How to sleep while pregnant. Pleasant dreams or how pregnant women sleep in the later stages

Every pregnant woman is concerned about the question of how to sleep, so as not to harm the baby, because the sleeping positions in which the woman slept during pregnancy are unacceptable. Due to the fact that a hormonal restructuring of the body occurs in a woman’s body, it is impossible to sleep normally and fully, plus a woman also has some changes in her figure. Therefore, it is important to choose the right sleeping positions in which it would be comfortable and convenient for the expectant mother to sleep and inside the baby.

How should you sleep during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman constantly wants to sleep, when the end of gestation comes, problems begin to appear, it is impossible to sleep normally, because a large belly appears, with which it is very difficult to find a position for sleeping, while various anxieties and negative thoughts about childbirth appear in the head. Therefore, a pregnant woman begins to suffer at night, and then during the day she wants to sleep very much.

What to do to fall asleep at night?

1. Take a walk outside before going to bed to get some fresh air.

2. The room in which a woman sleeps must be ventilated - you can open a window in winter, and a balcony door in summer.

4. Drink only a small amount of warm milk with honey at night or tea with.

5. Adhere to the correct daily routine and eat well.

Correct sleeping positions during pregnancy

In the first trimester, this issue should not worry a woman. Because she can choose any sleeping position for herself, which is more comfortable for her. But gradually you need to accustom yourself to fall asleep in the right positions, because they are recommended in the future.

When the stomach becomes noticeable, for someone it may appear on the 13th week, for someone on the 20th week, for some already on the 25th week, then in no case can you sleep on your stomach and will not work .

On the physical side, sleeping on the back is possible, but when the twenty-eighth week comes, the woman and the baby should not sleep on the back, due to medical reasons.

Therefore, the correct postures are considered - sleep on the left or right side. If the baby is in a transverse presentation, doctors recommend sleeping on the side on which the baby's head is placed. Sleeping on the left side is beneficial for both mother and future baby. Of course, it is very difficult to sleep all night on one side, you do not need to do this. Gynecologists recommend sleeping on different sides, while changing the sleeping position from 3 to 5 times at night, turning from one side to the other side, so you can sleep with the breech presentation of the fetus.

Why can't you sleep on your stomach and back?

In the first trimester, there are no restrictions, the expectant mother sleeps both on her back and on her stomach.

In the second trimester, it is best to choose a position on the left side, although you can sleep on your back, it is forbidden to sleep on your stomach, this is very dangerous for the unborn baby.
In the third trimester, you can not sleep on your stomach, not on your back, it is very dangerous for half a year and leads to negative consequences.

Why can't you sleep on your stomach? Due to the fact that the fetus develops quickly, it certainly has protective amniotic fluid, but there is still a risk of injuring the child.

Why is it not recommended to sleep on your back? Very often, women prefer the position for sleeping on their backs, but already from the second trimester it is not recommended, because it is not useful, and already in the third trimester it is considered very harmful. The uterus is constantly increasing in size, the growing fetus begins to put a lot of pressure on the intestines, the spine in the lower back, and most importantly on the vena cava in a pregnant woman. Therefore, such problems begin - blood circulation is disturbed, the fetus is not sufficiently supplied with oxygen.

A woman may experience the following symptoms:

1. The head begins to spin very strongly, fainting occurs.

2. Difficulty breathing.

4. Pressure drops sharply.

5. Hemorrhoids become aggravated, they arise.

6. In the placentas and kidneys, blood circulation is disturbed.

The baby himself begins to give signals that he is completely uncomfortable in this position, there is not enough oxygen, he actively pushes, when the woman rolls over on her side, he begins to calm down.

What is the best sleeping position during pregnancy?

Pose on the left side, while the right leg should be bent at the knee and put on a pillow. In this manner:

1. Blood circulation improves in the placenta, and the baby is supplied with enough oxygen.

2. The kidneys are fully functional.

3. Do not swell legs and arms.

5. There is no pain in the back and in the pelvic area.

6. The mother's cardiovascular system works normally.

If you have a transverse presentation. The head of the child is placed on the right, you need to sleep on the right side.

To make the pose comfortable and comfortable, you can take pillows of any size.

Mom herself decides where to put it - put it under the leg, under the lower back, under the stomach, lower back.

It is very important that the mother can recharge herself with the necessary energy in a dream, prepare for future childbirth and the birth of a baby. Because after the baby is born, there is no time for sleep at all, because the child needs to be constantly looked after, often getting up at night.

Sleep tips for pregnant women

1. If you have insomnia, do not take sleeping pills, because all medications adversely affect the health of the baby.

2. You can not drink drinks with a huge amount of caffeine - soda, coffee, strong.

3. 3 hours before bedtime, you can not eat a lot, and drink plenty of fluids. With evening toxicosis, it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir and eat a few pieces of crackers.

4. You can not perform active physical movements before going to bed, you can take a walk in the fresh air calmly and measuredly.

5. It is very important to fall asleep and wake up at the same time.

If you have cramps in your legs, you need to stand up, stand, then perform a massage - pinch and relax the muscles. Remember, if they occur, you do not have enough calcium in the body.

If you cannot sleep due to fear and anxiety, it is very important to attend prenatal care, consult with specialists who will set you up positively, and you will sleep at night with peace of mind.

So, it is very important to choose a sleeping position that will be correct and beneficial for both you and the unborn baby.

Sleep is an integral part of life, the quality of which determines the well-being and health of a person as a whole. During pregnancy, there may be some difficulties with the organization of sleep - in the early stages, hormonal changes in the body become the cause, and in the late period of gestation - physical discomfort when choosing a position due to the enlarged tummy.

Sleep positions during pregnancy

Healthy sleep during pregnancy is especially important - at this time, a woman's body undergoes big changes that can lead to a deterioration in the functioning of the immune system, which leads to various kinds of diseases. A full night and day rest helps to restore strength for the successful development of pregnancy.

When choosing a body position for sleeping, a pregnant woman should take into account not only the possibility of a comfortable position for herself, but also the level of safety for her unborn baby. For this, the expectant mother needs to know about safe and prohibited positions.

I trimester

At the initial stage of pregnancy, a woman may not think about the correct sleeping position - the fetus is still too small to be damaged or oppressed by the mother’s incorrect body position.

If a woman had a habit before pregnancy, then it is worth starting to get rid of it as early as possible. Indeed, at a later date, the expectant mother may unconsciously roll over on her stomach, thereby harming the health of the baby.

But in some cases, already in the first trimester, a pregnant woman experiences discomfort and discomfort from sleeping on her stomach - this is due to the increased sensitivity of the mammary glands during this period.
In the absence of discomfort, a pregnant woman is not forbidden to sleep on her stomach for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy

II trimester

After 12 weeks of pregnancy, the stomach begins to grow and sleeping on the stomach from that time on is prohibited for the woman. Otherwise, the blood supply and nutrition of the child is disturbed.

Up to 24 weeks, the expectant mother can still sleep lying on her back. But the correct position of the body starting from the second trimester is the left side. With this position, blood circulation and the work of the heart are not disturbed, there is no squeezing of the liver. All these factors ensure the supply of necessary nutrients to the fetus and do not interfere with the normal development of pregnancy.

And also there are no prohibitions for a short sleep on the right side, especially with a transverse presentation of the fetus, when the baby's head is on the right side.

If the presentation of the fetus is breech, then the pregnant woman is recommended to roll over from one side of the body to the other up to 5 times per night.
Until the middle of the second trimester, a pregnant woman can sleep on her back without harming her health and the condition of the baby.

III trimester

This period of pregnancy is the most difficult for the expectant mother - a large belly and a limited choice of positions for daytime and nighttime rest are often the causes of poor sleep, and, as a result, fatigue and irritability occur.

In the third trimester, a pregnant woman is not allowed (even physically it is no longer possible), as well as on her back - this threatens to squash the inferior vena cava, which carries venous blood throughout the body to the heart. In case of violation of the circulatory function in a child in the womb, hypoxia may develop, which is explained by poor blood supply to the placenta. And also squeezing the vena cava as a result of sleeping on the back often provokes the appearance of varicose veins, hemorrhoids, lower back pain and a decrease in blood pressure in a pregnant woman.

In the later stages of waiting for the baby, prolonged sleep on the right side is undesirable - this can lead to congestion in the right kidney (and subsequently to pyelonephritis), which occurs due to the pressure of the grown fetus on the internal organs.

Since sleeping only on the left side of the body during half of the II and the entire III trimester is uncomfortable, you can turn over to the opposite side for a short period.
In late pregnancy, choosing the right sleeping positions is limited to the left side of the body.

Comfortable sleep aids

For a comfortable sleep, most often pregnant women use pillows - ordinary, sofa, special.

When sleeping on the left side, a pillow located under the bent right leg will help to remove part of the load from the pelvic region and prevent the appearance of swelling of the legs. In this case, the left leg should be straightened.

To eliminate the appearance of back pain from sleeping on your side, you can lean back slightly on your back, placing a small pillow or a blanket twisted in the form of a roller under it.

A comfortable fixture can be a sofa cushion located between the legs bent at the knees when lying on one side of the body. And it is also not forbidden to put a pillow under the stomach.

In late pregnancy, women often suffer from heartburn or difficulty breathing - a grown baby displaces internal organs, which causes discomfort. In this case, you should take a reclining position - you can put several pillows under your back and head.

The use of a roller or a small pillow located under the feet helps to relieve tension, cramps and swelling from the lower extremities, which has a beneficial effect on sleep.

But a special place in the organization of comfortable sleep is occupied by special pillows for pregnant women. They are distinguished by the shapes presented in the form of letters: G, U, V, L, I, C. The sizes of these pillows are different - each woman can choose this necessary item for sleeping to her taste and in accordance with the dimensions of the bed. But they have one function - to provide comfortable accommodation for the pregnant woman during the rest. Such pillows support the stomach (sometimes the head), some of them make it impossible to roll over onto the back uncontrollably, it is convenient to throw the leg back on them. At the same time, special pillows for expectant mothers can also be used in the postpartum period - when feeding the baby and as support for the child's back during sitting down.

Photo gallery: types of pillows for pregnant women

The G-shaped pillow is large and multifunctional
U-shaped pillow supports the belly and head of the pregnant woman, and also does not allow her to roll over on her back
A boomerang or V-shaped pillow is compact and allows you to take a comfortable sleeping position. An L-shaped pillow is placed with the short side under the head, and with the long side under the back, protecting it from unconscious coups on it, and also makes it possible to throw back the leg. The I-shaped pillow is compact and is designed to be rolled into the desired shape The C-shaped pillow is versatile and suitable for use during pregnancy, as well as when feeding a baby

And also special pillows can be filled with various materials:

  1. Sintepon. Not suitable for use by allergy sufferers and asthmatics, as it contains a harmful impurity in the form of glue. Pillows filled with padding polyester are not long-term - they quickly lose their shape, straying into lumps. Items with this filler can harm the health of a pregnant woman.
  2. Holofiber. Soft, hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly material that does not absorb odors and sweat. Pillows with this filler quickly restore their shape after washing (both manual and machine) and wrinkling.
  3. Styrofoam. Filler in the form of granules, similar to foam balls. Rigid, durable, environmentally friendly material. Styrofoam pillow cannot be machine washed.
  4. Artificial fluff. Synthetic, hypoallergenic, lightweight material. Dries quickly after washing and easily restores its original shape.

On the modern market there is a wide selection of pillows for pregnant women, thanks to which every expectant mother is able to find her ideal option.

In my opinion, most pregnant women experience discomfort when choosing a comfortable position during a night's rest. I was no exception - with the rapid growth of the abdomen from the middle of the second trimester, there were sleep disturbances associated with the problem of adopting a comfortable position. I did not purchase a special pillow, but I used a lot of ordinary pillows and rollers of various shapes and sizes. It seems to me that over time, any girl "in position" gets used to her new figure and finds the best positions and devices for organizing sleep - this is just a temporary and inconvenience.

Organization of night rest during pregnancy

Often, expectant mothers suffer from sleep disorders or insomnia. Their appearance can be caused by hormonal changes, heartburn, frequent urge to urinate, itchy skin due to stretching, baby movements, inability to take the desired position during sleep, as well as nervous strain, anxiety, stress, and others. These problems should be dealt with in order to normalize night rest - a pregnant woman's sleep should last at least 8 hours.

To get rid of insomnia, the following actions help:

  • maintaining moderate physical activity during the day;
  • exclusion of stressful and conflict situations;
  • temporary waiver of daytime rest;
  • limiting fluid intake before bed;
  • preference for a light meal over a heavy one;
  • taking a relaxing bath or back and leg massage before a night's rest;
  • the use of sedatives: glycine, valerian or motherwort (after consulting a doctor).

Thus, in the fight against insomnia, there are many ways.

But for a sound and healthy sleep, as well as the prevention of insomnia, experts recommend:

  1. Ventilate the room regularly and take a walk before going to bed.
  2. Choose clothes that are comfortable for sleeping.
  3. Settle down on comfortable pillows and a mattress.
  4. Make a light snack if necessary - it is difficult to fall asleep with a feeling of hunger.

By following these basic rules for organizing a night's rest, the risks of insomnia and other sleep disorders are reduced.

After a healthy sleep, the expectant mother should feel rested and be in a good mood.

Video: sleep during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the load on the entire female body increases sharply, and its systems and organs work in an enhanced mode in order to generate resources for two already: for both mother and baby. That is why even with small loads a woman feels overworked. Doctors advise expectant mothers to pay special attention to the regime of work and rest and give advice on how to sleep better during pregnancy in order to restore strength and not harm the baby.

Healthy sleep is very important for a future mother. Experts recommend that pregnant women sleep 8-11 hours a day, distributing this time for daytime and nighttime sleep. But during pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes significant changes, so finding a comfortable position for sleeping can be problematic: either the back hurts, or the enlarged chest interferes, but the legs ache. And not always a comfortable position for the mother is safe for the baby.

How to sleep better for a future mother in the first trimester?
In the first trimester, there are no restrictions on sleeping positions. Since the fetus is still quite tiny, and the uterus is within the small pelvis, it is permissible for a woman to sleep in her usual positions, even on her back and stomach. But even your favorite position lying on your stomach can cause discomfort due to enlarged breasts, the slightest touch of which can cause not only discomfort, but also pain. But if such a dream is not accompanied by discomfort, then feel free to sleep on your stomach until the 12th week, that is, until the end of the 1st trimester.

Second trimester: comfortable sleeping positions
In the second trimester, the embryo begins to actively grow and develop, and the result of this is an enlarged tummy. Although the baby is protected by the uterus and amniotic fluid, experts do not recommend that the expectant mother sleep on her stomach in the second trimester. This is not only inconvenient, but also very dangerous, as there is a risk of injury to the fetus. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to refrain in every possible way from the desire to lie on her stomach. But immediately after childbirth, a woman will be able to fully enjoy sleeping in a pose lying on her stomach, as doctors recommend this position for better uterine contraction.

Recommended Sleep Positions for the Third Trimester
Starting from 25-28 weeks, you will have to give up sleeping on your back. The belly is already large enough, and the fetus is squeezing the internal organs of the expectant mother. If a woman allows herself to rest in such a position that the fetus will put pressure on the intestines and the inferior vena cava, which carries oxygen from the lower extremities to the heart. If it is passed on, then the pregnant woman may begin to feel dizzy, there will be an acute lack of oxygen. As a result, the woman may lose consciousness. If you stay in this position for a very long time, then the risk of fetal hypoxia increases.

Doctors consider the position on the left side to be the best sleeping position. It is in this position that normal blood circulation occurs, back pain is not bothered, the heart works better. But it is impossible to sleep all night in one position, but it is not necessary either, doctors say. The expectant mother can roll over from one side to the other as many times as she sees fit.

Doctors believe that sleeping on the left side is also the prevention of breech presentation of the fetus. With the transverse position of the fetus, experts recommend sleeping more often on the side where the baby's head is located. This will help the fetus to take the correct position.

Miracle pillow for mom and baby
Pillows under the stomach, back and legs are good, but it is better to purchase a special ergonomic pillow for sleeping. It has the appearance of a horseshoe, a moon or a banana and is used to make it easier for a woman to take a comfortable sleeping position. You can hug her and put your leg on her, while the expectant mother will not experience discomfort. If you buy a pillow in the form of a horseshoe, then it will not allow a woman to accidentally roll over onto her back during sleep. Such pillows are sold in large children's supermarkets and stores for expectant mothers. In length, ergonomic pillows for sleeping are about two meters, in girth - about half a meter.

Of course, a woman herself can choose a comfortable sleeping position for her and the baby. When choosing her, the expectant mother should listen to her feelings and monitor the reaction of the child. If he is not comfortable, he will begin to move his arms and legs intensively, telling his mother that it is time to change his position and lie down more comfortably.

For all pregnant women, the question of how to sleep properly and generally lie down during pregnancy becomes relevant. If in the first trimester this issue does not become acute, because. there is no tummy yet, then the longer the period, the more questions may arise about how to sleep properly during pregnancy.

Which side do you sleep on during pregnancy?

The best sleeping position is lying on your left side. This improves blood circulation, which occurs in the direction that is necessary for the child.

Sleep during pregnancy in the last trimester

To ensure that you stay in bed in the third trimester of pregnancy, you can use more pillows placed under the lower back, between the legs, under the knee.

With a feeling of heaviness in the legs in the evenings, the appearance of signs of varicose veins (bluish "worms", vascular stars) on the legs, you can put pillows under your legs, because if they are raised, then there is an outflow of blood from the veins, due to which stagnation is eliminated. During the third trimester, it is not recommended to sleep on your back, and just lie on your back.

Before going to bed during pregnancy, you should choose comfortable clothes. After you lay down, you need to concentrate on your feelings, the signals given by your body. If you lie on your back and feel pressure on your stomach, you should try to change your position. It is not recommended to lie on your stomach, as this may affect the growth of the baby.

If the limbs become numb, then you need to roll over from one side to the other. Numbness may be due to the fact that a certain position blocks the blood flow.

If you feel back pain or just uncomfortable when you lie down, then a pillow can be used as a support, which must be placed between the legs when lying on the left side. This will ease back pain. If the child began to put pressure on the middle part of the spine, then you can put a pillow under the growing tummy. Under the head, it is better to use a special, embossed pillow or a large elastic pillow to create a straight line between the spine and neck and support the shoulders.

In order for the back to be additionally supported, it is recommended to wear a special corset or belt for pregnant women. Thanks to this, you can keep your back strong throughout the day, and not just during sleep.

What pregnant women do not learn - choose clothes, play sports and even sleep! Waiting for the baby takes place in the care of yourself and the child. Expectant mothers at this time often notice disturbances in sleep patterns, it occurs due to hormonal changes that accompany an interesting situation. Already in the early stages, the woman's body changes, as does the sleep pattern, and in the later stages, a large belly does not allow finding a comfortable position. Also, pregnant women have a lot of questions - is it possible to sleep on your stomach, is it possible to sleep on your back, and which side is better to sleep on - right or left.

Sound sleep in the first trimester

This time is often characterized by depression of the nervous system. The expectant mother has drowsiness. You don't have to fight it, just let yourself have a good night's sleep. Think about the future child, who is still so defenseless. Your sleep is important to him too.

In the early stages, you can sleep in any comfortable position. It may not be very comfortable on the stomach, as the breasts become painful and very sensitive due to hormonal changes. At this time, it is worth accustoming yourself to the postures that you will use in a few months - on the back and on the side.

Features of the second trimester

A woman's well-being improves after 12 weeks of pregnancy. Mood swings and nausea in the morning disappear. By this time, the troubles associated with hormonal changes had already ended. And new inconveniences, such as back pain, excess weight, clumsiness, have not yet begun. They appear, as a rule, in the last months. But the question of how to sleep is becoming more and more acute. What pose to choose?

Sleeping on your stomach is no longer suitable for this time. After all, it increases so much that in this position you can crush the baby with your weight. It is worth considering other options in order to ensure uninterrupted and sound sleep. After all, you yourself will probably be uncomfortable in this position due to a round stomach.

The best position in the second trimester is the supine position. Since the weight of the child is still small, the expectant mother will feel comfortable - the diaphragm and spine will not be squeezed. However, after the baby begins to move, it is advisable to change the position. The most convenient and useful at this time will sleep on your side. Best of all - on the left, but in the middle of pregnancy, the right one is also suitable.

How to sleep in the third trimester

The abdomen at this time increases significantly, which creates new problems and questions. Getting enough sleep in the third trimester is no longer as easy as it used to be. Therefore, it is worth considering important details to help you do this.

  • It is necessary to prepare for sleep not only yourself, but also the room. Be sure to ventilate it. It is enough to open the window for 10-15 minutes. In the summer, it is recommended to sleep with the window open.
  • Your nightgown and underwear should be made from natural fabrics. This will make your sleep more comfortable.
  • The choice of pillow plays a big role. It is important that it is elastic, and also high enough so that the curve of the spine and neck is correct. During sleep, you can put it under your back, and not just under your head. This will reduce the load on the spine, and the back muscles will be able to relax as much as possible. For pregnant women, there are special pillows from which you can make a "nest" for the abdomen. It helps a lot to sleep properly in the third trimester. Experiment with regular pillows of different sizes. You can put them under the leg, under the stomach, under the lower back, between the legs - as you see fit.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

On which side?

In later periods, sleep on the left side is recommended. Why exactly on the left? This is due to the peculiarities of the anatomy of women, more precisely, the position of the inferior vena cava, which runs along the right side of the uterus. Sleeping on her right side can cause her to be squeezed by a baby who is already quite heavy in the third trimester. You should try to avoid this. The fact is that the inferior vena cava is involved in the outflow of blood from the pelvic organs and legs. If a pregnant woman often sleeps on her side, she is squeezed. As a result, varicose veins may appear on the legs. In addition, the baby's blood supply may be impaired. Through the placenta, the baby will no longer receive enough oxygen. You will feel that his movements become more intense.

In late pregnancy, it can be uncomfortable to sleep even on your side. How to be in this case, the expectant mother? If you lie on your left side, it is recommended put a pillow under bent at the knee right leg. In this pose:

  • blood flow to the placenta increases, therefore, the baby will receive enough oxygen for development;
  • improves kidney function, which is especially important in the last trimester;
  • you will be less worried about swelling of the legs and arms;
  • no pressure on the liver;
  • no pain in the pelvis and back;
  • ensures optimal functioning of your heart.

However, it is not always better to sleep on the left side in later periods. Sometimes you have to choose the right one. We are talking about the case when it is on this side that your baby's head is located. Doctors call this position of the fetus transverse presentation and recommend sleep on the right side. This will help the child in the future to take the correct position.

From the forums

zamarusia How convenient - so lie down TE)))!!! Just don’t cross your legs))) Try NOT on your back, but on your side - it doesn’t matter. We must listen to our feelings - a woman is the most sensitive creature! Approximate to nature, one must act as intuition tells

[email protected] And I sleep on my right, then on my left. But I always fall asleep on my back. Yes, and during my first pregnancy, I slept without thinking, the only thing I put small pillows under my back, I couldn’t sleep without them. And I haven’t heard at all that they don’t recommend sleeping on some side. Now I manage to sleep on my stomach (I turn over in my sleep) How comfortable you sleep, listen to your body and baby

Irina I now sleep only on my left side, although after 15-20 minutes. stomach starts hurting badly. My mask has just an ass on the left side and with it he squeezes his stomach under the ribs to unbearable pain. We had a breech presentation and only recently our son turned his head down, but he is still very active and spins to the sides. So I have to sleep on the side where his back is, in order to keep him in the right position.
Just like Olga wrote, she simply stopped sleeping because she was terribly uncomfortable. On the left side it hurts, on the right the baby spins and may again be positioned incorrectly, and the doctor does not advise on the back, because. even on CTG, it was clear that his heart was suffering when I was lying on my back.
We are only 35 weeks old, walk for another month and a half, and I can’t sleep at all. I adapted to doze half-sitting, putting 2 pillows, but my neck gets numb so quickly and my back hurts in the morning.

Natalia Girls, dear, don’t worry about which side to sleep on. Sleep at your convenience. If your child doesn't like it, he will let you know. I slept throughout the pregnancy, as it was convenient for me, both on my back, and on my left side, and on my right. Nobody's veins, stomachs, hearts suffered. The only problem shortly before the birth was to roll over from side to side at night, I had to wake up every time. That's when the child will not let you sleep at night, you will sleep in any position.

  • Sleeping pills should not be used if you cannot sleep. They can be used only on the recommendation of a doctor and in very rare cases. Any medicine, including sleeping pills, affects not only your body, but also the fragile body of the child.
  • Do not drink caffeinated drinks at night. These include not only coffee, but also tea. By the way, green tea has more caffeine than black tea.
  • Carbonated water is recommended to use as little as possible. Do not take large amounts of food or water 2-3 hours before bedtime. A glass of kefir and a small snack in the form of several crackers will help get rid of toxicosis.
  • Get some fresh air before bed. A walk will be useful, but heavy physical exertion at night is not recommended.
  • Try to get up and go to bed at about the same time. Regular sleep is very important for the body.
  • If you suddenly wake up with leg cramps, get up and stand still for a while. After that, do a pinch-relaxing massage. Cramps indicate that there is not enough calcium in the body. Increase your intake of foods that contain it in high amounts. It is especially abundant in poppy seeds, sesame seeds, almonds, greens, beans and dairy products.
  • Don't be afraid of childbirth. Fear of them is a fairly common cause of insomnia, especially in the last stages. Special courses for pregnant women or stories of friends who have already given birth will help prepare for this important event. Contrast this fear with the desire to see the baby, and you will feel how he recedes. We also read:

Use your pregnancy to build up the strength you'll need after childbirth. When the baby is born, you will no longer be able to sleep soundly. The child may require care even at night. But after giving birth, you can sleep in any position again.


Can't sleep? Baby pushing? Can't find the right sleeping position? The cause of insomnia is not always in a growing tummy. How to deal with hormonal changes and what can a pregnant woman afford in the fight against lack of sleep, except for milk with honey? Ekaterina Ishchenko, in an attempt to fall asleep, was looking for the right position for sleeping under the supervision of the head of the Women's Consultation No. 25, Elena Farafonova.

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