Chest pain after menstruation: possible causes. Chest hurts after menstruation: possible causes and methods of treatment

Why does the chest hurt after menstruation, and is it considered normal? Menstruation is accompanied by a change in the hormonal background, which provokes some processes in the body of a woman. During some periods of the cycle, the mammary glands may hurt or swell a little. But in certain situations, the presence of discomfort signals the presence of serious diseases.

Painful sensations in the mammary glands in the medical literature are called mastalgia. This condition is observed in 40% of women whose age is 40-50 years. Also, mastalgia is diagnosed in 20% of young girls under 26 years old. Most often, this condition is observed during certain hormonal changes in a woman's body (puberty, pregnancy, menopause).

Swelling of the mammary glands occurs during ovulation, which occurs on the 12-14th day of the cycle. At this time, the breast increases slightly, becomes painful and sensitive. This phenomenon is associated with increased blood supply to the mammary gland, in particular, its ducts and lobes. The skin on the nipple becomes especially sensitive, which is also a variant of the norm. In healthy women, these symptoms are moderate, but if a certain pathology is present, the pain may be more pronounced.

Before menstruation, due to high levels of progesterone and estrogen, the mammary glands can also swell. At this time, the menstrual cycle is accompanied by the growth of glandular tissue. This effect provokes pain, which should pass 1-2 days after the onset of menstruation. With the onset of menstruation, the concentration of progesterone and estrogen in the blood drops sharply, which provokes the elimination of unpleasant symptoms. Also, the level of pain may depend on the sensitivity of the woman.

In any case, the presence of such symptoms approximately at the end of the cycle is considered a variant of the norm:

  • the woman notes that she is swollen (as if she is starting to fill up) and not one breast hurts, but two at the same time;
  • a characteristic phenomenon is a feeling of heaviness, a slight tingling;
  • such pains are first expressed more intensely, after which the level of discomfort decreases.

What is not the norm?

Is it normal that the period has passed, and the chest is painful? If this symptom does not depend on the menstrual cycle, this is an alarm signal. It indicates the presence of certain pathological conditions. Chest pain after menstruation can be with increased estrogen in the blood, and due to other negative changes in the body.

Alarm signals:

  • discomfort extends to local areas, and not to the entire chest;
  • pain is sharp or burning. She brings a lot of suffering to a woman;
  • the level of pain does not change with time, but may, on the contrary, increase.

In the presence of such symptoms, you need to see a doctor to identify the cause of these negative changes and stop their progression, otherwise it may never end.

How does pregnancy affect the breasts?

The mammary glands increase significantly during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. Many feel in this area a slight tingling or even tingling, which is the norm. This is due to increased levels of estrogen, progesterone and placental hormone. Sometimes there are cases when menstruation is over, and the chest hurts.

Approximately 15% of women in the first months of pregnancy may have a period. In this case, only swelling of the mammary glands signals the development of the fetus. Therefore, if there is reason to think that pregnancy is possible, but there is pain in the chest after menstruation, you need to do a home test or donate blood to determine the level of hCG.

This effect on the mammary glands is primarily provided by estrogen. It increases the number of blood vessels to feed the fetus, blood volume, growth of the uterus and breasts. Also, estrogen provokes the outflow of excess fluid from the tissues, so the soreness should go away after a few weeks of pregnancy. In turn, progesterone and placental hormone also provoke the growth of the ducts.

With mastopathy, nipples can hurt after menstruation and discomfort can be observed over the entire surface of the mammary glands. This disease is characterized by benign changes that are diagnosed in women of different ages (most often from 30 to 50 years). Mastopathy is accompanied by the growth of connective tissue and the formation of characteristic nodes.

This disease most often develops against the background of hormonal disorders in the body of a woman. Without proper and timely treatment, mastopathy can lead to cancer. The characteristic symptoms of this disease is the appearance of pain and heaviness in the mammary glands, which does not depend on the day of the menstrual cycle. There may also be slight discharge from the nipple, seals (one or more).

Hormonal disbalance

If the next past menstrual cycle is not accompanied by a decrease in pain in the mammary glands, hormonal failure can be suspected.

This violation can be caused by the following negative factors:

Other causes of pain

Pain after the end of menstruation can be caused by:

  • mechanical damage. The appearance of discomfort may be associated with a bruise, excessive squeezing of the mammary glands (including from an improperly selected bra);
  • malignant processes. The presence of breast cancer is accompanied by pain, which may periodically appear or disappear;
  • the presence of concomitant gynecological diseases (adnexitis, endometriosis, vulvitis, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs).

If you experience severe chest pain on any day of the menstrual cycle, you need to contact a mammologist. He will prescribe the necessary tests and diagnostic procedures to determine the cause of discomfort. If problems are identified, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment. You can reduce discomfort if you give up bad habits, avoid stress, negative emotions, have sex regularly, do not get cold and do not lift weights during menstruation. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and moderate physical activity will also have a positive effect on women's health.

During menstruation, women experience a number of unpleasant symptoms. Some have pain in the lower abdomen, while others have a feeling of nausea. However, after this period, the discomfort usually subsides. If the chest hurts after menstruation, this is an alarming symptom.

Swollen breasts in a certain period of a woman's life is not always a pathology. Therefore, when faced with such a situation, do not panic. It is important to understand the reason why the breast after menstruation increases and hurts.

The factors provoking the occurrence of this problem are divided into physiological and pathological. Let's look at each group.


During the menstrual cycle, the sensitivity of the nipples increases. This is due to such physiological reasons as:

  1. Hormonal reorganization. It is the most common cause of pain in the nipples after menstruation. In the absence of hormonal failure, discomfort disappears approximately on the 2nd day after menstruation. And if it is present, the discomfort in the nipple area will be of a pulling and pulsating nature. Also, with hormonal changes, tingling in the chest may occur. This physiological phenomenon is provoked by psycho-emotional stress, the use of contraceptives, physical overwork and other factors.
  2. Pregnancy. Discomfort in the chest is felt at the beginning of this period. Its appearance is associated with the body's production of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Fertilization of the egg provokes swelling of the nipples and enlargement of the mammary glands, which leads to pain. Unpleasant sensations in the chest area during pregnancy is the body's reaction to hormonal changes. They disappear 2-3 weeks after the end of the last menstruation before pregnancy.
  3. Ovulation. During the "wandering" of an unfertilized egg through the fallopian tube, the number of epithelial cells increases. This provokes an increase in blood flow to the mammary glands, resulting in. Ovulation occurs on the 12-15th day after the end of menstrual flow.


If, after menstruation, the mammary glands regularly hurt, this is an occasion to seek the advice of a doctor. If this phenomenon has a pathological etymology, it is urgent to take therapeutic measures. The occurrence of mastalgia is possible for the following reasons:

  1. Breast cyst. With this disease, not only swelling occurs in the chest region, but also pain. Any anatomical changes after menstruation, including a cyst, lead to non-cyclic discomfort. Sometimes the pain radiates to the joints or muscles.
  2. . The disease is characterized by the occurrence of severe pain in the chest area after menstruation. Also, with mastopathy, there is a thickening of the mammary glands.
  3. Osteochondrosis. The chest of a woman with osteochondrosis hurts not only after the end of menstrual flow, but also at other times. This is due to the displacement of the intervertebral discs. To eliminate chest discomfort provoked by osteochondrosis, you need to be examined by the appropriate doctor.
  4. Bruises, injuries. When chest discomfort after menstruation is not observed regularly, you need to remember about possible bruises and injuries that preceded its occurrence. Also, pain in this area often occurs if a woman lies on her back for a long time.
  5. Oncological disease. Severe chest discomfort provoked by breast cancer is associated with the presence of a malignant tumor in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands. It is periodic in nature and occurs mainly after menstruation. To prevent breast cancer, you need to be examined annually by a gynecologist, and after 45 years - by a mammologist.

There is another reason that provokes this unpleasant phenomenon - wearing uncomfortable underwear. It is recommended to choose a bra without narrow bones and straps, as these details squeeze the chest skin, which provokes pain.


Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary gland, which occurs due to hormonal failure. Discomfort in this disease is pronounced, acute.

With mastopathy, a compaction process occurs in the mammary gland, which leads to an increase in temperature and poor health. Usually, the symptoms of this disease manifest themselves in women over 35 years of age.

With this disease, a woman's chest hurts a week after menstruation. It is impossible to postpone the treatment of mastopathy, as this will lead to suppuration in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands, the removal of which is possible only by surgery.

The disease often occurs due to hormonal changes caused by artificial termination of pregnancy. Also, mastopathy is provoked by ailments of the endocrine system, psycho-emotional stress and irregular sexual life.

Main symptoms

If discomfort in the chest after menstruation is observed regularly, this should alert. Probably, this symptom is associated with a disease of the mammary glands. If the chest area continues to hurt a week after menstruation, you should consult a doctor.

So, the symptoms of diseases observed along with severe itchy chest pains:

  1. Temperature rise.
  2. Swelling of the nipples and mammary glands.
  3. Sealing of mammary glands.
  4. Increased heart rate.
  5. Changes in the structure and color of the skin.
  6. Jumps in blood pressure.
  7. Violation of the monthly cycle.
  8. Increased fatigue.
  9. Sudden change of mood.

One of the most alarming signs of breast disease is fluid from the nipples, especially if it is present immediately after menstruation.

Factors that trigger the release of prolactin

If your period has passed and your breasts are sore, this may be due to a change in the level of prolactin (a hormone that supports a woman's reproductive function). Its excess leads to filling and swelling of the breast. This phenomenon can provoke pain.

Changes in the amount of prolactin in the female body are provoked by physiological and pathological factors. These include:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  2. Excessive physical activity, overwork.
  3. Non-compliance with the rules of a healthy diet, the abuse of protein foods.
  4. Emotional overstrain.
  5. radiation radiation. The level of prolactin content varies in women who have undergone a course of radiation therapy.
  6. pituitary or hypothalamus.
  7. Lack of vitamin B.
  8. Long-term use of contraceptives.
  9. Prolonged use of antibiotics.
  10. Taking oral contraceptives that were incorrectly selected.

Also, an increased level of this hormone is observed in women who are sexually active. After sex in the female body for several hours there is an excess of prolactin.

Breast examination by age

In order to prevent pathological changes in tissues, a woman should undergo a gynecological examination every year. Also, if you experience symptoms of diseases of the mammary glands after menstruation, it is recommended to make an appointment with a mammologist.

The main diagnostic measures:

  1. Mammography.
  2. Pneumocystography.
  3. Needle biopsy.
  4. Ultrasound procedure.
  5. Ductography.

If, as a result of these studies, the doctor did not reveal a pathology, then the discomfort has a physiological etymology. Otherwise, you need to undergo appropriate therapy.


If your chest hurts after menstruation, you need to pay due attention to your health. It is important to remember that the sooner a woman starts treatment, the easier it will be for her to avoid the occurrence of pathologies in the future.

When chest discomfort does not go away for a month and a half, except for the days of menstruation, the mammologist prescribes appropriate medications, such as Mastodinone (non-hormonal herbal preparation).

The action of the drug is aimed at reducing the production of prolactin, which is always produced in the body during pregnancy. However, if chest pain after menstruation was not provoked by an excess of this hormone, this drug is not prescribed.

To get rid of this problem, you need to drink Mastodinon for at least 3 months. Also, for women who complain of chest pains that occur after menstruation, doctors prescribe Aevit, a vitamin medication that has an immunostimulating and antioxidant effect on the body.

Many women complain that their breasts hurt after menstruation. The mammary glands, depending on the day of the cycle, can increase and become very sensitive. This is due to an increase in the hormone estrogen and usually occurs on the eve of menstruation or around the time of ovulation.

The nature of chest pain after menstruation

But after menstruation, there should be no pain in the norm. Its appearance signals that something is wrong in the body. There are many types of pain in the female breast, and each of them can talk about different things.

There are many types of pain in the female breast, and each of them can talk about different things.


It manifests itself on certain days of the menstrual cycle (5-7 days before the onset of menstruation), is associated with the natural processes occurring in the woman's body: an increase in estrogen levels, an increase in adipose tissue.

With the onset of menstruation, it usually passes. This happens every month, that is, every cycle, hence the name. Usually pain is aching in nature and is felt in both glands.


The pain happens at any time, including after menstruation, it is not associated with monthly changes in the body. Can only occur on one side.

acute pain

Acute pain occurs, as a rule, before menstruation and may be a variant of the norm. Or this happens with an injury when a cyst bursts in the gland. In this case, ultrasound is recommended. With mastitis, the pain is always acute, it is accompanied by high body temperature and general weakness.

With mastitis, the pain is always acute, it is accompanied by high body temperature and general weakness.

Other manifestations of pain are also possible:

  • burning pain can be aggravated by touching the mammary glands, and also give to the back.
  • stabbing pain is characterized by paroxysmal and localization in one part of the breast.
  • Aching- constant, with different intensity. It can become habitual, because of this, women often delay going to the doctor.

Who is prone to diseases of the mammary glands (risk group)

The occurrence of various pathologies in the mammary glands the following women are most often affected:

  • nulliparous or not breastfeeding;
  • having abortions;
  • not having a regular sexual life;
  • living in constant emotional stress;
  • with diseases of the thyroid gland, liver, as well as obesity and diabetes;
  • smokers and alcoholics;
  • living in areas with poor ecology;
  • who have suffered chest injuries;
  • having a hereditary predisposition.

Pregnancy as a cause of chest pain

In 15% of women, menstruation can be with an already onset pregnancy. Therefore, one of the signs of conception is that the chest after menstruation still hurts. The mammary glands begin to change under the influence of hormonal changes, which begin to prepare the body for the future feeding of the baby.

In 15% of women, menstruation can be with an already onset pregnancy

The pain in this case is different for everyone: someone feels tingling, someone feels like it is bursting his chest, someone simply complains of increased sensitivity at the slightest touch.

Pain in mastopathy

Mastopathy is a pathology when the connective and glandular tissues in the breast overgrow. It can be caused by abortions, refusal of breastfeeding, stressful situations, irregular sexual life, endocrine disorders.

With this disease, the pain is aching, dull. Localized in the upper chest, bilateral. Seals may be palpable, and a clear or yellowish liquid may slightly stand out from the nipples. Most often, the mammary glands hurt shortly before menstruation, and after - the pain decreases.

It's important to know! In some cases, mastopathy can degenerate into a malignant tumor, so medical supervision is mandatory.

Painful sensations with mastitis

Mastitis occurs mainly during breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that milk stagnates in the glands (when the child does not suck enough) and microbes get there (through cracks in the nipples).

Mastitis occurs mainly during breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that milk stagnates in the glands (when the child does not suck out enough) and microbes get there.

With this disease, the pain is acute, manifested in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary gland, sometimes radiating to the armpit.

Accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • redness and swelling of the inflamed area;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • lethargy, weakness;
  • headache.

Important to remember! Immediate medical attention is required to avoid complications (abscess). Self-medication is prohibited.

Breast pain due to hormonal imbalance

When a woman's hormone balance is disturbed (in particular, with a lack of progesterone and an excess of estrogens), the glandular tissue thickens in the mammary glands, while the nerve endings are compressed, which causes pain.

It can be different: and burning, and aching, and tingling. The mammary glands hurt both before and after menstruation, although in most cases the intensity of pain after menstruation decreases.

Mechanical damage resulting in chest pain

Injuries can occur during traffic accidents, falls, blows to the chest, etc. Usually, a hematoma forms as a result of an injury. The breast may swell, bruises appear on the skin, the woman feels aching or stabbing pain.

Most often, fatty necrosis remains at the site of the hematoma, therefore, in order to avoid complications with any chest injury, it is recommended to consult a doctor

Most often, fatty necrosis remains at the site of the hematoma, therefore, in order to avoid complications with any chest injury, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Pain in cancer

Oncological diseases are accompanied by pain, but in most cases they appear already in the later stages, after other symptoms.

The mammary glands hurt regardless of menstruation. The pain can be any (burning, squeezing or bursting), localized in the affected areas or felt throughout the chest.

Usually, there are other signs of the disease:

  • seals;
  • chest deformity;
  • retraction of the nipple;
  • discharge from the nipple (especially bloody);
  • peeling or wrinkling of the skin.

Note! For any incomprehensible constant pain, you should immediately consult a doctor to exclude the possibility of an oncological focus and start treatment as soon as possible.

Diseases of other organs that cause pain

Problems with the endocrine system

With endocrine ailments (thyroid, ovaries, etc.), the mammary glands can hurt after menstruation. Such causes of pain are very common.

If an organ is not working properly, certain hormones may be produced in excess or, conversely, in deficiency, or they will be abnormal altogether. Respectively, the hormonal balance is disturbed, and the breast is one of the first to feel these disturbances.


Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is accompanied by pain not only in the area of ​​damage to the vertebral discs, but also in the entire chest, in the stomach, and also, it happens, in the mammary glands.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is accompanied by pain not only in the area of ​​damage to the vertebral discs, but throughout the chest

The pain in this case is in no way connected with menstruation, it intensifies after a long stay in one position, heavy physical exertion, it is felt throughout the thoracic region.

Heart disease

Heart disease is characterized by the fact that pain is not always localized in the region of the heart muscle. It may seem that the stomach, back, arm or mammary gland hurts.

These diseases are so dangerous that it is not immediately possible to recognize them, and sometimes every minute is precious. Such pain can be burning, aching, stabbing, squeezing - any. It may last a few minutes or be constant for several days.

Inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are the backbone of the immune system. They can become inflamed with various infections (tonsillitis, acute respiratory viral infections, etc.), with fungal or oncological diseases, so it is especially important for the fair sex to go to the doctor for any inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes.

Lymph nodes are the backbone of the immune system. They can become inflamed with various infections.

With inflammation, the body temperature rises, in the armpits, the lymph nodes increase and hurt, and sometimes the mammary glands (both before and after menstruation, the sensations are the same).

Other causes of pain

In addition to any diseases, the reasons that the chest hurts after menstruation are different. The mammary glands react differently to the sun, linen and other physical factors.

Uncomfortable underwear

A tight or poor quality bra is one of the most common causes of breast pain. If the thing is chosen incorrectly - not in size or inappropriate shape, then pain in the chest is provided.

Women's breasts are very sensitive, and any pressure or rough stitching can cause pain. Especially tight underwear is harmful, because blood vessels are compressed in the chest, blood circulation is disturbed, and in addition to pain, this is fraught with diseases of the mammary glands.

Taking medication

Some medications can also cause chest pain. In particular, these are birth control pills and many antidepressants. Contraceptives cause changes in hormonal balance, the chest, when used, in most cases increases, and therefore it hurts after menstruation.

Some medications can also cause chest pain. In particular, these are birth control pills and many antidepressants.

The mammary glands react painfully to a change in the balance of hormones, but after 3 months after the start of taking the pills, they adapt, so the pain should stop. If the situation does not change, you need to choose other contraceptives with the help of a doctor.

The influence of the sun's rays

The sun does not always favorably affect a woman's body, especially its excessive amount. Not only does the sun simply dry out the delicate skin of the mammary glands, it also provokes an increase in the production of estrogen and testosterone.

Consequently, a woman's hormones can again fail and, accordingly, the appearance of chest pain. Furthermore, exposure to the scorching sun (at noon) can cause a burn and subsequently the development of an oncological disease, so you need to be careful with sunbathing, especially women after 30 years.

Stress and nerve strain

Strong experiences and nervous stress inevitably lead to pain in the mammary glands. This is due to the fact that during stress, especially during a nervous breakdown, there is a surge of hormones, and the chest, as you know, is the most hormone-dependent organ.

Strong experiences and nervous stress inevitably lead to pain in the mammary glands

Previously, mastopathy was called the “disease of hysterical women”, that is, the more negative emotions, the higher the likelihood of pain and diseases of the mammary glands.

Lack of regular sex life

Lack of sexual life or its irregularity affect the female body from two sides at once: they cause hormonal imbalance and a depressive state. During orgasm, a large amount of hormones are released into the blood necessary for the health of the breast and the female body as a whole, and their lack, respectively, is fraught with various diseases.

Psychological worries about the lack of intimate life or its quality, as well as the suppression of sexual desire, lead to constant nervous tension, which, in turn, provokes a hormonal imbalance.

When to see a doctor

Since the female breast is a very sensitive and delicate organ, a doctor should be consulted for any pain. It is better to be safe than to let the disease take its course. After all, most diseases have similar symptoms, and making a diagnosis yourself, you can make a mistake.

Since the female breast is a very sensitive and delicate organ, you should consult a doctor for any pain.

However, there are some indications, having discovered which, you need to go to the doctor immediately:

  1. More than 2 weeks the pain does not stop, increases with time or changes its character.
  2. In the mammary gland, on palpation, there is a seal, a nodule, and deformation.
  3. An inflamed area appeared on the chest.
  4. The pain is localized in one area of ​​the breast, radiates to the axillary region.
  5. Acute pain in the breast.
  6. There were discharge from the nipple (especially with an admixture of blood).
  7. The chest has become asymmetrical.
  8. Itchy and scaly patches of skin on the mammary gland, "lemon peel".
  9. Retraction of the skin or nipple.
  10. Fever, lethargy.

In addition, if there is any pain in the mammary glands, women who have close relatives on the maternal side had breast cancer should consult a specialist.

Most experts are sure: if after menstruation the chest hurts, this does not always mean something terrible and there is no need to panic. However, pay attention to your health and, just in case, consult a doctor, it is still worth it to undergo an examination.

What to do with pain in the mammary gland, see this video:

Chest pain after menstruation - causes:

For breast self-examination, see this video:

Everyone is familiar with the situation: just before the onset of menstruation, the chest is swollen and sore. It hurts with every extra sudden movement, if it is hooked somewhere. After the menstruation ends, the size of the breast becomes the same and the soreness decreases or disappears completely. Sometimes swelling and pain can accompany a woman for a month or more, then it becomes interesting or exciting why the mammary glands hurt after menstruation.

When swollen breasts are normal

The breasts may swell on various days associated with the menstrual cycle. It can fill up and get sick during ovulation. This phase falls in the middle of the cycle, with a normal menstrual cycle, this date after menstruation is 12-14 days. Also a normal and natural moment is swollen breasts a few days before, the period of menstruation and a few days after.

This process is explained by the fact that the body prepares for pregnancy not only in the pelvic organs, but in general. These days, estrogen production rises. They are contained in adipose tissue, respectively, and increase the organs rich in these cells. In the subcutaneous fatty tissue, they are also contained, but there it happens imperceptibly, since it is evenly distributed throughout the body. And in the mammary gland there is a whole accumulation of it, so the breast increases, which leads to a violation of blood flow. This provokes an even greater increase in breast size due to edema. It becomes pasty and painful.

On other days, in addition to the above, the breast should not swell and feel sore, the reason for this is an increased level of estrogen.

Causes of chest pain on other days

Estrogen levels can remain high for the following reasons:

  • Pregnancy
  • Hormonal disbalance
  • Mastopathy
  • Mechanical damage
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Oncology


The first thing a woman immediately thinks about if her chest hurts after menstruation is pregnancy. In most cases, it is. For some women, menstruation can continue for several months even after conception. Then swollen and painful breasts after menstruation become one of the few signs of future replenishment in the family.

Estrogens help the body prepare for motherhood. Constant swelling and pain accompanies this period. Since estrogens and progesterone ensure the attachment of the egg to the uterus, the growth and formation of the placenta. Thanks to them, the volume of blood increases, since now the mother has 2 circulatory systems, and 1 heart pumps blood for two. Also, estrogens stimulate the growth and formation of new vessels for the child. And progesterone prepares the mammary glands for feeding. In this case, the growth of new ducts and the growth of the mammary gland itself. The ratio of adipose tissue and gland changes. Now there are more streams.

When the preparatory work is over, the hormonal level decreases, and the breast stops hurting, but remains enlarged due to the formed milk ducts.

Hormonal disbalance

If the test is negative, the period has already passed, and the chest still hurts, hormonal failure may be the cause.

The main factors of hormonal disorders can be:

  • Taking hormonal contraceptives
  • Stress and nervous fatigue
  • Age (the chest hurts during menopause, when the body tries to accumulate as much estrogen as possible)
  • Certain sexually transmitted infections (often high estrogen levels in syphilis)
  • Heredity
  • Hormone-producing ovarian tumors

In these cases, estrogen levels can be very high. It can be produced as a reserve for the future, as the body anticipates that normal hormone production will soon come to an end. Estrogen can be produced in large quantities for stress and disease. So the female body struggles with excessive pain and emotional overload. Thanks to this hormone, women are more enduring. This is how nature arranged it, which is also a kind of preparation for the process of childbirth.


Mastopathy occurs when the mammary gland is infected with an infectious agent. The microorganism can enter through damage to the integrity of the skin or through the blood if there is inflammation of another organ. For the appearance of mastopathy, suppression of the immune system is necessary. A decline in immunity can occur when a woman is ill, taking immunosuppressive drugs - hormones glucocorticoids, cytostatic drugs. They are used for various autoimmune diseases so that the body does not produce antibodies to its own cells and does not destroy itself. Also, weakening of the immune system can be after hypothermia.

Mechanical damage

There is always the possibility of falling or bruising the chest. And this moment may coincide with the end of menstruation. If a fall or blow was not paid due attention, then a woman may think that her breasts have not stopped hurting after menstruation. An improperly fitted bra can squeeze the breasts, rub and irritate the skin of the mammary glands.


This insidious disease can cause pain along the nerves in any organ. In fact, the organ is completely healthy, but irritation of the nerve that is pressed down causes pain in the place that innervates the affected nerve. So many can be deceived and think that they have a diseased heart, stomach, pancreas and gland, lower back and other organs. More often with thoracic osteochondrosis, intercostal neuralgia is tormented. They just cause soreness in the mammary glands. To distinguish intercostal neuralgia from the true pain of the gland, you need to observe whether the pain is associated with movements. With neuralgia, the pain decreases or increases on exhalation and inhalation, increases with sudden movements, while wearing tight clothing.


Swelling and soreness after menstruation can be caused by a hormone-producing ovarian tumor. Then a lot of estrogens and progesterone are produced. The natural response of the gland to high levels of hormones and there are similar symptoms. Such problems can also be caused by a tumor in the mammary gland itself. The tumor can be malignant or benign. The tumor grows, blocks the vessels, blood flow in the tissue is disturbed. And there is ischemia. This causes pain and swelling. Also, the new tissue pushes the gland back and puts pressure on it, which is accompanied by discomfort and visual enlargement. In any case, if there is a tumor, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In order to notice this terrible disease in time, you need to love yourself and monitor possible changes. Don't skip your annual gynecological checkups. You need to feel your chest every day with a daily toilet. You need to start from the periphery to the center with soft massage movements to palpate the gland. If you find a seal or changes in sensations, immediately run to the doctor. The tumor is also characterized by some symptoms:

  • Platform symptom - if you take the mammary gland, stretch it, you can notice a certain area similar to a platform, which directly stands out and catches the eye in relation to the soft consistency around it
  • Symptom of nipple retraction - When sipping the found seal, the nipple is drawn inward and, as it were, follows the tumor
  • Symptom of an orange peel - at the site of attachment of the tumor, tightness of the skin, excessive tuberosity is formed, very similar to an orange peel.

They should always be remembered and if any of them are present, contact a mammologist and not delay it. The sooner the cure, the greater the chance of winning.

What to do if your chest hurts

The chest during and after menstruation can also hurt with improper diet, work schedule, excessive physical and emotional stress during the cycle.

If this is the reason and there are no organic and hormonal changes that cause symptoms, you can try to normalize the regime and give up bad habits. For this you need:

  • Refusal to take alcoholic beverages
  • Quit smoking
  • Do not get cold
  • Visit the doctor on time
  • Treat diseases at an early stage, and not run them before chronicity
  • Avoid emotional stress, do not succumb to stress - deal with it. Yoga, hobbies (embroidery, wrestling, knitting) will help with this
  • Taking soothing baths with the addition of sea salt, various herbs
  • Proper nutrition, which will provide the right amount of proteins, fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements. To do this, you need to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, change different types of meat, include fish in the diet.
  • Take a course of vitamins in autumn and spring
  • Buy underwear according to size and comfort

If everything is normal in the body, knowing your own characteristics, you can prepare for the onset of soreness and swelling of the breast. To reduce these discomforts during menstruation, you can apply a few tips:

  • To reduce swelling for the period of menstruation, you need to exclude coffee and strong tea, chocolate, Pepsi
  • Wear soft, non-compressive bras
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and sports
  • Be in one position as little as possible, often walk in the fresh air
  • Drink more than 2 liters of non-carbonated water, juices, compotes
  • Herbal teas are useful for reducing pain. It is recommended to brew tea from St. John's wort, chamomile, lemon balm and thyme
  • Useful decoction of strawberry leaves. To do this, you need to brew strawberry leaves per 200 ml 1 teaspoon
  • Warm compresses through clothes relieve pain well
  • Reduce the intake of fatty foods for the period of menstruation, exclude smoked meats

When to See a Doctor

No wonder doctors recommend being examined by a gynecologist once a year, while taking hormonal contraceptives - twice a year. No matter how scary it may sound, but oncology of the breast, ovaries, and cervix are in the forefront. Recovery is possible if the woman turns as soon as she notices a change in the normal functioning of these organs. And in most cases, cancer develops over years, so an annual visit can reduce the complication and progression of the disease many times over.

  • If you find the symptoms of the tumor mentioned above, go to the doctor
  • Before taking OK - fully examined by a doctor. If you take OK with only a developing unnoticed hormone-producing tumor, we will only help its speedy growth.
  • If you notice chest tension, excessive soreness, redness, local hyperthermia - this may be mastitis, and medication is needed
  • When changing the cycle, hormonal failure - you should also contact a gynecologist so that you can restore the normal cycle and hormone levels as soon as possible, then the glands will stop hurting
  • If the chest has not previously hurt after menstruation, that is, this is not due to heredity and a normal reaction, you need to go to the gynecologist

Everyone is familiar with the situation: just before the onset of menstruation, the chest is swollen and sore. It hurts with every extra sudden movement, if it is hooked somewhere. After the menstruation ends, the size of the breast becomes the same and the soreness decreases or disappears completely. Sometimes swelling and pain can accompany a woman for a month or more, then it becomes interesting or exciting why the mammary glands hurt after menstruation.

When swollen breasts are normal

The breasts may swell on various days associated with the menstrual cycle. It can fill up and get sick during ovulation. This phase falls in the middle of the cycle, with a normal menstrual cycle, this date after menstruation is 12-14 days. Also a normal and natural moment is swollen breasts a few days before, the period of menstruation and a few days after.

This process is explained by the fact that the body prepares for pregnancy not only in the pelvic organs, but in general. These days, estrogen production rises. They are contained in adipose tissue, respectively, and increase the organs rich in these cells. In the subcutaneous fatty tissue, they are also contained, but there it happens imperceptibly, since it is evenly distributed throughout the body. And in the mammary gland there is a whole accumulation of it, so the breast increases, which leads to a violation of blood flow. This provokes an even greater increase in breast size due to edema. It becomes pasty and painful.

On other days, in addition to the above, the breast should not swell and feel sore, the reason for this is an increased level of estrogen.

Causes of chest pain on other days

Estrogen levels can remain high for the following reasons:

  • Pregnancy
  • Hormonal disbalance
  • Mastopathy
  • Mechanical damage
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Oncology


The first thing a woman immediately thinks about if her chest hurts after menstruation is pregnancy. In most cases, it is. For some women, menstruation can continue for several months even after conception. Then swollen and painful breasts after menstruation become one of the few signs of future replenishment in the family.

Estrogens help the body prepare for motherhood. Constant swelling and pain accompanies this period. Since estrogens and progesterone ensure the attachment of the egg to the uterus, the growth and formation of the placenta. Thanks to them, the volume of blood increases, since now the mother has 2 circulatory systems, and 1 heart pumps blood for two. Also, estrogens stimulate the growth and formation of new vessels for the child. And progesterone prepares the mammary glands for feeding. In this case, the growth of new ducts and the growth of the mammary gland itself. The ratio of adipose tissue and gland changes. Now there are more streams.

When the preparatory work is over, the hormonal level decreases, and the breast stops hurting, but remains enlarged due to the formed milk ducts.

Hormonal disbalance

If the test is negative, the period has already passed, and the chest still hurts, hormonal failure may be the cause.

The main factors of hormonal disorders can be:

  • Taking hormonal contraceptives
  • Stress and nervous fatigue
  • Age (the chest hurts during menopause, when the body tries to accumulate as much estrogen as possible)
  • Certain sexually transmitted infections (often high estrogen levels in syphilis)
  • Heredity
  • Hormone-producing ovarian tumors

In these cases, estrogen levels can be very high. It can be produced as a reserve for the future, as the body anticipates that normal hormone production will soon come to an end. Estrogen can be produced in large quantities for stress and disease. So the female body struggles with excessive pain and emotional overload. Thanks to this hormone, women are more enduring. This is how nature arranged it, which is also a kind of preparation for the process of childbirth.


Mastopathy occurs when the mammary gland is infected with an infectious agent. The microorganism can enter through damage to the integrity of the skin or through the blood if there is inflammation of another organ. For the appearance of mastopathy, suppression of the immune system is necessary. A decline in immunity can occur when a woman is ill, taking immunosuppressive drugs - hormones glucocorticoids, cytostatic drugs. They are used for various autoimmune diseases so that the body does not produce antibodies to its own cells and does not destroy itself. Also, weakening of the immune system can be after hypothermia.

Mechanical damage

There is always the possibility of falling or bruising the chest. And this moment may coincide with the end of menstruation. If a fall or blow was not paid due attention, then a woman may think that her breasts have not stopped hurting after menstruation. An improperly fitted bra can squeeze the breasts, rub and irritate the skin of the mammary glands.


This insidious disease can cause pain along the nerves in any organ. In fact, the organ is completely healthy, but irritation of the nerve that is pressed down causes pain in the place that innervates the affected nerve. So many can be deceived and think that they have a diseased heart, stomach, pancreas and gland, lower back and other organs. More often with thoracic osteochondrosis, intercostal neuralgia is tormented. They just cause soreness in the mammary glands. To distinguish intercostal neuralgia from the true pain of the gland, you need to observe whether the pain is associated with movements. With neuralgia, the pain decreases or increases on exhalation and inhalation, increases with sudden movements, while wearing tight clothing.


Swelling and soreness after menstruation can be caused by a hormone-producing ovarian tumor. Then a lot of estrogens and progesterone are produced. The natural response of the gland to high levels of hormones and there are similar symptoms. Such problems can also be caused by a tumor in the mammary gland itself. The tumor can be malignant or benign. The tumor grows, blocks the vessels, blood flow in the tissue is disturbed. And there is ischemia. This causes pain and swelling. Also, the new tissue pushes the gland back and puts pressure on it, which is accompanied by discomfort and visual enlargement. In any case, if there is a tumor, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In order to notice this terrible disease in time, you need to love yourself and monitor possible changes. Don't skip your annual gynecological checkups. You need to feel your chest every day with a daily toilet. You need to start from the periphery to the center with soft massage movements to palpate the gland. If you find a seal or changes in sensations, immediately run to the doctor. The tumor is also characterized by some symptoms:

  • Platform symptom - if you take the mammary gland, stretch it, you can notice a certain area similar to a platform, which directly stands out and catches the eye in relation to the soft consistency around it
  • Symptom of nipple retraction - When sipping the found seal, the nipple is drawn inward and, as it were, follows the tumor
  • Symptom of an orange peel - at the site of attachment of the tumor, tightness of the skin, excessive tuberosity is formed, very similar to an orange peel.

They should always be remembered and if any of them are present, contact a mammologist and not delay it. The sooner the cure, the greater the chance of winning.

What to do if your chest hurts

The chest during and after menstruation can also hurt with improper diet, work schedule, excessive physical and emotional stress during the cycle.

If this is the reason and there are no organic and hormonal changes that cause symptoms, you can try to normalize the regime and give up bad habits. For this you need:

  • Refusal to take alcoholic beverages
  • Quit smoking
  • Do not get cold
  • Visit the doctor on time
  • Treat diseases at an early stage, and not run them before chronicity
  • Avoid emotional stress, do not succumb to stress - deal with it. Yoga, hobbies (embroidery, wrestling, knitting) will help with this
  • Taking soothing baths with the addition of sea salt, various herbs
  • Proper nutrition, which will provide the right amount of proteins, fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements. To do this, you need to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, change different types of meat, include fish in the diet.
  • Take a course of vitamins in autumn and spring
  • Buy underwear according to size and comfort

If everything is normal in the body, knowing your own characteristics, you can prepare for the onset of soreness and swelling of the breast. To reduce these discomforts during menstruation, you can apply a few tips:

  • To reduce swelling for the period of menstruation, you need to exclude coffee and strong tea, chocolate, Pepsi
  • Wear soft, non-compressive bras
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and sports
  • Be in one position as little as possible, often walk in the fresh air
  • Drink more than 2 liters of non-carbonated water, juices, compotes
  • Herbal teas are useful for reducing pain. It is recommended to brew tea from St. John's wort, chamomile, lemon balm and thyme
  • Useful decoction of strawberry leaves. To do this, you need to brew strawberry leaves per 200 ml 1 teaspoon
  • Warm compresses through clothes relieve pain well
  • Reduce the intake of fatty foods for the period of menstruation, exclude smoked meats

When to See a Doctor

No wonder doctors recommend being examined by a gynecologist once a year, while taking hormonal contraceptives - twice a year. No matter how scary it may sound, but oncology of the breast, ovaries, and cervix are in the forefront. Recovery is possible if the woman turns as soon as she notices a change in the normal functioning of these organs. And in most cases, cancer develops over years, so an annual visit can reduce the complication and progression of the disease many times over.

  • If you find the symptoms of the tumor mentioned above, go to the doctor
  • Before taking OK - fully examined by a doctor. If you take OK with only a developing unnoticed hormone-producing tumor, we will only help its speedy growth.
  • If you notice chest tension, excessive soreness, redness, local hyperthermia - this may be mastitis, and medication is needed
  • When changing the cycle, hormonal failure - you should also contact a gynecologist so that you can restore the normal cycle and hormone levels as soon as possible, then the glands will stop hurting
  • If the chest has not previously hurt after menstruation, that is, this is not due to heredity and a normal reaction, you need to go to the gynecologist