How to make hot (warm) rolls with your own hands. Hot sushi as a worthy alternative to main courses

If you want to treat yourself to something special, prepare hot fried rolls. Japanese restaurants today call this dish their specialty. But if you practice a little, you can easily master its preparation yourself. The filling used is:

  • shrimps,
  • smoked eel,
  • crab meat,
  • vegetables,
  • greenery,
  • salmon,
  • sea ​​bass,
  • avocado,
  • cream cheese.
You can experiment with combinations of ingredients as you please. The main thing is that you and your guests like it!

How to make tempura rolls?

The Japanese dish “tempura” has firmly entered the European consciousness. This is something fresh, melts in your mouth and has absolutely no greasy taste! Japanese chefs know how to ensure that fried rolls are not greasy. Today this secret is available to us too.

This method of cooking perfectly preserves the original taste of each ingredient. It's all about the unique batter, which is made from eggs, special flour and ice water. Professional chefs advise not to mix the batter thoroughly enough; small lumps and air bubbles should remain in it. But the most important thing: it is prepared immediately before frying, and when it settles, it is thrown away and replaced with new water. Professional chefs advise not to mix the batter thoroughly enough; small lumps and air bubbles should remain in it. But the most important thing is that it is prepared immediately before frying, and when it settles, it is thrown away and replaced with a new one.

Preparing batter for rolls

To mix the batter you will need:
  • 1 egg,
  • 1 glass of ice water,
  • 1 cup tempura flour.
What is tempura flour and where can I get it? This is not the traditional flour that we are used to baking pancakes or pancakes with. The flour for fried rolls is based not only on wheat, but also on rice, starch, and spices. You can buy such flour in a large supermarket, where there is a section for lovers of Japanese cuisine.

The batter must be prepared immediately before frying, when the rolls are already cut.

  • Beat the egg into a deep bowl;
  • Add water and shake;
  • Add flour.
To make the dough light and airy, the flour can be pre-sifted. Mix the ingredients with quick movements and the batter is ready.

How to fry rolls correctly?

  • When we shake the batter, put on the fire a deep frying pan filled with odorless vegetable oil to a level that allows you to dip the finished rolls almost entirely into it;
  • After two or three minutes, check the readiness of the oil by dropping the batter into it, which should boil;
  • We immerse the rolls in a pre-prepared container with flour, then dip them in batter and place them in a frying pan;
  • Periodically turn the dish over, achieving a uniform golden crust;
  • We take out the finished fried rolls, place them on a paper towel or napkin to absorb excess oil;
  • We spare no paper and distribute the rolls evenly, without stacking the pieces on top of each other, otherwise the dish will become damp and lose its piquancy.
The finished crispy pieces are served warm and, if desired, rolled in sesame seeds. During the frying process, the fire temperature must not be changed. The result should be surprisingly juicy rolls, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

Choose the recipe for homemade rolls at your discretion and delight your loved ones with original ideas!

Of course, every person on Earth has tasted rolls at least once. This Japanese dish is very popular among many countries and nationalities, so knowing how to cook it is a useful thing.
Almost any teenager in Japan can make themselves such a delicious snack in a matter of minutes. To keep up with the Japanese, today we will present a step-by-step recipe for making rolls.

Video recipe

What are homemade rolls?

The most common version of rolls are rice “rolls” with filling, wrapped in a sheet of nori. There may also be other variations, for example, makizushi.
Homemade rolls are those rolls that are made at home, from the same products, only the portion and ingredients can be changed at will.

Homemade rolls recipe


  • nori sheet;
  • boiled rice;
  • salmon;
  • cheese;
  • wasabi;
  • rice vinegar;
  • ginger;
  • mayonnaise;
  • butter;

soy sauce.


  • frying pan;
  • board;
  • mat or cardboard for the mold.

How to prepare rolls?
To make rolls at home, you first need to cook the rice. It should be rinsed well with water, then put on high heat and brought to a boil.

After this, the heat is reduced and the rice is cooked for approximately 12 minutes. Afterwards he needs to languish for half an hour.

Add vinegar to the finished rice and mix gently. Under no circumstances should you press or stir harshly, otherwise you will end up with rice porridge instead of homemade rolls. Let the rice cool slightly.
Then pour the resulting dish onto a sheet of nori. Distribute evenly along the entire length of the sheet and begin adding the filling. In our case, this is salmon, pre-cut into thin strips. Top with cheese and other ingredients as desired. Cover the entire result with a small amount of mayonnaise, and using a mat, slowly roll it into a roll.

Cut into small pieces and fry in butter for a few minutes. And Voila! Ready. All that remains is to add wasabi, soy sauce, ginger, etc. to taste.

Photo recipe for homemade Hot Tempura roll


  • whole nori sheet
  • boiled rice
  • salted salmon
  • cream cheese
  • frying oil

Cooking technology

For a homemade roll, you will need a single sheet of pressed nori.

Spread the rice over the surface of the nori. Leave 4 centimeters at the top

Spread cream cheese on rice

Step four: add salmon cut into strips

Let's start wrapping our sausage with our hands. Don’t forget to moisten the top part of the nori for better gluing of the roll.

Let's shape the edges of the roll

You will definitely get it just like in the photo.

Step eight: in order for the batter to stick better on the roll, it needs to be rolled in flour.

Dip our workpiece in batter batter recipe

Fry in oil for about 3 minutes

After frying, take out the roll and let it cool for about five minutes.

Hot rolls are usually cut into eight pieces. Let's cut it too

Cut off the back parts (usually called butts)

Be sure to wet and wipe the blades with a cloth and water when slicing.

After cutting, lay out the roll. You can use a ladder as in the photo

Bon appetit

Roll calculation

Calorie content

Homemade rolls (100 grams) consist of salmon - 20 cal, cheese - 15 cal, nori - 3 cal, rice - 80 cal, mayonnaise - 50 cal. This means that the total calorie content of such a dish is 168 calories. This does not take into account the addition of sauces and other seasonings. This means that these homemade rolls are a low-calorie product.
As you can see, preparing rolls at home is easy and simple. It's more profitable and convenient. And most importantly, the Japanese dish is low-calorie, which will save your figure.

Sushi and rolls are dishes of Japanese cuisine, which have recently become increasingly popular in Russia. Over the past few years, many sushi bars have opened, which both young and middle-aged people enjoy visiting. Sushi and rolls are made from rice seasoned with rice vinegar and a huge variety of seafood and fish. In stores and supermarkets there is such a huge selection of sushi products, special utensils, chopsticks, sauces, fish of all kinds, and seafood that it would be unforgivable not to prepare this traditional Japanese dish.

There are more and more fans of rolls and sushi, and sushi bars are trying to adapt every recipe for the Russian consumer. Many people like warm rolls; they are fried in oil, and they are more pleasant and understandable to us. Hot ones, also called “tempura”, have an original taste, and they look very appetizing. They have a golden crispy crust, tender inside and very, very tasty. Since it’s very easy to cook hot if you follow some rules and have some skill!

It is worth noting that each time your rolls will turn out better and better. After just a couple of times, you will be able to prepare rolls no worse than in a restaurant. There are positive aspects to making homemade rolls: firstly, you can choose the products you like, and you will certainly know that they are fresh, and secondly, at home it will cost much less than if you sat at a sushi bar.

There are a lot of fillings for hot rolls, they can be shrimp, salmon, crab meat, salmon, perch, eel. Fresh cucumbers and ripe avocados are perfect vegetables. To make hot rolls, the recipe of which, as we see, you can choose to suit your taste, more tender, you can add Philadelphia, Mascarpone or other cream cheese. If ordinary rolls are assembled from ready-made products and served on the table, hot rolls, after they are made, are fried in a special batter and eaten hot.

Hot rolls, recipe

To prepare this Japanese dish, take

For rolls:

  • sushi rice or any other round grain rice - two hundred grams;
  • rice vinegar - fifty milliliters;
  • nori sheets - five pieces;
  • fresh cucumber - one piece;
  • lightly salted salmon - two hundred grams;
  • Philadelphia cream cheese - two hundred grams;
  • soy sauce - to taste;
  • wasabi - to taste.

For the tempura batter:

  • chicken egg - one piece;
  • tempura flour or regular flour - two tablespoons;
  • cold water - two tablespoons.

Preparation: First, cook the rice. It must be rinsed thoroughly several times until the water becomes clear. Pour about half a liter of water into the pan, add rice. After the rice boils, cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat for ten to fifteen minutes. Remove the pan with the cooked rice, transfer the rice to a wooden bowl and pour over the rice vinegar. If not, then you can use regular sugar and salt in the following proportions: for a tablespoon of vinegar, two tablespoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt. When we add vinegar to the rice, you need to carefully stir it with a spatula and leave to cool.

Place the nori with the shiny side on a bamboo mat covered with about two centimeters on top of the sheet and half a centimeter on the bottom. The rice should be spread evenly in a thin layer using hands moistened with water. Then, in the middle of the rice layer, place a strip of cream cheese about a centimeter thick. Place slices of salmon on the cheese and a thin strip of cucumber next to the salmon.

Then, probably, the most difficult thing is to wrap the roll tightly and neatly. It is better to roll the mat from the nearest edge, holding the filling with your fingers so that it does not spread. You need to roll it tightly and roll the roll several times so that it grips well. Then you need to slowly unroll the mat and, moistening a sharp knife with cold water, cut the roll into six equal parts.

Prepare the batter: mix the egg with cold water, add flour. The batter should have the consistency of sour cream. Dip the chopped pieces into the batter and fry them in hot oil on both sides. We serve hot rolls, the recipe for which suggests eating them with wasabi, soy sauce and ginger. Bon appetit!

Rolls are a national dish of Japan that have gained great popularity. If you don’t want to go to a restaurant, but want to treat yourself to something delicious, you can make your own rolls at home using a simple set of products. A layer of rice is laid out on nori (this is special pressed seaweed), and the filling is placed on it and the whole thing is rolled up into a tube. You can use not only nori, but also special rice paper.

Rolls at home: recipes with photos of serving

With crab meat


  1. Chum salmon fillet (preferably salted) - 180-220 g
  2. Fine salt - to taste
  3. Fresh cucumbers - 1 pc.
  4. Crab meat (sticks) - 180-220 g
  5. Rice - 180-220 g
  6. Nori - 2-3 sheets


  • You need to take special rice that has a round shape, since it is characterized by greater stickiness, unlike regular rice. This type of rice contains a lot of starch, making it much easier to hold together.
  • First you need to boil the rice in lightly salted boiling water. As soon as it is cooked, excess water is drained and left for a while to cool completely.
  • While the rice is cooling, you need to start preparing the filling for the rolls - the cucumber is washed and cut into small cubes. Fish with crab meat also needs to be chopped. All components are mixed well.
  • A special bamboo napkin is laid out on the table, and a seaweed leaf is placed on top of it.
  • Place the completely cooled rice on a seaweed sheet and smooth it out.
  • If desired, the rice can be seasoned with a small amount of Japanese vinegar, but if you cannot get this ingredient, you can skip it.
  • Place the finished filling on the edge of the nori and use a bamboo napkin to make a tube.
  • The roll is placed on a wooden board and cut into several small rolls using a sharp knife.
  • Place the rolls on plates and serve in combination with Japanese horseradish (wasabi).

With cucumber and smoked squid


  1. Cheese pasta (with salmon) - 1-1.25 tbsp. l.
  2. Ginger - 2-2.25 tbsp. l.
  3. Squid meat (smoked) - 150-175 g
  4. Rice vinegar - to taste
  5. Fresh cucumbers - 1 pc.
  6. Rice - 180-210 g
  7. Algae in sheets - 2-3 pcs.


  • First, the filling must be prepared - take the squid meat (smoked) and cut it into thin strips.
  • Wash the cucumber, dry it and cut it into small slices. If desired, you can trim the peel.
  • Place a bamboo mat on the table and place nori on top (the glossy side faces down).
  • Boil rice in salted water. As soon as it cools, season with a small amount of rice vinegar. You can add a little sugar, but this is not a required ingredient.
  • Place a thin layer of rice on a sheet of seaweed, leaving the top edge blank.
  • Grease the top of the rice with a small amount of wasabi (apply a thin strip), then place a layer of cheese paste.
  • Now comes cucumber strips and chopped smoked squid meat.
  • Carefully roll the nori sheet into a tube, holding the filling with your fingers.
  • Next, cut the roll into several parts.

Homemade baked rolls


  1. Nori - 2-3 sheets
  2. Mayonnaise - to taste
  3. Soy sauce - to taste
  4. Capelin caviar - 2 -3 tsp.
  5. Cheese - 80-90 g
  6. Salmon - 110-130 g
  7. Ketchup - to taste
  8. Rice - 1 tbsp.
  9. Eel - 110-130 g


  • Steaming rice - fill a glass of rice with 1.5 cups of water and leave in a water bath for 35 minutes.
  • Place cooked rice on a sheet of nori.
  • Place the filling in the middle of the sheet - chopped cheese, eel and salmon.
  • Carefully roll the nori into a tube and cut into several pieces.
  • We make the sauce - mix fairly thick mayonnaise with capelin caviar and ketchup.
  • Place a tablespoon of the prepared sauce on each piece of rolls.
  • Place the rolls on a baking sheet, previously covered with a sheet of parchment.
  • Bake the rolls in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 5 minutes.
  • The rolls should be served in combination with soy sauce.

Baked salmon rolls


  1. Red hot pepper - to taste
  2. Garlic - to taste
  3. Rice vinegar (can be replaced with lemon juice) - to taste
  4. Sweet rice wine - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  5. Fresh dill - to taste
  6. Avocado - 1 pc.
  7. Salmon - 180-210 g
  8. White short grain rice - 180-210 g
  9. Dried seaweed sheets - 2 -3 sheets


  • Rinse the rice well with cold water, then boil for about 8-10 minutes in boiling water over low heat. Once the rice is completely cooked, drain off the excess liquid and leave to cool.
  • Take the salmon fillet and cut it into strips with a cross section of approximately 0.7 by 0.7 cm.
  • Wash and peel the avocado, then cut it in the same way as the salmon fillet. If it is not possible to use avocado, we use fresh cucumbers.
  • Make the sauce - mix vinegar with sweet rice wine, add garlic passed through a press, add hot red pepper. Mix everything well and pass the finished sauce through a fine strainer.
  • Place the chopped fillet into a separate container and pour the sauce over it for about 5 minutes.
  • Place nori on a bamboo napkin. On top we place a thin layer of slightly warm rice in the shape of a rectangle, and in its center we place avocado and salmon fillet, add sprigs of fresh herbs (you need to remove the hard stems in advance).
  • We roll the nori into a tight roll, then leave it for a while so that it cools completely and the rice can stick together properly, otherwise the filling will simply fall out of the roll.
  • Then cut the rolls into pieces of approximately 2 cm.
  • Place the rolls edge-on on a baking sheet, with a sheet of parchment placed at the bottom, and bake for 15-20 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.
  • The rolls can be sprinkled with a small amount of grated cheese, but this is not a required ingredient.
  • The combination of baked rolls with the sauce prepared for the fish marinade is very tasty. You can serve the rolls with soy sauce, grated daikon, pickled asparagus or ginger.
  • If you want to surprise your guests, then serve rolls with national alcoholic drinks - for example, sake or soju, mirin or Shaoxing rice wine, maotai or fruit wine, rum with fruit juice or local whiskey.

Japanese cuisine has long ceased to be exotic. Rolls and sushi are familiar dishes for many. You can prepare any of their variations at home, even hot rolls can be done by any housewife. The main thing is to stock up on all the necessary ingredients!


Short grain rice, sweet pepper (3 pcs.), lightly salted salmon (100 g), sugar, nori paper, cucumber (100 g), shallot (50 g), ginger (100 g), rice vinegar (150 ml.) , hot pepper (1 pc.), soy sauce, vegetable oil, flour, baking powder, potato starch, ice (5 cubes).

Preparatory work.

Our hot rolls, like any other, start with rice. It is the round grain that is perfect for sushi. It is finely sorted and sorted. Take a pan, put rice in it and rinse very well with cold water. We get rid of the whitish color and rinse until the water is completely clear. Next, the rice needs to be boiled. The water level in the pan should be a finger's width above the cereal. Place on the stove, turn up the heat to maximum and wait for it to boil.

At this time, we make preparations for decorating the dish. This is where the bell pepper and ice come into play. Place ice in a bowl and fill with cold water (200 ml). Cut a fragment from the sweet pepper and, parallel to the board, separate the flesh from the skin with a knife. The separated skin must be cut into strips. Throw it into ice water. Thus, all the sweet peppers will serve a decorative function. It is advisable to choose different colors. At this time, the rice is boiling. Reduce heat. The rice will swell and absorb water.

Next comes the turn of Norwegian fish. It can be lightly salted or raw. Every man to his own taste. Cut the fish into small strips and place it on a plate. Take a cucumber and wash it. We cut the vegetable lengthwise. We cut the resulting slices into strips and place them next to the salmon. Landscape views are already guaranteed. Season the boiled rice with rice vinegar. After this it becomes sticky. This is achieved through this syrup. Mix the mixture carefully so as not to damage the grains. It is very important! Let's try. The rice should have a nice sweet note. Actually, now let it cool.

It's ginger's turn. Take a small slice, clean and rinse. First, we cut the root into thin slices, and then into well-known strips. Place the resulting grind into a small bowl and pour in a small amount of special sushi dressing. This is rice vinegar with sugar and salt. The ginger will marinate a little.

Preparing the sauce.

Peel the onion, rinse it, and chop it incredibly finely. This will be required for some sauce that will accompany your dish. Place chopped shallots in a small bowl and sprinkle with a little sugar (1 teaspoon). Thus, the spicy taste is lost a little. Check the rice again. It should already have absorbed the liquid. Don't ignore the hot peppers. Wash, cut in half and remove the core. Dissolve into thin strips and chop into small cubes. Add everything received to the onion with sugar. Pour a little soy sauce into this motley paste. The gravy is ready.


Next comes the formation of the roll itself. For convenience, you can use a mat. We put it on the board. We also use nori paper. For one roll you will need 1/2 of this sheet. Remember that paper has two sides: rough and smooth. Place the sheet horizontally on the mat, with the rough surface facing you. For ease of use, wet your fingertips in water. And we begin to distribute the rice over the seaweed paper in a relatively thin layer. The rice is tasty, sweet, slightly sour. When finished, rinse your hands.

After these steps, place the fish in the first third of the way. Place cucumber strips nearby. Next, you will need to twist the rolls using a mat. Art begins. The edges of the seaweed, not covered with rice and protruding from us, will be thrown over the filling. We place the thumbs of both hands under the mat, and hold the contents with our index fingers. Press down as you scroll. It should be noted that without using a mat it will not be possible to roll the dish evenly. You should now have a roll. This is what we will fry.

Dough preparation and frying.

Add vegetable oil to a heated frying pan on the stove. Enough. The roll should be fried in a half-covered position. This is where the enjoyment of the dish lies. Take 2 tablespoons of flour and 1.5 potato starch. Stir and add water to form a batter. Add a little baking powder. It will add crunch to the shell. The batch begins to bubble a little and fill with air before our eyes. After this, dip the rolls into the dough. Dip completely and transfer to a heated frying pan. The roasting has started. The process will take about 1 minute. Hot rolls must be placed on a napkin and rolled. Thus, get rid of excess fat.

Dish decoration.

The fried rolls are carefully cut into pieces and transferred to a plate. A ball of sweet pepper straws is also formed there. Next door is a pile of pickled ginger. A great addition would be the sauce in a bowl. This dish evokes positive emotions in those who eat it. And especially for those who did everything with their own hands.