Coitus interruptus - what is it? Harm and consequences. What is coitus interruptus - the effectiveness of the contraceptive method, harm to men and women

Coitus interruptus, or PSA, is controversial among the population. Many cannot agree on how likely it is to get pregnant when PPA is used in sex. But one thing you should know, coitus interruptus is definitely not a reliable method of contraception, although it is very popular. What is it and why should you not use this method? Let's look at the pros and cons of this method.

Statistics say that approximately 75% of couples resort to a natural way to avoid conception. A common situation is when a young couple does not want to have children at this stage of the relationship, and uses this method as a method of contraception. Due to unknown circumstances, the girl becomes pregnant and she has to have an abortion or inform her future father about his current new status. How could pregnancy occur if the man did not emit semen? But when the pregnancy test stubbornly shows two stripes, you have to accept the situation, but for the future to understand this issue and draw the appropriate conclusions. What is PPA and what are the risks of this method of contraception?

Why does pregnancy occur?

Representatives of a strong part of humanity have an orgasm along with a period of ejaculation. Before ejaculation, the muscles in the groin begin to contract, helping the sperm to leave the ducts. If at this moment the man managed to get out of the female vagina, then this act is considered interrupted. But this is still just the tip of the iceberg.

Few people know that during sex in men, a certain amount of seminal fluid is contained in the ducts. If it mixes with sperm, it turns into sperm. Seminal fluid - cannot fertilize and is secreted by the prostate gland rather to lubricate and maintain the life of the sperm inside the woman. It also creates favorable conditions for the long-term survival of spermatozoa.

At the very beginning of sexual intercourse, with a rapid increase in arousal, a man releases pre-seminal fluid. It may contain viable spermatozoa that are left over from the last ejaculation. Together with seminal fluid, spermatozoa can enter the female genital organs. In the future, this leads to conception.

It is also important that a man at the peak of emotions cannot always stop in time. If a woman gets even a drop of sperm, then the chances of pregnancy increase several times.

There is a statement that during menstruation, conception is impossible and you can do without even PPA. Is it so? The chances of getting pregnant during your period are very low. In addition, in this phase of the cycle there is no favorable microflora for the preservation of spermatozoa, increased acidity in the vagina is detrimental to them. However, even during this period, coitus interruptus does not provide 100% protection against pregnancy. Some spermatozoa are highly resistant and are able to stay in the genital tract of a woman for up to 7 days in an active state. Thus, they can wait for ovulation and successfully fertilize the egg.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since this method is not a reliable method of contraception, the following disadvantages are quite expected:

  • Many will be disappointed that coitus interruptus is an unreliable and rather dangerous way.
  • Men before an orgasm must constantly control themselves, so some fail to get a full discharge.
  • A woman is annoyed by the fact that a partner may stop sex at the wrong time or not stop at all.
  • There is a high probability of contracting sexually transmitted diseases through casual sexual contact.
  • If several sexual acts occur in a row, a man is more likely to have live spermatozoa in the penis.
  • Prolonged practice of PPA can adversely affect men's health due to constant tension, control and interruption of the process. Over time, this will lead to psychological dysfunction.

Given the many disadvantages, couples still use this method. Why is this happening:

  • Interrupted intercourse is the most common and cheapest way to avoid conception.
  • This method is always "at hand" in any situation.
  • Condoms reduce sensitivity and do not bring proper pleasure.
  • There are no completely safe contraceptives with 100% reliability.
  • Couples are planning a baby for the foreseeable future and don't mind "accidental" pregnancies.

Therefore, coitus interruptus is not a reliable method of contraception and may even lead to some health problems.

PAP rules and its alternative

If you still decide to continue using this method, then you should protect yourself as much as possible from unforeseen consequences. To do this, you need to follow a list of simple rules. This does not guarantee protection against conception, but it may slightly reduce its likelihood.

To avoid surprises:

  1. During the first intercourse, a small amount of semen may remain in the ducts of the penis. It is necessary to urinate and thoroughly wash the genitals in the shower or bath.
  2. Refrain from alcoholic beverages, since in a state of intoxication it is almost impossible for a man to control the process of descent of sperm and complete relaxation.
  3. At the first sign of delayed menstruation, contact a specialist.
  4. Calculate dangerous and safe days during ovulation using the calendar method.

Sex is an important part of every person's life. It is worth taking care of the unpleasant consequences of your actions in advance. Even if you are 100% sure about the health of your partner, but do not plan to become parents yet, then PPA is not your method of contraception. The modern market provides a huge selection of means for reliable protection for every taste and budget, these are:

  • Barrier contraception - condoms, diaphragms, caps.
  • Hormonal contraception - pills, patches, vaginal rings, injections, spirals.
  • Spermicidal pastes, ointments, sprays, tablets.

In order not to harm your body and future children, you need to consult a doctor. The specialist will help you choose the right means of protection with maximum reliability and taking into account individual characteristics.

Stagnation of secretion in the genitals and prostate gland due to frequent interruption of sexual intercourse leads to the development of prostatitis.

Interrupted sexual intercourse involves constant control over their actions. The inability of a man to relax causes stagnation of the secret in the genitals and in the prostate gland. This is fraught with premature ejaculation and impaired erection, at least. And most importantly, this method of contraception still does not stand up to criticism - even one drop of the secret contains more than a million spermatozoa. According to the urologist, one careless movement is enough to become a father.

In addition, due to coitus interruptus abuse a man may develop various symptoms, such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, or even impotence.

Urologist, clinic "Omega-Kyiv"

Prostatitis or inflammation of the prostate tissue, accompanied by edema, is a common male disease, one of the causes of which can also be congestion in the genitals, which has developed as a result of the frequent use of this completely ineffective method of contraception.

The main reasons for the development of prostatitis

In addition to regular interruption of sexual intercourse, prostatitis has other causes.

The most common causes of prostatitis include: a sedentary lifestyle, prolonged exposure to low or high temperatures in the pelvic area, constipation, and too frequent sex. However, most often prostatitis develops due to various infectious diseases in the patient's body.

With a sedentary lifestyle, with prolonged sitting at work in the office or driving a car, venous stasis and stagnation of blood circulation in the pelvic organs occur in the body of a man. These processes significantly increase the risk of developing inflammation in the prostate gland.

Hypothermia or overheating also contribute to the development of prostatitis. Therefore, men should not be frivolous in choosing clothing that matches the weather or sitting on cold surfaces.

With untreated caries, tonsillitis, bronchitis or other chronic infection that has settled in the body of a man, pathogenic bacteria spread throughout the body through the bloodstream. This infection can cause sudden inflammation of the prostate gland.

With frequent constipation, metabolic processes in the body are disrupted and, as a result, the pelvic organs lack oxygen and nutrients. In addition, new problems with the rectum may appear, which will certainly affect the prostate gland, which is directly adjacent to the intestines. In this case, the appearance of prostatitis is very likely.

Ejaculation - like stress

Overexcitation or prolonged excitation of a man without subsequent ejaculation due to interrupted sexual intercourse has a sharp negative effect on the prostate gland. Therefore, doctors do not recommend abusing this method of contraception due to its low efficiency and possible consequences for men's health. Ejaculation on the side is perceived by the psyche of a man as stress and can subsequently lead to. And since the orgasm does not reach its climax, part of the secret does not come out, stagnates in the genitals and can cause the development of inflammation and prostatitis.

Frequent sex from 2-3 or more intercourse per day can cause orgasms in the absence of a secret, which also increases the risk of developing inflammation in the prostate.

Coitus interruptus is a way to prevent an unwanted pregnancy that was almost completely ignored in antiquity, but became popular in medieval Europe. And so far it has not lost its relevance! It is used by many, from married couples to casual partners.

Indeed, this method seems to be the most simple and natural, it is enough just to ask the man to remove the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. In addition, its convenience is obvious:
- Availability. To apply this method, nothing is needed, except for the mutual agreement of the partners. There is no need to run to a doctor or a pharmacy, nothing disturbs the charm of the realization of a spontaneously erupted desire.
- Natural feeling. The very need to put on a condom or insert a contraceptive into the vagina disrupts the script of the love game, and for not very sophisticated partners, it can reduce arousal.

However, this method has more disadvantages than advantages. Most importantly, the risk of getting pregnant by interrupting sexual intercourse is very high compared to other methods of contraception. Some studies call the figure 27%, and among adolescents who do not have enough practice to learn how to masterfully regulate their sexual functions, this figure even reaches 31%. This means that almost every third girl who regularly has sex and uses only this method runs the risk of seeing 2 strips on the next pregnancy test in a year.

How do these numbers compare with reality? We can say this: the ways of the Lord are inscrutable. For example, your girlfriend can practice coitus interruptus for 5 years without any unexpected consequences, and you get pregnant after the first time.

It is widely believed among gynecologists that a couple who have been successfully using only this method of contraception for several years have good reasons for having one of the partners tested for infertility. However, we will leave this statement on the conscience of doctors.

Reliability of coitus interruptus

What is the problem? Why is the reliability of this method extremely low? Two factors play a major role:
- The experience and willpower of a man. A man should not completely relax, being forced to accurately fix the moment of ejaculation, and simply must have a significant will to remove the penis from the vagina at the time of the first spasms of orgasm. After all, instinctively a man wants to go deeper at this moment. In some cases, especially after a long abstinence or when in contact with a new partner, a man is not able to overcome the natural desire to ejaculate in the vagina, and in this regard, he can extract a member with a fatal delay.
- Spermatozoa, of course, for the most part are in the ejaculate after ejaculation, but some of them can also get into the liquid that is released in a small amount from the male genital organ during intimate contact. As a rule, these are the most active representatives of spermatozoa, which may well achieve their goal. And here everything already depends not on the sexual experience of men, but on his physiology. Some sperm are on the surface of the penis before orgasm, while others do not. Therefore, some men are more "dangerous" (how can you tell?) than others. This explains why a certain number of couples have successfully and regularly practiced this method of protection for many years, which cannot be said about others. In this regard, the experience of your parents or girlfriends in this matter means almost nothing - everything is individual.

Among other things, interrupted sexual intercourse adversely affects health. When a man stops abruptly and removes his penis from the vagina, the prostate starts to work differently. It is not completely reduced, so stagnation may form in it. Doctors are disappointing in this regard: among men over 30, half of those who went to the doctor with a complaint of prostatitis regularly practiced coitus interruptus. And, despite the fact that prostatitis pills are now a very profitable business, men deny all the undesirable consequences of coitus interruptus!

A woman when applying coitus interruptus may not feel too comfortable. After all, it is very difficult not to think about the possible consequences, but to focus only on pleasant sensations. Of course, the fact that a woman cannot fully control the situation often prevents her from getting full pleasure from intimacy, and as a result, she may never have an orgasm. So, if you have not yet experienced what an orgasm is, think: maybe, by protecting yourself in another way, you will be able to fully reveal your sexuality?

Reasons for the popularity of this method of contraception

The question arises: why, despite such poor reliability indicators, this method of contraception is so popular? Here are the main reasons:
- Oddly enough, but at the present time, this is the adult film industry. For illustration purposes, almost all of these staged shoots show coitus interruptus. And even if you do not abuse watching these films, the so-called "culture" of sex shown in them has permeated the entire society very much. And many men make love according to this model hammered into their heads.
- Often men do not want to use condoms, as they reduce sensitivity. Even when using ultra-thin condoms, the sensitivity of the penis is much lower than without rubber products. And in the case of using interrupted intercourse, the process (namely, the process, and not the final stage) is as close to natural as possible.
- Often women do not want to disrupt the natural course of their physiological processes and therefore are not too in a hurry to use hormonal contraceptives. On the other hand, some have a negative attitude towards the condom. As a rule, these are the consequences of intimate relationships with an inexperienced partner in a slightly excited state, which led to rubbing of the vaginal area. An allergic reaction to lubricant or latex is also possible.

To use or not to use coitus interruptus is everyone's business, the most important thing is to know what the consequences can be and be able to answer for them. So, if you decide to play Russian roulette in bed, then you need to know a few rules that allow you to increase your safety:
- Never use coitus interruptus if you have not studied your young man well in bed. Especially if this is the first sex with a new partner.
- You should not resort to coitus interruptus if you have had a long break in an intimate relationship.
- Do not interfere with your man to control the situation: if he asks you to stop, fulfill his request - believe me, it is harder for him in this situation than for you.
- When the penis is removed from the vagina, make sure that the sperm does not get on your external genitalia. On the other hand, do not move away in a panic from your man! If you are there during his ejaculation - help him with your hand, snuggle up to him, or move on to oral sex - this will help maintain the feeling of closeness at his climax.
- If you decide to repeat intercourse after a short time (not recommended), remember that sperm in favorable conditions can retain its properties for up to 24 hours, so ask your partner not only to thoroughly wash the external genitalia with soap, but be sure to urinate - this will reduce the possibility of onset pregnancy.
- In case, nevertheless, your partner did not have time to remove the penis on time, it is good to have a spermicidal preparation (cream, gel, suppository) with you, which must be inserted into the vagina immediately after coitus.
- If according to the calendar you have “dangerous days”, then coitus interruptus should not be practiced.

Do not forget that, despite all the precautions you have taken, the risk of getting pregnant is still quite high. Be mentally prepared for this.

In practice, men are more likely to initiate coitus interruptus. And the younger the man, the more pronounced it is. Sometimes they reach up to covert or open blackmail. This behavior of young people is caused, as a rule, by low literacy, inexperience, selfishness and the ability to escape from responsibility. Therefore, it is recommended to use coitus interruptus if
- You and your partner absolutely trust each other, and you have good reasons for this (oh, how often we women are mistaken in this). Only by trusting your man can you completely relax during intercourse.
– Make sure your partner is fully aware of the lack of effectiveness of this method. Explain to him that in this case, not everything depends on his experience in sex.
- Discuss with him a possible scenario for the development of events, your actions, find a solution acceptable to both of you. And remember that if at this moment a man crawls under your skirt, then you can hardly believe him.

Of course, if you have been together for a long time and are thinking that having a common child is not a bad idea, you are not afraid of the weak reliability of interrupted intercourse. However, in this case, it is still recommended to “make” children purposefully, and not accidentally.

Attention!!! If, during intercourse, the penis was removed late and the sperm got into the vagina, then it is most reliable to immediately use emergency contraception. Also remember that coitus interruptus does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

There are times when partners are so consumed by violent passion that neither of them is able to resist the attraction, but should we forget at the same time? Is it worth relying on something as dubious as coitus interruptus?

Briefly about the interrupted act: simple, convenient and free. What is coitus interruptus? With interrupted intercourse, a man removes the penis from the vagina before ejaculation itself.

This is the oldest type of contraception, but it is still used by about 35 million couples around the world.

Chances of getting pregnant with coitus interruptus

If the sperm did not enter the vagina, for which the act is interrupted, then there is no chance of pregnancy. But, as with all other types of contraception, the main thing here is accuracy and correct use.

  • Every year, 4 out of 100 cases of interrupted intercourse lead to pregnancy partners with full care in the process.
  • Every year, in 27 cases out of 100, an interrupted intercourse leads to pregnancy. partners with less care in the process.

Even if a man pulls out his penis in time, there is still a chance of pregnancy.

Some experts believe that pre-semen may contain enough sperm in the urethra after a previous ejaculation, which increases the risk of conception of the partner. If a man urinates before sexual intercourse, this can help clear the urethra from spermatozoa, and increase the effectiveness of this method of contraception.

Coitus interruptus on the day of ovulation and menstruation

What is the chance of getting pregnant if intercourse is interrupted during ovulation? Perhaps one of the most common women's questions. In the first ten days of the menstrual cycle and after the 17th day before the next period, the chance of getting pregnant decreases. High chances of getting pregnant - immediately after menstruation and reach a maximum value in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

Remember that interrupted intercourse does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, so use a condom to prevent infection. Because you can easily get infections such as HIV through coitus interruptus.

Advantages of the contraceptive method - interrupted intercourse

    This method is safe, simple and convenient. Both women and men like it, because it is always “at hand”, while other methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy may not be available.

  1. Interrupted intercourse has no medical or hormonal side effects.
  2. No prescription required.
  3. It's free.

Interrupted intercourse can also enhance - condoms, female condoms, septa, etc.

What are the disadvantages of an interrupted act

    The biggest disadvantage is the risk of improper interruption;

    Interrupted act requires a lot of self-control, experience and trust;

  • Not suitable for men who may cum prematurely or cannot pinpoint when they are approaching orgasm;
  • Not recommended for teenagers and sexually inexperienced men because it takes time and practice to gain self-confidence and self-knowledge.

During an interrupted act, when a man removes his penis from the vagina a few moments before ejaculation, it is important to ensure that the sperm does not get on the partner's genitals.

A man planning to use this type of contraception, first of all, should study his sexual reactions. He needs to be able to determine the very moment when it is no longer possible to abstain and stop sexual intercourse in time.

Coitus interruptus or coitus interruptus (PPA) is the termination of sexual intercourse before ejaculation, in which the penis is completely removed from the partner's vagina even before ejaculation occurs, produced when the man feels the approach of orgasm. Interruption of sexual intercourse is considered by many to be a simple method of contraception. It is used today by about 70% of couples. Despite the huge selection of contraceptives, it is still in demand and is a leader. This practice was known even before our era, described even in the Bible, the method was used by great-grandfathers, when it became known that conception depends on the entry of sperm into the vagina. It is popular both among mature couples and among young people, although it should have become obsolete.

For a long time there was a concept that conception can occur without ejaculation, since the secretory fluid released from the penis during friction contains spermatozoa. For fertilization, the very minimum number of them is enough to conceive. But it is scientifically proven that the secret does not contain any spermatozoa.

The essence of the method

In healthy men, orgasm occurs simultaneously with ejaculation. Before its onset, the muscles of the penis actively contract, push out the seminal fluid, the man feels tremors that spread throughout the body with very pleasant sensations. Experienced "lovelace" believe that they are able to control the interruption of sexual intercourse, the whole process, feeling the moment of ejaculation. To prevent sperm from entering the vagina, the man simply pulls out the penis at the last moment, and ejaculation occurs on a towel prepared in advance. Such completion of sexual intercourse is considered interrupted and is not physiological, and therefore cannot be useful.

And one more thing: before ejaculation, pre-seminal fluid is released. Scientific studies have proven that there is no sperm in it, but if a man is HIV-infected, then there is plenty of virus in the pre-seminal fluid, and it will definitely infect the partner.

The likelihood of pregnancy with PPA

Statistics show that every 4 women with PPA become pregnant, i.e. the percentage of effectiveness for protection is very low. Thus, the answer to the question of whether coitus interruptus is harmful in terms of the risk of conception will be unequivocal - of course! The reason may be inexperience, when a man does not always have time to interrupt the act, because few people, at the moment of their pleasure, are able to remove the penis from the vagina, rudely interfering with the entire act. Even if very little sperm enters the vagina, this may be enough for fertilization. She enters the urethra in portions during frictions, the man does not feel at this moment, this also increases the risk of conception.

Spermatozoa can live in the fallopian tubes for up to 7 days, and if sex was 5-6 days before ovulation, accompanied by PPA, then the risk of getting pregnant increases significantly. In such cases, women then often have to prove in court the paternity of their partner, who believes that bribes are smooth from him, because he did not "end" in a woman. Thus, the risk of pregnancy is high, but when using condoms, the risk of pregnancy is reduced to 85%. When choosing a PPA, you need to remember the likelihood of getting pregnant and prepare for it.

You should know that there are no spermatozoa in the pre-seminal fluid, but if a man decides to re-commit sexual intercourse, then the secreted pre-seminal fluid may contain "tadpoles" from the first act, and they immediately reach their destination (at the same time, 1 ml of fluid contains up to 10 million cells, of which more than half are mobile and active.Of course, pregnancy is impossible in a girl if there is no ovulation at this moment). In all other cases, you need to take precautions: empty your bladder, take a shower, wash your penis. When the partner removes his penis, the woman should move slightly to the side so that the sperm does not even get on the external genitalia.

Physiology of conception

Each menstrual cycle is characterized by several phases, of which there are those when the risk of becoming pregnant is significantly higher. So, first the follicle develops, in which the egg is formed - this is the first part of the cycle. What is ovulation? This is the next process, when a mature egg ruptures the follicle and comes out, ready for fertilization - this happens in the middle of the cycle. If the sperm fertilizes the egg, it becomes a zygote and attaches to the wall of the uterus. In place of the bursting follicle, in this case, a corpus luteum develops, which produces the hormone of pregnancy.

If there is no meeting with the "tadpole", the female cell dies in a day and everything repeats all over again. This is a brief outline of conception. Those. it all depends on whether there is a mature egg in the genital tract of a woman at the time of PPA. Spermatozoa are divided into 2 types according to life expectancy: some live for a day, others - up to 3, therefore, if such a spermatozoon entered the uterus 2-3 days before the appearance of the cell, it is quite capable of waiting for it. As a result, the maximum probability of conception exists during ovulation and a couple of days before it. But there is no such iron schedule of dangerous and non-dangerous days, because. the egg may be late or come out ahead of schedule. It depends on many factors, even stress.

With knowledge of her days, a girl can use other methods of contraception in addition, then the risk of "flying" drops significantly. If a couple stubbornly does not recognize other methods than PPA, the risk of conception increases significantly. Young parents should be especially careful: after childbirth, the body of a young mother is weakened, she may experience hormonal disruptions and it is difficult to calculate her schedule.


In order to somehow use the method as efficiently as possible, you need to remember:

  1. The man must have experience in PAP. If he has premature ejaculation, or he is too ardent, he cannot have such sex, the method is dangerous for him. This applies to teenagers and young guys.
  2. Ejaculation should occur at a sufficient distance from the vagina so that even drops of sperm do not fall on the partner's organs.
  3. After the act is completed, it is mandatory to take a shower, you need to wash the penis and all its folds, empty the bladder to remove the rest of the sperm in the urethra.

Positive sides

PPA - a method of protection "in a handkerchief", as grandmothers called it in their time:

  1. PPA does not require costs, it is cheap and economical. Different options for contraception cost money, but here everything is at hand. There is a risk, but cheap!
  2. There is no need to stand in lines at the pharmacy, especially since it is so inopportune and inconvenient in a fit of passion, and no one needs to be embarrassed when buying a condom.
  3. With spontaneous sex, it is simply irreplaceable, which is why it is so popular among young people.
  4. Taking OK often leads to weight gain, and these pills are not cheap. In order to correctly appoint them, you need to undergo an examination, take a bunch of tests, and the PPA simplifies everything. OK you need to buy monthly, take it strictly according to the scheme, if you miss one day - everything goes down the drain, with PPA - there is no schedule for taking
  5. Many believe that even ultra-thin condoms reduce the severity of sensations, and PPA - makes you feel the fullness of sex. Sex with a condom is often referred to as swimming in rubber boots. In addition, women claim that with the products they do not produce lubrication and excitation disappears.
  6. For many, it becomes valuable that they themselves can control something.
  7. The method is considered by many to be safe: for example, condoms may break, slip, spermicides may not dissolve in time; the vaginal cap may fall out.
  8. The method is available on any day and time of the day, there is no need to calculate graphs, measure basal temperature, etc. Another plus: the method is very simple, vivid in impressions, which is why many women have an "interrupted flight" in the price.

But this is all - the opinion of consumers, not doctors! To be honest, such statements come from elementary sexual illiteracy, complete ignorance of the risks and side effects of PPA for couples.

Cons of PPA

What is harmful interrupted sexual intercourse? No protection against STIs. Even those couples who seem to know everything about each other and completely trust can run into trouble, like an infection. This is because many STIs are asymptomatic, and nothing is known about them until a certain time.

Impotence of a man - with frequent PPA, when at the moment of the highest enjoyment of sex you have to interrupt the process and remove the penis, this cannot but affect the work of his central nervous system and leads to the development of neuroses. Over time, the erection is simply broken, ejaculation can become premature.

The genital organs of men themselves also undergo changes: the blood circulation of the genital organs is disturbed, the vessels lose their tone, the outflow of blood slows down, atony of the prostate and chronic prostatitis develop, the seminal tubercles change, the urethral mucosa becomes hyperemic.

The harmfulness of the method is also in the fact that with constant restraint of ejaculation, muscle contractility also changes: seminal fluid thickens, stagnates, which affects the quality of sperm in the future. Instead of relaxation, a man must constantly keep himself under control, instead of sexual arousal, the process of inhibition and psychological problems begin.

The man really suffers more. A woman should think about it. Women themselves with PPA receive some damage - they more often become frigid at the same time, since in 50% of cases they do not get the proper orgasm. In addition, the woman is constantly in anxiety: just not inside, you definitely made it. This, of course, does not let you relax. In addition, PPA is one of the causes of fibroids in women. Therefore, a man should think about the problems of his partner no less, and it is recommended to choose such methods of contraception that would be acceptable for a woman too.

The disadvantages of PAP are especially manifested if couples after a divorce have found new partners. It is quite possible to use and apply coitus interruptus, its harm can be reduced many times if you resort to this method of intimacy no more than 2 times a month. Then negative consequences can be avoided. The need for hygiene procedures after intercourse with PPA has already been mentioned above.

Conclusion on the topic

The method, of course, has the right to exist and will take place, but it is better not as a permanent method. So, PPA is possible if: you know your partner very well and are confident in him; you are an accomplished couple and the sudden pregnancy of your partner will not be a global catastrophe for you; you rarely resort to PPA.

It is often necessary to think about emergency contraception under various unforeseen circumstances, for example, after unprotected intercourse. In such cases, doctors recommend taking Postinor. Another way is to take high doses of contraceptives, namely COCs containing estrogens and progestogens - the Yuzpe method. The sooner the drug is taken after the act, the higher the chance of protection. Or the doctor can prescribe pure gestagens, but they still depend on the phase of the MC. The most commonly used antigestagen is Mifepristone, Ginepristone. It delays ovulation and prevents the zygote from attaching to the wall of the uterus, that is, it acts in any phase of the cycle. It can be taken within 3 days after an unprotected act, it is quite capable of helping, it does not depend on the phase of the cycle. It is quite safe and can be used even by teenagers.