Frequent copious urination without pain. Probable causes of frequent urination in women without pain at night and treatment of comorbidities

With such a problem as frequent urination (pollakiuria), many people have encountered. Before making such a diagnosis for yourself, it should be taken into account that the number of urination processes for each person is individual. Urges can become more frequent without any pathological factors. If it lasts more than 2 days, or during the process and after it, discomfort or pain symptoms are felt, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Urination rate

Indicators of the norm of urge to urinate are averaged, since the number of urination is individual. Therefore, when talking about increased urination, a person should focus on their own rhythm and compare the frequency individually. The norm for adults is considered to be from 4 to 10 times a day. At night, urine should not exceed 300 milliliters, the normal frequency is 1-2 times per night. Men go to the toilet "in a small way" up to 6 times a day, women - up to 9. Small children up to a year urinate up to 25 times a day, from 3 to 5 years - up to 8 times, and as they grow older, this figure gradually decreases.

Causes and symptoms of frequent urination

If the first urge began more than 10 times in 24 hours, you should carefully listen to your body when urinating. There are many reasons that cause frequent urination. There is a list of factors and certain symptoms that affect the frequency of urination.


Painful process with frequent urination - sometimes this manifestation is caused by the presence of a large tumor in the lower abdomen. Frequent urges may appear only when the tumor has grown so much that it presses on the urea and fills it with little fluid. In this case, pollakiuria is accompanied by other pathological signs:

  • strong weight loss;
  • urine with blood;
  • weak urination;
  • body temperature is constantly elevated;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • sharp pains in the abdomen;
  • lymph nodes are enlarged.

Hyperaldosteronism is an overproduction of the hormone aldosterone by the adrenal glands.

A disease such as hyperaldosteronism inevitably leads to frequent excretion of urine. The disease provokes an increased production of hormones that affect the functioning of the kidneys. Heart and kidney failure affect the frequency of urges in the evening. Hyperparathyroidism is another pathology that causes frequent urge to urinate. In hyperparathyroidism, an excessive amount of parathyroid hormone is produced, which regulates the process of urine production. Morning urination is especially painful. Associated symptoms:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • frequent stools and constipation;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • constant feeling of tiredness;
  • poor appetite.


Diabetes insipidus increases the frequency of urea emptying processes. Its symptoms are similar to diabetes mellitus, but the amount of glucose in the blood remains within the normal range. The process of regulating the excretion of fluid through the kidneys is disrupted. But frequent and strong urges are a sign of the development of diabetes. With this disease, an increase in glucose levels begins, and its excess is excreted through the urine. This frequent copious urination is called hyperglycemia. In addition to urination, a pathological condition occurs, which is characterized by:

  • thirst and dry mouth;
  • weakness;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • skin itching.

Problems with the urinary system

An appeal to a urologist will prevent the aggravation of problems with the urinary system.

Kidney infections and diseases of the bladder are enough reason to begin rapid excretion of urine. If frequent urination becomes painful, then this problem requires contacting a doctor and conducting the necessary studies. Self-treatment can relieve or partially reduce painful urination, but does not always cure plakiuria completely. This leads to a chronic course and serious consequences. If you suspect an infectious disease of the genitourinary organs, you should contact a urologist. The causes of frequent painful urination can be such diseases:

  • urethritis - an infection in the urethra;
  • cystitis - an infection in the bladder;
  • pyelonephritis is an inflammatory process in the kidneys.

Gynecological diseases

Frequent and strong urge to urinate, which is not accompanied by pain symptoms, is observed in the pathology of the reproductive organs. This condition leads to the formation of fibroids and other neoplasms in the uterus. Increasing, the tumors squeeze the bladder and provoke an increase in the excretion of urine. The main symptom of such pathologies is frequent urination with blood, pain in the bladder, pain symptoms in thrush. In such cases, the diagnosis is made by a gynecologist. Complications after an abortion can also cause frequent urination.


If there is no additional symptom with profuse urination, it is likely that this manifestation will disappear on its own after a day.

Frequent non-pathological urination is provoked by drinks that have a diuretic effect.

Increased fluid intake provokes frequent urination without pain. Drinks that have a diuretic effect - for example, green tea or tea with milk, cranberry juice, can cause frequent urges. Some berries also help to remove more fluid from the body than usual. These berries include:

  • cowberry;
  • cranberry;
  • viburnum.

Doctors note that during stress, physical exertion and hypothermia, frequent urination is the norm. Psychosomatics also affects morning and afternoon urges. In women, after menstrual bleeding, the frequency of urges increases, as the accumulated fluid is removed. Reception of diuretics (diuretic medicines) increases urination including.

Features in men

The frequency of urination in men can be influenced by physiological and pathological causes. A change in nutrition, a large amount of liquid - lead to frequent urges, during which there are no negative sensations. And alcohol causes frequent urination. But in some cases, problems with urination are caused by pathological processes:

  • Prostate adenoma - a benign tumor is formed in the prostate, which greatly affects the excretion of fluid. The jet becomes weak, urine is not completely removed from the bladder, bedwetting appears (especially in older men).
  • Very frequent urination in men is caused by urethritis. Sexual urogenital infections can make the process unbearably painful and disrupt the outflow of urine. If you suspect a genitourinary disease or if blood is found in the urine, such symptoms should be taken seriously. Help will be provided by a urologist.

    Frequent urination due to physiological factors can be easily eliminated without medical treatment - a healthy diet helps.

Frequent urination is a condition in which a woman is forced to visit the toilet more than 8 times a day. Provided that the liquid was drunk within 40 ml per kg of weight, and foods and drugs with a diuretic effect were not used. If a woman fits into this framework and nothing bothers her, then there is nothing to worry about.

They talk about pathology, when frequent urination in women without pain occurs more than 9 times a day, but the amount of alcohol consumed did not increase. In this case, empty urges can be observed, when urine is excreted drop by drop, as well as an increase in body temperature, general weakness and malaise.

Main reasons

Frequent urination without pain is a common complaint among women. In most cases, this symptom has physiological causes:

  • The use of diuretics, both in the form of food and herbs, and in the form of drugs. For example, watermelon, cranberries, and various slimming teas can cause frequent urination.
  • Stress and constant tension and fear can provoke frequent urination.
  • Drinking alcohol and caffeinated drinks.
  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Eating very salty, sweet, fatty and unhealthy foods. Such food disturbs the salt balance, causes excessive thirst.
  • Hormonal changes during menopause.
  • During menstrual bleeding.
  • During pregnancy. The growing fetus compresses the bladder, so there are frequent urges.

Many women face the problem of frequent urination when trying to lose weight. On a diet, you need to consume a large amount of fluid. Accordingly, the toilet has to be visited much more often, sometimes even at night.

With increased fluid intake, frequent urination is normal. If a woman is very worried about this, you can slightly reduce the amount of liquid, up to 30 ml per kilogram of weight, and you should also devote time to physical activity.

Diseases that contribute to the problem of frequent urination

You can talk about the physiological norm only if you are only concerned about frequent urination, without pain, without fever and other unpleasant signs. So, if frequent urination is accompanied by urine drop by drop, urine has an unpleasant odor, or a woman is worried about general malaise and constant weakness, it is recommended to undergo an examination.

Frequent urination without pain can be observed with the following diseases:

  • Stones in the bladder and kidneys. Pathology is often accompanied by pain, but sometimes it can be almost asymptomatic. In this case, the woman is only worried about the frequent urge to go to the toilet, as the bladder is irritated.
  • . If in the acute form of cystitis pain occurs in the lower abdomen, then the chronic form passes without pain. Unpleasant sensations are sharply manifested during an exacerbation, but during the period of remission, only frequent urges can disturb.
  • . Similarly, with cystitis, during chronic pyelonephritis, pain may be absent altogether or be very weak, but problems with urination remain.
  • Congenital malformations of the bladder. In this case, frequent urination has been a concern since childhood.
  • Diabetes. With such an endocrine pathology, the nervous system suffers, so the process of urination is disturbed and the woman is worried about the constant urge to go to the toilet, although there is very little urine in the bladder.

If frequent urination without pain bothers you for a long time, it is recommended to consult a doctor for prevention.

Treatment for frequent urination

Treatment for frequent urination without pain will depend on the cause of the problem. To make her feel better, a woman can follow these recommendations:

  • in order not to get up to the toilet at night, it is recommended to drink less in the evening;
  • you need to drink clean water without gas, do not replace it with lemonade, tea or coffee, as sweet drinks only increase thirst;
  • remove from the menu food that increases thirst, these are sweets, smoked, salty, spicy, fatty and pastries;
  • give up foods and drinks with a diuretic effect, such as green tea, coffee, cranberry juice, rosehip broth, cucumbers, watermelons, lemon, pineapple, celery, asparagus, etc.
  • you can not tolerate the urge to urinate, it is recommended to go to the toilet at the first urge;
  • to empty the bladder completely, it is recommended to tilt the body forward during urination.

If a pathological process has become the cause of frequent urination without pain, a specific treatment will be prescribed. So, cystitis and pyelonephritis require antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, and physiotherapy is also often prescribed.

With diabetes, a woman is referred to an endocrinologist who will prescribe medication. It is very important to normalize blood sugar levels so that the nervous system works stably.


Pain is the main alarming symptom that forces the patient to immediately consult a doctor. Frequent urination without pain can be misleading, as it seems to a woman that the urge to go to the toilet cannot indicate a disease. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. If frequent urges have been bothering you for several weeks and do not disappear, you should definitely consult with a specialist.

An adult normally excretes 1.5-2 liters of urine. To do this, he has to visit the toilet 3-7 times a day. Urination in children is more frequent: in children of the first year of life - 12-16 times a day, at the age of one to three years - 10 times a day, from three to nine years old - 6-8 times. The spread of indicators is quite wide. How many times a person needs to go to the toilet depends on many factors. In particular, with a large amount of fluid drunk, it should be expected that the need to urinate will increase. A number of products have a diuretic effect; such are, for example, watermelon, melon, cranberry, lingonberry, cucumber, coffee, alcohol. Eating them is likely to increase the frequency of urination due to increased urine output.

It is abnormal to increase urination with even fluid intake and a stable diet. As a rule, urination more than 10 times a day in an adult is already regarded as a pathology, however, for such an assessment, the discomfort experienced by a person with such frequent visits to the toilet is also of great importance.

Frequent urination is abnormal if one of the following symptoms is observed:

  • constant urge to urinate;
  • the amount of urine during urination is negligible. Normally, an adult should excrete about 200-300 ml of urine at a time;
  • burning or pain during urination;
  • urination interferes with the normal rhythm of life (work, travel, sleep).

Frequent urination at night (nocturia), polyuria, and urinary incontinence

Distinguish between frequent urination at night and daytime. Frequent urination during the daytime is called pollakiuria. Particular attention is paid to frequent urination at night. Normally, a person usually gets up to use the toilet no more than once a night. With the increase in nighttime urination, the development of many diseases begins. If most of the urine is excreted at night, then this condition is called nocturia.

Increased urination may be due to the fact that more urine is excreted. If the total amount of urine exceeds 1.8 liters, then this condition is called polyuria. Permanent polyuria is caused by serious diseases, temporary polyuria is also often pathological.

Frequent urination is also associated with such a problem as urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence occurs when a person can no longer suppress the sudden urge to urinate. Usually, urinary incontinence develops against the background of frequent urination.

Reasons for frequent urination

The physiological causes of frequent urination, in addition to the nutritional factor (heavy drinking, a specific diet), include stress and hypothermia. Frequent urination is also observed in, especially in the first and third trimesters. Certain medications can also lead to more frequent urination.

In such cases, frequent urination is observed, as a rule, during the daytime and is temporary. As soon as the factor that caused it ceases to act, the frequency of urination returns to normal.

Pathological nature has frequent urination caused by diseases of the genitourinary system. In most cases, the cause of frequent urination is irritation of the urethra and bladder neck, which have abundant innervation. Irritation can be caused by infection or be mechanical (in the case of urolithiasis or tumors). Normally, the nervous system should receive a signal from receptors in the region of the bladder neck only in one case - if the bladder is full. But as a result of pathological irritation, the signal is given prematurely, and there is a urge to urinate.

Frequent urination is caused by: diseases of the genitourinary system:

  • weakness of the muscles of the walls of the bladder.

Also, frequent urination is observed in diseases such as:

  • . In diabetes, the patient is thirsty, drinks more than normal, which leads to increased urination;
  • cardiovascular failure.

When is increased urination a reason to see a doctor?

If the frequency of urination has become an irritating factor for you or there is reason to suspect that the frequency of urination is pathological (caused by a disease), you should consult a urologist. The first signal is often the urge to urinate at night. If you have become more likely to get up to the toilet at night, do not put off a visit to the doctor. Remember: the earlier the treatment of the disease is started, the easier it is to treat it.

Any pain is a signal from the body that something is not right with it. And if a woman suffers from painful urination, in no case should she ignore this symptom, since it can indicate a developed pathology. What is the reason for such discomfort? How to get rid of it?

Why does frequent urination with pain occur in women? Diseases of the urinary system

The most common cause of frequent and painful urination is an infection that caused the development of the inflammatory process. Sometimes the factor provoking the appearance of a symptom is the formation of stones in the organ. Doctors mainly distinguish such ailments:

  1. Cystitis. Inflammation of the bladder mucosa is accompanied not only by very strong and frequent urges, but also by pain during urination. Throughout the day, a woman may feel soreness in the lower abdomen. Sometimes the disease is severe, complicated by hematuria (blood in the urine), fever, and a general deterioration in well-being.
  2. Urethritis. In women, this disease is diagnosed much less frequently than in men, but still the fair sex is not immune from it. If inflammation has developed in the urethra, then pain during urination will be felt at the very beginning of the process.
  3. Pyelonephritis. Kidneys in women are very susceptible to all kinds of infections and are easily susceptible to disease. The inflammatory process is accompanied by severe discomfort in the lumbar region, high fever, frequent and sometimes painful urination. The last symptom is usually characteristic of the chronic form of the disease.
  4. Urolithiasis disease. Calculi formed in the bladder and / or urethra are able to move around the body. At the moment of movement, they can cause a severe attack of pain and a sudden desire to urinate. When urinating, a jet delay is often observed when the stone closes the lumen. Sometimes a woman notices the appearance of blood in the urine if the calculus has injured the walls of the organ.

The first three ailments lead among the causes of painful and frequent urination. Any of these diseases must be treated as soon as possible: the infection can spread throughout the body, affecting other organs as well. For example, neglected cystitis can provoke pyelonephritis (ascending route of infection), and vice versa - kidney disease is often complicated by inflammation of the bladder (descending route).

Problems with the urinary system in women are mainly associated with such factors:

  • frequent hypothermia;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • weak immunity;
  • the habit of long to endure urination;
  • malnutrition (eating a large amount of too salty and spicy foods, fried, canned).

Also, a careless attitude towards one's own health plays a role. Many women prefer to self-medicate, which often only leads to aggravation of the general condition of the body. Against this background, the infection does not cost anything to develop at an accelerated pace.

STDs that cause painful and frequent urination in women

Treatment of any pathology of the genitourinary system is recommended to begin with a thorough diagnosis, in particular, it is required to check a woman for the presence of sexually transmitted infections.

Cause painful frequent urination can:

  1. Chlamydia. Caused by chlamydia. The infection affects the genitals, and can also affect the urinary tract and bladder. In addition to urinary problems, patients often complain of fever (up to 37-37.5 degrees), discomfort in the lower back and lower abdomen, burning, mucopurulent discharge with a sharp unpleasant odor. Chlamydia in women, in turn, can trigger colpitis (inflammation of the vagina), cervicitis (damage to the vaginal segment of the cervix), endometritis (disease of the uterine endometrium) and some other pathologies.
  2. Gonorrhea. Caused by gonococci of the genus Neisseria. In the acute form, the disease is accompanied by very frequent and painful urination, purulent and mucous secretions, discomfort and burning in the genital area. Nevertheless, many women (up to 70%) do not feel any unpleasant symptoms at all, therefore they are not even aware of the presence of a disease in their body.
  3. Trichomoniasis. The causative agent of the disease is Trichomonas. Often men turn out to be carriers of this disease: they do not show signs of the disease, but they infect their partners with it. In women, trichomoniasis provokes colpitis, urethritis, and also causes poor lubrication during sexual intercourse. The most characteristic symptom of the disease is foamy purulent discharge from the vagina. The remaining signs are typical for any STD - burning, discomfort, itching of the genitals, frequent and painful urination.

STIs are experienced by women who have an active sex life and often change partners. The main factor contributing to the transmission of infection is unprotected contact, in which a condom was not used.

Painful and frequent urination: treatment in women

Frequent painful urination is treatable, the main thing is to start it on time. The main focus of treatment is the elimination of the cause. Since the increased urges act only as symptoms, until the underlying disease disappears, the discomfort will continue to torment the woman.

Therapy is prescribed based on the specific case:

  1. With cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, antibiotics are often required. Herbal preparations are also prescribed to promote more active urination and reduce the concentration of urine. Popular among folk remedies are the use of cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks, drinking herbal decoctions and infusions (from chamomile, St. John's wort, bear ears), warming with dry steam.
  2. For the treatment of urolithiasis, various drugs are used. If the calculi consist of uric acid, then citrate mixtures are effective, which help dissolve the stones. With cystine formations, it is recommended to use magnesium salts, which reduce the frequency of relapses. Sometimes stone crushing or stone expelling therapy is used; in advanced cases, surgical intervention is indicated.
  3. To get rid of STDs, a woman must be prescribed antimycotics, antihistamines, immunomodulators and vitamins. After completing the course, the tests should be retaken.

To relieve pain, traditional medicine suggests applying a bag of hot buckwheat or salt, a bottle of hot water, and a regular heating pad to the groin and lower abdomen. But heat should be used very carefully: in some cases, it further contributes to the spread of infection.

In case of problems with urination, it is urgent to start treatment: frequent urination in women disappears as soon as the main course of therapy is completed. If the symptoms are ignored, the disease will progress, which will only worsen the patient's condition. A disturbing symptom is unlikely to go away on its own.

Regular urge to go to the toilet in a small way negatively affects not only the general well-being, but leaves an imprint on the psycho-emotional state.

Frequent urination in women at night

Nocturia or frequent urination in women at night is a common cause of sleep disturbances and a signal of problems in the functioning of any organs and systems. Every day, the kidneys secrete about 2.5 liters of fluid, while nocturnal diuresis accounts for about 1/3 of this volume. If the work of the urinary system changes, then nocturnal diuresis accounts for about 2/3 of the daily amount of water. The causes of this condition can be both physiological and associated with pathological processes in the body.

Physiological factors of nictruria:

  • Pregnancy - in the last stages of bearing a child, an enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder, which causes a decrease in the volume of urine that fits in it.
  • The premenstrual period is characterized by fluid retention in the body due to hormonal changes. After menstruation, the condition returns to normal.
  • Climax - this process is accompanied by a decrease in the elasticity of tissues, including the muscular frame of the bladder. This causes destabilization of his work. The body cannot hold a large amount of fluid, provoking nighttime urge to go to the toilet.

In addition to the above factors, nocturnal pollakiuria is inevitable with heavy drinking before bedtime or the use of diuretic drinks.

Pathological causes of nocturia in women:

  • Infectious lesions of the urinary tract. Pathological processes in the urethra, ureters and bladder cause irritation of the mucous membrane of these organs, which leads to the urge to urinate.
  • Diabetes mellitus - this endocrine disease is caused by poor functioning of the pancreas, which synthesizes insulin. Because of this, the patient drinks a lot of fluids, causing dysuria. Urine is excreted in large volumes both during the day and at night. Against this background, there is increased dryness of the mucous membranes and, of course, strong thirst.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system - it can be cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, nephrosclerosis, cystopyelitis and other pathologies.
  • Chronic heart failure - in this case, nocturia in women is associated with blood stasis and malfunction of the genitourinary system.

When determining the causes of the disorder, a comprehensive individual approach is needed. This is due to the fact that there is no clearly established norm for urination at night. Particular attention is paid to the presence of concomitant symptoms and the general condition of the patient.

Frequent urination in women during the day

The problem of pollakiuria is familiar to many people firsthand. Frequent urination in women during the day can be associated with both natural processes in the body and various disorders. An increased desire to go a little is considered quite normal during pregnancy and in old age, before menstruation or with changes in hormonal levels.

An unpleasant condition may indicate the development of diabetes or diabetes insipidus. In the first case, the disease is associated with a violation of carbohydrate metabolism in the body, which is manifested by a complex of various symptoms. In the second case, the patient suffers from intense thirst, so going to the toilet is explained by drinking plenty of water. The problem occurs with kidney disease and heart failure, as well as with prolapse of the uterus and many gynecological diseases.

Dysuric syndrome can occur with additional symptoms that indicate problems such as:

  • Pyelonephritis - in urine there are impurities of pus and blood, back pain, chills, fever, general weakness.
  • Urolithiasis - painful sensations above the pubis, interruption of the urination process until the organ is emptied, incontinence during physical exertion, coughing, laughter.
  • Cystitis - burning and pain in the urethra, a feeling of not completely emptying the bladder.
  • Sexual infections - vaginal discharge of a different nature, swelling and redness of the external genital organs, an increase in inguinal lymph nodes.
  • Urethritis - burning, pain and itching in the urethra, mucous discharge from the urethra.
  • Uterine fibroids - violation of the menstrual cycle, pain in the lower abdomen, uterine bleeding.

If the endless urge to the toilet causes anxiety and painful symptoms, then you should immediately seek medical help. The doctor diagnoses the pathological condition and prescribes its treatment.

Frequent urination in the morning in women

Important indicators of health are the frequency and nature of bladder emptying. Their changes allow drawing conclusions about the state of the urinary system and identifying various diseases. Normally, a person urinates about 7-10 times a day. Exceeding this amount should cause concern.

Frequent urination in the morning in women may be due to completely harmless factors. For example, if a lot of liquid was drunk before going to bed, a watermelon or other diuretic products were eaten. This is observed in pregnant women, with various hormonal changes in the body and with the use of dysuric drugs before bedtime.

If dysfunction occurs with additional symptoms, then this may indicate diseases such as cystitis, urethritis, overactive bladder, adnexitis, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, and much more. Treatment of a painful condition depends entirely on its cause. So, infectious and inflammatory pathologies are treated with antibiotics, and in case of hormonal disorders, replacement therapy is indicated.

Itching and frequent urination in women

Itching and frequent urination in women occurs with many inflammatory and infectious pathologies. Consider the possible causes of the disorder.

  • Fungal infections - most often women experience candidiasis. Infection occurs when the microflora of the vagina is disturbed due to antibiotics, tight synthetic underwear, irritating sanitary pads, or regular change of sexual partners.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases - this can be a herpes infection or gardnerellosis. Both pathologies cause vaginal dysbacteriosis, itching and regular urge to urinate.
  • Vulvovaginitis is an inflammatory lesion of the genital organs by gonococci or Trichomonas.

If itching occurs immediately after emptying the bladder, then this may indicate such pathologies:

  • Cystitis - is diagnosed in more than 25% of women, in 10% of cases it occurs in a chronic form.
  • Urolithiasis - stones and sand irritate the mucous membrane of the urinary canal. Because of this, there is a burning sensation, pain, blood discharge.
  • Urethritis is an inflammatory lesion of the urinary canal that provokes itching, burning, pain.

A painful condition can be triggered by pathologies of internal organs, hypothermia of the body and various injuries. There are also non-infectious causes of the disorder: psycho-emotional experiences, non-compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene or an allergy to cosmetics, pinworm infection, diabetes mellitus. The final diagnosis is made by the doctor after a gynecological examination, smears and tests.

Frequent urination in women after sex

For many people, sex is a source of emotional release and pleasure, but in some cases it can lead to unpleasant and even painful consequences. Many people ignore the discomfort after intercourse, considering this condition is not dangerous. At the same time, one of the symptoms of the pathological process in the body is frequent urination in women after sex. Its appearance indicates a violation of the normal functioning of the urinary system.

Consider the main causes of the disorder:

  • Postcoital cystitis is an inflammatory process that is quite common among women who have an active sex life. Symptoms occur shortly after sex. The disease state is associated with the introduction of harmful microorganisms from the male urethra into the female urethra and bladder.
  • Aggressive sexual intercourse, in which the mucous membranes of the external genital organs and the urethra are injured. In this case, microtraumas open the way for the penetration of pathogenic agents and the development of inflammatory reactions.
  • Non-compliance with intimate hygiene is a high risk of developing various infectious pathologies of both the bladder and the vagina, the adnexa of the uterus.
  • Violation of the normal microflora of the vagina - bacterial vaginosis is accompanied by dysuric disorders and other painful symptoms.
  • Weakened immune system - a violation of the protective properties allows bacteria and viruses to enter the body, causing various diseases and inflammatory reactions.
  • Metabolic disorders - diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, obesity and more.
  • Hormonal disorders - in violation of the secretion of female sex hormones, there are problems with the reproductive system and many inflammatory pathologies.

Pollakiuria can occur not only after vaginal, but also after oral or anal sex. With oral caresses, there is a risk of transmission of the pathogen from the mucous membranes of the oral cavity to the genitourinary organs and vice versa. Against this background, inflammation of the gums and tonsils can develop. As a rule, patients with immunodeficiency states face this problem. Anal intercourse can cause the development of not only cystitis, but also pyelonephritis.

To prevent a painful condition, preventive methods should be observed: maintain intimate hygiene, increase the protective properties of the immune system, use barrier contraceptives (condom) when having sex with an unfamiliar partner or developing inflammation of the genital organs in a permanent one, and also regularly undergo preventive examinations by a gynecologist.

Itching, burning and frequent urination in women

The anatomical structure of the female reproductive system contributes to the appearance of inflammatory reactions in the urethra and bladder. Such a symptom complex as itching, burning and frequent urination in women occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Infectious factors (inflammation of the bladder, urethra, external and internal genital organs).
  • Cystitis.
  • Urethritis.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Urogenital chlamydia.
  • Gonorrhea.
  • Candidiasis.
  • Ureoplasmosis.
  • Trichomoniasis.
  • herpetic infections.
  • Bacterial vaginosis.
  • Atrophic vulvovaginitis.
  1. Non-infectious factors (mechanical, chemical irritation).
  • Failure to observe intimate hygiene or its improper conduct.
  • The use of cosmetic preparations that change the normal level of acidity and inhibit the healthy microflora of the vagina.
  • Hypersensitivity to chemical contraceptives.
  • Use of tampons or pads in violation of hygiene.
  • Injuries of the urethra (urolithiasis, improper insertion of the catheter, rough sexual intercourse).
  • Worm infestations.
  • Abuse of bladder irritating foods or drugs.

In addition to the above reasons, itching and burning in combination with pollakiuria may indicate a condition during pregnancy, before / after menstruation, or endocrine disorders.

To determine the cause of the disease state, it is necessary to undergo a gynecological examination and pass a series of laboratory tests. According to the results of the diagnosis, the doctor makes the most optimal treatment plan.

Diarrhea and frequent urination in women

As a rule, diarrhea and frequent urination in women are not signs of any pathologies, of course, provided that there are no additional symptoms. This may be a normal reaction of the body to certain violations of its functioning.

If the combination of diarrhea and polyuria makes itself felt over a long period of time, then this may indicate pathologies such as:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart failure, heart attack).
  • Endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, diabetes).
  • Stones in the urinary tract or kidneys.
  • Liver or kidney failure.
  • Cystitis.
  • Viral or bacterial infections.
  • Weakened pelvic floor muscles.
  • overactive bladder
  • Various injuries.

As for the physiological causes of diarrhea and diuresis, it can be:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Condition before or after menstruation.
  • Food or drug poisoning.

Particular attention should be paid to urinary tract infections (UTIs), as they are the typical cause of bladder dysfunction and diarrhea. The mechanism of the development of a disease state is associated with the entry of bacteria into the organ through the urethra. According to medical statistics, about 50-60% of women have experienced a UTI at least once in their lives.

There are certain risk factors for this pathology: irritation and inflammation of the vagina, changes in the structure of the urinary system during pregnancy, various chronic diseases, improper wiping after the toilet, sexual trauma, hydration and retention of urine for a long time.

To diagnose the cause of an unpleasant condition and eliminate it, you should seek medical help. After a complex of various examinations, the doctor will prescribe the correct and effective treatment.

Constipation and frequent urination in women

There are many causes of problems such as constipation and frequent urination. Women are most often diagnosed with disorders such as:

  • Diabetes mellitus (1 and 2 types).
  • Urinary tract infections.
  • Stones in the bladder.
  • Overactive bladder.
  • Infectious lesions of the kidneys.
  • Interstitial cystitis
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Use of laxatives and diuretics.
  • Stress and emotional experiences.
  • Deficiency of fiber in the diet.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Eating Disorders.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Some medications.

Similar symptoms occur during pregnancy. Hormonal changes in the body cause dysuric syndrome and difficulty with bowel movements. Another possible cause of the disorder is urinary dysfunction. Most often it is diagnosed in childhood. The problem arises from damage to the muscles that control the bladder and bowel movements. Various neurological diseases can cause damage to the nerve fibers that feed the bladder and are responsible for bowel function.

If regular urination and constipation persist for a long period of time, then this is a reason to immediately seek medical help. Without timely treatment, there is a risk of developing an acute inflammatory reaction and intoxication of the body with feces.

Nausea and frequent urination in women

According to medical statistics, every day a woman visits the toilet from 3 to 6 times, while the number of trips in a small way depends entirely on the amount of fluid drunk, metabolic rate and a number of other physiological factors. Symptoms such as nausea and frequent urination in women are most often associated with such causes:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Condition before menstruation.
  • Menopause.
  • body intoxication.
  • Abuse of caffeine or alcoholic beverages.
  • Overeating foods with diuretic properties (cucumbers, cranberries, lingonberries, watermelon).
  • Nervous experiences.
  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Pathologies from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Urinary system disorders.
  • endocrine disorders.

All of the above factors require careful diagnosis and differentiation. If this condition is left without medical attention, this can lead to its progression and aggravation of painful symptoms.

Bloating and frequent urination in women

Many people are faced with such a problem as flatulence and pollakiuria. Several factors are thought to be the cause of this condition. Bloating and frequent urination in women in most cases is associated with pathological changes in the genitourinary system.

Causes of the disorder:

  • Drinking large amounts of fluids, especially carbonated drinks, coffee, or alcohol.
  • Pregnancy - during growth, the fetus begins to put pressure on the urinary organs, causing unpleasant symptoms.
  • If flatulence and the urge to go to the toilet are accompanied by pain, cutting or burning, then this indicates a progressive inflammatory process.
  • Hemorrhoids - symptoms occur due to increased pressure on the cavernous vessels.
  • Oncological diseases.

To establish the root cause of the disease state, complex diagnostics are shown. It consists of ultrasound, various laboratory tests and smears, sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy. According to the results of the examinations, the patient is prescribed a treatment regimen.

Frequent urination due to nerves in women

A periodically diagnosed pathology in both children and adults is bladder neurosis or frequent urination due to nerves. In women, this condition is associated with disturbances in the work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the nervous system. The first section retains urine by contracting the sphincter, and the second is responsible for relaxing the walls of the bladder and the sphincter to remove fluid. Various stresses and nervous experiences lead to the excitability of each of the departments, which is why the dysuric syndrome occurs.

The disorder is associated with such factors:

  • Increased muscle tension. When stressed, the muscles are in an overstrained state, putting pressure on the bladder. This causes the urge to go to the toilet.
  • Intrusive thoughts and ideas. Neurological disorders force you to concentrate on your physical sensations. Most often it is the desire to urinate.

The painful condition may be associated with nerve damage in the urinary departments, that is, the neurogenic bladder. In this case, in addition to stress, pollakiuria provokes Parkinson's disease, systemic atrophy, multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, stroke or herpes zoster, which affects the nerve endings in the sacral region.

Neurosis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Paruresis (psychogenic factor) is the difficulty or inability to go to the toilet with strangers, even with a strong desire.
  • Patients do not feel their bladder. Because of this, trips to the toilet become regular. This symptom can be supplemented by pain in the lumbar region and perineum.

Neurotic disorders are difficult to diagnose, but they are easily treatable. As a rule, various anti-stress drugs or tranquilizers, physiotherapy and a therapeutic diet are prescribed to eliminate them.

Frequent false urge to urinate in women

As a rule, frequent false urge to urinate in women indicates the development of an inflammatory process. But do not forget that the urinary system is multilevel, that is, it is not only the bladder and neurons, but also many other organs. Based on this, pollakiuria can occur at any of its levels due to the influence of certain pathological factors.

Consider the main causes of false pollakiuria:

  • Inflammatory diseases.
  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Gynecological pathologies.
  • Immune system disorders.
  • Menopause.
  • Pregnancy
  • Premenstrual syndrome.
  • Unbalanced nutrition.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Venereal infectious diseases.

In addition to the above factors, the disorder may occur due to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, with diseases of the central nervous system, constipation, uterine myoma, iron deficiency anemia.

There are more harmless reasons: the abuse of coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, alcohol, spicy foods, sweets. In any case, if the discomfort persists for several days and interferes with normal life, then medical attention should be sought.