Head massage to improve blood circulation by yourself. Head massage

Massage is an effective way to relax. Regardless of the chosen form of the procedure, with regular performance, the emotional state improves.

Head and neck massage improves blood flow, so it is an excellent tool for activating hair growth. Massage, combined with proper nutrition and the use of cosmetics, helps to achieve good results in the process of restoring hair density or treating skin integuments.

Head massage is used for medical and cosmetic purposes:

Benefits of head massage

  1. Massage helps to improve mood, relax and tune in to a positive wave.
  2. Blood circulation improves, so that the hair follicles receive more nutrients and vitamins.
  3. The work of the sebaceous glands is normalized. Oily hair stays clean and frizzy longer. Dry hair gets the moisture it needs.
  4. The tone of the muscles of the head and neck increases.
  5. The development of skin diseases and dandruff is prevented.
  6. Increases hair density. Improved circulation stimulates new hair growth from dormant follicles. Hair is stronger fixed in its holes and stop falling out.

Features of the massage

To achieve the maximum effect from the massage, several conditions must be met:

Contraindications for use

  1. Oncological diseases.
  2. High blood pressure.
  3. General weakness of the body.
  4. Purulent inflammation.
  5. Excessive hair loss.
  6. Head injury.
  7. Vasodilation.
  8. Fungal diseases.
  9. Thrombosis.

Finger massage techniques

  • Stroking

Head and neck massage for hair growth starts with this technique. Hold the palm without pressure from the forehead to the back of the head, from the parietal zone to the auricles. With light, relaxed movements, you need to rub the scalp and move it a little. Light strokes soothe the nervous system, warm up the skin and improve fluid outflow. Duration - up to 10 minutes.

  • Trituration

With fingertips, pressing in a circular motion, you need to walk from the lower hairline to the temples, and then to the crown and forehead. In fact, these are more intense strokes.

  • Pat

With fingertips, with light driving movements, you need to walk along the parting line. Pain must not be tolerated. Vibrating patting movements increase muscle tone and have a beneficial effect on tissues. Duration - 5 minutes.

  • Stretching

Hands need to grab strands of hair between the fingers and calmly pull up, making oscillatory movements. The main thing is not to allow strong tension in the roots.

  • Combing

You need to take a comb or comb with natural bristles. Comb hair in different directions for 5-8 minutes. This allows you to strengthen the hair roots and improve blood circulation.

What massage to do to accelerate hair growth?

There are many methods of massage for hair growth. Each of them is designed to improve the structure of the hair, enhance their growth and prevent hair loss.

Massage with comb or brush

A simple and effective way. To perform a massage, you need to take a brush made of natural wood, such as juniper, or an ebonite comb. The movements are neat from the temples to the back of the head, from the back of the head to the top of the head, then in the frontal region and back to the temples.

Such a massage should be carried out for 5-10 minutes with smooth movements with light pressure. As a result, blood flow improves, the skin is saturated with nutrients.

Massage with essential oils

First of all, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to the selected oil. Before the procedure, the oil must be heated in a water bath.

All oils have different effects on the scalp and hair, so you need to choose them based on your needs:

For hair growth For thick hair From hair loss For dry hair For oily hair
Ylang Ylang






Pink tree



















Ylang Ylang


Ylang Ylang







Rubbing aromatic oils is an effective method of combating baldness. After such a massage, the hair has a delicate aroma and a healthy, well-groomed appearance. It is necessary to apply a few drops of oil on the palm of your hand (from 3 to 5 drops depending on the thickness of the hair) and rub in a circular motion.

You need to finish the massage with a slight pinching of the scalp. The maximum effect is achieved with regular massage.

Japanese massage

Head and neck massage for hair growth in the Japanese style involves the impact on active points. Irritation goes away, negative emotions dissipate, and positive energy is harmoniously distributed in the body.

Under the influence of Japanese massage, insomnia and headaches disappear, anxiety decreases and hair growth is activated.

Indian massage

The Indian massage technique is called Champi. In Ayurveda, this technique is used to balance the energies in the body and maximize relaxation.

The Indian massage scheme includes 3 stages:

  • Squeezing movements with fingers from the side of the head to the top of the head.
  • Intense rubbing movements with the palms on the forehead and back of the head.
  • Small vibrating movements with fingertips all over the head.
  • Stroking movements from the forehead to the back of the head, grabbing the hair between the fingers.
  • Rubbing movements from the eyebrows to the temples.
  • Circular movements clockwise in the temples.
  • Soft strokes at the end of the procedure.

The head and neck massage lasts 40 minutes and has a beneficial healing effect on hair growth and density.

Burmese technique

The method was developed in the 13th century with the aim of rehabilitating warriors after battles. The procedure is called "express anti-stress", as its duration does not exceed 20 minutes. The patient is in a sitting position. In random order, stroking, kneading and rubbing movements of the face and head are made.

Be sure to stimulate biologically active points, the back, neck and shoulder girdle are warmed up with pinching and stroking movements. At the end of the procedure, the spine is pressed through with the phalanges of the fingers.

After the massage, the body relaxes as much as possible, so it is recommended to go to bed immediately. Thanks to the effect of complete relaxation, blood circulation and nutrition of the hair follicles improves.

Collar zone massage

Various techniques are suitable for this massage: rubbing, patting, kneading and stroking. Particular attention is paid to the study of the back, as it is the most tense and spasmodic..
Massage removes clamps and blocks, so blood flow to the head improves. As a result, hair growth is activated.

Salt massage

Massage for the scalp and neck is a peeling procedure, as salt removes dead cells and cleanses the skin of excess sebum. Hair roots are strengthened, the walls of blood vessels become flexible and elastic, and dormant bulbs are awakened. Before starting the massage, you need to make sure that there are no wounds or scratches on the scalp, if there are any, the procedure cannot be performed.

The procedure includes:

  • Solution preparation. You need to take ordinary or sea salt without additives and mix with warm water in a 1: 1 ratio until the consistency of porridge.
  • The resulting product is applied to the scalp and rubbed with light massage movements for 10 minutes. If the skin tingles slightly, then this is normal, and with severe itching and burning, the remedy should be washed off and the massage should be stopped.
  • Rinse the saline solution from your hair with running warm water. Additionally, you can wash your hair with shampoo.

Using a terry towel

Margot's massage is effective against hair loss. This method is based on thermal exposure, as a result of which the pores open and blood flow increases. The massage is performed with a warm soft towel.
The head should be tilted down and massaged for 5 minutes with rubbing movements. After the massage, wrap your head in a towel and leave for half an hour.

Darsonval pulse comb

Head massage using the Darsonval method helps to solve the problem of hair loss. The use of the device awakens the bulbs and promotes the formation of new germ cells.

Also, the procedure improves blood circulation, stimulating hair growth, and helps to cure seborrhea by normalizing the production of sebum. Even in the absence of obvious problems, Darsonval's therapeutic massage improves the appearance of the hair.

Before starting the massage, you need to check the hair for the presence of foreign objects. You can apply a nourishing composition of oils to the scalp. The massage procedure is similar to the classic combing.

The device must be set to medium intensity and comb the hair from the forehead to the back of the head. The duration of the massage is 10 minutes. You need to spend 15 sessions, after which you should take a break for 1 month.

Parting massage

This method activates hair growth. Massage should be started in the parting area in the middle of the head, making gentle rubbing and stroking movements. After 1 minute, you need to move about 15 mm to the side and repeat the massage movements along the new parting.

It is necessary to massage the entire head, moving evenly on both sides of the entire head, moving evenly on both sides of the central parting.

It is advisable to massage every day

The use of special massagers

Vitamin massages

Head and neck massage can be carried out with the addition of a vitamin complex, these supplements fill the cells with nutrients and restore the structure from the inside.

Vitamins in liquid or oily form should be applied to the skin and rubbed in a circular motion. It is allowed to use a vitamin mixture in compliance with the proportions and dosage.

Vitamins for hair growth:

  • PP - participates in the energy exchange of the follicle and improves the structure of the hair
  • A - is responsible for the production of collagen, keratin and elastane, is a barrier against UV radiation.
  • E - saturates the blood vessels and scalp with oxygen, eliminates the cross section of the hair.
  • C - is responsible for the normalization of blood circulation, gives the hair volume and radiance.
  • F - reduces hair loss, moisturizes the scalp.
  • H - eliminates dryness, cross-section and increases hair elasticity.
  • B - participates in metabolic processes, has regenerative properties.

Herbs for head massage

Herbal infusions and decoctions have long been recognized leaders in traditional medicine. Regular use of these products makes the hair manageable and smooth.

The therapeutic effect is to improve the condition of the scalp and get rid of problems with hair loss. Massage course with herbs - 1 month with a frequency of 2 days.

For different types of hair, you should choose different herbs:

  • a decoction of hop cones and heather in equal proportions;
  • or a decoction of linden (500 ml of boiling water, 8 tablespoons of linden flowers).

4. The most effective remedy for any type of hair is burdock oil. It strengthens hair, promotes their growth and gives a healthy appearance.

  1. Compliance with hygiene - it is necessary to wash your hands or disinfect devices for massage.
  2. Before using essential oils or other cosmetics, you need to do an allergy test: apply a drop of the product to the crook of your elbow and wait 1 hour. If a reaction occurs, the agent must be replaced.
  3. Massage should be done before shampooing. During the massage, the work of the sebaceous glands is activated, and the hair quickly gets dirty.
  4. The regularity of procedures increases their effectiveness.
  5. Avoid sudden movements and massage in the direction of hair growth. The pressure should be gradually increased, massage should be started with light touches.
  6. The combination of different types of massage gives the best effect.

Neck massage

To improve blood circulation, it is enough to massage the neck for 3 minutes, but it is advisable to do it daily. Lymph nodes and large vessels are located on the front of the neck, so you must be very careful, or completely refuse to massage this part.

All classic massage techniques are used for neck massage. The procedure starts on the sides of the neck and proceeds to the back. Movements from behind - from top to bottom, from the side - from bottom to top. The effect of the procedure is obvious - mood improves, muscle tension decreases, concentration of attention increases.

People often suffer from headaches, muscle stiffness in the cervical region. They usually lead a sedentary lifestyle, work at a computer for a long time, spend many hours in an air-conditioned car. Recently, sitting in front of the monitor is one of the serious health problems, because. few people follow the basic rules: do not stay in one position for a long time, stretch often, straighten your back. Caution is also needed with the correct position of the head - it is often tilted for a long time. This is a big mistake, the result of which is stiff neck muscles, leading to headaches. An equally serious problem for people (both men and women) is the deterioration of the hair due to impaired blood circulation. In both cases, massaging the scalp, neck, and face will help. Which head massage is suitable for which purpose? Below are some options.

Benefits of massage

What is a head massage for? Its main benefits include:

  • improvement of blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • acceleration of metabolic metabolism;
  • normalization of psychophysical balance;
  • stress relief;
  • relaxation, ensuring physical, mental well-being.


There are many ways to massage the head. The main methods are manual, using vibration massagers, laser.


Massaging the head with hands is the most common method. It is divided into superficial, deep, plastic, reflex massage. Basic techniques include rubbing, pressure, rubbing, head patting.

  • Surface massage is carried out with light circular movements of the fingertips.
  • With a deep massage, the procedure is the same as with a superficial one, but with greater intensity (pressure on the scalp).
  • Plastic massage is characterized by alternating intense and light pressure on the scalp.
  • Reflex massage is based on the stimulation of zones, reflex points. The technique and effect are similar to the acupuncture method.

Vibrating massagers

There are a number of vibrating massagers with comb attachments on the market. Unfortunately, rubber tips are not as sensitive as hands, so they are not very common.

The benefits of laser massage is to eliminate excessive hair loss, baldness. The laser beam penetrates the tissue of the scalp, where it stimulates blood circulation, improves local blood supply. The laser activates cellular metabolism, maintains its regenerative ability.

Massages for headaches and neck stiffness

Eliminating a headache is what a head massage is useful for. They can be used on different parts of the head.

Whiskey and forehead

With a headache due to overexertion or hypothermia, a light massage of the temples and forehead will help. Improving the effect can be achieved by using essential oils:

  • lavender - if you need to warm up after hypothermia;
  • mint - with a feeling of heat in the head;
  • chamomile - for relaxation.

Getting a head massage is easy. With the fingers of both hands, lightly massage the forehead and temples. Pressing on the skin with your fingertips will relieve facial muscle tension. With the pads of your ring fingers, gently press on the eye sockets at the root of the nose. Smooth out the muscles around the eye sockets under the eyebrows. Gently wipe your face along both sides of your nose, moving on to your jaw (often this is where the center of accumulated tension is).

Be careful not to pull the skin down as this can cause wrinkles.

Neck and shoulders

Stiff, rigid neck muscles overwhelm the nerves. This is manifested by pain, numbness, visual impairment. Significant relief will provide light pressure on the neck muscles (just below the hairline) - gently massage the neck, placing your hands on it on each side.

Light self-massage is a movement of the shoulders: lift them, move the shoulder blades, then relax. Repeat 3-4 times.

With your left hand, massage your right shoulder, squeezing the muscles on the back of your neck and shoulders. With your right hand, do the same on the left side.

Grasp the skin on the back of the neck (the so-called collar area) with your fingers, squeeze lightly, moving up. Having reached the base of the skull, return to the shoulders.

Grab your head with your hands (fingers pointing towards the top of your head), in a circular motion, move up the neck, while exerting light pressure.


Japanese Shiatsu massage is based on stimulating active points, the correct impact on which promotes the flow of energy in the body. This is a good way to relieve headaches, improve sleep quality, and eliminate overstrain.

Option number 1:

  • Clench your fists, relax your wrists, use your knuckles to massage the top of your head.
  • Massage your forehead from the middle to the sides.
  • Press your fingers on the temples.
  • From the temples, continue to the jaw.
  • Massage the jaw from the middle to the sides.
  • Click on the eyebrow area.

Option #2:

  • Massage your head from forehead to temples.
  • Place your fingers on your eyebrows, lower your weight on them.
  • Squeeze the base of your nose with two fingers. This will help eliminate eye fatigue.
  • Place two fingers on the top of your nose. Inhale, quickly move your fingers down (in addition to relieving headaches, this method helps to eliminate nasal congestion).

Option number 3:

  • Massage the head around the circumference, including the forehead and neck (this massage supports blood circulation in the head, in the vessels of the brain, improves the condition of the hair).
  • Stretch your fingers through your hair several times, as if pulling them up.
  • Massage the back of your head with the palm of your hand, applying light pressure.
  • Rub the muscle fibers at the base of the skull.

All of these techniques are easy to perform independently, at home. When performed correctly, shiatsu can help relieve tension and pain.

Indian massage - a pleasant relaxation that improves the condition of the hair

Stress, insomnia, headache are integral parts of the modern hectic time. They accompany a person at every step, impair productivity, and prevent proper rest. Is it possible to do something about this, to prevent the negative consequences of the “benefits of civilization”? Can! Indian head massage will help with this - one of the oldest methods that promotes relaxation, improves concentration, and relieves stress. As a bonus, it will provide you with shiny healthy hair, accelerate their growth.

During the Indian head massage, also known as champi, the massage therapist intensively works on the muscles and skin of the head, neck, shoulders, eliminating the accumulated tension, reducing the stiffness of these areas.

For massage, you can use oils - coconut, almond. Their use, in addition to relaxing effects, has a beneficial effect on the hair - it helps to strengthen, add shine.

Ancient solutions to modern problems

The Indian massage technique is based on the Ayurvedic healing system, an alternative medicine dating back over 5,000 years, combining natural therapy, effects on the mind, body, soul.

According to Ayurvedic healers, without the health and pleasure of the soul, the mind will not have the health and satisfaction of the body.

This is a principle towards which more and more people in the Western world are finding their way lately. When a person is overwhelmed by the pressure of modernity, he turns to ancient Eastern medicine. And she helps him.

From hair care to calming the soul and mind

Indian head massage has been part of the daily life of Indians since ancient times. According to Francesca Gould, author of The Indian Head Massage, champi is a daily ritual for a Hindu mother caring for her child. In the open air, she holds the baby (already from the age of the baby) on her knees, massaging his head.

Although Champi's primary purpose is to treat skin and hair damaged by the local dry climate, its effects on the body are much wider. Massage soothes the soul, stimulates the mind, relaxes the body.

Relaxation and disease prevention

After a long day at work, especially one spent in front of a computer, few people feel fresh and well-disposed. The most common result is fatigue, stiff neck, headache. All these problems can be dealt with by a properly performed Indian head massage.

It stimulates blood circulation, improves lymph flow, helps to get rid of insomnia. Its effects far outweigh the physical aspect of health. Champi helps to reduce stress, which affects the emotional and mental level. The procedure brings a feeling of mental well-being, inner peace, improves concentration, learning ability.

According to Ayurvedic doctors, Indian head massage not only eliminates stress, but also stimulates the body to heal itself, slowing down the progression of diseases. Regular scalp massage is also a pleasant form of prevention; the procedure strengthens the body, improves its protection.

Home Indian massage

Champi is considered one of the most pleasant massages. In addition, its implementation is not difficult, you do not need special tools. If you don't want to, there is no need to use oils. Although there are many relaxation rooms, wellness centers offering Indian head massage, it can be done at home. Just follow a few basic principles.

There is nothing complicated about giving a champi head massage. Sit down, relax, put your head on a support, arms and legs - free, not tense. Daily stress causes the accumulation of tension in the shoulders, the back of the head, so massaging begins on the neck.

Grab the trapezius muscle in the neck, squeeze it, moving it from the shoulder blade in the direction of the top and forward. Gradually relax the muscles and shoulders with a slight squeeze. The pressure can be increased, but be careful - you should not feel pain.

As part of general relaxation, you can combine massage with hair washing. Relaxing effects will be enhanced by meditation music.

Indian VS classic massage

Although Champi is based on Eastern teachings and the life of Indians far from us, this type of massage is becoming more and more popular in the West. It has many advantages over classical European techniques.

The main advantage is, of course, complete freedom. The massage can be adapted to personal needs. The procedure is easy to carry out anywhere, the only condition is the availability of a seat. Relaxation does not require much time, the whole process takes no more than a few tens of minutes.

Freedom is also present in the choice of the method of massage. There is no need to take off clothes, use oils, special devices. All you need is sensitive hands, a quiet place, a comfortable chair.

Although in most cases Indian head massage has a purely positive effect, it is a mild form of therapy, for people with certain diseases, it can be harmful. It should be avoided by patients with diabetes, epilepsy, osteoporosis, people suffering from high or low blood pressure. This type of relaxation is not intended after a recent operation, head or neck injury.


Acupressure is an ancient healing art developed by the Chinese over 3,000 years ago. This technique is similar to acupuncture, but instead of needles, finger pressure is used on specific active points located near the meridians.

With a headache, a person automatically puts his hands to certain points on his head. In addition to the effect on the temples and points at the outer part of the eyebrows, pressure on the areas behind the ears is recommended. For a weather-related headache, press a point in the center of the back of the head.

Most often, problems with blood circulation are solved with medication. Drugs designed to expand blood vessels and are quite effective, but they have a number of serious side effects and contraindications. Exercises to normalize blood flow completely safe. They can be performed at any age, and it turns out not only preventive, but also curative:

  • memory disorders are prevented and treated and other cognitive functions of the brain;
  • improves coordination movements;
  • reduces the risk of developing various vascular pathologies such as strokes and thrombosis;
  • vision is restored;
  • relieves pain in osteochondrosis increases the mobility of the spinal column.

Against the background of regular classes, the effectiveness of the drugs prescribed by the doctor also increases.

It is advisable to train twice a day. A set of exercises performed in the morning will help cheer up and tune in to a working mood, and an evening lesson helps to relax and have a good night's rest.

Improving the blood circulation of the brain: features of the complex and technique

It is possible to influence the blood circulation in the head only in a complex way. That is why the list of useful movements includes not only tilts and turns of the head, but also lunges and squats. To activate blood flow and increase the lumen of blood vessels, you need to make your heart beat faster.

As for the technical side of the issue, all movements must be performed smoothly and carefully without making sudden movements or jerks. Each exercise should be repeated at least ten times. Breathe during training you need deep and straight. This will ensure the flow of oxygen and maintain the rhythm: the movement is performed on the exhale, and the return to the original position is on the inhale.

As the muscles become stronger, load needs to be increased.. This is done both due to the greater number of repetitions and the number of approaches. Beginners are advised to do no more than one set for each exercise.

If pain occurs or the general condition of the body does not allow full exercise, you should reduce the training to a minimum, and after recovery, return to the usual rhythm.

The most effective exercises

This complex, like any training program, begins with a mandatory warm-up. In this case, it is advisable to walk a little and rub the collar area with your fingers until it feels warm. After that, you can proceed to the main part:

  • Standing straight with relaxed hands the head must alternately slowly tilt to the right and left. The movement is performed with the maximum possible amplitude, but without pain. If mobility is limited, do not persist.
  • From the same starting position the head leans back freely at first, and then leans forward. The chin should touch the chest. If you have problems with balance, you can do seated bends.
  • Again standing up performed alternating head turns to both sides. The chin should ideally be placed in line with the shoulder, but if it doesn’t work out yet, no extra effort is needed.
  • The following exercise is done shoulders. First they need raise as high as possible, and after returning to the original position - take back.
  • To develop the muscles of the shoulder girdle and improve blood circulation, another exercise on the shoulders is intended. In this case, first perform circular movements of the shoulders with lowered hands(round trip), then the palms are placed on the shoulders and the cycle is repeated. Complete the element of rotation with straight arms spread apart.
  • Standing up straight and hands down loose down, need to do p successive turns of the body in both directions with maximum amplitude. In this case, the pelvis must remain motionless.
  • Perform a series of torso bends: first from left to right, holding hands along the body, and then back and forth. In the latter case, the hands are on the belt.
  • Standing straight and placing your palms on your waist, do several rotational movements of the pelvis in different directions. From the same starting position, perform the prescribed number of lunges on each leg.
  • Squats will also help to activate blood circulation. It is not necessary to lower the pelvis too deeply - the hips should be parallel to the floor at the lowest point. Hands at the time of squatting to maintain balance can be pulled forward.

A few are perfect for a hitch stretching exercises.

  • First you need stand on your toes and stretch up behind the raised hands.
  • Then, keeping your legs straight, do deep forward bend(preferably palms touch the floor).
  • At the very end, you can do deep plie - an analogue of squats, but with legs apart and feet apart.

Neck and head massage well stimulates blood circulation and increases the elasticity of blood vessels. Manipulation consists in stroking and squeezing movements of the hands.

  • Stretch your shoulders and neck need from the periphery to the center(spine).
  • head massaging fingertips, gently squeezing and relaxing them while simultaneously making rotational movements with the hand.

Self-massage in this case is as effective as the actions of an assistant.

Classic head massage (video)

Self-massage of the neck (video)

Complex efficiency is enhanced by the proper organization of the regime of work and rest, competent drawing up of a diet and reception of vitamin complexes. Long walks are also useful, especially in forested areas. Improve vascular tone and hardening procedures(contrast shower, for example). In combination with exercises to improve the blood circulation of the brain, all these activities contribute to the preservation of physical and mental health until old age.

Good health is a state of mind and body, which consists in complete harmony, absence of fatigue, lethargy and depression. As a result of excessive stress on the nervous system, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep and stress, cerebrovascular accident occurs, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: dizziness, ringing in the ears, noise, darkening of the eyes, and impaired coordination of movements.

Pictured is a treatment session.

In such a situation, head massage to improve blood supply to blood vessels helps to get rid of discomfort and gives a surge of strength, but the procedure may not always be beneficial. When it is impossible to do the procedure, and how to properly carry it out for the benefit of the body - this is our article.

About the benefits of the procedure

Massage of the cervical-collar zone stimulates the production of special tissue hormones responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses to certain parts of the brain. During massaging of the specified area, excess fluid is removed from the cells, resulting in improved lymphatic outflow and blood supply to tissues.

In addition, the procedure for the vessels of the head provides the following effects:

  • relieves muscle spasms;
  • restores full blood circulation and saturates cells with oxygen;
  • improves movement in the joints;
  • eliminates overwork;
  • relieves headache;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • relieves bad mood and depression;
  • normalizes blood pressure.

The table shows the main types of massage of the cervical-collar space and their effect on the body as a whole:

Important! Massage should not be performed in acute conditions, otherwise the patient may develop significant deterioration and complications.


Massage of the collar zone helps prevent the development of cervical osteochondrosis or reduce its clinical manifestations in case of an existing pathology. With osteochondrosis of the cervical region, infringement of the nerve roots is observed, which reduces the flow of blood to the brain, tissue nutrition and disrupts lymphatic outflow.

Clinically, this condition is manifested by a crunch in the neck when turning the head, severe pain, creaking, headaches and dizziness.

Massage is prescribed by a session of at least 10 procedures. Thanks to them, you can get rid of symptoms such as:

  • neck pain;
  • headache;
  • flashing flies before the eyes;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • ear congestion and ringing;
  • numbness of the upper limbs;
  • chest pain.

Improving the blood supply to the brain

Such a massage is carried out daily, the duration of the procedure is only 2-3 minutes, for the effectiveness of the treatment, at least 10 sessions should be performed. The patient is in a relaxed state, in a supine or sitting position (as it suits you).


In order for massaging the collar zone to be beneficial, it is important to clearly follow the instructions:

  • the procedure always starts from the side of the neck, gradually moving to the chest and the surface of the shoulder girdle;
  • movements are carried out in the direction from top to bottom (behind) and from bottom to top (front) - along the outflow of lymph;
  • the procedure begins with light stroking, gradually moving to rubbing, pinching, patting.

The main indications for this type of massage are CNS diseases in remission, circulatory disorders, the period of rehabilitation after injuries of the spine (cervical region) and just general recovery.

The result is noticeable already after the first procedure - the patient's general well-being improves, the headache disappears, endurance and concentration of attention increase.

For neck pain

Pain in the neck occurs for various reasons, ranging from an uncomfortable sleeping position to symptoms of diseases of the spine, complications of colds, nervous strain. Neck massage helps to eliminate pain and restore muscles, but its first sessions should be gentle and last no more than 7-10 minutes.

Important! Before starting the sessions, the patient should be examined by a doctor, it is important to make sure that pain in the neck is not a symptom of a tumor, an infectious disease, or pathological neoplasms. Otherwise, massage will lead to the opposite effect and the development of serious complications.

The technique of the procedure consists in stroking, which starts from the scalp and gradually moves to the back of the head and shoulder girdle. All movements are carried out with the fingertips, slightly pressing on the skin. The procedure is repeated 5 times in a row.

The procedure is completed with spiral rubbing movements from ear to ear along the back of the neck along the hairline. For effectiveness, at least 10 daily sessions should be completed.

Neck massage can be performed not only for therapeutic purposes, but also as a prevention of diseases and pain. The procedure helps to normalize sleep, improves general well-being, complexion, and increases stress resistance.

With protrusion of the cervical spine

Protrusion is a serious disease of the spinal column, which is characterized by protrusion of the intervertebral disc. Most often, this pathology is observed in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

The disease is accompanied by severe acute pain in the neck, limited movement and stiffness.

Important! Massage during protrusion in the acute period cannot be done, the procedure is prescribed during the period of subsiding of severe clinical symptoms and a general improvement in the patient's condition.

The position of the patient is sitting or lying on his side. They start with stroking, then move on to tapping, kneading, pinching. All movements are slow and smooth, directed from top to bottom along the back of the head.

The duration of the procedure is no more than 5 minutes. It not only improves the blood supply to the brain, but also strengthens the muscles, promotes the speedy healing of injuries. For several sessions, the size of the protrusion is significantly reduced, and the vertebral disc returns to its usual position.

The video in this article shows the basic techniques, but the procedure cannot be carried out on your own, without consulting a doctor, since it has a number of contraindications.


Contraindications to the massage of the cervical-collar region are the following conditions:

  • acute infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • skin diseases, pustular rash;
  • damage to the skin on the neck, open wounds;
  • cerebral stroke in acute form;
  • psychical deviations.

Head massage for children and pregnant women: features of the procedure

During pregnancy, the blood circulation in women changes dramatically, as a third circle is added - the placental. This often leads to an incorrect redistribution of blood through the vessels, resulting in dizziness, flies before the eyes, and fainting. Massage of the cervical-collar zone will help normalize blood flow to the brain and improve lymphatic outflow.

Important! Dizziness and fainting in expectant mothers may be the first symptom of iron deficiency anemia, so before prescribing, be sure to check blood tests and consult a gynecologist.

Execution technique

The atmosphere must be favorable. If the pregnant woman does not have allergies, then you can light an aromatic lamp with the addition of essential oils, turn on calm relaxing music in the background.

All movements of the massage therapist's hands are smooth, light, measured. In no case should the procedure cause any pain.

After the procedure, the expectant mother usually feels a surge of energy or, conversely, feels like going to bed - this means that the massage therapist has achieved the desired effect. The result of such a massage is the improvement of oxygen saturation of tissues, the elimination of fetal hypoxia, headaches in the mother and fainting.

Baby neck and head massage

In pediatric practice, massage is often prescribed during the rehabilitation of a child after traumatic brain injuries, for the treatment of torticollis, birth injuries, cerebral palsy. During the procedure, the child should be calm and disposed towards the massage therapist.

Scream, hysteria and crying are the reason for the immediate termination of the procedure, otherwise it will not have the desired therapeutic effect if the baby is nervous.

The duration of the session for pregnant women is 20 minutes, for children no more than 15 minutes. Often after the procedure, babies of the first year of life fall asleep and sleep soundly for up to 3-4 hours.


Each person can massage the collar zone and head at home, for this it is not at all necessary to take special courses or receive a diploma of a medical worker. However, in order for it to be useful and effective, you should know the technique of its implementation and the basic techniques.


  1. massage of the cervical-collar space always begins with strokes- all movements are carried out according to the current of the lymph. Alternately use planar strokes, forceps, comb-like, dashed. As soon as the skin in the affected area is slightly reddened, they proceed to rubbing.
  2. Trituration- use circular, sawing, intersecting, wavy movements. Each movement is accompanied by a slight pressure on the skin. The procedure is repeated for about 1 minute exclusively with the fingertips, then proceed to kneading.
  3. kneading- carry out the capture of small areas of the skin with forceps with pulling to the sides.
  4. vibration movements- techniques are used with tapping with the edge of the palm, patting, quick pressure with the fingertips.

Important! Sharp movements are strictly not allowed. The transition from technology to technology should be imperceptible, smooth. The patient's chin should always be turned towards the muscle being worked on.

The price of a head and neck massage largely depends on the indications, the duration of the procedure and the techniques used.

As a conclusion, it should be noted that the right massage helps to postpone old age and various diseases of the vessels of the brain and heart for a long time, as well as incorrect actions can aggravate the patient's condition and lead to serious consequences, so do not self-medicate and be sure to consult a doctor before starting sessions.

Massage of the head and neck to improve blood circulation can be a good solution to the problem without the use of medical means. Cerebral circulation disorders occur in people of all ages, from newborns to the elderly, so ways to deal with them are invariably relevant.

Signs of circulatory problems include:

  • regular headaches, dizziness;
  • tinnitus;
  • weakness;
  • dark spots before the eyes, lightheadedness;
  • fainting.

Simple types of massage can act as both therapeutic and prophylactic agents.

Benefits and contraindications of massage

Massage of the head and neck to improve blood circulation has several important abilities:

  1. It produces special hormones in body tissues that improve the transmission of impulses through the nervous system.
  2. Removes excess fluid.
  3. Promotes the functioning of the lymphatic system.
  4. Helps improve cardiovascular performance.
  5. Helps increase joint mobility.

The neck and collar massage zone, in addition, struggles with the following problems:

  1. Circulatory disorders.
  2. Muscle spasms.
  3. Muscular tension.

Massage can also defeat migraines, sleep disorders, the onset of depression (this is also associated with the production of hormones), and have a beneficial effect on blood pressure levels. Nevertheless, there are those who are categorically contraindicated in head and neck massage.

These are the people:

  • those in the active stage of psychological illness (such massage is not recommended for people in remission, but in this case exceptions are possible based on individual circumstances);
  • with pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • with skin diseases;
  • suffering from infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • with burns and abrasions on the massaged areas.

All acute diseases and skin injuries are recommended to be carefully treated before starting the massage.

Children and pregnant women: features of massage

In the case when pregnant women or young children need to massage the head and neck, several important rules must be observed:

  • Maximum relaxation massaged.
  • The duration of a baby massage, even if the child is happy with everything, should not exceed 15 minutes.

  • The duration of the massage of a pregnant woman should not exceed 20 minutes.
  • The massage course should not include more than 15 sessions.
  • During the massage, the child must remain calm. If he suddenly starts screaming, crying, expressing anxiety or impatience, the session must be stopped.
  • A pregnant woman needs to control the condition of the child all the time during the massage. If the fetus in the abdomen suddenly begins to move violently or, conversely, abruptly stops moving, the session must also be interrupted.

Following the rules is extremely important. When there is a violation in safety precautions (for example, with insufficient professionalism of massage therapists), then the consequences can be unpredictable, including causing a miscarriage or serious complications. The younger the child, and the earlier the pregnancy is a woman, the more careful you should be.

Massage Techniques

Any massage includes a certain set of movements and rules. Even people who are far from the profession of a massage therapist need to know about the main ones. This will help them take care of their safety during the session.

Massage in different parts of the cervical-collar region is carried out as follows:

Rear end the front of
strokes Planar, ridge-like, forceps and enveloping movements Both hands from top to bottom, without sudden movements
Rubbing Sawing, straight, dashed, circular motions Fingertips all over
kneading Nipper-shaped, longitudinal and transverse, having shifts, pressure and stretching On the sides of the neck, from the earlobes and down. The head is turned in the direction opposite to the kneading muscle
vibrations Tapping, patting, finger-vibration movements

One of the most popular types of massage is the technique of Vladimir Dell. It is similar to the traditional one, but first requires you to remove all metal jewelry and rub your hands with apple cider vinegar or olive oil.

During the massage, and especially in the process of auto-massage, it is necessary to pay great attention to safety rules.