Nutrition for erosion of the stomach recipes. What can you eat with erosion of the stomach: recipes and menus

Therapy of the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract includes several measures of influence. One of them is a diet for erosion of the stomach. Failure to follow the rules of nutrition can lead to the progression of the disease or the occurrence of serious complications, such as inflammation of the pancreas. A properly selected diet will make it possible to reduce the symptomatic manifestations of pathology.

General principles of nutrition

Nutrition during erosion should be very sparing in relation to the mucous membrane. The diet consists of food, which reduces the activity of gastric juice. The menu of dishes is compiled in such a way that the diet of a sick person is as varied and balanced as possible. Proper nutrition for gastric erosion includes foods that are easily digestible and have enveloping properties to protect the mucous membrane from an aggressive environment. It is desirable that such food be steamed or boiled. Food that can cause mechanical injury, such as dry biscuits, is not allowed. Ready-to-eat food should be at an acceptable temperature. This principle is important, since cold or hot food can cause irritation of the mucous membrane, which will aggravate the situation. Before swallowing food, it is recommended to chew thoroughly, softening it.

Diet with erosion of the stomach lasts about 2 months. At this time, it is important to eat fractionally about 6 times a day in small portions.

What can't be eaten?

To reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract, coffee must be excluded from the diet.

When treated with a diet, it is aimed at reducing the load on the gastrointestinal tract. A sick person should not drink coffee, black tea, cocoa, soda and juices of high acidity. The menu for erosion of the stomach should not contain some fruits and vegetables. You can not eat, apples, garlic, tomatoes, onions, grapes, plums. And also under the ban cabbage, pumpkin, beets. In limited quantities, watermelon and seeds are allowed, which are very useful for dolichosigmoid (abnormal lengthening of the sigmoid colon). But it is better not to abuse them or to abandon them altogether. Patients should also not:

  • meat, fatty fish;
  • rich broths;
  • citrus fruit;
  • mushrooms;
  • foods rich in fiber, such as bread.

What can you eat?

Erosion of the stomach severely injures the mucous membrane. Therefore, foods that can be eaten without restrictions are soft and contribute to the production of certain enzymes. It is useful to eat bananas, as they envelop the walls of the stomach. You can also eat nuts, but not more than 30 grams per day. In such quantities, they will be useful at. Doctors recommend daily consumption of the following foods:

Chicken eggs can be eaten daily.
  • chicken eggs;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • jelly;
  • cereals, especially semolina and oatmeal.

sample menu

During the acute course of erosion, as with pancreatitis, it is important to adhere to strict nutritional rules. You can make a diet yourself or contact a specialist. The menu for the week should consist of steamed, boiled or baked dishes. An approximate list of meals for the day is presented in the table:

Sample menu during remission of gastric erosion.

One of the most common ailments of the gastrointestinal tract is considered. In this case, local erosion of the mucous membrane of the organ occurs. The disease has an acute and chronic form, severe complications (, bleeding).

In the treatment of this disease, it is important to adhere to a certain diet. A diet for erosion of the stomach should eliminate irritating factors that negatively affect its mucous membrane, promote cell restoration and rapid healing of erosion.

Basic Rules

Patients are strictly forbidden to consume more than 12 grams of salt per day. All food is steamed or served boiled, preferably pureed, liquid or mushy. Completely exclude fried, smoked, spicy, salty, various spices from the diet. It is necessary to abandon rich broths with meat, fish, mushrooms.

Eat often (4-6 times), in small portions. The last meal is no later than 1.5 hours before bedtime. Before going to bed, to relieve nighttime hunger pains, it is useful to drink a glass of milk or low-fat cream. All meals should be taken warm. If there are bad habits, they must be completely abandoned. Smoking and alcohol irritate the gastric mucosa and increase erosion.

In especially severe cases, with erosion of the esophagus, the patient is not fed for the first time, intravenous therapy is carried out, then they are transferred to food through a tube. Also, the use of semi-finished products is strictly prohibited, since the hormones contained in these products cause an exacerbation of the inflammatory process.

Approximate nutrition for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The diet for gastric erosion includes the following dishes: well-cooked cereals in water or milk, slimy pureed soups, steam cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, omelettes, boiled eggs, fish, low-fat cottage cheese, fruit jelly, jelly, compote, sour-milk products, honey , marshmallows, sugar, herbal decoction, biscuit cookies, yesterday's bread, biscuit.

More on the topic: Diet after gastric perforation surgery

First meal: boil a soft-boiled egg, rice cereal porridge boiled in milk, low-fat milk or weak tea with milk.

Next meal: skimmed milk or non-sour curd, wild rose decoction. Lunch: milky oatmeal soup, steamed chicken dish, carrot puree, sweet fruit mousse or jelly.

afternoon tea: dried fruit compote, crackers, milk cream, cookies, biscuit.

Dinner: mashed potatoes, boiled fish, low-fat milk or tea with milk.

The next day in the morning, you can cook buckwheat porridge, add a little butter, steamed scrambled eggs, tea with milk.

Second breakfast: light soup, boiled potatoes in the form of mashed potatoes with boiled meat, apple jelly, dried fruit compote.

afternoon tea: cream tea, crackers, biscuits, non-acidic fruit puree.

Dinner: boiled fish, curd soufflé, jelly.

The main reason for the development of erosion of the antrum of the stomach is infection with the herpes simplex virus and the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for a long time. Therefore, the diet for erosion of the industrial part of the stomach should be gentle, complete, exclude the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and contribute to the rapid healing of wounds, increase immunity.

For any diseases of the digestive system, it is very important to follow a diet. Erosive gastritis is a disease in which proper nutrition will help to avoid exacerbations, and sometimes completely overcome the disease. Non-compliance with the diet, on the contrary, can lead to an exacerbation of the process and hospitalization in a hospital, as well as to severe complications (gastric bleeding, development, activation of tumor processes).

Erosions are small ulcerative defects on the gastric mucosa, which means that an inflammatory process takes place. That is why the diet should not only spare the damaged mucous membrane as much as possible, but also create conditions for the healing of erosions.

Food should be fractional and small portions.

With this disease, it is important not only to eat healthy and safe foods, but also to cook them correctly and follow a diet.

Fractional nutrition is indicated for almost all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but with erosive gastritis this is especially important. Food should be taken 5-6, and sometimes even 7-8 times a day, at regular intervals. Large breaks between meals are unacceptable, the feeling of hunger increases the production of hydrochloric acid, which will irritate the already damaged mucous membrane of an empty stomach.

Portions should be small. When overeating, a large amount of food enters the stomach, which lingers in it longer than usual, this requires the production of more hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes, which not only affect the food bolus, but also irritate the gastric mucosa.

Food should be warm, cold and hot dishes should not be consumed with erosion of the stomach. It is strictly forbidden to eat salty, pickled, spicy, smoked dishes, since salt, spices and spices, vinegar and other additives included in their composition will not only irritate, but “corrode” the inflamed walls of the stomach.

Fatty and fried foods are completely excluded, in this form it is long and difficult to digest, and during cooking, harmful substances can be released that will negatively affect the vulnerable mucous membrane of the diseased organ. The best option is cooking in a double boiler, you can cook dishes in the oven in foil or baking bags, you can also boil and stew foods.

Food entering the stomach must be carefully crushed, large coarse pieces can mechanically damage the walls of the organ. Fruits and vegetables must be peeled.

Products prohibited for erosive gastritis

  • Fatty hard meat and fish, pates;
  • primary meat and fish broth, sauerkraut soup, soup;
  • , mushroom soup;
  • refractory fats;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables, especially with coarse fiber (radish, swede, white cabbage, spinach, etc.);
  • sweet pastries, confectionery, ;
  • sour dairy products, cheeses;
  • rye bread, especially with bran;
  • strong (it is better to refuse even “weak”), carbonated drinks, alcohol;
  • concentrated freshly squeezed juices from sour fruits;
  • scrambled eggs, hard-boiled eggs;
  • vinegar, hot sauces and seasonings;
  • fast food.

Approved Products

Mucous soups are good for the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Lean meat, fish,;
  • well-boiled vegetable soups;
  • boiled porridge (, rice, etc.), vermicelli;
  • dairy products (non-acidic);
  • eggs in the form of an omelette or soft-boiled;
  • stale wheat bread, dry biscuit;
  • boiled pureed vegetables;
  • fruit in the form of jelly, souffle,;
  • weak black (preferably with milk) or herbal tea, non-acidic compotes;
  • , honey, jam.

Products that are especially useful for erosion of the stomach

With erosive gastritis, in addition to diet therapy, drug treatment is prescribed. Among the drugs, as a rule, there are enveloping agents that protect the gastric mucosa from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid and create the best conditions for tissue regeneration. Some foods also have these properties, so there should be as many of them in the diet as possible.

Mucous soups and cereals

The enveloping properties of rice broth have been known for a very long time, so rice porridge well boiled in water (you can add milk) will be very useful for the stomach. In order to prevent possible constipation after eating this dish, you can add a grated apple, boiled or baked pumpkin, previously steamed with boiling water, dried apricots or prunes. No less useful from this point of view is oatmeal cooked in the same way.

This fruit also has protective properties, however, when the stomach is eroded, it is better to grind or knead bananas with a fork to the state of gruel. In this form, they better envelop the walls of the stomach and contribute to the healing of erosions.

Milk and cream

These products are useful for erosive gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, which negatively affects the course of the disease. If, as a result of the analyzes, an increase in this indicator was revealed, then the use of cream will help reduce it, and therefore reduce the aggressive effect of hydrochloric acid on the mucous membrane. These dairy products are useful for heartburn and at night.


They also belong to natural enveloping agents. It is better to cook jelly on oatmeal than on starch. If you couldn’t find oatmeal in stores, it doesn’t matter, you can replace it with oatmeal, ground in a coffee grinder or blender into a fine powder. And the grated berries and fruits added to the jelly will make it even healthier and tastier.

herbal teas

The most effective and useful in inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are mint and chamomile teas. Mint tea contains tannins, has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects. Chamomile flower tea has an analgesic effect and also helps relieve inflammation. In the pharmacy you can buy special gastric preparations - these are multi-component teas from medicinal herbs that will complement drug treatment and diet therapy.

Proper nutrition is the basis for the treatment of most diseases of the gastroenterological profile. Until 2004, the diet of such patients was determined by tables number 1-5. Today, a list of recommended meals is included in the standard nutrition lists. The diet for gastric erosion should be combined with the drugs used, be gentle and help reduce the amount of hydrochloric acid produced.

What is gastric erosion

Erosion is a superficial damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, not associated with the destruction of the muscle layers. It is considered a pre-ulcerative condition, under certain circumstances it can progress, go deep into the intestinal wall. Erosion causes include:

  • Uncontrolled long-term use of NSAIDs.
  • Reflux of bile from the duodenum.
  • Stomach injury (burns).
  • Ingestion of toxic substances.

Despite the fact that Helicobacter pylori is not officially considered the cause of the pathology under consideration, the bacterium is found in 90% of cases of erosive gastritis. At the same time, mucosal defects are diagnosed in 10–15% of people who have undergone endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract.

Erosion of the stomach can occur as an independent disease or associated with another process. In the first case, the condition develops directly under the influence of an etiological factor, in the second case it is a consequence of other anomalies. The disease also occurs in acute or chronic form.

Symptoms are a complex consisting of dyspeptic and dyskinetic syndromes. In addition, occult blood is detected in the feces, a person complains of night pains in the abdomen.

The treatment process consists of two parts: drug therapy and proper nutrition. The pharmacological allowance includes such groups of drugs as proton pump inhibitors, antacids, cytoprotectors, antibiotics (with the proven presence of HP). The principles of the dietary table, together with the products allowed for consumption, are described below.

Why is it important to eat right

All the chemicals it needs come into the human body with food:

  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;
  • mineral salts;
  • vitamins;
  • vegetable fiber.

One part of these components is used by the body to build cells, the other is broken down with the release of energy. The latter is necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes, maintaining homeostasis, and performing physical work.

A healthy person can eat everything in the food category that does not have a direct toxic effect, if the stomach is able to process it. We get the greatest amount of energy from high-calorie meals that load the intestines, requiring its active work. With erosive gastritis, this leads to a deterioration in the condition and a deepening of the defect.

To reduce the load on the diseased organ, but maintain the required amount of substances, one should adhere to the principles of therapeutic nutrition. In addition to the above, the diet ensures compliance with such important patient needs as:

  • Decreased production of gastric juice.
  • Exclusion of the irritating effect of food.
  • Prevention of mechanical damage to the mucous membrane by the elements of the eaten.
  • Prevention of weight loss due to nutritional deficiencies.

With the right diet, the patient recovers faster. Erosion is delayed, its transition to an ulcer is prevented. If a person eats properly, the healing period of primary erosions is 8-10 days. The time required to eliminate the exacerbation of chronic processes does not depend on compliance with nutritional conditions. However, the diet allows you to alleviate the course of the disease, thereby avoiding a number of serious complications.

Nutrition rules

A patient suffering from gastric erosion must follow a few simple principles regarding food preparation. First of all, the daily diet should be divided into 5-6 parts, which should be consumed at regular intervals. This will ensure a uniform flow of food into the stomach and facilitate its work as much as possible. Dishes should be steamed, boiled or mashed. Fried, smoked, baked foods should be abandoned.

The patient's diet should contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats (400, 100, 90 g, respectively). Salt is recommended to be limited to 10 grams. The amount of free fluid consumed for the body requires at least one and a half liters. This allows you to avoid dehydration, timely remove toxic components formed as a result of the inflammatory process from the bloodstream, and provide body cells with essential minerals.

The diet can be supplemented with the use of medicinal table mineral waters (Essentuki No. 4, Slavic, Smirnovskaya). The liquid is drunk warmed up to 38 ° C, 2 hours before meals, 50–60 ml each. With reduced production of hydrochloric acid, mineral water is drunk coolly, 15 minutes before sitting at the table.

What can you eat with erosion of the stomach

Nutrition for the pathology under consideration should be thermally, chemically, mechanically sparing. The temperature of the dishes is 15-60 ° C, the consistency is liquid or mushy. Snacks that stimulate an increase in acidity in the stomach should be avoided.

What can not be eaten with erosion of the stomach

The rules for the nutrition of patients with gastroenterological pathology include both prohibited and simply not recommended foods. The first must be abandoned completely. The second is permissible, but it must be done as rarely as possible.

In general, you should not eat any foods that have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane, which can provoke an intensive production of gastric juice. More precise recommendations on nutrition can be given by the attending physician or a competent nutritionist who selects schemes for such patients.

Sample menu for the week

The meal plan below is for people with acute erosive gastritis. A special menu provides the patient with all the necessary substances. It is possible to replace the described recipes with others, the ingredients of which have similar properties.

Complete nutrition of the patient implies the use of first and second courses, as well as desserts. A person should eat liquid formulations, boiled foods.

First meal

Mucous soups recommended at the beginning of dinner are prepared according to the same recipe. To do this, take the required volume of cereals: rice, oatmeal, pearl barley, semolina, cell, Poltava, lentils, washed with water (except semolina). Further, the product is poured and put on the stove, boiled until the grains are boiled. This takes about one hour.

The resulting composition is ground through a sieve and brought to a boil. Add the egg-milk mixture, salt and cool to an acceptable temperature. It is allowed to include meat broth in the product. This makes the dietary dish tastier and improves the patient's appetite.

The egg-milk mixture used to season the soup is quite simple to prepare. It is necessary to break the egg and mix it with a fork, gradually pouring hot milk into it. After that, the mixture is heated until thickened.

Main courses

The list of dishes that the patient can eat is varied. The patient has the opportunity to prepare the following meals:

  • Steam omelette: eggs and milk are mixed, poured into a prepared, oiled baking sheet, steamed until the desired consistency of the dish is obtained. Before use, you can pour the product with melted butter.
  • Boiled beef: 1 kg of meat is poured into 3 liters of water and boiled for 2 hours. Then salt, carrots, herbs are added to the container and the product is left on fire for another 30 minutes. The total cooking time is 2.5 hours.
  • Chicken cutlets: the breast is crushed in a meat grinder, mixed with bread soaked in water and ground again. Salt is added to the mass and beat it. A cutlet is formed and steamed.
  • Semolina porridge: boil milk, pour cereal into it, stirring the product. The mixture is boiled for 10–15 minutes, oil is added and cooled to the required temperature.
  • Grated buckwheat: the groats are immersed in boiling water and boiled until tender. The resulting product is ground, salted, then reheated in a water bath. Before use, it is better to pour the porridge with melted butter.
  • Beef soufflé: the boiled product is run through a meat grinder, mixed with milk sauce, egg yolk and whipped protein. The resulting mass is spread on a greased pan and steamed.
  • Boiled chicken: poultry meat is put in boiling water, boiled for a while, the foam is removed and greens are added. After that, the heat treatment is continued until cooked on low heat.


In general, restrictions on the use of sweets are not imposed on the patient. It is recommended to refuse baking, as well as industrial products, as they contain preservatives and other substances that adversely affect the stomach. Use homemade sweets:

  • Baked apple: the fruit is washed, the middle is removed, then a piece of butter is placed in the resulting hole. Bake at 190°C for 40 minutes.
  • Marmalade: 2 tablespoons of agar-agar are mixed with a glass of apricot (or any other to taste) juice and left for half an hour. Syrup is made from sugar and sea buckthorn. Both products are mixed, boiled for five minutes and poured into molds.
  • Pudding: 100 grams of sugar, 3 eggs, raisins, prunes and orange are mixed, whipped in a blender, added to the curd mass (250 g) and baked until tender.
  • Homemade sourdough: milk is boiled, cooled to 40 ° C and mixed with a small amount of industrial yoghurt. Next, the product is placed in a thermos and fermented for 8 hours. You can add fruit syrup before drinking.
  • Casserole: cottage cheese, vanillin, salt, sour cream mixed with semolina and baking powder are mixed and beaten in a blender. Add a beaten egg and bake the product in the oven at 180 °C. Cooking time - 40 minutes.
  • Kissel: 1 liter of water is brought to a boil, then diluted starch, lemon zest, cloves are added there. The mixture is kept on fire until bubbles appear, removed, honey, juice are added and mixed.
  • Marshmallow: 25 grams of gelatin is whipped with half a glass of water and allowed to swell. After that, a syrup is made from vanillin and sugar. Mix gelatin and the composition indicated initially, beat until an airy mass is obtained, add a tablespoon of lemon juice. Give the mass a shape and leave to dry until the desired consistency is obtained.

Conclusion of a nutritionist

Diet food for erosive gastritis is tasty and appetizing. The menu can be chosen in such a way that the week during which the patient will observe food restrictions will be the best gastronomic memory for him. In addition to the above recipes, a person can eat many other equally attractive dishes. It is not contraindicated for gourmets to combine recipes without violating the principles of therapeutic nutrition.

Erosion of the stomach is a dangerous disease that can lead to an ulcer, as well as tumors of the duodenum and other organs of the peritoneal cavity. Outwardly, erosion looks like damage to the walls of the stomach, with bubble formations on them. They can be both single and appear in many places.

Causes and symptoms

The causes of such a disease are quite diverse - from the appearance of bacteria to neurological consequences. Also, erosion of the stomach can be a consequence of antral gastritis. For example:

  1. A strain of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.
  2. Rough food (snacks, spicy, peppery, too salty food).
  3. Overuse of drugs (especially painkillers).
  4. Stress.
  5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, pancreatitis).
  6. Cirrhosis of the liver.
  7. Diabetes.
  8. Tumors of the peritoneal organs (malignant and benign).
  9. Poisoning by toxic substances by airborne droplets (working conditions, ecological situation of the area).

Erosion of the stomach, like any disease, has its own symptoms, which consists in:

  • feeling of pain in the stomach area immediately after a meal;
  • constant belching;
  • periodic vomiting;
  • heartburn.

At the same time, erosion can manifest itself without symptoms, but this does not mean that it does not exist, since bleeding could begin in this organ. This usually occurs during the acute form of the disease. If bleeding begins, the patient turns pale sharply and very much, which is a signal to immediately go to the hospital, where he will immediately be assigned to inpatient treatment. The acute form is “removed” with various medicines, droppers. But in order for the patient to recover, it is necessary to follow a diet for at least two years.

Nutrition and diet for gastric erosion

If you have been diagnosed with such a disease, and you have been treated in a hospital, the doctor prescribes a special nutrition system. So, a diet for erosion of the stomach implies only warm food, in no case do not drink hot tea and broths, and in contrast - cold drinks. It is also forbidden to eat pickles, smoked meats, mushrooms, fatty meats, coffee, raw fruits and vegetables, chocolate. You can eat vegetables and meat only with steam processing. Suitable drinks are: weak tea and compote from rose hips. It is also very important to eat food exclusively in small portions in grated form. Naturally, alcohol and smoking are prohibited. For example, this menu is suitable:

  • day one includes oatmeal milk soup for breakfast; for lunch - a baked apple without sugar; for lunch - rice milk porridge; for an afternoon snack - a cracker (from whole grain bread); for dinner - boiled fish (pollock); drink a glass of milk (low-fat or low-fat) at night;
  • the second day can be started with a steamed omelet breakfast; lunch is the same as on the first day; for lunch - lean mashed potatoes; for an afternoon snack - a bowl of wheat bran (it is allowed to add a pinch of sugar); for dinner - cottage cheese soufflé;
  • day three includes boiled soft-boiled eggs for breakfast; lunch - the same; for lunch - goulash from the liver; for an afternoon snack - a glass of milk (low-fat); for dinner - beetroot puree; at night you can enjoy half a glass of cream;
  • day four, start with breakfast with buckwheat porridge; for lunch - a cracker; for lunch - meat soufflé (chicken, lamb); for an afternoon snack - weak tea; for dinner - fruit jelly; drink milk at night;
  • day five includes weak tea for breakfast; for lunch - a baked apple; for lunch - rice milk porridge; for an afternoon snack - a cracker; For dinner, you can eat carrot puree.