Points for a medal for special academic achievements. Gold medal at school: what is it made of (composition) and what it looks like



About the medal "For special achievements in learning"

Document with changes made:
(Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, No. 31, 06/03/2014);
(Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow www.mos.ru, 02/07/2018).

In order to stimulate and encourage students who have demonstrated outstanding abilities in educational activities, the Moscow Government


1. Establish a medal "For special achievements in learning."

2. Approve:

2.1. Regulations on the medal "For special achievements in learning" (Appendix 1).

2.2. Description of the medal "For special achievements in learning" (Appendix 2).

3. Financial support for activities related to the production of the medal “For Special Achievement in Education” is carried out at the expense of budgetary allocations provided for the Department of Education of the city of Moscow by the law of the city of Moscow on the budget of the city of Moscow for the corresponding financial year and planning period for these purposes.
(Clause as amended by Moscow Government Decree No. 277-PP dated May 27, 2014; as amended by Moscow Government Decree No. 49-PP dated February 6, 2018.

4. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Social Development L.M. Pechatnikov.

Mayor of Moscow
S.S. Sobyanin

Appendix 1. Regulations on the medal "For special achievements in learning"

Graduates of educational organizations implementing basic educational programs of secondary general education located in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as graduates) who have achieved special success in their educational activities are awarded the medal “For Special Achievements in Education.”

Graduates are recognized as having achieved particular success in their educational activities if they have one of the following criteria:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Moscow Government dated May 27, 2014 N 277-PP.

They are winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren;

Scored the highest number of unified state exam points in one academic subject;
by Decree of the Moscow Government of February 6, 2018 N 49-PP.

- have final grades “excellent” in all subjects of the curriculum for educational programs of secondary general education and scored a total of at least 220 points in three academic subjects when passing the unified state exam.
(Hyphen as amended, put into effect on February 18, 2018 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated February 6, 2018 N 49-PP.

Graduates who are children with disabilities and people with disabilities are recognized as having achieved particular success in their educational activities if they have one of the following criteria:

Have final grades “excellent” in all subjects of the curriculum for educational programs of secondary general education and scored a total of at least 146 points in two compulsory subjects when passing the unified state exam;

Have final grades “excellent” in all subjects of the curriculum for educational programs of secondary general education and scored at least 73 points in the compulsory subject “Russian Language” when passing the unified state exam; not in the compulsory subject “Basic Mathematics” less than 5 points.
by Decree of the Moscow Government of February 6, 2018 N 49-PP)

Graduates who violated the procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education are not nominated for the medal “For Special Achievement in Education” and are not awarded the medal “For Special Achievement in Education.”
(The paragraph was additionally included from February 18, 2018 by Decree of the Moscow Government of February 6, 2018 N 49-PP)

In order to form a list of graduates recommended for awarding the medal “For Special Achievements in Education,” the Moscow Department of Education is creating a commission.

The decision to award is made by the head of the Moscow Department of Education in accordance with the conclusion of the commission created by the Moscow Department of Education, and is approved by order of the Moscow Department of Education.

The regulations on the commission and its composition, the procedure for awarding the medal “For Special Achievement in Education” are approved by the Moscow Department of Education.

The medal "For Special Achievement in Education" will not be awarded again.

Appendix 2. Description of the medal "For special achievements in learning"

The medal "For Special Achievement in Education" is a disk with a diameter of 40 mm, a thickness of 3 mm, made of tombac. The color of the medal is golden.

On the front side of the medal (obverse) there is a relief image of the facade of the Moscow Government building, located at the address: Moscow, Tverskaya St., 13. Along the upper edge of the front side of the medal, above the image of the Moscow Government building, there is a raised inscription “Moscow”.

On the reverse side of the medal (reverse) there is a relief image of an unfolded book, framed at the bottom by two crossed laurel branches. Above the unfolded book there is a raised inscription “For special achievements in learning.”

Each medal is packaged in a blue velvet case.

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

Since the beginning of the 2013-2014 academic year, a new law on education has come into force, which abolishes the awarding of gold and silver medals to school graduates and establishes new models of certificates of secondary general education with honors, similar to certificates of gold medal winners.

Now the solution to the question “to present or not to present medals?” completely depends on regional authorities.

Next - What school medals of the past and present look like

School medals in Russia were first officially introduced in 1828 by the “Charter of gymnasiums and district and parish schools”. Prior to this, the presentation of various types of school medals took place haphazardly and semi-officially.

Source: www.fresher.ru

Medals of the Russian Empire

Beginning in 1828, gold medals began to be awarded to graduates who showed excellent grades in all subjects of the gymnasium course. They were awarded by the gymnasium council, whose decision was subject to approval by the university before 1835, and by the educational district after 1835.

In 1835, Emperor Nicholas I approved a single medal for male gymnasiums “For success in sciences.” The front side of the medal was decorated with the state coat of arms (double-headed eagle). On the back, the patroness of science, Minerva, was depicted standing with a lamp raised in her left hand. In her right hand there was a laurel wreath, at her feet there was an owl and attributes of the sciences (scrolls and a globe) and the inscription “TO THE SUCCESSFUL.”

“Men’s” gymnasium medals were minted in two types – a large one made of silver and a small one made of gold. They existed without major changes until 1917.

Source: www.fresher.ru

The gold medal of men's gymnasiums had a diameter of 32-33 mm, weight 25-26 grams and was made of pure 990-carat gold. The silver medal was made of silver and had a diameter of 43 mm.

To receive a gold medal, one had to have exemplary behavior, “excellent” grades in Latin, ancient Greek and mathematics, and a grade point average of at least 4.5 in all other disciplines.

In 1870, after the approval of the regulations on women's gymnasiums, girls also received the right to be awarded gold and silver medals on an equal basis with boys. “Women’s medals” were of two types, since some of the gymnasiums were in charge of the Ministry of Public Education, and the rest were patronized by Empress Maria Alexandrovna. On the medals that the Empress was in charge of, the reverse side was decorated with a wreath of vines and bunches of grapes and the inscription “THE MOST WORTHY OF THE COURSES COMPLETED IN WOMEN’S GYMNASIUMS.”

The medals of the gymnasiums of the Ministry of Education were decorated with the image of the patroness of the sciences, Minerva, standing with a lamp and attributes of the sciences at her feet, but “in a light tunic” and with the inscription “FOR GOOD AND SUCCESS IN THE SCIENCES.” On the front side of both types of “women’s” medals, the profile image of the Empress and the inscription “THE EMPRESS MARIA ALEXANDROVNA” were uniformly stamped.

Medals in Tsarist Russia were given to all worthy people, regardless of the position in society, class and social status of the student or his parents. There are known cases, and not isolated ones, when even the children of state criminals received medals. However, it should be noted that even with a strong desire, not all gymnasiums had the opportunity to celebrate the successes of their students with gold and silver medals. Everything depended on how rich the board of trustees of a particular gymnasium was, because medals made of precious metals had to be paid for.

The Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917 changed the previously existing order. Among other things, the previously existing system of awarding graduates of educational institutions with medals was also abolished. After 1917, some schools independently produced some kind of school medals - medal-shaped tokens on various pendants, which were awarded to those who had especially distinguished themselves during their years of study and to especially gifted students, but all this was amateurish and unsystematic.

Source: www.fresher.ru

The first medals of the USSR

For the first time in the USSR, gold and silver school medals were introduced starting from the 1944-1945 school year by the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated June 21, 1944 “On measures to improve the quality of education at school.” At the same time, it was decided to hold final exams for students in schools.

On May 30, 1945, the “Regulations on gold and silver medals “FOR EXCELLENT ACHIEVEMENTS AND EXEMPLARY CONDUCT” came into force, approving samples and descriptions of the medals themselves, as well as samples of certificate forms for them.

According to this provision, a gold medal was awarded to persons who showed outstanding success in the matriculation examinations, had exemplary behavior and a grade of “5” in all basic subjects of secondary school.

If a student showed similar knowledge when passing the exams, had exemplary behavior, but received a grade of “4” in no more than three of the other core subjects, then he could be awarded a silver medal. When awarding medals, scores in singing, drawing, drawing and military physical training were not taken into account.

The student's nomination for the medal was formalized by the school's pedagogical council, but the decision to award the medal was made by the regional and regional departments of public education.

Those awarded gold and silver medals had the right to enter higher educational institutions of the USSR without entrance exams, while those awarded the gold medal were accepted first, and then the silver medal.

The gold and silver medals “FOR EXCELLENT ACHIEVEMENT AND EXEMPLARY CONDUCT,” awarded to high school graduates from 1946 to 1954, had the same diameter - 32 mm, and thickness - 1.5 mm and 2 mm, respectively.

The medals were made from 583-karat gold alloy and 925-karat silver alloy, respectively. The gold medal weighed almost 11 grams and was covered with a layer of pure gold 3 microns thick. The silver award was slightly heavier and weighed 15 grams.

On the front side of the medals, against a background of diverging rays, an open book is depicted, bordered below and to the right with a laurel branch. In the upper part, in the center of the diverging rays, there is a convex five-pointed star. Along the circumference is the inscription: “FOR EXCELLENT SUCCESS AND EXEMPLARY CONDUCT,” framed by a rim of dots and a border. On the reverse side of the medals there is an image of the coat of arms and an abbreviated inscription of the name of the corresponding union republic.

Source: www.fresher.ru

The Moscow Mint produced gold and silver medals for each of the union republics that existed at that time. The inscription “For excellent success and exemplary behavior” was sung in the national languages ​​of the union republics.

A certificate of maturity and a gold medal “number 1” in the RSFSR were awarded to a student of one of the oldest schools in Moscow (No. 110, founded on November 27, 1795), the winner of the All-Moscow Mathematical Olympiad, Evgeniy Shchukin. After graduating from school, Evgeniy continued his studies at the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University, from which he graduated with honors. In 1967, Evgeny Dmitrievich Shchukin became a professor at Moscow State University. He was elected to the US National Academy of Engineering in 1984 and to the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering in 1988.

Medals of the 1953 model
Since December 14, 1953, due to changes in the technological conditions for the production of medals, some changes in their parameters have occurred, first of all, the composition of the metal alloys used has changed.

The gold medal began to be made from a 375-carat alloy and additionally coated with higher-grade gold using the electroplating method. The thickness of this layer was 3 microns; only 6 grams of gold remained in the medal.

The silver medal was still minted from 925 silver. With a preserved diameter of 32 mm, the thickness of the medals increased to 3 mm. The design of the medals remains the same.

Medals of the 1960 model
Since 1959, in connection with the transition to a new school education system, gold and silver medals began to be awarded not only to graduates of secondary ten-year schools, but also to graduates of working youth schools. This procedure existed until December 18, 1968 and was canceled due to the reorganization of schools for working youth into secondary general education labor polytechnic schools with industrial training and into evening secondary schools.

On March 15, 1960, new types of medals were introduced. The drawings on the front and back sides of the gold and silver medals of the 1960 model were the same as on the medals of the 1945 model, and the clarifying words “in learning and work” appeared in the inscription and it became: “FOR EXCELLENT ACHIEVEMENTS IN STUDY, WORK AND FOR EXEMPLARY CONDUCT."

Both medals increased in diameter to 40 mm and began to be made from non-precious metals: the gold one from L90 tombac, and the silver one from nickel silver MH19. The surface of the medals was covered with the thinnest layers of precious metals, 5 microns thick. The method of electroplating or electroplating was used (0.307 g of gold and 0.167 g of silver were used for the medal).

After the adoption on December 18, 1968 of the Resolution “On changing the procedure for awarding gold medals to those graduating from secondary schools and establishing a certificate of merit for those graduating from these schools,” the awarding of silver medals was temporarily discontinued.

Now, to be awarded a gold medal, it was necessary to have annual grades of “5” in all subjects while studying in grades 9-10, pass final exams with a grade of “5,” behave exemplarily and actively participate in the public life of the school.

1977 medals
After the adoption of the new Constitution of the USSR on October 7, 1977, changes were made to the coat of arms of the RSFSR - a red five-pointed star with a gold edge was added to the upper part of the wreath. Some changes also occurred in the coats of arms of other union republics. In this regard, innovations regarding state symbols appeared on the coat of arms side of school medals. There were no other changes to the medals of this sample.

In 1985, by a resolution of August 6, the Council of Ministers of the USSR rehabilitated the silver medal, which began to be awarded to graduates based on the results of the 1985-1986 academic year. The Mint began to mint silver medals similar to the gold medals of 1977, but with the inscription: “FOR SUCCESS IN STUDY, WORK AND FOR EXEMPLARY CONDUCT.” Apart from the removal of the word "excellent", there were no changes in size or design compared to the 1977 model.

The composition of the alloy from which silver medals were made also changed. Tombak began to be used instead of cupronickel. The thickness of silver plating increased to 6 microns.

These examples of medals were awarded to students until the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1991.

Hello to all readers of the ShkolaLa blog! It's already half over. Everyone is busy studying and gnawing on the granite of science with zeal. The end of the first quarter is coming soon, which means that midterm grades will be posted. And so every year, until graduation.

If the child reaches the finish line with honors, the state promises to award a medal along with the red certificate. By the way, do you know how to get a gold medal at school and is it really only given to straight-A students? And in general, is there at least a little bit of precious “aurum” in its composition?

Lesson plan:

From the history of school medals

I decided to plunge into distant times and trace the history of the formation of the school award as such. I would never have thought that the school medal dates back to the times of the Russian Empire, namely from 1828, when there were still gymnasiums and parish and district schools.

The gold award was given to those high school students who received excellent marks in all subjects. From 1835 to 1917, Nicholas I approved a single model for successful male graduates “For success in science,” which was minted in a larger size in silver and a smaller size in gold.

At that time, awards for excellent studies were the most real - made of pure silver and pure gold. Girls received the right to be awarded medals only in 1870.

This is interesting! The imperial men's medals were decorated with a double-headed eagle on the obverse, and on the reverse with the image of the patroness of science, Minerva. Imperial women's awards were distinguished by the front side, on which the image of the Empress was embossed, and on the back the inscription “To the most worthy of those who completed a course in women's gymnasiums” was engraved.

Imperial medals existed until the revolution, and from 1917 to 1945 no one awarded diligent students. The tradition of honoring the best with state awards was restored after the war.

Gold and silver “For excellent success and exemplary behavior” in the Soviet Union became noticeably lighter in price, since they began to be minted not from pure metals, but from alloys, but also with the presence of silver and gold. Those awarded school medals had an advantage when entering universities in the country, passing without entrance exams.

This is interesting! Gold and silver school medals from the times of the USSR were stamped by each of the 16 union republics in its own version with an inscription in the national language and the coat of arms of the republic on the reverse, and their basis on the obverse was an open book bordered by a laurel branch.

Year after year, the composition of precious metals made the medals “thinner,” their appearance changed; since 1960, gold was replaced by brass (tompak), silver by cupronickel (copper with nickel), and only sputtering remained of the former gold and silver.

Until 2014, Russia had both medals “For special achievements in learning” - gold and silver. Those who received straight A's in two senior classes for six months, a year and ultimately in all subjects without exception could count on gold. Students who had no more than two B grades in their diary for the same six months, year and overall were awarded silver.

What and how are they awarded today?

Modern school medals came after the adoption of the education law in 2012 and since 2014 have taken on a single form. No gold or silver rewards for you. There are none today, there is only one, 40 millimeters in diameter, “For special achievements in learning.”

In the legislative framework, in a letter from the Ministry of Education in 2014, I found what is used today to stamp the highest school awards issued along with a certificate at the end of school. It turns out that this is a copper-zinc composition with brass. The decorative ribbon under the coat of arms of our country is drawn in white, blue and red enamel.

The color of the medal is golden, but its jewelry value ends with the color. I didn’t find even a hint of precious coating in the official description of the award. Probably he doesn't exist. It is only mentioned that it is coated with varnish and packed in a case - velvet or plastic.

However, such encouragement from the state must still be earned through hard study. For those who want to receive the coveted plastic or velvet case with a golden disk for graduation, they will have to puff a little and fulfill a number of conditions listed in Article 10 of the Law “On Education”:

  1. you need to get final grades “excellent” in all disciplines,
  2. must successfully pass state certification.

That's it, there are no other conditions. Thus, after graduating from school, the child must pass the Unified State Exam with at least a “satisfactory” score, since the law today allows you to pass the State Examination successfully, and does not at all require you to do it “excellently”. But as for the “A” grades, you need to try to study well already in the 10th grade, since according to the order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science adopted in 2014, the final grades for the 11th grade are now calculated mathematically.

The final grade is calculated as the arithmetic average of six semi-annual and annual grades for each year of study, that is, for grades 10 and 11, rounded to the nearest whole according to the laws of mathematics.

In practice, it looks like this: we add up two six months in the 10th grade, and as a result we get a year’s worth for the 10th grade. Similarly, we add up two six months for the 11th grade, we get a year for 11. You get only 6 grades. We also add them up and derive the arithmetic average. This will be the final grade that will be included in the certificate at the end of school. What makes me happy is that the grade is always rounded in favor of the student.

Earned a medal. What's next?

The child worked, diligently walking towards the finish line, received the coveted red certificate and a box with a medal, what next? But nothing, alas. Today, at the legislative level, a school medal, unfortunately, does not have any magical effect, therefore it does not automatically open the doors of all higher educational institutions in the country.

There are, of course, those universities that award a certain number of passing points upon admission to their state-recognized applicants, but this is only at their own request.

While crawling around the Internet, I came across that several years ago Aeroflot made a nice gesture for medalists - they held a promotion to sell them air tickets at super discounts. Some regions thank their graduates in every way possible, but also solely on their own initiative, as far as their regional wallets allow.

Today, the State Duma is receiving proposals to make changes and return to the good old days, when a school medal gave privileges to children upon admission, they say, this way there will be more really smart students in the ranks of students. Whether such an initiative will be supported in light of what is happening with subjective assessments in some regions and the biases of teachers choosing favorites is a big question.

And yet, you must admit, it’s always nice to be the first, because a medal, even if it’s not gold today, but just golden, is still a reward, recognition from the state of your work. And this is worth a lot.

Well, are you ready to become medalists? By the time primary school ends, the quality of the highest school award may change. You should always hope for the best.

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Registration No. 32997

In accordance with Part 10 of Article 34 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326; N 23, art. 3462; art. 4036; 2014, art. 566; 2769; N 23, art. 2933) I order:

Approve the attached Procedure for issuing the medal “For special achievements in learning.”

Minister D. Livanov


The procedure for issuing the medal "For special achievements in teaching"

1. This Procedure determines the rules for issuing the medal “For special achievements in learning” (hereinafter referred to as the medal), a sample of which is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 1.

2. The medal is awarded to persons who have completed the development of educational programs of secondary general education (hereinafter referred to as graduates), have successfully passed the state final certification and have final grades of “excellent” performance in all academic subjects studied in accordance with the curriculum, organizations engaged in educational activities, in which they passed the state final certification.

The medal is awarded to graduates in a ceremonial ceremony simultaneously with the issuance of a certificate of secondary general education with honors 2.

3. A corresponding entry is made about the issuance of a medal in the registration book of issued medals, which is maintained by the organization carrying out educational activities.

4. The medal is issued to the graduate personally or to another person upon presentation of an identification document and a power of attorney issued in accordance with the established procedure, issued to the specified person by the graduate, or, at the request of the graduate, is sent to his address through public postal operators by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt . The power of attorney and (or) application for which the medal was issued (sent) are kept in the graduate’s personal file.

5. If a medal is lost, a duplicate will not be issued.

1 Part 10 of Article 34 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326; N 23 , art. 3462; art. 4014, art. 566; N 23, art. 2933).

2 In 2014, persons entitled to receive the medal “For special achievements in learning” in accordance with Part 10 of Article 34 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the specified medal is awarded no later than October 1, 2014 (Article 2 of the Federal Law of May 27, 2014 N 135-FZ "On Amendments to Articles 28 and 34 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, N 22, Art. .2769).

In order to stimulate and encourage students who have demonstrated outstanding abilities in educational activities, the Moscow Government decides:

1. Establish a medal "For special achievements in learning."

2. Approve:

2.1. Regulations on the medal "For special achievements in learning" (Appendix 1).

2.2. Description of the medal "For special achievements in learning" (Appendix 2).

3. Financial support for activities related to the production of the medal “For Special Achievement in Education” is carried out at the expense of budgetary allocations provided for the Department of Education of the city of Moscow by the law of the city of Moscow on the budget of the city of Moscow for the corresponding financial year and planning period as part of the implementation of the State program of the city of Moscow for the mid-term period (2012-2016) "Development of education in the city of Moscow ("Capital education")."

4. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Social Development L.M. Pechatnikov.

Mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin

about the medal "For special achievements in learning"

Graduates of educational organizations implementing basic educational programs of secondary general education located in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as graduates) who have achieved special success in their educational activities are awarded the medal “For Special Achievements in Education.”

Graduates are recognized as having achieved particular success in their educational activities if they:

They are winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren;

Scored the highest number of unified state exam points in one general education subject;

They have final grades “excellent” in all subjects of the curriculum for educational programs of secondary general education and scored a total of at least 220 points in three general education subjects when passing the unified state exam.

In order to form a list of graduates recommended for awarding the medal “For Special Achievements in Education.” The Moscow Department of Education is creating a commission.

The decision to award is made by the head of the Moscow Department of Education in accordance with the conclusion of the commission created by the Moscow Department of Education, and is approved by order of the Moscow Department of Education.

The regulations on the commission and its composition, the procedure for awarding the medal “For Special Achievement in Education” are approved by the Moscow Department of Education.

The medal "For Special Achievement in Education" will not be awarded again.

Medal "For Special Achievements in Education"

The medal "For Special Achievement in Education" is a disk with a diameter of 40 mm, a thickness of 3 mm, made of tombac. The color of the medal is golden.

On the front side of the medal (obverse) there is a relief image of the facade of the Moscow Government building, located at the address: Moscow, st. Tverskaya, 13. Along the upper edge of the front side of the medal above the image of the Moscow Government building there is a raised inscription “Moscow”.

On the reverse side of the medal (reverse) there is a relief image of an unfolded book, framed at the bottom by two crossed laurel branches. Above the unfolded book there is a raised inscription “For special achievements in learning.”

Each medal is packaged in a blue velvet case.

Document overview

Graduates of educational organizations implementing basic educational programs of secondary general education who have achieved special success in their studies are awarded the medal “For Special Achievements in Education.”

To receive such a medal, you must be a winner and prize-winner of the All-Russian School Olympiad; score the highest number of Unified State Examination points in one general education subject; have final grades “excellent” in all subjects and score at least 220 points in three general education subjects based on the Unified State Examination results.

The decision on the award is made by the head of the Education Department.