When a cat's teeth change. Do cats have milk teeth?

Healthy teeth are an important factor in ensuring the proper nutrition of a mammal, and, consequently, the healthy state of its body as a whole. Their health must be monitored and cared for constantly after the appearance of a kitten in the house.

In order for a cat to be strong and healthy, the owner must devote a lot of time to it, take care of its development, be aware of growth patterns, proper care and body characteristics. Among other things, it is important to know at what age and with what symptoms all milk teeth should grow in his pet.

Ideally, their growth should be completed in 2 months. By this period, the baby should have a complete set of the first very sharp teeth in the amount of 26 pieces. From this point on, small predators can eat pieces of meat.

As a rule, at birth, kittens, like all mammals, are born toothless, with the exception of rare exceptions, which are not the norm. In this way, nature provides natural protection for mother cats from biting nipples and associated pain.

Teething begins at the age of 1-2 weeks. This process occurs almost imperceptibly neither for kittens nor for their owners, since at this age they still do not move around the room. First, tiny incisors appear, and later, by 3 months, fangs grow.

How is the process

The change of teeth in cats begins at the age of 4 months and continues for 2-3 months. All individuals are individual, so this process can take place in different ways: in some cases it is completely imperceptible, and in some with complications that require careful care. First, milk teeth fall out, which should completely change to permanent ones at 7 months.

This period is more restless than during the growth of milk molars.

Permanent teeth grow in the same sequence: first the incisors appear, and then the molars, at the end the canines change - first the lower ones, and then the upper ones.

However, unlike kittens, in adults, in addition to premolars, molars also grow. This increases the total number of teeth. In adult animals, their number should be 30 pieces, unlike babies, which have only 26 teeth.

Representatives of the cat on both jaws have 3 incisor teeth and a pair of fangs. At the same time, the number of molars in the upper jaw exceeds their number in the lower row: there are 8 teeth at the top, and 6 at the bottom. The dental formula of permanent dentition in cats older than 7 months looks like this:

  • 3 cutters;
  • 1 fang;
  • 3 premolars;
  • 1 molar;
  • paired fang;
  • 2 premolars;
  • 1 molar

In total, 12 incisors, 4 canines, 7 molars grow on both jaws (3 at the top, 4 at the bottom).

Possible Complications

Some cats do not tolerate the process of changing teeth to permanent ones. They become restless, refuse to eat, meow loudly, and may gnaw on furniture and other things.

Often this process is accompanied by increased salivation, and in some individuals gum irritation may persist for a long period.

Many kittens swallow their baby teeth when they eat. As a rule, this does not cause any undesirable consequences, the foreign object is not digested in the stomach, but comes out naturally. There is no damage to the mucous membranes.

It may happen that after falling out, the hole fester. The first sign of this is the appearance of bad breath in the kitten. In this situation, you need to contact a veterinary clinic, as inflammation can spread throughout the oral cavity and lead to undesirable consequences.

Sometimes it happens that a baby does not lose temporary teeth at all and at the same time permanent teeth begin to grow. In this case, a double dentition is formed, the correction of which requires removal.

Double dentition is a pathology that provokes the appearance of osteomyelitis, stones and bacterial deposits. Also, an excess of teeth in the pet's mouth can cause gum injury, ulcers on the mucous membrane, wound formation, malocclusion, periodontal disease, and problems with the jaw bone.

In other cases, milk teeth that do not fall out at the appointed time completely block the growth of the main ones, which also requires their removal.

A temporary tooth may break, in which case it is also necessary to contact a veterinarian who will remove it painlessly. Removal manipulations are carried out under anesthesia, so the kitten will not experience pain or stress.

A deviation from the norm is an uneven dentition. In the future, this leads to a deterioration in chewing qualities and complications of digestive processes. This situation needs to be corrected.

The most common complications during teething:

  1. gum and palate injuries;
  2. pathological changes in bite;
  3. periodontitis.

How to make the process easier

Regardless of how many months the change of teeth occurred, the owner should know that they should all be white or cream in color, without signs of destruction or inflammation. You also need to keep in mind that proper nutrition plays a big role in the health of the oral cavity of cats.

At this time, the pet should receive a complete diet and eat only healthy and good-quality food. The menu can include special additives containing calcium and phosphorus.

In no case should you help your pet and pull out milk teeth on your own. External influence will only cause harm, loss must occur in a natural way, and human intervention can damage the tooth, which is not yet ready to fall out.

A certain indicator indicating that a kitten is erupting permanent teeth is a special sharp and unpleasant smell of their oral cavity. In the absence of other symptoms, this moment should not cause concern, the unpleasant odor should pass on its own in a couple of months.

You need to regularly inspect the mouth of a pet and pay attention to the gums - they should have a smooth structure and a uniform pink color. At this time, the baby’s gums itch, so by the way, dry food will come in handy, rubber toys and special teethers that you can gnaw will also come in handy. Before use, such a toy can be frozen, which will help soothe the gums.

It is normal if a cat refuses to eat when changing teeth to permanent ones. She has discomfort in her mouth and has difficulty chewing. However, if she does not eat for more than a day, then this is an alarming signal, and in this case, more serious health problems should be excluded and shown to a specialist.

Cats have a special digestive system, which is characterized by the fact that prolonged fasting, lasting more than 2 days, has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Our wards are very similar to us - people. They have their own character and develop their own special habits, and they suffer mainly from human diseases. Kittens grow up according to a similar scenario: they, like our children, at a certain age undergo a change of teeth. Milk teeth in cats fall out, and molars grow in their place.

Features of the growth of teeth in kittens

  1. The number of milk and root formations in cats is different. In the "temporary" set, there are 26 of them, an adult individual will already have 30 of them.
  2. Kittens are born toothless: the jaws are formed by milky formations from the second week of life of fluffy babies, by the tenth week they should have the entire time series of 26 incisors and canines.
  3. The color of milk formations in healthy crumbs should be creamy white. The “correctness” of the shade depends both on hereditary factors, and on the well-being of the mother cat during pregnancy and the laying of the jaw in the fetus. Important for health is the nutrition of the crumbs, as well as oral care during the growth period.
  4. Many owners do not know at what age the change of teeth occurs in kittens, since this stage is greatly extended in time. The loss of milk incisors and canines begins at about 3 months, they "leave" the jaw in the same order in which they appeared in the animal.
  5. During the change of teeth, the behavior of kittens usually deteriorates: they become restless, and the unbearable itching of the gums, in which active teething is taking place, forces the kids to gnaw everything that comes across. With severe pain, the fluffy may refuse to eat and will prefer to "lie down" rather than lead an active lifestyle.
  6. The change of teeth in kittens is a rather lengthy process. Starting at about 3 months of a baby's life, it ends only by 7-8 months. Throughout this period, a fluffy baby needs special care, because in the process of teething and quenching the itching of the gums, the delicate mucous membrane can become inflamed.

Important! When kittens change milk teeth, they need to be given special care, because some mistakes can lead to unpleasant consequences and lead to dental pathologies and diseases.

How to help a pet?

Helping kittens with teething is practically no different from the measures that young mothers take to alleviate similar discomfort in babies.

  • In veterinary shops, you can purchase inexpensive teethers that should be used when cats are changing their teeth. With their help, a fluffy baby will be able to cope with the unbearable itching of his gums, and the special massage surface of this accessory will contribute to the faster growth of molars and canines.
  • During the loss of milk incisors and canines in a kitten, track the order of "losses". If a temporary specimen sits for too long, and the gum under it is noticeably inflamed (swollen and changed its color), you should contact your veterinarian and remove it by a specialist.

Important! If you overlook the beginning of the pathology, this can lead to the development of an inflammatory process, the formation of ulcers and even the destruction of bone tissue and periodontal disease.

  • When kittens change milk teeth, there is no need to make drastic changes in their diet. It is enough to purchase food supplements rich in phosphorus and calcium. If there are not enough important elements in the diet, this can negatively affect the jaw of the ward: the bones will become softer, and the skeleton and bite will not form correctly.
  • At the stage of teething, the owner of a growing animal should take care of the safety of the baby. Remove all items that the fluffy can chew on in an effort to quench the itching of the gums: hide the wires in boxes or glue them firmly to the surfaces with tape, remove the toys and leave him only special teethers. Pieces of rubber and plastic products can be swallowed by a pet, and this will lead to intestinal obstruction of the crumbs.

The time when a kitten's teeth fall out can be painful for him, so the main task of the owners is to help him get through this difficult time as much as possible. Source: Flickr (Sam_Collins)

What can't be done?

  1. The desire to gnaw everything is a sure sign by which you can determine whether kittens have teeth falling out. In order not to form a bad habit in the animal, do not allow it to bite you during this period.
  2. Veterinarians believe that when a cat's milk teeth change, it is better not to vaccinate it. At this time, very complex processes take place in the fluffy's body, and vaccinations will become an extra burden for him. Nothing bad will happen if you delay the date of vaccination for 1-2 months until the radical change in the animal grows.

Features of oral hygiene in pets

Animals often suffer from "human" diseases, including in the field of dentistry. Despite the fact that there is no sugar in the diet of pets, their teeth can become covered with stone or decay from caries.

Important! Tartar occurs due to insufficient care and hygiene. If the milk incisors and canines failed to fall out in time, the pressure on the root gum can lead to its severe inflammation and ulceration.

The same bacteria live on the jaw of cats as on ours. In the process of their vital activity, plaque forms on the surface of the enamel, which should be cleaned off regularly. In pet stores, you probably noticed pet toothbrushes - this is not a whim, but a really necessary accessory.

It is necessary to accustom a pet to daily hygiene with a brush with the advent of a milk shift. The baby will get used to the accessory and will be calm about the desired hygiene procedure. Whether cats' teeth fall out, whether molars have grown - such a brush will come in handy in any situation, its bristles will gently massage itchy gums and accelerate the appearance of a permanent change.

The time when a kitten's teeth fall out can be painful for him, so the main task of the owners is to help him get through this difficult time as much as possible. When the ward grows molars and fangs, he will stop acting capriciously and restlessly, and will no longer gnaw on your things. The animal will grow up and become an affectionate fluffy, full of gratitude to you for your care and concern.

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Today I will tell you how the change of teeth occurs in kittens, and what measures should be taken during this period. Most often, the process occurs painlessly and imperceptibly for the owners, so not many people think about whether cats change their teeth at all. If you yourself do not breed kittens, then you may not even know that they are born completely toothless. Usually, a pet "arrives" in a new home, if not with a complete, then with a partially completed set of milk teeth. In small kittens, you can often observe a picture when the baby shows the tip of the tongue. This is not from harm, but because of the lack of fangs, which are one of the last to cut through. By the age of two or three months, there are already 26 teeth in total, which is the norm for a cat. After the "milk set" is fully formed, another process begins - the change of teeth to permanent ones, which in kittens can last for the next four months. Usually, the period when cats change their teeth starts at three months, but slight differences in terms are also allowed. If the process started a week earlier or later, there is nothing to worry about. Most likely, at the very beginning, you will not even notice any changes. Discomfort and pain are extremely rare.

What to look out for

However, at the time of the change of teeth, special attention should be paid to the nutrition of the cat. Food should be of high quality and contain sufficient quantities of substances such as phosphorus and calcium. It is on them that the state of the emerging skeletal system of the kitten depends. If the animal eats natural food, it is worth adding more cottage cheese to the diet. You can also pick up food supplements containing the listed elements. Good nutrition and vitamins will also help the developing body to resist various viral infections, which the animal is especially susceptible to during this period. Indeed, at a time when cats change their teeth, their immunity is significantly reduced. That is why experienced veterinarians do not recommend vaccinations that are mandatory for all kittens at this moment, if for some reason you did not do them in a timely manner. For a weakened immune system, the introduction of even a small amount of the virus is now completely useless.

During the change of teeth, the cat may have a well-founded desire to “scratch” them, which he does with pleasure, tasting everything he gets. Punishing a cat for such tricks is pointless. It is more advisable to purchase suitable toys and treats at the pet store that will help your pet get rid of milk teeth faster without harming furniture, shoes and your nerves. And the cat - joy and fun. Do not allow him to bite your hands during this period, as a bad habit can remain for life.

If a new tooth has already grown, and the milk one has not yet left its place, it is better to contact a veterinarian for help. The same goes for those cases if you notice a wound in the cat's mouth or even pus. Do not try to treat the animal yourself, let a specialist do it. Such complications, although rare, do occur, and you should not leave them unattended in order to avoid health problems in the future.

adult cat teeth

At the end of the change of teeth in cats, there are already as many as 30 pieces.

1. Incisors- the smallest teeth, which are located on the front of the upper and lower jaws. Their main purpose is to capture and hold prey in the mouth; they do not participate in the process of chewing food. In total, there are 12 incisors in a complete "dental set" of a cat, 6 pieces on each jaw. However, with age, some of them may be lost, since they are attached to only one root and are very unstable.

2. Fangs- an important part of the cat's jaw. It is with their help that in the wild, predatory animals dismember the caught prey. Despite the fact that the fangs also have only one root, it is deeply embedded in the jaw and therefore much stronger than the incisors. The cat has only four fangs.

3. Premolars. Located directly after the fangs, three pieces after each on the upper jaw, and two on the lower jaw. Designed for chewing and crushing solid food. They can have up to three roots, therefore, in the event of a disease of one of the teeth, it is important to know their number so that in case of removal it does not leave the root in the gum.

4. Molars. The most distant teeth, located one at a time from all the inner edges of the jaws. They are also used for chewing solid foods and meat. The upper molars have one short root each, so they do not cause difficulties with removal. With the lower ones it is a little more difficult, since there are two roots in them and, moreover, one of them is fixed with ligaments.

By the age of three, most cats experience various dental problems, so it is important to keep a close eye on their condition. Ideally, it is recommended to take the animal to the doctor at least once a year for examination, and more often if there are dental problems. A common occurrence that can lead to serious consequences is plaque. If you don’t get rid of it in time, it can threaten a cat with the loss of one or more teeth, which is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous for a small predator. After all, a cat's teeth are the main tool for eating, and its main weapon in the wild. In a home environment, even toothless cats can feel comfortable if caring owners prepare soft, easily digestible food for them. But it is better to solve emerging problems in a timely manner and not bring them to a neglected state.

Newborn kittens are born toothless, later milk teeth appear in a cat.

Like small children, cats first have milk teeth at the age of 1-4 months, later molars appear.

Milk teeth in cats

Kittens are born without teeth and at first feed only on mother's milk. First, as expected, milk teeth grow in kittens, then there is a change of teeth in kittens to permanent molars.

When kittens teeth change can be read here.

Milk teeth in cats are temporary, not as strong as molars, but nevertheless sufficient to do a good job of grinding food.

Milk teeth in cats should be white, clean, without plaque.

When do kittens erupt teeth?

The cat's teeth are cut without any special manifestations, however, the symptoms of a change of teeth in kittens are still present: excessive salivation, kittens gnaw objects, sometimes rub their faces with their paws.

Teething in kittens begins from 12-14 days, the first milk teeth in kittens appear on the 15-25th day after birth, i.e. Kittens change their teeth at the age of about 2-3 weeks. I would also like to note that the front teeth in cats are the first to appear. When kittens are teething, they do not experience the same discomfort as small children. In cats, this happens less sensitively. So, let's figure out which teeth appear first in cats.

By two months, kittens should have 26 milk teeth.

Kitten's teeth in the photo.

What milk teeth appear in cats, and at what age, see the table.

As you can see, cats grow teeth from about 2 weeks, and up to 2-3 months all milk teeth will grow.

How kittens' teeth grow, look at the photo.

Milk teeth of a kitten in the photo

When do kittens get teeth: photo

In cats, milk teeth fall out almost imperceptibly and this process can be skipped.

Read more about tooth loss in cats here.

When do kittens grow teeth?

At about 2 months, a cat's milk teeth grow completely.

Read also:

  • Weight of a kitten from birth to a year by months
  • Development of kittens by weeks and months
  • Houses for cats and cats
  • How to train a kitten to a scratching post

A set of 26 milk teeth is formed in kittens by 6, less often by 8 weeks: 14 pieces grow at the top, 12 at the bottom.

They are cut symmetrically, placed on the jaw:

  • 6 small incisors in the center;
  • 2 long fangs, one on each end;
  • 6 premolars above and 4 below: 3 and 2 each on the left and right sides.

"Milkmen" grow thin, straight and sharp, with white enamel. From week 12, they gradually loosen and fall out. They are replaced by molars, four new molars appear. The bite is finally formed by 7-8 months, an increase in the period up to 9 months is considered the norm.

Permanent teeth look more massive, the enamel is milky white at first, then covered with a cream or yellowish coating. After a year, they do not change, loss signals a health disorder or an improper diet.

How do kitten teeth change?

The rudiments are formed in the depth of the gums long before eruption. As they grow, they come into contact with the milk roots, because of which they gradually become thinner and dissolve. At the same time, the tops are loosened.

The owners rarely notice the moment of falling out; kittens often swallow the fallen teeth with food.

The molars grow in the same order that the temporary ones appear:

  • in 3 - 4 months, milk teeth fall out and permanent incisors peck;
  • in 4 - 5, the lower canines are cut, then the upper canines;
  • at the same time, children's premolars are loosened, molars are formed by six months;
  • by 7 months, the formation of 4 molars is completed, they grow singly along the edges of each row.

The complete set consists of 30 pieces: 16 at the top, 14 at the bottom. The dental formula of one sector of the upper gum includes 3 incisors, a canine, 3 premolars, a molar. The lower jaw differs only in the number of premolars: there are 2 on each side instead of 3.

Changes in the well-being and behavior of kittens

Germination of teeth proceeds painlessly, but is accompanied by severe itching. The animal scratches its gums: it gnaws on inedible objects, bites the owner's fingers, rubs its muzzle with its paw on the edges of the furniture.

At the same time, the following natural changes are noticed:

  • There is a repulsive smell from the mouth, because inflammation cannot be avoided. It passes a month after the completion of growth.
  • Salivation increases during games, feeding, it is a protective reaction against inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth.
  • The place of appearance of the next tooth swells, after 1-2 days after eruption it is restored.
  • The animal eats worse, but does not completely lose its appetite.
  • Sometimes the temperature rises to 39.5℃, the kitten is looking for a warm place, fits under the covers.
  • Bleeding after prolapse does not exceed 3 minutes.

Milk and molars appear from different holes, so often a new one hatches when the temporary one has not yet fallen out. This phenomenon does not require intervention if they do not touch each other, there are no signs of inflammation on the gums, and the period for replacing the teeth has not yet passed. Until the end of the bite formation, animals are not vaccinated: the immunity weakens, and they become more vulnerable to infections.

Kitten care

Electric wires, objects that are easy to chew and swallow are removed from the pet's access area. Felinologists advise to stop attempts to bite the hands of the owners, it will be difficult to wean an adult animal from this habit.

The condition of the pet is facilitated by the following actions:

  • To reduce itching, give rubber toys from the pet store to chew on. Teethers with water inside will soothe the gums if they are pre-cooled in the freezer.
  • To prevent inflammation, the mouth is wiped daily with a gauze swab dipped in a solution of soda or a decoction of chamomile, sage. Medicinal herbs are used carefully, they often cause allergies.
  • Once every 2 months, the pet is taken to the clinic for preventive examinations, the doctor will monitor the formation of a normal bite, the timing of eruption.

After 6 months, teeth are brushed twice a week with a soft-bristled brush or wiped with a silicone fingertip, they are bought at pet stores along with a special paste for animals.

The new hygienic procedure is gradually accustomed to, cleaned in one motion from top to bottom from the outside and inside. At the end, wipe the gums with gauze dipped in clean warm water.

When you need veterinary help

The deterioration of well-being cannot be constantly attributed to the teeth, perhaps the pet is sick.

A doctor's consultation is required in the following situations:

  • The smell becomes disgusting, which signals severe inflammation and the development of periodontal disease.
  • The kitten does not sleep well, does not eat for more than a day, becomes apathetic or restless. A possible reason for this behavior is severe pain in the gums.
  • Saliva is secreted excessively, thickens, hangs from the mouth, because of which the hair on the breast gets wet. This indicates a probable inflammation of the oral mucosa - gingivitis, stomatitis.

The pet's mouth is regularly inspected, normally the surfaces remain smooth, pink, without damage.

Help is needed when deviations are noticed:

  • the gum is inflamed around the temporary tooth;
  • the hole festered;
  • The "milk jug" has shifted and injures the mucous surfaces;
  • part of the children's teeth remain when the permanent ones have fully grown;
  • after 7 months, a double row formed;
  • gums reddened, bleeding.

In case of inflammation, they do not give medicine, but take the pet to the clinic. Only a veterinarian will be able to properly examine the mouth, assess the degree of inflammation, and prescribe drugs without harm to the health of the animal.

“Extra” teeth are removed in the clinic under anesthesia if they damage the mucous membranes, form an abnormal bite, and remain in the mouth after 8-9 months. Growth retardation, when the milk has already fallen out, indicates a lack of trace elements.


If the kitten eats in a balanced way, then the diet is not changed, the food is given in a warm, crushed form. For the formation of strong teeth, the animal needs an increased amount of calcium and phosphorus.

It is helpful to give your pet food that contains these micronutrients:

  • cottage cheese;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • chicken
  • veal;
  • turkey;
  • rabbit meat;
  • beef liver;
  • cauliflower;
  • carrot;
  • buckwheat

Vitamin and mineral supplements are given for delaying the appearance of teeth as directed by a veterinarian. An excess of micronutrients is no less harmful than a deficiency.

Opinions of doctors concerning industrial forage disperse. Some recommend transferring the pet to soft canned food, because the granules hurt the gums. Others consider dry food to reduce itching if they choose fine kibble lines for kittens. It is better for the owner to observe the pet and stop at a diet option that does not affect well-being.

The pet does not need special food, the main thing is age compliance, a balanced composition and the content of the daily norm of vitamins and minerals. These qualities are distinguished by premium, super premium, holistic feeds. Animals on ready-made feeds do not need food additives.

Changing teeth is a natural physiological process. In kittens, it proceeds imperceptibly, but undesirable symptoms cannot be ruled out. The task of the owner is to help the pet survive this period, take him to veterinary examinations, notice complications in time, and if necessary, consult a doctor.