Mexidol injections intramuscularly dosage 2. Mexidol tablets - official* instructions for use

The drug "Mexidol" is a very effective remedy for strokes, as well as disorders of brain function. It is successfully used both in surgery and psychiatry. This medicine is available in ampoules or tablets.

In the event that the tissues are insufficiently supplied with oxygen or its absorption is impaired, this remedy is very effective, since this drug differs in biological activity. Here's what the instructions for use say about the drug Mexidol: injections help develop the body's resistance to cerebrovascular accidents, as well as to shock. In addition, thanks to its use in treatment, the patient’s memory improves and alcohol toxins are eliminated.

This drug is prescribed for problems in cerebral circulation, disorders of vascular tone and function nervous system. In addition, the medicine "Mexidol" (injections) is successfully used for atherosclerotic disorders of brain activity and to relieve of this product You can relieve your craving for alcohol - a person simply loses the desire to drink.

The drug Mexidol is effective for many diseases. Injections are prescribed to patients intravenously or intramuscularly.

In order to prevent a sharp increase in adrenaline in the blood, this medicine is administered in a stream over five to seven minutes.

In case of cerebrovascular accident, the composition is administered dropwise at a rate of 6 drops per minute. The solution is water, which must be sterile. The doctor selects the dosage individually for each patient. The starting dose is usually one hundred milligrams three times a day. But gradually it increases. The duration of treatment and dosage of the drug depend on how severe the disease is. Maximum daily dose should not exceed eight hundred milligrams.

In case of stroke, the drug Mexidol is used. Intramuscular injections are given only at the onset of the disease, three to four days after its onset: first, intravenously, while maintaining a dose of 200-300 milligrams.

Those whose doctors have diagnosed “vegetative-vascular dystonia” or “dyscirculatory encephalopathy” should receive intramuscular injections of fifty or one hundred milligrams three times a day.

Patients with withdrawal syndrome the medicine Mexidol is prescribed in the same way, injections are given in gluteal muscles 100-200 milligrams three times a day. Sometimes intravenous drip injections are prescribed twice a day.

For treatment neurotic disorders do The dose ranges from fifty to four hundred milligrams per day.

Often people in old age develop a disease such as atherosclerotic dementia. In this case, the drug “Mexidol” is used, injections are given intramuscularly. Maximum dose medications per day - three hundred milligrams.

In case of poisoning with antipsychotics, this medicine is prescribed intravenously in a stream of 50 milligrams per day (up to 300 mg).

In most cases, this drug is well tolerated, but dry mouth and nausea may occur occasionally.

There are also contraindications for the use of Mexidol. Injections (the instructions say) cannot be prescribed to those patients who have problems with the liver and kidneys. It is also not recommended to use this drug if you are allergic to vitamin B6. In addition, the main contraindications include pregnancy and lactation. This remedy is also not prescribed to children and adolescents.

In almost all patients for whom this drug was used, sleep returned to normal and anxiety disappeared. In addition, a person’s performance increases and irritability disappears. Many people say that the headaches have stopped, and the psychological stress has also begun to be felt less.

In 1996, it appeared in Russian pharmacies good composition antioxidant - the drug "Mexidol". Found the composition wide application in neurology for the ability to normalize metabolic processes in brain tissue and protect them from harmful effects free radicals. But its use is not limited to this. It is prescribed by narcologists, surgeons and psychiatrists for appropriate conditions. Experts highly value the new generation medicine for unique properties and pharmacological advantages over other neuropsychotropic compounds:

  • Increase resistance to stressful situations.
  • Restore speech functions, improve memory properties after brain damage as a result ischemic attacks and strokes.
  • Prevent seizures.
  • Neutralize various kinds intoxication of the body.

Composition of the drug

The instructions for use say that the active substance in Mexidol is 3-hydroxy-6-methyl-2-ethylpyridine succinate. Salts are called succinates succinic acid- a natural metabolite for humans, a participant in reactions energy metabolism. Fabrics in sufficient quantity get acid from rye bread and at good nutrition there is no shortage of it.

Dosage forms of Mexidol:

  • pills;
  • solutions for injection (50 mg DV/ml).

The drug is produced with a mass fraction of DV of 5%. The volume of ampoules is 2 ml/5 ml. One contour package includes 5 ampoules.

2 times more, that is, 10 ampoules (2 boxes of 5 ampoules with a volume of 2 ml) each containing Mexidol 10, respectively. The drug is administered according to a certain scheme, depending on the pathology.

There may also be preparations containing 5-10 ampoules with a solution of the same concentration (5%) and a volume of 2 ml/5 ml.

One tablet contains:

  • DV - 125 mg;
  • sodium carmellose;
  • lactose;
  • magnesium salt of stearic acid.

Mechanism of action

Cells are bounded by a plasma membrane consisting of a lipid bilayer. The active substance from the composition of the drug in question slows down or prevents the peroxidation of membrane phospholipids. Hence its membrane-protective properties. As an antioxidant, DV inhibits oxidative processes involving free radicals, after which the antioxidant enzyme is activated and the fluidity of biological membranes increases.

This, in turn, leads to improved transport of neurotransmitters and an increase in the rate of binding of receptor complexes to membrane-binding enzymes. As a result, the body better resists oxygen deficiency and all processes provoked by hypoxia.

Indications for use

The use of Mexidol showed that it:

  • increases the level of dopamine in brain cells;
  • normalizes cerebral blood supply and metabolism in nervous tissue;
  • reduces platelet aggregation;
  • reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • reduces the manifestation of signs of intoxication of the body;
  • activates the aerobic stage of glycolysis;
  • increases the number of ATP and creatine phosphate molecules;
  • activates cellular respiration in mitochondria and energy production;
  • stabilizes biological membranes;
  • normalizes metabolism in the myocardium after ischemic attacks;
  • reduces necrotic phenomena in the myocardium;
  • improves the properties of the heart: contractility and conductivity;
  • increases visual acuity by improving retinal functionality.

Mexidol tablets help overcome the consequences of high emotional stress, which is expressed by:

  • in restoring functions that support learning;
  • in a restful sleep;
  • in eliminating somatovegetative problems.

The medicine Mexidol, administered intramuscularly, also helps treat the consequences of alcohol intoxication:

  • restores human behavior;
  • eliminates symptoms of withdrawal symptoms.

The answer to the question “What does Mexidol help with?” can also be supplemented with its geroprotective effect, expressed by:

  • in the correction of memorization and learning, which are impaired during aging;
  • in reducing the level of aging markers.

The drug enhances the effect of antidepressant and tranquilizing drugs, thereby reducing their side effects and reducing therapeutic dosages.


The peak concentration of DV in the blood occurs half an hour after intramuscular administration. After this period, the active substance quickly penetrates the tissues, from where it is also quickly removed.

In the liver, DV is converted into other pharmacologically active metabolites. It is excreted in the urine, partly in its original form.

Mexidol tablets are characterized by rapid absorption of the active substance, its distribution throughout the tissues and the same rapid release. In 4-5 hours lab tests DV is no longer determined in the blood.

Why are Mexidol injections prescribed? Mexidol in ampoules is indicated for:

  • poisoning of the body;
  • withdrawal intoxication and accompanying disorders;
  • primary open-angle glaucoma as part of complex treatment;
  • acute heart attack myocardium as part of complex therapy;
  • anxiety states;
  • cognitive disorders due to atherosclerosis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD);
  • slowly progressive cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • acute disruption of cerebral blood supply.

For Mexidol tablets, the indications are similar:

  • asthenic syndrome;
  • intoxication after taking antipsychotic drugs;
  • alcohol withdrawal;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • anxiety as a consequence of neurotic conditions;
  • encephalopathy of various nature;
  • skull injuries;
  • epilepsy.

There are few contraindications for taking Mexidol. It is not recommended for patients with acute renal or liver failure, as well as individual sensitivity to DV and auxiliary components in the composition of the drug.

Pediatrics does not have statistically reliable data obtained from studying the effect of the drug on children's body. Therefore, only the attending physician prescribes Mexidol for children, and after administration, monitors the course of the disease. The composition is prescribed in case of a child receiving traumatic brain injury, as well as for therapy purulent infections nervous tissue.

Toxicity and side effects

The instructions for use of the drug say that minor side effects, as well as low toxicity, are the undeniable advantages of the drug. Side effects Mexidol are rare and can be in the form of:

  • symptoms of an allergic reaction;
  • drowsiness;
  • excessive dryness of the oral mucosa;
  • nausea.

Those taking the drug may complain of individual reactions:

  • lethargy;
  • general weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • flatulence;
  • allergic conditions.

Taking the drug Mexidol (injections) may be accompanied by surges in blood pressure, impaired coordination of movements, circadian sleep-wake rhythm, emotional reactivity. Those taking the drug can rest assured about their liver. Also preserved normally:

  • blood composition;
  • respiratory rate;
  • heart rate and electrocardiogram;
  • blood pressure parameters.

Stopping the medication is not accompanied by a withdrawal effect.

Instructions for using injections

At intravenous administration Mexidol (ampoules) are diluted with saline solution. The composition is administered intramuscularly for 1.5 to 3 minutes. Drip - carried out at a speed of 80-120 drops/minute. The dosage and duration of the course are affected by the severity of the pathology. If the cerebral blood supply, when the patient is in a specialized neurology or intensive care unit, he is given 400 mg (8 ml) of medication twice a day intravenously for 15 days. The daily dose cannot exceed 1600 mg.

For the next 15 days, keep the same dosage, but administer it once a day. Subsequently, Mexidol injections are administered intramuscularly for 10-15 days at a dosage of 200 mg (4 ml) of the drug. Upon completion of the course, the doctor recommends taking tablets: 0.25-0.5 g/day for 1-1.5 months, with the daily dose divided into 2-3 doses.

About compatibility with other medications

Mexidol may be prescribed to enhance the effect of certain compounds that have a psychotropic effect, such as:

  • tranquilizers;
  • analgesics;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • benzodiazepines;
  • carbamazepine and others.

In any therapeutic regimen, Mexidol is compatible with all components of complex treatment. Its advantages also include the ability to reduce the toxicity of ethanol. On how Mexidol and alcohol interact, as well as on the ability to remove metabolites from tissues ethyl alcohol based on its use in the treatment alcohol addiction.

Comparison with other drugs

Mexidol is a new generation drug, so it is compared with other already known compounds.

Among the drugs with similar purposes, a special place is occupied by Mexidol’s analogue, Actovegin, which has appropriate applications and is prescribed together with Mexildol to achieve the desired therapeutic result. For those wondering what is the difference between them or what Actovegin is better

or Mexidol, you need to know that the use of Actovegin is often accompanied by an allergic reaction, since the raw material for its production is calf blood. Although it helps the affected tissues recover faster. The active substances in both drugs can interact, influence each other’s structure and increase side effects. Therefore, they do not mix in one syringe.

There are other analogues of Mexidol on the pharmaceutical market. For example, some cheap analogues of the drug differ only in additional components. You cannot use an analogue on your own instead of a medicine like Mexidol. These questions are decided by the doctor individually for each person. He also determines in each specific case which is better, for example, Mexiprim or Mexidol. Mexicor and Mexidol are another matter, because the first is a generic or synonym for the second. It also finds use as a means of improving the condition of patients after a stroke, relieving anxiety and fears, increasing attention, and eliminating the consequences of alcohol intoxication.

Use of the drug in veterinary medicine Mexidol vet is an analogue known drug

  • . It is intended for use in veterinary medicine, in particular in the treatment of cats and dogs if they suffer from:
  • epilepsy;
  • heart failure in chronic or acute form;
  • impaired cerebral blood supply;

brain injury. Mexidol vet helps prepare animals for surgery, and after provides recovery for four-legged patients. Also, the drug Mexidol Vet serves to prevent disorders observed during aging of animals. It helps prepare dogs for exhibitions and withstand extreme stress during training.

The medicine Mexidol vet can also be in the form of tablets or a solution intended for injection. Ampoules can have a volume of 1-2 ml. The active ingredient is the same as in the composition taken by people. The solution contains DV at a concentration of 25-50 mg per 1 milliliter. It is administered intramuscularly. Composition No. 10 contains, respectively, 10 ampoules of 1 ml of solution with a mass fraction of DV of 2.5% at a price of 320 rubles. For 200 rubles the drug is more expensive, in which 10 (5 ampoules of 2 ml each) 5% solution. One tablet of the drug weighing 250 mg contains 50 mg of DV.

The duration of the course, as well as the dosage, is determined by the veterinarian. The drug is contraindicated if the animal is individually sensitive to any component of Mexidol vet.

Mexidol Dent toothpaste

Dentistry was also able to take advantage of the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of the drug in the form of Mexidol Dent toothpaste. It has shown its effectiveness in the form of:

  • increasing immunity;
  • reducing bleeding gums;
  • effective remedy in the treatment of periodontitis.

Thanks to Mexidol Dent toothpaste, patients in the oral cavity:

  • micro-wounds heal faster;
  • the mucous membrane is restored;
  • bacteria die.

The above effects are possible if Mexidol Dent is used 2-3 times a day.

For those with hypersensitive gums, a type of Mexidol Dent paste with potassium nitrate is provided to treat caries and reduce tooth sensitivity, which is usually observed when the main components of the mineral composition are lost.

Toothpaste Mexidol dent can whiten teeth and be used to treat stomatitis and gingivitis. The manufacturer took care of comprehensive dental care and, in addition to Mexidol dent paste, produced an elixir for rinsing and healing the oral mucosa. Mexidol toothpaste costs about 70 rubles. For comparison: for Mexidol tablets (50 pcs.), the price starts from 400 rubles.

Patients, like doctors, leave positive reviews about the medication. Everyone notes from him: wide indications for use, minimal side effects, the ability to improve the condition of patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as those who have suffered micro-strokes and other cerebrovascular accidents.

Mexidol in injections is an antioxidant and neuroprotective drug. Available in ampoules of various volumes (2 and 5 ml), in packages with different numbers of ampoules. There are packages produced specifically for hospitals, which contain up to 100 ampoules. The active ingredient of the drug,ate, was first invented in the 1980s at the State Research Institute of Pharmacology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Included in many modern delivery standards medical care on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Externally it is a colorless or yellowish odorless solution. In addition to ethat a concentration of 50 mg per 1 ml of solution, it contains water for injection and sodium metabisulfite.

Pharmacologically it has a multidisciplinary effect. It is a good antioxidant, nootropic drug, membrane protector, and neurotrophic drug due to increased tolerance to hypoxia. It has an unexpressed anticonvulsant, anxiolytic and tonic effect. Increases resistance to various stress factors (intoxication, stress, etc.).

There are properties of Mexidol that are not related to neurological practice: reduction of intoxication during pancreatitis, improvement of blood circulation during myocardial ischemia, improvement metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye and helps maintain the integrity optic nerve and retina.

With intramuscular administration of the drug in the blood plasma, the concentration is determined in about 4-5 hours. Mexidol is excreted in the urine in the form of a conjugate with glucuronic acid.


Mexidol is indicated for many neurological diseases, as well as for certain symptoms:

  • Traumatic brain injuries.
  • Vestibulo-coordinating disorders.
  • Cognitive dysfunction.
  • Anxiety and neuroses.

The drug can also be used in the practice of other doctors for the following conditions:

  • Acute myocardial infarction.
  • Open angle glaucoma.
  • Alcohol intoxication.
  • Intoxication with narcotic and antipsychotic substances.
  • Purulent and inflammatory diseases abdominal cavity(including peritonitis), note – only as part of complex therapy!!!


There are a number of restrictions on the use of the drug:

  • Acute or severe liver dysfunction.
  • Acute kidney damage.
  • Allergic reactions to the drug (rare).
  • Pregnancy, lactation, childhood(no reliable studies have been conducted on the safety of using Mexidol).

Mode of application

Mexidol in the form of injections is administered intramuscularly or intravenously (stream, drip). When administered intravenously, Mexidol is diluted in saline solution.

The drug is injected strictly slowly (5 minutes) in a stream; the injection rate reaches a maximum of 30-40 ml per minute. The maximum daily dosage should not exceed one gram (20 ml of concentrate).

The dosage is determined by the attending physician, as well as the duration of the course of treatment. These indicators depend on many factors: the type of pathology, the severity of the patient, the presence concomitant pathology etc.

For strokes, Mexidol is used for the first 2 weeks in doses of 200-400 mg 2 times a day, then they switch to intramuscular administration, and then to tablet forms.

In case of TBI, dyscirculatory processes, and withdrawal states, the schemes are similar. For vestibular lesions, dizziness of various origins, prevention of dyscirculatory encephalopathy, cognitive, anxiety disorders used intramuscular injection in doses of 100-300 mg 1-2 times a day, after which they switch to.

Dosages used for cardiac pathology, purulent processes, glaucoma are not within the competence of the neurologist, the author of the site, and are given in full instructions on the use of Mexidol. The drug is used for these conditions only as part of complex therapy.

Side effects

A drug is proven and safe and generally has no side effects. The most common symptoms are nausea, dry mucous membranes, drowsiness, and allergic reactions. Dizziness is not observed after using Mexidol; drowsiness may develop, which the patient perceives as dizziness. Or...


The effects of overdose usually result in the development of drowsiness and quickly stop after stopping the use of the drug.

special instructions

When using Mexidol, a number of recommendations should be followed.

Sometimes, extremely rarely, in the presence of allergic reactions to sulfites, the presence bronchial asthma, with polyallergy, severe allergic reactions can develop. Such patients, when first prescribed Mexidol, require inpatient monitoring (ideally), or full outpatient monitoring.

There are a number of proven drug interactions between Mexidol and other drugs. It should be remembered that the effect of antiparkinsonian drugs containing levodopa may be enhanced by anticonvulsants, benzodiazepine-based anxiolytics. More often it is positive effect, allowing you to reduce the dose, and, consequently, the risk of side effects from the use of these drugs. Mexidol also reduces the toxic effects of ethanol (including reducing intoxication and).

Storage conditions

Mexidol injections should be stored in a hard-to-reach place (protected from children), at room temperature. It is advisable to maintain optimal air dryness and also limit the ingress of sunlight. The shelf life, subject to all storage conditions, is three years.


Meskidol is original drug. Its generics, also containingate, are drugs such as Mexicor, Meksifin, Metostabil and lesser-known drugs.

Video commentary by the author


Mexidol injections are available from pharmacies with a doctor's prescription. The price in pharmacies varies due to the markup of suppliers and the own markup of pharmacies, although Mexidol itself is included in the list of Vital and Essential Drugs. Current prices for October 2017:

  • Ampoules 2 ml, No. 10 437-580 rubles.
  • Ampoules 2 ml, No. 50 1970-2285 rubles (used more often when purchasing to hospitals and hospitals).
  • Ampoules 5 ml, No. 5 415-555 rubles.
  • Ampoules 5 ml, No. 20 1640-1810 rubles (used more often for purchases in hospitals).

In comparison with the author’s archive (ampoules 2 ml, No. 10 price 365-527 rubles, ampoules 2 ml, No. 50 2000-2400 rubles, ampoules 5 ml, No. 5 cost 360-495 rubles, ampoules 5 ml, No. 20 1600-1820 rubles), prices increased significantly (up to 20%) for small-sized packages and decreased very slightly for large packages, which generally reflects negative price dynamics for the average person.

You should not self-medicate, it can be dangerous! Before using Mexidol, consult your doctor!

Mexidol is part of the pharmacological group of antioxidant drugs. This progressive medicine is successfully used to treat many diseases, but the most popular various shapes The medicine is used in neurology. Due to its neuroprotective properties, the use of Mexidol injections has become relevant not only for people, but also for animals, so it is important to read the instructions for the drug.

Getting to know the medicine

Modern medicine includes antioxidants in many treatments because medications stimulate performance immune system, enrich the body with oxygen, normalize blood flow to the brain. In the line of such drugs, Mexidol occupies a leading place; it is included in therapeutic regimens for the treatment of severe inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract, neuroses, VSD syndrome(vegetative-vascular dystonia), relief of withdrawal syndrome (hangover condition).

Release form

  1. Round white tablets contain 125 mg of active substance and are intended for oral administration. The packaging contains instructions and a blister with 10 tablets, or the tablets are packaged in plastic jars of 90 pieces.
  2. The solution for intramuscular (intravenous) injection is packaged in glass ampoules of 2 and 5 ml. Ampoules contain 50 mg of the substance in 1 ml, are located in contour cells, packaged in carton boxes with the attached instructions.

Deciding on the choice of form medication is taken by the attending physician, taking into account the peculiarities age category the patient, his state of health, the severity of the disease. The drug is sold by prescription because it reduces attention and affects the ability to concentrate, the instructions warn.

Interestingly, Mexidol is produced for veterinary use in the same forms. The medicine was developed specifically to help dogs and cats; veterinarians prescribe it to support animal health, treat peritonitis, pancreatitis, skin diseases, and stress. Moreover, the solution in ampoules and Mexidol-vet tablets are interchangeable, because not all pet owners are ready to treat them with injections.

Chemistry of the composition

More effective form Mexidol injections are considered the use of a drug that has anti-stress and anticonvulsant effects. Not only are they more effective, but they are also cheaper than tablets. According to the instructions, the ampoule contains a solution of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate in injection water with the addition of sodium metabisulfite.

The peculiarity of the active substance is its ability to protect cell membranes, reducing the level of free radicals in the body while saturating the blood with oxygen. Demonstrating antioxidant and membrane-protective properties, Mexidol injections help slow down the negative effects of active free radicals, reducing viscosity cell membranes.

Clarification: the peculiarity of the drug for animals is that it acts similarly to the medicine for humans, but Mexidol-vet is produced in ampoules of 1 and 2 ml. One tablet contains 50 or 125 mg active component. Special safety rules veterinary use Does not require Mexidol.

How do injections work?

  • The membrane protective effect is expressed by providing protection to cell membranes from damage by endogenous toxins and chemically active free radicals.
  • The result of the anticonvulsant effect is a decrease in pathological impulses motor neurons various areas nervous system.
  • The nootropic effect is that the cells of the nervous system (neurocytes) receive protection from damage due to insufficient oxygen supply.
  • The result of the anxiolytic effect after the administration of Mexidol is an increase in the functional activity of the cerebral cortex, a decrease in feelings of fear, and signs of anxiety.
  • The antihypoxic effect is manifested by the increased resistance of the body's cellular structure to conditions of oxygen deficiency.

When are injections prescribed?

The use of injections is due not only to the antioxidant ability of the drug, but also beneficial effects on enzymes and receptors of the nervous system. The Mexidol solution administered intramuscularly, according to the instructions, helps improve the adaptive capabilities of a person exposed to stressful circumstances.

Purpose for animals

Not only people are affected by stress, animals suffer from the same diseases as humans. Therefore, Mexidol-vet is included in the therapy of dogs and cats in the following situations:

  • pulmonary and heart failure during the acute or chronic stage;
  • for help with purulent inflammations in the abdominal cavity;
  • for skin pathologies, age-related health problems of the animal;
  • after head injuries, when planning extreme loads (moving).

Tablets, as well as injections with the drug, which are recommended by a veterinarian, are used to prevent the development of complications after anesthesia, injury, or surgery. The instructions for Mexidol-vet inform about its moderate danger without local irritation and no side effects. If the animal is in in serious condition, they begin to treat it with the injection method, moving over time to the tablet form.

For treating people

The peculiarity of injections for people is the ability of the active substance to accumulate in the blood plasma with uniform distribution throughout the tissues of all organs. That's why Mexidol is different wide range indications, which allows prescribing the use injection form various types diseases. As therapy progresses from the parenteral (injections) method of administration, it is also permissible to transfer the patient to taking tablets, but without exceeding daily norm(1200 mg/day).

Attention: if a doctor has prescribed a person to inject Mexidol intravenously, it is important to ensure that the healthcare worker administers the injection slowly, having previously diluted the medicine isotonic solution sodium chloride. For jet infusion (40 drops/min), it is forbidden to exceed the maximum permissible dose administered substance (1200 mg/day).

A special role is given to the use of Mexidol during the recovery period after a stroke. During the first two weeks, the medicine is administered twice a day with a transition to intramuscular delivery of the substance, and then switched to tablets. Connecting injections to a rehabilitation therapy regimen allows you to speed up the recovery process with a significant reduction in the risk of a recurrent attack. The price of a package with ampoules (439-1926 rubles) depends on the concentration of the active component and the number of ampoules in the box.

Areas of application of injections

Field of Neurology:

  • Mexidol injections are relevant for vegetative-vascular dystonia, accompanied by fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • injections are prescribed for acute stage cerebrovascular accidents due to oxygen starvation and nutritional deficiency;
  • injections affect the signs of dyscirculatory encephalopathy accompanied by atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • administration of the solution alleviates the consequences of cognitive problems associated with disorders of attention, memory, speech, and decline in intelligence.

Field of Psychiatry:

  • Mexidol injections are prescribed to relieve withdrawal symptoms, toxin poisoning due to alcohol dependence, drug addiction;
  • administration of the drug blocks the symptoms of intoxication after a course of antipsychotics (drugs used to treat psychosis);
  • Mexidol injections relieve the severity of neurotic disorders (fear, anxiety neuroses).

Other Applications

The instructions indicate that the injection solution is used for the treatment of open-angle glaucoma different stages, in case of acute myocardial infarction, Mexidol is connected to a complex therapy regimen from the first day. With purulent-inflammatory processes of the abdominal organs, acute inflammation pancreas, necrotizing pancreatitis or peritonitis, injections are especially effective.

Information on the use of Mexidol

Appointment decision parenteral route The doctor delivers the medicine. Injections should be given in medical institution subject to antiseptic rules to prevent infection. Peculiarity intravenous use Mexidol is administered slowly in one of two ways.

The instructions describe in detail the conditions for use different types Mexidol injections, since the choice of dosage of injections, as well as the duration of therapy, depend on the type of pathology. Typically, the course of injection therapy lasts two weeks for symptoms acute phase illness with a transition to a lower dosage for the next 14 days. Cancellation of injections of the drug Mexidol should be slow with a gradual reduction in the daily dosage.

IN veterinary practice The methods for entering the solution into the animal’s body are similar; the dosage is also calculated by a doctor (veterinarian). During acute period animals are prescribed medicine at a dosage of up to 15 mg/kg of body weight with a gradual reduction of the dose to 5 mg/kg of body weight of a four-legged patient. The duration of the course is from 5 to 15 days. For dogs and cats after 8 years of age, veterinarians recommend treatment and prophylactic courses - giving Mexidol intramuscularly for a week (10 mg/kg body weight) with a transition to the use of tablets (another two weeks).

Minimum contraindications

Despite the wide range medical problems which Mexidol successfully copes with, instructions for medicine warns of some restrictions when administered to humans. At hypersensitivity To active substance and additional components, medicine in tablets and injections is contraindicated. The use of a popular antioxidant is prohibited in case of renal and liver failure.

Important: the instructions clarify that the effect of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate on children younger age, pregnant and lactating women have not been studied enough, so it is dangerous to use Mexidol in this group of patients.

Possibility of adverse reactions

Similar to others medical supplies, treatment with the drug, according to the instructions, can cause the appearance of negative effects. Among the rather rare adverse reactions after injections, symptoms of the following conditions:

  • attacks of nausea;
  • increased dryness of the oral mucosa;
  • loss of strength and drowsiness;
  • allergic manifestations.

The body's reaction to the use of Mexidol tablets, the instructions warn, may include dyspeptic symptoms and discomfort in the epigastric region. Also, the medication can affect blood pressure, increasing or decreasing it.

The use of one of the forms of the drug Mexidol is relevant for many diseases, helps prevent the development postoperative complications when prescribing the correct therapeutic regimen. Patients note mainly positive action a course of injections that helps full restoration health, especially after a stroke. It's true that sometimes people complain about negative sides therapy - drowsiness, nausea, headache.

Among positive feedback about the use of Mexidol-vet, there are complaints about the poor tolerance of injections in four-legged patients. After switching to tablets, the situation improves significantly, animal owners note, without losing the effectiveness of therapy. Help for animals, like people, must be qualified, excluding self-medication.

Possible reactions on Infanrix Hexa

To optimize the functioning of the body, it is appropriate to take an additional course of prescribed medications. You should choose Mexidol if you need to influence the body’s resources, support functions and tone internal systems, especially the central nervous system organs. Unauthorized use of the drug is strictly contraindicated.

Mexidol - indications for use

This synthetic antioxidant is suitable for internal use. It is produced as a liquid solution for injection and in the form of pills. If the doctor has prescribed Mexidol, the indications for use should be discussed in advance, cases of overdose and contraindications should be excluded. In case of drug incompatibility, it is worth choosing a more gentle analogue with a mild effect on the site of pathology.

Active substance chemical formula– ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate. The synthetic component improves tissue respiration, which is especially important for all types of hypoxia. In addition, it provides high-quality nutrition to tissues and effectively fights the products of intoxication in the body. The therapeutic effect is almost instantaneous, especially if it intramuscular injections at states of shock.

In tablets

This is the most affordable form of release for a sick person: it is possible to buy tablets without a prescription at any pharmacy. The use of Mexidol should be based on the recommendations of a specialist and study of the instructions. If used correctly medical drug, you can protect the body from intoxication, prevent the appearance of foci of necrosis against the background of spontaneously progressive oxygen starvation. Mexidol (tablets) is prescribed for such conditions of the body as:

  • systemic circulatory disorder;
  • previous strokes;
  • general intoxication of the body;
  • encephalopathy;
  • long-term stressful conditions;
  • extensive nerve lesions;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes in the body.

Mexidol's instructions tell you how to properly use this medicine in practice. The initial dose of the drug is defined as 1-2 tablets twice a day, but then, on the recommendation of a doctor, it can be increased to 1-2 tablets three times a day. The maximum portion of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine per day is 800 mg, i.e. 6 tablets. Exceeding the daily norms, according to the instructions for use, can lead to an overdose. The duration of therapy varies from 2 to 6 weeks, and must be discussed with the attending physician.

In ampoules

The second form of release of this medicine is a solution for injection use. If regular Mexidol is prescribed in this form, ampoules are also available without a prescription. The release option is more effective, since the component - methylhydroxypyridine - immediately enters the systemic circulation and has a therapeutic effect, gives stable and long lasting therapeutic effect. The medicine has antioxidant, nootropic, antihypoxic and anxiolytic properties. Indications for use are:

The medication Mexidol in ampoules according to the instructions is administered into the patient’s body intramuscularly or intravenously. Single doses It is important to discuss the duration of the course with your doctor in advance. A similar summary of Mexidol states that a single dose of medication depends on the nature pathological process, the degree of neglect of the diagnosed disease. It can be the following standards:

  1. Disturbed cerebral circulation– 200-500 mg of medication / 14 days.
  2. Traumatic brain injuries – 500 mg / 14 days.
  3. Circulatory insufficiency in the cerebral cortex – 100-250 ml / 10 days.

Side effects

Before prescribing a medicine, the doctor studies its description, excludes contraindications, side effects, incompatibility with others pharmacological groups as part of complex treatment. This will help prevent deterioration general well-being patient, speed up recovery. After prescribing the drug, keep in mind that Mexidol has the following side effects:

Mexidol for children

Tablets and injections are prescribed to small patients for traumatic brain injuries and purulent neuroinfections. The dosage is indicated in the instructions for use, but clearly requires systematic medical supervision, correction strictly according to medical indications. Mexidol is not harmful for children, but there are age restrictions which it is better not to violate.

Mexidol during pregnancy

The drug does not help expectant mothers recover quickly, but can only harm the intrauterine development of the fetus and provoke extensive pathologies. Clinical researches These categories of patients have been tested, so Mexidol is not prescribed during pregnancy. In addition, the medication is contraindicated during lactation.


Considering the fact drug interactions, it becomes obvious that not all patients can use this medication. If you are interested in Mexidol, the first step is to study the contraindications. The manufacturer reports that taking tablets and injections is not recommended if you have clinical picture:

  • renal failure;
  • liver problems;
  • hypersensitivity to synthetic components.

Mexidol - analogues

If these injections are given allergic reaction, correction of the treatment regimen is necessary. Mexidol analogues also act productively, the main thing is to choose the safest medication for a specific clinical picture. According to doctors, Cerecard, Mexiprim, Mexidant, Neurox, Mexicor have proven themselves well.


The cost of the drug is affordable to almost all patients, and varies between 250-400 rubles per pack of tablets. The price of injections remains approximately within the same price range. It is important to read the instructions before purchasing. The price on the Internet is cheaper, real reviews about high efficiency are positive. If you buy medicine at a pharmacy, the price depends on the city and region. No prescription required.
