Estrus in dogs from A to Z: symptoms, duration, problems. This strange behavior of a dog during heat Frightening changes in a dog's character

Estrus in dogs is a physiological feature of females, which indicates the bitch’s sexual maturity and readiness to reproduce. During the period of estrus, dogs exhibit sexual hunting and interest in opposite sex. During heat, a dog can become pregnant.

First heat in dogs

Let’s answer the question “When does a dog’s first heat start?”

The appearance of heat in a dog indicates puberty. The time of the appearance of the first heat in a dog is individual: much depends on the size, breed, and individual characteristics of the body.

On average, a dog's first heat begins at 6–8 months. It is also normal for a dog to appear in heat for the first time at 1.5 years.

At what age do dogs go into heat?

We've figured out the onset of estrus, now let's answer the question at what age does estrus end in dogs. Dogs are in estrus throughout their lives.

How long does a dog's heat last?

Not experienced owners dogs are often asked how many days a dog's heat lasts.

On average, estrus in dogs lasts 20–22 days. But there are many factors that influence the duration of estrus: breed, age, living conditions, nutrition.

A dog's estrus cycle normalizes by the age of two, and only based on the individual characteristics of your dog can you calculate the estrus cycle and duration.

How often do dogs go into heat?

The second popular question from owners is: how often do dogs go into heat?

How often a dog goes into heat is also very individual. Some dogs go into heat once every 4 months, but most often dogs go into heat once every six months or once a year.

How to detect heat in dogs

To know that a dog is in heat, you need to have a rough idea of ​​the signs that a dog is in heat. And for this you need to know the estrus cycle.

A dog's estrus cycle includes 4 stages. Each cycle has its own signs of a dog's heat, and a dog's behavior during heat changes depending on the cycle.

  1. Proestrus is the period of pre-estrus. Signs of a dog's heat at this stage are quite easy to recognize. The bitch's external genitalia (loop) swell and dark bloody issues from the vagina, the dog begins to actively lick itself. The bitch’s behavior also changes: she actively flirts with males, but does not allow them to approach her. Dogs begin to mark their territory and become more aggressive towards other females. At the pre-breeding stage, the bitch is not ready for mating. A dog's estrus lasts 7–10 days.
  2. Estrus (sexual heat) is the second stage of estrus in a dog. During this period, the bitch is ready for mating. On average, the estrus period lasts 4–12 days. During this period, the bitch allows the male to come to her. Signs of this stage of estrus in a dog: at the sight of a male dog, the bitch freezes, arches her back and moves her tail to the side. During this period, the discharge becomes lighter (pale pink)
  3. Metestrus is the third phase of a dog's estrus cycle. During this period, the active phase of the dog’s estrus ends and the recovery period begins. You can determine when your dog is in heat by the following signs: bleeding disappears, swelling of the genital organs subsides. During this period, a false pregnancy may occur. On average, this period lasts 60 – 105 days
  4. Anetrus is the fourth phase of the cycle. The period of sexual rest, which lasts 100 - 150 days.

Sterilization and estrus in a dog

People often ask whether dogs go into heat after sterilization. The answer is no. Sterilization is The best way eliminating estrus in a dog. After complete sterilization, when the ovaries and uterus are removed, the dog's estrus completely stops.

Another question is how long after estrus can a dog be spayed. If your dog is in heat, it is best to postpone spaying. You can sterilize your dog 2 weeks after the end of her heat.

Estrus, pregnancy and childbirth in dogs

Sometimes owners ask if a dog that is not in heat can get pregnant. In this case, the clear answer is no. A dog can only become pregnant while in heat.

On average, a dog can become pregnant on the 10th – 14th day of estrus.

Read more about pregnancy and childbirth in dogs.

On what day of heat can a dog be bred?

Puberty The dog comes into her third heat cycle. However, even during the first heat, the bitch is ready to accept a male, but this is too early for mating. It is ideal to breed a bitch by the age of 2.

On what day of heat can a dog be bred? Ideal days for mating a dog – 11 – 15th day of estrus, but there are individual characteristics. Now there are many ovulation tests that allow you to accurately determine on what day of heat a dog can be bred.

Discharge in dogs during estrus

It is possible for a dog to be in estrus without excreting – the so-called hidden estrus. Estrus in a dog without discharge may be normal and not a sign of any abnormalities or disturbances in the cycle. During a dog's heat, there is no discharge necessary process still occurs in the ovaries (formation of follicles and release of eggs from them). If a bitch is bred in time, she will bear and give birth to healthy and full-fledged offspring. The causes of estrus in dogs without discharge are still not clear. Cases of hidden estrus are extremely rare.

However, estrus in dogs without discharge may have another cause - hypothyroidism. This may be the reason for the sluggish manifestation or absence of estrus symptoms at all. Hypothyroidism is associated with decreased function thyroid gland. Females suffer from this disease 2.5 times more often than males.

Typically, the color of the discharge during a dog's heat changes depending on the cycle. At the beginning of the dog's heat, the discharge is dark red in color, but during the second half of the dog's heat, the discharge lightens to a pale pink color.

The dog is in heat: what to do

If you do not plan to breed your dog, you should be careful during heat. What should an owner do when a dog is in heat?

First of all, lead your bitch on a leash. Even the calmest dog's behavior changes during heat, and it can unexpectedly take off running.

Do not allow male dogs near the bitch. If the male makes a cage, it is no longer possible to separate the dogs.

Do not attend exhibitions and other events. This is fraught with trouble not only for you and your dog, but also for those around you.

Do not allow your dog to swim in ponds - a genital tract infection may occur.

Briefs for dogs in heat

Discharge in dogs during estrus can be quite profuse. And during estrus, you can use special panties for dogs with padding. This will help keep the house clean.

Briefs for dogs during heat have both pros and cons.

Pros of your dog wearing panties during heat:

  • No stains in the house.
  • Protecting the dog's genitals from dirt.

Disadvantages of your dog wearing panties during heat:

  • The dog may experience discomfort.
  • During heat, the dog tends to lick itself, and if there are underpants, it will lick them. Accordingly, they will quickly get wet and will have to be changed frequently.
  • Risk of chewing and swallowing of both panties and pads.

If you decide to use panties for your dog during heat, keep in mind that there are several types of similar products. They have the following differences:

  1. Textile. Durable nylon (more often) or synthetics (less often), as well as cotton or rubberized fabric can be used.
  2. Models. For example, panties for walking during heat have a large hole for the tail, so the dog can relieve itself more.
  3. Design. For example, some panties for dogs during heat are equipped with a pocket to insert a pad. But sometimes owners use regular feminine pads.

When purchasing, make sure that the panties for your dog during heat are moisture-resistant.

Take the necessary measurements in advance: the volume of the hips and waist, the distance between the paws, the thickness of the tail. It’s even better if you can try it on.

Under no circumstances should panties for dogs during estrus be tight - this leads to poor circulation. There should be no elastic bands or rough seams or uncomfortable straps. Instead of an elastic band, there should be an adjustable strap.

Pads should be changed about 3 times a day to avoid bacterial growth.

Estrus in dogs is a natural process that indicates the female’s puberty. The first estrus appears at 6-12 months, less often - up to 2 years.

If the dog has not passed its first heat at 2 years of age, a veterinarian’s consultation is necessary. Frequency – 1-2 times a year. If estrus occurs more frequently, the risk of hormonal imbalances remains.

Dogs in heat

Estrus lasts for 3 weeks in dogs. in some cases- up to a month.

The occurrence of estrus in dogs depends on the breed of the animal. Take a closer look at your pet to understand its characteristics and ease the dog’s estrus period.

How does the estrus process work in dogs?

Determining the onset of estrus in a dog is not difficult. Symptoms of the onset of estrus in dogs - the animal begins to urinate more often, spotting appears, behavior changes, and interest in the female increases. Before estrus, shedding begins.

The first heat in dogs - important stage. Goes away after changing teeth, but exact time impossible to predict. Dogs in heat small breeds Mostly begins at 6-10 months, the signs are clearly visible. The timing shows a greater range - from 6 to 13 months. The first heat is inactive: the discharge of blood is small, the males practically do not pay attention. But there is no need to let your guard down.

If the owner intends to breed a dog in the future, it is important to accurately track the time of the start of the first and subsequent heats: mating usually begins on the third cycle!

The dog's reproductive cycle consists of 4 cycles:

  • First cycle. Proestrus, or pre-gesture, lasts approximately 7-10 days.

The first signs of estrus in a dog appear - blood flow to the genitals increases, the vulva swells, the first bloody discharge(in a small volume). It is advisable to purchase special underpants for your pet.

Ovulation does not occur: the dog is not ready for mating. The dog's behavior changes noticeably during heat - sometimes excitable, sometimes playful, sometimes disobedient. During walks, he actively explores the territory, constantly making marks with urine. Flirts with male dogs.

  • Second cycle. Estrus, or rut, is direct sexual hunting.

Ovulation occurs (in the first two days from the beginning of the cycle), but the female is capable of allowing males to mate for a number of days. Occurs 10 days after the first bleeding appears. The pet agrees to let the opposite sex approach. To obtain a breed litter, after mating with a male, the bitch is protected from the encroachments of males.

Discharges at the specified time different breeds dogs vary. Normally, sexual heat and readiness for mating occurs when the discharge becomes light pink or completely stops, and the vulva swells greatly. During the period of estrus, the bitch begins to let the males in: she raises her pelvis, tightens the loop, moves her tail for convenience and freezes.

There is a period when dogs come to the end of their heat. The reddish discharge goes away, the loop decreases in size, the female stops allowing male dogs, who continue to experience increased interest in the dog. The duration of the period is 10 days.

If there is no pregnancy, the body gradually returns to a state of rest. Simultaneously in the metaestrus cycle in dogs increased level the “pregnancy hormone” progesterone, regardless of whether fertilization has occurred. Dogs appear false pregnancy.

  • Fourth cycle. Anestrus, or sexual rest, duration is 100-150 days.

Estrus in dogs varies in frequency: in domestic animals - often twice a year, in autumn and late winter, less often - only once. In yard bitches and northern dogs, mainly once a year, in early spring: puppies are born in the warm season.

How many days does the empty space last?

Occurs twice a year, duration is 20 - 28 days, approximately 3-4 weeks. Owners should consider the number and frequency of empty spaces. If your pet goes into heat 3-4 times a year, you should take your pet to the veterinarian. Frequent processes indicate hormonal disorders in the animal's body.

However, differences are determined by the body weight and size of the dog. In representatives of the Laika breed, pustovka occurs once a year. In older dogs, periods of rest begin to increase, and the number of empty nests per year decreases. Signs of estrus become mild and unnoticeable. old dog quite capable of still being able to attract a male dog, mate and become pregnant.

If a dog's estrus lasts a month, and the periods of rest are approximately six months, then the schedule must be followed long time. If the owners notice that the discharge has become more frequent, the discharge has become pronounced and profuse, immediately take the animal to the veterinarian.

The main responsibility of the dog owner is strict control over upcoming estrus. Moreover, control is carried out regardless of the matings carried out or not. Knowledge will help you react in time if the emptying is delayed. If the moment has arrived, make sure the period does not go unnoticed.

When there is no heat at all, you should immediately take your dog to see a veterinarian.

Signs and symptoms of estrus

If the owners know the subtleties of the dog’s habitual behavior, it will be easy to determine the period of the onset of empty nesting. The pet's behavior will change dramatically. When the period passes, the dog will return to the same behavior after the heat.

The pet becomes disobedient, active and playful. Hormones “boil” and, subject to ancient instinct, the female becomes cheeky in behavior.

The main signs of the onset of estrus:

  1. Frequent urge to urinate.
  2. Increased interest in members of the opposite sex.
  3. Bloody discharge in the dog's resting area.

At first, the dogs do not allow the males to approach. The period of fertilization has not yet arrived. After a week, the discharge changes color, becomes the color of straw, and acquires a mucous consistency. Later the female becomes excitable. Now dogs are able to provoke males to mate. It is expressed in a similar way: the female stands in a pose and moves her tail to the side when she sees a male. The behavior persists for a week, perhaps less. The owner is required to monitor and mark the days of readiness on the calendar, if desired, to breed.

When dogs come into heat, they leave characteristic marks everywhere. bleeding. You should buy special underpants for dogs. Dog handlers recommend forcing your pet to lick the discharge. And this should be done from the time of the first emptying. If you do not want to dress your pet in underpants, it is advisable to roll up the carpets.

First heat

Estrus is a natural process that indicates the dog’s sexual maturity. Majority inexperienced owners the process is confusing: people have little idea when the first heat occurs in dogs - what to do and how to properly care for it.

The names are different: estrus, empty. The first heat occurs when the animal reaches sexual maturity. In small representatives, the first emptying can begin at 7 months. U large breeds the period of estrus can occur at 1.5 years. Puberty is combined with the process of active molting of the animal; experienced owners already know in advance that the pet will soon begin a period of estrus.

If we talk about the duration of estrus in dogs, exact dates are not named. As a rule, the first empty space is the shortest in terms of time interval. There may be a weak manifestation, expressed in a small amount of blood, which weakly attracts males. In young females, the first heat may not be real. It can end suddenly, ovulation does not occur. Don't relax: the dog may experience empty-headedness again. The pet will go into hunting with ovulation.

Estrus in representatives of various breeds

The first heat in dogs belonging to small breeds occurs at six months. There are no strict indicators: the animal’s body is individual. Be careful not to let a huge male get close to your pet. This will seriously affect the pet's health.

In large representatives of the species, the time of estrus in dogs occurs after a year. There are no specific deadlines. And at 18 months the onset is considered normal.

The favorable time for mating and conception occurs 15 days after the start of estrus. The dog's excitement reaches its limit; it is recommended to do this with a male dog these days.

What to do during heat: rules for the owner

If the owner’s plans do not include breeding the bitch during heat, it is important to be careful during this period.

Keep your dog on a leash and don't let it off. Calm and well-mannered pets They become uncontrollable: they are eager to instantly run away from the owner and not respond to the usual commands.

Keep an eye on the dog and protect it from males. Remember: if a dog has mounted a bitch, it will be impossible to pull it away. The above applies to purebred and small dogs: A large male who decides to copulate with a small female can cause harm.

During the period of heat, try not to go to exhibitions and festivals: there is a high risk of accidental mating, sudden changes in the pet’s character will cause trouble.

Do not bathe your dog in questionable bodies of water: the possibility of infection of the genital tract during estrus is extremely high.

An open question for owners is whether to sterilize a dog during heat. There is no clear opinion among doctors. There is no difference in the technique of performing the operation during the period of heat and rest; the difficulty arises during anesthesia - easily excitable animals during the rut can painfully endure anesthesia. The owner must decide when to sterilize.

If the birth of your dog's puppies is a long-awaited and happy moment, you should not relax: estrus after birth has its own peculiarities. Dogs come into estrus 4 months after giving birth; if the litter is large and the female feeds the puppies for a long time, the period extends to six months. When dogs that have recently given birth begin to go into heat: frequent urination, bleeding, licking the noose. Estrus lasts 3-4 weeks. It is important to monitor your dog during walks and keep it on a leash at all times.

Problematic estrus in dogs

Sometimes pet owners are perplexed as to why their dog is not in heat.

Bloodless estrus in dogs does not depend on the breed. The options are different: signs appear: a change in command, a swollen loop, but there is no discharge. Rarely there are no signs of estrus, but the process passes.

If you are planning puppies, they will help laboratory research: A blood test and vaginal smear will determine whether your pet is in heat.

Bloodless estrus is not a natural process. To avoid problems in the future, get examined by a veterinarian. This will help determine if it is normal hormonal background What is the dog's health?

An alarming situation is when a dog does not stop estrus. A visit to the doctor and tests are simply necessary.

The reasons are different - from hormonal imbalance to vulvovaginitis and tumors. About serious health problems prolonged heat speaks in adult dogs. In rare cases, young bitches experience “prolonged juvenile proestrus”, the first or second estrus. The dog is cheerful, and tests show no abnormalities.

How to properly control the behavior of a bitch and a dog

What to do and how to properly walk a current dog? First of all, carefully ensure that your pet is always nearby. Try not to let your dog off the leash without a reason and call him constantly. Keep in mind that the dog’s behavior has changed; the dog is weakly able to listen to commands.

A well-mannered pet rarely ignores the owner's commands. If we talk about a male dog, the dog must obey its owners unquestioningly. But on a walk you meet a lot of mongrels.

If you are worried about possible unwanted pregnancy, just remain extremely careful. Knowing the duration of the process, owners can control the process and protect the pet from attacks from strangers.

Features of estrus in a dog

Real story

The dog owner contacted the site:

“A question arose about mating and estrus. They took the dog to a neighboring town for mating. A test was taken in advance to determine readiness for mating (for progesterone). On the 13th day of estrus, mating was successful. On that day, the discharge from the loop was light, transparent with a pinkish tint. The dog was sent for mating with a courier; during the trip, the dog apparently caught a cold. The dog pees often. I had to drip Canephron N (40 drops, 3 times a day) for 3 days - 5-7 days after mating. It seems that the situation has improved, my health is good, as is my appetite and stool. But now (20th day of estrus) they are released from the loop dark discharge like a "daub". Is this normal?


After a dog is in heat, a specific discharge appears from the loop. Normally, they are light and transparent. Normal physiological leucorrhoea has no odor. If the dog is hypothermic or ill, the discharge may take on a bloody tint, be mixed with pus, and be sharp. bad smell. Changes physiological process indicate the presence serious violations in canine “gynecology”, requiring urgent intervention veterinarian

With the appearance of a dog in the house, the owner has a lot of troubles. And they only increase when the pet goes into heat, or she carries and gives birth to offspring. During estrus, a characteristic discharge begins from the dog's loop, which can cause some inconvenience. Then the question arises, is it possible to bathe an animal and how to do it correctly?

Bathing is required four-legged friend, because it serves as prevention skin diseases . Wherein, . For example, it is strictly not recommended to bathe your pet in extreme cold. need to be bathed more often than with a short undercoat, because the latter's coat has the ability to self-clean.

Swimming during heat

You might think that it is mandatory to bathe your pet during heat. Everything is not so simple, because during this period the pet has a tendency to infections and inflammation of various internal organs, and bathing can cause these problems. So, is it possible to wash a dog during heat?

It is possible and necessary! Hygiene is important always and everywhere. Moreover, a dog's heat is accompanied by urination, and hygiene procedures are really necessary to prevent infection.

After bathing, you should not allow your animal to lie down on a cold floor, as your pet may simply catch a cold. In addition, if you put special underpants on your dog after it has bathed and dried, and also change the bedding, then illness can be avoided, as well as stains on the carpet.

A dog should not be allowed to swim in an open body of water during heat, as the risk of contracting the disease in this way is quite high!

After heat

Wash expectant mother It is necessary from a very young age, starting from about two months. It is recommended to wash it approximately twice a year. But for long-haired dogs, at least once every two weeks. At the same time, regardless of the breed, you can wash it additionally as needed.

By the way, you will have to. It is necessary to remember that, because during this period the dog’s immunity is weakened and cannot resist infectious diseases as before.

It is tar and cannot be used to wash an animal. Soap dries the skin and does not kill insects, contrary to the opinion of some dog breeders. Besides, tar soap leaves behind an unpleasant odor, which the animal will not be happy with for several days.

A dog in heat can be washed. It is sold in pet stores, and you need to choose a shampoo that contains the following components:

  • Egg yolk;
  • Lanolin;
  • Lecithin.

If the shampoo contains insecticides, then you need to be careful, because it can dry out the skin, although flea prevention is a good thing.

A few days before the expected date of birth, it would be better to refrain from swimming!

During pregnancy

Water treatments are not recommended for a pregnant dog unless necessary.. And it is strictly not recommended to wash the animal after the fourth week of pregnancy.
If bathing is necessary, then this must be done very carefully, and then place the animal in a warm place without drafts. You cannot go outside after the water procedure. It is recommended to use a mild shampoo, but not flea treatment.

After childbirth

It is not advisable to wash a recently born dog unless absolutely necessary. You can wash the puppy completely, about a week after giving birth. Cannot be used when swimming cosmetical tools so as not to provoke allergies in puppies.

After the bathing procedure, the dog needs to be dried before it goes to feed the puppies. If she has short fur, you can simply wipe her with a towel.

After castration

If the animal has been castrated, then water procedures are allowed only from the moment when the suture has completely healed. This usually happens after two to three weeks. Do not get the seam wet or wet the wound to prevent infection.


Bathing shaggy friend usually serves hygienic purposes. A properly selected detergent, as well as compliance with the rules and recommendations, will make the procedure comfortable and enjoyable for your pet.


In the dog’s genital area, you can notice a swelling of the “loop”; the dog begins to walk awkwardly and often lick itself. In the loop area you can see pink discharge, this moment It is worth considering the first day of the onset of estrus and counting from this day.
The first heat lasts less than subsequent ones, and during the first heat the bitch is not so attractive to males.

It is important to correctly determine the onset of the first heat, its duration, the time before the second heat and its duration; then it will be easier for you to determine the onset of the third heat if you are going to breed a dog. Mating before the third heat is strictly not recommended, because the body of a young dog will be fully formed and ready for mating only at the beginning of the third heat.


Never let your bitch off the leash during heat; try to always be close to her while walking. Many females in heat may run away or break free from the leash at the sight of a male dog.

Helpful advice

Do not scold your dog for stains on the floor; it cannot control this process to avoid unpleasant consequences, you can use special hygiene pants for dogs.

There are many people who seem to be not against having a pet, but are afraid of all sorts of problems caused by the appearance of another living creature in the house. For example, many people think that female dogs and cats living in the house go into heat almost 4 times a year and last for a very long time.

Those who intend to have a pet are often advised to buy a female, because both kittens and puppies of this sex are calmer, less likely to show aggression and become more attached to their owner than males. Often, owners worry about the fact that the female has periodic bleeding, in which the animal actively seeks opportunities with the male, and can also stain anything in the house with its secretions.

Dogs in heat

The age at which a bitch begins to develop can range from 7 months to one and a half years. It is interesting that in most cases small breed dogs come into heat much earlier than in representatives of medium and large breeds of animals. The physiological manifestations of the onset of maturity is the appearance of bloody discharge from the animal’s genitals, which has an incredibly attractive odor for males of all breeds. You should not be afraid that the animal will dirty the whole house - it constantly licks the loop, but it is still better to remove expensive carpets for this period.

Estrus in dogs lasts 21-28 days and usually occurs twice a year. If you intend to breed an animal to produce offspring, it is best 10-15 days after the start of estrus, because the bitch is maximally excited during this period and is ready to allow a male to approach her without special problems. During this period, the dog's external genitalia swell, and the discharge becomes mucous in consistency and almost transparent.

Cats in heat

The age at which the first heat occurs may vary among different breeds. Some cats experience their first heat when they are 7 months old, while others do not go into heat until they are 10 months old. Interestingly, the timing of its onset is influenced not only by the breed of your pet, but also by the conditions of its keeping, its diet, and a number of other factors. Despite the fact that estrus is evidence that the animal’s body is ready for pregnancy, it would be the height of foolishness to specifically breed a cat on her first estrus - this should be done no earlier than she reaches one and a half years of age.

On average, estrus in cats lasts 12-14 days. You can accurately determine the timing of its onset by carefully observing the behavior of your pet: when the cat begins to scream loudly, assume a mating position and strives to run outside at any opportunity in order to be able to mate, we can confidently say that estrus has begun. Keep in mind that scolding a cat for bad behavior during this period it is simply useless, and punishing her is the height of cruelty: your animal now does not belong to itself, it is controlled by the most powerful instinct of procreation. If you do not intend to breed your cat, it is best to have her spayed.

Having an animal in the house is a big responsibility. You don't just need to love him, you need to look after him and take care of him. And if you get a bitch, you must understand what will happen to her as she develops and matures. One of the moments is the onset of the first heat. We'll talk about this and much more in our article.

How can you tell if your dog is in heat?

Estrus is a natural, inevitable natural process. Therefore, think several times before taking a bitch. So, how can you tell if your dog is in heat?

The first occurs between six and twelve months, but for some reasons may begin at two years. As a rule, after all the baby teeth have been replaced. The first molt is also a harbinger of the onset of empty nesting. If it does not appear within the prescribed period, you need to contact a veterinarian, this may indicate hormonal imbalance or signal another illness. It happens twice a year, if more often it’s a warning sign. In healthy bitches, the emptying period is twenty days, plus one or two days.

You see how serious this is, so when they unknowingly get a female puppy, the first empty nest causes panic and fear. In our article we will talk about this in detail.


The first thing you will involuntarily notice is the swelling of the loop (vulva). And only then the following signs appear:

  1. The dog begins to urinate more often.
  2. Blood is released from the loop, droplets of which are visible on the floor. Moreover, they are dark in color at the beginning.
  3. When you take her outside, you will notice an increased interest of males in your bitch.
  4. Estrus may be accompanied by shedding.
  5. The pet's appetite improves.
  6. Sometimes there is anxiety.
  7. Drooling appears.
  8. The pupils may dilate.

With the first heat, the dog's character changes. Large bitches become aggressive, stop following commands, bark a lot, while small bitches, on the contrary, become more cheerful and active. This applies, for example, to the dachshund.

Another sign when you notice that your dog is constantly licking the vagina is the immediate onset of estrus.

Very important point, a dog should not become pregnant during its first heat. Therefore, when walking your bitch, keep her on a leash. She will attract males in every possible way, take a certain pose, raise her tail. Only you can protect her from unwanted conception. Now we know how to determine when a dog is approaching heat.

Signs of the first empty space and duration

The exact number of days cannot be determined. You can ask the owners of the pet's mother how long her first heat lasted. Typically these physiological characteristics are passed on to puppies by inheritance.

The first heat will be the fastest. Sometimes it can be accompanied by a very small amount of bloody discharge and absolute indifference of males to the emptying of the bitch. The process can also be hidden. According to veterinarians, it can quickly begin and also end. In this case, ovulation does not occur. But this applies to the first emptying, the next one must be carefully prepared.

Monitor your dog's physiological condition

When she comes into heat, the bitch will curl her tail to facilitate a mating process called "flagging." This standing can be provoked by intensively scratching the vulva. If the hind legs press together and freeze, the tail moves away, a wave-like muscle contraction passes along the back, which means the bitch is flagging.

Now it becomes more clear how to determine estrus in dogs. During this difficult period, it is necessary to show special care and attention to your pet.

How to determine the day of a dog's heat?

We already know that it takes place twice a year, with an interval of six months. This is what will help determine the day of the next heat. There is no need to worry if the time interval between heats is 4-8 months, it is different for all dogs. As a rule, it lasts three to four weeks.

How does estrus occur in stages?

Let's look at the stages:

  1. Proestrus. (Precursor from 7-10 days). The dog has already started bleeding. Special hygiene panties are sold for all breeds, for every taste, they will insure your pet against unwanted pregnancy and infections and help keep the house clean.
  2. Estrus. (Hunting from 4-12 days). The discharge becomes pale in color or disappears altogether. At this moment the bitch is ready for mating. If you plan to have offspring, she must be mated with a male on the second or third day from the beginning of the cycle, which turns out to be on the 10th, 11th day. This is ovulation - the egg is released from the ovary.
  3. Metaestrus. From 17-22 days. The allocations are being pumped. The swollen loop decreases, the dog returns to its usual state of sexual rest, and drives away the males.
  4. Anestrus. The animal's recovery period.

Let's look at an example photo to see how to determine when a dog is in heat.

Pre-temperature period

How to determine the onset of estrus in dogs, we figured it out, let's talk about initial stage. The bitch's behavior changes. She is easily excitable and restless. It stops for a long time in places where male dogs leave marks, marking the territory with urine. It can jump on male dogs, play with its tail, but at the same time, it growls and recoils, and then returns again. It's not time for mating yet. At the initial stage, the pet does not allow male dogs to approach, because the uterus is not yet ready for fertilization, and she does not see the point in mating. But when the blood stains give way to thick, beige mucous clots, then it's time.

Ready to Mate

We learned when and how to detect the first heat in dogs. Let's move on to the next stage. So, best time for mating on days 9-17, and in some bitches on day 21. As soon as the discharge becomes transparent or disappears, you can begin mating. Some dogs practically never go into heat, so you can breed as soon as the loop swells.

Third stage

Now we will learn how to determine the end of heat in dogs. At this stage, the natural processes in the uterus begin to restore. This period is from 60 to 105 days, the bitch will drive away the males. After the first heat, an increase in the sternum and loop may be observed. There is no blood in the third stage. The genitals take on their previous appearance, and the level of the pregnancy hormone (progesterone) in the body increases, which will be present at the time of pregnancy and in its absence. At this time, a false pregnancy may occur. This is when fertilization does not occur after mating, but mental and physiological disorders occur.

The dog will act like it is pregnant. Look for a secluded place, scooping up warm household items. Place soft toys in the nest. Moreover, her nipples may swell and even leak milk. In this case, the owners need to take care of the end of lactation. To do this, you should limit drinking, food portions, eliminate dry food and visit more places. fresh air, trying in every possible way to distract the pet from the “nest” and false motherhood.

Final fourth stage

We already know how to determine that a dog is in heat, let’s move on to last stage. The stage of absolute sexual rest. Lasts 100-150 days. For a healthy pet, emptying occurs twice a year, for example, at the end of summer and mid-winter. For any deviations, you must seek help from a specialist. So, we figured out how to determine estrus in dogs.

How should you behave with a dog during heat?

We have learned how to determine when a dog is in heat, now let us once again summarize what needs to be done during this difficult period. You must adhere to the following rules:

  1. When going outside, keep your pet on a leash.
  2. Keep male dogs away from her.
  3. Avoid places where there are a lot of dogs.
  4. Make every effort to ensure that the bitch does not contract an infection or become hypothermic.
  5. Swimming in public waters is prohibited.

To keep your house clean, use special hygienic panties, which should be of high quality and not have rough seams. Make sure that they do not put pressure on the stomach and genitals. It is very important to check rubber bands that may chafe or cut. If the dog has a tail, make sure there is a special hole in them. The fabric should be waterproof. Dog handlers say that it is better if the dog itself licks the blood during the emptying session. It is beneficial for physical and mental health. If you go this difficult route, then remove all carpets in the house.

As your pet ages, the number of heats and their duration will also decrease. But it should be borne in mind that even at an advanced age, when mating, there is a very high probability of becoming pregnant.

Despite the fact that during this period their appetite increases, overfeeding the animal is strictly prohibited. It is also necessary to reduce motor activity, do not allow your pet to overcome high obstacles. When meeting a persistent male, it is better to take the female to safe place. And under no circumstances should you scold for frequent urination, it’s nature and you can’t do anything against it. And yet, you should not teach your dog new commands during this period.

Is it possible to vaccinate during estrus?

Definitely not. The animal is vaccinated at a young age. Vaccination is done only healthy dog. Estrus is not a disease, but changes definitely occur in the body. If the vaccination period coincides with the start-up period, it is better to postpone this moment. The bitch can be vaccinated after estrus. And not immediately, but after a certain number of days. A better get vaccinated do it before estrus, in advance of its onset, otherwise it will be ineffective and may cause harm.

Is it possible to worm a dog during heat?

This procedure must be performed twice a year, two weeks before the start of emptying. Especially if you decide to breed a pet. The procedure will be effective and will not cause harm to health.

How to properly bathe an animal during heat?

Of course, hygiene is simply necessary so that the dog does not contract an infection. But you should be careful here. You cannot swim in open reservoirs, rivers and lakes. The animal may get inflammatory process. When you come back from a walk, it is not at all necessary to completely wash your dog; you can rinse your paws in the bath. After water procedures Make sure that the animal does not sit on the cold floor.

Is it possible to do sterilization during estrus?

In general, this is a sensitive and sensitive issue for every dog ​​owner. This operation can be carried out during emptying, but is not advisable. This is done in two ways:

  1. By tubal ligation. The heat continues, it will be possible to breed, but fertilization will not occur.
  2. Removal of ovaries. This method not only eliminates the possibility of pregnancy, but also the estrus itself.

As a rule, this operation is resorted to in case of disease in the pet’s genital organs; the development of mammary gland cancer and uterine tumors can be stopped. Sterilization is also carried out during pregnancy, but in reality early, but if it’s false, you can’t do this.

Thus, sterilization can save the life of an animal and, of course, get rid of unnecessary hassle owners. But if the bitch is healthy and suitable for reproducing offspring, the right decision would be to find a suitable male and mate.

So, we found out when the first estrus in dogs begins, how it proceeds, stages and signs. The main thing is not to panic. It’s better to prepare in advance by reading necessary information and follow the rules for care and maintenance during this difficult period for both the bitch and the owners. You need to be patient and not get angry, because it is not the animal’s fault that this natural process is irreversible in its life.