely manner, you should monitor not only the frequency of stool, but also the consistency of the stool. Feces should not be dried out, cracked, and should not come out in layers, lumps or separate rounds. If the consistency has changed towards dryness (a small amount of liquid in the stool), constipation may soon develop.

Constipation is said to occur if a cat does not poop for more than three days. From a veterinarian's point of view, defecation retention has two types: constipation and obstipation.

Constipation– partial stool retention, in which feces are excreted, but in insufficient quantities (some remains in the intestines).

Obstipation– a serious condition in which you have to have a bowel movement naturally almost impossible (feces clog the intestines, lose moisture and harden).

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Causes of constipation in cats

Most often, older cats suffer from constipation, which is associated with insufficient peristalsis - wave-like contractions of the intestines that push feces to the outlet. If a young cat does not poop for the same reason, they speak of chronic or situational dysfunction, which arose, for example, after introducing the pet into narcotic sleep. The drugs used for this purpose deeply relax all muscles, including the intestinal ones. Therefore, constipation in a cat after sterilization is a common, albeit undesirable, phenomenon.

In some cases, due to a violation of the integrity abdominal cavity adhesions form (sticking together of intestinal loops as a result of surgery or injury). If your cat is constipated after surgery, be sure to contact your veterinarian. The adhesions will not go away on their own and the cat will need to be treated or re-operated. In this case, the use of laxatives or an enema to a cat for constipation will only aggravate the situation and can cause irreparable harm to the pet’s health. IN postoperative period important in as soon as possible find out why your cat is constipated - don’t waste precious time by postponing a trip to the clinic until tomorrow.

Other common causes of constipation:

If your pet suffers from periodic stool retention, it is necessary to undergo full examination, because giving a cat a pill for constipation is a half-measure. Many chronic diseases lead to inhibition of intestinal functions: you should not fight with constant constipation, but with the root cause.

Symptoms of constipation in cats

When the owner discovers a lack of feces while cleaning the litter box, he begins to suspect that the cat is constipated. The first thing to do is to carefully inspect the apartment for “unauthorized” piles. Situations when owners start calling veterinarians, trying to find out what to give their cat for constipation, but in fact there is no constipation, are not uncommon.

If the environment is clean, but the tray is still empty, you need to pay attention to the general condition and behavior of your pet. As a rule, constipation causes severe pain in a cat after surgery: the pet takes a characteristic pose, the hind legs and tail are shaking, the cat meows pitifully. A hairball or foreign object stuck in the intestines, as well as a large accumulation of dried feces can also cause severe pain.

Other symptoms:

  • the cat visits the litter box several times a day, but the litter is clean;
  • the stomach feels hard, swollen, painful;
  • the pet refuses food, avoids communication and touching, hides in a corner, lies down all the time, but does not fall asleep;
  • the cat bites the stomach and anus. If after sterilization the cat does not poop and starts biting and licking the belly, it can damage the suture or introduce an infection into the wound;
  • intoxication of the body with decay products ( general weakness, vomiting, depression, matted fur, possible fever).

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First aid

In order not to harm your pet, it is important to know exactly why the cat is not pooping. Example: a cat swallowed a bone - constipation began - the owner gives the pet a laxative, usually lactulose, Diflucan, etc. Under the influence of the drug, feces are saturated with moisture, softening and increasing in size. But feces cannot come out naturally, since the intestinal lumen is closed foreign object. As a result, the intestines stretch to accommodate the increasing volume of waste products: the cat begins to experience severe pain, strains, and the intestines are damaged until the walls rupture.

Laxatives should not be used without consulting a veterinarian. You can help your pet by giving her a tablespoon of Vaseline oil (it is not absorbed by the body and does not harm health in any way). Vaseline oil is given three times a day, injected into the cheek from a syringe without a needle. If there is no relief after a day, contact your veterinarian.

Treatment of constipation in cats

Based on the results of a general examination and hardware studies (x-rays, ultrasound), the veterinarian will decide how to treat constipation in a cat. Sometimes a regular laxative is enough, severe cases necessary surgical intervention(for example, to remove a stuck object or fossilized feces). A simple enema for a cat with constipation is sometimes more effective than the best laxative, but only a veterinarian should carry out this manipulation (without experience, you can seriously harm your pet).

Unfortunately, cats are susceptible to many diseases common to humans. Often owners are faced with the issue of constipation in cats. This is a dangerous condition because long absence defecation can lead to poisoning cat body. Treatment at home can only be done once, but if similar problem is regular, then in this case consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Constipation in a cat can occur for various reasons:

  • In older animals, contractions of the intestinal muscles become weak, which is why they retain stool.
  • Improperly balanced animal feed can lead to a similar problem: overeating bones, low water intake, reduced protein intake, dry food.
  • Stressful state of the pet.
  • Psychological problems: competition with other animals for the litter box, the litter box is in a crowded place, dirty cat litter.
  • Pain that occurs during bowel movements. This may be associated with abdominal trauma, inflammation around the anus, or disturbances in the intestines.
  • Kidney disease, after which dehydration occurs, as a result of which water is absorbed into the body, and the stool becomes quite hard and dry.
  • Licking fur can cause it to become balled up in the intestines, requiring surgical treatment pet.
  • The presence of helminths in the body.

Symptoms of the disease

The following symptoms can help identify constipation in cats:

  • The pet has no activity, he becomes lethargic and apathetic.
  • The animal is suffering decreased appetite, it happens sometimes complete absence desires to eat.
  • The appearance of nausea and vomiting.
  • The cat is constantly lying down.
  • No fecal matter is observed in the tray.
  • In the most dangerous conditions there is an increase in the pet's temperature.
  • If a cat's abdomen becomes voluminous and slightly swollen, then this is a sign of obstruction of feces through the intestines.

Normally, an adult pet should go to the toilet “in a big way” once every 1-2 days, but when there is no bowel movement during this time, then you need to pay attention to this fact.

Helping your cat at home

Many owners wonder what to do if their cat is constipated? Firstly, you need to monitor your pet's diet. It is advisable for the cat to take more fluids. Often such problems arise within a month after sterilization. The fact is that before the operation the cat does not eat for about 12 hours. When a pet wakes up after sterilization, it may want to drink or eat, but the animal’s body has not yet woken up and is not ready for the process of digesting food.

Retention of stool after sterilization is dangerous for the animal, because if the cat begins to strain, this process may cause the stitches to bleed or even come apart. To avoid such problems after the operation, she does not need to be given products that have a fixing effect, namely:

  • Saturated meat broths, chicken broth is especially not recommended.
  • Boiled liver will not be at all useful for the postoperative period.
  • Cheese, sour cream, whole milk, stale dairy products.
  • Eggs.

Food for a cat that has undergone sterilization should have a laxative effect:

  • Must be given liquid food in small portions. There is no need to follow the animal’s lead, even if it seems to you that the cat really wants to eat.
  • Fresh fermented milk products will have a mild laxative effect.
  • Vegetables.
  • You can give your pet a drop of Vaseline oil purchased at the pharmacy. This is a good laxative for a kitten.

No need to give it to your cat vegetable oil, because it does not have a laxative effect and leads to a negative effect on the liver. Should not be consumed Castor oil because it leads to intestinal upset.

What to do if a cat is constipated after castration?

What to do if a cat has constipation, especially when this trouble happened after castration? After undergoing this unpleasant procedure, cats may experience symptoms of stool retention for a month. In order for the animal to go to the toilet more easily, it needs to be given some raw liver; beef or chicken may be suitable for this purpose. At home, after each meal, to avoid problems during the postoperative period, literally a few drops of Vaseline oil should be poured into the pet’s mouth.

IN extreme cases, especially if the cat eats dry food, he can be given the drug Duphalac. You need to be careful with it; before use, you need to consult a veterinarian, and give it according to the dosage strictly specified in the instructions. Otherwise, diarrhea may occur.

Constipation in kittens

Constipation in young kittens is not uncommon. A similar problem can arise in a kitten if a young mother cat refuses to care for her baby or does not pay him due attention. Of course, nature has provided for everything, but sometimes such cases occur. Cats regularly lick the kitten's tummy, thereby stimulating intestinal function. During licking, the kitten's blood flow to the intestines improves, this leads to the removal of formed gases and stimulates the passage of not only feces, but also urine.

If the mother cat refuses to carry out this procedure, then the owner must do it himself. Massage should be done pre-moistened soft cloth or cotton wool. Movements should be light from the head to the tail of the kitten, and movements should be made from all sides of the tummy. To help the cat, do not press on the abdominal area of ​​the pet.

How to treat constipation at home

Treating constipation in a kitten at home needs to be done very carefully; you need to be completely sure that it is stool retention and not intestinal obstruction. For this:

  1. You can treat a kitten at home using Vaseline oil. He doesn't provide negative influence to the liver and is not absorbed into colon kitten Vaseline oil does not have an unpleasant taste and, as a rule, it does not cause disgust in your pet.
  2. When a kitten develops symptoms of stool retention, you can help it with the help of the drug Lactunas. It not only has a mild laxative effect, but also restores damaged intestinal microflora and protects the body from the effects of toxic substances.

Treating constipation in kittens at home can only be done after consulting a veterinarian, since stool retention can easily be confused with intestinal obstruction. Intestinal obstruction in a cat can be suspected by the discharge unpleasant odor from mouth.


To prevent constipation in cats from tormenting your pet throughout life, you need to follow preventive measures, which, as a rule, include the following:

  • Long-haired cats need to have their fur brushed from time to time. Otherwise, the fur gets stuck in a lump and ends up in the pet’s intestines.
  • To avoid treating your kitten for constipation in the future, you can buy phytomines at a pet store - these are products that help expel fur from your pet’s body. Phytomines contain lecithin and herbal extracts that help treat inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • An excellent laxative is pumpkin. A tablespoon of boiled pumpkin added to your cat's food will help cope with stool retention.
  • If the cat eats dry food, then it is necessary to provide Free access to clean water.
  • Regular medical examinations with a veterinarian will help avoid health problems for your kitten.
  • Physical activity of the animal helps in preventing constipation. If your pet never goes outside, then he needs to take several toys to ensure physical activity.

With such unpleasant problem constipation in kittens can be easily dealt with if the owner watches the cat and pays him due attention. Having the necessary knowledge, you can protect your pet from various kinds troubles, and the mustache will respond to its owner with love and attention.