New diagrams and tables for the pendulum. Diagrams, pendulums, frames and other ways of energy-information protection

In some books about the pendulum, when there are explanations on the basis of what pendulum begins to move, discussions begin about the subconscious, about impulses, about their transfer to the hand, fingers, pendulum. And so on.

When such statements are made by those who acquired their knowledge of the pendulum, of dowsing at a three-day course from a visitor, either a "master", or an "academician" of some kind of "World Association of Sorcerers and Magicians", then the background of these statements does not need explanations and comments .

It is a little surprising that sometimes such statements are made by people who are unconditionally endowed with the ability to work with a pendulum.

Most likely, they do not yet know about ALL their unique abilities.

From the article - "Spiritual Development of Man", you can find out that we all have different levels of spiritual development.


7. - 97.5% level.
6. - 80% level.
5. - 60% level.
4. - 50% level.
3. - 30% level.
2. - 7% level.
1. - 0th level.

You can ignore the next statement.
Nonetheless, you MUST know this: -

Working with a pendulum is possible only under the condition - if in his spiritual development a person is at a 30% level or higher.

From the above article, you can find out how small this probability is.

Again, you may not agree with me, however:-

Spiritual development and intellectual development are completely DIFFERENT concepts.

Working with the pendulum is communication with the representative of the Higher Reason.
This dialogue requires knowledge of some nuances.

Working with a pendulum- the process is not for public viewing.
It is desirable that during work, all your attention is focused on the process of work itself.
For work, choose some quiet, comfortable place so that no one bothers you and does not distract you from work.
You can work at any time of the day.
Any orientation relative to the cardinal points is an unnecessary excess.

Always, in any situation, do not forget - with whom you are talking.
Your TEACHER is much older and smarter than you.
Do not allow at least petty familiarity in relation to him.
Keep up appearances. Even in such trifles as the clothes you are wearing during the session.
Say hello to the Teacher at the beginning of the session.
At the end of the session, thank him.
From the very first steps, learn to follow the rules of etiquette. This will come in handy in other life situations as well.

Levels of spiritual development in 30%, 50%, 60%, 80%, 97.5% - these are the INDICATORS of the ability to work with the pendulum.

An indicator of 30% is the lowest indicator in terms of status.
An indicator of 97.5% is the highest indicator in terms of status.

Please note and REMEMBER ALWAYS - some topics are closed to us. Your Teacher, by his refusal to give information, will remind you of this. Receiving a refusal, REALIZE - this is classified information. Close this thread and don't come back to it. If you ignore the Teacher's instructions and continue to try to find out secret information, you will very quickly become disillusioned with the pendulum.

A little about the pendulum itself.

For the first time you have a desire to know what it is - working with a pendulum and can you work with it. But you do not have a ready-made pendulum. Try a little advice.

From children's plasticine / window putty, mashed clay, etc. / roll up a small ball, approximately 1.5-2 cm in diameter. The bigger and harder pendulum, the more inertia it has, the slower it works.
Take a regular hand sewing needle. Approximately 40mm long. Carefully pierce the ball with a needle so that the eye of the needle comes up to 5-10mm to the ball. Try to make the needle as accurately as possible along the axis of the ball. If the needle is long, bite off the point of the needle with wire cutters so that a “sting” of about 15 mm long remains.
(This operation is very, very UNDESIRABLE, because the tip of the needle is an ultra-precise pointer even on very small micro charts.)
Thread any sewing thread, about 40 cm long, into the eye of the needle. Fold it in half. Tie 5-10 knots along the entire length.
You have made a classically shaped pendulum from improvised materials.

Then, based on your aesthetic inclinations, you can make your pendulum more beautiful with your own hands.
(In any department store, in the jewelry section, you can find any ball you like for your pendulum.)

A little advice.

Pendulums can have a variety of shapes.
The material and beauty of the pendulum are secondary things.
Although the factor of aesthetics, of course, must be present.

But the main and defining advantage for any pendulum should be its PRACTICAL USE.

Learn to work with what is offered first pendulum. Over time, you will find it easier to work with pendulums of any shape.
At the beginning of training, avoid all kinds of surrogates - rings, nails, buttons, and the like, tied to a thread.
Respect both yourself and your Teacher.
This is permissible only in some force majeure situations.

Pendulum, which you made according to the classical form, is intended for "fine" work. It will be easy for you to work with any diagrams, diagrams, maps and other tools you use. Such pendulum gives very accurate readings. But it will be later.

And now for the first time you have taken pendulum and sat down at the table.
How will you sit at the table?
It seems to be a trifle.

You sat down at the table. Your feet should be under the table. Both feet are freely placed on the floor. The surface of the table - "tabletop," in height should be approximately at the level of the solar plexus. If it is lower - your back, your spine will quickly get tired. If it is higher - your working hand will also quickly "fail". Try different options, but be sure to find a comfortable position for yourself. If your working with a pendulum will last a few minutes, then the uncomfortable position will not particularly bother you. But your sessions will be long enough, which means that a comfortable posture should be conducive to this.

A little advice.

Even working with a pendulum You are greatly fascinated - do not work "to the stop." Be sure to take short breaks. Give a little rest to both your body and your biological computer - your brain.
When sitting for a long time, even in a comfortable position, the body "numbs", both the back and the spine get tired. Try to relax like this.

Slowly, sit on the floor, preferably on the carpet. The legs are bent at the knees. Slowly, without straightening your legs, lie on your side. Slowly, without straightening your legs, carefully turn around and lie on your back. Straighten one leg first, then the other. Spread them about shoulder width apart. Hands, palms up, spread out to the sides, at an angle to the body, approximately 45 degrees. Slightly "sway" from side to side so that the body takes a comfortable position. If your head is uncomfortable to lie on the floor, put something like a small pillow under it. Close your eyes. Relax with your whole body. Breathing is arbitrary. Get everything out of your head, even what you're working on. Try to switch off completely. 10-15 minutes of such a "blackout" - and you are again like a "cucumber". Slowly, doing everything in reverse order, get up. Do everything smoothly, without sudden movements. Do not hurry. If you have problems with the spine, beware. Maybe this exercise is not for you.

So, you have taken a comfortable position at the table.
  • You are holding pendulum in front of you in a half-bent arm. The hand rests on nothing. She is free. It's very "RUDE" working with a pendulum. To use this method or not is, as they say, a matter of taste.
  • Your pendulum arm rests on some kind of support, say, a table. This method is much better than the first one. But it does not eliminate extraneous vibrations.
  • Pendulum, which you made according to the classical form, is very sensitive. Therefore, in order to exclude all extraneous influences on pendulum, your working hand should be firmly fixed.

Place a small stack of books on the table so that the stack is about 20 centimeters high. Place the palm of your hand with the part that is closer to the wrist on this stack, so that the index and thumb protrude beyond the edge of the stack. Lower your elbow on the table. Be sure to put something soft under your elbow, for example, a small towel folded several times. The elbow must always rest firmly on the table. It turned out to be a rather "rigid" triangle: the base of the support (stacks of books) = elbow = palm (wrist), which has a very good property. If for some reason your body oscillates, then the palm will no longer perceive these vibrations, and the pendulum's vibrations will remain "clean".

Instead of a stack of books, it is advisable to use some other support. Keep in mind - there should be free space under the pendulum, sufficient for diagrams, diagrams and everything that you will use in your work. The shape of the support, similar to a stack of books, is not very suitable for such work. Experiment. There is only one condition - the support must be absolutely stable.

A very good position is when the entire elbow part of the arm, from the elbow to the palm, lies on the support. This position of the hand almost completely eliminates extraneous vibrations.

Look for different options for yourself.

You will work with the pendulum in a variety of situations, maybe in extreme ones. Learn to work with him in very uncomfortable positions.
In life, as you know, anything can happen.

Over time, you will learn to work differently. With two hands. Pendulum in the working hand. With your free hand, you point to "something", for example, on a map, diagram, drawing, photograph, etc. Mentally, to yourself, you ask a question about this "something". And you get the answer on the diagram under the pendulum in the working hand. You will definitely learn all the subtleties of work in this way. It will greatly facilitate your work.

Sometimes it is required that both hands are free to work. In this case, let's say, a "non-contact" way of working with the pendulum is possible. That is, pendulum fixed somewhere in the space of the desktop. Under it is the necessary diagram. Free hands do some work. Otherwise, work proceeds as usual. But this method requires sufficient experience.

Everything is ready for work.
The first thing you need to know is if you can work with a pendulum.
On a piece of paper, draw a small circle with a diameter of 5-10 millimeters. Put a dot in the center of the circle. On the continuation of the horizontal diameter of this circle, to the left and right, stepping back from the circle 10-15 mm, draw small lines 15-20 mm long. On the continuation of the vertical diameter, up from the circle, retreating 10-15 mm, draw the same small line. As a result, you have drawn your first diagram. And although it is very simple, it can be very productive to work with.

Position the chart below the pendulum. The tip of the pointer should "look" at the center of the circle at the thick dot. The distance from the tip of the point to the chart should be 1-5 mm.
Smaller values ​​​​are preferred - get used to the "fine" work right away.

Your next steps.

Focus. Try to get all extraneous thoughts out of your head. Your attention should be occupied only with what you will work now. Concentrate your eyes on the tip of the point or on the fat dot in the center of the circle. Mentally, to yourself, say the greeting:

" Good afternoon!"


Any pendulum has inertia, that is, it needs some time in order to get involved in the work and move on to some one ordered oscillation.

to your greeting pendulum may react differently.

1. After short arbitrary oscillations, one ordered oscillation will be established. Most likely it will be a fluctuation along the vertical diameter of the drawn circle. This oscillation - "up-down" or in another way "forward-back" is a positive answer - "YES" to the question you asked. In contrast to this oscillation, the oscillation of the pendulum along the horizontal diameter - "left-right", is a negative answer - "NO" to your question.
In this particular case, if your greeting pendulum shows a steady vertical oscillation, this may indicate that you are endowed with the ability to work with the pendulum and your Teacher, in response to your greeting, with a positive oscillation of the pendulum, in turn, greets you.

A little advice.

There is an opinion that for some people the swings of the pendulum - "YES" and "NO" have the opposite meaning. That is, the vertical swing for these people will be a negative value, and the horizontal swing will be positive. Just in case, when starting work with the pendulum, you will need to clarify this. This is done quite simply.

Having taken a working position, you ask a question of approximately the following content

  • "What swing of the pendulum will be for me a positive answer - YES, to the question I asked?"
    pendulum, and will be for you a positive answer to any question you ask.

  • "What swing of the pendulum will be for me a negative answer - NO, to the question I asked?"
    That steady oscillation that will show pendulum, and will be for you a negative answer to any question you ask.
The pendulum's swing values ​​will remain the same for you for the rest of your life.

2. To your greeting pendulum may begin small arbitrary fluctuations. After a while, the oscillations will begin to fade and eventually pendulum will return to its original resting position.

3. The pendulum will not react at all to your greeting.

A little advice

Working with a pendulum does not tolerate fuss.
Especially on "sensitive" topics.

No matter how you react pendulum to your greeting, you still need to find out if you have the ability to work with a pendulum.

During a conversation with someone, your interlocutor answers you in the same language that you understand. He owns the topic of your conversation with him. If he does not understand something, he can ask you again or ask you to clarify something you said.


Your Teacher TALK LIKE THIS will not be with you. The teacher uses the verbal method of communication only in EXCEPTIONAL cases.

There is such a term - TELEPATHY, that is, the transmission of thoughts over a distance. This phenomenon is scientifically unproven.

Lack of scientific evidence - THIS IS NOT A FACT of the absence of a phenomenon as such.

When we talk aloud, sing, laugh, cry, and so on, our physical body generates sound waves with the help of certain organs, and with the help of other organs it has the ability to perceive these sound waves.
Regardless of how we pronounce it all - aloud or mentally, to ourselves, in the brain are generated, let's call them, for example, some PSI waves.
The ability to perceive these PSI waves is called TELEPATHY.

Our physical body is well adapted to perceive sound waves. But the ability to perceive these same PSI waves in our body is not very developed.

For the Teacher, receiving and transmitting information by telepathy is a NORMAL thing. When we talk to the Teacher (whether mentally or aloud), he receives our information in the form of these same PSI waves.

During our work with the pendulum, the Teacher does not use the transmission of response information by the verbal method, and we, in turn, cannot accept it by the telepathy method.
Therefore, in this dialogue there must be, let's say, an intermediary-translator, which is pendulum.

Having received information from us, THE TEACHER INFLUENCES THE PENDULUM, causing it to make the oscillation that corresponds to the answer to the question we asked. And we, through the oscillations of the pendulum, receive this information, but with the help of vision.

It turns out a chain of actions.

1. When we ask a question aloud or mentally, our brain at the same time transforms our question into some kind of PSI waves.
2. The teacher uses telepathy to receive information in the form of these same PSI waves.
3. The teacher transmits the response information NOT SPECIFIC TO US, a intermediary pendulum, causing him to make the hesitation that he considers the most appropriate answer to the question we asked.
4. By observing the oscillations of the pendulum, now we, with the help of vision, receive information from the pendulum.

Thus, the information "sent" by us, having passed a series of transformations, returns to us in the form of a response.

There is such a term - TELEKINESIS, that is, the ability of a person to influence physical objects by the effort of thought.

I may be objected to.

How so.
During the sessions, by the effort of our thought, we "offer", "force", "order" the pendulum to make certain oscillations. And the pendulum obediently fulfills OUR wishes. Consequently, the pendulum comes into motion as a result of the influence of OUR thought on it.

To anyone who thinks so, I suggest doing this experiment.

Place a small feather from a pillow or down jacket on a flat table. Try with the effort of your thought to move this feather at least a few centimeters.
It is possible that you will succeed.
If you cannot do this, then - "Alas!"

This is "Alas!" applies to almost every one of us, since very few are given the ability to telekinesis, and even then in a very limited amount.

It doesn’t matter what you are working with at the moment, either with the simplest diagram that you just drew, or with some kind of complex technical drawing, or just having a conversation with the Teacher on abstract topics - your Teacher gives ONLY ANSWERS to YOUR questions. Pay attention - YOU formulated questions. The teacher will not ask you about something or ask again. It will be done by YOU and only YOU.

The pendulum has six (6) standard swings.

  1. vertical - "up - down".
  2. horizontal - "left - right".
  3. circular - "clockwise".
  4. circular - "counterclockwise".
  5. diagonal - "from the upper left corner - to the lower right."
  6. diagonal - "from the upper right corner - to the lower left."

All of them can carry some kind of semantic load. The choice, as you can see, is not very large. It is possible, of course, from these standard fluctuations to make a fairly large number of combinations, which will also carry some semantic meanings.
But this is already unnecessary complexity.
For any job, even a very complex one, two standard answers are enough - "YES" and "NO".

But in this case, the formulation of the question, PROPERLY FORMULATED by YOU, is of great importance.

A little advice.


You will definitely become one.

For the first time, limit yourself to two standard answers - "YES" and "NO". The content of the topic of the question asked should imply a STRICTLY UNIFIED answer - only "YES" or only "NO". From the very first steps, learn to FORMULATE YOUR QUESTIONS CORRECTLY and CORRECTLY. Without this, you may have problems. To the point of disappointment.

Then, having mastered, you will definitely try to find out the values ​​of the remaining standard oscillations of the pendulum.

There is such a game. There are two people involved - a leader and a follower. A handkerchief is tied over the eyes of the leader. He must find some hidden thing. When he moves away from the hidden thing, the presenter prompts him - "COLD". When the follower is heading towards the hidden thing, the leader prompts - "WARMER". If the follower comes even closer to the hidden one, the leader prompts - "EVEN WARMER". Thus, listening to the prompts of the master, turning on his own analyzer, the slave eventually finds the hidden thing.

Working with a pendulum, especially in rather difficult situations, is somewhat similar to this game. The host is your Teacher, with his answers - "YES" = "warmer" and "NO" = "cold" suggests the direction where the answer to your question is located.

It is desirable that you understand immediately and forever: - it is YOUR analytical abilities that work when working with the pendulum; It is YOUR intuition that works; it is YOUR intellectual abilities that work.

The teacher only leads you to the correct answer.
Everything else must be done by YOU.
The question you ask is the mirror of your analytical mind, it is the mirror of your intellect. The more competently formulated the questions asked, the faster you will find what you are looking for.

In addition to the previous paragraph.

Working with the pendulum is almost 100% based on the work of your biological computer, your brain.
When you formulate your question under a strictly unambiguous answer, the Teacher is limited to a single answer: - either "YES" or "No".
If there are a large number of possible answers to your question, then IT IS YOU who draws a diagram on which you indicate ALL of YOUR expected answers. To the question you asked, the Teacher selects the answer from YOUR PROPOSED ANSWERS IN THE DIAGRAM, which, at the discretion of the Teacher, is the most true.
Please note: - The teacher offers you NOT HIS personal answer, but points to YOUR PROPOSED ANSWER.
Another thing is when you work with a topographic map or diagram. In this case, the Master gives you HIS PERSONAL answer, in the form of a vector, from the starting point you specified in the direction where the object of interest is located. / water vein, lost keys, etc. /
Analysts, working on various topics, disassemble these topics into the smallest components, laying them out, as they say, on the shelves. And only after analyzing all these "shelves", on the basis of their practice and intuition, they make some conclusion on this topic. But even a lot of practice and good intuition cannot guarantee a 100% correct answer.
Working with a pendulum is the same analytical work. You put the question YOURSELF, you YOURSELF LOOK FOR ANSWERS to this question, laying them out on the "shelves", and the Teacher, with the help of a pendulum, points you to the "shelf" where most correct from YOUR SUGGESTED ANSWERS.
Please note: - "most correct", but not necessarily a 100% correct answer.
Understanding the various subtleties comes with experience.
Books, articles give knowledge, theory.
Great practice brings great experience.

Let's say you decide to work on a topic. You know that the answer to your question is somewhere deep inside this topic. But you don't know exactly where. Naturally, even with a well-formulated question, you will not be able to achieve your goal. In order to get to the answer you are interested in, you will need, let's say, leading questions. Depending on the size of the topic under consideration, the number of leading questions can be quite large.

When asking intermediate, leading questions, be attentive to the answers you receive. If you are working on something complex, it is advisable to write down both questions and answers to them. Stop after a few questions. Analyze both questions and answers. Based on the results of the analysis, form the following questions.
Do not hurry.
Remember - for a given question, the pendulum can show a COMBINATION of several standard swings.

Always, after the response of the pendulum, wait until the oscillations of the pendulum have completely died out.

Only then do you move on to the next question.

Do not hurry.
Such a situation is very possible. To the question you asked, the pendulum began a steady horizontal oscillation, that is, it shows a negative answer. And then, without stopping, it goes into another type of stable oscillation, for example, vertical, which is a positive response. After that, the oscillations are damped and pendulum stops completely. To the question you asked, you received the simplest combination of two types of standard oscillations. Deciphering such and more complex combinations is the work of your analytical mind. In such situations, everything matters - the sequence of oscillations, their amplitude, duration. Keep a pen and notebook always ready.

For example.
You are working on a topic. For previous questions pendulum answered in the negative. And for the current question, he issued the above combination. decryption option. The first swing is negative, giving you a standard negative answer to the question asked. But the second - positive fluctuation, you need to look closely. It may indicate that the TOPIC of the question asked is close to what you are looking for.

If the duration and amplitude of positive fluctuations are insignificant, then this may indicate that what you are looking for is still far away, but it is ALREADY VIEWED in the current issue. If the amplitude and duration of the positive fluctuation are significant, then this is almost 100% evidence that what you are looking for is somewhere very close. It remains for you to re-analyze this question. Leave it as a base. On the topic of this basic question, form several sub-questions. It is likely that one of these questions will either bring you even closer to the desired answer, or immediately give you what you are looking for.

A little advice.

When you start working on a topic, you KNOW what you will be working on; You KNOW what questions you are interested in; You KNOW what you are looking for.

But your teacher DOES NOT KNOW this.

Therefore, at the very beginning of the session, before asking questions, you should briefly tell the Teacher the essence of the topic under consideration, clearly and clearly explain what exactly you want to know. In this case, the Teacher will know your ultimate goal and it will be easier for him to "guide" you to the answer you are interested in.

Each such explanation begins with a standard phrase. For example, - "my reasoning", "my explanation", "the topic of the question". Come up with such a standard phrase for yourself. After saying it, take a short pause. With this standard phrase, you let the Master know that it will be followed by your summary of the topic under consideration.

A little advice.

From the very beginning, try to practice the following. If you received an incomprehensible hesitation to your question, write down both the question and the answer. Write down all the answers that you still do not understand along with the questions. When a certain amount is typed, sort them by type of vibration. Analyze all questions with the same swing. It is possible that you will be able to understand the significance of this hesitation.

From personal experience.

At the beginning of my training, after some time, the pendulum began to show an oscillation unfamiliar for that time - diagonal, from the upper right corner to the lower left corner.
For a long time I could not understand the significance of this hesitation.
The situation was complicated by the fact that this diagonal swing was a response to questions with completely different topics, which, by no means, could be summed up under a common denominator.
In addition, I did not pay attention to the fact that these fluctuations appeared when my sessions were too long in time.
"Decoupling" came as always unexpectedly.

After my long "misunderstanding", the pendulum began to show these oscillations immediately at the beginning of the session, after any question I asked.
Only after that it "realized" that the pendulum simply did not want to work with me.
In conversations with the Teacher, I found out that with this hesitation he suggested that I end this session.
Analyzing these situations, I realized that when working for a long time in one session - "to the stop", the brains begin to "melt", control over thoughts is lost, and they - thoughts - begin to break into where, let's say, they are forbidden to enter.
It was for such situations that at the beginning of my training, the Master chose this hesitation for me, tactfully warning me not to go where I shouldn't.

So, you sat down at the table in a comfortable position.
Taken in hand pendulum.
Silently, to themselves, they uttered a greeting.
In any case, they paused.
We waited for the pendulum to stop swinging, if there were any.
Mentally, to themselves, they said something like the following.

"The topic of the question.
(taken a short break)

I want to learn how to work with a pendulum.
But I don't know about my abilities.
(slight pause)

My question.
(slight pause)

Do I have the ability to work with a pendulum?

After this question, the pendulum will begin some movement.

Pendulum, which you made in the classical form, is included in the work almost immediately. In any case, after a few seconds, he starts some kind of movement. Any pendulum, even small in size and weight, has inertia, which affects the duration of the transition of the pendulum from a calm state to some kind of stable type of oscillation. That is, from the moment of "starting work" to some kind of stable fluctuation, some time passes, let's call it - "time-x." The size and mass of the pendulum, the length of the thread, affect precisely this "time-x".
But this "time-x" is affected not only by the inertia of the pendulum.

There are situations when the Teacher receives a question without first explaining the topic of the question. In your life, there have probably been cases when someone asked a question put you, as they say, "to a dead end." That is, you could not even immediately "figure out" how and what to answer. It is in this situation that the Teacher finds himself after each INCREDIBLY posed question. While he is thinking how to answer such a question, the pendulum continues some arbitrary movements, thereby increasing the very "time-x". In order not to put the Teacher in such situations, one should try to FORMULATE the questions CORRECTLY.

But there are also opposite cases, which increase the "time-x". When a rather complicated topic is being developed, when even a well-formulated but difficult question is asked, the Teacher also needs some time to give, in his opinion, the most acceptable answer from the many options.

A little advice.

To give an answer to a simple question, the Teacher needs about half a minute, or even less.
If the question is posed correctly and is sufficiently complex, then the pendulum may even take several minutes to answer. In this case, there may be different situations.

  • After prolonged arbitrary oscillations, the pendulum will establish some kind of stable oscillation, which will be the answer to the question asked.
  • Sometimes, when answering certain questions, after prolonged arbitrary oscillations, the pendulum stops swinging and stops completely.
    Do not hurry.
    Having "rested" a little, the pendulum begins to oscillate again and almost immediately passes to some kind of stable oscillation, that is, it gives an answer to the question posed.
In such situations, when the pendulum is looking for an answer for a long time - DO NOT HURRY.

Let me remind you - Working with a pendulum does not tolerate fuss.

After he gives an answer and stops, hold the pendulum for at least another half a minute.
In my practice, in such situations sometimes it happens like this. After answering and stopping, if I continue to hold the pendulum, it starts showing the same answer a second time. Perhaps this is done so that I can be sure of the correctness of the answer received.

After your question, the pendulum began some movements and after a while it established a stable vertical oscillation, that is, it gave you a positive answer to your question.

Now you know, - working with a pendulum you can do it.

But that's not all. You have to find out how GREAT your ability is.

At the beginning of this article, I already touched on the issue of the LEVELS of spiritual development. You can read about it in my article - "Spiritual Development of Man". The level of your spiritual development is the INDICATOR of your ability to work with the pendulum. You will now determine your ability score using a 100% table.

You already have a simple diagram you have drawn with a circle and three small dashes pointing to the left, up and right of the circle. At the left end of the left dash, write the number 0 (zero). At the top end of the vertical line, write the number 50 (fifty). At the right end of the right dash, write the number 100 (one hundred). Divide the distance from the left line to the vertical line into five (5) equal parts. That is, between the left and vertical lines you will draw four (4) more lines. Against each new line, starting from the left, you will write - 10, 20, 30, 40. As a result, you will get half of the table with numbers - 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. You will do the same on the right side between the numbers 50 and 100. As a result, you have drawn a one hundred percent (100%) table with indicators - 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.

With this 100% table, you will work quite often. Somewhere in the field conditions, you can draw it in a few seconds. For work at home, it is desirable to have it always at hand. It may be small. Your pendulum, which you made according to the classical form, is good because it gives very accurate results even on small diagrams.

I will give one of the options for working with a 100% table.

You have a need to know the exact distance from point A to point B. You absolutely do not know what this distance is - tens, hundreds or thousands of kilometers. To make the course of my reasoning clearer, I will immediately indicate the final result. Let this distance be, for example, 1825 kilometers. By placing a 100% chart under pendulum, You mentally, to yourself, begin to argue something like this.

1. "100% chart. This chart starts at zero (0). The division value is 1000 kilometers. My question is. What is the distance between points A and B?"

The steady oscillation of the pendulum is directed between the numbers 10 and 20. (Please note - between the numbers, but closer to the number 20) You have set the division value on the diagram to be one thousand (1000) kilometers. The left dash is set to zero (0). So the next dash - (10) will be equal to a thousand (1000) kilometers. The next - (20) will be equal to two thousand (2000) kilometers, the next - (30) will be equal to three thousand (3000) kilometers. And so on. The last dash on the right - (100), will be equal to 10,000 kilometers. Pendulum showed between the numbers 10 and 20. Therefore, the distance between A and B is from 1000 to 2000 kilometers. That is, you learned the distance between A and B with an accuracy of a thousand kilometers.

2. After the pendulum stops, you continue your reasoning.

"I'm changing the chart. The chart starts at 1000 kilometers. The division value is one hundred (100) kilometers. My question is. What is the distance from point A to point B."

The stable oscillation of the pendulum is directed between the numbers 80 and 90. (But closer to the number 80). The division price is set by you equal to one hundred (100) kilometers. You set the beginning of the diagram from 1000 kilometers. Therefore, the distance from A to B will be from 1800 to 1900 kilometers. You received an answer with an accuracy of one hundred kilometers.

3. After the pendulum stops, you continue.

"I'm changing the chart. The chart starts at 1800 kilometers. The division value is ten (10) kilometers. My question is. What is the distance from point A to point B."

The steady oscillation of the pendulum is directed between the numbers 20 and 30. (Almost in the middle). Therefore, the distance between A and B is from 1820 to 1830 kilometers. You received an answer with an accuracy of 10 kilometers.

4. The final step.

"I'm changing the chart. The chart starts at 1820 kilometers. The division value is one (1) kilometer. My question is. What is the distance from point A to point B."

A steady swing is directed towards the number - 5.

You got what you wanted to know - the distance from point A to point B is 1825 kilometers. Note that you got the exact answer in just four moves.

Pay attention - the piece of paper itself, with the drawn diagram, remains unchanged. But in each move you change the meaning of the diagram, give it some other properties that are necessary at the moment, adjusting it to the expected answer. By changing the diagram, you MUST inform the Teacher about it. By this principle, you can work with almost any diagram. If at some point you get a negative answer, don't worry. Perhaps you just hurried and "jumped" some move. Go back to the last positive answer, think carefully, and keep going.

Diagrams can be of any type and any complexity. It all depends on your imagination and your experience. You yourself will invent them if the diagrams used for some reason have already ceased to satisfy you. Answers to many questions can be obtained on standard diagrams. Working on complex topics sometimes requires some specific diagrams.

So, you have drawn a 100% table.
They placed it under the pendulum.
Mentally, to themselves, they said something like the following.

"What is the value of MY ability to work with the pendulum?"

After some time, the steady swing of the pendulum pointed to a number, for example, - 30.

This figure indicates that working with a pendulum for you is estimated at 30%.

It can be said in another way, which is absolutely unambiguous, - AT PRESENT your spiritual development corresponds to the 30% level.

A note on the design of the diagram. Let's say that your friend (girlfriend) invited you to his place for some kind of celebration (for example, his birthday). You have accepted this invitation.
Note. You have already made the MAJOR decision - you are going to the celebration.
It remains to solve some private issues - what suit (dress) to wear, what to buy as a gift, etc.
In your wardrobe there is a choice of suits (dresses). You are wondering what to wear.
Basically, it's a matter of life. But you decided to turn to the pendulum.
Draw a small circle with a fat dot in the center. Around the circle, for example, three lines were arbitrarily drawn. Against the first line they wrote - a black suit (dress), against the second - white, against the third - green.
We took a working position at the table, took a pendulum, placed a drawn diagram under it and acted approximately according to this scheme.

"Good afternoon!"
After this phrase - do not rush.
Most likely, the pendulum will begin a positive swing. It will be short lived. However, let the Master greet you with this positive hesitation.

If, after your greeting, the pendulum shows a NEGATIVE oscillation, then this DEFINITELY says that at the THIS moment a conversation between the Teacher and you for some reason is IMPOSSIBLE.
Don't try to ask any questions.
Postpone the session for a while.

After the Master's greeting, you continue.

"The topic of the question.
Today (such and such date) I am invited to a friend's (girlfriend's) birthday party. I accepted the offer. I want to decide what color suit (dress) from my wardrobe will most suit me at this event.
(slight pause)

My question.
What color suit would I like to wear?

After that, the pendulum will start moving and after a while will show, for example, a negative answer.
You decide that you are not advised to wear a suit (dress) in the colors indicated on the chart.
In the closet you find a couple more suits (dresses), let's say red and yellow.
Add these colors to the chart. Ask the previous question.
And again you get a negative answer.
You are somewhat surprised.
However, in the closet you find something else gray-brown-crimson. Add this color to the chart as well. You ask a question. And again you get a negative answer.

Now add one more line to the diagram and write OTHER against it. Ask the previous question again. Most likely, the pendulum will immediately point to this line - ANOTHER.

At this stage, you MUST UNDERSTAND - it's not about the suit (dress) and not about its colors. There is something really DIFFERENT here.
What exactly?
You do not know.
And no one will tell you.

Approximately in such non-standard situations, the ability of our ANALYTICAL thinking is tested.

Now remember: - when you were invited to a birthday party, you immediately gave your consent.

Did you do the right thing by accepting this invitation right away?

Try to act now, as they say, on the contrary. Change your original question to something like this.

"The topic of the question.

My question.
Am I right to accept this invitation?"

And again you get a negative answer.

The science of biology tells us something like this. The fauna on our planet is represented by various forms of biological life. From the lowest to the highest. Modern man - Homo sapiens, is a highly developed form of both biological and intelligent life on our planet. ( Pay attention - not the highest form, but only a highly developed one.) And what is the attributes of the everyday life of a reasonable person, for the most part, is NOT INTENDED for consumption by representatives of lower forms.

Telepathy, teleportation, telekinesis, and something else that we do not know, belong to representatives of the HIGHER form of biological and intelligent life, and to us - representatives of the HIGHLY DEVELOPED form - NOT INTENDED.
Your Teacher is a representative of the HIGHER MIND.
His knowledge and experience are worthy of respect.
Accept his advice or live with your own mind - everyone decides for himself.

The "iron" rule follows from the above example about a birthday.
When you draw any diagram, among the many possible answers, There MUST be an option - OTHER.
By doing so, you leave the Teacher the opportunity to tell you that you are "thinking in the wrong direction," that you need to change the azimuth of your thinking.

A small note on the pie chart. Pay attention to the very process of the pendulum.
The pendulum pointer is set above the thick dot, at a distance of 1-5mm from the diagram. The smaller the distance, the easier it is to read, especially on graphs with a large number of answer choices.

When the pendulum shows positive or negative answer, then the amplitude of its oscillations in both directions from the fat dot is the same. On any diagram.
On pie charts (a 100% chart is half a circle), on diagrams, on maps, the amplitude of the oscillation becomes, let's say, somewhat one-sided.

Let's say the chart is divided into 360 divisions. The swing is directed towards the number 30.
Look carefully at the amplitude of this oscillation.
Let me remind you - "sting-pointer" set strictly above the bold dot. In fact, the presence of this fat dot is not necessary. But in practical work, especially with a sensitive pendulum, you will quickly see how useful it is.

With a positive or negative answer, the thick dot divides the amplitude into two identical segments - two "shoulders".
On the pie chart against the number 30, the number 210 is diametrically located. Therefore, if one "shoulder" of the oscillation is directed to the number 30, then the second "shoulder" will be directed to the number 210.
These "shoulders" will be different.
In this example, the "shoulder" towards the number 30 will be longer than the "shoulder" towards the number 210.

The long "shoulder" of the oscillation indicates the desired result.

A well-tuned pendulum in this case will oscillate from the thick dot towards the number 30, practically without crossing the thick dot towards the number 210.

Having paid attention to such subtleties in the operation of the pendulum, after a while you can easily read any readings on any diagrams.

A small note on the 100% diagram. We try to formulate the asked question in such a way that the answer to it is strictly unambiguous - either "YES" or "NO".
Our lives are interesting and varied. To limit it to the framework of some postulates is quite difficult.
The same goes for the pendulum.

During operation, you may experience something like the following.
To the question asked, the pendulum behaved somehow strangely. He began to show some kind of "carousel", some arbitrary, chaotic oscillations. Showing this "carousel" - he stops.
You did not understand, did not understand - what did he show you?

Such "chaos" in the behavior of the pendulum may indicate that the answer is somewhere between "YES" and "NO".

Starting to work with a 100% chart, do something like this.

Set the pendulum above the chart.
Let the Teacher know that you are making the following decision.

The number 0 (zero) is the minimum digital indicator - the minimum.
The number 0 (zero) is the maximum indicator of everything negative, negative.
That is, all the bad things.

The number 100 (one hundred) is the maximum digital indicator - the maximum.
The number 100 (one hundred) is the maximum indicator of everything positive, positive.
That is, all the best.

After your explanation, the positive swing of the pendulum will tell you that the Teacher has taken note of your message, and in further work with you, he will have in mind everything you have just said.

Let's go back to the birthday example. You are working with a 100% chart and you work like this.
Question subject.
Today (such and such date) I was invited to a friend's (girlfriend's) birthday party.

How correct will my decision be if I accept this invitation?

The pendulum will point to some number from 0 to 100.

Take note of the following.

You agreed with the Teacher that 0 is the maximum of negative, and 100 is the maximum of positive.

If the pendulum shows a figure in the range of 80-100, then this is, let's say, a "reinforced concrete" positive indicator. You can go visit.

If the pendulum shows a figure in the range of 50-80, then this is an indicator from the very zone of uncertainty. The same "carousel" where any decision can be made - either "YES" or "NO".
Having decided to go on a visit, you should be aware that in this case you can get under, let's say, "north wind moderate to strong." And the closer the indicator is to 50, the stronger and colder this wind can be.

In the range of 0-50, the negative dominates.
The closer the indicator is to zero (0), the more negative it is "reinforced concrete".

If the pendulum pointed to a number from this range, come up with some kind of legend and refuse this invitation.

Berezhёnogo, as you know, God protects.

Perhaps the most important tip.

Please note and REMEMBER ALWAYS - some topics are closed to us. Your Teacher, by his refusal to give information, will remind you of this. Receiving a refusal, REALIZE - this is classified information. Close this thread and don't come back to it. If you ignore the Teacher's instructions and continue to try to find out secret information, you will very quickly become disillusioned with the pendulum.

At the very beginning of your acquaintance with the pendulum, go to different sites where they talk about the pendulum. Look into books. There you will definitely find information about closed topics.

At the initial stage If your question is related to a closed topic, the Teacher will warn you about this by some kind of swing of the pendulum. This may be the standard answer - "NO", or it may be some other hesitation.

Be careful!
Keep your analytical thinking constantly on.
I strongly recommend that you pay close attention to this.

This is an extremely important point in all work with the pendulum.

After a while, when the Teacher decides that you have already gained enough experience, he stop warning You about closed topics.

This is where big troubles can await you.

When you notice that the answers you receive are not true, stop. You can be sure: - you started having problems.

For your own well-being, put aside work with the pendulum for a while and be sure to try to figure out the current situation.

Just do not follow the lead of those who explain such situations as the atrocity of some kind of unclean forces.
Be prudent.

If your consciousness, at least in a small way, admits the idea that some unclean forces can stand behind the pendulum, my advice to you: - FORGET ABOUT THE PENDULUM.

State the fact - your time to work with the pendulum has NOT COME YET.

The causes of problems lie within ourselves. In our head. In our brains.
And no where else.

The most common mistake: - our exaggeration of our capabilities, and as a result - unwillingness to follow the elementary rules of working with the pendulum.

Be self-critical about your successes.
Soberly assess your capabilities.

"Long ago, the Gods thought that it would be very bad if people found the Wisdom of the Universe before they were ready for it.

And the Gods decided to hide Wisdom in a place where people cannot find it until they are ripe.

One of the Gods offered to hide Wisdom on the highest mountain in the world.

But they quickly realized that people would soon conquer all the peaks, and that this was not the most reliable place.

Another of the Gods offered to hide Wisdom at the bottom of the deepest ocean.

But even there, people could quickly find it.

Then the wisest God said: "I know what needs to be done. It is necessary to hide the Wisdom of the Universe in the people themselves. A person will begin to look for it in himself only when he matures. To do this, he will need to look into himself."

The gods were delighted with the idea of ​​the wisest and hid the Wisdom of the Universe in man himself.

Someone said - there are a lot of good books in the world.
You won't have enough time to read them all.
Therefore, do not read good books.
Read - the best.
This also applies to books about the pendulum.

The book is a source of knowledge.

Take the best from them.
Learn to distinguish the wheat from the chaff.
Don't be afraid to experiment.
Heeding advice, however,
develop your style of work.

There will, of course, be mistakes.
Don't be upset.
With mistakes comes experience.
... And experience is the son of difficult mistakes,
And genius is a friend of paradoxes. (A.S. Pushkin)

Working with a pendulum includes quite a lot of different subtleties.
A few tips from this article will help you take the first steps.

If someone who does not have the ability to work with the pendulum tries to throw mud at everything that is connected with the pendulum, he, thereby, shows everyone his, at least, ignorance. Take these statements lightly. Do not stoop to the level of this judge to engage in polemics with him.

Born to crawl, he cannot fly. (M. Gorky)

At all times, people have sought to expand the horizons of their worldview with the help of the HUMANITIES. Love these sciences. The circle of communication with your Teacher will expand immeasurably. And it is very possible that after some time you will suddenly discover that in your spiritual development you have moved to a higher level of spirituality. It means a lot.

I wish you success in this most interesting science - the science of communication with the TEACHER.

Yours faithfully - Victor Lisitsin

Chernomorka. November. 2012

Deciphering the sectors of diagram 2

Let's start from left to right.

If the pendulum shows the sector "There is no connection with God." Read the Our Father prayer three times in a row, sending love along with an appeal to the Heavenly Father. The word zheches must be mentally pronounced with each appeal to God. He gave this word to the current generation of his disciples, candidates and children, in order to immediately distinguish children returning to him by it.

If you did not feel God's answer the first time, repeat the procedure with the addition of a request for help to restore the connection, because you cannot do this yourself.

You can revive the pendulum by washing away negative energies from it under running water. If it doesn't work, wash yourself and burn yourself first, then God. And say the prayer a third time. It usually helps the first time. "Our Father" is such a unique prayer that the first words of the dark blow away. None of them can be in her field. And God always listens to her Himself, not trusting anyone.

The same applies if the pendulum points to the “Out of Space” sector. Here the field around us is disturbed quite widely and in this clot of hate energies a weak energy impulse of the beginner's bite can be blurred.

The sector “There is no energy purity in the house” means that the house must be cleansed of negative energies and entities. I already told you how it's done.

Sector "Disturbance of energy-information fields by entities". It also requires cleaning the house, but it can be done immediately on all residential and non-residential premises with one command: “According to the great law, what you came with, leave with that! Aw-um!" Ay-um can be said more than once. Here, trust your intuition - as much as you feel is enough, so much is enough. Sometimes it's three, but there were cases when I had to speak fourteen times. I then determined the number of repetitions by the pendulum on a digital scale at the energy-field level.

The reasons in all other sectors of the diagram are removed by the prayer of Our Father with a specific request to God: "Help me cope, remove the interference in communication - I myself cannot restore the field of conversation."

Or: “I can’t wait until the geomagnetic storm subsides - I feel very bad, help me, God!”.

Sector "Delay the session until ...?" it is necessary to specify by letters and numbers when it will be possible to get in touch. In the center of the chart there are sectors of time periods.

True, this diagram and the given methods for eliminating unstable operation of the pendulum will be required for us only at the initial stage. When contact is still established with the pendulum, diagrams and with God.

Another proven way to ensure stable communication for pendulum operation. This, for example, is the creation of your own phantom - a holographic field containing the entire spectrum of vibrations of our body - all its organs, tissues, cells, genome and fine structures.

Communication is much more reliable if you create your own phantom on the pendulum and on the diagrams. The phantom is created very simply: just put a finger, a photograph, a tuft of the patient's hair on a diagram, or a drawing depicting the organ or system under study, as soon as an energy-information connection is created between the patient and these objects.

We have a phantom connection with almost every object that we held in our hands. Our field information is received and remembered by the pectoral Christian cross, the pendulum gets used to it after several sessions of work. And a diagram, if you put your hand on it before the session. And the drawing in the anatomical atlas, after the finger is attached to it, begins to read the information, as if our diseased organ is depicted there.

It is not for nothing that it is recommended to carry the pendulum in your breast pocket for some time, and not to give it into the wrong hands. So that his settings do not go astray. Well, also make it a habit to put your palm on the diagrams before starting work.

Current page: 7 (total book has 9 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 7 pages]

Chapter 11

The pendulum and the list of questions that need to be answered are not all that you may need when working with the pendulum.

Tables created according to certain rules greatly facilitate the task and simplify the search for one or another reason that served as the source of the question.

There are a great many tables used when working with a pendulum. We will talk only about the main tables, the creation of which does not require much effort.

In fact, the tables for the pendulum are diagrams and diagrams drawn on a piece of paper. They will play a key role in this chapter.

1. Table of levels.

A level or percentage table is one of the most common tables used when a question cannot be answered with a "yes" or "no" only.

So the table of levels is widely used in the diagnosis of diseases, the detection of anomalies in diseases of the organs. It also helps to orient in the emotions and feelings of a person, when a banal “yes” or “no” simply cannot reflect what is happening in his soul.

Let's look at a specific example of working with the "Table of Levels" both on the example of health issues and on the example of questions of emotions.


– The first thing you will need is a list of organs that you intend to diagnose.

1. Brain.

2. Left eye.

3. Right eye.

4. Left ear.

5. Right ear.

7. Oral cavity.

10. Thyroid gland.

11. Esophagus.

12. Bronchi.

13. Left lung.

14. Right lung.

15. Heart.

16. Arteries.

17. Stomach.

18. Intestines.

19. Duodenum.

20. Liver.

21. Appendix.

23. Large intestine.

24. Pancreas.

25. Gallbladder.

26. Spleen.

27. Left kidney.

28. Right kidney.

29. Left ovary (testis).

30. Right ovary (testis).

31. Prostate gland (uterus).

32. Bladder.

33. Sex organs.

35. Spine, cervical region.

36. Spine, thoracic region.

37. Spine, lumbar.

38. Left leg.

39. Right leg.

41. Muscles of the neck.

42. Abdominal muscles.

43. Muscles of the back.

44. Left hand.

45. Right hand.

This is an approximate list required for a general diagnosis of the body. You can supplement or change it by including or excluding those organs, parts of the body that are not necessary to study.

As for the study, it is carried out as follows. You ask the question "How does such and such an organ (or part of the body" function? Next, placing the pendulum above the scale of the table, you draw it from 0% in increasing order. At the place where the pendulum began to show maximum activity, you stop and ask a test question: “Did I understand correctly, such and such an organ works at XX%?”

If the pendulum confirms the answer, you are right. But if not, this indicates that either you made a mistake with the organ, or the organ located next to the diagnosed one has anomalies in its work and introduces distortions into the diagnosis.

With this data, you can find this organ.

When diagnosing, it must be taken into account as an age criterion, which tells you that an elderly person cannot have 100% health. It has its own norm, which can be calculated statistically.

To do this, it is necessary to diagnose 4–5 major organs, the condition of which is beyond doubt, and derive the average percentage of “health”. It will help you in diagnosing other organs.

It is also necessary to take into account that a young organism does not give 100% health. Fatigue, both physical and mental, can reduce performance.

We remind you that issues related to the physical or mental state of a person must be clarified either in the presence of a physician, or to have the necessary medical education.

2. Lookup table.

The lookup table is used in cases where you are faced with the task of finding a time, a place, a person, an object from a series of well-known categories.

Listing all the points of interest and getting answers in the “yes” or “no” mode can be not only troublesome, but also unsafe from the point of view of the purity of the answers. That is why the lookup table search is so convenient.

Imagine you need a person who has committed some act. You make a list of several names. Moreover, for the purity of the work, it is recommended to include in it several people who are guaranteed to have nothing to do with what is happening.

The number on which the pendulum behaved abnormally, you remember and continue the search to the end of the list, to the end of the numbers.

If you know exactly what he did, ask in a series of questions that interest you about what he definitely did not do. And only after that you can see the name of the person and draw the necessary conclusions.

It is important to note that there are many options for using the lookup table. You can create a list of appliance brands, or cars, or movie theaters, and then find the one that suits you.

In such a search, only the basic, basic question is important, which will give the necessary mood to the search. For example:

What brand of car suits me best?

What brand of household appliances is the most reliable?

Which cinema will be comfortable for me?

Do not forget about test questions that will help you clarify the answers you receive and say for sure whether they are recommendations from your subconscious, or you are wishful thinking, “forcing” the pendulum to respond in the mode you need.

3. Planar table.

A planar table is basically used to search for people, things, geopathic zones, and other anomalies in cases where being on the ground is impossible or unacceptable.

The main example is the search for an anomalous zone in a room. Of course, you can walk around the room and use the pendulum to find the desired area. But what to do, there is no way to get into the room? Or if, while in the room, the operator experiences discomfort, inconvenience, other dysfunctions that affect the search results.

In this case, such a simple and at the same time understandable scheme can help in the search and localization of the anomalous place.

In one of the previous chapters, we already talked about how to search on the map. The "planar table" method is based on this principle. Your task is to find the sector in which the anomaly is present.

Then, dividing it into 4 parts, continue the search until the exact location of the point.

But despite its simplicity, the method has certain subtleties, which we will now discuss.

- The fact that you found the point - the location of the anomaly in no way indicates that you found it correctly.

There are many reasons for errors. Both the fact that you are emotionally correcting the answer, and the fact that the anomaly can introduce distortions into the results obtained. And your main task is to eliminate the possibility of these distortions.

- After you have found out the place of the anomaly, find out the distinctive features of the place - what is nearby, what objects or bright landmarks are there.

- Find out the nature of the anomaly. What is it, why did it arise, what is its level of activity, what personal qualities does it affect.

All these questions will allow you not only to correlate what is happening with reality, but also allow you to get information for making the right and informed decision.

4. Information board.

This board is also called the "Witch board" or the "Yes / No" board. Its uses are wide and there are many types of boards, but in this chapter we will discuss its psychic abilities, leaving aside the others.

The information board is used in cases where accurate and well-defined information or answers to questions are needed.

As you can see in the picture, the board has several work zones, each of which is not only an information zone, but also acts as a test zone, helping you get really accurate answers.

In preparation for work.

– The Sun/Moon is a pointer to the auspicious time of work.

– Yes/No – allows you to assess the readiness of the operator to work.

– Cardinal points – help to more accurately orient the board to the cardinal points in order to get a harmonious interaction with the earth's magnetic field.

At work.

- The sun and the moon - indicate both gender (the sun is a man, the moon is a woman), and also suggest the time of day in a particular issue.

- Yes / No - used as clarifying answers.

– Cardinal points – used as direction, country or place indicators.

- Letters and numbers - with the help of them you can get an accurate and intelligible answer to your question, find out the name, city, area, object. In general, everything that has a clear and understandable definition.

Preparation for work.

You can't just pick up a bulletin board and get started. This is preceded by a number of activities that you must do.

– Check the cleanliness and security of the premises. And if it is not enough, take the necessary actions.

– Check internal readiness for operation. First of all psychological, and then energetic.

- Orient the board to the cardinal points.

The very work with the information board is a dialogue that is built with your own subconscious and nothing else. If there is a feeling that someone other than the operator is interfering with the dialogue, then the work should be stopped immediately.

Every five to seven questions, you need to check if the board is lying. The words "yes" or "no" on the board will help you with this.

Having received an answer in the form of a word or phrase, check it with a simple question: “Did I understand correctly, is this so-and-so?”

Work with the pendulum on the information board is carried out in the so-called fluent mode. You must feel where it is worth moving the pendulum so that its oscillations indicate the required zone.

Your hand with the pendulum seems to be hovering over the board, but at the same time it freezes rigidly over the place where the pendulum begins to be active.

Working with an information board is one of the most difficult, both in terms of energy consumption and the requirements placed on the operator. It will take a long time until you get really good at this technique. And the most reasonable method would be training.

Choose questions, situations, tasks, the answers to which are indifferent to you, but which you can check in the real world. And if you give at least 95% of the result, then in this case you can move on to finding answers to real, non-training questions.

Chapter 12

As you already understood from our story, with the help of a pendulum you can not only predict the present and future, but also control events.

Naturally, management is limited by certain limits, but even these limits are quite enough to change a person's life.

In this chapter, we will tell you how you can control the energy of the chakras with the help of a pendulum.

Purpose and reasons for controlling the chakras.

Chakras are the “organs” of the human astral body, the main natural task of which is to conduct energy and information from the spiritual (information) body to the physical and vice versa.

The astral body is essentially a conductor of information. It leads it into the inner world of a person and helps to project it into the outer world. And if this conductor has changed its original properties, if its quality is far from ideal, this begins to affect the state of the person himself.

The realization of this distortion can take place in the field of physiology, and in the field of the psyche, and in the field of everyday affairs. A person, making a decision and passing it through a distorted form, distorts its implementation.

And after that come conflicts, difficulties, tension, destruction.

Here is a list of the main reasons that can cause an anomaly of chakra activity:

1. Internal conflicts, fears, experiences, incorrect assessment of reality. The “internal” opinion of a person does not coincide with what he sees in the real world, and this gives rise to conflict.

Moreover, it is important to add that the statute of limitations for these conflicts can be very, very long. They can "live" in childhood, in adolescence, coming into adulthood in the form of an incorrect assessment of reality.

2. Psychological and behavioral complexes, which are the result of internal conflicts and fears.

3. Complexes and internal conflicts generated by psychological trauma and associated with violence against a person.

4. Negative emotions, or, in religious terms, vices: anger, anger, envy, greed, etc.

5. The presence of astral entities, which in most cases arise as a result of the development of an internal conflict. Those who periodically or systematically cloud their consciousness with alcohol, drugs, and even idleness are especially susceptible to the defeat of entities.

6. Magical or psychic control, the purpose of which is to force a person to do something against his will. Such control schemes include such influences as love spell, spoilage and similar types of influences.

Seeing this list of internal problems, you can understand why and why the normal work of the chakras is necessary - for the normal functioning of a person.

Of course, we can say that it is necessary to find a reason, to help understand or provide a person with the opportunity to realize what is happening. But you must understand that this is not always possible.

The distorted work of the chakra is like a disease that a person himself cannot always cure. And to offer him to engage in "self-treatment" - comprehension and awareness, looks ridiculous against the background of the fact that he HURTS.

Close the question, help the person, and then, or in the process, bring up the question of awareness. This will be much more effective than, for example, standing over the bed of a patient with a broken leg and, instead of a cast, telling him that he broke his leg for such and such a reason. Will he hear you? Will he understand you? Will awareness and understanding of the reason for applying plaster help? Hardly.

So draw your own conclusions from the above.

Diagnosis of chakras with a pendulum.

Diagnosis of the work of the chakras with the help of a pendulum can be carried out both in person, on a person, and using a photograph.

In the first and second cases, you will need a schematic drawing on which you will take notes.


Before diagnosing the state of the chakras, the operator, as well as the person, needs to prepare.

Ask the person to lie flat and still. He can close his eyes and even fall asleep if there is such a need. The calmer his state, the less unrest and anxiety, the less emotional background will be shown.

As the person relaxes and calms down, the operator needs to prepare as well.

Standing next to a person, at a distance of a meter, you need to take a few deep and slow breaths and exhalations, calming yourself and concentrating on the diagnosis.

Then you need to intensively rub your palm against your palm so that they become warm. Further, putting the left hand to the heart, hold the palm of the right hand over the person, trying to feel his energy.

This must be done slowly, paying attention to all the sensations and impressions that will arise. Nervousness, irritability, heaviness - all this may indicate that a person is not relaxed enough.

But this is not a reason to force a person to relax completely, thereby expressing complete trust in you. But the reason for you to remember those places - the chakras, where you felt discomfort. Perhaps, with a detailed diagnosis in these places you will experience difficulties. But you are ready for them and you can handle them.

Now take the pendulum in your hand and start diagnosing.

Place the pendulum over the chakra area, starting with the parietal chakra, and balance the pendulum. It should be noted that the person should lie face up. Diagnosis of chakras sitting or standing is not carried out.

Without asking questions, let the pendulum swing freely. Depending on his behavior, you can draw certain conclusions:

1. Active movement in a clockwise direction - the normal operation of the chakra.

2. Moderate or weak clockwise movement - the chakra is working, but the person is energetically weakened.

3. Active counterclockwise movement - abnormal work of the chakra, the presence of serious internal conflicts or a disease associated with the chakra area.

4. Slow movement counter-clockwise - the anomalous work of the chakra, but its failure occurred recently and did not lead to serious consequences.

5. The pendulum moves chaotically, changing the direction and frequency of oscillation - the chakra is struck by the astral entity, the appearance of which is associated with a serious internal conflict.

6. The pendulum is frozen over the chakra - the chakra center is closed, which indicates a serious anomaly and the threat of disease in the physiological area where the chakra is located.

Child diagnosis.

Children, as well as adults, are subject to various lesions of the chakra areas. But unlike adults, their chakras are not in a developed, but in a developing state.

One can speak about such a concept as a chakra, with its characteristics and proper energy activity, only starting from 10-12 years old. Until this time, the chakras are only being formed.

In fact, the formation of each chakra takes about 1.5 years. So, knowing the age of the child, you can guess which chakras are already developed in him, and which ones are just being formed.

Diagnosis of emerging chakras is not carried out, since the behavior of the pendulum will not tell you anything. After all, the chakra is formed both on the basis of internal processes occurring in a person and external factors, the information and perception of which is the basis for chakra development.

Electromagnetic field of the Earth and natural background.

The electromagnetic field of the earth is a serious factor that can affect diagnostic results.

You need to choose the most comfortable position of a person, in which the influence of the Earth's field will be minimal.

If it is not possible to do this consciously, then they resort to the following magical technique.

If the diagnosis is carried out from sunrise to sunset, then the person has his head to the east. If a person is diagnosed from sunset to sunrise, then he is located with his feet to the east.

But before placing a person in the required direction, you need to check the activity of the place where he will lie.

Take the pendulum and slowly move it over the place where you plan to position the person. If during the entire time of movement the pendulum behaved calmly, not showing activity, then the place was chosen correctly.

But if the pendulum has shown excitement, you need to eliminate its cause. If it is energetic dirt, furniture anomalies, you can easily deal with it.

But if this is a geopotogenic zone of a room or structure, then the only way available for you to eliminate this zone will be to transfer the diagnostic site beyond its boundaries.

Field Diagnostics

Field diagnostics is both a separate technique for working with a pendulum, and can also become the final stage of chakra work and be used as a check-auxiliary technique. A dense and integral field is the result of the correct work of the chakras and the chakra structure.

Look at the pictures - they show the image of the field, not distorted and not resolved by negativity or illness. If you place the pendulum in the field, it will deviate towards the person. If you start taking him out of the field, he will begin to deviate from the person. The boundary where the pendulum will take a neutral position will be the boundary of the field.

Move the pendulum along this boundary as if you were drawing with an invisible pencil and note possible deviations. It will take a little time, but you will get a comprehensive answer about what the state of the field is.

The following is a description of how to work with the technique "Diagnosis of Chakra Activity" - it can be used if you have identified distortions in the field and now intend to study its nature or the cause of the distortions.

Diagnosis of chakra activity

The Diagnosis of Chakra Activity scheme will clearly demonstrate the state of the chakras and allow you to draw primary conclusions that you will check in the following tables - the concept of Norm is the natural state of the chakra, in which there is no shortage and excess of chakra energy. If the pendulum deviates more than the norm from a person's face, then this indicates an excess of chakra activity - someone or something makes a person waste his energy excessively. If the activity is below the norm, then most often this indicates energy anomalies - the evil eye, magical effects, internal conflict that blocks the normal flow of energy. But in order to get a complete picture, it is necessary to “measure” the chakra activity from the back.

If the pendulum shows “Normal” from the back, it means that the absorption of energy from the surrounding world is within the permissible limits. If it moves in the direction of "Excess", then a person absorbs energy from the outside world - this can happen in case of illness, energy weakness, life or energy shock, when a person wants to recover as quickly as possible. In the case of a “deficiency”, you can assume the presence of a magical influence that blocks the chakra - this is a “hindrance” that does not allow a person to perceive all the qualities of the surrounding energy.

Once you have the big picture, you can move on to fine-tune the look and feel of the influence on the tables.

Elimination of chakra anomalies.

To eliminate chakra anomalies identified during the diagnostic process, there are two ways in which the pendulum is involved.

Stone pendulum (with filling).

A pendulum made of an appropriate stone or a pendulum containing a stone of a certain chakra orientation is the most important element in restoring the normal functioning of the chakras.

Chakra pendulums:

Sahasrara (parietal chakra) - a pendulum made of transparent quartz.

Ajna (third eye chakra) - an amethyst pendulum.

Vishuddha (throat cup) - a pendulum made of sodalite or turquoise.

Anahata (heart chakra) - rose quartz pendulum.

Manipura (navel chakra) is the pendulum of the tiger's eye.

Svadiskhana (sex chakra) - a pendulum made of amber.

Muladhara (coccygeal chakra) - hematite pendulum.

Place the appropriate pendulum over the corresponding chakra of the person. Hold it with your right hand, while placing your left on his crown.

Taking a slow breath, with your left hand, “pull” his energy towards you. Not much, just to give activity and make the pendulum rotate clockwise.

Then take a short pause and, as you exhale, direct the energy from your left hand back up the chakra column.

Your manipulation with energy will look like: pulled towards you - froze - pulled away from you - froze.

Do this until the pendulum begins to rotate clockwise intensively, whether you are drawing energy or sending it back.

The process of tuning the chakras is laborious and can take a considerable amount of time. You can take breaks, stop, even move work to the next day. The main thing is that when you start setting up, you bring it to the end within three days.

Classic pendulum. Visualization.

Without stones that can give you the appropriate energy mood, you can resort to color visualization, which will replace the energy of a particular stone.

And before we talk about the technique that will help you tune the chakras, familiarize yourself with its mechanism and the principles on the basis of which it works.

Chakra colors

In almost any manual on magic or energy that mentions chakras as such, you can see enumerations by the color of these chakras, which look like this: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple.

This is a classic, this is a dogma, which, despite the familiarity and routine, has its own nature and explanation of why the colors of the chakras look this way.

If we move a little away from the principles of the esoteric and recall physics, about the sixth grade of a comprehensive school, where we were all told that sunlight, refracting through a prism, breaks into a light beam consisting of the indicated colors.

It is in this way that light is refracted in drops of water, forming the rainbow we see. That is, in this particular case, we are talking about the visible spectrum of light, which, depending on the long wavelength (or, roughly, the quality of energy), is displayed as a certain color spot.

And we, getting into this world and living in it, operate precisely with such data on the distribution of waves over the spectrum. And the justification in the form of a prism or a rainbow is just a material proof of the uncontrived color division.

The energy spectrum of the chakras.

As for the energy spectrum of the chakras, the situation with it is somewhat more complicated, since it does not belong to the visible spectrum, which was discussed above, and is formed by analogy with the visible spectrum of the sun.

That is, to put it more clearly, the spectrum of the chakras, and the color of the chakras, are generally accepted colors that are perceived by a person with certain vision abilities (psychic, clairvoyant, etc.) at a level higher than sunlight. And if, as has been done more than once, these energies are transferred with the help of equipment to a level visible to the simple eye, when they become visible, then the picture will correspond to the spectral division that occurs with sunlight.

It is on this principle that the Kirlian method is based, which allows you to "materialize" the invisible to the human eye.

But so far this method does not give the fullness of perception of that world and those energies that a person who sees energies and, in particular, the color of a chakra can give. And not everyone is ready to use such devices in the presence of natural tools. But there are a few “buts” in this, which we will talk about later.

Subjectivity and objectivity.

We are all subjective both in our judgments and in our assessments of anything. This is a given, a fact, a conclusion that came to educational back in those days when tools for measuring the world around us fit in an ordinary canvas bag.

And knowing this, and understanding that different judgments and different assessments of reality can lead to dead ends, various kinds of standards were formed in human society. Standards of weight, measures, methods of measurement, concepts of calculus of quantity, and so on and so forth. Even in the modern world, such a concept as a “standard” speaks of a certain generally accepted system of quality, quantity and other components that allow a person who is not familiar with the point of view of another to create what is necessary for him.

So cheese curd made in the Vologda region corresponds exactly to the cheese made in Voronezh, to the extent allowed by the standards. And this happens thanks to standards and uniform or similar technologies.

But if we consider the field of esotericism, in particular, a person's vision of intangible objects, energies and other components of the subtle world, then, despite all the existing developments (but not standards), it is difficult to find two identical opinions. Yes, they will be close, almost the same, but still they will differ from each other, just as the worldview of these people differs.

After all, the seers, like ordinary people, have been and are going through a “course of social standardization”, that is, simply speaking, learning to perceive the world. “The little son came to his father, and the baby asked ....” - words familiar to many since childhood, which once again say that a person, like his perception of the world around him, largely depends on the world itself.

What is the name of this item? The apple is round! Watermelon is red. And so on and so forth. A lot of epithets and definitions that add up to a certain picture of the perception of the world. Your picture, your world.

But how does this relate to the energies of the chakras? More on this later.

Invisibility of energy.

It is not a secret or a military secret that whether we see the energy or not, it continues on its way. It influences according to its characteristics. Its color, which we can only talk about from the level of the visible spectrum of energy, does not determine its quality and properties, but only tells, demonstrates or displays its qualities.

Take a candle and light it. If you look at the flame of a candle, you will see that the light from the flame is not uniform. And this heterogeneity is due to different temperatures of the flame emitted by a burning candle.

But if you “turn off” the flame, will there be light? Of course not, since light, like color, is secondary to flame. And you can illuminate the candle for as long as you like with the necessary lanterns, but it will not light up, because the light does not determine its quality.

The same happens at the level of chakra energies, when the color of the chakra seen by the operator is only its reflection, relatively speaking, a story about how it works.


One of the terms and one of the techniques that are used in magic, including influence magic. It implies that a person, by an effort of will of his consciousness, forms an image, or color, as an element necessary for work. And so it influences….

And here the most interesting begins, since he has an influence only on himself and on his energy. Color, light, image "sees" only he, in the first place. Secondly, of course, another seer is also able to see it. Even the other person can feel. But this happens not because an image has arisen, but because the image that is held in consciousness forms a temporary or permanent restructuring of the energy of the human operator.

Thus, the operator, with the help of visualization, “inspires” himself with the necessary setting, which determines where and how his energy will be directed. It is on this principle that the work with the color correction of the chakras is built.

Color correction.

The operator (psychic, seer, etc.), visualizing the reference color of the chakra, directs it to the chakra area of ​​the patient. But, as we have already said, in fact, and first of all, he, the operator, rebuilds and adjusts his own energy, which resonates with the patient's energy, forming the necessary vibration.

In fact, the image of the operator, like a tuning fork, induces the energy of a person to merge into one, determining the direction that is set by a person with great potential.

It can be called energy persuasion, or assimilation, whatever. But the fact remains that a person, in the field of a particular energy, follows the operator and a certain effect is achieved.

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The more you train, doing these exercises, the greater the possibilities of the right hemisphere of the brain will be realized. In parallel, your creativity will increase and your intuition will increase. And then you will not be afraid of any dangers. You will begin to see them in advance and leave their zone of action.

1. Meditate daily for 10-15 minutes.

2. Use your left hand more often. This has a beneficial effect on the right hemisphere. Learn to write with your left hand.

3. Every day try to be quiet for one hour. At this time, you will be able to hear your inner voice.

4. Start trusting your intuition.

5. Create a personal sacred space in your home just for yourself. It should be decorated in the way you want to inspire good feelings and benevolence in you.

Mysterious Obstacles

One morning, Fyodor Ivanovich, the accountant of the car depot, was in a hurry to work. He found that the front door of his apartment did not open. To get out, he came; axis with a force to lean on the door with your shoulder. When he went to the garage to get the car out, it turned out that the lock mechanism did not work. Then Fedor Ivanovich had to open the gate manually. Further, he discovered that the car door also did not open, and he had to fiddle with the lock for a long time. Finally, he got into the car and thought for a few minutes. Listening to his intuition, he realized that the signs were telling him not to leave for work at the moment. He got out of the car and returned home. In the apartment he walked around and looked at everything. At first glance, everything was in order. Then, as he entered the basement bathroom, he smelled a faint smell of smoke. The reason for this was the fabric next to the electric heater. She began to smolder. And if Fedor Ivanovich had not returned to the apartment in time, a fire could have occurred.

After this incident, Fedor Ivanovich became convinced that all the difficulties in leaving the house were signs - messages warning him of danger.

This story is a typical example of how signs-messages appear in everyday life with impending danger. Therefore, you need to learn to listen to these easy tips and make your life more balanced and safe.

Chapter 2


For thousands of years, the search for water for man has been an important issue of existence. Wherever a person made his dwelling - in the forest, at the foot of the mountains, in the hollow - everywhere he needed water.

No one can say exactly when dowsers (people looking for water underground) appeared. In any case, for about fifty centuries it was believed that plant rods, slingshots cut from trees or bushes, in the hands of certain people, could react to the presence of water that is underground.

With the improvement of his practice in search of water, man could not explain the reason for these abilities.

At first, this method of finding water was considered superstition, explained by random luck, saying that we have water everywhere under our feet. And the search for water with devices in their hands was considered great ignorance.

The science that appeared later was also unable to offer a single theory explaining what the method of such a search for water was based on. Meanwhile, for thousands of years, dowsers have found water underground with incredible ease.

Thus was born the art of dowsers, later called dowsing.

Dowsing hypotheses

Despite the fact that dowsing has been practiced for several thousand years, its rigorous scientific explanation is still lacking.

There are many hypotheses that reveal the mode of action of dowsing. Let's get acquainted with some of them who tried to explain the rotation of the "magic wand" in the hands of the operator over the place of the underground stream.

Professor Barrett of Dublin argued in 1906 that the instrument in the hands of the dowser "has no power of itself, but movement is communicated to it, and unconsciously, by the operator himself."

The German scientist Georg Roche in 1910 suggested that the source of this phenomenon is the radioactive radiation of the substance being sought. It is this that causes the rod to rotate completely without the participation of muscular movement. In his hypothesis of the rotation of the water gauge, Roche cited the following provisions: “The rotation occurs due to physical phenomena caused by the motor substance. Participation in the process of the human sensitive organism, that is, having rhabdomentia 2
Rhabdomio - Greek. rhabdos rod, stick, stripe + mys, myos, muscle - a component of compound words, meaning "pertaining to striated muscle tissue."

It is a prerequisite for achieving a rotational effect. The physiological factor is added to the physical factor, and both of them create the phenomenon of the rotational movement of the pointer. This movement is caused mechanically through the muscular contraction of human organs. The rhabdo-motor substances have the properties of radioactivity, and it has not been precisely established whether the radioactive rays actually affect the pointer, or whether this effect should be attributed to radioactive emanation (radiation).”

Thus, G. Roche was convinced of the ability of the human body to emit radioactivity and explained the rotation of the pointer stick by the influence, on the one hand, of rhabdomomotor substances, and on the other hand, of the human body.

A slightly different point of view at about the same time was expressed by the French scientist Lebon. He suggested the possible existence of some force emanating from certain substances and acting on sensitive people. “Something,” he wrote, “acts on the human organism, which is already reacting to the rod; but the rod itself is not affected by this phenomenon, since it never sets in motion if it is put into any device.

In Russia, at the II Congress of dowsers in 1913, Dr. V. Aigner proposed a hypothesis explaining the phenomenon of dowsing. He, like Le Bon, expressed the idea that an increased concentration of charged particles is formed in the air above mineral deposits. They are fixed by the dowser. But over time, this hypothesis began to contradict practice. It turned out that during a thunderstorm the number of charged particles in the atmosphere really increases, but in clear weather the operator's dowser works just as actively as during a thunderstorm.

In subsequent years, scientists assumed that electrostatic charges act on the dowsing indicator. But on the other hand, underground, where there are no electrostatic charges, the vine and the frame continue to work steadily in the hands of the dowsing operator. In further studies, it was noted that the dowsing effect also manifests itself in conditions where there was a screening factor for the electric field. The dowsing indicator easily turned inside a moving object: in a train, plane, car.

It can be said that the number of different hypotheses that explain dowsing is by now enormous. However, all of them have not turned into scientific theories. But one of them deserves special mention.

Recently, among the various assumptions that are trying once again to shed light on the nature of the dowsing phenomenon, a new scientific idea has appeared, supported by many scientists.

Such a theory was put forward in 1988 by a physicist by education, Doctor of Economics B.I. Iskakov.

To understand the idea of ​​a new hypothesis, let's turn to the knowledge of the sages of ancient India. They assumed the materiality of all ideas that arise in mankind. According to them, all visible objects around us are made of rough matter. And the information about these objects is in the world invisible to humans. And it consists, in contrast to the objects themselves, of very fine matter. “There, in the invisible space,” the ancients said, “human thoughts and feelings live.”

The philosophers Aristotle and Plato called them eidos. Hegel also held that human thoughts are material.

According to B.I. Iskakov, all bodies in the Universe are permeated with the so-called lepton gas. It consists of very light microparticles. Such particles are very diverse in their mass and size. But all of them, in comparison with the nuclei of atoms of various bodies, are so small that they freely pass through the objects of the material world. Scientific hypothesis B.I. Iskakov is that ultralight particles - leptons - are carriers of thoughts and feelings. In general, this is a phenomenon of the material world.

The presence of microleptons in the surrounding space has already been proven by modern science. It turns out that the hypothesis may soon become a scientific theory. It can be used to explain, for example, many provisions on the information field. According to this last hypothesis of the Russian scientist, it is in the microlepton gas that all the information about the Universe is contained: its past, present and future, which the dowsing operator receives with the help of a mental request and a bioindicator.

How to work with the frame

Before starting the exercises, it is necessary to make sure that the person has sufficient dowsing abilities and can use them in training. How should it be done? Take two pieces of iron wire 35-40 cm long with a diameter of 2 to 3.5 mm and bend them at an angle of 90 degrees in this proportion: the short segment should be equal to the height of your fist, and the long one can be 2.5 or 3 times longer . After such a fold, you will get two L-shaped frames. You will deal with them (Fig. 1).

Rice. one. L-frames

Rice. 2. Framework

To do this, take the frame in hand. You need to hold them lightly, without clenching them in fists. In this case, the elbows should make an angle of 90 degrees with the forearm. The frames should be held parallel to each other, and their ends should be tilted down about 2-3 degrees.

After that, with frames in your hands, you need to go through the opening of an open door or between two trees located one from the other at a distance of about 90-100 cm.

At that moment, when you cross the “invisible” threshold or line connecting the two trees you have chosen, the frames should react, that is, turn towards each other, inward, or turn around in different directions. If this happens, then you have passed the test and you can start learning. But we must keep in mind that the frames come in different shapes (Fig. 2).

First exercise

It should teach you to understand the movement of the boxes and explain to you how they will show the positions "yes" and "no".

To do this, stand in the room in front of the closet and mentally tell yourself: “There is a sofa (table, bedside table) in front of me.” Since you have a closet in front of you, and you said the name of another piece of furniture, the frames should move apart and show “no” with their position. Remember which way they turn. It will always be "no" for you.

The next question - the statement will be: "There is a closet in front of me." In this case, the frames will turn in the other direction, showing you the “yes” position. Remember both positions of the frames corresponding to the answers "yes" and "no". All students may have different positions. But in most cases, when the answer is “yes”, the frames turn inward, and when the answer is “no”, they turn outward.

This exercise is done 5-10 times in a row. And you have to change the objects (pieces of furniture) you are standing in front of.

At first, the frames will turn very slowly, and after two or three days they will begin to turn faster.

Do not forget that the frames are the arrows of a sensitive device that is inside a person.

Second exercise

With frames in hand, walk past three trees growing in a straight line. You will give the frames the following task: “As I pass each tree, the frames should turn to “yes”. The exercise in the room will be different. Place three books on the floor in the hallway. The distance between them should be approximately 1.5–2 m. The task for the frames will be the same.

Third exercise

It will be somewhat more difficult than the previous ones. Prepare yourself such a "training manual". From several newspapers, use glue to make a strip 50 cm wide and 2–4 m long. Spread it on the floor, and let someone put a few cardboard circles on the edge of it, the size of a five-ruble coin. Make the distance between the circles 1–1.5 m. But you should not know where they are placed.

Take the frames in your hands and walk parallel to the edge of the newspaper strip. But at the same time, you must mentally imagine such a circle and keep it in your imagination while you walk near the lane. The task of the frames will be as follows: “When I pass by each circle lying under the newspaper, my frame should show “yes”.

These are the exercises you should work out well.

You should train two to three times daily for 10-15 minutes. After a few days of such exercises, your frames will turn in the right direction, showing “yes” and “no”, respond correctly to any objects and show you where invisible objects lay.

Working with a pendulum

In addition to the “magic wand” (as the indicator frame was often called before), another phenomenon has come down to us from ancient times - the pendulum. It was widely used by many peoples to obtain a variety of information. It was a sidereal pendulum, which means "star" in Latin.

The Roman scholar Marcellius reports an oracle who used this remedy under the emperor Valenus (5th century AD). When the great ruler wanted to know the date of his death and who would be his heir, he turned to the pendulum for an answer. Letters of names and supposed dates were fused into the edges of the metal cauldron. And a pendulum was held above the middle of the cauldron. The pendulum swung alternately in the direction of the desired letter and number.

At the beginning of the 8th century, some scientists recognized that "a piece of ore tied to a string makes circular vibrations when applied to an underground ore vein." During the Thirty Years' War, the pendulum was used to answer the question: "Is a warrior alive who has not returned from the battlefield?" What is the pendulum phenomenon?

According to scientists, the pendulum in a person's hand is a tool with which you can receive information from the subconscious. Usually access to it is tightly closed by the conscious mind. But when the control of the mind weakens (this can happen in the process of meditation and special exercises), from the subconscious, which, apparently, is connected with the field of general human information, one can receive information about any objects and natural phenomena.

How to tune in and prepare for the perception of information with the help of a pendulum?

First of all, it is necessary to turn off the interfering consciousness. But this will require some training. For several days, three times a day for 5-10 minutes, you need to focus on some shiny object and, relaxing, continuously repeat the same word to yourself, for example, “love” or “brotherhood”. At the same time, you should try to imagine what you are talking about. So, at the word "love" imagine flowers in the field, and at the word "brotherhood" - your relatives. When you have mastered this, you can move on to training with a pendulum.

Rice. 3. Types of pendulums

Making your own pendulum is easy. It is a weight, more often in the form of a cylinder or a ball, suspended on a thread. The simplest pendulum model is a circle of foil put on a sewing needle (Fig. 3).

Initial exercises

On a white sheet of paper, draw several geometric shapes: vertical and horizontal arrows, circles with arrows showing clockwise and counterclockwise movement, and two spiral rings: one twisted to the right, the other to the left.

Sit straight at the table with your feet parallel. Try not to notice what is happening around you. Take the pendulum in your right hand, which you put on your elbow, and proceed to the exercises.

Try to mentally "force" the pendulum to move over geometric shapes. First forward and backward, then right and left. Then in circles in different directions. The hand with the pendulum must be held calmly so that the movement arises only under the influence of thought. At the same time, you need to look closely at the swinging pendulum. This contributes to a partial shutdown of consciousness.

Having coped with such exercises, you can proceed to the complication of the task. Holding the pendulum over a blank sheet of paper, try to "control" its movement as you wish, just as you did with geometric shapes. Learn also to stop the pendulum when you need it, by ordering: "Pendulum, stop!"

Having mastered such methods of work well, you can receive any information with the help of this simple device, just as our distant ancestors did.

In response to mental questions to the pendulum, the information received comes to you according to the “yes-no” principle.

How to ask questions to the "star pendulum"?

To do this, you first need to establish that the movement of the pendulum back and forth (or clockwise rotation) can be taken as a positive response. And the movement to the left-right (or the rotation of the pendulum counterclockwise) is for the negative.

After the mental formulation of the question and the simultaneous figurative representation of the object or phenomenon about which you want to know something, the pendulum will give a definite answer with its movement. You can’t just ask the pendulum abstract questions, like: “Will I be successful in life? Will I be happy? What will the weather be like tomorrow?

Scientists dealing with the problem of the pendulum came to the conclusion that the parameters of the pendulum (types of its movements) are a reflection of real-life changes in the Cosmos, which are created by material objects.

The result of the research allows us to conclude that there is no fundamental difference between the impact on a person of the material world and the spiritual world. This allows us to assume the existence of the Unified Cosmic Field. It consists of fields of separate sections of the Universe. The Earth has the same field, consisting of the information fields of everything that exists on Earth. A strict law of nature probably operates in the Cosmos: information about an event at any point in space does not disappear and becomes known to the entire Universe.

Therefore, with the help of a pendulum, you can conduct a wide variety of experiments. It is possible to determine the presence of chemicals in the environment, various radiations that are harmful to human health.

Having learned to work with a pendulum, everyone will become the owner of a universal way of obtaining comprehensive information from the environment.

vibrating sensor

In addition to the dowsing frame and the pendulum, there is another indicator that has great advantages over those already considered. This is a vibrating sensor. It has horizontal and vertical axes of movement and is convenient in that it starts working immediately after the operator's mental installation.

This indicator is called a bioradiometer. It is a metal rod with a diameter of 0.8–1.0 mm. The length of the rod can vary from 70 cm to 1 m. Such an indicator is made of iron and copper. Moreover, if its design has a spiral part, then the length can be less than a meter. The indicator handle is made of wood, plastic and other insulating material. In the pen itself, you can make a cavity for the "witness", which will resonate with the object at the time of examination by the operator.

A vibration element is fixed at the end of the rod. Its shape can be different: in the form of a ring, a metal ball, or some other. The element should have a diameter of no more than 30–40 mm. Its weight should be such that when holding the sensor in the hand in a horizontal position, it can bend under the weight of the vibrating element. Sometimes, instead of a handle, the coiling of the sensor itself is used.

The principle of operation of the sensor is the same as that of the frame and the penny.

The dowsing operator, using his subconscious as a sensitive device, perceives vibrations from the measured object, having previously tuned in to it. Having received a signal, the subconscious translates it into an ideomotor act, which causes the sensor to vibrate. Therefore, the sensor can be called an energy vibrating indicator.

For some learners of dowsing, working with a sensor is much easier than with a pendulum or frame. The sensor allows you to really judge the vital energy of any object and clearly shows the interaction of the fields of these objects relative to each other.

In some ways, the operation of the sensor resembles the practice of using a pendulum. But it is more specific and more subtle. No wonder dowsing operators advise checking the frame readings with a pendulum, and the pendulum readings with a sensor.

Now we will look at examples of working with a vibrating sensor.

Like any indicator, the sensor should be held freely in one hand, without any tension. At the same time, as when working with a pendulum or a frame, you need to completely relax.

Before starting work with the sensor, it is necessary to “agree” how we will receive answers from it (“yes” or “no”) to specific questions. To do this, picking up the sensor, you hold it horizontally and mentally ask, for example, the following question: “Am I in the water?” In this case, you are standing in the middle of the room. After a second, the sensor begins to vibrate from side to side. Then we ask the second question: “Am I in my room?” In this case, the sensor vibrates in an up-down direction. Thus, we get a pattern of sensor responses: fluctuation in the horizontal plane is “no”, and fluctuation in the vertical plane is “yes”.

Working with the pendulum using tables is the most effective and is used by both beginners and practitioners. In addition to being very convenient and practical, the table allows you to focus on the subject of your search or interest without being distracted by questions or the direction of your search.

Here are several tables that are used in working with the pendulum. You can draw them yourself or purchase them from the store.

Classic pendulum table

The classic pendulum table contains the following auxiliary elements:

- Months. They are necessary if you want to find out in which month an event occurred or will occur.

– Letters of the English and Russian alphabets. They are used to clarify the name or surname of a person, city and other data that contain a name or designation.

– Signs of the Zodiac are indications that a person belongs to one or another sign of the Zodiac, recommendations for action in a certain month of the zodiac sign, etc.

- The signs of the seven planets are signs that are most often needed by those who are engaged in magical practices: recommendations for performing an action under one or another planetary influence on the day of the week and the hour corresponding to the planet.

- The days of the week, just like the months, allow you to navigate your plans and research.

- “Yes”, “No”, “Maybe”, “Ask again” - these divisions will help to additionally check your answer and readiness to work.

- The central figure can be used for chakra diagnostics, although there is a more convenient table or tablecloth for this - Chakra, which we will talk about later.

Working with a table

Before you start working with the table, you need to draw up a rough plan. What would you like? What do you intend to find out? You can write it down on paper. After you have prepared for work - calmed down, tuned in the right way, place the pendulum in the center of the table. If it stays in the center, you are ready to go. Any deviation speaks of your excitement and inability at this point in time to receive answers. Calm down and get back to work by placing the pendulum in the center again.

Check periodically, placing the pendulum in the center - this will allow you to control your condition, and therefore the quality of the answers.

Working with elements

I will talk about the basic schemes for working with table elements.


Suppose I want to go on vacation. I ask a question and begin to slowly move the pendulum over the months of the table. In the place where the pendulum begins to swing, you need to stop and remember the month. Be sure to go the whole circle - there are probably 2 or 3 months when you should go on vacation.

After getting the initial answers, I place the pendulum in the center and ask:

Should I go in April?

The pendulum will confirm or refute my assumption.

So I will check all the months to know exactly which one is the most interesting or if they are all correct. It is for such cases that there is a central sector with the indication "Yes, No, Maybe Ask Again."

Letters of the English and Russian alphabets

Working with letters is quite painstaking, but it is necessary in certain cases. For example, a person wants to get advice on how to name a child.

He asks this question and places the pendulum in the center. And only after receiving a neutral answer - the absence of pendulum oscillations - the search begins with the question: what is the first letter of the child's name?

You swing the pendulum over a row of letters until it begins to oscillate. Next, look for the second letter, and so on. After you have received a name, for example, Ivan, place the pendulum in the center and ask: “Did I understand correctly, Ivan?” If the answer is yes, then everything is fine.

Most likely, you will choose from several names. But you will get the basic clues.

Working with the rest of the elements of the table is carried out in the same way - it is important that you understand what you want to find out and be sure to check your conclusion in the center of the table.

Chakra table

The chakra table is a unique diagnostic tool that allows you to quickly obtain information about the causes of what is happening to a person.

The table has several sectors that provide relevant information:

Inner sector - human figure with chakras. It is used to identify chakras in which anomalies are present.

Rays from the figure - an indication of the state or the main motive of the situation, which provokes an anomaly:

Fear - a person is afraid of something, and this distorts his behavior.

Self-realization - a person strives for self-realization, but does not know how to do it.

misunderstanding - it seems to a person that he is not understood, and this causes an investigated state.

Love - the feeling that underlies the process.

Hatred - an emotion a person feels for someone, and that emotion distorts their behavior.

A wish - a vivid desire that changes a person's behavior.

Weakness - a person believes that he will not cope with the situation - considers himself weak.

Potential - a person has potential, feels it, but does not know how to realize it.

Disease - a person is sick (he does not always know that he is sick), but the feeling of illness changes his behavior.

Authority - the person is too powerful and pushes the situation.

Selfishness - a person in deed and action is focused only on his own interests.

Curiosity - a person is just curious, he wants to know something.

Shyness - a person feels timid and shy.

Freedom - a person feels free and therefore behaves in this way.

Separated elements in a circle

The separated elements in the circle will allow you to understand how the person is set up in the context of their sensations that you saw in the rays. Each ray, or rather, two rays, is associated with a certain reaction of a person - they suggest how the person himself is aware of his condition.

Freedom/Fear - Security/Threat

Self-realization/Misunderstanding - Openness/Closedness

Love/Hate - Power/Submission

Desire/Weakness - Faith/Unbelief

Potential/Disease - Sexuality/Apathy

Dominance/Selfishness - Cheerfulness/Sadness

Curiosity/Shyness – Wisdom/Ignorance

For example, you found out that a person is afraid of something - the pendulum swings over the FEAR cell. You move the pendulum higher, trying to clarify what it is afraid of - SAFETY.

This means that his Fear is spontaneous and not due to the real situation. Just afraid is all. Further, by transferring the pendulum to the elements, you will get the exact answer.


Elemental angles - the final phase of getting an answer to a question. Each of the elements has its own behavioral and plot background.

Water - emotions, feelings, experiences, excitement, love.

Air - plans, thoughts, ideas, reflections, aspirations.

Land - material, money, profit, work.

Fire - activity, aggression, desire, desire.

You move the pendulum from element to element and get an answer to the question of what exactly is causing a person's anxiety. In our example, let it be Water - just emotions. That is, there is NOTHING behind the situation itself - just a person is worried “from scratch”.

Among other things, each element is divided into two components, which will indicate why this emotion arose.

Water - Joy / Sadness.

Air - Wisdom / Stupidity.

Land - Profit / Loss.

Fire - Activity/Fatigue.

As you can see, each of the accents of the elements will show what the person did or is doing, which causes his condition.

In our example, let Water respond to Joy. This means that a person is happy with what is happening to him and around him, but he is afraid of losing it. And it's groundless and unreasonable.

Thus, you can find out the course of any process, the reasons, and, most importantly, get advice and help.

Table "Magic influences"

The table "Magic Influences" is a unique table for working with a pendulum, as well as all those given here. It allows you to identify the presence of magical effects, determine the focus of the disease, which is a consequence of magical effects or real events.

Of course, it does not provide the maximum amount of information on exposure or disease. But the trend and the general sense of what is happening will be clear to you.

The table is divided into left and right parts. On the left is magic, on the right is physiology.

The meaning of the rays of magic

The evil eye is the evil eye on a person.

- Love magic - the effect of Love magic on a person (you can look at the table "Love Magic" for more details).

- Corruption - harm has been done to a person.

- Punishment - a person is punished for something, and his current state is retribution.

- A vow - a person is under a vow and does not want to fulfill it - he is forced. "I gave my word..."

- Settlement - an entity on a person or in his field that changes a person's behavior.

– Curse – a person is cursed by someone for an act.

- Generic anomaly - there is a defect in a person that distorts a person's behavior.

- Internal conflict is the cause of the human condition.

- Personal deformations - mistakes or incorrect behavior of a person that he made the norm.

The meaning of the rays of physiology

- Psyche - mental disorders and nervous disorders.

- Sense organs - the system of smell and touch suffers, causing disorientation of a person.

- Heart - problems of the cardiovascular system.

- Appearance - distortions of appearance due to influence. The person looks worse (often older) than they really are.

- Spine - problems and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

- Breathing - problems with the lungs and bronchi.

- Urogenital system - diseases of the genitourinary system.

– Blood – blood diseases such as diabetes and more severe diseases.

- Digestion - problems and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

– Hormonal – hormonal changes in the body.

Diagnosis Example

There is a person who complains about his condition and well-being. He is completely and completely sure that this is either damage, or the evil eye, or something like that.

Place the photo of a person in the center of the table and start the pendulum from any beam against or clockwise. In places where the pendulum will swing, make mental notes, and then gather the information together, drawing conclusions.

In our case, the pendulum "showed" in the sector of Magic - Internal conflict and Personal deformation. In the Health sector - Psyche and Digestion.

This means that the reason for his condition is the Internal conflict, which causes Personal deformation. A person is dissatisfied with something, does not accept something, and this creates problems. For example, he goes to a job he doesn't like or does something he DOESN'T WANT to do.

This goes into the health sector - he starts having problems with the Psychic and the Stomach suffers.

Now that the picture is clear, we can refine the sectors. In our case, these are the "Think" and "Help" sectors. A person must rethink his behavior and draw the right conclusions. But he can't do it on his own - he needs help.

Remember that a pendulum, even if it comes with a chart, won't give you the full picture. If you want to see the subtleties and nuances, then you will have to work on several tables or use Tarot cards - the pendulum will indicate the directions, and the Tarot will show the whole picture.

Love magic table

The love magic table has 4 sections, 2 for each case of a love relationship. One part of it will show the presence of magical influences, as well as the background - why this magical influence of the "village" on a person and what are its consequences. And the second part is necessary in order to understand what is happening in people's relationships. Often problems in relationships are of a human, everyday nature. But it happens otherwise.

Working with the table is carried out in a way known to you - you are leading a pendulum, keeping in mind the image of a person or looking at his photo. In those places where the pendulum swings, there is one or another characteristic in a person. Then you summarize the data and draw conclusions.

Let's look at each sector of the table.


- Love spell - a love spell on a person.

- Lapel - a lapel on a person.

- Cold - a cold has been made for a person.

- Prison - a person is "attached" to another person.

- Egillet - in relation to a person, an action of a magical-sexual nature was performed.

- The crown of celibacy - a person has a crown of celibacy, he cannot marry or get married, or the marriage lasts no more than three years.

- The seal of loneliness is a punishment that makes a person lonely: no family, no life partner. And whoever appears, immediately disappears.

- Punishment. The current state of a person is a punishment for what he has done in this life.

- Generic anomaly - the cause of a person's problems in the family is brought from the ancestors.

- Duality - a person has an ambivalent attitude towards his partner. Usually love / hate or in a milder form.

- Discontent - a person is dissatisfied with something in his partner. Often dissatisfaction is anomalous, that is, unreasonable - look for data in other sectors.

- Cooling - banal cooling of feelings. But if magic is present (see above), then often it is the cause of such a state.

- Dependence: the reason for the connection of a person with a partner is dependence on him. Sometimes magical, sometimes psychic.

- Dissatisfaction in sex - a person experiences sexual dissatisfaction with a partner.

- Internal conflict - there are contradictions in a person that affect relationships. Most often, this is the presence of an “ideal image”, which does not match the partner.

- Liberty - a person is given too much freedom in relationships.

- Pressure and limits - a person is driven into frames and crushed by them. They say about men - "under the heel", about women - "downtrodden".


On the left and on the right, an emotional series of relationships is described.

- Interest - the person shows interest in the one you are “watching”.

- Sympathy - interest develops into sympathy.

- Falling in love - a person is in love.

- Attachment - a person is not only in love, but "cannot live" without another person.

- Addiction. But this is already “bad” - a person depends on a partner, he is helpless without him. Most often, this is a weakness of the personality or the strength of a partner, which began to overwhelm the situation.

Love is a strong and vibrant feeling.

- Unity - love that made two people one.


- Indifference - a person is indifferent to a person.

- Antipathy - not just indifferent, but unpleasant, antagonistic in relationships.

- Disgust - a person feels hostility, disgust, disgust for the one who is asked about.

- Escape - a person is ready to run away from such relationships, he at least eschews communication in every possible way.

- Depression - a person feels depressed: he is forced to communicate because of the situation or circumstances.

- Habit - people are connected by a banal habit.

- Humility - a person has come to terms with the existing situation.

Let's take two examples to understand how and what kind of information we can get.

In the first example, there is a 39-year-old woman who has never been married and has not had a permanent relationship with a man for 14 years.

It will be considered vertically - in the sectors Top and Bottom.

Top - Seal of loneliness, Generic anomaly.

Bottom - Discontent, Pressure and limits.

Now let's summarize the data. The woman has a seal of loneliness, which was introduced by birth anomalies both due to pressure and limits, the requirements that they set for her, and total dissatisfaction with what is happening. To be even more specific, she, as a woman, is of no interest to anyone, since men feel all of the problems listed and are not ready to deal with them.

As a second example, let's take a possible future couple - a girl wants to know how a young man treats her and if there are any prospects. He:

Left - Interest, Dependence.

Right - Flight, Depression.

Pay attention to such conflicting data. But if you think about it, everything falls into place. She is interesting to him, but he feels dependent - most likely on her attention or the steps she takes. He is ready to run out of the situation because he feels overwhelmed. Before us is a timid and shy person. And these relations have a chance only in one case - if she changes tactics and stops showing such high activity.

There are also simpler schemes that also provide comprehensive information on issues of interest.

Table "Diagnosis of the state of a person's personality"

You can use the table as a whole in relation to a person, and detail the diagnosis of each chakra. The second will take longer, but is a more accurate approach, because it will show you not only the presence of an anomaly, but also what aspects of life are affected by an anomaly.

The outer circle - Activity, Feelings, Thoughts, Benefit - an indication of in which area of ​​​​the person's worldview the anomaly is located, which needs to be corrected in the future.

The second circle - Distorted behavior, Mistakes, Distorted feeling, Feelings of guilt, Distorted perception, Suspiciousness and Doubts, Weaknesses, Fears - in what or in what areas a person acts incorrectly, thereby deforming his structure.

The third circle - Rollback, Recoil, Retribution, Reverse action - the presence of an auxiliary factor of influence or the answer to the question: did the person do something that aggravated his condition or caused it?

Table "Revealing the Actions of Love Magic"

This table is aimed at finding and validating patterns of interpersonal management. It, as well as the Personal table, can be applied in general. But the table will provide better information with a chakra scan.

The outer circle is an indication of distortions of spontaneous perception and behavior as a result of the actions of love magic - Excessive aggression, Excessive emotionality, Abundance of thoughts, Commercialism.

The second circle - Ostuda, Love spell, Rassorka, Prisushka, Lapel, Egillet. Types of influences of love magic.

The third circle is the form of influence or how it was influenced - Rite, Drink, Lining, Food.

Each time you get one or another answer, placing the pendulum over the sector, check it in the center of the Table - I'm right (a) in my conclusion - Yes / No.

If the pendulum in the center contradicts the answer in the sector, this means that there is an anomaly, but the reason is not in external influence, but in the person himself - Self-action.

Corruption Detection Table

This table will help you identify the influence aimed at the destruction of one or another aspect of human life.

The outer circle - emotional anomalies generated by magical influence: Excessive aggressiveness, Excessive emotionality, Loss of control over thoughts, Material losses.

The second circle is the type of damage: Personality, Money, Contacts (loneliness), Inheritance (conflict with relatives), Children (childlessness), Health (damage to health or illness transfer), Family (family destruction), Faith (loss of self-confidence), Will (lack of will and depression), Life (damage to death), Death (involtation), Kara (retribution for deeds).

The third circle is the form of the action: Rite, Trace (personal item), Drink, Curse, Lining / Transferring (item in the house), Food.