A child has wheezing in the lungs and bronchi when breathing: causes and methods of treatment. Wheezing in the lungs of a child without fever

The bodies of young children are often unpredictable. It happens that the child’s behavior does not cause any suspicion, the body temperature is within normal limits, but sometimes he coughs, and when he inhales, strange wheezing is heard in the lung area. Typically, these symptoms indicate pathological development in the area of ​​the bronchi, lungs or throat. In medicine, a distinction is made between wet and dry wheezing, each of which requires not only an individual approach to treatment, but also explains the reasons that provoked this condition. We will learn from the article why a child’s cough with wheezing is dangerous, how to treat it, and what the famous doctor Komarovsky recommends in this regard.

What is wheezing

First, let's look at what wheezing is and what it represents. The term “wheezing” refers to the presence of extraneous noise that manifests itself during inhalation and exhalation. It should be noted that listening to wheezing in children is much more difficult than in adults. It is especially difficult to listen to wheezing in children under one year of age, especially if they general state and body temperature is normal. It is difficult to keep such children in one place for at least one minute, while also breathing calmly at the command of the attending physician.
Wheezing is divided according to location:
1. Pulmonary,
2. Bronchial,
3. Nasopharyngeal.

In addition, wheezing can be periodic and constant, crepitating and whistling. Doctors call wheezing that is heard during exhalation as expiratory, and when inhaling as aspiratory.

Cough with wheezing without fever

Often an increase in temperature without side symptoms causes increased concern among parents. What to do if the body temperature is within normal limits, but the child has a dry cough with wheezing? First of all, you need to call a doctor. A normal temperature with accompanying symptoms such as coughing and wheezing can be much more dangerous than just an elevated temperature. Such symptoms may indicate the development of a fairly serious disease, in particular pneumonia. Let's look at how pneumonia develops in children step by step:

1. The child is capricious and lethargic.
2. Signs of headache appear,
3. Loss of appetite (babies refuse breast milk).
4. Frequent stools and frequent regurgitation.
5. Shortness of breath.
6. Blueness and swelling in the eye and nose area.
7. Cough with runny nose.
8. Wheezing.

Important! A cough with wheezing in children may indicate the development of a serious illness.

Treatment of cough with wheezing

Cough with wheezing without fever must be treated correctly. Never self-medicate, but first of all, call a doctor who, based on the collected anamnesis, will determine the real reason occurrence of the disease. To do this, the child needs to undergo a urine, blood and sputum test, and undergo fluorography, which will confirm or refute the doctor’s suspicion of the development of an inflammatory process in the lungs.
Wheezing is treated with antibiotics. In addition, the room in which the patient is located must be systematically ventilated and wet cleaned.
Remember! Dry indoor air causes coughing even in a healthy child.
The diet of a sick child should include fruit drinks, teas, herbal decoctions and dried fruits. Besides drug treatment it is also necessary to carry out breathing exercises, which stimulates the development of the lungs.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of cough with wheezing without fever

If the doctor’s suspicion of pneumonia is not confirmed, then you can get rid of a cough with wheezing folk remedies. They will help you: honey with milk, herbal decoctions, rubbing, massage, breathing exercises, inhalation. Inhalation sessions on potato peelings or pine buds. Also, ethnoscience suggests brewing pine buds in milk at the rate of 1 tbsp. kidneys per 1 liter of milk. Accept this decoction you need 1 tablespoon every 2 hours.
Children love the taste of eggnog and eat it with pleasure. True, when a child is a little sick, even such a delicacy is not entirely to their taste. You need to prepare eggnog according to the following recipe: mix a tablespoon of honey with butter and add 2 yolks. Grind until white and give the patient 1 tbsp before meals.

Attention! If a child is allergic to honey or eggs, then preparing eggnog for him is strictly contraindicated.


If a child has a cough with wheezing, difficulty breathing, and the temperature is within normal limits, then compresses can be used to alleviate his condition.

The most convenient and simplest type of compress is potato. Boil the peeled potatoes in water without salt and mash thoroughly with a mortar. Place potato mass V plastic bag and wrap in several layers of soft towel. The compress should be warm, but under no circumstances hot. Place on baby's chest and hold for 1 hour. From time to time, adjust the temperature of the compress by unrolling the towel. It is recommended to apply this compress at night.

Mustard-honey compress flatbread is excellent for coughs with wheezing. Mix honey with mustard powder, add a little vegetable oil and knead the flatbread with flour until it has a soft consistency. Place the cake on the baby's chest, cover it with plastic and wrap it with a gauze diaper. With such a compress, the child can sleep until the morning.

Attention! If you are allergic to honey, a mustard-honey compress is strictly contraindicated.


For a dry cough with wheezing, when sputum is difficult to separate, doctors recommend physical exercise. Mostly expectoration exercises are performed upside down. If we are talking about infants, then you can take him by the legs and lightly shake him upside down. After this, place the child on the mattress and massage the back and chest with tapping movements of the fingers. Then spread your arms to the sides and bring them together on your chest.
Older children, especially when there is no fever and they are active, enjoy doing the “walking on their hands” exercise. To do this, lift the baby's legs with your hands and invite the baby to walk on his hands on the rug.
If there is a horizontal bar in the house, you can also invite the baby to hang upside down on it.

In cases where wheezing during breathing is caused by a viral infection, the doctor, as a rule, prescribes anti-inflammatory and expectorant drugs.
But if a child has a dry cough with wheezing, then it is impossible to get by with folk remedies.

Dr. Komarovsky about dry cough with wheezing

Children's pediatrician Komarovsky notes that many parents make an unforgivable mistake in raising children - they are overprotective. That is, as soon as the temperature drops a couple of degrees, they immediately put several socks and shirts on the baby. This cannot be done, because as a slight cold snap children's body does not feel due to its activity. Few people see a child who stands in one place. They are always on the move, unlike adults - they play, frolic, have fun, jump and gallop.

But as soon as the baby coughs, medicines, mustard plasters, etc. are immediately used. But the cough doesn't go away. According to a famous pediatrician, it does not pass only through the only reason. If a cough appears on its own, then this only signals that something is going on in the body. pathological change. But in order to understand which one, you need to understand it correctly.

So, an allergic reaction or an infection? If the body temperature is normal and there is no runny nose, then there is no need to talk about infection. The issue of allergies remains to be considered. But many parents are confident that if their child has not yet had an allergic reaction, then it is an infection. At the same time, few of them pay attention to the dry air in the rooms. And today's air conditioners, radiators, fireplaces, etc. reduce the level of humidity in the living room.
Trivial dust on the bedside table and other interior items provokes coughing. Therefore, you need to monitor the humidity level in each room.

But what should those parents do who have removed all possible irritants, but the dry cough continues.

If the cough is not accompanied by fever, then it is advisable for such children to spend more time in the fresh air.

Regarding medications. There are two types of cough medicines:
mucolytics, which increase sputum,
whooping cough tablets.

It is not advisable to give mucolytics to infants and children under 2 years of age. It's better to give preference drinking plenty of fluids, humidifying the room and rinsing the spout.

But, in order to correctly determine the cause that caused the cough with wheezing, the intervention of a pediatrician is necessary. Never self-medicate, especially when it comes to children.

Often parents are faced with the problem of wheezing in their infants. Before you panic and start any treatment, you should consult a specialist. He will be able to determine the severity of the condition. Wheezing is not always associated with illness, and sometimes you can get rid of it without medication.

The appearance of various noises in a child during breathing will not be ignored by any adult.

According to the location of wheezing, organs such as the lungs, bronchi, trachea, nasopharynx, and throat are distinguished.

If wheezing refers to the throat and nasopharynx, it may be accompanied by pain, hoarseness and difficulty breathing. Such noises can be heard from a distance. Usually wheezing is detected using a phonendoscope.

Wheezing during breathing can be dry or moist, constant or transient, accompanying inhalation or exhalation.

Reasons for appearance

The infant's wheezing appears and then disappears. Their occurrence may be associated with illness or other environmental factors.

  1. Swelling of the larynx.
  2. Accumulation of fluid in the respiratory system.
  3. Entry of a foreign body into the child's respiratory tract. The cough occurs suddenly, loudly, frequently. The skin turns blue, breathing becomes difficult.
  4. Dry air in the room (especially in the winter season when the heaters are on). The mucus in the nose turns into crusts, which make it difficult for oxygen to reach the lungs.
  5. Insufficiently formed airways. In this case, the organs have thin walls, which begin to vibrate when breathing, and wheezing appears.
  6. Inflammatory processes that occur when viruses and bacteria enter.
  7. Allergic symptom. You should find the irritant as quickly as possible and eliminate it in order to prevent more serious illnesses.
  8. Asthma. With this disease, the child coughs, wheezing, and attacks of suffocation appear.

Often, hoarseness when breathing occurs after prolonged crying. In this case, hoarseness goes away after some time.

At the stage of recovery from a cold, which is accompanied by a cough, active discharge of sputum occurs. Wheezing may occur after sleep when phlegm accumulates in the throat.

Symptoms of the disease

If, in addition to wheezing, your child has other warning symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

These symptoms include:

  • increased body temperature;
  • it becomes difficult for the child to breathe;
  • skin color changes (pale or red);
  • frequent regurgitation not associated with food appears;
  • the child becomes lethargic and drowsy.

If a child coughs or has a fever, you should call a pediatrician at home. Most often these are signs of ARVI. Wheezing can also accompany serious illnesses such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

Bronchitis is characterized by hard breathing and the appearance of wheezing in the upper bronchi. The temperature may not rise.

It happens that a child under one year of age has any colds quickly descends to the lungs, resulting in inflammation and an increase in temperature. In some cases, you can hear wheezing in the chest even without a phonendoscope. The child finds it difficult to breathe out, he begins to cry and get nervous, and vomits.

Treatment of the disorder

To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe additional methods examination of the child’s body:

  • X-ray of the sinuses, bronchi and lungs;
  • blood and urine tests: the inflammatory process will be indicated elevated white blood cells, about allergies – eosinophils.

After inspection and listening respiratory organs The doctor decides on further treatment:

  • To relieve swelling or remove the allergen from the body, antihistamines are prescribed;
  • for inflammatory bacterial diseases a course of antibiotics is used;
  • antiviral drugs may be prescribed;
  • vitamin complex to improve immunity;
  • If a child coughs, medications are prescribed depending on the type of cough (dry or wet).

Colds in children can also be treated with folk remedies:

  1. You can use mustard plasters, which help thin the mucus.
  2. Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect has a decoction of chamomile, coltsfoot.
  3. You can make compresses from mustard and honey. These components are combined with vegetable oil and alcohol. The resulting cake is placed on the child's chest or back. A warm scarf is tied over the top.
  4. For inflammation upper sections respiratory tract can be used steam inhalations(laryngitis, tracheitis). For inflammation of the lower sections, nebulizers are used. You can pour both medicine and regular saline into the nebulizer container. solution.
  5. Massage helps chest and back, which promotes the removal of sputum.


If the child is active, eats and sleeps well, then there should be no cause for concern. In the case when wheezing interferes with breathing, the child has become lethargic, and other symptoms appear. respiratory signs, specialist consultation is required.

A child's body is fragile and sensitive. Children suffer more often than adults from various diseases bronchopulmonary system. Such illnesses in children are more acute and more often develop into complicated processes.

Cough, runny nose, lethargy, fever, wheezing, wheezing when exhaling in a child - What could be worse for a mom?? The baby needs treat immediately!

Before you search the right medicine, you should see a pediatrician. - this is just one of the symptoms of some problem in a small organism.

More often the culprits wheezing when breathing they become:

  1. Pneumonia. With the development of pneumonia in children's bronchi, it accumulates in large quantities sputum. It interferes with the air flow during breathing, which causes wheezing in the child's chest.
  2. Respiratory and allergic diseases: bronchitis, tracheitis, flu, laryngitis, bronchial asthma. Such pathologies provoke swelling of the bronchial mucosa and its spasm, causing strained, hoarse breathing.
  3. Entry of a foreign particle into the bronchi. Because of this, a healthy baby suddenly begins to wheeze and cough.
  4. Leads to wheezing and whistling when breathing in a child accumulation of fluid in the sternum area. Hydrothorax (chest dropsy) is one of the symptoms of a disease associated with problems in the pulmonary circulation.

Important. The causes of dry wheezing in a child can have a much more serious and dangerous basis - a neoplasm in the organs of the respiratory system, cardiac pathologies.

"Hoarse" symptoms

Hoarseness of breathing is not separate disease. This is just one of the symptoms, coming from the main problem in the body. The following symptoms may accompany wheezing when breathing in a child:

Types of wheezing

Pediatrician Also will determine And a type of wheezing, torturing a child. This is necessary for selection proper therapy. In a child, wheezing when exhaling and inhaling is different and can be:

Dry. Such hoarseness usually accompanies a hacking, hacking cough. More often, the culprits of whistling, hoarse breathing are bronchial asthma or manifestations of allergies. These conditions provoke swelling of the bronchi, which causes wheezing.

Wet. This type of breathing sounds like bursting bubbles. Therefore, moist rales are also called “bubble” rales. They can be loud and muffled. The culprit of the gurgling sounds is the abundance and stagnation of sputum in the bronchopulmonary system.

Thick mucus “glues” the lungs and bronchi from the inside, which causes such sounds. This is a sign of fading asthma or a manifestation of chronic, sluggish bronchitis.

In addition to the sound characteristic, hoarseness can be periodic, constant, similar to a crunch (). If wheezing is heard when you inhale, it is called inspiratory, and when you exhale, it is called expiratory.

All similar characteristics help assess the baby's condition and identify the culprit of the problem. But the doctor is not limited to simple listening. The child will have to undergo blood, urine and sputum tests, and, if necessary, undergo x-rays or other examinations of the bronchopulmonary system.

How to hear wheezing in a child

In children, listening and identifying pathological hoarseness in the chest is much more difficult than. The sounds your baby makes when he breathes vary depending on his age. Up to 6-7 years of age, children often hear « hard» breath, characteristic of ARVI in adults. Respiratory “rigidity” goes away on its own over time.

A naughty baby creates difficulties during examination and due to a lack of understanding that you need to sit still and breathe/not breathe at the command of an adult. Especially if he feels good. Pediatricians have to try to hear the little one's problematic breathing.

Doctors listen to the baby using special devicephonendoscope. This device amplifies breathing sounds several times, and pulmonary wheezing becomes distinct.

Hoarse breathing in babies

If in preschool children it can be very difficult to listen to the sternum, then in babies up to a year this is even more difficult to do. After all, a baby is not able to tell and show where it hurts. But newborns love to cry loudly. A prolonged roaring can also provoke wheezing without coughing in the child when breathing.

At the age of 1.5-2 months, babies begin to actively produce saliva. Some of the fluid enters the respiratory system, which leads to hoarse breathing. The responsibility falls on the shoulders of mothers. Take a close look at the child. A good appetite, activity, absence of temperature are signs of a healthy baby.

When crying baby calms down when you find yourself in your own arms, you need to take a closer look at other symptoms. Cyanosis skin and difficult, hoarse breathing - a clear sign diseases. Such symptoms may indicate for a foreign body entering the larynx.

Important. Regardless of the presence of additional symptoms, unnatural behavior of the baby requires an immediate examination by a pediatrician.

How to treat wheezing in a child

In the presence of a dry, hacking cough, accompanied by wheezing in the chest, treatment is carried out using special medications intended for children. If there is no fever, the pediatrician prescribes symptomatic treatment, compresses, inhalations. If you have a fever and discovered bacterial infection, baby you will have to take a course of antibiotics.

Important. Antibacterial treatment It is strictly forbidden to prescribe independently. Especially when it comes to a small organism.

To determine how to treat a child’s cough with wheezing, The doctor first takes into account his age. If the baby is very small, there are signs of intoxication and long-term fever- He and his mother will have to go to the hospital. During therapy they are used additional treatments:

  1. Wet wheezing goes away from the baby after the inhalations(in the absence of temperature). The child needs to breathe in the steam (use soda and salt solutions, saline solution, mineral water).
  2. To reduce a child's dry cough and wheezing, you need to thin and remove mucus. For this purpose they use various compresses from potatoes, honey, cabbage leaves.
  3. During treatment, the baby should drink a lot. Give the baby warmed milk with honey, lime tea, homemade compotes, fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices.

If your pediatrician offers to undergo additional tests to understand how to get rid of wheezing in your child, do not refuse! After all, you can only help your baby recover with the help of competent therapy.

Treatment of wheezing when coughing in a child with folk remedies

To relieve hoarseness in children it is allowed to use folk remedies gentle influence. folk ways?

  1. Herbal tincture. Make a collection of plantain (5 parts), peppermint, marshmallow roots (4 parts each), coltsfoot (3 parts) and licorice (2 parts). Pour the herbal collection (25-20 g) with cool water (200 ml) and leave for 2.5-3 hours (close the container tightly). Then boil the infusion for 8-10 minutes and strain. Give children 10-12 ml to drink on an empty stomach three times a day.
  2. The herbal mixture can also be prepared from plantain (12 g), mint (5 g) and wild rosemary with licorice (8 g each). Boil the mixture in 500 ml of water for 2-3 minutes and leave for 20-30 minutes (cover the container with a thick cloth). Drink in the same amount.
  3. Mash a couple of bananas, add honey to the puree (if the child does not have allergies) and water. The baby needs to gradually eat the entire portion of the tasty medicine per day.
  4. Figs boiled in milk are an excellent remedy for wheezing due to bronchitis in a child. Eat the boiled fruits yourself, and let the little ones drink the milk broth that was obtained.

Attention. Even mild treatment folk methods must be agreed with your doctor! Otherwise, you can harm the small organism.

How to stop wheezing in a child due to a foreign body

If the baby is hoarse due to illness, it is carried out with medication. But when the culprit of a child’s wheezing breathing becomes foreign body call an ambulance immediately. A baby can swallow any small object (balls, coins, buttons, bones).

Once in respiratory system, they clog the bronchial lumen and lead to suffocation(asphyxia). And the sharp edges of objects can injure the respiratory organs, causing internal bleeding.

Important. Do not try to remove the foreign body yourself. The only thing that can be done before the ambulance arrives is to use the Heimlich method.

Heimlich method. Stand behind the baby and clasp his body with your arms around the middle of the abdomen. Squeeze your fingers together. Then strongly and sharply squeeze your body towards you in an upward direction. This will create pressure in the peritoneum, which provokes the release of the stuck object.

How to treat wheezing in a child with pneumonia

Chest wheezing in a child may appear as a symptom dangerous diseasepneumonia. Pneumonia is accompanied by other symptoms: blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle, hoarseness, heat, rapid, difficult breathing, coughing.

Childhood pneumonia is treated in a hospital setting using antibacterial agents, mucolytic, expectorant drugs, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). After the main therapy, the baby is prescribed a course of physiotherapy and vitamins.

To prevent the return of diseases accompanied by wheezing in the chest, harden the baby, walk with him more often. Maintain a healthy microclimate in the nursery and visit the pediatrician regularly.

Health to your baby!

Video about cough medicines

Doctor Komarovsky will tell you about cough medicines How to properly cure a dry cough.

A child may often have a dry cough with wheezing when the person inhales air. This indicates a disease of the bronchi, lungs, and throat. There are different types of wheezing - dry and wet. With the second type of wheezing, the sputum quickly clears; with a dry cough, it is important to monitor in time and take measures to make the cough productive.

Causes of wheezing in the lungs of a child

Often, wheezing in a child can be caused by a foreign body. It often ends up in the larynx, bronchi, and trachea. Little children put everything in their mouths. Foreign body can get into the lumen of the trachea when the child coughs or talks. Because of this, the lungs suffer from acid starvation, the child begins to breathe frequently, and in addition to wheezing, suffocation is observed.

It is dangerous when wheezing is caused and there is no fever. It can be a lobar, focal, chronic inflammatory process in the lungs. If there is no temperature, this does not mean that everything is normal. These symptoms indicate hidden form pneumonia. That’s why it’s so important after you’ve had the flu, cold, bronchitis, for a long time If your child’s cough does not go away, consult your doctor.

Types of wheezing in the lungs of a child

1. Whistling wheezing appears when air passes through the bronchi; it can narrow, swell, and a strong spasm occurs.

2. Humming wheezing is accompanied by thick viscous sputum, often occurs during obstructive processes in the lungs.

3. Moist wheezing appears due to the accumulation of blood and liquid sputum in the bronchi. They are characteristic of lung abscess, bronchiectasis, pneumonia.

4. Silent wheezing occurs if the lungs swell, in chronic cases.

Symptoms of pneumonia with wheezing without fever

1. Severe weakness appears.

2. Headache bothers me.

3. The child may be in a semi-fainting state.

4. Severe shortness of breath occurs during physical activity.

5. Spicy and It's a dull pain in the chest area.

6. Excessive sweating, weakness, constant thirst.

7. Heart rate increases.

8. Painful sensations when turning.

9. Wet wheezing appears in the chest.

To find out for yourself whether your child has pneumonia. Raise your outerwear so you can see thoracic part body, ask him to hold his breath, then exhale sharply. You will notice that the chest is not working properly.

Signs of pneumonia without fever with wheezing in infants

1. Breast refusal.

2. The child is restless and lethargic.

3. Stools become more frequent, the child constantly spits up.

4. Worried about severe shortness of breath.

5. Near the eyes and nose you can notice bluish tint.

6. A severe cough occurs.

7. The newborn is very ill.

Although the child does not wheeze, he is admitted to the hospital for treatment of pneumonia. After taking a blood test, without fever, leukocytes may be elevated. Latent pneumonia is determined using fluorography, sputum analysis is also taken, and the lung volume is examined.

The inflammatory process and wheezing in the lungs are treated with antibiotics. At the same time, do not forget to monitor the air in the room, constantly ventilate it, give your child as many dried fruit compotes, fruit drinks, tea, and herbal decoctions as possible. Constantly perform breathing exercises. Please note that latent pneumonia in a child can be fatal.

In cases where such wheezing is caused by inflammation, it is necessary to use a nebulizer. You can use a kettle, equip it with a straw and breathe in the vapor. If the child does not suffer from various allergic reactions, eucalyptus, chamomile decoction are used, sometimes added essential oils, but they are not recommended for use on children. A child should not breathe boiling water; it is best for him to use water that has already cooled a little.

When dry and wet cough, if you hear wheezing in the lungs, despite the fact that there is no temperature, you should immediately consult your doctor.

In case of hit foreign object, you need to call emergency help. Before they arrive, try to provide medical food yourself. To do this, tilt the child, hit him a little between the shoulder blades. When this method does not help, the stomach and ribs from below are strongly compressed. This way you can push out the trapped foreign body.

Wheezing can be treated with:

1. Mucolytic drugs, agents that will help thin sputum. The doctor prescribes them if the sputum is viscous and difficult to separate.

2. Expectorants medications. They are necessary to ensure that liquid sputum is removed better.

3. Bronchodilators will help expand the narrowed bronchi; with the help of medications, respiratory functions can be restored.

To protect a child from wheezing in the lungs, he should be exposed to allergens as little as possible. It is also impossible to allow the child to become hypothermic and to treat all viral and infectious diseases in a timely manner.

The danger of wheezing in the lungs for a child

It is important to treat the disease in time because breathing may stop. This happens if the organs are affected by a viral infection or toxic substances. Often the disease begins to affect other organs.

So, to prevent wheezing in a child’s lungs, you need to protect him from inhaling smoke, allergens, and various harmful elements and walking in the air as much as possible. In summer, the child should relax in a sanatorium near the sea. If the temperature in the lungs does not rise when wheezing, this may be dangerous symptom. Therefore, your child should immediately contact the attending doctor and undergo additional examination. Then, based on the data analysis, effective and safe methods treatment. Under no circumstances should wheezing in a child be treated. traditional methods, all can lead to serious consequences.

Everyone gets sick in childhood. Some rarely, others almost constantly. For most mothers, wheezing in children, redness of the throat or fever is a real disaster. Undoubtedly, none of these signs bode well, but parents still should not panic and call a doctor or emergency help if usual symptoms colds.

What is wheezing?

This term usually refers to sounds heard during breathing. They can be more difficult to identify in children than in adults. Firstly, the sounds made in at different ages, are different (which is considered normal). For example, children from one to seven often experience symptoms characteristic of ARVI in adults. We are talking about With age, they go away on their own. Secondly, wheezing in a child without fever can be difficult to listen to, since the baby feels well and does not want to sit quietly for a whole minute and breathe at the command of parents or doctors.

What are they?

Wheezing in children, as in adults, is divided primarily according to its localization. They are pulmonary, bronchial or tracheal. There are often cases when extraneous sounds when breathing come from the nasopharynx or throat. This happens after long screams (they say that the child is hoarse). Either the symptom is a clear sign allergic reaction or beginning ARVI.

Wheezing in a child without fever, regardless of the source, does not require emergency medical care(provided that he is able to breathe independently and there are no signs of asphyxia). However, it won’t hurt to show it to your treating pediatrician, especially in cases where neither the cause of noisy breathing nor its source is clear.

In addition to localization, wheezing can be dry and wet, constant and intermittent, whistling and crepitating. Sometimes they are heard when you inhale (then they are called inspiratory), and sometimes when you exhale (expiratory).

How to hear wheezing?

Medical workers do this using a special device - a phonendoscope. It allows you to locally amplify sounds. Often, pulmonary or bronchial wheezing can be clearly heard if you simply lean your ear against your back or chest. There are also diseases in which gurgling in the chest cannot be ignored even at some distance from the patient.

If the source of the sound is the throat or nasopharynx, the noise is usually accompanied by pain, voice distortion and difficulty breathing.

Wheezing in a baby

In the early childhood(especially up to a year) both diagnosing and treating diseases can be very difficult. The baby cannot say what exactly is bothering him. At the same time, wheezing can be the result of either prolonged screaming or a complex (and sometimes even dangerous) disease.

It is not always easy for a mother to understand whether her baby is choking or has simply been crying for too long. Doctors advise paying attention to other symptoms. If the baby, once in your arms, immediately calms down, looks healthy and behaves normally (despite wheezing), there is no need to worry. In the case when a bluish tint appears on the skin, and breathing is clearly difficult, you need to sound the alarm. This may be a symptom of a cold or infection, or a more serious illness. Such signs also sometimes indicate that foreign objects have entered the respiratory system. It is important that in all these cases it is required urgent Care specialist

When to start worrying

Wheezing when breathing in a child is not in itself a reason to panic. But in combination with some other symptoms, they require immediate medical attention. " Ambulance“should be called if severe wheezing in a child is accompanied (from 38 or more), repeated vomiting, noticeable difficulty breathing (there is a threat of asphyxia) or under the age of one year (if they have not gone away within 5 minutes to exclude a “false alarm”, caused by prolonged screaming).

In all other cases, there is no need for urgent specialist intervention. If the child has a cough with wheezing, fever (within acceptable limits) and other signs respiratory infection, just call your local doctor.

Self-medication is acceptable when all the symptoms have already been observed before, a specialist has made a diagnosis and prescribed treatment. You will still have to schedule a visit to the clinic if a week in advance, despite everything Taken measures. A doctor should be invited to your home, even if the baby’s temperature is not very high, but it has not been normalized within 7 days.

How to treat wheezing in a child?

The most correct answer to this question is what the specialist prescribes. However, knowing modern mothers (as well as grandmothers), it is worth assuming that no one will really listen to him, and their own knowledge will be used.

If a child develops as a result of normal viral infection, then they can be treated using medications(expectorants and anti-inflammatory drugs), folk (honey with milk, herbs, rubbing) and other methods (warming, inhalation). In some cases, it is necessary to use more serious drugs - antiviral and antibiotics. They should be prescribed by a doctor in accordance with the diagnosis and condition of the child.

Drug treatment

If a child has a cough with wheezing, and even a dry one, folk remedies will most likely not be enough. After showing the baby to a specialist and making sure that this is the result common cold, you can start taking an expectorant mixture or syrup. The last option is good because most of these drugs have a pleasant sweet taste, thanks to which the child will drink the medicine without causing harm. Although potions can be more effective (especially those sold in powder form and requiring dilution boiled water). But children sometimes refuse tasty medicines, so they certainly won’t drink anything unpleasant, much less bitter.

For older children, expectorant medications in tablets or powders are quite suitable. Or a medicine for adults (it is important not to make a mistake with the dosage). If the doctor has prescribed additional anti-inflammatory drugs, you should not refuse them either.


If, as a result of a complication of a viral infection or hypothermia, wheezing occurs in a child, treatment may not be medicinal (provided normal temperature). We are talking primarily about decoctions medicinal herbs. When coughing, coltsfoot, thyme, licorice, and elecampane help well. You can relieve inflammation with regular chamomile. There are also special herbal teas, which are sold at any pharmacy.

In addition, inhalations of pine buds or potato peelings help against coughing and wheezing. But they are contraindicated when elevated temperature bodies. Pine buds brewed in milk (a tablespoon per liter of liquid) are consumed orally, 50 ml every 2 hours. An untreated dry cough can go away in just a day.

In the absence, eggnog is effective. Children eat it with pleasure, perceiving it as a delicacy. A tablespoon of honey is mixed with softened butter and grind 2 eggs with the yolks until white. A mixture of 20 grams is enough; it is consumed half an hour before meals. A contraindication may be an allergy to eggs or honey. Radish can also perfectly cure wheezing in children. Using a knife, a hole is made in it, which is filled with honey. After a couple of hours, a sweet syrup forms in this place, which children drink with pleasure. The procedure can be repeated throughout the day, after which a new radish is taken.


When a child has wheezing in the chest and breathing is difficult, ways to ease it can be not only medicinal. Compresses are used mainly at night, provided that the body temperature is close to normal. This method of treatment is good for both infants and older children.

The simplest and most pleasant compress is potato. To do this, the vegetable is peeled and boiled. Then they are pounded (without adding any salt or fat) and placed in a plastic bag, which is tightly tied. Then you need to wrap it in several layers of fabric (a towel will do) so that it is warm, but not hot. The bundle is placed on the baby's chest and held for about an hour. From time to time you need to remove 1 layer of cloth, adjusting the temperature as the potatoes cool.

Children are sometimes given mustard-honey cake, which also has a good warming effect. Take in equal parts vegetable oil and vodka. Add the same amount of honey and mustard powder, as well as flour to make it dense, but soft dough. A flat cake is formed from it and placed on the chest or back (you can make 2). Having secured it with a bandage, you can leave it until the morning. If you are allergic to honey, this remedy is contraindicated.


They come in steam and aerosol. The first ones allow you to treat inflammatory processes upper respiratory tract using hot herbal decoctions or special solutions. They are used both for mild forms (laryngitis, ARVI, tracheitis), and for more serious illnesses, for example, bronchitis. Aerosols are prescribed by a pediatrician when diagnosing complex shapes. This applies to bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Any type of inhaler can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is usually used in combination with other types of therapy. The essence of this device is to turn medicine into steam (by raising the temperature or under pressure) and delivering it directly into the respiratory tract.

Physical exercise

If a child is breathing wheezing, has a dry cough and does not clear sputum, it is often used to relieve the condition. therapeutic exercises. Basic expectoration exercises are performed upside down. For example, you can take a child by the legs and lead him around the room in your arms. Then they perform the “birch tree”. If there is a horizontal bar in the apartment, you should hang upside down on it (but not for very long). Lightly tapping on the baby's chest and back can also be effective. Typically, if he has no fever and general health within normal limits, the baby will like this exercise.

When talking about a baby, they take him by the legs and shake him slightly upside down. Then they tap on the chest and back. It will be useful to spread the child’s arms to the sides, then cross them over the chest. Massage of the chest and back (in the area of ​​the shoulder blades) is no less effective. For babies it is done with their hands, stroking and tapping. Older children perform vacuum massage using a jar. The procedure is very unpleasant and even painful, but very effective. Helps even with bronchitis and pneumonia.

Allergic cough

Often wheezing in children, cough, runny nose and are the result of contact with external stimuli. Allergens can include plant pollen, animal hair, clothing, toys, food and medications. Often, with age, allergies go away on their own. Sometimes it stays for life. Allergies are difficult to treat, and since their manifestations are often accompanied by fever, swelling of the respiratory system and the risk of asphyxia, the first priority is to combat the symptoms.

If a child has a similar reaction to any irritants, then contact with them must be minimized (ideally, eliminated). The first aid kit should have the appropriate medications - we are talking about decongestant and antiallergic tablets, nasal drops, etc. It is better to use them on the advice of a specialist, since self-medication in this case is the most dangerous.


Of course, all parents dream about the health of their children. But very few take concrete actions aimed at maintaining it. This is primarily about proper nutrition, regular physical activity, active recreation, walks in nature and hardening. Children do not need to be bundled up and given antibiotics at the first symptoms of a cold. After all, immunity is developed precisely at this age. If it is constantly suppressed by excessive care and chemicals, then as a result, a sick child will turn into an adult with a bunch of chronic diseases.

Wheezing in children may be a sign of various ailments, ranging from a common respiratory infection to complex bronchitis, pneumonia and even asthma. Therefore, if they do not go away and are accompanied by fever and other symptoms, you should consult a doctor.