Causes of itching of the labia. Intimate topic: itching and desire to scratch the labia

The labia (pubic) lips are part of the vulva (external genital organs of a woman). They are located in the area located between the lower part of the abdominal wall and the perineum and cover the clitoris, vagina, opening of the urethra.

The labia majora are a pair of dense folds, consisting of adipose tissue, which is the basis; skin covering the outer side of the fold and containing glands of external secretion; mucous membrane, which is located on the inside.

The labia minora is a pair of thin folds, completely covered with a mucous membrane.

For diseases of the labia, both large and small, the following main symptoms are characteristic:

  • burning;
  • pain;
  • swelling.

Basically, in the presence of damage to the intimate zone, several symptoms appear at once, each of which has its own etiological cause.

  • Violation of the rules of personal and intimate hygiene: the irregularity of taking a shower, the use of low-quality and allergenic gels and creams, a rare change of sanitary pads and tampons during menstruation;
  • Hypothermia or overheating;
  • Use of underwear made of synthetic material;
  • Chemical irritants, toxic substances;
  • Infections and diseases of internal organs;
  • Use of medications;
  • Dysbacteriosis.

Diseases associated with itching of the labia

Among the reasons why the labia itch, the first place is occupied by the presence of infectious diseases (caused by the penetration of pathogens or viruses into the body) or non-infectious nature. The most common of them are:

  1. Vulvitis is an inflammatory disease of the external genitalia. The causes of vulvitis can most often be infectious agents - streptococci, staphylococci, gonococci, chlamydia, viruses, fungi; urethritis and cystitis; allergic reactions to various chemical agents; uncontrolled intake of antibiotics and hormone-containing drugs; violation of the rules of personal and intimate hygiene. Symptoms of vulvitis: hypeemia; itching and burning sensation; pain that gets worse when walking or urinating the presence of plaque on the inner surface of the large shameful lips; body temperature may rise to subfebrile. Treatment of vulvitis depends on the etiology.
  2. Thrush (vulvovaginal candidiasis) is a disease of the vagina and external genitalia, which is caused by an opportunistic fungus of the genus Candida. Since these microorganisms are part of the normal microflora of the mouth, large intestine and vagina, the development of vulvovaginal candidiasis requires the presence of such conditions as: prolonged use of antibiotics and hormonal contraceptives, a high-calorie diet, wearing synthetic clothing. Symptoms of thrush: increased amount of white "milk" discharge from the vagina; itching of the labia majora; burning and discomfort. Treatment is mainly aimed primarily at eliminating the factors that provoked the onset of candidiasis, as well as the use of antifungal drugs (Livarol, Fluconazole, Miconazole).
  3. Trichomoniasis is an infectious, sexually transmitted disease. The causative agent of this pathology is Trichomonas vaginalis. Symptoms of the disease are: vaginal discharge, mostly yellow with an unpleasant odor; hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the shameful lips; slight bleeding of the mucous membrane in the presence of erosions or ulcers; pain during urination, sexual intercourse; burning sensation; itching. Treatment is with drugs of the Metronidazole class.
  4. Colpitis / vaginitis is an acute inflammatory lesion of the vaginal mucosa. This disease can occur with various mechanical damage to the vaginal wall, congenital anatomical mutations or anomalies, with incorrect abortions, and endocrine system disorders. All of these factors lead to the active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, which is the main cause of vaginitis. In addition to itching and a burning sensation in the vaginal area, the labia majora itch inside, and there is also an increase in the amount of discharge, which has a purulent consistency and a sharp unpleasant odor. Patients are concerned about pain in the lower abdomen and heavy menstrual bleeding. The treatment of colpitis is mainly complex, it includes the use of antibiotics, general strengthening therapy to increase immunity, vaginal douching with special solutions.

Diseases that cause swelling of the labia

  1. Bartholinitis is an inflammatory process of the Bartholin (large) gland of the vestibule of the vagina. Etiological causes: sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea); infectious, inflammatory diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems (pyelonephritis, cystitis, candidiasis, vulvitis); local microtrauma; non-compliance with intimate hygiene; the presence in the body of a chronic inflammatory or infectious process (pathogenic microorganisms and their toxins enter the Bartholin gland due to lymph and blood flow); operations on the kidneys, bladder, uterus. Symptomatic manifestations of bartholinitis: a sharp increase in body temperature to subfebrile and febrile; asymmetry of the shameful lips (with one-sided lesion); swelling of the labia majora and an increase in its size; pain when moving, sitting, urinating; copious purulent discharge is possible.
  2. Gardnerellosis is one of the types of vaginal dysbacteriosis. The causative agent is the microbe Gardnellavaginalis. This pathology is manifested by swelling of the labia, soreness in the inguinal folds, painful urination, itching and the presence of yellowish-green discharge with a strong unpleasant odor. Treatment is carried out in several stages: the first is the destruction of the pathogen with the help of antibiotic therapy (Metronidazole, Clindamycin), the second is the colonization of the vagina with normal microflora (Acilact, Laktonorm).
  3. Vulvodynia is a difficult-to-diagnose disease characterized by pain localized at the entrance to the vagina and swelling of the labia majora and minora. In the vulva there are many blood vessels and nerve endings, which, due to inflammatory processes, become producers of pain. Due to intense pain, swelling appears. The main manifestations of vulvodynia are: chronic inflammation of the private lips; strong burning sensation; intense pain in the labia, even with minimal impact on them. Local anesthetics, novocaine blockades, and various analgesics are used for treatment. Surgical treatment may be indicated.

Many women are afraid or embarrassed to seek advice, but it is worth noting that the presence itching, burning, pain or swelling of the labia can be a harbinger of a serious illness, so if you find at least one of these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Timely diagnosis and correctly chosen, rational treatment contributes to a speedy recovery. This will reduce the risk of developing various complications of the disease or chronicity of the process.

The main cause of inflammation or irritation on the labia is the development of diseases of the internal organs, which project their symptoms in the vaginal area. Such reactions very rarely act as an independent disease, because they are the result of other pathological changes in the body. Very rarely, redness of the labia indicates a neglect of the rules of personal hygiene, a complication often occurs due to adverse environmental conditions.

What is irritation

The appearance of red spots on the skin signals the presence of inflammation in the body. The female half of the population is much more likely to suffer from irritation in the intimate area, because their skin is more sensitive and easily exposed to the outside. The slightest change in the environment can cause negative manifestations on the skin, so many people have to deal with this disease every day. Irritation on the labia is a very delicate problem that can arise not only due to a violation of hygiene standards, but also due to the development of pathological processes.

Causes of irritation

It is possible to eliminate the complication only after an examination, which will indicate the main causes of this reaction. They are usually divided into two types - internal and external. The first group includes organ diseases caused by malnutrition or a severe psychological state. As you know, factors such as stress or strong emotional stress can provoke the development of all kinds of skin ailments, for example, irritation on the labia. As for external stimuli, they include:

  • care products;
  • climate;
  • decorative cosmetics;
  • weather.

Inflammation of the labia

It is known that inflammatory processes concerning the external genital organs always cause severe discomfort to their owner. Irritation of the labia in medical circles is called vulvitis and covers a wide audience of patients of all ages. Only the attending physician can help to cope with this disease, who, by the nature of the infection, will identify the cause of the disease. You should not postpone a visit to the gynecologist, because irritation in the genital area tends to multiply. Common symptoms of vulvitis in women:

  • pain when urinating;
  • copious discharge from the vagina;
  • severe itching;
  • burning;
  • edema;
  • bad smell;
  • temperature rise;
  • feeling of general malaise.


The microflora of the female genital organs can become vulnerable to harmful microorganisms with the development of any internal diseases. Pathological processes negatively affect women's health, so a symptom such as burning in the vaginal area indicates the occurrence of serious complications. A variety of ailments can provoke the appearance of irritation on the genitals, for example, thrush, diabetes mellitus or dysbacteriosis.

Inflammation originates in the Bartholin glands, after blockage of which the irritation gradually spreads along the entire perimeter of the mucosa. Vulvitis can be the result of sexually transmitted diseases or other sexually transmitted infections. The intensity of the manifestations varies depending on the nature of the irritation on the genitals; in the severe course of the disease, the patient has very strong uncomfortable external manifestations.


Any disturbances in the functioning of the body can lead to the appearance of cracks in the labia minora. They arise due to pathological changes in the mucous membrane, in which it loses its integrity. Inflammation on the labia may be accompanied by such unpleasant manifestations as hyperemia, itching or irritation. Disease occurs as a result of the response of the immune system to the action of irritants, whether it be fungi, infection or a virus.

In the early stages, irritation in the genital area is easily treatable, it is only necessary to eliminate the original cause of the disease. These include wearing tight underwear made of synthetic materials, mechanical damage during depilation, or pads that are not suitable for skin type. However, if the course of therapy is not completed on time, there is a risk of formation of calluses in this area.

severe itching

External lesions of the genital organs can indicate serious health problems, where severe itching in the intimate area acts as a warning signal. If the labia is inflamed or plaques appear on them, then it is not recommended to try to treat such a pathology on your own. Vaginal itching sometimes causes severe discomfort, which is repeated every few hours. In these conditions, intense discharge and redness of the skin can also be observed during a certain period of the monthly cycle.

Itching in patients is caused by two main causes - inflammatory and non-inflammatory. With an active sexual life, some women develop vaginitis or herpes over time, both diseases develop due to the fault of pathogenic bacteria in the body. If the patient does not have signs of an inflammatory process, then hormonal or allergic factors, for example, such modern methods of contraception as lubricant or condoms, could affect the occurrence of irritation.

Redness and itching

The physiological characteristics of the female genital organs make them vulnerable to various types of infections carried by men. At any moment, infection can occur, the consequences of which will have to be fought for a long time: an unpleasant smell from the perineum, swelling of the labia, copious discharge on clothes, pain in the lower abdomen, and so on.

These symptoms are the result of mechanical damage to the genital organs, inappropriate underwear or douching of the vagina. If itching or redness occurs, you should immediately go to the doctor. Examination in the gynecologist's office is able to give an exhaustive answer about the origin of skin irritation, and the specialist must prescribe the appropriate method of therapy.

Rash in the intimate area in women

In most cases, irritation or a rash in the intimate area occurs due to the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the body that provoke the formation of defects on the skin. They can be of various shapes and sizes, there are several types of rashes that are a violation of the integrity of the epithelial cover. Pimples and blisters tend to form on the outside of the skin, although they can sometimes appear deeper.

Some formations are considered a common physiological defect that do not pose a threat to human health. These include papules on the male and micropapillomatosis on the female genital organs, arising from violations of hormonal processes in the body. These defects can be removed using laser surgery or other skin correction methods.

How to treat irritation in the intimate area

Skin problems, especially in the area of ​​the labia, require a special approach. Not always advertised and expensive drugs are able to help cope with such a delicate situation, and many people are simply embarrassed to go to the doctor. If the irritation is episodic and suddenly caught you off guard, first pay attention to personal hygiene items.

It is possible that the cause of irritation in the genital area is a recently purchased razor or shower gel. Decoctions based on medicinal herbs or essential oils will help to cope with the problem. In emergency cases, you can use soda by preparing baths or compresses with it. The solution must be saturated, the procedure is recommended to be carried out no more than half an hour.

Cream for the intimate area from irritation

The modern market for cosmetic products provides a wide selection of various creams for irritation. Here you can find special products for depilation or light moisturizing emulsions for sensitive skin. To relieve redness, creams based on dexpanthenol are used, which help to enhance the regeneration of the skin. These funds help to effectively cope with irritation, relieve itching and burning.

Compliance with the precautionary rules during the application of the cream guarantees safety for the patient's health. It is best to test the product on the wrist, in the absence of any side effects, you can start the procedure. It is necessary to apply the composition to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, giving it time to completely absorb. Other drugs should not be used in parallel, as there is a risk of therapeutic interaction.


From irritation in the intimate area, experts often prescribe hormonal ointments. The result from their use is noticeable immediately after the first procedure, however, it is important to strictly follow the norms prescribed by the gynecologist during treatment. It is not recommended to make compresses using these products very often - there is a possibility of an allergic reaction.

Zinc is considered the most effective anti-irritation ointment. It is able to quickly eliminate signs of irritation not only in the genital area, but also on any other part of the skin. An ointment with propolis and glycerin, made according to a well-known folk recipe, has similar properties. It is best kept in the refrigerator throughout the treatment period.

Preventive measures

To prevent the occurrence of redness or irritation, the use of pharmacy Aspirin in the intimate area is allowed. Several tablets are crushed to a powder and poured with warm boiled water. The resulting mixture is used before shaving as a peeling - it exfoliates dead cells well and stimulates regeneration processes.

Once the procedure is completed, the skin should be wiped with a hydrogen peroxide solution. The bikini area is a very sensitive area that needs not only regular exfoliation, but also moisturizing. For these purposes, it is recommended to use tonics based on medicinal plants or oil lotions. They will prevent the appearance of irritation after shaving and make the skin soft.


The labia minora (located under the large ones) is part of the external female genital organs, which are thin and delicate folds of skin. Recently, women have increasingly begun to experience itching of the genitals.

Women's diseases accompanied by itching:

  • Candidiasis. Severe itching in the vagina, white cottage cheese discharge, pain during intercourse, redness of the genitals. May become chronic. The disease is not a sexually transmitted disease and can occur with hormonal failure or antibiotics.
  • Vulvovaginitis. Often women confuse this disease with candidiasis. It is manifested by strong secretions of a white or transparent nature. Usually, the discharge increases after sexual contact. To identify this disease is quite simple with the help of a laboratory study. Outwardly, it is very difficult to distinguish vulvovaginitis from thrush, and most self-medicating girls take pills for candidiasis and do not notice any improvement.
  • Trichomoniasis. A frothy, predominantly yellowish discharge from the vagina. Frequent urge to urinate, redness of the genitals. Sometimes there is pain in the lower abdomen. This disease is considered a sexually transmitted disease, but infection is possible even through personal hygiene items.
  • Gardnerellosis. Slight whites from the vagina. This disease is not infectious and not venereal! The imbalance of the microflora of the vagina can occur due to the frequent use of sanitary pads, non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, frequent change of sexual partners and wearing synthetic underwear.

Vulvovaginitis and gardnerellosis often require complex treatment. Usually it does not exceed two weeks. Trichomoniasis can be completely cured in 10 days.

If itching appears in the labia area, be sure to consult a gynecologist. This will help to avoid complications and recover quickly.

Why itchy, swollen, dry labia. What diseases give such a symptom. How to get rid of itching.

Itching is a sensation that is very difficult to overcome. You can imagine how unpleasant it is for a woman who really wants to scratch "there." Should she immediately run to the gynecologist? It is necessary to understand why such discomfort occurs, how to get rid of it.

What does itching and swelling of the labia mean?

I call itching an irresistible desire to scratch the skin. It literally originates in the mind. This is how the nervous system reacts in response to local irritation.

Itching and swelling of the labia in a woman is often a non-specific symptom of one of the many gynecological diseases. Also, the occurrence of uncomfortable sensations can be associated with non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

The most common reasons why the labia swell and itch are:

  1. Insufficient hygiene of the genitals, when a woman is rarely washed away
  2. Synthetic underwear that does not "breathe" and creates a "greenhouse effect"
  3. Wearing sanitary tampons for more than 3 hours and panty liners for critical days for more than 5 hours
  4. Frequent washing with soap
  5. Allergy to panty liners
  6. Allergy to intimate hygiene products
  7. Injury during sex
  8. Overheat
  9. hypothermia
  10. stress
  11. Irritation after shaving or waxing
  12. Pubic lice bites
  13. Dysbacteriosis of the vagina
  14. The use of certain drugs
  15. Inflammation of the genital organs of a non-infectious nature
  16. Inflammation of the genital organs of an infectious nature (including venereal diseases)
  17. Metabolic disorders due to diseases of the endocrine glands, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause
  18. Diseases of the urinary system
  19. Blood diseases
  20. Oncological diseases

IMPORTANT: Itching of the labia, accompanied by their swelling, is often observed in nervous, overly emotional women. There is a psychosomatic

Irritation from a razor is one of the reasons why the labia itch.

If there is a single episode of itching of the labia, it may be caused by squeezing underwear, an uncomfortable posture, etc. There is no point in worrying, everything will pass by itself. Do not let the problem take its course and consult a doctor without fail, if it itches constantly, itching is accompanied by:

  • swelling and redness
  • swelling
  • secretions (with an unpleasant odor)
  • cracks and abrasions of the labia
  • painful urination
  • pain during intercourse

IMPORTANT: Often the itching of the labia is so intense that a woman is unable to sleep at night and do her usual activities during the day

Itching and swelling of the labia without discharge, causes

Itching dull pain in the region of the labia minora and labia majora, accompanied by swelling, but without discharge, may indicate vulvodynia in a woman.

IMPORTANT: Vulvodynia is a pain syndrome that is not associated with infections. Most often it occurs due to allergies or neuropathy.

  1. Pathology is most often observed in women of childbearing age.
  2. Pain and itching occur for no apparent reason and literally prevent a woman from living.
  3. Discomfort in the genital area affects a woman's sexuality
  4. Vulvodynia is the cause of depression

Vulvodynia is the cause of itchy pain in the female vulva.

The cause of itching in the area of ​​the labia and the entire vulvar complex is an increase in the number of signals sent to the brain from local nerve endings. This is often associated with inflammation (neuritis) of the pudendal nerve. Pathology is provoked:

  • childbirth
  • abortion
  • sloppy, too rough intercourse
  • mechanical injury

If, after a thorough gynecological examination, tests for genital infections, ultrasound and other examinations, the diagnosis of vulvodynia is confirmed, it is often necessary to undergo treatment not only with a female doctor, but also with a psychologist and / or neuropathologist.

Vulvodynia is treated:

  • diet (to reduce oxalate in the urine)
  • Kegel exercises (to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and relieve spasm)
  • baths
  • antihistamines (if allergic)
  • anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs (Diclofenac, Naproxen)
  • antidepressants

IMPORTANT: Sometimes psychotherapy is indicated for a patient with vulvodynia

Itching of the labia and white discharge, causes

The cause of itching, pain, redness of the labia minora and labia majora, the external genitalia of a woman can be a Candida fungus. Simply put, thrush in women can manifest with such symptoms.

IMPORTANT: Up to 75% of women of childbearing age have had thrush at one time

Yeast lives in the vagina in most women. If the immune system is strong, the vaginal flora is normal, they do not make themselves felt.

Thrush develops if:

  • a woman has reduced immunity due to stress, acute or chronic illness, overwork, beriberi
  • the woman had a hormonal imbalance
  • woman taking contraceptives, antibiotics
  • woman's blood glucose levels are elevated
  • woman eating ill
  • hypothermia occurred

Candidiasis is the cause of itching of the labia and white discharge from the genital tract.

The doctor detects thrush during a routine examination and confirms the diagnosis with the results of an analysis of the vaginal microflora. As a treatment, he will prescribe:

  • antifungals topically or orally
  • remedies to boost immunity
  • anti-inflammatory drugs
  • diet

If a woman has thrush, her sexual partner should also be treated.

VIDEO: Thrush in women symptoms treatment. Thrush during pregnancy treatment. How to cure thrush

Itching and swelling of the labia during pregnancy, causes

During the period when a woman is carrying a child, her body becomes very vulnerable. Many diseases can "cling" to the expectant mother. Also, there are relapses of those that she had previously in a chronic form.

Pregnancy can be overshadowed by discomfort in the area of ​​the labia: their itching and swelling. Causes of discomfort:

  1. Physiological changes in a woman's body associated with hormonal changes, a growing uterus. Swelling and itching may occur due to circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs, nerve infringement, etc.
  2. Varicose veins. The formation of venous nodes provokes swelling and redness of the vulva, a desire to scratch, pain
  3. Inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the external genital organs of a woman. These are bartholinitis (inflammation of the Bartholin glands located near the entrance to the vagina and secreting lubricant to moisturize the mucous membrane), vulvitis (inflammation of the vulva), vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the vulva and vagina)
  4. Thrush recurrence. A chronic yeast infection often wakes up during pregnancy.
  5. Sexually transmitted infectious diseases

IMPORTANT: The health of the expectant mother is very fragile. Her illnesses can be transmitted to the child or harm him. Therefore, if swelling and itching of the labia occurs, a woman should consult a doctor who is pregnant.

What does severe itching of the labia after sex mean?

One of the reasons why a woman has itchy labia after sex is an allergy to condoms.

IMPORTANT: Condoms are made from latex obtained from the hevea tree. Latex contains proteins that are allergenic. Not only latex can cause a reaction, but also all kinds of lubricants, flavors. other

Allergy to condoms can manifest itself in many ways, from itching and a rash on the genitals to asthma attacks. If a woman notices that her vagina or labia itches after protected sex, she needs to visit a gynecologist. He will rule out other possible causes of the problem, such as infection, give a referral to an allergist and tests to identify the allergen.

Itching and pimples and cracks on the labia, causes

Despite the fact that running water is in almost all homes, there are convenient panty liners and feminine hygiene products, itchy and cracked labia can appear due to such ridiculous reasons as:

  • pollution
  • urinary irritation
  • ingestion of stool on the vulva
  • sweating
  • wearing synthetic, too tight underwear

As a rule, it is enough to eliminate these causes to get rid of the problem.

But sometimes things get more serious. Perhaps inflammation of the labia began - vulvitis. It notes:

  • itching and swelling of the labia
  • drying and cracking of the mucosa
  • rashes
  • the appearance of a whitish coating
  • general malaise, nervousness, fever

Vulvitis can be:

  1. Primary - due to mechanical, chemical irritations, hypothermia, allergies, etc.
  2. Secondary - infectious, when pathogenic microorganisms enter the vulva from the vagina, cervix, uterus with vaginitis, colpitis, cervicitis, endometritis, etc.

To cure inflammation of the labia, eliminate its cause and symptoms.

Dryness and itching of the labia, causes

Women complain of dryness of the mucosa of the external genital organs and in the vagina, itching, during pregnancy, after childbirth, in the premenopausal or menopausal periods, after menstruation, when they undergo hormonal changes.

Lack of lubrication produced leads to drying, tightening of the mucous membrane of the labia, discomfort and itching. Sometimes discomfort has to be endured using local moisturizers. Sometimes hormone therapy is required. Only a doctor can accurately answer the question of what treatment should be.

VIDEO: About dryness of the female genital organs

What to do with itching of the labia, how to treat folk remedies?

The woman is not able to find out the cause of the itching of the labia herself and eliminate it with medication. After examination and analysis, this is done by the doctor according to an individual scheme.
With the help of folk remedies, you can try to reduce discomfort. Help:

  1. Douching with soda, iodine, herbal decoctions
  2. Aloe juice tampons
  3. Baths with chamomile, sea salt
  4. Air baths

RECIPE: Douching with soda, salt and iodine

  • in 1 liter of water dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda and salt, 10 drops of iodine
  • using a syringe, a solution is injected into the vagina, they wipe the labia with it
  • repeat the procedure twice a day until the symptoms disappear

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to introduce into the diet as much as possible lactic acid products - yogurt, kefir, acidophilus

Cream and ointment for itching of the labia. Is it possible to smear the labia with baby cream?

Ointments help reduce the feeling of itching in the labia area:

  • antihistamines (Beloderm)
  • corticosteroid (mesoderm)
  • analgesics (Diclofenca)
  • with antibiotics (Akriderm)

IMPORTANT: You can smear the labia with baby cream to relieve mechanical irritation, for example, due to rubbing with underwear or due to irritation with a razor

VIDEO: Itching of the genitals? There is a solution to the problem of folk remedies

Itching and burning of the genitals can be triggered by various reasons, which include the following:

1. Depilation of the zone with special ones, which can cause a woman's individual intolerance to certain components of the drug.

2. Frequent wearing of tight, which contributes to an increase in friction on and occurrence.

3. Using the wrong type of sanitary pads on critical days.

4. Allergic reactions to intimate hygiene products.

5. The presence of sexually transmitted infections.

6. Hormonal disorders that have arisen against the background of diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases, critical days, menopause.

7. Frequent stress and strong feelings.

8. The use of certain groups of medicines, for example, antibiotics.

9. The presence of vaginal dysbacteriosis, the development of which is facilitated by the use of antibiotics and a decrease in immunity.

If itching and burning of the labia occurs, it is important to determine the cause of the discomfort. Unpleasant sensations can be the result of complex infectious diseases.

Actions for itching and burning of the labia

First of all, you need to change your underwear, pads and observe the reaction of your body for several days. You can try to change means for intimate hygiene.

It is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene, systematically wash yourself so that the genitals are kept clean. This will make it possible to exclude the accumulation of pathogenic bacteria that contribute to the occurrence of various diseases of the female genital area.

You need to wash at least 2 times a day.

With the disappearance of discomfort after such events, the cause of itching and burning of the labia can be considered found. If no changes are observed, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist to clarify the true causes of discomfort.

If necessary, the gynecologist can refer to other specialists. It can be an endocrinologist, dermatologist and others.

During the examination, you need to be prepared for the appropriate examination in