Magnesium B6 - what it is for and to whom it will be harmful. How long to take magnesium

Magnesium preparations: properties, when indicated, contraindications, types and uses

The most important macroelement, without it most of the biochemical reactions occurring in the human body are impossible. Translated from Latin, "magnesium" means great, and this indicates its indispensability for the normal functioning of organs and systems.

Magnesium preparations in recent years have become widely used not only for the treatment of diseases of the heart, nervous system, digestion, with leg cramps, but also for the prevention of various diseases, improving well-being, reducing nervousness and increasing stress resistance.

Almost every biochemical reaction is controlled by magnesium, the synthesis of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates is indispensable without it, it is part of enzymes, participates in the conduction of nerve impulses, regulates vascular tone and muscle tone. Magnesium has a calming effect on the nervous system, prevents the occurrence of convulsions, reduces the severity of allergic and inflammatory reactions, and contributes to the proper functioning of the hemostasis and immunity system.

figure: foods rich in magnesium (mg/100 g)

The main source of a macronutrient is food, and with a balanced diet it is usually sufficient, however, physical exertion, stress, overwork, an overly active lifestyle can cause an increase in its need, which is difficult to “cover” with food.

Research by scientists shows that almost half of the world's population is deficient in magnesium to varying degrees, which inevitably affects the general state of health, ability to work, resistance to infections, and with a severe shortage of the element, serious diseases occur.

These data prompted the creation of magnesium-based preparations, where the latter is associated with organic or inorganic acids, other minerals or vitamins, in particular, group B. It is not so easy to understand the list of drugs currently offered for magnesium deficiency, but to choose the appropriate, effective and affordable - even harder.

Patients are helped by specialists who offer detailed instructions on certain drugs, and the Internet, flooded with a variety of information, sometimes from people who do not have special knowledge in the field of medicine and biochemistry. If the issue of taking magnesium has become, as they say, an edge, then it is better to entrust your choice and your health to a competent doctor who can recommend the right drug and the right dosage, taking into account contraindications, which, by the way, also exist.

When and why are magnesium preparations prescribed?

Certain situations or diseases can increase the need for vitamins and minerals, and deficiency can occur even when nutrition is more than complete. These include:

  • Surgical interventions;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pathology of the digestive system, especially with bleeding, spasms;
  • Treatment with cytostatics, drugs with antacid properties;
  • Abuse of laxatives and diuretics;
  • The use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • Strong sweating;
  • Alcoholism;
  • Frequent or chronic stress.

The reason for the appointment of magnesium preparations may be:

  1. Magnesium deficiency proven by a biochemical blood test, even if there are no symptoms as such yet;
  2. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency - nervousness, increased nervous irritability, spasms of the digestive organs, tachycardia, weakness, muscle cramps and tingling in the muscles;
  3. Pathology of the heart (with arrhythmia, myocardial infarction);
  4. Arterial hypertension;
  5. Convulsive syndrome, epilepsy (for children too);
  6. Pregnancy, especially in case of increased uterine tone or the threat of miscarriage, with preeclampsia;
  7. As a laxative - inside with constipation;
  8. Inflammatory changes in the bile ducts;
  9. Poisoning with heavy metals, barium.

As you can see, the indications for the use of Mg preparations are quite diverse, which once again shows the importance of the element and its participation in many biochemical processes. It is believed that an overdose when taking magnesium-containing drugs practically does not occur, because most oral drugs contain a significantly lower daily dose of a macronutrient, however, an overdose is still possible and has characteristic signs:

  • The disappearance of the knee jerk is the most common and earliest symptom of magnesium excess;
  • ECG changes - slowing of the heart rate, expansion of the ventricular complex, which indicates a slowdown in the conduction of impulses;
  • With a strong excess of magnesium in the blood, nausea and vomiting appear, hypotension develops, deep reflexes from the tendons disappear, double vision begins, speech is disturbed;
  • In severe hypermagnesemia, the respiratory center is depressed, conduction in the myocardium sharply slows down, which leads to cardiac arrest and death of the patient.

Before you start using any drug containing magnesium, you need to study the list of contraindications, although it is hardly worth prescribing treatment yourself without consulting a doctor. Contraindications include:

  1. Increased individual sensitivity to any component of the drug;
  2. Deep renal failure;
  3. Phenylketonuria and some hereditary metabolic syndromes;
  4. Children's age up to 6 years (relative contraindication);
  5. myasthenia;
  6. dehydration, heavy sweating;
  7. Intestinal obstruction, acute inflammatory changes in the intestines, bleeding - with oral administration of magnesium sulfate;
  8. Rare pulse, atrioventricular heart block.

Overview of magnesium-containing drugs and features of their administration

Before starting the treatment or prevention of magnesium deficiency, it is important to learn the rules for taking these drugs:

  • Thus, the combination of magnesium with vitamin B6 is considered very successful, since these substances mutually reinforce their effectiveness, and the vitamin improves the absorption of the macronutrient, maintains its intracellular concentration and provides the best therapeutic result.
  • Given the common routes of absorption in the intestines, magnesium is not advised to be used simultaneously with calcium and iron preparations. In this case, there will be an equally low effect from both magnesium and calcium with iron. If such a complex treatment is necessary, the doctor will prescribe how best to distinguish between medications and what intervals between doses are best observed.
  • Magnesium preparations should not be taken on an empty stomach or between meals, as this can provoke abdominal pain and upset stools. They should be taken with water, not milk.

Magnesium products are available in tablets, ampoules for intravenous or intramuscular administration, as a powder for oral administration. The specific dosage form is determined by the indications for treatment. For long-term use, tablets are usually prescribed, in acute cases, such as a hypertensive crisis, a solution will be used, and in case of digestive problems, before manipulations on the abdominal organs, a powder.

Pharmacies offer a fairly wide range of drugs with magnesium as the main component, as well as in combination with vitamin B6 or potassium. They differ not only in bioavailability, composition, dosage, but also in price, which is also considered a significant selection factor. In this case, the price often means the quality and effectiveness of the drug, which patients who have tried drugs of different composition from different manufacturers can tell about.

Bioavailability, that is, the level of digestibility and, accordingly, efficiency, depends on the composition of the drug and the element or substance with which magnesium is associated in it. For example, there are inorganic magnesium salts - sulfate, chloride, as well as oxides and hydroxides. Organic include citrate, lactate, magnesium gluconate, compounds with salicylic and ascorbic acids, and others.

Information regarding the absorbability of organic and inorganic magnesium compounds varies and is even contradictory. So, some researchers refute the common point of view, according to which organic salts are absorbed better, citing weighty arguments, therefore, it is far from always necessary to rely on the composition when choosing. For example, magnesium sulfate is considered the most poorly absorbed, but it can successfully deal with constipation when taken orally and hypertensive crises when injected.

The criteria for choosing the best magnesium preparations are often the manufacturer, the composition and concentration of the macroelement in the tablet, and the price. The manufacturer is important from the position that the quality of raw materials, the safety of the drug and its bioavailability depend on it, therefore, recommendations regarding a particular company, perceived by many patients as a publicity stunt, should still be heeded.

Not every one of us thinks about the fact that the dosage indicated on the package does not at all mean the content of pure magnesium in a tablet. Some manufacturers honestly indicate this figure, others do not, and then the buyer should calculate it on his own, remembering the school chemistry course and specifying the daily need for a macronutrient.

Organic magnesium salts are considered quite effective and have an additional positive effect on the body. Among them:

  1. Magnesium citrate - a derivative of citric acid - has a high bioavailability, can improve metabolism in general by activating the respiratory processes and energy production in cells;
  2. Magnesium malate - a salt of malic acid - also boasts high availability for cells, a positive effect on cellular respiration and metabolism;
  3. Magnesium aspartate - a salt of aspartic acid - bioavailability is good, and aspartic acid is actively involved in nitrogen metabolism;
  4. Magnesium orotate - a drug with good bioavailability, orotic acid improves metabolic processes and growth;
  5. Magnesium lactate is a lactic acid derivative with good bioavailability.

Mg-based inorganic substances include sulfate (salt of sulfuric acid) and metal oxide. Sulfate is used in powder form as a remedy for constipation and for bowel cleansing before operations and studies, when administered intravenously or intramuscularly, it has a hypotensive effect. Not applicable to correct macronutrient deficiency. Magnesium oxide is very poorly absorbed, but it is quite effective in combating constipation.

Preparations containing magnesium and calcium at the same time cannot have the desired effect due to the fact that these metals are not absorbed together, therefore, the feasibility of their use is questionable. If you need to make up for the deficiency of both, then it is better to use the elements separately and drink them at different times.

Relatively new are the so-called magnesium chelate compounds, which are produced abroad, in particular, in the USA. Such magnesium is highly available for the body, but it also has a high cost of drugs, since not every pharmaceutical production can create such a compound.

Many visitors to pharmacies try to save on drugs by choosing cheap domestic analogues or generic drugs instead of original imported drugs. When calculating the number of French or American-made tablets to be taken for a course of treatment, an impressive amount appears that will have to be spent on the drug. The financial side of the issue often becomes decisive when choosing.

At the same time, the high price is not only the result of advertising campaigns, a decent salary for pharmaceutical workers, a world-famous name of the manufacturer, etc. Clinical trials, high dosing accuracy, and safe raw materials for the production of medicines are hidden behind the high price. And few people can deny that the effects, including side effects, are sometimes very different for cheap analogues and original drugs from well-known companies.

Magnesium sulphate (magnesium sulfate)

One of the most "old" products containing magnesium is magnesium sulfate in powder and ampoules. Powders of 10 and 20 grams are used exclusively inside and have a choleretic and laxative effect. In addition, it can be used as an antidote for intoxication with salts of heavy metals.

The effect of the drug lasts up to 6 hours, and the onset of the effect occurs already half an hour after ingestion. The reason for the appointment may be constipation, inflammation of the gallbladder and biliary tract, as well as cases when it is necessary to prepare the digestive organs for probing or other manipulations.

As a laxative, magnesium sulphate is taken at night or half an hour before meals, dissolved in half a glass of warm water. With chronic constipation, you can do enemas with magnesia. In order to obtain a choleretic effect, a tablespoon of dissolved magnesia is used three times a day. When probing the duodenum, the agent is administered through a probe.

Side effects are rare and are more often associated with abdominal discomfort, exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the digestive organs, and electrolyte imbalance. In severe cases, bradycardia, hypotension, shortness of breath and vomiting are not excluded. To exclude adverse reactions, the drug should not be taken constantly and systematically, as well as to compensate for magnesium deficiency due to inefficiency.

Magnesia sulfate is not compatible with calcium-containing preparations, ethyl alcohol in large quantities, some antibiotics and hormones derived from salicylic acid.

Unlike powder, magnesium sulfate in ampoules can be used to eliminate magnesium deficiency or prevent it in patients on parenteral nutrition, as well as those taking contraceptives, some types of diuretics, with severe sweating.

When providing first aid and urgent care it is used to restore the rhythm of the heart, prevent arrhythmia during a heart attack, treat hypertensive crises, convulsions, late gestosis of pregnant women, heavy metal intoxication.

Intravenous drip courses are prescribed for the threat of abortion, increased uterine tone, but only in a hospital. The introduction is carried out very slowly, using special devices that allow you to set the required number of drops of magnesia per minute. Despite the relative safety of this magnesium preparation, it is prescribed for pregnant women with caution, and nursing mothers should stop feeding for the period of treatment.

The introduction of magnesium sulfate should be carried out slowly to avoid undesirable effects in the form of a feeling of heat, hot flashes, dizziness. When injected into the muscle, the drug is painful. Intravenous use is carried out with the patient lying down, and the dropper can be "dragged" for hours.

For children, indications for the appointment of magnesium sulfate may be a convulsive syndrome, including against the background of glomerulonephritis. In this case, treatment begins with 20-40 mg per kilogram of body weight intramuscularly. In the first year of a baby's life, the drug is prescribed with caution and only under the control of the level of magnesium in the blood and tendon reflexes.

With an overdose of magnesia, there is depression of the respiratory center and cardiac activity. Calcium chloride injected into a vein acts as an antidote. In case of lung dysfunction, artificial ventilation is established, according to indications, hemodialysis is performed and symptomatic treatment is prescribed.

Magnesium with Vitamin B6

Perhaps the best drugs available to a wide range of consumers are combinations of Mg with vitamin B6. In particular, it is widely known in the Russian Federation and has proven itself well. Magne B6 French firm Sanofi. This original, but relatively expensive drug contains an organic magnesium salt (lactate) and vitamin B6, the mass of ionized magnesium is 48 mg per tablet. In ampoules, the weight of pure magnesium is one hundred milligrams.

Magnesium with B6 is prescribed for emotional instability, irritability, anxiety, fatigue, sleep disorders. Tachycardia in the absence of organic damage to the organ can also indicate the need for treatment. The drug is used for leg cramps and tingling in the muscles, abdominal cramps.

The recommended duration of treatment is one month. If during this period there is no improvement, then from monotherapy one should switch to the use of drugs from other groups or start looking for other possible causes of the pathology.

The experience of using Magne B6 in pregnant women has not shown any negative effects on the growing fetus, so it is considered safe at any time, but nursing mothers should refrain from using the medicine or stop feeding.

Magnesium with vitamin B6 is prescribed for adults and children over the age of six. Take 6 to 8 tablets per day with meals and a large glass of water. With the appearance of diarrhea, abdominal pain, an allergic reaction, treatment is stopped.

For the prevention and treatment of mild forms of magnesium deficiency, tablets are prescribed, and in severe cases, an intravenous injection of a solution of Mg lactate with vitamin B6 is indicated. Magne B6 forte contains a double dose of a macronutrient.

In the list of analogues of the "Frenchman" - magnefar B6,magvit, magnerot. Magnefar B6 is produced by the Polish company Biopharm, has similar indications and contraindications, however, the proportion of pure magnesium in the tablet is slightly lower, as well as the cost of the drug. Magvit is a product of the Minskintercaps plant, which limited itself to indicating only the concentration of magnesium citrate in one capsule. The price of a magvit is more than affordable and almost 10 times lower than its French counterpart.

Magnesium and heart

Magnesium preparations for the heart are considered panangin and asparkam. The first is a mixture of organic potassium and magnesium salts that affect metabolic processes in the heart muscle. The reason for its appointment are heart failure, heart attack, rhythm disorders, poor tolerance of cardiac glycosides. Due to the low content of magnesium in one tablet, the drug is hardly indicated for the elimination of magnesium deficiency.

Panangin is available in tablets that can be bought without a prescription, and in ampoules sold only by prescription. Tablets are taken three times a day, 1-2 pieces, after meals, the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. Panangin is injected into a vein slowly, diluted with a glucose solution.

In the list of magnesium preparations is the well-known asparkam, which has been prescribed to cardiological patients for many years. It contains potassium and magnesium salts of aspartic acid. Indications for treatment include macronutrient deficiency in the body, complex therapy for cardiac ischemia, rhythm disturbances, and prevention of poisoning with cardiac glycosides.

Asparkam is used 2 tablets three times a day for therapeutic purposes and one for prevention. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. In case of an overdose, signs of hypermagnesium and hyperkalemia appear - hypotension, facial flushing, bradycardia, etc.

Chelated forms

In Russia, Mg chelate from NSP (USA) is predominantly distributed so far, the manufacturer is equipped with its own laboratory with high quality standards and has documents confirming this very quality of the drugs. For the production of medicines, vegetable raw materials are used, and magnesium is produced in the form of chelate compounds. The drug is sold as a biological food supplement.

So, we have considered only the most popular preparations containing magnesium in their composition. The choice is up to the buyer, but you need to remember that a penny price can turn into useless drugs, and analogues (generics) of well-known drugs may carry a higher risk of negative consequences and side effects with lower efficiency.

When buying magnesium preparations in a pharmacy, you should not blindly follow advertising or choose a cheaper analogue, but be guided by the doctor's opinion and official data on the safety and bioavailability of a particular drug. In some cases, laboratory monitoring of electrolyte metabolism may be necessary, which allows timely detection of an excess of the normal concentration of both magnesium and potassium in the body.

Particular care must be taken when buying dietary supplements containing macronutrients, since there may not be accurate information about the content of magnesium ions, or a list of side effects and contraindications, which means that taking them can be fraught with various disorders.

Video: magnesium deficiency, nutrition, drugs

*registered by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (according to

Registration number:

P N013203/01, P N013203/02.

Trade name of the drug:

Magne B 6 ® .

Dosage form:

coated tablets, oral solution.


Coated tablets

Tablet core:
active ingredients:
magnesium lactate dihydrate * - 470 mg;
pyridoxine hydrochloride - 5 mg;
Excipients: sucrose - 115.6 mg, heavy kaolin - 40.0 mg, acacia gum - 20.0 mg, carboxypolymethylene 934 - 10.0 mg, talc (magnesium hydrosilicate) - 42.7 mg, magnesium stearate - 6.7 mg.
Tablet shell: acacia gum - 3.615 mg, sucrose - 214.969 mg, titanium dioxide - 1.416 mg, talc (magnesium hydrosilicate) - traces, carnauba wax (powder) - traces.
* - equivalent to magnesium content (Mg++) 48 mg

Solution for oral administration
Active ingredients:
magnesium lactate dihydrate ** - 186 mg;
magnesium pidolate** - 936 mg;
pyridoxine hydrochloride - 10 mg;
Excipients: sodium disulfite - 15 mg, sodium saccharinate - 15 mg, cherry-caramel flavor - 0.3 ml, purified water up to 10 ml.
** - equivalent to total magnesium content (Mg++) 100 mg

white, oval, biconvex film-coated tablets with a smooth, shiny surface.
Solution for oral administration: transparent brown liquid with a caramel smell.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Magnesium drug.

ATX code: A11JB.

Pharmacological properties


Magnesium is a vital element that is found in all tissues of the body and is necessary for the normal functioning of cells, is involved in most metabolic reactions. In particular, it is involved in the regulation of the transmission of nerve impulses and in muscle contraction. The body receives magnesium from food. The lack of magnesium in the body can be observed in violation of the diet (diet) or with an increase in the need for magnesium (with increased physical and mental stress, stress, pregnancy, use of diuretics). Pyridoxine (vitamin B 6) is involved in many metabolic processes, in the regulation of the metabolism of the nervous system. Vitamin B 6 improves the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract and its penetration into cells.
Serum magnesium content:

  • from 12 to 17 mg / l (0.5 - 0.7 mmol / l) indicates a moderate magnesium deficiency;
  • below 12 mg/l (0.5 mmol/l) indicates severe magnesium deficiency. Pharmacokinetics
    The absorption of magnesium in the gastrointestinal tract is no more than 50% of the dose taken orally. 99% of the magnesium in the body is found inside the cells. Approximately 2/3 of intracellular magnesium is distributed in bone tissue, and the other 1/3 is in smooth and striated muscle tissue. Magnesium is excreted mainly in the urine. At least 1/3 of the received dose of magnesium is excreted in the urine.

    Indications for use

    Established magnesium deficiency, isolated or associated with other deficiency conditions, accompanied by symptoms such as: increased irritability, minor sleep disturbances; gastrointestinal cramps or palpitations; increased fatigue, pain and muscle spasms, tingling sensation.


  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Severe renal failure (creatinine clearance less than 30 ml/minute).
  • Phenylketonuria.
  • Children's age up to 6 years (for the drug in the form of tablets) and up to 1 year (for solution).
  • Fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome, sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (only for the drug in the form of tablets due to the presence of sucrose in the composition).
  • Simultaneous administration of levodopa (see section "Interaction with other medicinal products").
  • Carefully
    With a moderate degree of renal failure, as there is a risk of developing hypermagnesemia.

    Use during pregnancy and lactation


    Clinical experience with the drug in a sufficient number of pregnant women did not reveal any adverse effect on the occurrence of fetal malformations or fetotoxicity.
    The drug Magne B 6 ® can be used during pregnancy only if necessary, on the advice of a doctor.
    breastfeeding period

    Magnesium passes into breast milk. The use of the drug during lactation and breastfeeding should be avoided.

    Dosage and administration

    Before taking the drug, you should consult with your doctor.
    Coated tablets

    Adults are advised to take 3-4 ampoules per day.
    For children over 1 year old (body weight over 10 kg), the daily dose is 10-30 mg magnesium / kg body weight (0.4 - 1.2 mmol magnesium / kg) or 1-4 ampoules.
    The daily dose should be divided into 2-3 doses, taken with meals.
    The tablets should be taken with a glass of water.
    The solution from the ampoules before taking is dissolved in? glass of water.
    Treatment should be stopped immediately after the normalization of the concentration of magnesium in the blood.

    Self-breaking ampoules with Magne B 6 ® do not require the use of a nail file. To open the ampoule, take it by the tip, having previously covered it with a piece of tissue, and break it off with a sharp movement, first from one pointed end, and then from the other, first directing the end of the ampoule opened by the first at an angle into a glass of water, so that the second the tip of the ampoule was not above the glass. After breaking off the second tip of the ampoule, its contents will freely pour into a glass.

    Side effect

    Immune System Disorders

    Very rarely (< 0,01%): аллергические реакции, включая кожные реакции.
    Gastrointestinal disorders

    Unknown frequency (according to the available data, it is not possible to estimate the frequency of occurrence): diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, flatulence.



    With normal kidney function, an overdose of magnesium when taken orally does not usually lead to toxic reactions. However, in case of renal insufficiency, magnesium poisoning may develop.
    Overdose symptoms, the severity of which depends on the concentration of magnesium in the blood: lowering blood pressure; nausea, vomiting; depression of the central nervous system, decreased reflexes; changes in the electrocardiogram; respiratory depression, coma, cardiac arrest and respiratory paralysis; anuric syndrome.

    Rehydration, forced diuresis. Renal failure requires hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.

    Interaction with other drugs

    Contraindicated combinations

  • With levodopa: the activity of levodopa is inhibited by pyridoxine (if this drug is not combined with the use of peripheral decarboxylase inhibitors of aromatic L-amino acids). Any amount of pyridoxine should be avoided unless levodopa is taken in combination with inhibitors of peripheral aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase. Not recommended combinations
  • The simultaneous use of drugs containing phosphates or calcium salts may impair the absorption of magnesium in the intestine.
    Combinations to consider
  • When prescribing tetracyclines inside, it is necessary to observe an interval of at least three hours between ingestion of tetracycline and Magne B 6 ®, since magnesium preparations reduce the absorption of tetracyclines.

    special instructions

    Information for patients with diabetes mellitus: coated tablets contain sucrose as an excipient.
    In the case of severe magnesium deficiency or malabsorption syndrome, treatment begins with intravenous administration of magnesium preparations.
    In the case of concomitant calcium deficiency, it is recommended to eliminate the magnesium deficiency before taking calcium supplements or calcium supplements.
    With frequent use of laxatives, alcohol, intense physical and mental stress, the need for magnesium increases, which can lead to the development of magnesium deficiency in the body.
    The ampoules contain sulfite, which can cause or exacerbate the manifestations of allergic-type reactions, including anaphylactic reactions, especially in patients at risk.
    When using pyridoxine in high doses (more than 200 mg per day) for a long time (for several months or in some cases - years), sensory axonal neuropathy may develop, which is accompanied by symptoms such as numbness, impaired proprioceptive sensitivity, distal tremor limbs and gradually developing sensory ataxia (impaired coordination of movements). These disorders are usually reversible and resolve after vitamin B 6 is discontinued.
    The drug in the form of tablets is intended only for adults and children over 6 years of age. For young children (over 1 year), the drug is recommended in the form of an oral solution.
    Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and engage in other potentially hazardous activities
    Does not affect. There are no special recommendations.

    Release form

    Coated tablets
    10 tablets in a PVC/aluminum foil blister. 5 blisters, together with instructions for use, are placed in a cardboard box.
    Solution for oral administration
    10 ml of the drug in dark glass ampoules (hydrolytic class III EF), sealed on both sides, with a break line and two marking rings on each side. 10 ampoules in a cardboard packaging insert, together with instructions for use, are placed in a cardboard box.

    Best before date

    Coated tablets: 2 years.
    Solution for oral administration: 3 years.
    The drug should not be used after the expiration date.

    Storage conditions

    Coated tablets: in a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25?
    Solution for oral administration: in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25?
    Keep out of the reach of children.

    Holiday conditions

    Released without a prescription.


    Coated tablets
    Sanofi Winthrop Industry. 82, Avenue Raspail, 94250 Gentilly - France.
    Solution for oral administration Sanofi Winthrop Industry. 82, Avenue Raspail, 94250 Gentilly, France. Cooperation Pharmaceutical Francaise. Place Lucien Auvers 77020 Melan, France. Consumer claims should be sent to:
    125009, Moscow, st. Tverskaya, 22.
  • The normal functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems depends on its level,
    muscles and stomach, it is also necessary for the formation of bones.

    The basis for prescribing magnesium may be, which can be determined using. But in practice, doctors rarely send patients to take such tests and discharge him, focusing on the results of other examinations, as well as on the patient's condition and his complaints.

    This is largely due to the fact that a simple and affordable blood test, which shows the content of this macronutrient in plasma, does not reflect the total level of this substance in the body. Its deficiency is often not accompanied by a decrease in blood levels.

    The main indications for the appointment are:

    • cardiovascular problems: high blood pressure, palpitations, angina pectoris;
    • neurological disorders: spasms and convulsions, including leg cramps, deterioration in mood and memory, irritability, insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome;
    • osteoporosis and rheumatic diseases;
    • diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance;
    • rapid hair loss and brittle nails;
    • severe course of the period of postmenstrual syndrome.

    With a deficiency of this substance in the body, nerve cells are easily excited, but do not enter a state of relaxation in time. Magnesium preparations for cramps in the legs, spasms, interruptions in the work of the cardiovascular system in many cases allow you to quickly remove these symptoms, and you should not forget about other important minerals - dietary supplements containing potassium and calcium also provide great help. It must be borne in mind that the latter impairs the absorption of magnesium, therefore, they should be taken at different times.

    In addition to the cases listed above, this macronutrient is used to prepare for the examination - it acts as a powerful laxative. This mineral also helps with poisoning with salts of heavy metals - lead, mercury, barium.

    As before taking any drug, you should consult your doctor and familiarize yourself with the contraindications before taking magnesium.

    However, this mineral practically does not have them. In any case, a doctor should decide on the advisability of using any drugs, who will also prescribe the optimal dosage.

    How to use

    These dietary supplements are relatively safe - as a result of their intake, it is almost impossible to get an overdose this mineral or oversaturate the body with it.

    However, it is important to use them correctly to get the maximum benefit while avoiding the extra cost and health damage that virtually any vitamin and supplement can cause.

    The optimal daily amount for most situations is 200-400 mg. Higher doses are prescribed quite rarely, as a rule, 250-300 mg is enough to compensate for the deficiency of this mineral. Drugs should be taken with meals, drinking plenty of fluids. The daily dose is recommended to be divided into three doses - if this microelement enters the body throughout the day, it will be absorbed in the best way.

    Application during pregnancy

    Magnesium is not contraindicated during pregnancy, moreover - during childbearing, women have an increased need for this mineral. On the one hand, the need for it at this time increases, on the other hand, it begins to be more actively excreted from the body. Therefore, doctors often prescribe it to expectant mothers.

    Taking such drugs during pregnancy can solve several important problems:

    • normalize blood pressure;
    • relieve muscle spasms;
    • reduce the severity of toxicosis;
    • reduce the risk of miscarriage.

    Choosing the Right

    Magnesium is an element that has a high chemical activity and is practically not found in nature in its pure form, but included in various compounds. Similarly, it is not used in its pure form in pharmacology. The drugs that can be found in pharmacies may contain the following complex chemicals:

    • magnesium gluconate;
    • magnesium oxide;
    • chloride;
    • citrate;
    • glycinate;
    • sulfate.

    When choosing a dose, you need to focus not on the amount of magnesium compound that is contained in one tablet (drag), but on the amount of the mineral itself. For example, 720 mg of magnesium citrate contains 115 mg of this metal itself. Thus, in order for the body to receive 345 mg of the mineral per day, it is necessary to take three dragees during the day, each of which contains 720 mg of citrate.

    The best forms are glycinate and citrate. Preparations containing these compounds are affordable, while they are highly bioavailable, that is, the active substance from them is well absorbed by the body.

    Vitamin B6

    Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, is necessary for the normal absorption of magnesium. Without it, this macronutrient does not stay in the cells. Therefore, most magnesium preparations contain it in their composition. In general, there are several ways to effectively fill the deficiency of this metal: take vitamins with magnesium, take supplements containing magnesium and vitamin B6, or eat foods high in magnesium, without forgetting about all the same vitamin B6.

    You can use dietary supplements with this metal, but without vitamin B6, if you are sure that you are not deficient in this vitamin. You can also buy a magnesium-containing drug and vitamin B6 separately.

    List of drugs

    Pharmacies offer a wide range of magnesium preparations. Among them are conventional tablets, lozenges, effervescent tablets, solutions for intramuscular injection and solutions for oral administration, cheap and expensive.

    How to choose the best

    Magnesium preparations are presented in pharmacies under many different names, and this list is very large, but to understand which one is better to take, which of the medicines containing this macroelement is different best value for money, pretty hard.

    When choosing a suitable drug in a pharmacy, you need to take into account:

    • manufacturer;
    • the contents of the tablet;
    • the amount of magnesium in one tablet;
    • price.

    Drugs with the same composition of different brands may differ in price by several times.

    Practice shows that more expensive medicines from manufacturers with a good reputation and a worldwide reputation - such as Solgar or Queisser Pharma - in most cases are more effective and have fewer side effects.

    At the same time, thanks to the wide variety of names presented in pharmacies, everyone can choose dietary supplements to their taste and budget - many choose inexpensive options and are satisfied with their intake.

    How long to take

    There are two approaches to the use of magnesium-containing drugs - they can be used either for relatively short courses or for a very long time, up to a lifetime.

    We all know that certain vitamins and minerals are important for the health and normal functioning of the body. And magnesium is one of them, but at the same time one of those who are often and completely undeservedly forgotten. Magnesium is a versatile mineral that takes care of almost all systems and tissues: from immunity and mental health to the heart and blood vessels. We tell you what foods contain magnesium and why you need to add it to your diet right now.

    What is useful magnesium

    A new Chinese study has found that getting enough magnesium on the menu can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. So, people who consumed a certain dose of dietary magnesium had a 10% lower risk of heart disease, a 12% lower risk of stroke, and a 26% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those who did not. At the same time, an additional 100 mg of regular magnesium per day can reduce the risk of stroke by 7%, and the risk of type 2 diabetes by 19%.

    In addition, magnesium is required for various chemical reactions in the body, including glucose metabolism, protein production, and the synthesis of nucleic acids (such as DNA). According to Medline Plus, it helps maintain nerve and muscle function and increases bone strength. Below are three more good reasons to keep an eye on the amount of magnesium in the diet.

    1. Get rid of headaches.

    Regular and debilitating migraines may well indicate a magnesium deficiency in the body. A number of studies have shown that magnesium can not only help treat migraines, but also completely prevent them. At the same time, products with a high content of magnesium work here no less effectively than supplements.

    2. Save from depression.

    Seasonal depression is perhaps more common than a headache. A decrease in the amount of sunlight leads us to inexplicable sadness and unmotivated aggression, which eventually translates into a desire to wrap ourselves in a blanket and spend the whole winter there. Since magnesium plays an important role in stabilizing brain function, it can return you to positive thinking even in the gloomiest weather. But what is most interesting: the researchers were able to prove that an additional 450 mg of magnesium improves the mood of adults just as effectively as antidepressants.

    3. Relieve PMS symptoms.

    Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) includes water retention, abdominal cramps, fatigue, and irritability. Magnesium can not only improve women's mood during this period, but also reduce water retention and relieve other symptoms that cause discomfort.

    Daily intake of magnesium

    The current recommended intake for magnesium is 300 mg per day for men and 270 mg per day for women. Despite these relatively small numbers, magnesium deficiency in the body is a fairly common phenomenon that occurs in 10-15% of the population of developed countries. Increased magnesium intake is recommended for pregnant women (up to 450 mg) and athletes during heavy physical exertion (up to 600 mg).

    What foods contain magnesium

    Luckily, the valuable mineral is found in foods you probably already have in your kitchen. So, most magnesium can be found in wheat bran, seeds and nuts. But a healthy dose of magnesium can also be obtained from buckwheat, beans, peas, spinach, parsley, watermelons, milk (note non-Mg enriched options), rye bread, dark chocolate, apples, dried apricots, bananas and sesame. Enough magnesium is also found in seafood: especially in shrimps and fish of medium or high fat content (flounder, carp, mackerel, herring, cod).

    Magnesium deficiency can provoke a number of dangerous diseases. Many of them respond well to therapy when replenishing the lack of a microelement. For the most effective assimilation of active components, it is recommended to take preparations that simultaneously contain magnesium and vitamin B6, since these substances have good compatibility and enhance each other's action. The drug has a number of contraindications and possible side effects, so let's figure out how to take it.

    The value of magnesium for the body

    This trace element is important for the proper functioning of many systems of the human body, as it affects the strength of bones, the health of the liver, kidneys, and heart. For each person, the daily requirement is calculated based on the physical condition, occupation, age and health.

    The role of magnesium is determined by the following functions:

    • prevention of the development of urolithiasis;
    • normalization of cholesterol levels;
    • improving the functioning of the nervous system;
    • stabilization of phosphorus metabolism;
    • stimulation of cardiac activity;
    • removal of poisons and toxins;
    • regulation of cell growth and division;
    • protein formation.

    Use in the treatment of hypertension

    Magnesium B6 in tablets can significantly lower blood pressure and have a therapeutic effect in hypertension and hypertension. To obtain such a pharmacological action, the doctor prescribes increased dosages of the drug. This allows you to reduce the use of drugs of a chemical nature to lower blood pressure.

    With severely elevated blood pressure, magnesium can be administered by injection, which is usually done to provide emergency care to the patient. As a prophylactic, it is recommended to drink tablets with Magnesium B6.

    Release form of the drug

    If the need to take the drug arose due to insufficient magnesium in the body, the drug is usually prescribed in the form of tablets. The composition of Magne B6 and similar preparations does not differ qualitatively: pyridoxine hydrochloride and magnesium lactate dihydrate are used as active substances.

    In some cases (most often when an emergency pressure reduction is necessary), injections can be prescribed for which an ampoule solution of Magnesium B6 is used.

    Among the most common drugs of this composition and action can be noted:

    • Magne B6,
    • Magnelis B6,
    • magnicum,
    • Magnefar,
    • Beresh plus,
    • Magvit V6.

    The difference is in the price and how much magnesium and how much pyridoxine is contained in one tablet.

    What is useful magnesium B6 for the body

    The medicine effectively and quickly has a therapeutic effect on the body, as it has a large number of useful functions. Among them are:

    • elimination of insufficient magnesium content in the body, due to which cardiac activity improves;
    • reduction of irritability and neuralgia;
    • reducing the risk of nervous overstrain;
    • slowing down of atherosclerotic processes;
    • improved metabolism;
    • normalization of nervous activity;
    • reducing the risk of complications in diabetes.

    Vitamin B6 increases the absorption of magnesium from tablets, thereby enhancing its effectiveness. It can also have a calming effect - with psychological stress, you can take any remedy with this vitamin.

    pharmachologic effect

    Magnesium B6 contains 2 active substances - vitamin pyridoxine and magnesium itself. The second substance is involved in many metabolic processes of the body, especially those associated with nervous activity and contraction of muscle fibers. The lack of this substance can manifest itself with its increased excretion by the kidneys, dieting, and a decrease in intestinal absorption. More magnesium is needed for those who experience stress, high physical or intellectual stress, pregnant women.

    Vitamin B6 takes part in most metabolic reactions, promotes the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract and its retention inside without loss.

    The drug has such a structure that when taken in tablets in the gastrointestinal tract, only half of the active substance from the accepted dosage is absorbed.

    Indications for taking Magne B6

    A common indication for taking Magne B6 is an insufficient content of active substances in the body of the composition. Among the conditions in which you can take the drug additionally, there are:

    • sleep disorders;
    • irritability, neuralgia;
    • excessive physical or intellectual fatigue;
    • spasms of the muscles or gastrointestinal tract;
    • frequent heartbeat;
    • anxiety.

    If there is an increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy, magnesium intake is sometimes also prescribed. How effective the therapy will be depends on the degree of deficiency of the substance.


    Among the main contraindications, in which it is not recommended to take magnesium B6, stands out:

    • insufficiency of renal activity in a severe stage;
    • hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug;
    • disorders of amino acid metabolism;
    • fructose intolerance;
    • improper absorption of galactose, glucose.

    Often the remedy is not prescribed for lactating women and children who are less than a year old.

    Side effects

    The drug is well tolerated by patients. Among the most pronounced side effects are:

    • flatulence;
    • nausea;
    • vomiting;
    • constipation;
    • bowel disorder;
    • allergies;
    • pain in the abdomen.

    With a long uncontrolled intake of the drug, the activity of the peripheral nervous system may be disrupted, a feeling of numbness of the extremities, tingling, and goosebumps can be observed.

    drug interaction

    Magnesium B6 may lose its effectiveness when taken with phosphates and calcium salts. In combination with vitamin B6, the trace element is able to reduce the effectiveness of tetracycline antibiotics. That is why when taking both drugs, you should make a gap between them at least 3 hours.

    Magnesium can interfere with the absorption of iron in the body, as well as reduce the effectiveness of oral anticoagulants.

    Magne B6 is a mild drug that can help solve many health problems if pathologies are caused by a lack of this trace element. Magnesium medicines have been successfully used to prevent and treat hypertension as adjunctive therapy. The necessary dosage of the agent and the frequency of its use is determined by the specialist.