Discharge from the chest with an unpleasant odor. Green discharge from the mammary glands when pressed, causes

The appearance of discharge from the nipples is one of the main complaints with which patients turn to a mammologist. Fluid from the breast may flow spontaneously or appear only at the moment of squeezing the nipple.

The color of the discharge from the nipples can be different: white, yellow, gray, bloody. According to their consistency, they are watery, liquid or thick.

And if the discharge of a whitish liquid (colostrum) from the nipples during pregnancy is the norm, then in all other cases, any discharge from the chest is, most often, a symptom of certain diseases of the mammary glands.

Causes of discharge from the nipples:

  • Ectasia (dilation) of the milk ducts. An inflammatory process occurs in several or one milk duct, as a result of which exudate begins to accumulate in it. The disease usually occurs in women over the age of 40. Its first sign is the appearance of discharge from the nipples of a dark or green color. Treatment is usually conservative, but sometimes surgery may be required to remove the affected duct.
  • White discharge from the nipples is most often observed with galactorrhea and is a milky liquid, colostrum or milk. Similar discharge from the nipples during pregnancy, as we said above, is the norm. In all other cases, they are a symptom of a hormonal imbalance in a woman's body. Therefore, if you have white discharge from the nipples, then you should definitely visit a mammologist and an endocrinologist. You should also donate blood for the content of prolactin and thyroid hormones. Sometimes galactorrhea can occur in women taking oral contraceptives.
  • The appearance of transparent yellow or green discharge from the nipples can be observed with a fibrocystic form of mastopathy.
  • Closed chest injury. In this case, bloody discharge from the nipples is observed. In some patients, they are not bloody, but yellow.
  • Transparent discharge from the nipples can appear against the background of acute or exacerbation of chronic diseases of the female genital organs, as well as after an early miscarriage or induced abortion.
  • Mastitis. With purulent fusion of breast tissue, purulent discharge appears from the nipples. In this case, the treatment is carried out by the surgeon and consists in opening the abscess, draining its cavity and prescribing antibiotics.
  • Intraductal papilloma. It is a benign tumor located inside the cavity of the lactiferous duct. One of the symptoms of this disease is the appearance of bloody discharge from the nipples, which have a fairly thick consistency. Surgical treatment with obligatory histological examination of the removed breast tissue.
  • Mammary cancer. The disease is asymptomatic for a long time. One of its first signs is the appearance of bloody discharge from the nipple from the affected breast. Often, at the same time, a woman notes an increase in the same breast and the appearance of a nodular neoplasm in its thickness. Some patients complain that they have sore nipples and spontaneous discharge from the chest.
  • Paget's disease. This disease is a special form of breast cancer that primarily affects the nipple. With Paget's disease, the appearance of the nipple changes (drawing in, deformation), its color (darkening or redness). Often, patients complain that they have discharge and the nipple hurts, or itching, burning occurs in its area. The treatment for Paget's cancer is surgical removal of the breast (mastectomy).

Discharge from the nipples: what to do?

If you find yourself with discharge from the nipples, you should definitely come to an appointment with a mammologist. To make an accurate diagnosis, laboratory and instrumental examinations are required:

  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the mammary glands;
  • Mammography;
  • Blood test for hormones;
  • Cytological examination of discharge from the nipples.

Remember that the appearance of any discharge from the mammary glands always requires special attention and a mandatory in-depth examination. This is especially true of bloody discharge from the nipple, the appearance of which should immediately consult a doctor!

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A fairly common problem with which women turn to a gynecologist is liquid discharge from the nipples. The nature and color of this liquid is different: the color ranges from transparent to brown, and the consistency is from watery to creamy. Let's try to figure out why in some cases the discharge from the nipple is brown, what it threatens, and how it is treated.

Causes of discharge from the chest

Discharge from the nipples occurs in any woman. But one must be able to distinguish the physiological nature of this phenomenon from the pathological one. Physiological causes - that is, discharge from a healthy woman - in 99% of cases are associated with pregnancy. They can occur early in pregnancy and continue after the baby has finished breastfeeding. Normal post-lactation discharges are those that end 3 years after pregnancy. In women who have given birth, occasionally fluid from the nipples can be released before menstruation.

Characteristics of physiological secretions:

  • usually transparent or slightly yellow;
  • do not have any impurities;
  • the amount of discharge in a non-pregnant woman rarely exceeds a few drops ();
  • do not smell or have the smell of breast milk;
  • not accompanied by chest pain.

Pathological discharge from the mammary glands is associated with any disease. They are characterized by the following features:

  • occur in non-pregnant women;
  • painted in some color: green, red, brown, green-yellow;
  • smell bad;
  • sticky to the touch;
  • the volume of secretions can exceed several tens of milliliters!

It is not necessary to have all the signs at once - one or two are enough to get worried and tune in for an examination by a mammologist.

Hello, my name is Veronica, I am 33 years old. I turn to you with the following problem. I work as a dancer in a nightclub. Recently, I began to notice that I had brown discharge from my chest and my chest hurts very badly. I don’t notice the connection between what day of menstruation and the strength of chest pain and the amount of discharge. What could it be? And how to treat? I have never given birth (I had 1 abortion about 5 years ago).

Hello Veronica. There are many reasons for brown discharge. In your case, two main ones can be assumed: these are periodic chest injuries (since you work as a dancer) and fibrinous-cystic mastopathy. In favor of the second option is the way of life - night work, irregular meals and “torn” sleep. Try to fix the living conditions and see what happens. But we advise you to go to a mammologist or a gyneologist for an examination, since brown discharge from the nipples also occurs with more formidable diseases, for example, with breast cancer.

Diseases in which brown discharge from the nipple is noted

The list of diseases in which fluid is secreted from the nipples includes more than 40 nosologies. These include:

  • Tumors of the pituitary gland and parahypophyseal fossa;
  • Ductectasia - expansion of the milk ducts;
  • Hormonally active tumors.

Let us dwell in more detail on those diseases that are accompanied by brown discharge from the nipples. Brown color to a secret of mammary glands gives blood.

At the same time, the admixture of fresh blood has a typically red color, but when the secretion in the ducts stagnates, the blood breaks down and changes color to brown. Blood can enter the milk when blood vessels are destroyed or when their permeability is increased. Such conditions are noted in the following diseases.

  • - the destruction of tissues is accompanied by the ingress of blood into the ducts, with its subsequent exit through the ducts.
  • Cancer of the ducts of the breast is an equally unpleasant pathology, accompanied by symptoms similar to breast cancer.
  • It is one of the forms of breast cancer. Manifested by an inverted nipple, weeping and peeling of the skin of the areola.

In any form of cancer, brown discharge is a pathognomonic (typical for this condition) symptom, so their appearance must be accompanied by an examination.

  • - a benign tumor disease characterized by the growth of small formations in the ducts of the gland. During their life cycle, these formations are destroyed and go out through the ducts. The color of such secretions can range from light brown to dark brown. With the addition of an infectious process and suppuration, the color can change to dark green.
  • . This disease occurs with a pronounced disorder of the hormonal status of a woman. The main symptom is the appearance of seals in the chest, painful when pressed. An additional sign of mastopathy is precisely the brownish discharge from the nipples. Not always with this pathology, the discharge is dark - in half the cases they can be light or slightly cloudy.
  • Chest injury. With mechanical action on the glandular tissue, microhematomas are formed, which further contribute to the coloring of the secretions in brown. These phenomena are especially clearly visible in lactating women - with injuries of the mammary gland in the first hours and days, milk stained with scarlet blood can be released, with every hour and day there is less and less fresh blood, but more and more old blood. Therefore, after a couple of days, the discharge may have a dark brown color. Typical is the one-sidedness of the lesion - from the side of the injured chest.

Menstruation and brown discharge from the chest

There was no relationship between the phase of the cycle and the color of the fluid released from the nipples. In women who have given birth before menstruation, a small amount of a transparent secret may appear, in other cases, discharge during menstruation and in other phases of the cycle is a sign of pathology.

Brown discharge from the nipple during pregnancy - when to run to the doctor

It must be said unequivocally: any significant changes in a woman are a sign of pathology. A consultation with a mammologist or gynecologist is required. You can wait a bit for a visit if there is a direct connection between a chest injury and brown discharge. However, if the color does not change for more than 2-3 days, you still have to go to the doctor - there is a risk of infection of the hematoma.

What to do when pregnant

Pregnant women also periodically notice brown discharge from the chest. With a thorough study of this issue, it becomes clear that the main reason for this phenomenon is nipple injuries, accompanied by blood entering the milk. Nipples can be injured if the baby is not properly attached to the breast, with an uncomfortable bra, and in women with “tight” nipples.

What to do if a discharge is found?

The discharge of a brown secret from the nipples when pressed should definitely alert a woman. You can carry out a self-examination procedure, but, regardless of its result, you will have to go to the hospital - you cannot conduct instrumental examination methods on your own.

A visit to the doctor begins with the collection of an obstetric history, the specialist should find out the following information:

  • What time did sexual activity start?
  • the regularity and nature of menstruation (abundant or not, painful or painless, duration of menstruation);
  • time of the last menstruation;
  • the number of pregnancies and abortions.

During the conversation, the doctor touches not only on obstetric and gynecological issues, but is also interested in the presence or absence of other diseases. Of particular interest are diseases of the endocrine system - they can also cause discharge from the nipples.

There is no need to hide the presence of psychiatric and neurological diseases - for some of them, drugs are prescribed, the side effects of which are precisely discharge from the chest, for example, methyldopa, which is prescribed for parkinsonism, or antipsychotics.

The next step is palpation - palpation of the mammary gland. The purpose of this procedure is to identify lumps and nodules, as well as painful areas of the breast. These symptoms can be a manifestation of both mastopathy and breast cancer or Paget's cancer.

More accurate and informative research methods are:

  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands.

Both of these methods are mandatory in case of suspected tumor diseases of the breast, however, they must also be carried out as part of preventive examinations: mammography - for all women over 39 years old, ultrasound - for nulliparous women annually or as needed.

If you suspect the oncological nature of the disease, in addition, you need to do a CT scan or MRI of the skull, a blood test for hormones (prolactin). Consultation with a gynecologist is required to exclude diseases of the pelvic organs (ovaries and uterus).

In some cases, a fine-needle biopsy is necessary to distinguish mastopathy from a malignant tumor. When channels are damaged, ductography is performed.

Treatment of brown discharge from the chest

As a symptom of discharge from the chest of any color, they do not require any specific treatment. The main task of doctors is to identify the disease that led to this.

When confirming oncology, chemoradiotherapy and surgical methods for removing the tumor are used. In the early stages of the disease, only a combination of chemistry with radiation exposure is sufficient. In advanced cases, it is necessary to solve the problem radically - to remove the entire breast.

With chest injuries accompanied by brown discharge from the chest, sometimes nothing needs to be treated at all - a few days of rest are enough for the mammary gland to recover and these unpleasant phenomena stop.

Conservative - sometimes it is enough just to normalize the mode of life and nutrition, avoid stress, and brown discharge from the nipples stops on its own. In severe cases, doctors sometimes prescribe hormonal drugs, but only after a thorough study of the hormonal status.

Hello. Sorry to bother you, I'm Tamara, I'm 18 years old and I recently noticed brown discharge from my right breast before my period. What could it be, and should I be worried? In this case, both breasts hurt with equal force.

Tamara, good afternoon. The unilateral nature of brown discharge from the nipples is most often noted with a chest injury. In second place in frequency is intraductal papilloma - it can also be unilateral. I didn’t want to scare you and talk about more serious breast diseases, the symptoms of which are brown discharge from the nipples - they occur in older women. However, we advise you to go to the gynecologist to determine the exact cause of the symptoms that bother you.

Ask a doctor a free question

In the mammary gland, as in any other, a natural secret is produced. Often, discharge from the nipples does not indicate any disease. A secret can be secreted from one or both mammary glands. This may be a short-term or long-term symptom. What discharge is considered normal, and when should you contact a mammologist?

Norm indicators

Secretions from the mammary glands are a liquid that passes through the same ducts as breast milk. A secret can appear not only during breastfeeding. The amount of allocated secret increases for several reasons. This can serve:

  • taking antidepressants or hormonal drugs;
  • low blood pressure;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • wearing tight underwear;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • injury.

If their appearance is caused by one reason or another, then you should not worry. But if, with the advent of a secret from the mammary gland, there are health complaints: pain, weakness, blurred vision, or the secret has changed in consistency, color and causes discomfort, then you should immediately see a doctor. It is difficult to determine the root cause in this case, the doctor must conduct laboratory and instrumental studies. Based on the data obtained, prescribe treatment.

Causes of clear discharge

Clear discharge from the nipples may indicate:

  • ectasia of the milk ducts;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • thrush;
  • inflammation of the ovaries.

Ectasia is the expansion and inflammation of the milk ducts. It is accompanied by pain in the chest and armpits. The discharge becomes thick and sticky. The secret turns green or brown. Ectasia without treatment can lead to the formation of cysts in the walls of the duct, a change in the glandular tissue. Often, the disease is diagnosed in women over 40 years of age during the onset of menopause. This is due to the restructuring of the hormonal background, when the level of estrogen decreases. With ectasia, the nipple changes shape. It becomes flatter and wider. There is swelling in the areola.

Important! Pathology is treated with hormone therapy, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, immunomodulators and vitamins. Prevention of ectasia consists in the correct and regular examination of the breast.

Fibrocystic mastopathy is a disease of the mammary glands, which is benign. The cause of transparent discharge from the chest is hormonal imbalance, early puberty, late menopause, abortion, heredity, stress, bad habits, obesity, endocrine diseases, irregular sex life.

The clinical picture of the pathology depends on the nature and condition of the woman. Often there is pain in the chest. The pain is due to stagnation of blood in the veins and swelling of the tissues. The secret from the nipple can come out involuntarily or when squeezed. The color is usually transparent, but may sometimes have a whitish tint. The tactics of treatment depends on the severity of symptoms, the presence of concomitant pathologies, the age of the patient. Drug treatment involves taking vitamins, iodine preparations, biostimulants, sedatives and diuretics.

The presence of clear discharge from the breast indicates thrush. If candidiasis occurs against the background of intestinal dysbacteriosis, then bloating, stool disturbance, weakness, insomnia, vomiting and nausea may appear. The reason can be a weak immune system, malnutrition, hormone therapy.

Oophoritis or inflammation of the ovaries is an inflammatory process of the female genital glands. The inflammation affects the fallopian tubes and ovaries. The causative agent of pathology are streptococci, gonococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli. In the chronic course of oophoritis, women note the appearance of a clear liquid from the nipples, pain in the lower abdomen, and menstrual irregularities. Treatment of oophoritis is carried out in a hospital. Doctors prescribe antibiotics, restorative, desensitizing and painkillers to the woman. Chronic course requires surgical intervention.

Other highlights

Why do whitish discharge from the chest appear? The cause is galactorrhea or mastitis. Galactorrhea - secretion of milk. A liquid is secreted from the milk ducts, resembling milk in consistency, colostrum. Galactorrhea in medical practice is not considered to be an independent disease, this condition is a symptom of a hormonal imbalance. A pathological condition occurs both in women of childbearing age, and in men and children.

The cause of galactorrhea is:

  • taking certain medications;
  • the presence of a neoplasm;
  • pathology of the adrenal glands, kidneys, liver;
  • excessive irritation of the nipples.

Mastitis can also cause white secretions from the breast. Mastitis is a focus of inflammation in the tissues, the causative agent of which is bacteria. The chest swells, swells, reddens and becomes painful. A woman's body temperature rises sharply. Mastitis without treatment progresses rapidly and leads to serious complications: suppuration and abscess. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed as medical treatment. In severe cases, surgery is performed.

Brown or bloody discharge indicates intraductal papilloma. The formation is benign and is located in the duct of the gland. Seals can be either single or multiple. When palpating the breast, spotting bloody discharge flows from the nipple. Over time, there is pain, weakness. The patient's body temperature may rise to 39 degrees. Treatment of intraductal papilloma is carried out only surgically.

Important! Bleeding is a symptom of breast cancer. The tumor, as it grows, injures the mucous membrane and ducts. The density and structure of tissues change, nearby lymph nodes are affected. A malignant tumor is also removed surgically.

Blood may come out of the breast during lactation. Its appearance is often caused by a cracked nipple. The integrity of the skin is broken, the blood is excreted along with milk. Possible causes also include adenoma of the nipple, chest trauma, calves.


The appearance of pathological discharge from the chest is a reason to contact a specialist. Diagnosis is based on:

  • examination and palpation of the mammary glands;
  • mammography;
  • punctures;
  • cytological study.

During the examination, the doctor evaluates the mammary glands (asymmetry, condition of the nipples, skin color). Palpation is performed in the supine or standing position. The doctor palpates, in addition to the chest, the area under the collarbone and armpits.

Important! Ultrasound is a reliable and safe research method. It allows you to assess the structure of tissues, identify or refute the presence of tumors, cysts and papillomas. Under ultrasound control, the doctor can take a puncture for further histological examination.

Mammography - radiography of the mammary glands. The study is carried out for the purpose of early diagnosis of various tumor diseases. Mammography allows you to accurately determine the localization of the neoplasm and its size. This type of diagnosis is not carried out during pregnancy and lactation.

Breast enlarged, strange discharge appeared - a reason to see a doctor. The slightest delay can lead to serious consequences. Breast health should be taken seriously. This will preserve the health of a woman for many years.

Most women at least once in their lives have encountered such a disease as mastopathy (fibrocystic disease).

If you find yourself with such complaints as chest pain, lumps in the mammary gland, discharge from the nipples, then it's time to see a doctor.

Basically, these symptoms indicate benign changes, but in isolated cases they may indicate breast cancer.

In the article we will talk about breast mastopathy, discharge and who to contact with this symptom.

Forms of the disease in which they are possible

Fibrocystic disease is divided into several types.


If there is discharge from the nipples, this is far from a mandatory sign of the disease. Pay attention to all kinds of symptoms to identify this disease at an early stage.

Allocations with mastopathy

With mastopathy, discharge from the mammary glands are as follows:

  • serous (yellow);
  • green;
  • bloody;
  • dairy;
  • transparent (watery);
  • sticky;
  • colostrums;
  • purulent, etc.

Discharge from the nipples with mastopathy are abundant (they appear on their own without probing the breast) and situational (occur when pressing on the mammary gland).

In 90%, if there is discharge during mastopathy, then this symptom is benign, but in some situations it is a sign of breast cancer.

The abundance of secretions depends on the stage of development of mastopathy. If at the initial stages of the disease they are practically absent, then in a more advanced form of the disease their number increases dramatically.

Discharge from the chest with mastopathy is not a single manifestation.

In addition to them, a woman is worried about a number of unpleasant symptoms.:

  • soreness of the breast, regardless of the menstrual cycle;
  • breast augmentation in volume;
  • compaction, engorgement;
  • the appearance of neoplasms in the breast.

Many girls believe that these manifestations are not symptoms of the disease, so not everyone goes to the hospital on time.

Without treatment, the disease begins to progress and can turn into cancer.

Which doctor should be contacted?

As soon as you notice discharge from the nipples, you should immediately go to the hospital to see a mammologist. No need to self-medicate! Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

  • The frequency and color of the appearance of discharge.
  • Abundance (appear on their own or after pressing).
  • The presence of any other complaints and diseases.
  • Medical treatment, if any.

After the examination, the specialist will give you a referral for breast ultrasound, mammography, a general blood test, a blood test for hormones.

The color of discharge from the mammary glands can be of different colors (clear, yellow, green, etc.), and the consistency varies from liquid to mucous.

  • Green - mainly discharge is observed with mastitis. Such discharge is accompanied not only by breast enlargement, but also by pain, redness and peeling;
  • Transparent - if such a discharge is in a middle-aged woman, then this is ductectasia. It is considered normal if they appear before menstruation or during sexual arousal;
  • Yellow - most often encountered by women in and lactation. If yellow discharge appeared after a chest injury, then this indicates that the healing and recovery process is proceeding safely. But when in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle a yellow liquid oozes from the nipples and chest pain is felt, then these are the first signs of fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • Fluid discharge - discharge appears either spontaneously or when you press on the nipple. The liquid comes out both from one and immediately from 2 breasts. If pressing on the nipple of the mammary gland, fluid is released, but the woman does not breastfeed the baby, then this may indicate an oncological disease;
  • Brown discharge - signal damage to the vessels from which bleeding occurs into the milk tubules. Such secretions are caused either by the growth of a cancerous tumor, or by the manifestation of a cystic form of mastopathy;
  • Bloody - such discharges most often inform about tumor processes in the ducts, since the neoplasm, increasing, compresses the blood vessels, and thereby causes internal hemorrhage into the milk ducts;
  • Whites - the cause of such discharge is galactorrhea. The peculiarity of such a disease is the secretion of colostrum from the breast. In many women, against the background of galactorrhea, the menstrual cycle is disturbed;
  • Dark - discharge is an indicator of numerous diseases. Often a dark color indicates the presence of blood in the substance. Such a symptom signals the development of a benign or oncological neoplasm in the mammary gland;
  • Dark green - basically, such discharges are observed during or during inflammatory processes in the mammary gland, complicated by the addition of staphylococci, streptococci and Escherichia coli (microbes that penetrate the wound cause inflammation and suppuration);
  • Light - a light liquid is released from 2 glands at the same time. Has no smell. If the discharge is not related to the interesting position of the woman, then it is definitely galactorrhea.

Causes of discharge

The causes of discharge from the mammary glands are either physiological or pathological processes.

Physiological processes of discharge from the chest:

  • During pregnancy - "training" formation of milk in the mammary glands and its periodic excretion. It begins in the third trimester and is provoked by an increased tone of the uterus, which stimulates discharge from the chest from both mammary glands. Mostly a cloudy white or yellowish liquid is released. Does not affect well-being;
  • Lactation after an abortion - the duration of the discharge depends on which month of pregnancy the interruption occurred (varies from several days to one month);
  • Taking combined oral contraceptives - since there is a hormone that stimulates lactation, the fluid that is secreted from the nipples will stop being released if you change the drug or completely cancel it.

Pathological processes of discharge from the chest:

  • Ductectasia is an expansion of the sub-reolar canals of the breast, resulting in a blockage of the glands, which leads to inflammation and coacervation of the fluid exiting through the nipples of the mammary glands. Usually women over 40 suffer from this disease;
  • Mastopathy is a benign disease of the mammary gland, which affects the pathological proliferation of connective tissue;
  • Mastitis is an inflammatory breast disease that develops actively after childbirth. This disease is accompanied by pain in the chest, redness and enlargement of the mammary gland, and there is also discomfort during breastfeeding and fever;
  • Cancer is a malignant tumor that forms imperceptibly as a result of the chaotic and uncontrolled development of body cells. A sign of this disease may be bloody discharge from one or 2 breasts, as well as a sharp increase in the mammary gland;
  • Eczema-like cancer - a type of cancer that forms in or around the nipples, the fight against such a disease is carried out only by surgery;
  • Vaginitis, syphilis, cystitis and other diseases of the genital organs;
  • External and internal chest injuries (bruises, blows);
  • Irritation of the nipples after breastfeeding;
  • Intraductal papilloma is a small benign formation that is located in one of the ducts of the mammary gland. With this disease, blood impurities are present in the secretions. A woman detects their presence by traces on a bra or by palpation in the nipple area;
  • Galactorrhea is the secretion of milk / colostrum from the nipples, which is caused by long-term use of hormonal drugs. It has nothing to do with breastfeeding;
  • Taking antibiotics and heavy drugs.

These are the most common causes of sudden onset of discharge from the chest, although there are many other factors involved. It is possible to establish the root cause of the appearance of fluid only after a comprehensive medical examination, supported by analyzes and other types of medical research.

Diseases in which discharge from the breast is observed

The discharge of a pregnant woman is primarily due to the pathology of the development of the fetus, and secondly, to the exacerbation of chronic diseases that existed before pregnancy.

With a disease of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland, discharge can occur from the chest, because these organs have a glandular structure, secrete their secret into the blood and are involved in the regulation and stabilization of the hormonal background. And they also concentrate prolactin in the blood.

Discharge from the nipples in a state of functional tension of the thyroid gland, in which the level of hormones is within the normal range or a hormonally active tumor of the anterior pituitary gland, which produces an excess amount of prolactin, is consistent with the normal production of milk by the female body, under the influence of hormones.

In addition to lactation, one can note a violation of the time interval from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next, up to their complete completion.

Endocrine disorders can be caused by:

  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • Unhealthy lifestyle (non-compliance with the regime of the day, inadequate rest, malnutrition);
  • Long-term use of medications that affect the hormonal background in the body,
    SARS, etc.

But the discharge from the chest, which arose due to neoplasms, the characteristic symptoms can be very different. This, first of all, depends on the type and, its location and other factors:

  • The discharge comes from only one breast and is of a thick consistency;
  • In the secreted fluid, an admixture of blood is very clearly visible;
  • The chest loses its symmetry - the mammary gland, from which the fluid is released, visually increased in size, and nodules are recognized on its surface not only visually, but also when probing;
  • There is a change in the shape / color of the nipple - the lines of the areola and skin are fuzzy, the nipple is "drawn" inward, the pigmentation of the areola and nipple increases / decreases.

Tumor diseases (, cancerous neoplasms, etc.) can develop for the following reasons:

  • Smoking;
  • Alcohol;
  • Unfavorable ecological situation;
  • lack of sleep;
  • Little rest;
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • abortion.

Today, the main cause of the development of tumor diseases is considered to be hereditary predisposition to cancer.

What to do if there is a discharge of the mammary glands

Noticing discharge from the breast, there is no need to panic. You just need to contact a mammologist as soon as possible, who will prescribe you a blood test and ductography to make a diagnosis. After making a diagnosis, the doctor will select the appropriate treatment for you.

Discharge from the mammary glands on pressure

In pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding, it is considered normal when fluid is released by pressing on the nipple of the breast. If the discharge does not occur during breastfeeding, then you need to consult a specialist, because there is a risk of developing dangerous diseases.

Discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy

Discharge from during pregnancy (colostrum) can occur almost from the first days of an interesting situation. Such secretions are considered to be just as normal as their absence.

Discharge from the mammary glands and menstruation

If discharge from the mammary glands appeared before the menstrual cycle, then you should not panic in advance, because before menstruation there are often discharges from the chest that have a physiological character. But still it is worth consulting a mammologist on this issue.

Treatment of secretions from the mammary glands

There are a huge number of circumstances due to which fluid can be released from the mammary glands, and that is why it is so important to contact a mammologist as soon as possible. The doctor selects an individual treatment for everyone - it is either conservative therapy, which is carried out by biological, physical and chemical methods, or surgery in severe cases. And before the doctor selects the treatment, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis.

If you use modern and effective treatment in time, then there is a huge chance to achieve positive results.

In the case of ductectasia, surgery is required to remove the affected duct in the breast.

For the treatment of purulent diseases of the mammary glands, the doctor prescribes antibiotics or prescribes an operation to help open the accumulation of pus in the tissues.

Treatment can be either conservative or surgical. It depends on what stage the disease is.

Intraductal papilloma is treated only by surgical intervention, during which the affected tissue is removed. After the operation, the removed material is sent for histological examination to exclude the malignancy of the neoplasm.

In the case of a mammologist, a mastectomy is prescribed - an operation during which both mammary glands are removed, in rare cases only a formation in healthy tissue is removed.

So, discharge from the mammary glands in is quite a common occurrence, since milk is secreted. In other cases, the discharge should alert you, due to the fact that they are considered dangerous. In order to find out the cause of their appearance, it is necessary to be fully examined.

The liquid can stand out independently, and when you press the nipple. Often a woman discovers them when:

  • Wears ;
  • Takes psychotropic drugs;
  • Jumps constantly pressure;
  • There is a hormonal imbalance in the body.

If you find a seal during palpation of the chest, or you are worried about pain in it, be sure to inform the doctor about this. The more detailed you answer the doctor's questions, the faster he will be able to diagnose you.