Prunes for constipation: rules for taking, principle of action, contraindications. Treatment of constipation with prunes Folk recipe with prunes for constipation

Both adults and children sometimes suffer from an unpleasant phenomenon - constipation. Compliance with a certain diet, proper nutrition, the required amount of water and other factors can resist such a manifestation.

But if constipation has already set in, then it needs to be treated. You should not immediately pick up a strong drug, for starters, you should turn to folk remedies, for example, use prunes for constipation.

This method has long been familiar and is still popular and effective.

What does dried prunes contain

The recipe for the difficult process of processing prunes does not deprive them of their benefits; all the beneficial substances that fresh plums are endowed with are preserved without exception.

The main elements of such a product are:

Therefore, we can conclude that eating healthy prunes will be appropriate for everyone. Even dried fruit compote is useful, any child and even a baby after 3 months of age can use it.

Operating principle

Prunes for constipation have several positive effects on the human intestine.

  1. Improved bile secretion. Bile, in turn, maintains the moisture content of the feces, improves intestinal motility, thanks to which the feces are removed without accumulating in the large intestine, a fairly effective way to overcome constipation.
  2. Softening of feces. The fiber, which dried fruit has, helps to deliver liquid to stagnant feces, thereby the masses become softer, comfortably exit the body.
  3. Stabilization of the intestinal microflora. It is important to eat the product on an empty stomach.
  4. An obstacle to the development of pathogenic bacteria.
  5. Maintaining a normal balance of beneficial bacteria, this property has a positive effect on stopping and preventing the spread of inflammation in the intestines.
  6. Restoration of damaged intestinal walls. During the passage of solid feces, damage to the walls can occur, prunes fight this problem quickly enough.

Contraindications for use

Everything has its contraindications. The use of prunes is not possible for all people.

It is contraindicated in such cases:

If contraindications are not observed, the human body becomes at serious risk. Consultation with a specialist before using prunes for symptoms of constipation is required. Only a doctor, for specific indications, can allow or prohibit the use of dried fruit.

Which is better, dried or smoked prunes

Scientists have proven that any smoked product is saturated with carcinogens. The advantage of smoked prunes is that it is stored many times longer, but in terms of its useful features it is inferior to the dried and dried version. To distinguish a quality dried fruit from a smoked one, you need to run it along the back of your hand. If there are no dark traces left, then this product is not smoked. Pregnancy is not a contraindication to the use of dried prunes for prolonged constipation.

How much can you eat per day

To overcome constipation per day, it is necessary to take no more than 15-20 fruits, while it is recommended to drink them with curdled milk or kefir. Soured milk will work too. As an addition, dried apricots can also be used, the combination of these products will help overcome the sore problem. Figs can also replace dried apricots.

How to give prunes to a child (baby)

It is impossible to feed an infant with prunes until they reach 3 months of age. Then you can use the product in the diet. It has a good laxative effect on the intestines of the baby.

Constipation can torment a child at 3-5 months, especially if he is fully or partially bottle-fed. Before using a folk remedy, it is important to hear what the pediatrician will advise. It takes into account age, weight, height and possible diseases. Prunes do not cause allergic reactions, however, the introduction of the product into the diet, even as a laxative therapy, should be done carefully, starting literally with a milliliter per day.

It is better to eat full-fledged prunes for constipation after six months. You should start with 1 tsp. puree per day, then gradually increasing the amount of the product. Such a peculiar fruit dish will not harm the baby, but rather replenish his diet with a healthy product. You can continue to brew the decoction, pour dried fruits with boiling water. When the child is already over a year old, you can give him a whole prunes, first remove the bone from the fruit and steam it.

A decoction of prunes for constipation: cooking methods and recipes

There are many different ways to use this dried fruit. One of them is a decoction of prunes for constipation. It should be noted that it is this option that in most cases turns out to be effective and helps to cope with the problem, because useful components are preserved in such a decoction, and besides, it is very pleasant to taste.

Compote, decoction, infusion

You can make compote, and such a drink is suitable both for eliminating the problem of constipation, and as a pleasant refreshment.

This will require the following ingredients:

Pour boiling water over all dried fruits, wait 2-3 minutes, drain and rinse. Transfer to a saucepan, cut a lemon, an apple. Add sugar and simmer for 30 minutes over low heat. Infuse the drink for several hours.

You need to drink compote twice a day, 200 ml on an empty stomach.

You can also prepare a healthy decoction, for this you will need:

  • prunes - 200 g;
  • water - 500 ml.

Rinse the prunes, pour the fruit with boiling water, boil for 15 minutes after boiling. Cool and drink 200 ml before bedtime. Also, for a better effect, you can add oats to the components. Such a decoction of prunes for constipation will help to overcome the piquant problem as quickly as possible.

They also prepare an infusion from prunes, which has an excellent laxative effect.

It consists of:

  • prunes - 300 g;
  • senna - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • boiling water - 700 ml.

Finely chop the prunes, pour into boiling water, add senna, leave for 5 hours. Filter. Use 5-6 tsp. every hour until the effect comes and the problem of constipation is solved. This decoction of dried prunes for constipation will definitely favorably contribute to the relief and release of the intestines.

Prunes with kefir

You can cleanse the intestines by eating kefir along with prunes. In order to prepare this composition, you need to pour a few dried fruits into 200 ml of kefir, mix and leave for 30 minutes to swell. Then use it as breakfast. After 2 hours, you can easily go to the toilet without effort. This method is convenient in that it can serve as a nutritious breakfast, especially if you add cereal. Yes, you can eat as much as you like.

Constipation mixture: dried apricots, prunes, figs

Each berry in the following recipe has unique qualities for constipation. In addition, they are very tasty, both individually and in combination.

To prepare such a variant of a useful remedy, you will need:

  • dried apricots - 50 g;
  • prunes - 50 g;
  • figs - 50 g;
  • natural honey - 500 ml.

Melt honey in a water bath, add chopped fruits, wrap the composition in warm, leave for 8 hours. You need to use a delicious “medicine” 4 times a day 30 minutes before a meal, 2 tsp each.

You can prepare such a mixture without honey, especially if you are allergic to the product. Then all the components are finely chopped, mixed and taken in 1 tsp. before bedtime.

We can say that a decoction of prunes from prolonged constipation has anti-inflammatory properties. It is good to use even when difficulties with going to the toilet torment a long period of time. No less effective are compotes, infusions and simply eating dried fruits.

How to soak prunes

How to soak prunes.

Now it's not a problem to buy soft, ready-to-eat prunes, but the method was worked out in those days when all prunes were sold with stones, and even petrified dried. Today I discovered that prunes, quite edible in January, have dried up, not to death, but you will not immediately chew them. I had to remember what I did in previous times.

It is necessary: ​​wash the prunes, as usual, but in hot water, drain all the water, pour boiling water over the prunes, so that it is slightly covered, let it stand for half an hour or an hour, it will soften slightly on the outside, but there will be more inside. Drain the rest of the water (you can drink it or add it to the stew), and put the prunes in the refrigerator. Important: soak prunes in a resealable container, very convenient in a glass jar with a lid.

The next day, check, it has reached, it has not reached the desired softness, you may have to rinse it again with fresh boiling water, so that a little boiling water remains in the jar, close it and put it back in the refrigerator. The exact time cannot be named, since everything depends on the initial state of the prunes.

But in the end, prunes should equalize in moisture-softness through and through, an excessively soaked outer layer will give excess moisture to the insides. The main thing is not to pour water, otherwise you will get prunes puree.

It is delicious on its own, you can add it to hot and cold dishes: to the same beets with nuts, to stewed potatoes or meat ....

But prunes were needed in the form of individual berries.


  • prunes

    girls, and if prunes pour boiling water and let stand (DO NOT boil), can you give the baby and when is it better in the morning or how can it be brewed ??

  • Prunes

    Let me start off by saying that I don't like prunes. But I decided to give my goat. So today I gave her Gerber prune puree for breakfast, and then I barely took it from her. Diana ate half a jar and didn't...

  • Prunes to him!!!

    Emanavrottttt! Crap! I galloped for prunes to make my daughter feel better. And, after all, a pharmacy with glycerin suppositories was closer ... But I'm not looking for easy ways! They came and started eating. Daughter didn't like it. But I had a goal to feed...

  • girls heard from constipation they give water from prunes to babies ... share how to do it? boil prunes? in what proportions? and what else helps? what medicines? like dyuFALAK THAT'S CALLED? we are 1.5 months old....thanks in advance!

  • Prunes during pregnancy)))

    Girls) prunes turn out to be a very awesome thing))) read) here are some interesting tips .... Prunes have no contraindications for use during pregnancy. At the same time, it contains a large number of useful substances that are very important for future ...

  • Cake "prunes in chocolate"

    Wow, what an easy cake. Made it for the first time, haven't tasted it yet. I made a recipe in a slow cooker: Cake "Prunes in chocolate" Ingredients: Cakes: ● 1 can of condensed milk ● 2 eggs ● 3 tablespoons of cocoa ● 1 cup flour ● 1 ...


    150-200 gr. prunes 50 gr. dried apricots 50 gr. raisins 50 gr walnuts 1 tbsp. spoon of honey 2-3 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice 100 gr. dark chocolate Grind dried fruits and nuts in a meat grinder, add honey ...

Prunes for constipation: the best recipes

One of the easiest ways to get rid of constipation is to eat fruit in its pure form. All you need is to eat a few fresh fruits or figs with plenty of water. But, such a measure will only help if constipation is a one-time occurrence.

If constipation torments for a long time, then it is better to prepare a special “potion” of fruit, since in its pure form prunes are heavy food, which takes a lot of time to process, and therefore, the treatment itself in this way can take a certain amount of time.

To solve the problem of constipation quickly, it is best to know several recipes for prunes for constipation, as well as a technique for how to properly brew, eat or use the fruit for medicinal purposes.

Infusion of prunes

100 grams of dry prunes should be poured with a glass of hot water, the container with liquid and berries should be tightly sealed, and wrapped in warm material. After 60 minutes, you need to drink the resulting broth, while it does not need to be filtered, and those berries that remain at the bottom should simply be eaten. In this recipe, it is important that all 60 minutes while the berries are steaming, they remain warm, if the drink becomes cold, it loses its properties, so if necessary, 60 minutes of steaming can be reduced to 30 minutes.

Prune decoction for constipation

0.1 kg of prunes should be crushed in any convenient way and mixed with the same amount of oatmeal. Pour the ingredients with 200 milliliters of water, put the mixture on a small fire and boil for 20 minutes, no more. Ready broth should be taken up to four times a day, one glass. After the last glass of broth drunk, you can eat the berries themselves.

Prunes and senna

Prunes for constipation can also be cooked with hay grass, for a greater effect. To do this, mix 100 grams of fruit chopped in any way with 50 grams of senna and pour half a liter of boiling water over the mixture. Next, the mixture must be tightly closed and left for two hours. After preparing the remedy, it must be taken in an amount of 50 grams every 60 minutes until a bowel movement occurs.

Compote of prunes and dried apricots

Prunes are used as a laxative, if you make compote from it by adding dried apricots. A handful of dried fruits should be poured with boiling water and infused for 20 minutes, then drink the liquid and eat the dried fruits. There is an alternative to this method, it is a compote of prunes for constipation, which is prepared as the most ordinary drink, but without the addition of sugar.

Prunes for constipation during pregnancy

Pregnant women, due to the constant restructuring of the body, associated with changes in hormonal levels, often suffer from difficult defecation. In their position, it is highly recommended not to take medicines, so prunes will be the salvation from constipation for them, which not only eliminates the problem, but also saturates the body with useful substances.

To eliminate constipation, it is enough for a future mother to simply eat prunes or figs and drink it with kefir, because kefir not only has a laxative effect, but also improves the intestinal microflora. Kefir with prunes act quickly enough and do not harm the health of the baby. This will help not only correct the situation as soon as possible, but also prevent the problem from recurring if you follow this recipe daily.

Advice! If the child is bottle-fed, then recipes for prunes for constipation are not contraindicated for him. Also, if the child is breastfed and suffers from constipation, then mothers should include prunes in their diet.

What are the benefits of prunes

The benefits of prunes lie not only in the fact that it helps to normalize the stool, but also in the fact that prunes can also be used to cleanse the intestines. After all, it is often the slags and toxins that accumulate there that lead to the fact that a person has constipation.
Prunes contribute to the fact that a person suffering from constipation can not only go to the toilet, but also do it painlessly.

The benefits of prunes, as an assistant for constipation, are as follows:

1. Pleasant taste and smell, preservation of all disease properties even when dried.
2. Abundant fiber content.
3. Normalization of the digestive tract;
4. Unlike medicines, it does not affect performance.
5. Can be used during the period of immensity and lactation;
6. Gives the body nutrients and energy.

Do prunes help with constipation? Yes, if you cook it according to recipes, take the funds received correctly. But, it is important to consider that the abuse of this product can turn into the opposite effect of constipation, that is, diarrhea. Therefore, in the treatment of constipation, it is necessary to observe the proportions indicated in the recipes, and also take into account the individual characteristics of the organism. If you are allergic to prunes, then, of course, it is better to find some kind of traditional medicine.

Delayed defecation is constipation, insufficient bowel movement. Almost everyone has experienced this disease, so you should always monitor your diet and lifestyle. And if something has already gone wrong, introducing prunes into your usual diet will help to cope with the problem. It is suitable for both children and adults, it is used for stool retention and for prevention purposes. In this article, you can learn more about the beneficial properties of dried fruit, about who and how to use it, and who should refrain from it.

Dried fruit composition

Prunes are dried plums. With proper production and storage, it acquires an interesting taste, structure, retains an overwhelming number of useful vitamins and minerals.

The fruit contains:

  • Vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folacin, retinol, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, vitamin K;
  • Minerals: sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium;
  • Acids: oxalic, citric, malic, salicylic;
  • Cellulose;
  • Fructose, sucrose, glucose;
  • Antioxidants;
  • Nitrogenous, tannic, pectin substances.


Prunes are a high-calorie product, 100 grams of fresh dried fruit contains 231 kcal; stewed - 113 kcal; and the smallest volume is contained in canned - 105 kcal.

Overweight people are not recommended to abuse the berry.


Due to the content of abundant fiber and the presence of mild laxatives, dried plum is effective and helps to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, that is, to cope with constipation. It is also in demand during diets, because in moderation it speeds up the metabolism and removes toxins from the body. The potassium present in the composition has a diuretic and choleretic effect, and the presence of polyphenols improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and normalizes blood pressure.

The presence of vitamins B9 and B1 has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system, helps the body fight stress and anxiety. Due to the antioxidants contained in the fruit, it improves the immune system and increases the body's resistance against environmentally hazardous influences. Dried fruit has a high degree of absorption of free radicals, this property helps protect body cells from destruction, which has a rejuvenating effect and can be a prevention against cancer.

The benefits of prunes are very useful during periods of beriberi, it compensates for the lack of minerals and vitamins. And the volume of energy value helps to restore the reserve of forces.

Prunes for pregnant women and babies

Delayed bowel movements during pregnancy are quite common. The reason is a change in the hormonal background, diet, decreased physical activity of the pregnant woman and the fetus, which can compress the intestines. While carrying a child, women are afraid to take the usual laxative, and some medications during pregnancy are completely contraindicated. In this situation, the most effective way to combat constipation is dried plums.

The berry is also relevant for fecal retention in newborns who are breastfed. The treatment is as follows: the baby's mother eats a dried plum, and the child receives the necessary substances with breast milk. If the baby is already months old, after the approval of the pediatrician, decoctions and mashed prunes are gradually introduced into the child's diet. They will help normalize the stool and relieve pain during bowel movements.

But with prunes you need to know the measure. Eating it in large quantities can lead to allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes and an increase in sugar levels in the body.

Pregnant women have certain indications for its use:

  • Fear of straining during bowel movements.
  • Hormonal imbalances leading to a decrease in uterine tone.
  • Intestinal displacement during fetal growth.
  • Disrupted diet.

Prunes contraindications for babies

It is allowed to give dried fruit to a newborn from three months. It is necessary to make sure that it does not pose a danger to the child, and the baby does not have problems in the form of diabetes or allergies. The fetus is also contraindicated in children with a low level of hemoglobin in the blood, so the first step is to contact a specialist who will assess the child's health and tell you what to do.

How to choose prunes

A good dried fruit for babies should be fresh, matte black, leave no traces. The taste is sweet, with a slight aftertaste of sourness, without bitterness. The texture is firm and not hard. To finally make sure that the fruit is natural and of good quality, you need to leave it in boiled water for half an hour. If the prunes do not turn white in places, this will indicate a thermal or chemical treatment of the fruit.

Methods for preparing dried fruit for newborns

Prunes recipes are simple and any parent can cook them. The simplest:

  1. Decoction. Ingredients: 10 pieces of prunes, 200 ml of water. Clean and washed dried fruits are poured with cold water, brought to a boil and left to cool. Drink on an empty stomach.
  2. Infusion. The ingredients and their volume are the same. Brew water, wash the berries, pour boiling water over them and cover with a lid. Brew at least a couple of hours or leave overnight.
  3. Puree. Ingredients: 3 pieces of prunes, 10 g of sugar, 150 ml of water. The berries are thoroughly washed, the bones are removed, and the rest is soaked in hot water for two hours. After that, the water is changed, and the berries are set to boil for another 20 minutes. Next, the skin is removed, and the pulp is whipped with a blender or passed through a sieve. In puree, you can pour water from cooking berries. Add sugar to taste.

By consuming the fetus in any of the types, the baby will receive vitamins and necessary substances, which is very useful for the intestines. But do not forget - first of all, the berry is used as a laxative, it should not be abused.

The use of prunes by adults

The daily norm of dried fruit is individual, on average it is 5-10 pieces. After eating 3-4 pieces at first and not noticing negative consequences, gradually increase the rate. Specifically, in the case of constipation, you need to eat 15-20 pieces. In addition to eating the fruit fresh, it can be steamed or served with a dish.

However, now three other ways to quickly and tasty prepare dried plums will be provided:

  1. With kefir. Ingredients: 8 pieces of prunes, 1 glass of fat-free kefir. The dried fruit is washed, the bones are removed, the pulp is crushed with a blender and mixed with kefir. Drink the resulting drink should be before bedtime, it will work in the morning. The recipe is also a diuretic.
  2. With honey. The berries are washed, the bones are removed, soaked in water for a couple of hours, crushed in a blender. Add honey to taste. Use the mixture in the morning and on an empty stomach, one spoonful.
  3. Compote. Ingredients: 50 g dried apricots, 100 g prunes, 1/2 cup sugar, 3 cups water. Rinse the berries thoroughly, stir sugar in a saucepan with water, add prunes and leave to cook over low heat for 15 minutes. At the end, dried apricots with raisins are added, and the drink is brewed for another 5-10 minutes. Drink a couple of times a day on an empty stomach.

Advantages, disadvantages and contraindications of prunes

The beneficial properties of the product have already been mentioned, but prunes also have a lot of advantages over drug treatment of constipation.

List of predominant properties:

  • There are no side effects in the form of a breakdown.
  • Nutritious and tastes good.
  • Not contraindicated in pregnant women and children.
  • Contains fiber.
  • After eliminating constipation, it further improves the processing of food by the body.

When neither properly consumed fruit nor medicines help against constipation, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

If there is even such a useful product in large volume, this can lead to problems.

List of complications:

  • The high calorie content of the fetus threatens with weight gain, which is contraindicated for obese people.
  • The berry increases the level of sugar in the blood, which is contraindicated for diabetics.
  • The occurrence of diarrhea.
  • Increasing gas formation.
  • Allergic reaction.

Even after the normalization of the stool, prunes from constipation for the purpose of prevention will still not be superfluous. After all, it is better to prevent a problem than to spend a lot of time and effort on its elimination.

What is prunes? Is it really that healing? Prunes weaken or strengthen? Is it useful for pregnant women? What about children? Such a large number of questions is not accidental.
There are legends about prunes among the people. He is credited with miraculous healing properties: he is able to restore youth, beauty and harmony. And they also say that he is cunning, if you trust him without looking back.

How to cook prunes

The best prunes are obtained from plums of the Hungarian Italian variety. Variety Hungarian homemade is also very good for getting prunes. Other varieties may also be used. Plum fruits must go through several stages of processing.

  • Well-ripened berries are selected (at least 10% sugar, not more than 1.2% acid).
  • Treated with boiling water to remove plaque - this will facilitate the drying process.
  • Cool with water (preferably running water).
  • Then they are dried in special devices for about 36 hours, adjusting the temperature from 80 to 60 degrees.
  • Then cool.
  • After that they are sorted.
  • Place in boiling water for 1.5-2 minutes.
  • Treated with glycerin (the ratio of glycerin and fruits should not exceed the norm).

After such processing, prunes of the first, second or third grade are obtained. It is soft, sweet and sour in taste, black in color.
If at least one of the characteristics does not match the description, then the plum processing technology has been violated, and the resulting product cannot be called prunes. Surprising but true! Real prunes have a unique taste. It is simply impossible to confuse its taste with another product.

Composition of prunes

It is surprising that, having gone through such a difficult path of processing, prunes retain in their composition the same useful substances that a plum hanging on a tree branch has. Organic acids, sugars, vegetable fiber are the main chemical elements in the composition of prunes. And also it is not deprived of vitamins, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron.

The benefits of prunes

Due to the high content of minerals and vitamins, the benefits of prunes for the body are very noticeable. The composition of this dried fruit determines the range of diseases in which its regular use is desirable. Prunes are recommended for cardiovascular diseases in the early stages, to normalize blood pressure, metabolism, and eliminate the problem of inflammation of the gums. At the same time, it has bactericidal properties. Prunes tones up, restores efficiency, improves the functioning of many organs, increases the body's ability to resist various diseases. There is a bold claim that this product, being a powerful antioxidant, helps to cope even with cancer. Therefore, the regular use of prunes in the diet is recommended for people living in ecologically unfavorable areas.

To replenish the content of minerals and vitamins in the body, it is enough to consume 5-6 berries of this dried fruit daily. The use of prunes during periods of vitamin deficiency is especially recommended.

Prunes weaken or strengthen: find out

Prunes have received the greatest popularity in folk medicine as a laxative. For these purposes, it can be consumed in its natural form or made a decoction. It is prepared very simply: prunes are poured with boiling water, let it brew for 10-12 hours. Such a decoction is used as needed, the berries are also used for food. "Health candy" is another way to get rid of constipation. To prepare them, you will need 4 prunes, 4 figs and one teaspoon of coriander. Grind the fruits, mix with coriander, divide into equal portions (one teaspoon each), place in the refrigerator. One such candy will relieve even the most severe constipation. Relief will come in two hours.

Science also proved the laxative properties of prunes, conducting clinical studies of the product in 2011. It has been proven that these berries are able to soften the stool, acting as a mild laxative. Therefore, doctors in some countries officially prescribe prunes to patients to eliminate this delicate problem.

Among the people, there is another advice for including this product in the diet. It turns out that the use of prunes compote can produce not a laxative, but an astringent effect on the body.

So prunes weaken or strengthen? Speaking about this product, they often joke: "It weakens the chair, and strengthens the body."

Prunes and slim figure

The opinions of experts on the positive effect of this product on body weight are very contradictory. It is worth noting that prunes are a high-calorie product. One hundred grams of it give the body 231 kcal. Dehydrated (dried) product will give you 339 kcal. Stewed prunes contain 113 kcal, and canned prunes contain 105 kcal. These data allow us to conclude that the benefits of prunes for weight loss are small. This product does not have a direct effect on the slimness of the figure, but its indirect participation in the weight loss program is quite acceptable.
So, for example, prunes can be used as a snack product (sometimes consumed with kefir), resulting in getting rid of hunger for a while. Eating five prunes before meals reduces appetite, and this affects the amount of food consumed during lunch. It is a misconception that the laxative properties of prunes will help you lose weight, but it is quite possible to reduce the tummy that can result from irregular stools.

Particular interest in prunes as a product that affects the harmony of the figure appeared in the eighties after special studies. It has been proven that this dried fruit is an excellent antidepressant, so for a person who decides to go on a diet (any) 1-2 prunes per day will be very useful for improving the functioning of the nervous system and improving mood. In addition, our product is an excellent substitute for sweets. Many popular weight loss recipes include prunes. There are different opinions about its ability to reduce weight, but all experts agree on one thing: prunes can easily add to the list of healthy foods.

The use of prunes during pregnancy

With the onset of pregnancy, expectant mothers have to revise their diet. Some of the foods they are accustomed to fall into the category of prohibited, and some dishes are highly recommended for consumption. After all, everything that a woman receives with food, the baby also receives. In what category is our dried fruit? All experts unequivocally refer it to the category of recommended products, since the benefits of prunes during pregnancy are obvious.

One of the common problems of a woman in position is the weakening of the protective functions of the oral cavity. There is bleeding gums, the possibility of developing caries, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. Frequent use of prunes will help in eliminating problems with gums and teeth.

With these fruits, a sufficient amount of potassium enters the body, which ensures the smooth functioning of the kidneys. And this is important for mom and baby.

If you brew prunes with black tea and drink this drink, you can avoid problems with blood pressure, which is also one of the hardships of pregnant women.

Many expectant mothers suffer from constipation. The best way to eliminate this trouble is prunes, since the use of drugs for pregnant women is undesirable.

Perhaps the only drawback of our product is that it is high in calories. Excessive consumption of berries will lead to excessive weight gain, which is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Prunes and appearance

There are also positive reviews about the cosmetic properties of prunes. It is able to significantly improve the condition of the skin, appearance, when using prunes, the body is rejuvenated.


Given the beneficial properties of prunes (dried) and its unique taste, this product is used to prepare a huge number of treats: salads, snacks, drinks, second and first courses.
In the preparation of desserts, prunes also take their rightful place. Together with this product, cream, nuts, kefir are often used. But especially prunes made friends with meat. If you add prune extract to the meat, you can keep it fresh, while the dried fruit will not change the taste of the main product.

Using these dried fruits, you can improve the taste of familiar dishes, such as cereals, salads.

Prunes and traditional medicine recipes

For hundreds of years of using prunes as a healing agent, some of the recipes have gained real recognition among the people. They give advice on how to eat prunes to improve health. For example, after severe infectious diseases, it is recommended to use a dried fruit compote cocktail with a high content of prunes. A very common recipe for biological tonic. To prepare it, you need to take in equal parts chopped prunes (the beneficial properties and contraindications of which have long been studied), raisins, dried apricots, walnuts. Mix everything with honey and consume daily in the morning and evening, one teaspoon.

Contraindications to the use of prunes

With all the positive characteristics of the product, you still need to pay attention to some negative points that may result from excessive consumption of prunes.

There may be cases of individual intolerance to this product, so precautions are necessary when using it in food.

Prunes are a high-calorie product, so its excessive consumption in case of obesity is contraindicated.

So, we figured out the questions: “What is the benefit of prunes, weakens or strengthens this product, who can and who can’t include it in the diet?”

Every person who is faced with a violation of the stool in the form of constipation will want to know all the methods for its elimination. Dried apricots can help a lot with this. This product has a rich composition, which contains many useful substances.

How does dried apricots help with constipation? Mechanism of action

Dried apricots normalize digestion

To eliminate constipation, fiber should be included in your menu, since its lack negatively affects the digestion of food. Dried apricots, in turn, have enough of this substance in their composition.

When it enters the human body, fiber is not absorbed like other food, it moves through the intestines to the rectum, where it softens the stool, improves peristalsis. Due to the fact that fiber absorbs fluid along the path from the stomach to the intestines, there is a mild relief without pain.

Also, dried apricots contribute to the normal absorption of fluid, due to the violation of which constipation appears in a chronic form.

Dried apricots help with constipation

Dried apricots help normalize the digestive tract with constipation. It can be used in conjunction with other dried fruits.

If you include this useful product in your diet every day, you can forever forget about problems with bowel movements.

The effectiveness of dried apricots has been tested and proven. Many people suffering from constipation have been satisfied with dried apricot therapy due to its taste and nutritional qualities.

The action of dried apricots for constipation is mild. The product contributes to the active work of the intestines, which is an important condition for eliminating the pathology in question.

The main advantage of this product is a small number of contraindications. Dried apricots can be used by children from one year of age, as well as by women during pregnancy.

Useful properties of dried apricots

The product in question is a real storehouse of useful substances. It contains B vitamins, iron, copper, ascorbic acid, manganese. The use of dried apricots helps the entire body to function normally. To normalize the stool, it is enough to eat only 150 g of dried fruit per day. For constipation, this product should be consumed at dinner or before bed.

Only 100 g of dried apricots will help to fill the daily need for potassium (by 50%), vitamins A and E (by 35%), magnesium (by 25%), vitamin PP, phosphorus, iron, calcium (by 15%). With the systematic use of this product, digestion is normalized, the immune system is strengthened, puffiness disappears.

Dried apricot can be used as a prophylaxis of anemia, anemia. It helps to strengthen the muscular and cardiac systems. People who regularly eat the dried fruit in question not only get rid of constipation, but also from a breakdown, restless sleep, and a systematic change in mood.

Dried apricots are pleasant to the taste, contain a large amount of sucrose, glucose.

Dried apricots contain many useful substances

Contraindications to the use of dried apricots

Despite the fact that dried apricots have a huge number of positive properties, apricots and other fruits, including dried ones, are strictly not recommended for some people. Contraindications include the following:

  • individual intolerance to fruits, dried fruits and components contained in their composition;
  • obesity;
  • any kind of food allergy or tendency to it;
  • acute indigestion.

Only if contraindications are observed, it is possible to carry out therapy with dried apricots without fear.

Dried fruits and berries retain their unique healing properties, including prunes. The composition of the fruit includes useful substances and trace elements that are necessary for the normal life of each person. In addition, dried fruits also have a laxative effect. That is why it is recommended to take prunes in moderation for constipation.

Prunes contain substances that have a positive effect on bowel function. That is why after eating a few berries, there is an improvement in the digestive system. Fiber, which is part of the plum, stimulates the smooth muscles of the intestines, dilutes the stool and removes them naturally. Regular consumption of dried fruits allows you to speed up the natural processes of defecation. Both kids and adults can regularly consume prunes as a laxative in moderation. The main thing is not to exceed the recommended dose to avoid side effects such as diarrhea.

Beneficial features

Among the main features and advantages of prunes, it is worth highlighting the main ones:

  • Vitamins A and B have a positive effect on the protective functions of the body. Immunity and vision improve, hair and skin are restored, brain activity is stimulated. The body is filled with vitality and energy, which allows it to better fight pathogenic viruses and bacteria.
  • Iron prevents the development of anemia and improves blood circulation.
  • Potassium, which is part of dried fruits, allows you to normalize stools and improve the functioning of the digestive system.
  • A large amount of fiber makes prunes effective for constipation. Fiber speeds up the natural processes of defecation.
  • Overweight people are advised to use prunes, which have a laxative effect. Regular consumption of dried fruits allows you to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, burn excess body fat.
  • There is a decrease in the level of pathogenic microflora in the intestine, which leads to various problems.
  • Dried fruits have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system due to the high content of potassium and sodium.
  • Regular consumption of plums helps to normalize blood pressure and lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • The fruit fills the body with useful vitamins and minerals that are necessary for normal human life.

This raises the question: how long does the dried fruit act in the human body? A laxative effect is observed within a few hours after eating prunes. At the same time, it is recommended to eat several berries daily to prevent constipation and normalize the digestive system.

How to check the quality of prunes

It is very important to choose a quality remedy for constipation in order to get the maximum benefit for the body. You can check dried fruit for quality at home. To do this, simply soak the prunes in water for a few minutes. If the product is of high quality, then the water should get a dark shade. Otherwise, if the water remains clear, then the dried fruits were treated with chemical solutions.

How to choose prunes

To choose the right quality and fresh prunes for constipation, we adhere to the following recommendations:

  • First of all, the berries should have a beautiful black tint without visible defects. If the dried fruits are brown, then this indicates that they were washed with hot water.
  • Next, pay attention to the surface of the plum, which should be matte. If there is shine, then dried fruits were treated with glycerin. In this case, before eating, the fruit must be thoroughly washed and soaked in water.
  • To the touch, the berries should be soft and elastic. Prunes should be juicy, not dry.
  • The taste of quality fruit is sweet-sour without bitterness.
  • It is best to choose dried fruits with a stone, which have more benefits for the body.

Signs of quality prunes

So, the signs of a quality product are a beautiful matte surface, a uniform black shade of berries, elasticity and juiciness to the touch. Prunes after soaking should paint over the water in a black tint. The taste is delicate, sweet with sourness.

Which is better prunes: dried or smoked

It all depends on what dried fruits are for. For the treatment and prevention of constipation, it is best to choose dried prunes, which are characterized by a pronounced laxative effect. Smoked prunes will have a characteristic bitter taste and smell. Therefore, it is better to taste and smell one berry before buying.


  • If allergic reactions to dried fruits occur. This happens very rarely, but it can happen in children.
  • When breastfeeding, prunes should be consumed carefully and only after consulting a doctor. Side effects include indigestion and diarrhea.
  • Fruits have a high sugar content, so they are not suitable for diabetics.
  • People who are prone to high blood pressure should also not eat dried fruits.

In case of any doubt, it is better to consult a specialist in order to avoid health problems in the future.

How much to use

To prevent constipation, you can eat four prunes daily. To accelerate the natural processes of defecation, you can double the daily dose. With a laxative effect, it is recommended to reduce the dose or stop treatment. In addition, on the basis of dried fruits, you can prepare compotes, decoctions, yogurts, salads and other delicious dishes.


Also, children can prepare mashed potatoes based on prunes. To do this, steam a few berries and grind them with a blender. Give one small spoon a day. The main thing is to monitor the reaction of the child's body. At the first negative symptoms, it is recommended to stop treatment immediately.

Vitamin salads based on various dried fruits and honey are also useful for children if there are no allergic reactions. You can make natural yogurt with the addition of berries at home, cook jelly and broth. The main thing is to start with small doses, for example, one berry a day, and monitor the child's health.


Compared to children, adults can increase the daily dose of prunes. Of course, do not forget about the side effects. For the prevention of digestive disorders, five berries a day are enough, on the basis of which you can prepare desserts, salads and main dishes. The berry should be fresh and juicy, rich, matte black.

For the best effect, prunes can be washed down with yogurt or kefir. It is possible to double the recommended dose if it was not possible to accelerate the natural processes of defecation. Regular consumption of dried fruits in moderation will help to avoid constipation in the future.

Prunes for constipation during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you need to be very careful about your health. Do not use any medicines without the permission of a doctor. It is better to use proven and safe methods to restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The use of prunes during pregnancy is recommended in the following cases:

  • When there is a decrease in intestinal tone due to changes in the hormonal background of a woman.
  • Non-compliance with the rules of a balanced diet.
  • In case of displacement of the intestine through the development of the fetus.
  • When there are problems with the natural processes of defecation.

Before using prunes for constipation in pregnant women, be sure to consult your doctor. After that, you can eat several berries during the day, cook compotes and prepare salads to prevent constipation.


For most people who care about their health, the question arises: how to use prunes for constipation in order to get the maximum benefit for the body. Today, prunes can be used to prepare various dishes for every taste. Next, we will consider in more detail how to effectively take prunes for constipation.

So the recipe:

  • To prepare a vitamin salad, you need to boil two eggs, beets and carrots until cooked. All this must be grated on a coarse grater. During this time, you need to steam a small amount of prunes and dried apricots, chop in the usual way. Next, we take a large dish and lay out a layer of beets with prunes, grease it all with sour cream on top. Next, put the next layer of carrots with dried apricots. Brush again with sour cream. At the end, sprinkle all this with grated eggs and cheese. For taste, you can use fresh dill or parsley.
  • How to take prunes for problems with natural bowel movements? You can cook delicious and healthy porridge. To do this, dry fruits are steamed in hot water. Next, grind and add to the finished buckwheat porridge with butter. You can add nuts and honey if there is no allergy.
  • Prunes for babies with constipation are recommended to be given in the form of mashed potatoes or compote. For adults, you can cook a soup based on dried fruits. To do this, boil water and throw in cubed potatoes, steamed and chopped prunes. At the end, add finely chopped dill to the soup. Add spices to taste. Soup can be cooked in meat broth.
  • For children, you can cook semolina porridge in milk in the usual way and add a few chopped prunes. It is not only tasty, but also helps to avoid constipation.


It is very easy to make dried fruit compote for babies and adults. To do this, pour a few prunes with a liter of water and put on fire. Cook for a few minutes and insist. Do not forget when cooking about a small amount of sugar. Such compote can be drunk by nursing mothers and given to babies after six months of age.

In addition to prunes, you can add to compote and dried apricots. Prunes with honey are very tasty and healthy if you are not allergic to honey.

A decoction of prunes

To prepare a decoction, it is necessary to put half a glass of prunes and the same amount of oatmeal in a container. All this is poured with half a liter of boiling water. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Distribute into several doses throughout the day.


It is very easy and simple to cook prunes at home. It is recommended to prepare puree for children. To do this, simply steam the dried fruits and grind to a paste-like mass. You can add sugar or honey. Children after six months give one spoonful of puree per day. The most important thing is to observe the reaction of the child's body in order to identify side effects in time.


Daily you can cook vitamin and healthy salads for the stomach. So, here are some simple salads:

  • To prepare a salad, you need to take prunes, feijoa and dried apricots in equal quantities. Grind it all up and drizzle with olive oil.
  • On a coarse grater we rub the beets, add chopped nuts and prunes. All this is mixed and seasoned with oil.
  • Before breakfast, grind prunes with figs, mix and add coriander for taste. Store the mixture in the refrigerator and take on an empty stomach.
  • We take a few berries and pour boiling water. On a grater we rub a fresh apple and boiled beets. Add chopped prunes and nuts. All this is mixed, seasoned with sour cream and honey.


Kids will love the tasty and healthy desserts. Here are some simple recipes:

  • Grind a small amount of prunes and pour honey. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed one spoonful before breakfast.
  • We take prunes, dried apricots and figs in equal amounts. All this is crushed and poured with honey. One spoon a day on an empty stomach is enough to get rid of constipation.