Juicy fluffy pork cutlets. Recipe for juicy meatballs in milk

The secret of delicious, juicy and fluffy meatballs

Grandma's Secrets:
Place a piece of ice (from a special cube-shaped mold) on each plump minced meat cake. Form a cutlet from the cake (only quickly) and fry in a pan. Put ready-made in a saucepan and put in a freshly turned off oven.
In order for the minced meat to be tender and juicy, you need to “knock it out”, namely, take it like dough and throw it on the table with all your strength (Before that, place the minced meat in a bag).
And a real cutlet should lie on a man's palm, like a glove.

Ground meat
Most often cutlets are prepared from a mixture of beef and pork. More tender ones are obtained with the addition of chicken, and such a combination as pork-chicken is just delicious. For example, I like minced chicken cutlets the most, especially with mushrooms.
For ordinary homemade cutlets, a mixture of 50 to 50 is taken - half a portion of beef, half a portion of minced pork.
If you replace beef with chicken, you will get even more tender and cheerful cutlets.
It is best to buy the meat yourself, and then make the minced meat.

White bread or a roll is taken somewhere 1:3 from the amount of minced meat, no less. Bread is soaked in milk for 15-20 minutes. If the crust on the roll is too hard, it is better to cut it off. Zetem, draining excess milk, beat the bun in a blender until smooth (you can, in principle, knead with your hands)

Add two or three yolks to the mashed and whipped bun into a homogeneous mass. I don’t advise adding proteins - they make the cutlets tough! Salt, pepper, add herbs to taste, leave to infuse.

We clean the onion and chop finely. Quickly blanch in a preheated skillet and, after cooling, add to the mixture.

Now spread the minced meat and knead strongly with both hands. Each drop of minced meat should pass through the fingers several times. Some housewives pass everything through the meat grinder again, some beat it on the table with force, some put it in the refrigerator after all the procedures ... Ready minced meat should not be dry, rather, on the contrary, watery. If it is dry - add a little water (boiling water) or milk.

A few more secrets:
1. Add a spoon or two of sour cream. This is also done so that the minced meat becomes softer and juicier.
2. Dilute minced meat with boiling water. All for the same juiciness. Paradox, but it helps! I can’t explain why this happens, but the cutlets from this execution are really juicy!
3. Add ungrated potatoes to the minced meat. I use this secret with pleasure, especially when there is not enough white bread.
4. When frying, dip cutlets in batter (a mixture of milk, eggs and flour). The batter keeps the juice from flowing out.
5. You can add overcooked carrots and raw finely chopped cabbage - it turns out very tasty.
6. Some housewives replace milk with meat broth, and bread with bread.
7. Add finely chopped dill and other greens to minced meat.

When the minced meat is ready, heat the pan (preferably with thick walls) and form cutlets. So that the stuffing does not stick to your hands, dip them periodically in water.

Fry on both sides until crispy and put in a frying pan (without fat!). You can squeeze a couple of garlic cloves on top if you like. Close the lid and put a little stew in a preheated oven on a small fire, for 15 minutes. Done!

Enjoy your meal!

It would seem that it is difficult to cook meatballs? However, for some reason, for some they fall apart, for others, on the contrary, they turn out to be too dense, the housewives do not always guess the correct proportions, the ratio of products in cutlets ... These tips will help you prepare the dish in such a way that it will not be ashamed to serve even to the holiday table! The subtleties of cooking cutlets, which you have not thought about before.

Immediately I want to tell you about a trick that has no equal. You will definitely come back to thank our site in the comments if you try it in practice!

The next time you cook cutlets, take a chance and add some mustard powder or mustard seeds to the minced meat: 1 tbsp in total. l. for the whole stuffing. This amount of mustard will be enough to make the cutlets more tender. They will have a pleasant bitterness, and they will also turn out incomparably lush and juicy ... Try it for pleasure! And check out our detailed recommendations for cooking cutlets: they are really good and tested by housewives in practice.

How to cook delicious meatballs
To make cutlets juicy
Do you know why Soviet canteen cutlets were disgustingly tasteless? Because they put too much bread and crackers in them, and they saved on meat and took it from the hard parts of the carcass. If you want to get delicious cutlets, do not buy ready-made minced meat of dubious origin. Expensive beef tenderloin may not be purchased, but the back, neck, shoulder, brisket and some parts of the hind leg are ideal.
Before putting the fillet into the meat grinder, do not forget to clean it thoroughly - remove the films, remove cartilage, bones and veins. In addition to beef, chefs recommend using fatty pork - it is she who will give cutlets juiciness and tenderness.

Standard proportion: for 1 kg of beef - 1/2 kg of pork or for 1 kg of beef - 250 g of fat. However, cutlets can also be made from lamb, veal, chicken, turkey, game. Choose any degree of grinding, however, experts advise not to overdo it and limit yourself to a single scroll in a meat grinder with a medium-sized grate.

Should I add an egg?
Of course it is. The main thing is not to overdo it with eggs and use no more than 2-3 pieces per 1 kg of meat, otherwise the cutlets will turn out tough. Onion for the same amount will require about 200 g, preferably pre-sautéed and chilled, since raw may not have time to fry and will give the cutlets a harsh taste. If you like fresh onion, chop it at the same time as minced meat in a meat grinder.

Bread is the most important ingredient
Do not think that bread appeared in the recipe out of a desire to save money. Without the crumb, you get a kebab kebab, not a juicy meatball. It is the soaked bread that helps to make the cutlets softer and more tender.
Naturally, it is important to maintain the correct proportion. It looks like this: for 1 kg of meat - 250 g of white bread and 300-400 g of milk or water (if you make chicken cutlets, you will need less bread and eggs).

Use yesterday's or slightly dried loaf. Remove all crusts from it, cut into pieces and soak in cold milk or water. As soon as the crumb swells, carefully knead it with your hands and mix with the rest of the minced meat. Part of the bread can be replaced with grated potatoes, pumpkin or other vegetables.

The resulting minced meat is also good to decorate with spices (paprika, black pepper, coriander, chili) and chopped herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro, mint). Do not forget to salt the future dish, but in no case try it raw (tasting minced meat is the most common cause of poisoning among housewives).

Correct breading
It is advisable to cover the bowl with prepared minced meat with a film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour so that the bread absorbs the meat juices. Then again carefully knead the mass, beating it with your hands and saturating it with air. At the very end, some chefs advise adding a handful of crushed ice for juiciness of the dish. After that, wet your hands in cold water and start sculpting cutlets.
If desired, you can cover them with breading - under the golden crust, the minced meat will remain more juicy. Most experts do not trust store-bought breadcrumbs and recommend making them yourself - for this you just need to chop white bread in a blender. Then roll cutlets in the resulting crumbs and send them to the pan. As a breading, you can also use sesame seeds, small bread straws, flour and ice cream.

The last one is 3 eggs lightly beaten with salt and 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of milk or water. Cutlets are first rolled in flour, then in lezon and only then covered with breadcrumbs.

Frying Features
There is nothing difficult in frying cutlets, the main thing is to put them on a hot frying pan with hot butter (preferably melted butter) so that the minced meat “grabs”, a crust forms and the dish does not fall into pieces later.
In addition, keep a distance between the cakes: if you place a mountain of cutlets on one dish, they will quickly release the juice and begin to stew, not fry.

As soon as a golden crust appears, you can reduce the heat and cook under the lid. It is better not to torment the cutlets by frequent turning over (it is advisable to do this a couple of times), but do not go far from the pan, otherwise you will get coals instead of a juicy meat dish. However, you can refuse to fry and stew the cakes or steam them.

Did you like this helpful article? Live and learn! Let this information about cooking meatballs help you create delicious dishes with ease. Do not be greedy - share these recommendations with other housewives.


It is better to make minced meat for cutlets yourself from chilled non-lean meat. An almost classic option is a mixture of beef and pork in a ratio of 2: 1. Purely pork cutlets can turn out to be very fatty, and beef cutlets may not be juicy enough.

You can also add chicken, turkey to cutlets or cook them only from poultry.


For cutlets, in principle, any fish is suitable. The main thing is that there are few bones in it. Therefore, it is better to choose fillets of large breeds: it is much easier to cook cutlets from it than from small bony fish. Ideal for salmon, cod, halibut, halibut.

Other Ingredients

Onion. It must be passed with meat through a meat grinder or finely chopped (in this case it is better to fry and cool a little), and then add to. You can, of course, chop the onion with a fine grater, but this process is a very dubious pleasure.

For 1 kg of meat, 2-3 medium onions are enough.

Stale white bread (baton). It is needed so that the cutlets keep their shape and are more tender. Bread must be soaked in boiled water, milk or cream, squeezed, remove the crust and pass through a meat grinder. Too much of it is not required: 100–200 g per 1 kg of minced meat is enough.

Vegetables: zucchini, carrots, potatoes, beets, pumpkin. They make the cutlets more juicy and tender. They can be substituted for bread if desired. Vegetables are best chopped with a grater.

Eggs. Controversial Ingredient: Some cooks think they make patties tough. However, the eggs help to stick the stuffing together. In order not to overdo it, it is better to use no more than two eggs per 1 kg of minced meat.

Salt. About 1 teaspoon of salt is enough for 1 kg of minced meat.

Spices and herbs. Be sure to add black pepper, garlic and other spices - if desired.

Water, oil, etc. You can add a couple of tablespoons of ice water, a spoonful of vegetable oil or a cube of butter to minced meat to make the cutlets more juicy.

Cream can be added to fish cutlets, which will add tenderness to the dish, or lemon juice, which enhances the taste of fish.

How to prepare minced meat and mold cutlets

  1. Before chopping meat, remove all veins, films, bones and cartilage from it.
  2. If you pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder, try to alternate them so that the minced meat is more uniform.
  3. Minced meat must be kneaded well with your hands and beat off - so it will be saturated with oxygen. You can do this in a pot with high walls so as not to stain the kitchen. In this case, you need to throw the minced meat to the bottom of the container several times.
  4. It is better to cover the finished minced meat with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes so that it rests. After that, it should be mixed again.
  5. You need to sculpt cutlets with wet hands so that minced meat does not stick to your fingers.
  6. Try to form cutlets of the same size, do not grind too much: the larger the cutlets, the juicier they are. Pat the patties with your palms so that they are smooth and without seams.

How to bread cutlets

Breading helps the juice stay inside the cutlets, so you should not neglect it. You can use breadcrumbs (store-bought or homemade from dry bread), flour, crushed nuts and sesame seeds.

Keep in mind that crackers absorb more oil. Therefore, if you want to reduce the fat content of the patties, choose other breading options or dry the finished patties with paper towels.

How to fry meatballs

Put the cutlets in a well-heated pan with oil. Be sure to leave a distance between them, otherwise they will not be fried, but stewed.

First, fry one side over high heat for 1-2 minutes, then lower the heat and continue cooking for another 3-4 minutes. Repeat the same with the other side. After that, you can sweat the cutlets under the lid for 5-8 minutes.

20 minutes is enough for frying any meatballs. If in doubt, pierce one of them with a knife: light juice indicates that the dish is ready.

How to cook meatballs in the oven

Put the cutlets on a greased baking sheet and put in the oven, preheated to 180-200 degrees. After 15-20 minutes, pour half a glass of water onto a baking sheet and bake the cutlets for another 10-15 minutes.

In the oven, you can also bring fried cutlets to readiness. In this case, it is better to bake them at a temperature of 160-180 degrees.

How to cook cutlets in a slow cooker

For cooking in the "Frying" or "Baking" modes are suitable. The average cooking time is 40–50 minutes.

Cutlets should be turned every 15-20 minutes. If they start to burn, you can add a little water (about ¼ cup).

Preparing a dish in a double boiler is the easiest. You just need to pour the amount of water indicated in the instructions inside, put the cutlets, turn on the appliance and cook depending on the minced meat:

  • 20–30 minutes - for poultry and fish cutlets;
  • 30–40 minutes - for meat cutlets.

If you do not have a double boiler, cutlets can be cooked in a water bath. To do this, boil water in a saucepan, put a large sieve on top so that it does not touch the liquid, and cover the structure with a lid. Please note that in this case, the pan and sieve should be approximately the same diameter.





  • 750 g chicken pulp (equal parts of breast fillet and thigh fillet);
  • 350 g stale loaf;
  • 220 ml of milk;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • ½ teaspoon ground black pepper;
  • ghee or butter - for frying.


Soak 150 g of a loaf in milk. When it swells, squeeze it out and pass it along with the chicken pulp through a meat grinder. Do not throw out the milk: it will still come in handy. Add 30 g of soft butter, salt and pepper to the minced meat, mix well and set aside.

Separately, prepare the breading mixture. To do this, cut the remaining 200 g of a loaf into small cubes (with sides of about 4 mm) and dry them. Add eggs, a pinch of salt to a bowl of milk and stir.

With wet hands, shape the minced meat into medium sized patties. Dip each in the milk mixture, then roll in breadcrumbs and place in a well-heated pan with oil. Fry the cutlets over moderate heat on both sides until golden brown.



  • 300 g of beef;
  • 200 g pork;
  • 150–200 g of fresh champignons;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 slices of stale white bread;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • flour - for breading;
  • - for frying;
  • salt, pepper and other spices - to taste.


First prepare the mushroom filling. To do this, thoroughly rinse and dry the mushrooms, and then cut them into small slices. Finely chop the onion, fry until soft. Add mushrooms and sauté until all the water has boiled away. At the end, salt and pepper the filling and let it cool.

While the filling is cooling, you can cook minced meat. Pass the meat through a meat grinder, add bread soaked in water (without crusts), an egg and chopped garlic to it. Stir the minced meat until smooth, add salt and spices, mix again and beat with your hands. You can cool the minced meat in the refrigerator, but do not forget to mix it again after that and beat it off.

With wet hands, form the minced meat into a flat cake. Put the mushroom stuffing in the middle. Cover it with a new tortilla of minced meat and make a round cutlet. Try to make sure that the filling does not come out of the minced meat, and the cutlet itself is even, without seams.

Dip the cutlets in flour and place in a frying pan heated with oil. Fry on both sides until golden brown (as described above) and bring to readiness over minimal heat under the lid.



  • 700 g cod fillet;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 9 tablespoons of oatmeal;
  • 3 tablespoons chopped cilantro or parsley;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • salt and ground pepper - to taste;
  • 100 g butter;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.


Pass the cod fillet and onion through a meat grinder. Add greens, 3 tablespoons of oatmeal, lemon juice, salt, pepper to the minced meat. Mix everything and leave for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, cool and cut into cubes. Add eggs to minced meat and mix.

Grind 6 tablespoons of oatmeal in a coffee grinder or blender: they will be needed for breading cutlets. With wet hands, make a cake out of minced meat, put a teaspoon of butter in the center and form a cutlet.

Roll cutlets in crushed oatmeal, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown and immediately transfer to a baking dish. Send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 10-15 minutes.

Products from twisted minced meat with various additives from bread, flour, eggs and vegetables, fried in a pan in vegetable oil, steamed or baked in the oven are called cutlets. There are also many recipes for vegetable, mushroom, fish and offal cutlets.

Each housewife can cook airy, tasty and mouth-watering cutlets using a different set of products available in the house. There is a whole list of general recommendations from experienced chefs to make finished products as juicy as possible.

1. It has long been noticed that the more number of meats used to prepare minced meat, the tastier the finished dish is. Most often, it is recommended to cook cutlets from three types of meat. Combinations can be very diverse, for example, turkey + chicken + lard, beef + pork + lamb, veal + pork neck + chicken, etc.

2. Exists two secrets to increase the juiciness of cutlets:

  • Add lard to any minced meat.
  • When forming cutlets, place a small piece of butter in the middle of each, preferably homemade.

3. The classic recipe for cutlets involves the use of bread, as it helps to better preserve the juice inside the finished product. Experienced housewives try use crackers pre-soaked in boiled water or whole milk. This is done in order to remove as much gluten from the bread as possible.

4. Instead of bread, you can use semolina, at the rate of a tablespoon of semolina for every half a kilo of minced meat. The only condition is that cutlets can be formed from minced meat with cereals not immediately, but after 20-30 minutes, so that the semolina swells with high quality. And you can add boiled buckwheat instead of semolina, you get original ones.

5. Adds extra juiciness to cutlets onion juice. Add onions to the minced meat, twisting it through a meat grinder along with the meat.

6. Gives a special piquancy and tenderness to finished products in advance fried onion in corn oil. Divide the onion provided by the recipe into 2 parts, twist one of which into minced meat, and fry the other.

9. Besides table salt sugar is added to the minced meat, based on: a teaspoon for every half a kilo. It is sugar that makes ready-made cutlets more juicy and appetizing.

10. For a quality bunch of minced meat, an egg is used, however, it is believed that the protein gives the finished cutlets excessive rigidity. To prevent this, there is little secret- first add the yolk to the minced meat, and at the very end of kneading the whipped egg white, and your products will turn out to be more magnificent and delicate in taste.

11. Most housewives minced meat by throwing it on the work surface of the table or in a bowl for kneading. This simple manipulation allows you to make cutlets more tender and juicy. The same effect can be achieved by longer kneading minced meat (at least 10 minutes).

12. It is best to use corn oil for frying meatballs., which, according to scientists, is the most resistant to high temperatures. Never fry cutlets on flaxseed and, as they cannot withstand heat and release a large amount of carcinogenic compounds at high temperatures.

13. Cutlets are better breadcrumbs, which create a tougher crust than flour, keeping the delicious juice inside the products as much as possible.

14. Lay out formed and breaded products in a well-heated skillet to immediately form an appetizing crust, and fry over medium heat.

16. After you have turned the cutlets, turn down the fire, and at the end of frying, cover the pan with a lid. Such a simple manipulation will allow them to “rise”, add juiciness and tenderness.

17. If you are cooking cutlets from tough old meat, then at the end of frying pour some broth or water into the pan, cover and simmer for 5-10 minutes.

18. Serve hot meatballs, piping hot. Do not fry the entire portion of the cooked minced meat at once. It is better to put some of it in the refrigerator and fry for the next meal in order to pamper your household with fresh cutlets, as they say, only from the pan.

Meat and cream - a great combination

A city dweller rarely buys fresh meat, from which absolutely all dishes are delicious. Most often, housewives living in megacities, even cutlets are prepared from frozen minced meat. And how then to achieve their tenderness and juiciness? Quite difficult, but with the possession of some gastronomic secrets - it is quite possible.

Noteworthy hint

Let's say that the chef has only a chicken breast, which has lain in the freezer for two weeks, but there is high-quality cream. Thanks to them, cutlets can not only be saved, but also made delicious.

The meat needs to be ground, and a slice of wheat bun should be immersed in the cream, and always with a crust. When the bread is completely soaked, all of the above must be mixed.

It remains to add a handful of any chopped greens, a pinch of salty seasoning with hot pepper and sweet paprika to the prepared semi-finished product, and meat balls can be formed, although the shape is usually chosen according to preference.

Creamy chicken cutlets are fried practically in their own juice - it will stand out plentifully, as soon as the thick-bottomed pan is covered with a lid.

Roast Alternative

A great way to improve the taste of meatballs from low-fat minced meat is to saturate them with creamy steam, then they will definitely melt in the mouth of a gourmet. The technology is simple:

  1. Pour 30% cream into a cast-iron brazier, boil.
  2. Dip cutlets in them (do not need to bread); cover the dishes.
  3. Reduce burner flame to minimum.
  4. Without adding fire, simmer the products until evaporated, but in fact - until the liquid is absorbed. By the way, already in the fifth or sixth minute, it will cease to be white, like milk, but will turn into a kind of light, cloudy broth. This is the correct metamorphosis, as it should be.

These chopped cutlets are unlikely to retain their ideal outlines, because they have not been in hot oil. However, in this case, the configuration is secondary, the main thing is the taste palette. It will turn out to be flawless. Whoever doubts, let him rise to the stove and put into practice the advice given here. After the tasting, he exclaims: "Meat and cream - the perfect tandem!"

If you have something to add to our advice, I will be glad to hear from you in the comments.

Fried cutlets or steamed, baked, delicious lush, the joy of any gourmet. How to cook minced meat cutlets, what are they like, what should be put there and how long to stew (or bake)? What cutlets are considered the most tender, juicy? The secrets of cooking minced meat cutlets, the most delicious, juicy and lush, are presented in the article.

There are several "pitfalls" on the way to juicy, tasty cutlets; it is impossible to make cutlets really tasty without overcoming these stones.

No culinary specialist can be considered a master if he does not know what is needed to make cutlets. They are in almost any cuisine of the world: Kazakh, Russian, Turkish and, of course, the most common - homemade. Cutlets with a complex or simple side dish for the hostess are a real find. Some do not want to eat anything except meatballs. Of course, this simple dish can be taken in any culinary or dining room, but it’s easier to master cooking at home to please your family, all the more convenient it is.

Why meatballs?

Meat cutlets are very satisfying, one medium is enough for a child with a side dish, up to two for an adult.
Yes, they will take decently minced meat, but you can fry a lot of cutlets for the whole week and the issue with lunch will be resolved. Children come and even without parents they will calmly boil pasta or buckwheat for a side dish. It is enough to take the cutlets out of the refrigerator and put them in the microwave for 30 seconds or a minute. Pasta is cooked for 10-12 minutes, dinner is ready! And tasty, fresh and nutritious. Many children love cutlets with garlic, and eat them with pleasure.

Such a dish is easy to take with you to work, many have microwaves there and you can easily warm it up yourself. They are delicious to eat even cold. For a side dish, take instant porridge or boil pasta for yourself in the evening.

But in order for the cutlets to please, you must first understand how to cook delicious cutlets, what they generally are:

  1. Meat, molded from ordinary minced meat (from pork, for example, or from lamb, beef);
  2. Chicken (you can buy minced chicken or wind it yourself, they are lighter and take less time to cook);
  3. Fish (tasty and healthy);
  4. Liver (yes, whoever loves the liver should definitely learn how to cook this dish correctly).

Meat selection

The key word here is “minced meat”, because cutlets are also molded from minced meat, adding spices with other ingredients there. Therefore, be very careful when choosing products. It is best and safest to cook minced meat for cutlets at home, although many meat stores sell ready-made meat. It is not known what, besides meat, they put there for mass. Maybe skins or leftovers, maybe the meat was already weathered and they decided to twist it. It is known that not the best meat is turned into minced meat, it is easier to sell it this way.

Important. Why are ground beef cutlets, dumplings or manti not tasty? Blame poor-quality stuffing. Alas, it is impossible to determine its future taste by eye, all types of minced meat look the same and smell the same. You will feel the difference after you cook something. Experienced housewives advise not to save.

First, take the meat in a proven place, then twist the minced meat yourself. So you will know for sure that only meat and spices are inside. It does not matter why you need it: fry cutlets or stick dumplings. Believe me, the quality of minced meat plays a huge role!

What part of the carcass, if minced beef or lamb, is best for minced meat? Fillet or front part.

Important: before searching for meat, explore the bowels of the freezer. Perhaps there were previously unused trimmings. You can combine them with purchased fillets. For example, the same pork goes well with pieces of chicken or lamb, beef. Minced meat will turn out rich in shades. Especially if ground beef cutlets are planned.

Delicious minced meat - delicious meatballs

Yes, we have already figured out the choice of meat and the method of obtaining minced meat. But how do you make it really tasty? It would seem that nothing complicated. Cut the meat into pieces, then pass through an electric or mechanical (which is at home) meat grinder. However, minced meat patties are different every time. And every hostess Where is the secret?

It is important to make the right stuffing, and here any experienced housewife will have a couple of their own tips. For example, some put a raw egg there, others add slices of bread or a long loaf soaked in milk. Cutlets and minced meat classic allow the addition of garlic. Well, spices.

Important: egg or bread can be replaced with grated potatoes. Some housewives consider it to be his secret of delicious minced meat cutlets. So the meat gets additional volume and splendor from the inside, a new taste, but you need a little potato so that it does not interrupt the meat.

Other additional ingredients - you can add a couple of tablespoons of kefir or sour cream. Eggs are just not necessary, on the contrary, they give rigidity. Many recipes and delicious meatballs do not specify eggs. Of course, you can use only the yolk, adding it inside the minced meat, and beat the protein well and dip the cutlets there, using it instead of flour or breadcrumbs. Then there will be no rigidity.

How to soften minced meat? A drop of boiled but warm water, literally a couple of spoons before mixing and sculpting cutlets. And so that the minced beef cutlets come out just lush, add a little butter or replace it with a pinch of soda. Pass the meat through a meat grinder not once, but two or three, beat the minced meat well, mix with your hands.

So you can cook delicious minced meat patties. Especially do not stand on ceremony with pork or beef. Chicken is considered lighter and more tender meat, especially fish. Each type of minced meat requires an individual approach.

Advice: so that the dish acquires a rich and piquant taste, do not be afraid to take greens, various spices, watch the amount of salt.

Inexperienced and even experienced housewives are not afraid of minced meat, but the frying process. For many, the outside of the crust is overcooked, but inside everything is raw, it is impossible to eat. In a frying pan, it would seem, you can’t put out too much. Others cannot form tight patties so that they do not lose shape when turned over and after frying. Therefore, many people try to replace the pan with a slow cooker, it is easier for them to set the mode and put the cutlets there and steam them.

Of course, this is a tasty and really healthy dish, but fried minced meat cutlets have their own unique taste and a beautiful, golden brown crust. You can learn the secrets of cutlets cooked inside and not overcooked outside.

  • So that the meat does not stick later, form cutlets either with wet hands or with gloves (there are such for cooks, you can look at the hands of meat sellers or in cooking, they are sold in grocery stores);
  • Before frying meat cutlets, the pan must already be heated and poured with oil to place them on a hot surface;
  • Large cutlets are more juicy, but they are more accurate with sizes, huge ones break easily. Cutlets classic - medium size;
  • First, fry on both sides so that a crust appears, then reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid so that they are stewed.
  • Important: to make minced meat patties not all day, first fry all the molded patties for 5-6 minutes so that the crust appears. Then place them on the prepared flat plate. Next, reduce the heat and put all the cutlets fried on the outside into the pan, because they are still raw inside. Cover with a lid and let everything stew for 20 minutes (even 30), look periodically. When homemade cutlets are ready, you can poke with a fork or try. Pay close attention to readiness.

It is meat or liver cutlets that are stewed longer than other types. Chicken and fish cook faster. There are seafood cutlets and even vegetable cutlets, but meat-eaters like minced beef cutlets more than others.


Everything is a little simpler here, but every hostess still wants variety. Everyone has been tired of pasta and potatoes since childhood, this is a classic approach. If you decide to make cutlets a festive dish, you can play as a side dish. While the cutlets are slowly stewing, covered with a lid, it's time to figure out the garnish.

  1. Bean (why not, beans are extremely tasty, cooked for a short time and healthy);
  2. Colored rice (you can make it yourself by mixing regular rice with peas or corn);
  3. Cauliflower is a bright, tasty side dish that does not take long to cook;
  4. Rice - The Chinese consider it their bread and a cup of rice accompanies every meal. How to make delicious, beautiful rice? A rice cooker or proper rice cooking technique will help. Take coarse grain and do not cook it to full condition, let the structure be preserved. Rice tastes better a little firm;
  5. Pasta - yes, even they can be turned into an interesting side dish. For example, mix several types or take colored pasta. They even sell black pasta now. They work well for minced meatballs. Venerable chefs advise not to cook them until fully cooked in order to maintain a little hardness and an attractive appearance;
  6. Pea puree - if you like puree, why not make pea puree? Perfectly complements very tasty meatballs, hearty and healthy. To soften the peas, you must first place it in a container of boiling water. Then boil and mash like potatoes. Pea puree, of course, takes longer to cook, but it has its own unique taste;
  7. Broccoli has long been hard eaten by Western children, but for a variety of meat dishes, broccoli is a great addition. You can make an independent side dish out of it or put two or three pieces per serving;
  8. Cabbage - boiled or stewed, when cutlets come out tasty and juicy;
  9. Buckwheat - yes, recent changes in the market have significantly affected its cost, but it continues to be a useful and tasty ingredient. Diversify the types of side dishes, there is no need to constantly put pasta or peel potatoes. Tasty, lush buckwheat is no worse and you don’t need to know much how to cook it. In time, it is cooked a little longer than pasta;
  10. A complex side dish is a little peas, a bit of corn and mashed potatoes, or mix cabbage with broccoli, as your fantasy or favorite photo from a culinary recipe tells you.
  11. How long will it take to cook cutlets, choose a side dish and decorate? Somewhere around an hour, because you need to scroll the minced meat, then fry the cutlets, work on the side dish.

You can make really light, juicy cutlets, for example, from minced pork, because pork is considered a complex meat? Yes, the main thing is to choose good meat and, if necessary, mix it with the same chicken or add a little lamb, then find a step-by-step recipe.


Any second or first course can be supplemented with an appetizer or salad. Soups are served with either hot cakes, or pies or shanezhki, croutons. And salads are better suited to the second, denser dishes. What tastes better with homemade, classic cutlets?

Like any fried dish, they are considered a hearty meal, so it's best not to overload the liver with mayonnaise. Take a simple salad, for example, tomatoes with a couple of cucumbers, there is a drop of oil or just a pinch of salt. Also suitable "Caesar", sauerkraut, fresh vegetable cutting. There is no need to make a complicated salad, see what you can use in existing products.

Must be fried minced meat? Many people like meatballs, but they can’t eat fried food. No, they can be stewed in sauce or steamed, then the dish will turn out to be lighter, more dietary. You will need a pressure cooker or multicooker.

How to make cutlets for future use, where to store them? Fry with a margin, and place the leftovers in a special glass bowl for heating in the microwave. It will really keep the cutlets fresh, will not allow the smell to spread, and if necessary, eat a little, then we only prepare a side dish for them.

Important: only home-made, home-made minced meat guarantees a good taste of meat and an accurate list of ingredients used