Swollen eyes after crying. How to quickly remove swelling from the eyes after crying

Today we will talk about a rather delicate topic for every woman. And it is connected... with our emotions and the inability to control them. It's about about women's tears and ways to eliminate their consequences.

Yes, we (women) are emotional people, and we can easily burst into tears over some little thing. What can we say about when something is wrong. Be it health, relationships or career.

However, let's not go deeper. Everyone will understand what we are talking about when the head is covered and only the pillow saves...

It seemed like I burst into tears - and it seemed to feel better. And what was that? Well, what... this is how the body copes with stress, and scientific point sight, tears - effective method get rid of the negativity that does not find a way out in everyday life.

But it’s dawn outside the window... and it’s time to get ready for work... and you’re scared to look in the mirror? Are your eyes red and swollen? And you can't see the white light?

Then we move on to decisive action and get rid of puffiness and help eyes swollen from tears using available tools and proven techniques.

Eyes swollen from tears - first aid.

To begin, open the window and/or, if possible, a window and take a deep breath of still “sleeping” air. Repeat the procedure of deep inhalation and exhalation 10-20 times. Fresh air will awaken and invigorate you, distracting you from sad thoughts.

Wash your face with cool or cold water. This simple procedure should be repeated 2-3 times with an interval of 8-10 minutes to finally come to your senses. If you have time and desire, great. If not, apply cotton pads generously moistened with cold water to your eyes for a few seconds.

Do some eye exercises. Keep your eyes down and index finger draw an arc across the upper eyelid. Look up. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

Drink a glass of water. And don’t listen to those who claim that water provokes even more swelling. This can only happen if you drink liquid before bed. In the morning, a glass of cool water will help you recover after a “tearful” night.

Well, now take 15-20 minutes to apply life-saving compresses for eyes swollen from tears. These recipes are individual, so after trying everything, you will know exactly which method helps you.

Compresses for eyes swollen from tears.

  • The simplest compress is to wipe the skin with a piece of cosmetic ice, prepared at home. Ice can be made from mineral water, green tea or parsley decoction.
  • A proven and effective way to reduce puffiness around the eyes is a compress of finely grated raw potatoes. squeeze out a little and transfer to small gauze bags. These bags are applied to the eyes for 15-20 minutes. It is advisable to be in a dark, cool room at this time. At the end of the procedure, wash the eyes with cool water.
  • Parsley is used in a similar way - chopped and “packed” into small gauze bags.
  • , or rather the tea leaves left after it, is also used as a life-saving compress. Only the tea for this must be of high quality, and without additives. And weakly brewed green tea you can even wash your face.
  • Some people use crushed cucumber pulp to reduce swelling. To do this, the peel is cut off in a thick layer, and the seeds (if any) are cut out.

Well, another radical way to hide eyes swollen from tears... take advantage safety glasses with dark glasses. Believe me, it’s better than masking your eyes in three layers and getting angry that the makeup doesn’t apply as it should. Moreover, she will not only not lie down, but will also aggravate the situation by aggressively influencing the irritated sensitive skin around eyes.

A main secret You probably know - smile. And don’t let any incidents upset you to tears!

People cry from time to time. There is nothing bad in this; on the contrary, it is even useful for nervous system, because tears relieve stress and help throw out accumulated emotions. However, they also have an unpleasant feature: they leave behind swelling on the face. In this publication we will talk about how to remove swelling from eyes after crying using home remedies pharmaceutical drugs and gymnastics.

Quick help for swelling after crying

First, try the simplest method for removing puffy eyes. It is simple because it does not require much effort and is easily applied using available tools. Apply something cold to the swelling. Perfect ice, but if you don’t have it on hand, take regular ones tablespoons and put them in the freezer for a couple of minutes, then take them out and apply to the swelling.

The “cold” method can be called first aid for swelling. It gives results, but it is advisable to use it in conjunction with other methods.

Has proven itself well next method– brew tea leaves, wrap in gauze and place on your eyes for a few minutes. They will remove puffiness from the eyes and restore a fresh look to the face. Good fit chamomile tea, but if you don’t have one on hand, use another green or even black tea. If you don’t have time to brew tea yourself, make it simple: take regular tea bags, brew them, and then apply them to your eyes.

Relieves puffiness well parsley paste. To do this, you need to finely chop it, put it on a cotton pad soaked in water and apply it to your eyes. Keep this mixture for 20 minutes, then apply moisturizer on your eyelids.

An excellent remedy for swollen eyelids is cucumber. Grate it and place this mixture on your eyes, hold for a few minutes and rinse.

Compresses for swelling

More in an effective way Compresses are used for puffiness of the eyes. They will require more time, but the effect will definitely please you.

Baked Potato Compress dilates blood vessels, gives blood flow and relaxes muscles, and this, in turn, relieves swelling. You need to bake the potatoes in the oven or microwave, cool until slightly warm state and apply to the eyelids.

They do the job perfectly cold compresses. It can be chilled regular or mineral water, in the second case, the result will appear faster, as well as a very chilled decoction of chamomile or other herbs. Cold compresses for swelling are more effective than using ice.

Apple and cucumber compress will not only reduce swelling, but also deeply moisturize the skin. You need to grate one apple and one medium-sized cucumber, mix well and apply to the area under the eyes.

Another effective way is to quickly milk compress. A cotton pad should be soaked in milk, applied to the eyelid and held for 10 minutes. After this procedure, your eyes will immediately look much fresher.

Excellent against swelling mint decoction. It perfectly relieves swelling and soothes the skin. To prepare it, you need a tablespoon of crushed mint and 250 ml of water, all this is mixed and heated over low heat, after which a cotton pad is moistened in the resulting solution and applied to the eyelids.

Pharmaceutical products against puffiness around the eyes

If you urgently need to get yourself in order, but don’t have time for compresses and lotions, use a pharmacy decongestant. For example, eye cream "Caffeine" will quickly relieve swelling from the eyes. The substances it contains normalize blood circulation, which quickly relieves swelling.

Other excellent remedy from swelling under the eyes - vitamin E capsules. They remove puffiness, smooth out wrinkles and generally have a beneficial effect on the skin of the eyelids.

To absolutely emergency methods include vasoconstrictors. They are at their maximum short term bring the skin around the eyes to its original state, remove swelling and bruises under the eyes and return the face to a fresh look, but they cannot be used often. Over time, they can negatively affect the skin and even damage vision.

Currently popular Chinese plasters against edema, they can be purchased in some pharmacies and cosmetic departments of stores, and can also be ordered on Aliexpress. They are impregnated with a special gel, which not only relieves puffiness, but also eliminates wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes. Unlike vasoconstrictor ointments, the patches do not harm the skin, because they consist of natural ingredients.

When applied to the skin, a greenhouse effect occurs and all substances from the patch freely enter the skin. Thus, the effect occurs quickly and does not have any negative consequences.

Massage and gymnastics for the eyes

In addition to the remedies already described above, eyelid massage and eye gymnastics will help soothe swollen eyes.

Massage It is done simply and does not require the use of any complex equipment. Use your fingertips to gently move from the inner corner upper eyelid to the external. Under the eyes, you should move in the opposite direction: from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. Don't press too hard, do everything gently and carefully. Repeat these steps several times with short breaks.

Concerning gymnastics for the eyes, then everything is also very simple. Do the following:

  • first rotate your eyes clockwise, then counterclockwise;
  • blink quickly for 15 seconds;
  • Squeeze your eyelids tightly for a few seconds and then open your eyes.

Do all these steps 4-5 times, giving your eyes a little time to rest. This exercise stimulates blood circulation and relieves swelling.

In order to keep the muscles around the eyes in good shape, there are special simple gymnastics. It can be used both to prevent the appearance of swelling and bags under the eyes, and as a means of combating existing problems in the eye area. Detailed description watch the exercises in the video:

Of course, when a person cries, it is difficult for him to think about something else. However, even when you cry, try to observe a few simple rules who will save your appearance and get rid of unpleasant consequences.

First of all: never rub your eyes. This increases the redness and swelling of the eyes and, in addition, increases the risk of infection. Besides, do not lower your face down while crying: This makes the swelling worse. Try to keep a handkerchief ready and immediately blot away the flowing tears otherwise they may cause skin irritation.

As soon as the flow of tears stopped, immediately wash your face with cold water. Then try contrast wash hot and cold water. After this, you can use the methods described above.

Choose the option that is more convenient and easier for you, but remember that best results gives A complex approach . For example, swelling will disappear with more likely, if you not only make a compress, but also do eye exercises or massage.


Always try to hold back your tears, because no remedy will give a 100% effect and slight swelling in the eye area will remain even after using all the remedies described above. If you do cry, immediately begin to eliminate the consequences, if possible using an integrated approach.

In the film, which has already become a cult favorite, about an affair that happened while working in a statistical office, there is a dialogue: the crying Mymra says that her eyes will be red all day. The experienced single father replies that this is only the case if you rub them.

There is a rational grain in this advice. Indeed: when you rub your eyes while crying, they will definitely become red, and the eyelid will become swollen. But the fact is that this happens even if you don’t rub them, although to a lesser extent.

Our eyes take on a non-aesthetic appearance, so much so that it becomes obvious to everyone around us: we have experienced some kind of emotional breakdown. It is customary to hide such facts in modern society. Women cry often, and sometimes men cry too.

What happens to our eyes when a person gives free rein to his feelings:

  • Capillary irritation is the main cause of redness. Everyone knows that tears taste salty. It is salt that affects the capillaries. And here, the more you rub, the worse it gets.
  • Irritation of the ducts. The tear passing through the canal injures the surrounding tissues, which causes mild inflammation.
  • Stagnation of fluid in cells. And again, the problem is the saltiness of the tears. Salt is known to retain water.

Prepare in advance

The time of day at which it occurs is of great importance in combating the consequences of an emotional outburst. Most often, people allow themselves soul-cleansing tears in the evenings after working day, at home, with loved ones or in all alone. They especially like to cry at night.

After crying, he usually sleeps well, just like in childhood. The psyche is relaxed and the person, with a final sob like a baby, falls soundly asleep. But in the morning, when we get out of bed and need to go out into the world, our face looks like it’s time to cry again.

So: your eyes are swollen after crying, what should you do? As surprising as this advice may sound, it is better to prepare for the morning awakening in the evening:

  • Do not fall asleep immediately after crying. Let at least two hours pass.
  • Fresh air. Open the window. Go out onto the balcony. Turn your face to the wind. Catch a few snowflakes. Breathe. This will help relieve swelling.
  • Wash yourself. If it's time for sleep, then cold water will not work, although it relieves swelling quite effectively, as it helps to compress blood vessels.
  • Place your pillow higher. A higher position of the head during sleep will promote the outflow of fluid, which will remove swelling.

However, a woman is capable of bursting into tears at any moment. There are methods that will save you regardless of the time of day.

First aid for swollen eyelids

  • stop rubbing your eyes;
  • throw your head back;
  • apply cooling wipes with menthol;
  • always carry micellar water in your purse;
  • press on active points in the area of ​​the eyelid;
  • do eye exercises.

Massage and gymnastics

It would be good to do some exercises. Rotate your eyes in a circle, up and down, from right to left. Blink quickly. Impacts on the active centers will also help: light pressure on the middle point under the eyes, where the hard bone ends, then the same on inner corner visual organ and to the outside.

Then you need to rub your palms together vigorously until they become warm and close your eyes so as to completely immerse yourself in darkness and the warmth of your palms. This method has been practiced by yogis since ancient times. A finger shower is also good - a quick and light tapping of the fingers along the border between the bone and the lower eyelid.

Folk remedies

  • Fresh cucumber

It's wonderful and inexpensive cosmetic product. This vegetable can remove swelling from the eyes, refresh and moisturize the face as a whole. Apply thin slices of cucumber to the bags under the eyes. Naturally in supine position. The procedure lasts about fifteen minutes. Then you need to go over your entire face with cucumber for overall freshness. It is better to eat the rest of the vegetable, as it has diuretic properties.

  • Black tea

Regular tea is the simplest and known remedy to get rid of swelling. It is also widely used when bags appear under the eyes after a restless night. It is better to use black tea without additives or flavorings.

Soak cotton pads in the tea leaves and apply to each eye. You can fill gauze with tea leaves. The simplest thing is to apply lightly wrung out tea bags. This should be done while lying down. Well, in a different position the lotion simply won’t stay on the eyelids.

Relieves swelling and green tea, but in external use it is not as effective as black. It should be drunk in case of swelling. Including if they arose as a result of drinking alcohol in the evening.

  • Grated potatoes

A raw vegetable is also the first friend of a crying lady. Thanks to starch, ordinary potatoes will perfectly cope with swelling in a couple of minutes. True, it is better to rub the fruits, wrap them in gauze and apply them, but if you urgently need to put yourself in order, then just slices will do.

Any modern woman knows that there should always be ice cubes in the freezer. This an indispensable tool For quick removal swelling at home. You can also freeze clean water, and a decoction of herbs, and milk or whey. If after crying there are strong swellings, then you should apply ice cubes and hold them until they melt. Then wipe your entire face.

  • Dairy products

Kefir will also help hide traces of sobbing. The acid contained in this product will shrink irritated blood vessels and the accumulated liquid will go away. A cotton pad soaked in kefir is placed on each eye.

  • Egg white

It is the white without the yolk that is also suitable for removing traces of tears. In addition, it is an excellent remedy for wrinkles under the eyes. But here you need to make sure that the protein does not dry out and tighten the skin. Therefore, we wet our eyelids every two minutes. Micellar water is very suitable for this.

  • Herbal decoction compress

And again, a cotton pad or just pieces of cotton wool are moistened with herbal decoctions. Help here: chamomile, sage, birch leaf. Apply for 10-15 minutes. The last one listed gives results in the form of a drink. It has a mild diuretic effect and helps quickly.

Parsley and dill can also be used, and not only in the form of a decoction, but also in a crushed state, applying the paste to the eyes. Moreover, the effect will be stronger if you mix aromatic herbs with kefir or whey, honey or grated potatoes. They also act when taken orally, as they have a mild diuretic nature.

  • Chilled spoon

Place two teaspoons in the freezer for a couple of minutes. Apply to swelling and leave until the metal warms up. Repeat several times if necessary. This will definitely help.

Pharmaceutical products against puffiness around the eyes

Of course, these methods are good when you are at home and everything is at hand. But life hides surprises and not always pleasant ones. A stream of tears can find us anywhere. And in this case, products from the pharmacy will help. It wouldn't hurt to carry some of them in your purse all the time. For what? Yes, just in case.

  • Diuretics

Application medicines In no case should it become something that is used at a time when you want to cry. And once again: before you put a diuretic in your medicine cabinet, consult your doctor.

What pharmacies offer on this topic: the heaviest artillery is Furosemide. The drug has a stunning effect, so if the restroom is outside the easy access zone, then it is better to avoid it. "Bumetanide" is even stronger, but the effect is not so long-lasting. If you still use a diuretic from a pharmacy, it is better to have a mild effect. "Triamterene", "Amiloride".

  • Ointments and creams

For quick fix for bags under the eyes, “Relief” and “Proctoniz” are good. “Heparin ointment” and a number of others. To purchase, you should consult a pharmacist. It could be: "Troxevasin", "Lioton". The main thing here is to read the instructions carefully and not get too carried away. Any cosmetic cream for the skin around the eyes will do. It is possible to enhance its effect by adding a drop liquid vitamin E.

  • Drops

Visine is absolutely irreplaceable. One drop in each eye, and the blood vessels will shrink. Lightning effect.

  • Therapeutic plasters

Modern pharmaceuticals also offer a remedy that they were waiting for - a patch. It is much safer than pills and gives quick results. This is a product from the company “Green Mama”, and from “Luzero”, and others. The patches are created from plant extracts and have a gel base. They have a cosmetic effect and not only remove swelling, but also refresh and rejuvenate the skin around the eyes. Literally fifteen minutes and you can do your makeup.

Learning to cry correctly

Well last tip. If you can’t avoid tears, and this usually happens. Still cry wisely. After all, crying is the enemy of beauty.

  • Throw your head back

In this case, tears will flow through the outer corners and cause less damage, especially if the eyes are wearing makeup or, especially, eyelash extensions.

  • Put your face down

In the case when someone seems stupid to cry with their chin thrown back, then lower your head down on the contrary. Then the tears will flow down the eyelashes and irritate the eyes less.

  • Don't rub your eyelids

It is better to gently blot the liquid from the eyes with a handkerchief.

Some girls on the forums give another good advice:

It also happens that you have to take pictures after crying. And the eyes are swollen, roaring, the eyelids are peeling, there is redness all around. A woman absolutely cannot appear in this form in a photo. In this case, Photoshop helps a lot. It will quickly make your eyes look radiant and remove traces of swelling.

Tears are an inevitable part of life. That's why we're human, to cry from time to time. It's better when it comes from joy, but in any case it's brilliant natural mechanism protecting us from letting our emotional fuses go haywire.

If a woman likes to cry, then this is not a reason to constantly take sedatives. But a short-term hysteria can cause serious harm more harm How mental state, and appearance. Proven folk recipes will tell you how to restore a presentable appearance.

Classic way

First you need to make sure that there will be no repeat hysterics. After this, you can go to the restroom. Haven't come up with more yet effective method eliminate signs of crying than washing with cold water.

But running water may not always be at hand. Tearful women, knowing about their weakness, often prepare in advance. In their purse there will probably be a pack of tissues and wet wipes. It’s a good idea to have a soothing tonic in a mini package with you. All this will be useful both on the street and in public places.

If a woman has an impressive layer of makeup on her face, then everything will definitely have to be washed off. Smudges of mascara, smudged eye shadow and lipstick further aggravate the picture. If coping with tears is difficult, then you need to at least prepare in advance.

You can urgently eliminate swelling with cold. This could be cold water or any chilled object. You can even use a pocket mirror or compact. If you have ice or snow on hand, they will also come in handy. Only the ice is not left on the eyes, but lightly applied with quick movements.

If it is not possible to eliminate the swelling, then it can be simply hidden. To do this it is enough to use sunglasses, although in cloudy weather they will look ridiculous and will only attract attention.

Traditional methods for eliminating edema

Women who like to cry should have available means at home to quickly eliminate the consequences of hysteria. Traditional methods are also effective. Let's look at 8 effective methods:

  • frozen mineral water - we have already said that ice will help eliminate swelling, but it is better that it is not simple frozen water, but mineral water. These ice cubes will instantly tidy up your face, remove swelling, and make your skin fresh and rosy. It is advisable to rub the cube over your entire face, without lingering around the eyes, otherwise you may get stye;
  • Green tea compresses - it is best to use brewed tea bags, pre-chilled. You can wipe the bags all over your face, or you can leave them only on your eyes. After 5 minutes the swelling will decrease. If you don't have bagged tea, you can use chilled tea leaves. It is also used, after which it is washed with cool water;
  • Sage decoction also copes well with the consequences of crying. It is recommended to combine lotions with sage decoction with contrasting procedures. You can pour the broth into two containers: heat one and cool the other. Wetting the cotton pad alternately in cold and hot liquid, treat the skin of the face;
  • Grated cucumber is a great way to remove bags under the eyes, relieve redness and eliminate other effects of crying. Suitable as fresh cucumber, both grated and frozen. True, you can’t keep the cold pulp in front of your eyes for a long time, but you can leave a fresh cucumber for 10-15 minutes. It's good if you can borrow horizontal position, in this case the swelling will go away faster;
  • Milk compress – just soak cotton pads in cool milk and apply to your eyes for 5-10 minutes. After the procedure, you need to wash your face with cold water and lubricate your face with nourishing cream;
  • potato mask - there is no better remedy to combat swelling than potatoes. Moreover, both boiled and raw root vegetable. In the first case, they make something like a puree and apply a warm paste to the eyes. In the second, they grate the potatoes and, after draining the excess liquid, apply the pulp to the eyelids. This is the most effective way to relieve swelling after crying in a short time. It is useful to wash your face with a decoction of chamomile or sage after the procedure;
  • mint decoction – eliminates swelling. For 250 ml of water, take a tablespoon of fresh or dry leaves, previously crushed. Simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Soak a cotton pad in the cooled broth and apply it to the eyes. Can be used fresh leaves mint to eliminate swelling. To do this, the greens are rubbed with your fingers and the pulp is applied to the swollen eyelids. After 5-10 minutes, wash off with cool water and apply cream;
  • parsley gruel - fresh greens are ground in a blender until pureed, you can add a little kefir or sour cream if the parsley is not too juicy. The resulting slurry is applied to the eyelids and left for half an hour. After the procedure, wash your face with chamomile decoction.

Palpation will help improve the condition of the eyelids. It is enough to close your eyes and lightly tap the pads with your fingertips. lower eyelid within 5 minutes. Combining this massage with cooling procedures can quickly eliminate swelling.

Learning to cry correctly

Is it possible to avoid the unpleasant consequences of hysteria in the form of redness of the face and bags under the eyes? Yes, if you learn to cry correctly. No matter how funny or ridiculous it may sound, a girl should learn this skill, especially if she is sentimental and tearful.

First of all, you should not rub your eyes while crying. This not only spoils the appearance, but also poses a risk of infection.. Second important point: You should not lower your face while crying. This will avoid smudging of makeup and prevent severe swelling of the face. Salty tears are irritating to the skin, especially if there are a lot of tears. Therefore, it is worth blotting your tears in time so that they do not flow down your cheeks and face.

In general, before you want to cry, you need to remember the consequences of hysteria. Moreover, we are talking not only about the loss of a presentable appearance, but also about one’s own psycho-emotional state. Hysterics are generally bad for your health, so you shouldn’t abuse them. If you really want to cry, then you need to think about something good. Women often cry during quarrels with men. In order not to bring joy to the offender and not to show your tears, you can try to imagine the offender in an absurd and funny way, then you will quickly stop crying and you will be able to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of a runny nose, swelling and redness of the face.

Women are famous for their ability to quickly switch from one problem to another. If it is not possible to stop the tears, you should try to shift your attention to another topic. Within 5 minutes the problem will be solved and the flow of tears will be stopped. However, sometimes representatives of the fair sex consciously use their tears to achieve their goal. Tears have a strange effect on men, forcing them to make concessions and fulfill almost any demands. No one will take away the weapon given by nature from a woman, but you need to learn to use it skillfully so as not to lead to unpleasant consequences. A languidly sobbing young lady with droplets of tears in her eyes is capable of touching a man, and not a swollen woman with red eyelids.