Causes of frequent yawning in humans. What is a yawn? Causes of yawning in children and adults

Most of us are familiar with such a funny phenomenon as yawning. Basically, this is an involuntary reaction of the body to fatigue, overwork, boredom. Yawning is an absolutely normal process that our body needs. A person is able to yawn already at 11-12 weeks of fetal development. But sometimes frequent yawning may not be as harmless as it seems at first glance. In some cases, the causes of yawning can lie in serious diseases. In this article, we will tell you what frequent yawning means in a person, in which cases the process is really harmless, and in which it may indicate health problems.

Why do people often yawn

Yawning is a breathing act consisting of a slow, strong inhalation and a sharp exhalation. Before we yawn, we collect a rather large volume of air into the lungs, thereby saturating the body with the necessary amount of oxygen. Taking a deep breath, we improve the nutrition of internal organs and tissues, supply the bloodstream with a larger volume of oxygen than during normal calm breathing.

A person begins to yawn - blood flow increases, metabolism accelerates, the body comes into tone. People begin to yawn when oxygen balance is disturbed, frequent yawning helps to become more energetic, think better and spend time more actively. Such yawning is typical after a long rest or monotonous processes. Sometimes a person yawns even in a dream, if there is not enough oxygen in the room where he sleeps. Yawning occurs when alternating REM and non-REM sleep.

There is an opinion that among ancient people yawning was a way of communication, a signal to action. When danger was detected, one member of the tribe would yawn, mirroring this state to the rest of the members and causing them to collectively yawn to prepare their bodies for physical activity. At the same time, the leader of the group was yawning to give the "subordinates" the command to go to sleep.

Thus, yawning is an important process in the human body, which has been incorporated in us since antiquity, a person sometimes yawns deeply and very often even when talking with another and if he is overexcited. And the desire to yawn sweetly, arising from overwork, lack of sleep, during a telephone conversation, should not be alarming. But the resulting frequent yawning causes are not always harmless. Causes of a yawning attack can be physiological, psychological and emotional.

Physiological causes of frequent yawning

This type of reasons include banal fatigue and lack of sleep, a change in sleep and wakefulness, a long journey when time zones change, as well as hyperventilation syndrome. A person yawns when he simply wants to sleep. A more "original" physiological cause may lie in a sleep disorder called narcolepsy. Some medications have side effects such as frequent yawning. Various diseases are also among the causes of excessive yawning. Lack of air is not always the cause of this phenomenon. Frequent yawning is a sign of what disease, we will give an answer to this question a little lower.

Psycho-emotional reasons

Very frequent yawning can often be a symptom of a mental disorder. With anxiety, anxiety, attacks of fear, a person often yawns because he needs increased ventilation of the lungs. There is a feeling of lack of air for normal breathing, the body sends a call to action to the brain to receive an increased dose of oxygen. Thus, frequent yawning and feeling short of breath are sometimes associated.

This includes the mirror property of yawning. Surely, almost everyone has experienced the process of “infection” with yawning. A person sees a yawner in real life, in a photo or on a screen, and a "chain" reaction begins. Therefore, do not be surprised if, while reading this article, you unwittingly yawned several times. An interesting fact is that not all people are subject to a mirror reaction to yawning, some manage to “resist”.

Causes of frequent yawning in humans, rooted in diseases

So what is the cause of frequent yawning? A number of diseases can have prolonged yawning as their symptom.

Regularly repeated prolonged yawning can be caused by dangerous disorders occurring in the body. Sometimes, frequent yawning is a sign of serious diseases, such as:

  • epilepsy
  • autoimmune diseases
  • hypothyroidism
  • multiple sclerosis
  • depression
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • Chronical bronchitis
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

It is VVD that can be the cause of frequent yawning caused by lack of air. If lack of air and frequent yawning is accompanied by a feeling of tightness in the chest, anxiety, dry cough and sore throat, fear of stuffy and cramped rooms and other phobias, panic attacks, etc., there is a high probability of developing vegetative-vascular dystonia. Frequent and deep yawning can be accompanied by pain in the heart. It is necessary to consult a specialist for clarification of the diagnosis and methods of treatment.

If the cause of frequent yawning in adults lies in the VVD, you need to learn to be less nervous, adjust your sleep pattern, and eat healthy food with the necessary vitamins and minerals. It will be useful to make special ones.

Sometimes when a person yawns, there is not enough air, his lungs do not fully open. An incomplete breath when yawning is a phenomenon characteristic of adolescents and is considered normal. If this type of yawning occurs in an adult, the lungs should be checked. In women, frequent yawning with incomplete opening of the lungs can be a symptom of breast cancer, so you should undergo a fluorography and visit a mammologist. A careless attitude to a seemingly insignificant symptom can lead to sad consequences.

Frequent yawning in children: causes

There is also such a phenomenon as frequent yawning in a child. Young children are not able to empathize with emotions, so “mirror” yawning is not characteristic of them. It is also unusual for autistic people to yawn. And if an adult does not yawn in response, then most likely he has problems with the ability to empathize.

What does frequent yawning in children mean? Probably, the baby has disorders in the work of the central nervous system. A child, like an adult, can experience nervous strain, stress, and anxiety. In this case, it is best to take the child to an appointment with a neurologist.

In children, sometimes frequent yawning is a sign of lack of oxygen. It is necessary to spend as much time as possible with the child in the air, to review his diet, to establish a sleep and rest regimen.

We yawn, waking up in the morning and falling asleep in the evening. We yawn in boring meetings and long pauses. We yawn when someone nearby yawns.
It would seem that such a familiar reflex, or ritual. But surprisingly, researchers are still confused about the reasons for its appearance.

What is a yawn?

Yawning is a breathing process that occurs involuntarily with deep, prolonged inhalation and relatively rapid exhalation. The mouth, as a rule, is wide open and a peculiar sound accompanies such a respiratory action, and in some, tears also come out reflexively.

The process of yawning is in most cases a normal physiological phenomenon that occurs with a lack of oxygen, stressful situations, overwork, but it can be a sign of some diseases in the body.

The reasons

The most common version says that yawning is such a protective mechanism that allows the brain to relieve fatigue by cheering up with a fresh dose of oxygen, and at the same time getting rid of excess carbon dioxide. Statistics and studies support this hypothesis: people most often yawn at times when their gray matter is tired and obviously needs rest - for example, in the evening after a hard day at work, during a boring meeting, or a prolonged overly difficult lecture

A yawn is essentially similar to inhaling when the lungs and blood are saturated with oxygen. However, as it turned out, people yawn even if they are given pure oxygen for breathing - that is, the reflex opening of the mouth has nothing to do with hypoxia (lack of oxygen). With what then?

Yawning is needed to cool the brain - tells us one of the most recent and gaining popularity of theories. A computer or laptop, for example, cannot function without a built-in fan: under heavy load, the processor overheats and, if it is not cooled down in time, may fail. Our gray matter is arranged according to a similar principle: with prolonged or intense work, its temperature rises, which worsens the connections between neurons and ultimately has a destructive effect on thinking. Therefore, the brain needs cooling - an open window or a walk in the park, a glass of cool water, or (since neither the walk nor the glass shines) a sweet yawn can help.

In principle, experiments confirm the cooling theory. For example, volunteers who had an ice compress applied to their forehead while watching boring movies yawned 2 times less than a group of volunteers without an ice compress. So, if you feel that you are yawning, be sure to note: Your brain is overheated, and it would be nice to walk it in the fresh air.

Why yawning is contagious

To make sure that yawning cannot have simple explanations, it is enough to recall a well-known fact: this reflex is contagious. One has only to yawn for someone - and an epidemic of yawning covers most of those around them.

It is impossible to explain this either by oxygen starvation or overheating of the brain, because the physiological processes of each individual proceed individually, which means they cannot be simultaneous. So the reflex has some other meaning. And he was indeed discovered by stumbling upon another fact.

Yawning in people does not only start with visual contact with a yawner nearby: often, to start the process, you just have to think about yawning, read about it, or hear a specific sound of yawning. From this it follows that the reflex is not always a physiological process, but also a mental one.

After conducting research, scientists came to the conclusion that yawning is contagious due to mirror neurons. They are located in the gray matter layer of the brain not only of people, but also of some animals, birds, and are endowed with the property of empathy - they begin to get excited when we see the actions of others. These neurons are responsible for the ability to imitate (for example, when learning foreign languages) and empathize. They make you consciously experience the emotions of other people, which is actually called empathy.

Roughly speaking: You yawn - it means that you have empathy and are able to act in social groups. It is assumed that our ancient ancestors thus defined "their" - those with whom you can play in a team. By the way, as experiments show, children under 4 years old and those who suffer from autism are not subject to mirror yawning: they have not yet learned to act according to social laws. However, interesting facts about yawning are not limited to this.

Yawning can be "infected" as a person from a person, and from a person to a dog. Studies by Swedish scientists prove that dogs can yawn when yawning people come into their field of vision, and the older the dog, the more prone to reflex imitation, and yawning is not transmitted to puppies less than 7 months of age.

If we talk about spontaneous, non-imitative yawning, then different animals have their own reasons for it. The same dogs often “reflex” when they are excited - for example, when they find themselves in an unusual environment. While waiting for dinner at the zoo, the lions begin to yawn intensely. Hyenas - when preparing to attack the victim. Many monkeys, opening their mouths wide, show their superiority in a pack of relatives. Birds, turtles, crocodiles, snakes yawn from time to time...

But herbivores yawn much less often than cold-blooded and predatory ones. For example, it is extremely rare to find a yawning horse, cow, camel or hare. This, by the way, leads scientists to the idea that yawning may be somehow related to the level of intellectual development: those creatures whose IQ is higher yawn more often than "stupid ones".

What is frequent yawning a sign of?

By itself, frequent yawning cannot be a sign of some kind of illness. Its appearance can provoke lack of sleep, fatigue, stress, nervousness, overeating, boredom. In this case, this is a normal reaction of the body to such factors. It is worth removing them and yawning will return to normal. By the way, during the day a person yawns at least 10 times.

The presence of other symptoms with frequent yawning may be a sign of illness. For example, with constant drowsiness and frequent yawning, a diagnosis is possible - vegetative-vascular dystonia or cardiac arrhythmia.

Dizziness with blurred vision, an increase in body temperature, along with frequent yawning, may be a precursor to an epileptic seizure.

How to overcome yawning?

There are times when yawning is inappropriate. There are several ways to deal with it:

  • When approaching the next yawn, you need to take a deep breath through your mouth and exhale through your nose.
  • A sip of water or wetting the lips with it helps many.
  • Adequate sleep acts as a prevention of frequent yawning.
  • Exercising will keep your body energized by oxygenating it. You can do squats, push-ups or other physical exercises that will increase the tone of the body.
  • Proper nutrition and drinking the required amount of water throughout the day prevents the occurrence of frequent yawning.
  • Don't slouch. Straight posture contributes to the full filling of the lungs with oxygen. When the back is bent, the diaphragm is not completely saturated with air, which can provoke rapid yawning.
  • Walking in the fresh air, airing the room, quitting smoking will help get rid of causeless yawning.

Video: why do people yawn?

It is important to understand that yawning is a natural positive respiratory action that activates the body and is not in itself a sign of illness. So the attitude to the phrase "Don't yawn!" worth revisiting a bit. Yawn and be healthy.


In medical terms, yawning is a complex reflex phenomenon, and everyone, even animals, is well aware of it. This process occurs by opening the oral cavity and taking in a large amount of air. The pharynx, glottis also opens and the Eustachian tube expands.

There are several reasons for yawning. But people don't always yawn. For example, if a person is focused and concentrated on work, or if he is in clean air and in good shape, then such a person will not yawn. There are so-called trigger mechanisms for this complex and reflex process:

- Drowsiness.

- Feeling bored.

- Hunger.

— Fatigue.

— Stress.

- Mental fatigue.

— Low concentration of oxygen in the room.

- Prolonged lack of physical activity.

- The presence of a yawner nearby.

Let's find out why a person yawns, what are the reasons for this, what to do if a person yawns, and in general why a person yawns.

Why does a person yawn?

Why does a person yawn and what does it depend on? Scientists have not yet found exact answers to these questions. But currently there are more than 20 functions of yawning, we will talk about 8 functions. As science says, yawning is a reaction of the human brain to a lack of oxygen (oxygen starvation). Oxygen starvation can be caused by various diseases, slow blood circulation and unventilated rooms.

1. Significant is the ventilation of the lungs, that is, air is removed in the lungs with strong inhalations and exhalations. Usually a person will not yawn during hard physical work, or running, as he breathes deeply and often.

2. Cooling the brain. Doctors believe that the main cause of yawning is control over the temperature of the brain. If the brain is cooled, then the person's cognitive function is enhanced. Thus, yawning after a long mental labor can be explained.

3. Saturation of blood with oxygen. Often a person begins to yawn in stuffy and unventilated rooms where there is little air.

4. Frequent yawning is observed if a person suffers from heart failure.

5. Yawning can be provoked by taking medications, or vice versa, reduce the frequency of yawning. Among other things, it is determined that yawning is "contagious". One person can yawn several times and thus provoke an unconscious reaction - yawning, in everyone who is near him.

6. American researchers hypothesized that yawning is caused by overheating of the brain, or a person yawns in order to resume the working capacity of the brain.

7. Medicine says that the process of yawning is pretty commonplace. It's just that there is a significant amount of carbon dioxide in the body, and with deep breaths a lot of oxygen enters, so yawning occurs.

8. It is believed that a yawning person wants to sleep, but this is not at all the case. The baby yawns while still in the womb. If a person is in a bad mood, then he will yawn more often than in a good mood.

Why does a person need a yawn? Yawning has set goals, like all other processes that occur in the human body. But if such complex and reflex processes as coughing, vomiting, sneezing are obvious, then yawning is not so simple. A lot of controversy arises about the main tasks of this process.

Reasons for yawning

The process of yawning is clearly visible in the lessons of history and literature at school. Why? Because in these lessons, there are no special actions, except for what we are listening to. Also, this process appears with severe lack of sleep, or when at night, instead of sound sleep, you have to sit over books and prepare for exams.

Yawning is more prone to people who perform monotonous, monotonous and boring work. Psychologists have calculated that a person can yawn about thirty times in one hour. Thus, the person is cheered up and prevents falling asleep. Some countries conducted an experiment at enterprises, which they called "Yawning Pause". To begin with, the employee must simulate a yawn reflex, and then everything happens for real. People, looking at each other, all began to yawn. After such a pause, they started working again. And experts, in turn, said that the work has become much more efficient.

In addition to the reasons that were listed above, there are also neuroses, fatigue and boredom. For example, a person who is sitting in line waiting for an appointment or an important meeting involuntarily takes a deep breath, thus provoking a yawn. So the panic slowly passes and the body is restored. People involved in sports and sports games can also yawn, they thus restore their breath and cheer up. In general, it is common for a person to yawn, because it is useful and necessary, and there is no need to think that you have some kind of deviation.

We have become accustomed to the fact that we yawn every day. Among close people, this fact does not cause any bad reaction. But in the company of people, you have to restrain your emotions, since yawning can look like an insult. To combat this process, you need to understand why we yawn and why. But the answer is quite simple, the brain gives a signal to yawn when a large amount of carbon dioxide accumulates in the blood. This is caused by slow breathing, concentration, and so on.

What to do if a person yawns?

There are several ways to deal with yawning:

- The first one is rather complicated, but very effective. You need to learn how to breathe deeply. This will require a lot of training.

- The second is a rather funny way. You need to lick your lips when you feel the approach of a yawn. It is this gymnastics that will eliminate the desire to yawn.

- We can also advise you to just get enough sleep every night. Modern man does too much in his life, often neglecting sleep. But lack of sleep just leads to yawning. Such simple ways will help to always control yawning.

Interesting Facts:

- By duration, a yawn lasts 5 seconds.

When yawning, men are less likely to cover their mouths than women.

- In addition to people, monkeys are prone to yawning, they also pass from one individual to another.

- You can eliminate yawning in a simple way. You need to get up from the chair / sofa, turn your shoulders, take a deep breath, and you can get back to work.

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Yawning is an unconscious breathing act, a deep long inhalation and a rapid exhalation. At the same time, the mouth is open, and the process of yawning itself is accompanied by a characteristic sound. At first glance, yawning seems to be a natural process for the body, but in some cases, excessive yawning can become a symptom of the disease. There are several hypotheses that answer the question of why people often yawn. Doctors are studying why this process is necessary for the body, but they have not come to final conclusions.

Why do people yawn?

Consider the most common hypotheses that explain why people often yawn and how it affects the general condition of the body.

  • Yawning as an aid to the body with a lack of oxygen in the brain tissues. During a deeper breath, more oxygen enters the bloodstream than during normal breathing. Saturation of the body with oxygen leads to accelerated blood flow and metabolism, which makes a person feel better and the whole body comes into tone. Therefore, in various situations when the oxygen balance is disturbed, a person yawns and becomes more cheerful. For example, yawning after sleep or long monotonous work.
  • Yawning to cool the brain. Scientists were able to prove this effect by conducting an experiment in which two groups of people watched videos of yawning actors. Participants with a cold compress on their foreheads yawned less compared to people with or without a warm compress.

Useful properties of yawning

  • Help for stuffy ears. Why do you often yawn when the plane changes altitude? Yawning helps relieve ear congestion, which occurs due to a sharp difference in pressure.
  • Warm-up for muscles . During yawning, a person usually involuntarily stretches and kneads the frozen body. Thus, yawning prepares a person for action. So, students yawn, preparing for the exam, and artists - before the performance. This also explains the yawning of people when they are bored or want to sleep - yawning helps to cheer up and work with stiff muscles.

  • Protection of the nervous system. During a serious conversation or an exciting situation, a person may ask himself: "Why do I often yawn?" Such a reaction will be a kind of sedative for the body, which will help to cope with stress.
  • Relaxing effect . If a person, then yawning will help the body relax and prepare for sleep.

Yawning as a sign of illness

Frequent and prolonged yawning is a symptom of an unhealthy state of the body. This may be one of the signs of sleep problems, high blood pressure, depression, or severe anxiety. Therefore, in cases where yawning overcomes a person constantly, it is better to consult a doctor - to check your pressure, the state of blood vessels and the heart. And first you need to try to be less nervous, get enough sleep and replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals in the body.

The mirror property of yawning

Yawning is a phenomenon that can be "infected". Why do you often yawn when you see people with their mouths open in real life or on TV? In the cortex of our brain are which are the cause of the stickiness of yawning. It is enough for a person to read about yawning or think about it, and then he immediately begins to yawn. But not all people are susceptible to this “disease”. Children with autism can watch a provocative video without yawning. And children under the age of five are not capable of mirror yawning, since they still do not know how to empathize with other people's emotions.

The frequent yawning of the owners is transmitted to the dogs, and they also completely copy the physiological state of the owner, becoming relaxed and sleepy, like a yawning person. Dogs also see the difference: if the owner just opens his mouth wide, then the dog will not mimic his behavior, and the yawn will definitely copy.

Yawning as a sign of emotional intimacy

Frequent yawning occurs among relatives and close friends of the yawner. And distant acquaintances and strangers almost do not show mirror signs. Proximity is the only factor that scientists have been able to isolate, because both gender and nationality do not affect a person's need to yawn in response.

Yawning as a way to communicate

Scientists believe that even during the evolution of primates, yawning began to be used as an imitative action. The reasons were very different. So, at the sight of danger, one of the group members yawned, and his condition was transmitted to everyone else and put them on alert. And in order to convey a signal to people that it was time to go to bed, the leader yawned, and the tribe supported him with an appropriate reaction.

Ways to deal with yawning

The periodic occurrence of yawning is natural for the body, but if a person constantly asks the question “Why do I yawn often?”, This may mean that some kind of malfunction has occurred in the body. Here are some simple tips to help you beat yawning:

  1. Healthy sleep . It is necessary to determine how much time a person needs to sleep in order for the body to recover. Also, with severe fatigue in the daytime, you can afford a small 20-minute rest. This will help the body relax, but will not allow you to switch to a full sleep.
  2. Straight posture . A bent back can cause frequent yawning. The reasons for this effect is that the hunched state does not allow the diaphragm to fully work and causes its involuntary contractions. Whereas an even posture will reduce the desire to yawn.
  3. Fresh air and sports. A person is saturated with oxygen during exercise, and this allows him to remain alert throughout the day. An even better option would be to spend more time outdoors, taking walks or arranging light workouts in the fresh air.
  4. Food . Good nutrition will help bring the body in order and get rid of frequent yawning for no reason. You should try to take vitamins, remove unhealthy foods from your diet and drink more fluids.

Popular questions about yawning:

  • during a yawn? Yawning, a person closes his eyes, which compresses the lacrimal sac, and the vessels in the lacrimal ducts contract. Because of this, tears spill out, as they did not have time to get into the nasopharynx.
  • Why do small children yawn? Children yawn when they want to sleep, this process calms them down. If the baby yawns too often, it is possible that he does not have enough oxygen, and then it is worth walking more with him in the fresh air.

  • Why do people often yawn in church? This is a normal phenomenon due to human physiology. The service takes place in the morning, when the human body has not yet woken up, and with the help of yawning, it is enriched with oxygen, helping to cheer up. Also, the room is usually stuffy, and the lights are dimmed, which slows down the blood flow and there is a lack of oxygen.
  • Why do people often yawn when talking? This does not mean at all that the person is bored or indifferent to the topic of discussion, but on the contrary, yawning overcame the interlocutor due to the active work of the brain. He listened to the story so attentively and thoughtfully that his oxygen metabolism was disturbed, so the body replenished its strength with the help of a yawn.

The simple process of yawning has important functions for the proper functioning of the whole organism. It is worth paying attention if yawning has become unusually frequent and prolonged, and help the body recover.

Yawning is an uncontrollable reflex of the human body, representing a deep, slow, slow inhalation and a quick exhalation.

In healthy people, yawning occurs when overtired, lack of sleep or drowsiness, when in a stuffy room.

When yawning, the blood is enriched with oxygen, the speed of blood flow in the vessels of the brain increases, the blood supply to the brain improves, more nutrients are supplied to the brain cells, and thus harmful substances and carbon dioxide are removed faster.

Yawning helps relieve fatigue, mental stress, renew the air in the lungs, and cool the brain.

Causes of yawning. Note that the causes of yawning are still not fully understood. The main causes of yawning include:

- prolonged yawning can be a symptom of oxygen starvation of the brain. If the brain feels a lack of oxygen, it sends a signal about this to the body, which seeks to quickly make up for the lack of oxygen. And this is done through yawning.

- as an imitative action (in the form of a mirror-neural reaction).

- as a symptom of other painful conditions (diseases). Frequent yawning, physical weakness and drowsiness indicate chronic fatigue or emotional overstrain. Also, the process of yawning is caused by a violation of cerebral circulation, vegetative-vascular dystonia, multiple sclerosis.

During yawning, the collapsed alveoli in the lungs are straightened, their surface increases. With a long, deep breath and a fairly quick exhalation, oxygen quickly reaches the brain. Often, with a strong yawn, a person stretches his whole body - this is also a consequence of an instinctive desire to eliminate local blood stasis and even out the wrong distribution of blood. Yawning involves the main systems of the body: muscular, vascular, skeletal, respiratory, nervous. The tension of the muscles of the oral cavity, face, neck contributes to an increase in the speed of blood flow in the vessels of the head.

When a person wakes up in the morning, he also yawns. The reasons for frequent yawning in the morning are as follows: after waking up, the human brain cells are in a state of residual inhibition. Prolonged inactivity leads to a slowdown in blood flow and the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood. Therefore, in the morning we want to yawn. You need to get out of bed as soon as possible and start moving, you can do gymnastics. Physical exercise increases the tone of the body, improves blood circulation in the heart, lungs, brain and helps to quickly switch to active wakefulness.

Yawning is often associated with lack of sleep and boredom, but in fact, when yawning, the extra air enriches the blood, making a person more alert - yawning helps the brain wake up!

Experts advise not to restrain yourself when you want to yawn, because this reflex helps to relieve fatigue, mental stress, stress, and renew the air in the lungs.

When you yawn, your airways open wide and your muscles relax. Yawning activates blood circulation, clears the mind, supplies the cells of the brain and body with energy, promotes the activity of the lacrimal glands. Dry eyes are moisturized and feel much better. Relax the muscles of the temples, face, neck, neck, shoulders, abdomen and diaphragm. The mood improves.

When yawning, the jaw muscles are most tense, and they have a direct effect on vision. Yawning is very useful for those who suffer from bruxism (grinding their teeth in their sleep).

It is known that yawning is contagious: as soon as one starts to yawn, everyone around picks it up. The fact is that yawning easily occurs as an imitative reflex. This reflex makes us not only yawn, but also smile if someone is laughing nearby.

Experts concluded that the contagious property of yawning is just an imitation effect. Studies have shown that only those people who are able to empathize with others adopt yawning.

According to the findings of American scientists, thin and introspective people are more prone to yawning.

If a person yawns during the day, this mainly happens to those who work while sitting, which means that you need to open a window or window and take a few deep breaths.

Also, according to the conclusions of medical scientists, the reason for frequent yawning may be that in warm weather people yawn much less often than in the cold season. It turns out that the human brain overheats, and the body tries to cool it down with the help of yawning, since in summer the air of the environment is warm, then a person yawns less at this time of the year. The researchers of this experience suggest that their discovery can help in the treatment of diseases such as multiple sclerosis, which in most cases is accompanied by yawning. It is highly likely that one of the possible options for the development of multiple sclerosis may be just a high temperature of the brain, which, in turn, begins to function incorrectly.

How to get rid of yawning?

- take deep breaths.

- ventilate the room, take a walk in the fresh air, on the street. If yawning caught you on the street, you can take off your hat and open your clothes.

Apply ice to forehead or wet face with cold water.

- perform breathing exercises: inhale and exhale sharply several times, then take calm breaths and exhalations, then sharp breaths again.

- do a couple of active movements: jogging, squats.

- take a short rest: lie down in bed and try to sleep. This advice is suitable for pregnant women who are often tormented by yawning. A short sleep will help restore strength and relieve yawning.