Recipes for children from 2 years. Feeding a child from two to three years

In the second year of life, the child begins to form his own taste for food, favorite and unloved dishes appear. During this period, the crumbs menu is already a bit like an adult's diet. But it is not worth rushing to enter everything at once.

Diet for a 2 year old

If earlier the main products for a child were milk, mixtures, cereals and, now there are noticeably more options.

  1. Consider the basic provisions of the diet of a child of 2 years.
  2. As before, meals remain five times a day. Breakfast and dinner should be approximately equal, for lunch and afternoon tea we offer lighter meals. The largest amount of nutrients a child should receive at lunchtime.
  3. Now the diet of a child at 2 years old includes a full three-course menu for lunch. At first, liquid food, then a piece of fish or meat with a side dish, and at the end.
  4. For a baby who is 2 years old, the children's menu should include recipes with different ingredients, but about 70% must be carbohydrates.
  5. The diet of a child at 2 years old should include meat, fish or an egg, milk and cereals with vegetables daily. Each group has its own functions, therefore it will not work to replace one product with another.

Children's recipes from 2 years old: first courses

As before, the crumbs can be offered puree soups as a first course. Chicken, veal or rabbit are best suited for making broth.


  • chicken meat - 0.5 kg;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • milk - 1 tbsp;
  • flour - 2 tbsp ;
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • sour cream - 0.5 tbsp;
  • greens to taste.


Boil chicken broth. Take the meat out and let it cool. While the meat is cooling in boiling water, add the onion and carrots. Cook until carrots are soft. Disassemble the meat and pass it through a meat grinder with carrots. Dilute minced meat with half a glass of broth, add milk, butter, flour. Stir until smooth. Pour the mixture into the broth, stirring constantly. Serve with sour cream and herbs.

Children's recipes from 2 years old: dishes from meat and vegetables

For the second, you can cook stews, puddings or stewed vegetables. Meat or fish is much healthier if steamed or baked in the oven.

meat pudding


  • veal - 50 g;
  • white bread - 1 piece;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • egg - 0.5 pcs;
  • butter - 1 tsp;
  • grated crackers - 1 tsp


Soak bread in milk. Boil the meat and pass through a meat grinder with bread. Add yolk and mix. Whisk the egg whites to a peak and gently fold into the minced meat. Grease a baking dish with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and lay out the mass. Cover with greased paper and bake for 20 minutes. Serve with mashed potatoes.

Steam cutlets


  • meat - 60 g;
  • white bread - 1 slice;
  • butter - 1 tsp


Pass the meat through a meat grinder. Soak the bread in milk or water and skip with the meat a second time. Add butter, salt. Knead the minced meat until a smooth homogeneous mass is obtained. Place the patties in a saucepan and pour over some hot water. Cover with a lid and put in the oven for half an hour. Periodically water with liquid.

Recipes for children 2 years old: dessert

Dessert in the first place should be useful and help the process of digestion. But not everything useful wants to eat a child. We offer one of the simple recipes for children 2 years old, which the baby will definitely want to try.

Bun pudding with cream



Cut the pulp of the bun into slices. Lubricate each slice with oil and put in a mold. Grind egg yolk with milk. Add flour and sugar to egg mixture. Put on a slow fire to boil until thickened. Cream filled slices of rolls. Bake in the oven for half an hour until it turns yellow.

The menu for a child at 2 years old can be a headache for mom if the baby is not accustomed to the common table. At this age, the child approaches the adult diet. In order for the baby to be able to fully eat with other family members, it may be worth revising the general principles of nutrition and family gastronomic culture.

What to feed a child at 2 years old? Of course, you need to take into account his taste preferences. At this age, they already become more obvious and definite. But you can’t feed your baby only one favorite oatmeal or steam cutlets. How to help him expand gourmet tastes, teach him to taste dishes and enjoy food? The cuisine includes both family and national traditions. The menu depends on the skills, imagination of mom (sometimes dad), and even more - on the availability of free time. It is better to make simple, but varied dishes. And you can pamper the whole family with something exquisite on the weekend. It is important to choose healthy ways of cooking: stewing, baking, boiling, steaming. Smoked, fatty, spicy, highly acidic and salty foods should be avoided. Sometimes you can serve lightly fried dishes, such as cheesecakes, pancakes, pancakes. Food should always be freshly prepared, homemade, without convenience foods from the supermarket.

General principles of nutrition for a two-year-old baby

What foods should be included in the child's diet and in what volume?

  • Transition from liquid to semi-liquid and solid foods. At the age of 2, a child already has 20 milk teeth. He can fully chew and eat rough, solid food. The transition to solid foods should be gradual. First, a child’s diet at 2 years old should include boiled cereals, casseroles, stewed vegetables, and rolled meat. Over time, the baby will learn to bite off and chew meat, hard vegetables and fruits well.
  • Number of meals. At two years old, the baby is transferred to four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner. At the same time, on average, 50% of the nutritional value is distributed for breakfast, dinner, afternoon tea, and 50% is lunch.
  • The need for proteins, fats, carbohydrates. The daily norm of protein is up to 60 g, of which 70% are proteins of animal origin. Carbohydrates should be no more than 220 g. The fat content in the daily diet is 50–60 g, of which 10% belongs to vegetable fats. The daily norm of proteins at this age is extremely important, they cannot be replaced with fats or carbohydrates.
  • Dairy products. Daily included in the menu. From dairy products are recommended: kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, butter, sour cream, whole milk (if there is no allergy). It is advisable to take these products in a dairy kitchen. They should be fresh, not too greasy. The daily norm of cottage cheese is 30 g (from 0 to 11% fat), milk and kefir - 500-600 ml (from 3.2 to 4% fat). This also includes milk, on which cereals are prepared. From cottage cheese you can cook casseroles and cheesecakes. Hard unsalted and mild cheese is allowed (up to 10 g per day), sour cream and cream - for dressings in soups and salads. Gradually, in a small amount, you can accustom your baby to homemade dairy products, but you need to be sure of the quality and sanitary safety of these products.
  • Meat dishes . The need for animal proteins is increasing. At 2 years old, a baby can receive 120 g of meat daily. You can use low-fat varieties of veal, beef liver, tongue, heart. Pork is not recommended at this age, there may be an allergy to chicken. Hypoallergenic varieties include turkey and rabbit. It is preferable to boil meat or cook steam cutlets, add minced meat to vegetable stews. You can give milk sausage and high quality nipples, but rarely, as an exception - to enrich the taste perception.
  • Carbohydrates . These include cereals, pasta, bread, muffins. Carbohydrates are important for the development of the nervous system, liver, kidneys, and are the main supplier of energy. However, an excess amount of carbohydrates in the diet can lead to overweight. It is necessary to diversify the daily menu with cereals from different cereals.
  • Fish . A valuable product, and if there are no contraindications, fish and seafood should be introduced into the child's menu at 2 years old. Up to 40 g of fish per day is allowed. Fatty varieties are contraindicated (halibut, sturgeon, salmon, salmon, caviar). You can cook fish cakes, meatballs, give boiled fish, carefully choosing the bones. Canned fish is prohibited, except for those that offer specialized food for children.
  • Eggs . Another important source of protein. You can give 1 egg every other day. Kids this age love omelettes. Boiled eggs may be discarded. Eggs that are used in casseroles, cheesecakes, cutlets are also taken into account.
  • Vegetables and greens. Saturated with useful vitamins and microelements, they contribute to a better release of enzymes and digestion of food, increase appetite. The daily norm of potatoes is 100 g, other vegetables - 200 g. First and second courses are prepared from vegetables. Vegetable stews and fresh salads are good for children. If a one-year-old child had to serve everything in the form of mashed potatoes, then at two years old the salad can be finely chopped, and boiled vegetables cut into small pieces. Legumes are gradually introduced: peas, beans, beans. You can also give some radishes, turnips, onions and garlic. Parsley, spinach, dill, green onions should already be in the baby's diet.
  • Fruits and berries . The daily norm of fruits is up to 200 g, berries - up to 20 g. Kids at this age are happy to eat such fruits and berries: apples, pears, cherries, cherries, plums, watermelons, gooseberries. From exotic fruits, you can safely give bananas, but citrus fruits can cause allergies.
  • Vegetable and fruit juices. They can already be given with pulp. Daily rate - 150 ml. But first you should give small portions of juice to make sure that there is no allergy.
  • Sweets . Should be, but to a limited extent. Of course, at this age it is better not to feed the baby with chocolates, cakes or pastries with fatty butter cream, dyes. You can offer marshmallows, marshmallows, cookies, jam.

What's on the daily menu

The daily menu for a child of 2 years old must necessarily include fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, cereals. Meat can be given every other day, replacing meat dishes with fish. One has only to look in a cookbook or chat with moms on the playground, as soon as new culinary ideas appear. When another full-fledged eater is added to the family, mothers have to work harder in the kitchen to make the food complete and healthy.

Table - An example of a daily menu for a small gourmet

BreakfastVolumeDinnerVolumeafternoon teaVolumeDinnerVolume
Omelette for a couple60 gvegetable soup100 mlMilk150 mlVegetable stew70 g
Milk rice porridge150 gNaval pasta50–70 gBun50 gFish steam cutlets60 g
Fruit juice100–150 mlFresh (seasonal) vegetable salad50 gFruit100 gMashed potatoes100 g
Dried fruits compote100 ml Kefir150 ml

Menu selection for the week

Drawing up a menu for the week will not only diversify the baby's diet, but will also help mom. She will not have to puzzle over the question: what to cook tomorrow.

Table - Sample menu for the week

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerafternoon teaDinner
MondayOatmeal with dried fruits;
white bread with butter;
cottage cheese;
Bean soup;
cucumber and tomato salad; mashed potatoes; steam veal cutlet; Rye bread; dried fruits compote
Kefir; biscuit cookies; fruitRisotto with cauliflower, carrots and raisins; fruit puree; yogurt
TuesdayRice milk porridge; Omelet with cheese; juice from fresh berriesSoup puree from pumpkin and turkey; buckwheat porridge with butter; Rye bread; the vinaigrette; fruit juiceYogurt; oatmeal cookies; fruitRice porridge with prunes and dried apricots; pancakes from zucchini; kefir
WednesdayMillet porridge with butter; syrniki; tea with milkChicken noodle soup; beetroot salad with vegetable oil; boiled chicken with stewed cabbage; rosehip decoctionMilk; bun; fruitFish meatballs with mashed potatoes; fresh carrot and cabbage salad; yogurt
ThursdayCorn milk porridge; cheese; white bread with butter; berry juiceSoup-puree from lentils; veal goulash; pasta; the vinaigrette; green teaCurd; kefir;
Potato zrazy with minced veal; fresh cucumber salad; yogurt
FridayCottage cheese casserole with raisins; cookie; green teaPea soup with rabbit broth; lazy pigeons; fresh carrot salad with vegetable oil; mashed potatoes; fruit juiceBun with jam; milkMillet porridge; cottage cheese; pumpkin fritters; kefir
SaturdayOatmeal with banana; biscuit cookies; fruit juiceVeal liver with stewed vegetables; Pasta with cheese; fresh cabbage and carrot salad; kissel from berriesKefir; bun; fruitPancakes with curd; milk vermicelli; yogurt
SundayOmelet with vegetables; tea with milk; bunLight vegetarian borscht; sauerkraut with vegetable oil; turkey cutlets; mashed potatoes; berry juiceCarrot-apple puree; cookieCauliflower in batter; fish balls; Rye bread; kefir

Delicious and healthy breakfast

The best dish for breakfast is porridge. It contains mineral salts, dietary fiber, proteins, vitamins, fiber, starch. Carbohydrates in the composition of porridge are easily digested, slowly absorbed, maintain the required level of glucose in the body. The baby has a feeling of satiety until lunch, he has enough energy for active games. The most popular cereals at this age are buckwheat, rice, semolina, and oatmeal. However, you can expand the menu and offer millet, wheat, barley, lentil, corn, pumpkin. Porridges can be cooked in water and milk, with the addition of butter, vegetable oil, cream. Porridge can be salty and sweet. In the sweet, you can add jam, fresh and frozen berries, fruits, dried fruits, candied fruits. Minced meat, fish, stewed vegetables are added to salted porridge. It is convenient and quick to cook porridge in a slow cooker. Cheesecakes, cottage cheese and vegetable casseroles, omelettes are also good for breakfast.

What can be offered for lunch

Usually young children prepare a variety of soups and broths as a first course. Less commonly, the menu includes borscht, pickle or cabbage soup, these dishes should not be too sour. The basis for the first dish can be chicken, rabbit, turkey broth. Poorly digested fatty decoctions. You can also make vegetarian vegetable soups if your baby gets enough animal proteins and fats in other types of meals. What kind of soup can you make for lunch? Chicken with homemade noodles, pea, bean, lentil, buckwheat, rice, cheese, pumpkin with meat or vegetables, meatballs, cauliflower, sorrel, dumplings.

Among the popular recipes for a child of 2 years old are puree soup and cream soup. This is a hearty meal that is somewhere between a first and second course. In puree soups, butter, fresh chopped herbs are usually added. They can be vegetarian, with the addition of healthy parsley roots, parsnips, celery. They also add minced meat, chopped boiled meat, fish. Salads of fresh and boiled vegetables can be served with the main dishes for lunch.

What to eat

Why do you need an afternoon snack? To slightly get hungry and endure until dinner. Children shouldn't overeat, but prolonged fasting doesn't do them any good when blood glucose levels drop. An afternoon snack can be made into a treat. If you give your baby a fresh bun with butter for an afternoon snack, spreading jam on top, it will be both healthy and tasty. The kid will immediately receive dessert. You can offer a glass of milk, kefir, yogurt, compote with cookies. Most children willingly eat sweet cottage cheese, casseroles, cheesecakes, fruit, fruit and vegetable puree, fruits.

What to cook for dinner

Dinner should be light and nutritious. What dishes can be prepared? Vegetable stew with meat, steamed fish cakes, zrazy, meatballs, liver with vegetables, pancakes with various fillings, dumplings, vegetable pancakes, vegetable mixes, scrambled eggs with vegetables, scrambled eggs with cheese. There is an opinion that it is better not to give meat dishes in the evening, because they are digested for a long time. In this situation, it is better to focus on the daily routine, the child's appetite. As a side dish can be pasta, cereals, mashed potatoes. Also, dairy products, noodles, cereals with milk are well suited for dinner, and baked fruit as a dessert. From fresh fruits, bananas and green apples are well absorbed in the evening. If the baby has dinner early, then before going to bed you can give a glass of kefir.

How to make a menu for dinner? Usually, at this meal, the baby should get everything that he did not receive during the day. For example, if there was no dairy, then for dinner you can give cottage cheese with kefir, cheese or milk porridge. If there were no fresh salads during the day, then they should be included in dinner. However, overfeeding at night is not worth it. Many mothers note that babies often have an increased appetite in the evening. At night it is better not to give sandwiches, rolls, sausages, sausage, salty and sweet.

Food for allergies

Only at first glance, the diet of a child with allergies may seem scarce. Of course, cooking for an allergic person requires more time and mother's imagination. Most often there is an allergy to such types of products: citrus fruits, chocolate, honey, vegetables and fruits of red, orange color, fish, seafood, eggs, nuts (especially peanuts). But there are cases of allergy to gluten - a protein of some cereal plants. Then the child should not be given wheat, oatmeal, barley, semolina, pasta, bread, rolls, cookies. At 2 years old, there may also be a milk allergy, which usually resolves by 5 years old, when the enzyme system is more mature. If you are allergic to whole milk, you should replace it with soy, rice, oat milk, which is rich in protein and minerals.

Nutrition for constipation

What to look for if the baby often has constipation?

  • With constipation, the body must receive a sufficient amount of fiber and fluid.
  • If the baby has a tendency to constipation, perhaps these are signs of dysbacteriosis.
  • It is imperative to include high-quality fermented milk products in the diet to normalize the microflora.
  • For breakfast, you can offer cereals rich in fiber: barley, buckwheat, millet, oatmeal.
  • Dried fruits can be added to cereals: prunes, dried apricots, raisins.
  • It is preferable to cook porridge with water.
  • A decoction of prunes, dried fruit compote with the addition of prunes helps with constipation.
  • Pears, blueberries, black currants have a fixing property, so they should be given in limited quantities.
  • Fresh and boiled vegetables should be present in the daily diet: cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, peppers, beets.
  • From fruits, apples, plums, apricots, berries are preferable.
  • Before going to bed, offer fresh kefir or yogurt.
  • In fermented milk products, you can add a little oat bran, which is sold in a pharmacy.

Enriching the menu is useful not only for the healthy physical development of the body, but also for expanding gastronomic tastes, "food" culture. After all, the world is known, including with the help of taste and smell. It is necessary to remember some rules when introducing new products into the diet: offer small portions (several teaspoons); feed in the morning; do not give several new dishes at once. If the baby has an allergic reaction to the product, the dish should be canceled for now.

A bit about gastronomic culture

The gastronomic education of a child begins at an early age. A kid at 2 years old needs to be taught not only the rules of table etiquette, but also to instill healthy eating habits in him. How to form it without greatly oppressing the tastes of the baby? How to make him eat everything without coercion and bribery?

  • delicious names. It's one thing to tell a child that this is noodle soup, and another thing to call it some magical yummy. Unusual names attract the attention of the child. And when he gets older, he can come up with the names of dishes.
  • Table setting and dishes. It is good if the baby has children's dishes and napkins. It's nice when there is a beautiful tablecloth on the table, a vase of flowers. Also, children are more likely to eat "fun", brightly served dishes in the form of smiling faces, animals, etc. Eating should not be associated with a game in a baby, nevertheless, such tricks help to feed picky gourmets.
  • Example of other children. If there are older children in the house, it will be much more interesting for a two-year-old baby to chew in their company. From them, he can adopt the manner of behavior at the table. If the elders eat with appetite and praise the vinaigrette, the child will do like everyone else.
  • Don't bite. The diet of a child at 2 years old should be designed so that he can get hungry before lunch or dinner. If the baby had a tasty and satisfying afternoon snack, then dinner is usually postponed until later. After an afternoon snack, you should not give your child anything (except an apple or a banana). Then he will eat at dinner everything that is offered to him.
  • Don't use food as a teaching tool. You can’t teach a baby to eat for comfort or fun, bribery or switching attention, a spoon for mom, a spoon for dad, etc.
  • No rush. The kid needs to be taught to eat slowly, not to swallow pieces, to chew food thoroughly. Eating for him should be a pleasant ritual.
  • Possibility of tasting. You need to put dishes on the table that a two-year-old baby could try, and so that there are as few prohibitions as possible. The French say: "Tell me what you eat and I'll tell you who you are." The development of taste is the development of personality. It may sound too French for Russian people, but the taste of life is also known through gastronomic culture.
  • sit down at the table together. Food tastes better at a communal table. It tastes even better when the whole family gathers together for dinner. If it is not possible to do this daily, then family dinners on weekends should be traditional.
  • Sufficient portion. Often, two-year-old children are given only first courses for lunch. If, nevertheless, the second one with a side dish is included, then you need to give half a serving of soup. If the child ate a lot at dinner, he may not sleep well, refuse an afternoon snack.

Read more about the formation of a "food" culture and the rules of healthy eating in the book by Karen le Billon "French children eat everything. And yours can."

The nutrition of a child at 2 years old does not contain any special culinary techniques and gourmet delights. Food should be healthy, fresh and of high quality, the diet should be balanced and varied, with enough proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements and vitamins. And the taste whims of the child can always be corrected by resorting to small pedagogical tricks.


Curious dialogues, growing dexterity of movements and a thirst to learn new things - we go through all this with our children who have stepped over their second anniversary. It remains for us to master the children's menu for the grown-up heirs, who, at the age of 2, can already remember what their mother's recipes tasted like. So let's make the nutrition of our beloved crumbs as tastier and healthier as possible, while not forgetting about the characteristics of a growing person.

Caution when compiling a children's menu

Let's start with a word of caution about food choices for 2 year olds.

Of course, for a 2-year-old child, a wide road is open to many dishes from an adult table. Every mom knows well the culinary personality of her favorite eater. What foods he was allergic to, what weakened or fixed the stool, what treats he likes, and which he flatly refuses.

But when we once again expand the children's menu, it is important to take a close look at those products about which bad statistics have developed.

So, what does it make sense to be careful with, even if the baby is completely healthy.

Highly allergenic and difficult to digest foods: honey, chocolate, cocoa, citrus fruits, tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplant, strawberries, crabs, mussels, rare fish, beef, meat broths, mushrooms, peanuts, millet, unsoaked legumes and peas;

Foods with excess gluten: oats, wheat, rye and everything that is made from them;

Foods high in oxalates: cocoa, coffee, black tea, beets, green leafy vegetables, buckwheat and some others;

ALL dairy products in excess.

The list does not mean at all that we should abandon the listed names. However, trying not to overload the children's table with recipes from these products, we can find our golden mean for delicious meals and a happy smile of a healthy baby.

Children's menu at 2 and 3 years old: planning

When planning and compiling a menu for a child, you should be guided by the following rules.

  • The fraction of food - 4 times a day:
  1. Breakfast - 25% of the daily diet, complex carbohydrates with the addition of proteins.
  2. Lunch - 35%, proteins and carbohydrates, where there is enough fiber and vitamins. Lunch starts with salad or soup.
  3. Snack - 15%, light snack, for example, fruit.
  4. Dinner - 25%, mostly proteins.

If the child has problems with the gallbladder and intestines, it is advisable to feed the baby 5 times, almost equalizing the amount of food, and leaving lunch - the most voluminous meal. Then the 2nd breakfast appears, and the portions are reduced, which has a beneficial effect on digestion.

  • Choice of vegetables and fruits:

70% of the plant diet is the plants of the living area.

  • The consistency of dishes should increasingly require chewing.

Following the lead of a baby who is accustomed to homogeneous food, we deprive him of the natural preparation of the speech apparatus for complex sounds and fluent speech. But every meal can be a great exercise for the facial muscles!

  • Heat treatment of food:

We prefer stewing and steaming.

Here are examples of recipes for a children's menu at 2 and 3 years old.

Breakfast: porridge according to the principle of Indian pilaf

Cooking cereals from buckwheat, round polished rice and corn grits.

  • Pour dry cereal into a cauldron with vegetable oil heated at the bottom. The average amount of oil is 1-2 tbsp. per glass of cereal. On a small fire, we calcine the cereal in oil for 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly.
  • Pour boiling water 2 fingers above the level of the cereal and cook over medium or low heat under the lid, until tender. In the process of cooking, you can mix and add boiling water.
  • It turns out crumbly porridge seasoned with vegetable oil.
  • Salt at the end of cooking, reducing the usual amount of salt by 1.5-2 times.

If you salt dishes at the very end of cooking, the usual amount of salt can be reduced to 2 times, almost without loss of taste sensations. So we will reduce sodium intake and do not accustom the child to excessively salty foods.

Root crops can be added to porridge - at the stage of pouring water. And soft types - after 5 minutes of boiling cereals. In winter, a good choice is carrots and celery. In summer - zucchini and cauliflower.

For vegetables, dicing should be introduced, for example, using a “nice-diser”.

* Cook's advice
Freezing vegetables in portions for many days in advance will help save time. We cut a large amount of carrots, celery, cauliflower, mix, arrange in small bags and send to the freezer.

Lunch: vegetable cream soup


  • Half a medium carrot;
  • 500 gr broccoli;
  • 300 gr cauliflower;
  • 1 small celery root;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

How to cook

  • Saute onions and carrots over medium heat. After 3 minutes, add other vegetables and keep covered over medium heat for another 4 minutes.
  • Boil water and put vegetables into it, add salt, pepper, dill and leave on low heat for 10 minutes.
  • Twist in a blender to a puree, which is rubbed through a sieve.

Small cubes of hard cheese can be added to the finished soup.


  • Boiled beans - 0.5-1 cup;
  • 100 grams of turkey meat (brisket);
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 0.5 medium onion;
  • 0.5 medium zucchini.

For the recipe, you can use other vegetables according to the season - so that the number of vegetable ingredients is no more than 5.

You can often use interesting types of cabbage (cauliflower and broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Beijing), occasionally in small quantities - fresh green peas and green beans.

Step by step cooking

  1. Cutting products: brisket - a small cube, carrots - a large grater or a small cube, onions - finely chopped, zucchini and cabbage - a small cube, boiled beans - cut large grains in half across.
  2. We spread the turkey meat in a deep frying pan with heated sunflower oil, add a little boiling water. Simmer covered for 5 minutes.
  3. Sequentially, after every 3-5 minutes, add onions and carrots to the meat - cauliflower - zucchini - beans.

Stew stew time from 20 minutes to the desired softness of vegetables.

How to make beans without the "gas-forming" effect

  • Pour the beans with cold water 3 times the volume.
  • Put on fire and bring to a boil.
  • Boil for 5-7 minutes, turn off the heat and leave covered for 8 hours. It is convenient to do this at night.
  • In the morning, drain all the water and cook, as usual, in fresh water.

Cooking beans in a slow cooker

You can cook beans in a slow cooker in the "Baking" mode - from 50 to 70 minutes.

Soft grains are obtained, suitable for adding to the children's menu for 2 years, because. most of the irritants remained in the drained water.

Freezing portions

You can freeze boiled beans in portions. Having thawed the desired portion for a couple in a slow cooker or with the help of boiling water and a colander, we can quickly add it to dishes.

Dinner: steam omelette with cauliflower

  • Ingredients: Quail eggs - 4 pcs. If the baby is not allergic to chicken protein, we use chicken eggs. Cauliflower inflorescence. A sprig of dill. Salt is on the tip of a knife.
  • We twist all the ingredients in a blender.
  • Place in a small skillet lightly greased with vegetable oil.

Cook under the lid, over low heat until the omelette is completely warmed up, which will noticeably rise. At the end, turn over and leave on fire for another 1 minute.

Serve warm. Boiled vegetables can be added to the serving - plates of beets and carrots, teaching the child to bite off vegetables in the right amount.

It is also convenient to cook an omelette in a slow cooker, the “Steam cooking” mode.


In the daily menu, the best dessert would be a ripe fruit, natural yogurt sweetened with fructose, or a small amount of low-fat cookies with dried fruit compote.

Many nutritionists and pediatricians do agree on an opinion that is unusual for our culture. They advise giving any dessert dishes for a 2-year-old child as a separate meal and doing this rarely.

Fruits should be offered to the baby more often, but with reservations - either 20 minutes before meals, or separately (in this case, the fruit can be accompanied by a fresh fermented milk drink). In the diet there are 2 intermediate meals - the 2nd breakfast and afternoon snack. A fruity snack would be perfect here.

Even if the child loves fruit purees very much, we stubbornly move on to the solid form. What used to be offered homogeneous, now we give it whole for biting or cut into thin slices: apple, pear, banana, apricot.

* Cook's advice
Bananas are imported from countries where amoebic dysentery is common. Fruits should be washed with soap and rinsed well. And do not give an unwashed banana on the street, as sometimes happens immediately after purchase. The pathogen that has fallen from the skin to the hands can be transferred to the pulp.

The only sweet dish that we will offer today:

Homemade lollipops

This is a delicious treat for a 2-year-old child's menu and a great recipe for inconspicuous speech gymnastics.


  • Apple juice - 3 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.


  1. In a small saucepan, combine the juice and sugar and cook over low heat until thickened.
  2. Pour the mixture into an oiled silicone ice mold.
  3. When the mixture begins to harden, take out the lozenges and put them on the base - a bamboo skewer or half a medical spatula (sold at any pharmacy)

Each hostess has a couple of signature desserts that can be adjusted to the children's menu. Soberly evaluate their composition, offering a treat to a child at 2 years old. And if the recipes require refinement, lightening or replacing ingredients, we wish a fair wind to the flight of your conscious imagination!

According to science, dinner should be 20% of the daily diet. But children, especially small children, reshape the daily routine in their own way.

Dinner should be light. This fact does not depend on the age of the child, but it depends on the individual routine and the amount of food that has entered the body during the day. If the child goes to bed late (after 22-23.00), he should have dinner at 19.30-20.00 - and a second dinner is desirable in the form of a glass of warm milk or kefir at night, before bedtime. Children who receive breast milk or formula do not count, everything is fine with evening and night food, it is correct and easily digestible. In general, dinner at 20.00 is considered ideal for any person. If the child goes to bed at 21.00 - dinner is shifted to 19.00 (plus or minus half an hour). And at night he can also drink kefir, bifidok or milk, this ritual prolongs the feeling of satiety, soothes.

Night hunger: do you need a hearty dinner?

Many parents worry when a child wakes up several times during the night and asks for food. Scientists have long found out that the feeling of hunger, which illogically (assuming sufficient nutrition) torments us during the day and even at night, is actually a feeling of thirst. The person wants to drink, not eat. Our body gives signals: we need water. To dissolve and expel street toxins, tone yourself up. Even an adult confuses thirst with hunger and intercepts another piece instead of a glass of water. The child may also want to drink at night, for most children this is normal and is not associated with any abnormalities. But some children unconsciously twist the desire to "drink" into "eat." Parents are people too, they want to rest at night, so you have to fight with constant night jumps and demands. But many children really need to drink water or kefir at night, this simple action is better to do than to deal with the consequences of weaning. Repeated requests (2-4 times a night) signal that the reason is not food or drink at all.

Everyone is familiar with the old grandmother's remedy: in order for the child to sleep better, he needs to be fed more satiety at night. In this case, the parents will receive peace of mind, but not the child. His body will not rest, it will be engaged in the digestion of food. Often such excesses - semolina or meat dishes at night - lead to gastrointestinal diseases. Drowsiness after eating is natural, but severe drowsiness caused by "cementing" the stomach is not good for anyone. Yogis call this state "tamasic" - some food causes a state of "tamas": lethargy, laziness, pollution with toxins. There are dozens of reasons why a child often wakes up at night, and hunger is just one of many. Without removing the main reason, it is pointless to feed meat at night - one link will pull the other, the chain of problems will close sooner or later. Restless sleep is associated with a lack of attention (gaining attention from parents whom the child has not seen for most of the day), unconscious fear (something happened during the day, hooked, does not give rest), disturbed microclimate (dry air, heat, stuffiness), impaired breathing (minor nasal congestion). In all these cases, the child is free to wake up and demand to drink and eat, in fact, wanting to eliminate the true problem, not being able to formulate, understand, and calculate it on his own.

People often ask: is it not harmful to feed porridge for dinner, is it too heavy food. Look at the child! The child will always give a signal which food is preferable for him. If the dream is restless, the child cannot fall asleep for a long time - try experimenting with dinner. Porridge is a normal living food, it is better than sandwiches, convenience foods, cereals, cookies, and so on. Porridge can be harmful if it is not absorbed by a particular child for some reason. In other cases, porridge may not be harmful. We found something to worry about - thousands of parents do not know how to push anything into the child, while others worry about porridge - heavy, not heavy ... normal! But if there are still doubts about the need for evening porridge, make it easier. Do not give millet, semolina, barley porridge for dinner, if possible, do not use milk and sugar, replacing them with fruit puree, dried fruits, a spoonful of honey - or add a milk mixture. "Light" porridge for the night is buckwheat, oatmeal and any "children's" (powder). Semolina, in addition to other stupefying properties, interferes with the absorption of vitamins and microelements accumulated during the day.

Even among pundits there is no agreement on food at night: what it should be, whether it is necessary, whether it is harmful. Some venerable nutritionists are of the opinion that our body spends energy during the day and accumulates it at night, food is the fuel for accumulation, which means that eating at night is not forbidden. That is, the child can eat before going to bed - not at dinner, but right before going to bed. It happens. Some kids need it. It's OK. Children live by different laws than adults. When you find yourself in this situation (when the child has dinner before bedtime), do not remember all the horrors of the world written by hardworking journalists about junk food at night. Everything needs an individual approach. The child sleeps well, he has no health problems, is overweight and excitable - which means that a plate of light porridge or scrambled eggs is not a problem that is worth attention and loss of nerve cells on both sides.

Also ideal dishes for dinner are:

  • Cottage cheese, cottage cheese dishes (casseroles, cheese cakes), cottage cheese with fruit.
  • Omelet, vegetables in an omelet, boiled eggs.
  • Vegetable mixes, mashed potatoes, stews, casseroles, vegetable cutlets and zrazy, vegetables with rice, buckwheat. Raw vegetables.
  • Salads.
  • Fruits are bananas and green apples. Banana calms, increases the feeling of satiety, and green apples are rich in "night" elements - calcium and iron, magnesium, potassium.
  • Baked fruits: apples, pears.
  • Any fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, bifidok, acidophilus. Cheese.

Any child is able to learn one simple truth, if you don’t belittle his mental abilities in advance, if you don’t think “yes, mine is never!” It is necessary to constantly inspire the baby that a hungry person will eat everything that is offered to him. Do you want to eat? So, eat what they give you. A child demanding food often means a very specific cookie or hidden candy. As if checking parental resilience. The sooner you instill in children the right attitude to food, to their own feelings, the sooner they will form their own food culture. Does not obey, runs away, throws a tantrum, cries? - anyway, repeat from time to time that a hungry person will eat what is offered, and sweet desserts and all sorts of sausages are not food for the hungry, but pampering for the well-fed. Of course, all this is not uttered in the boring voice of an admirer of Leo Tolstoy, lifting his finger over the swirling head of a baby. In a positive, confident tone, carry your thought through the days and weeks - it will definitely be postponed.

Let's not focus on the "harmful things", each family has its own traditions on this matter, its own problems, its own worldview. You should not give buns with chocolate, sweets, ice cream, hot sandwiches for dinner. Children are children, we love to pamper them, and no one has the right to condemn parents for this. But still - for the sake of strengthening the immune system, for the sake of resistance to viruses and bacteria, for the sake of a healthy nervous system, one should gradually change the quality of food, especially in the evening, in small things. In the evening and at night, the body gratefully accepts and digests clean food. At night, it merges with the cosmos, and it would be nice not to spoil the feeling of flying and relaxing with food that spoils the metabolism, point-wise killing the “bricks” of health (vitamins, trace elements) that came with daily food. Choose simpler sweets, cancel fried foods, cholesterol explosions in the form of melted cheese on bread, pasta and casseroles. In the evening, the child is not given meat dishes - the meat is digested for 4-6 hours, it does not bring any benefit. The exception is steam fish, as well as canned meat for baby food, they are added in some quantities to dinner at any age. And, of course, it is extremely harmful to give a child sausages, sausages and other messes of chemicals and salts for dinner. Charlottes, pancakes and pancakes also can not be called the right dish for dinner, but for a change - you can do it in small quantities.

Most importantly, do not try to feed a hungry child in the evening if he is hungry only in your imagination. He doesn’t want to eat, he doesn’t want to be seated at the table - make jelly, fruit drink or compote, drink a healthy drink and calm down yourself.

Dinner Recipes (Ages: 1.5-6 years old)

Risotto "Zest"
200 g cauliflower, 2 carrots, 1 cup rice, 4 tbsp. pitted prunes, 2 tbsp raisins, 2 tbsp. butter.
Grate carrots, sauté in oil, add a little water, simmer for 10 minutes. Scald the cauliflower and separate into florets. Pour rice with 2 cups of hot water, salt and add prunes and raisins soaked in water beforehand. Add vegetables and simmer the risotto for 40 minutes over low heat. Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley before serving.

Carrot-apple soufflé
350 g carrots, 60 g sour cream or milk, 30 g semolina, 1 apple, ½ egg, ½ tbsp. sugar, 2 tsp butter, salt (to taste).
Grate peeled apple and carrot. Grind the egg yolk with sugar, beat the protein into a fluffy foam. Combine the apple and carrots, add sour cream or milk, yolk with sugar, semolina, salt, gently add whipped protein, mix. Put the mass in a greased form, bake in the oven or steam for 30-35 minutes.

Omelet "Africa"
600 g carrots, 400 g milk, 4 eggs, 4 tbsp. grated hard cheese, 2 tbsp. butter, 2 tbsp. flour, 2 tbsp. orange juice, salt.
Boil and puree carrots. Beat eggs, adding milk and flour, cheese and juice, salt, combine with carrot puree. Pour the mass into the pan and fry the omelet until cooked - or bake.

Soup with broccoli and yogurt
125 g plain yogurt, 1 cup broccoli, 2 potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 tbsp. grated hard cheese, 1 tsp olive oil.
Pour boiling water over broccoli so that the water barely covers them, cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Grate potatoes and carrots, sauté in olive oil with constant stirring. Add sautéing to the soup, cook it for another 10 minutes, cool slightly. Pour yogurt into soup, stirring constantly. You can add cheese.

Millet curd porridge
2/3 cup milk or water, ½ cup cottage cheese, 1/3 cup millet, 2 tbsp. yogurt or sour cream, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. butter, salt.
Scald and pour millet with boiling milk. Add sugar, salt and cook porridge, cool. Add cottage cheese, butter, yogurt to the finished porridge, mix.

Buckwheat porridge with prunes and dried apricots
250 g of buckwheat, 100 g of pitted prunes, 100 g of dried apricots, salt (to taste), 600 g of water.
Soak prunes and dried apricots for swelling, then boil them separately, finely chop some. Combine cereals and dried fruits, pour boiling water, salt and cook until half cooked, stirring constantly. In the oven, bring the porridge to readiness.
Before serving, add melted butter to the porridge and decorate it with the remaining prunes and dried apricots.

Apricot baby puree with rice
Dried apricots - 100g, water - 375g, baby rice porridge powder - 2 tbsp. breast milk or warmed milk formula - 80 ml.
We combine dried apricots and water in a small saucepan, cook until soft for 20 minutes. We make mashed apricots by adding water. Mix breast milk or formula with rice powder. Serve with 1 tbsp. apricot puree. You can store up to 2 days in the refrigerator. Also, mashed potatoes can be frozen in cubes.

Curd pancakes
Wheat flour - 160 g, cottage cheese - 100 g, egg - 1 pc., Sugar - 10 g, soda - 1/4 tsp.
Vegetable oil - 20 ml.
Beat the egg, grind with cottage cheese, add flour, sugar and soda. Mix everything thoroughly. Grease a hot frying pan with oil and bake pancakes on it.

Fried eggs with vegetables "Quail egg"
2 quail eggs, 1 carrot, 0.5 stalks of celery, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
Cut the carrot into small cubes, lightly fry it in oil. Add the celery cut into small pieces to the carrots. Add water to the vegetables so that it covers the vegetables a little and simmer until tender over low heat. Beat the eggs, add them to the vegetables, mix. Cover with a lid and hold for 2 minutes.

Children's salad "Coral reef"
200g cauliflower, 1 tomato, 1 apple, one and a half cucumbers, 2 green lettuce leaves, 2 tbsp. sour cream, salt.
We disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences, boil it in salted water, cool. We cut into small cubes a tomato, an apple and 1 cucumber, combine them with chopped lettuce leaves. Salt the prepared salad, season it with sour cream, mix and lay the cauliflower on top. We cut out a crab figurine from half of the cucumber, and decorate our salad with it.

Curd-fish meatballs
Cod (fillet) - 60 g, cottage cheese - 30 g, milk - 160 ml, egg - 0.5 pcs., sour cream 10% - 2 tbsp. l., white bread - 30 g, vegetable oil - 15 ml, herbs, salt.
Soak bread in milk. Grind the fish fillet in a meat grinder, mix with cottage cheese and finely chopped onions. Mix the bread with the minced meat and scroll through the meat grinder again. Beat in the egg, mix. Form meatballs, put them in a pre-oiled mold and bake for 25-30 minutes. Then pour over the sour cream and cook for another 3 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs.

Fish with vegetables and rice
90 g of any red fish stewed in lemon juice with fresh parsley, 100 g of stewed vegetable mixture with carrots and onions. Garnish: 40 g of boiled rice.

Frozen vegetables in batter
Frozen vegetables: cauliflower or broccoli, green beans alone or in a mixture - whatever the child loves. We make batter (egg, sour cream, a spoonful of flour, salt), pour vegetables over them - or dip them in individual inflorescences, if it is cabbage. A little breadcrumbs on top - and in the oven until blush.

Vegetable hedgehogs with a surprise
Boil different vegetables until half cooked: potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, you can beets. Cool, grate on a coarse grater. Add an egg, salt, a little semolina or corn (buckwheat) flour, make small balls. Hide a quail egg in the middle of each ball. You can roll "hedgehogs" in breadcrumbs. Bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes until the vegetables are ready.

Potato cutlets with cheese
Boil in the "uniform" 4 medium potatoes, peel and grate. 2 handfuls of spinach finely chopped, mix with potatoes. Add 1 egg, cheese, green onion, parsley, salt to taste to the mixture. Form cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry or bake in the oven.

Irina: | February 22nd, 2019 | 2:44 pm

Please tell me, can a two-year-old child eat meat for dinner? I read somewhere that meat for dinner should be given to a child after three.
Answer: Irina, the doctor made the menu. But you, as a mother, can not feed the child with meat if you think it is wrong. Replace it with a vegetable or dairy dish.

Catherine: | February 9th, 2019 | 7:16 dp

Oh Chen liked the menu thank you.
Answer: Catherine, please!

Elena: | January 2nd, 2019 | 9:16 am

Hello! I like your site very much! And could you make a menu for a week for children with a tendency to constipation. Now, in my opinion, this is a very common problem ... We would be very grateful!!!
Answer: Elena, thanks for the comment! No, we did not plan such a menu.

OLGA: | July 28th, 2018 | 8:48 pm

my grandson eats a mixture in the morning and then everything he likes can eat a pie with onions and eggs or fried potatoes with pickles, but this is only for hunting, but basically he likes liquid food, jelly fruit drinks, compotes and sour-milk cookies, but they turn away from sweets he doesn't like
Answer: Olga, thanks for the comment!

Anonymous: | July 26th, 2018 | 12:37 am

Daria, good afternoon. I tried to purchase cards for 190 rubles, but by the time I switched to Sberbank, the page had already closed. The time of the session came out wrote. But somehow, I didn’t even have time to look at the number for payment.
Answer: Please write to , I will help.

Olga: | November 6th, 2017 | 3:27 pm

Thanks for the interesting menu. But why are the dishes repeated? Is it necessary to cook for 2 days?
Answer: Olga, the menu is compiled according to the menu of the week method. Yes, for two days. It is easier and more convenient, especially if you have a large family. On one day, soup and salad are prepared for two days (salads except from fresh vegetables), on the second day, the second and pastries are prepared. And so it alternates. Thus, it turns out that every day there is soup, and the second, and salad, and pastries or dessert;) But if you are not satisfied with this method, then you can cook new dishes every day.

Marina: | June 26th, 2017 | 2:20 pm

Thanks for the interesting recipes! I just wanted to make something!
Answer: Marina, bon appetit!

Valeria: | May 7th, 2017 | 1:38 pm

My son just doesn’t want to eat, only semolina, no matter how he tried to ask and make it interesting. He cries and that’s it. Only porridge! I was at the doctor's, he said to give omega3 and that's it. After the omega can eat 1 spoon and that's it.
Answer: Valeria, if your child has any problems with nutrition, food or dish selection, “picky” + your goal is to learn how to eat properly and balanced, then I advise you to choose a training on nutrition for children

Rose: | April 17th, 2017 | 6:48 pm

And when milk. Child 1.7 loves milk and dairy products
Answer: Rose, if the child loves milk and tolerates it well, then you can offer a glass of milk or another fermented milk drink for breakfast, afternoon tea or second dinner. This is just an example menu, you can always change it to suit your baby's tastes.

Fedor: | March 18th, 2017 | 9:53 pm

It's all good, yes, everything is fine, but he does not eat even half of these products. The author, tell me how you can feed such products?
Answer: Fedor, come to our training “How to teach a child to eat right in 2 weeks” :) I’ll tell you :)

Rachkova Elena grandmother:| June 9th, 2016 | 10:49 pm

Everything is very cool! I am a technologist by profession. My grandson is two years old and I try very hard to feed him correctly. But unfortunately we do not have the quality products that children need. Chemical squash, the meat is also stuffed, the cottage cheese is not real. ?

Maria: | May 12th, 2016 | 8:03 dp

Thank you for the menu with recipes and doctor's advice. But I'm a little scared of roasted recipes (ratatouille soup, for example). Can kids have fried food?
Answer: Maria, of course, soups for young children are prepared without roasting, otherwise you follow the recipe.

Julia: | April 4th, 2016 | 3:43 pm

Normal children's menu, like in the good old days. And now many mothers are very lazy, after a year they consider a separate menu for a child to be superfluous, transfer it to a common table, give meat in a piece, poorly fried, dried ham and other non-children's products. This is wrong and not good for the baby.
Answer: Julia, thanks for the comment! Of course, you can transfer to a common table after a year, but, of course, you are right - you need to do it right. So that this contributes to the development of interest in food in a child and does not harm his health. The main thing is that this common table is useful and adequate for the baby. In addition, such "children's" food will be generally useful for all family members.

Victoria: | January 31st, 2016 | 1:10 pp

I also really liked the recipes, otherwise I was already exhausted inventing myself, thanks!
Answer: Victoria, bon appetit baby!

Svetlana: | December 11th, 2015 | 5:11 pm

please tell me how to teach a child to a spoon? And then we can’t eat soups from the menu .. yes, and everything else that is only possible with a spoon: (he is now 2 years old .. but from 1.5 years old the spoon is like some kind of enemy: ((
Answer: Svetlana, you can offer soup ... to drink :) Like a cocktail through a wide tube. For this, you need to beat the soup in a blender, as in this recipe. You can also invite several kids who confidently use a spoon to visit “for soup”. Eating in a company is always more fun :) Well, don't forget that you can already give a child's fork - maybe this device will fall into favor :)

Ludmila: | November 12th, 2015 | 12:45 pm

Thanks for the menu!

Elena: | October 9th, 2015 | 3:02 dp

Thank you, I liked everything very much ... I have one question ... why are there no cauliflower and broccoli on the menu? It's so good for kids
Answer: Elena, this is an approximate menu for just one week. You can diversify it as you wish.

Galina: | October 6th, 2015 | 6:47 pm

Thank you, everything is super, I have two children and they really like it, I don’t see any difficulties in cooking, my friends in the kitchen are a slow cooker and a blender, everything is simple with them =)) There is still a lot of time left for the development of kids =)

Anna: | September 11th, 2015 | 8:43 dp

thank you so much - great menu. I printed everything. let's feed the baby :)

Anonymous: | December 3rd, 2014 | 10:51 pm

Thanks for the helpful article

Catherine: | September 3rd, 2014 | 7:51 am

I liked everything very much, thank you very much!
Answer: Ekaterina, hello!