What is a circumferential face and neck lift (rhytidectomy)? The impossible is possible: a circular facelift without surgery An alternative to plastic surgery on the face.

Every day, you look in the mirror and no longer hope for a miracle? After thirty, the contour of the face loses clarity. The traces of time become more noticeable... You can turn back time! The innovative Silhouette Lift technique can restore the face to its former features - that smile and freshness that are so lacking.

This technique was created for women and men who want to look young, but are not ready for the risks of serious surgery under general anesthesia, to pain, extensive swelling and prolonged seclusion.

Suits them Silhouette Elevator, because it:

  • 45 minute outpatient procedure;
  • local anesthesia;
  • recovery in 2 – 3 days;
  • natural result for a long time.

Speaking about long-term results, it is necessary to soberly assess the capabilities of the Silhouette Lift technology and understand that none of the methods existing today can stop the natural aging process. The results of a facelift using the Silhouette Lift method last 2–4 years, depending on the individual characteristics and the patient's lifestyle. But the possibilities Silhouette Elevator are not limited to this period.

The technology allows for repeated “lifts” of facial tissue using threads implanted several years ago. 10 - 15 minutes and you're done!

Silhouette Lift also helps to cope with facial asymmetry. This optimal solution for people suffering from paralysis facial nerve(such as Bell's palsy).

And maximum restoration of its elasticity is the task of modern plastic surgery. Multiple methods used to get the most dramatic results with the least amount of effort side effects, allow you to choose the one that is suitable in a particular case.

However, only plastic surgeon will be able to with more likely name an intervention option that will the best solution specific problem. Among other methods of facial skin rejuvenation, special mention should be made of this method, which enjoys well-deserved interest due to the relatively small degree of injury and the speed of healing.

What is a circular facelift

Being a way of tightening facial skin with certain surgical procedures, circular lift rhytidectomy requires the mandatory use of anesthesia, which is most often used in the form of inhalation anesthesia (sometimes in the form of an intravenous version). Methodology this method requires a facelift high level professionalism from a plastic surgeon, since it combines the need not only to tighten sagging skin, but also to uniformly distribute the underlying fatty tissue.

Relatively not a large number of incisions in the skin in the ears and parotid area ensure a minimum number of stitches and reduce the amount of time required for complete healing. And although rhytidectomy, like any other method of facial skin tightening, is a traumatic method of exposure, it is recommended by plastic surgeons for severe loss of elasticity. This is due high quality final result, which is especially important when there are many manifestations age-related changes, poor healing of the skin.

This English-language video will explain in detail the process of skin aging and the use of lifting in this case:

Concept and essence of the technique

The specificity of the method of circular facial skin tightening under consideration should be considered the need for certain actions by a plastic surgeon to obtain the expected result. The use of anesthesia is mandatory preparation for this surgical intervention.

The preparatory stage includes exclusion for a week before the admission surgery alcoholic drinks and smoking, which thin the blood, as well as taking medicines, as well as contributing to more high degree blood thinning.

On the eve of the operation, you should refrain from eating heavy food; it is better to do a fasting day with intake fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as herbal teas.

The sequence of actions when performing rhytidectomy is as follows:

  1. Before making incisions after the administration of anesthesia, the surface behind the ears, as well as the entire area of ​​facial skin, is disinfected using a disinfectant solution.
  2. An incision is made immediately behind auricle, which continues to the base of the ear along the hairline on the head.
  3. Now the doctor separates the tissue from the periosteum, which allows further more even distribution adipose tissue in this area and provide a more even oval of the face and increase skin tone.
  4. If there is excess fat tissue, which is most often found in the chin area, liposuction surgery (fat removal) is performed.
  5. Next, the skin is tightened; if there is a significant excess of it, the excess skin is excised, which avoids the appearance of signs of ptosis.
  6. At the next stage, fixation and connection of the muscles and connective tissue, for which several stitches are made with a special non-absorbable thread for surgical operations.

If it is necessary to excise fatty tissue in the chin area, as well as to tighten excess skin with lost elasticity, the surgeon makes an incision in the skin on the chin, after which it is removed excess fat and skin.

At the final stage, the execution cosmetic seam along the perimeter postoperative wound, which fixes its edges and allows the resulting suture to heal faster. A compression bandage is applied, which is not removed for a period of time set by the plastic surgeon. The period of operation for a circular facelift using the rhytideectomy method is 2.5-4 hours, depending on the area of ​​treatment.

Photos before and after facelift

Age limits

To perform rhytidectomy, the following rule applies: the patient’s age should not be less than 30 years, the recommended age for any method of circular skin tightening is 35-45 years, when the skin already shows signs of aging and loses its natural elasticity. Also important point When determining the feasibility of performing a circular facelift using a rhytideectomy, the body's ability to quickly recover is determined. This means that before carrying out this method of tightening, the facial skin is examined using various methods state of the body, the presence in it is revealed pathogenic microflora

and diseases of any nature are eliminated. Talks about rhytidectomy this type


  • Indications and contraindications
  • when pronounced age-related changes occur;
  • with a significant number of wrinkles on the skin of the face (age-related) with their different locations;
  • on the face due to a decrease in the amount of fatty tissue, which is responsible for the degree of elasticity of the epidermis;
  • manifestations of ptosis in the chin, eyelids, eyebrows;

formation of skin folds on the bridge of the nose.

However, there are a number of situations in which this method correction of facial contour and skin tightening is contraindicated.

  • For example, if there is a tendency to form after surgery, somatic diseases should be considered situations in which it is recommended to abandon the considered method of circular facelift.
  • A reduced rate of blood clotting, which significantly slows down healing, is also considered a contraindication.
  • , stages of exacerbation of inflammatory and chronic processes, decreased body resistance - conditions in which the operation in question should be postponed until full recovery body.

Pros and cons

When weighing the pros and cons, you should take into account the general condition of the skin, the presence of any type of disease, and the severity of negative age-related manifestations on the skin of the face. However, only a plastic surgeon who will prescribe the most optimal solution can suggest necessary examinations organism, tests that will provide the most full picture general condition health.

If you have poor blood clotting or a family history of hemophilia, you should inform the doctor who will perform the circular facelift. He will decide on the possibility of using rhytidectomy in a particular case, and will recommend alternative options if there are serious concerns for the patient’s health.

How much does rhytidectomy cost?

The cost of a facelift procedure under consideration can vary significantly depending on medical center in which it is carried out, the materials used and the rehabilitation period. On average, the price of this method of circular facelift ranges from 1900 (with a minimum number of manipulations for rhytidectomy) to 2500 US dollars (with additional manipulations in the chin area, upper eyelids, neck).

Before and after rhytidectomy

Is LP possible without surgery?

Alternative options for a circular facelift are possible, but they can only be effective if there are minor negative changes in the skin. carried out taking into account massage lines, which are less amenable to mechanical impact when performing massage movements, which are selected depending on the type of skin and its general condition - all these manipulations can also be recommended if the facial skin is prone to increased wrinkles and the appearance of a large number of wrinkles.

However, most effective method at the first signs of age-related changes, you should perform a set of exercises that are aimed at increasing muscle and skin tone, stimulating blood circulation and metabolism in the epidermis, which allows you to promptly remove decay products from it and maintain its attractive appearance.

In case of significant negative changes in the skin, the appearance of numerous and deep wrinkles, the rhytidectomy method makes it possible to quickly and permanently give freshness and elasticity to the facial skin; the duration of the resulting effect lasts from 3 to 5 years, after which this type of surgical intervention for performing a circular skin tightening should be repeated.

The video below will tell you how to remove wrinkles on the bridge of the nose without surgery:

Radiofrequency facelift – real alternative circular facelift. At a certain age, every woman, even those who regularly visit a cosmetologist, undergoes all necessary procedures regarding rejuvenation, she is still thinking about the need for a facelift.

The basis of our skin - collagen and elastin fibers - stretch and lengthen with age, which is why the skin becomes flabby and wrinkles appear. And under the influence of gravity, the muscles weaken, their elasticity decreases, which is why the oval of the face inevitably “creeps” down.

Earlier the only solution was surgery for a circular facelift. But not everyone could decide on it. Firstly, in today's busy pace of life, it is almost impossible to find time for surgery, hospitalization and rehabilitation. Secondly, it’s simply scary: having to go under a surgeon’s knife under general anesthesia is scary. And thirdly, an equally important factor is a change in facial features that others may notice after the operation and which you may simply not like.

The developers of the innovative BodyTite platform took into account these three main problems with traditional plastic surgery and opened a new beauty industry procedure - FaceTite radiofrequency facelift (done using a special attachment to the BodyTite device).

IN modern society Rejuvenation techniques are becoming increasingly popular, which are considered not only effective, but also as gentle and safe as possible. For those who want to receive excellent results, a non-surgical face and neck lift has become an excellent alternative to surgery.

Features of the methods

Modern discoveries, technologies and developments in cosmetology can offer a large number of options for combating skin aging and the first small wrinkles. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before going for such procedures, you must study them and choose the best. As a rule, any non-surgical facelift occurs in two possible ways:

Various are injected under the skin chemical compositions(vitamins, acids, own concentrated plasma);
- on problem areas exposed to an infrared beam or a special laser.

Regardless of the chosen technique, all the internal reserves of the body begin to be used, namely, intercellular metabolism is activated, collagen production is activated, and the body’s own cells are actively renewed.

Naturally this is not the only ways For a facelift, in addition to cosmetic options, the skin can be improved at home with the help of gymnastics and masks. Each client independently chooses for himself one or another technique that will show the best results for him.


There are main options for suspenders, which can be divided into three key types:

- Chemical. They involve the use of special acid solutions for peeling.
- Mechanical. This method removes upper layer skin using abrasion and peeling.
- Laser. This device is used to smooth and improve the condition of the skin.


Despite all positive traits As cosmetologists say, a non-surgical facelift still has disadvantages that are best taken into account so as not to harm yourself. Those who have:

Skin problems (infections, acne) during active periods;
- chronic and general diseases in acute stages;
- tumors in areas of rejuvenation;
- metal implants or pacemakers in the affected area;
- during breastfeeding and pregnancy.


All women want to look beautiful and young, but time is running, and the skin does not become firmer and healthier. Not every representative of the fair sex will want to undergo surgery, as there are many risks and contraindications. In this case, a non-surgical facelift would be an excellent solution. Reviews from satisfied customers highlight a number of main advantages, which are described below.

1. There is no need for anesthesia. This technique causes virtually no discomfort to patients.
2. No surgical intervention. The rejuvenation procedure does not violate the skin and does not injure the epidermis. This completely eliminates blood loss, the appearance of scars, infection of clients, and also reduces all kinds of complications to a minimum.
3. No rehabilitation period. A non-surgical facelift allows you to lead a normal lifestyle both during and after all procedures.
4. There are no seasonal contraindications. These methods can be used throughout the year due to the fact that the top layer of skin, which is more susceptible to solar radiation or high temperatures, is not affected.
5. Efficiency. These procedures help make the skin smooth and elastic for a period of 1 to 1.5 years.

See positive result is possible after the first session, and it will increase over time, even after completing a full course.


Non-surgical facelift methods are considered very popular today. According to reviews from satisfied clients, such procedures are used to rejuvenate the body and face and fight such basic signs of aging as sagging, wrinkles, pigmentation, as well as other cosmetic defects. Professionals say that these sessions are indicated for patients with scars, post-acne, cellulite and stretch marks. It will well enhance the effect of fat rejuvenation procedures and vacuum massage.

Such plastic surgery can be done by people aged 20 years or older. The most pronounced effect of the intervention will be noticeable in clients between 40 and 60.

Mesotherapy, or mesolifting

This method is considered one of the most popular methods of non-surgical intervention, which activates internal processes. This non-surgical facelift is indicated for women over 40 years of age. The essence of mesotherapy is that cosmetic mixtures, including vitamins, hyaluronic acid and microelements, are introduced into the skin using a needle. The entire full course consists of 3-5 procedures.

The peculiarity of the method lies in the introduction of those drugs that reach inner layers dermis. The procedure increases blood circulation, stimulates cell renewal and activates metabolic processes. Thanks to mesolifting, sagging skin is smoothed out perfectly. cellular level, due to which deep folds are reduced. The main contraindications to this method are: pregnancy, lactation, bleeding disorders, suppressed immunity and personal intolerance to drugs. The main disadvantages of such sessions are pain, relatively high price and the presence of bruising and swelling for 2-4 days.

Face lift with threads

This procedure (according to women’s reviews) perfectly smooths out the signs of skin aging by fixing tissue. As a result, the muscles of the face and neck are perfectly tightened and strengthened. Excess fat and loose skin are partially removed. After use, the skin becomes healthier and more youthful. Non-surgical lift facial threads are best suited for patients aged 40-60 years.

During the procedure, thin threads made of a special material are threaded through the skin, which begin to hold tissue that has lost its former elasticity. With their help, the muscles are raised to the desired position, then firmly fixed. Such a session takes literally 30 minutes. Rehabilitation period after the tightening it proceeds very quickly and does not deliver discomfort. The next day, patients are already returning to their previous lives.

Cosmetologists note the following results:

Special threads improve and tighten saggy and sagging skin;
- correct drooping corners of the lips, nasolabial folds become less noticeable;
- remove atrophic and retracted scars.

For clients who have bleeding disorders, infectious diseases and inflammation, non-surgical face lift with threads is contraindicated. Reviews from satisfied users claim that this procedure has a fairly rapid and effective result. After the end of the session there are no scars, and the final result remains the same for approximately 2 years. But just as with any of the methods, there are also disadvantages, which primarily include high cost, as well as a limited range of actions - that is, only tightening occurs.

Deep chemical peeling

This non-surgical facial skin tightening is considered the most popular. Thanks to this procedure, you can act on the deep layers of the dermis, erase dark spots, smooth out wrinkles, correct scars and eliminate other changes in skin. Recommended for clients over 50 years of age.

Despite the fact that the procedure does not require surgical intervention, it is only done in a hospital setting, since the skin requires careful care after it. The essence of the method is that, under anesthesia, the patient is injected with pre-prepared compounds that remove the deep, middle and upper layers of the dermis. Recovery will take 7 to 10 days, after which the skin will be completely restored.

According to reviews, peeling improves skin color and smoothness, increases cell regeneration, removes pigmentation and hyperkeratosis, tightens pores, improves blood microcirculation and activates collagen production. A non-surgical, circular facelift visibly reduces wrinkles and rejuvenates the face.

The main contraindications for which you should not choose such a procedure are lactation, pregnancy, deterioration chronic diseases, skin cancer and mental disorders. The advantages include the fact that one session is enough for an indicative effect; there is also the possibility of combination with surgical interventions. But there are also disadvantages, which include big risk appearance allergic reactions and the occurrence of scars.


A non-surgical facelift at home involves a variety of exercises that can restore skin tone and strengthen muscles. To get results, you need to do everything systematically. The procedure will take literally 15 minutes. Such exercises can be done both standing and sitting, but it is best to sit on the edge of a chair, straighten your shoulders and straighten your back. The following manipulations are considered the most popular and effective:

The hand is pressed to the forehead, then the eyebrows and forehead muscles rise up underneath it. One approach takes 8-10 seconds, the exercise requires 4 repetitions.
- Index finger stick to the muscles above the eyebrows - at this moment you need to close your eyes tightly, and then relax, repeat 10 times.
- Raise the eyebrows with your hands a few millimeters and fix them. At this moment, the eyes are closed for 5 seconds, after which rest begins and several repetitions are performed. This procedure allows you to do upper eyelids elastic and free them from wrinkles.
- Press the muscles at the bottom of the eyes with our fingers and close our eyes tightly for 10 seconds, repeat this 6 times.
- Air is drawn into the mouth and it is transferred from one cheek to the other, this is done 30 times without stopping. Thanks to this exercise, it is very easy to remove the nasolabial fold.
- Make circular movements with your lips in two directions. At this moment you need to feel the relaxation of all muscles. Then they are folded into a tube and moved to the side to the maximum. Hold this for several seconds, and then repeat in the other direction, perform 6 times.
- To prevent circular wrinkles, you need to stretch your mouth. To do this, you need to open your mouth well, as if saying the sound “O”, hold for 8 seconds, then relax, perform 5 times.
- There are also exercises for the lips. Air is drawn into the mouth, then it is pushed, like water, in different directions. Next, you will need to open your mouth, stretch your lips, and then slowly move your hands along the sides of your face. This is done until a burning sensation appears in the muscles, after which you need to relax and rest a little.
- To tighten the neck muscles, they are tensed, as if mentally pronouncing the sound “Y”. You need to hold this position for 8 seconds, and then relax, do it 8 times.

For quality results It is necessary to regularly perform all these exercises for the face. Non-surgical facelift in the form of gymnastics, according to reviews, is considered the safest and most accessible for everyone.


This technique involves using your own plasma. Developed and tested by domestic scientists. It is based on the effect of restoring skin surfaces with platelet-rich plasma cells. Injections are administered to the patient in problem areas, due to which the function of fibroblasts begins to activate and collagen synthesis improves. As a result, a non-surgical facelift activates biological mechanisms restoration of integuments and their rejuvenation.

Fractional laser rejuvenation

This is an absolutely safe and innovative method that is aimed at stimulating regeneration processes in the deep layers of the dermis. Can be used for both young and aging clients. This system allows you to obtain unsurpassed lifting and rejuvenation results. A non-surgical facelift is suitable for any skin type and can be used even in the summer. The effect is achieved instantly and lasts up to four months.


The procedure involves exposing the skin to highly efficient light sources. The production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin is actively stimulated. After applying the course, the patient’s face, décolleté and neck become healthy, smooth and smooth skin. The method also allows you to fight excess hair growth, vascular network, pigmentation and fine wrinkles.

Chinese cosmetics

These products include placental creams and masks. Unlike traditional means, which work superficially, these components remove the very cause of aging. They promote awakening in the body hidden reserves and force the cells to work actively, as in youth. All ingredients are recommended to be applied only along massage lines.

Chinese cosmetics for non-surgical facelift are used for the following purposes:

Replenish elastin and collagen reserves;
- rejuvenate, restore and brighten the skin;
- smooth out wrinkles and prevent their appearance;
- relieve fatigue and tension, give the face freshness;
- eliminate pigmentation.

It is recommended to use such series from the age of 25, since the components satisfy all the needs of even young skin, thereby increasing its resistance environment. Such cosmetics revive new cells, replenishing them with elastin and collagen, improve skin function, make wrinkles less noticeable, and also help slow down the aging process.

Even men, especially those who have sensitive skin. Creams perfectly soften the skin after daily shaving and restore areas that have been damaged. But, naturally, we are talking about a quality product, marked with the appropriate certificate. For example, TianDe cosmetics have many undeniable advantages.

Circular lifting has long taken a position in the top plastic surgical interventions. It allows you to combat the consequences of weakening subcutaneous muscles and ligaments, which is responsible for sagging skin, exacerbation of nasolabial folds, the appearance of “bulldog” cheeks and the loss of clear outlines by the oval of the face.

The appearance of people 30-50 years old who have moderate cosmetic flaws that do not affect the entire face - not very large wrinkles on the forehead, wrinkles near the nose, sagging cheeks - responds most gratefully to this procedure.

The best and most long-lasting results are obtained by circular facial plastic surgery after the first signs of aging appear, with the appearance of sagging skin.

You shouldn't expect magic from this procedure. For example, wrinkles over upper lip will not be able to smooth out - as well as nasolabial folds, “ crow's feet"at the eyes. However, in general, it can help you lose about a dozen years. Those with a long, thin face, thin skin and pronounced cheekbones are especially lucky - the result is especially noticeable for them.

How is a circular lift done?

The intervention is carried out under local anesthesia, sometimes under general, if patients ask for it and there are no contraindications. The surgeon makes three or more incisions of 2 cm or shorter. They are located behind the ear and in the scalp, so the scars will not be noticeable. A tiny endoscope is inserted into the incision sites, and the entire process is then visible on the monitor. That is why this operation has another name - endoscopic lift faces.

The doctor stretches the skin, attaching it to a new place, at the same time, if there is an agreement on this, sucking out fat, adjusting the muscles and tissues of the face. To increase the effect, neck plastic surgery is sometimes performed. In total, the operation takes 2-2.5 hours.


A circular facelift is prohibited for those with blood clotting disorders, diabetes And serious illnesses internal organs. You should not eat or drink for at least 6 hours before the intervention. For two weeks you can't take aspirin or similar drugs. It’s bad when the operation coincides with menstruation.

What is good about a circular lift compared to a traditional one?

  • Less invasive and risky.
  • No visible scars.
  • It is possible to correct areas that are difficult for traditional technologies. For example, we are talking about removing minor wrinkles above the eyebrows, folds around the mouth and nose.
  • Less expensive - both in time and money.
  • The recovery period is shorter and there are much fewer complications. Among them are allergies to the medications used, the appearance of scars at the incision sites. Rehabilitation involves taking antibiotics, the likelihood inflammatory processes very small.
  • After operation

    Patients will have to spend 2-3 days in the hospital, the first day later the first dressing will be done, the bandage will be removed on the 9th day, the stitches on the 12th. In general, the duration postoperative period estimated at 3-6 weeks. There will be bruises, local swelling, and skin sensitivity will change. Three to six months the scars are colored pink color, after which they lighten and become almost invisible. Makeup can be done on day 10; It is forbidden to be in the sun, massage your face, dye or bleach your hair for a month; 1.5 months – engage in sports with very intense loads.


    The effect of a circular lift is maintained by following daily hygiene, application cosmetics good quality. As a rule, the effect lasts 7-10 years. It is recommended to resort to lifting twice or three times in a lifetime, the pause should be 5-10 years.

    150,000-300,000 rubles

    A circular lift is an expensive pleasure... but beauty requires sacrifice, in our case - monetary. The operation in Moscow will cost from 150,000 to 300,000 rubles.