How to take Bifiform capsules? Instructions for use. Bifiform: instructions for use, indications, contraindications

Hello! Today I want to talk about such a drug as Bifiform. Everyone knows that after taking antibiotics, it is imperative to drink a course of probiotics in order to restore the intestinal microflora. Antibiotics disrupt the normal functioning of the body and if you do not help it, it threatens to disrupt the entire digestive tract.

It is not necessary to buy expensive products; it is quite possible to get by with homemade yogurt, kefir and other fermented milk products. But not everyone loves and tolerates them, and you don’t always want to mess around with cooking, so it’s easier, of course, to purchase ready-made products.

Usually I always bought Acipol, I liked it, and I still like it, just recently the doctor prescribed Bifiform, a drug previously unknown to me, after a disease. I successfully drank it, everything was normal.

Recently, my son has been diagnosed with pneumonia...

The doctor who came home to the call, literally without looking, summarized that he just had laryngitis. Obediently they were treated for laryngitis, and when a few days later they came to see another doctor, she listened to him, rolled her eyes and said what kind of laryngitis, he had a suspicion of pneumonia. They sent me for an X-ray and here it is, the verdict - right-sided lower lobe pneumonia ...

Let's not talk about some doctors who are afraid to once again normally listen carefully, but only by the nature of the cough, as clairvoyants immediately determine what kind of disease ...

In short, after a course of strong antibiotics, Bifiform was also prescribed to my son. Now he is finishing the package, everything is normal with the gastrointestinal tract.

My question is why Bifiform, but not Acipol, for example, the doctor put all her arguments on the shelves, I will introduce you to them at the end of the review, and now I will show the Bifiform preparation itself.

regular box:

The necessary information is not only in the instructions, but even on the box:

It contains a metal bottle with capsules:

This is how they look, quite small, easy to swallow:

The balance of intestinal microflora is the key to good health and healthy functioning of all systems and organs of the human body.

Many of our compatriots are very skeptical of such statements, and completely in vain, because scientists have long proven a direct relationship between beneficial bacteria that inhabit the gastrointestinal tract and the immune system.

With an imbalance in the bacterial microflora, the body becomes an easy prey for pathogens, toxins, dangerous viruses, since the defending bacteria that remain in the minority are not able to give a worthy rebuff to the "pests" that penetrate into the blood almost unhindered.

Bifiform is a probiotic prescribed to restore healthy microflora to patients of all age groups. Taking Bifiform capsules is safe for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Bifiform, reviews of which are extremely positive, are classified as eubiotics. Lactic bacteria included in the composition of the drug contribute to the normalization of the intestinal microflora and improve the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract. The high efficiency and excellent digestibility of the components of Bifiform Forte is explained by the fact that the composition of the probiotic includes strains of representatives of the natural intestinal microflora.

Good bacteria, which are delivered to the intestines in special protective Bifiform capsules, actively populate the sections of the small and large intestines, where they immediately begin to produce lactic and acetic acids, which makes it possible to inhibit pathogenic microorganisms and prevent their further reproduction. The penetration of bacteria into the blood is excluded, their excess is excreted with feces.

The compatibility of Bifiform with most drugs allows the use of a probiotic without interrupting the main course of treatment. Taking the drug simultaneously with antibiotics is acceptable in medical practice, but in order to obtain the maximum positive effect, it is better to drink Bifiform after antibiotics.

Bifiform complex

When visiting a pharmacy, many Russians are confused by the presence of several forms of release of the drug Bifiform. And if the difference between drops and capsules is in principle clear, then with the tablet form everything is somewhat more complicated.

Bifiform Complex instruction contains a clear indication that the product is a dietary supplement. Tablets contain 3 strains at once - Bifidobacterium BB-12, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA, but since they are not placed in a protective shell, as is the case with capsules, most bacteria die halfway to their goal, in the stomach.

Experts note that there are no side effects when taking Bifiform Complex, in principle, but there is no need to expect much benefit from this remedy. The similarity of names quite often disorientates patients, which, if there are serious indications for taking Bifiform for adults, can only lead to an aggravation of the situation.

Composition and form of release

Instructions for use of the drug Bifiform contains detailed information about the composition of the drug, and it is worth noting that the composition of tablets, capsules and drops, for obvious reasons, has some differences. In addition to strains of lactic acid bacteria, which act as the main active substance, the composition includes a number of additional components.

Ferrosan (Denmark) offers probiotics in the following dosage forms:
  • Hard gelatin capsules;
  • sachet;
  • chewable tablets;
  • oil solution;
  • Bifiform tablets (BAA).

Good to know! Bifiform plus and other drugs in this series do not contain lactose, which makes it possible to take Bifiform for dysbacteriosis and diarrhea in young patients suffering from intolerance to this carbohydrate.


Most consumers who encounter a new generation probiotic for the first time are interested in knowing what the drug helps with. The manufacturer's instructions contain the following indications for the use of Bifiform:

Dysbacteriosis, which is caused by taking antibiotics, exposure to toxins, pathogenic bacteria and other negative factors.

  • Bifiform is prescribed for diarrhea caused by rotavirus, acute or chronic gastroenteritis, eating exotic fruits and dishes.
  • Acute intestinal infections.
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Dyspepsia and flatulence.
  • Bifiform can be taken as a component of the treatment of candidiasis and vaginosis.
  • Preparation for surgical interventions.

Contraindications and side effects

The main contraindication to taking the drug Bifiform is hypersensitivity to any component of the composition. Before starting the medication for patients with lactase deficiency, it is important to get the advice of the attending physician.

Subject to the rules for taking side effects in therapeutic practice, no side effects were recorded. In some cases, patients took the symptoms of individual intolerance as side effects - reddening of the skin, diarrhea, urticaria, etc. Also, no information on overdose has been recorded so far.

Attention! Bifiform and alcohol is an unacceptable combination, since ethyl alcohol by its nature is an antiseptic, which, when it enters the intestine, destroys not only pathogenic microflora, but also beneficial probiotics.

How and when to take Bifiform: instructions for use and recommended doses

Patients, regardless of age, are prescribed 2-4 capsules of the drug per day. The antidiarrheal effect can be observed soon after the first dose of the medicine, while the course of treatment in the presence of other indications can last from 10 to 21 days (consultation with a doctor is required).

The contents of the sachet are recommended to be mixed with water or food. Chewable tablets must first be chewed, then washed down with water. Before you start using Bifiform Baby, you will need to make a few simple manipulations with the vial, which are described in detail in the instructions that came with the drug. The dosage of Bifiform in this case is carried out using a dosing pipette. It is allowed to drink the suspension with water.

Capsules and tablets (BAA Bifiform Complex) are taken whole with plenty of water.

Should I take Bifiform before or after meals? This question, judging by the content of the forums, quite often worries the inhabitants of our country who are just planning to start taking the drug. The answer of experts is this: you can take the medicine regardless of the schedule of meals.

Special instructions for taking Bifiform

We found out how to take it correctly, but there are also special instructions for taking the drug:

  • When taken together with antibiotics, the dose of the drug is increased to avoid a decrease in effectiveness.
  • It is unacceptable to continue taking the drug if bloody inclusions are found in the feces and symptoms increase. In this case, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible to find out the reasons for such an undesirable phenomenon.
  • Bifiform drops can be used to treat dysbacteriosis in newborns (as prescribed by a doctor).
  • To enhance the effect of taking a probiotic, it is recommended to enrich the diet with fermented milk products, as well as those that include B vitamins.
  • The method of application, described in detail in the instructions from the manufacturer, contains information that it is highly undesirable to drink capsules with hot water, since such actions can lead to the death of some of the beneficial bacteria.

Terms of sale and storage

To buy a Bifiform probiotic at a pharmacy, there is no need to present a prescription, but it will not be superfluous to get expert advice.

To store the drug, it is important to choose a dry, cool place (up to + 25 ° C). The expiration date is indicated on each package and is no more than 2 years from the date of issue. According to the storage conditions, regardless of the form of production, the opened package should be stored in the refrigerator.

Currently, the vast majority of people suffer from intestinal dysbiosis to one degree or another. Very often, dysbacteriosis proceeds absolutely without symptoms. This condition manifests itself only in the form of side diseases. For example, acute pancreatitis often develops as a result of a deficiency of enzymes that are produced in the intestine under the influence of beneficial microflora. The drug bifiform instructions for use recommends using not only for the treatment of dysbacteriosis, but also for the prevention of this condition in critical periods. For example, during treatment with antibiotics or in acute intestinal diseases. According to the latest scientific research, lies in the violation of the overall balance of microflora in the intestine. This triggers a chain mechanism of endocrine disorders in the human body.

It is important to use bifiform in a timely manner for infants and young children. This is especially true during the introduction of complementary foods. During this period, the baby undergoes a restructuring of the intestinal microflora. He needs to develop his own bacteria that are able to break down and process new nutrients for the body. The drug bifiform instructions for use in this case recommends using it as an aid to normalize the digestive process in the gastrointestinal tract.

  1. intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  2. food allergies;
  3. skin rashes of an allergic nature;
  4. dyspepsia;
  5. frequent violations of acts of defecation (diarrhea or constipation);
  6. increased level of gas formation and;
  7. pancreatitis as part of complex therapy;
  8. recovery period after intestinal infections;
  9. while taking antibiotics;
  10. candidiasis of the esophagus, intestines and stomach.

The composition of the preparation bifiform includes probiotics, which contribute to the production of its own bacterial cells in the human body. The tablets also contain active titers of bacteria: Bifidobacterium longum and Enterococcus faecium. They perfectly penetrate into the intestines without pathological changes under the influence of hydrochloric acid of gastric juice. To do this, each tablet has a double enteric coating, which ensures the integrity of the internal contents of each tablet.

What is the difference between bifiform baby?

Bifiform baby is a complex of beneficial bacteria that a child needs in the first months of his life to break down lactose and milk protein. Baby bififorms contain lactobacilli and a bacteriophage that absorb pathogenic streptococci and staphylococci. This composition is recommended for:

  • lactose intolerance;
  • skin rashes and diathesis;
  • galactosemia;
  • food allergies in a child;
  • frequent diarrhea;
  • reduced appetite;
  • lack of body weight;
  • during treatment with antibacterial drugs.

How to take bifiform?

Before taking bifiform, you should consult your doctor. Ideally, you need to take an analysis of the intestinal microflora. This research will reveal:

  1. the number of titers of normal bacteria in the intestine;
  2. the presence of pathogenic microflora;
  3. sensitivity of pathogenic microflora to antibiotics.

Based on the results of the analysis for dysbacteriosis, you will be able to choose exactly the type of bifiform preparation that will eliminate unpleasant phenomena and symptoms as quickly as possible.

As a standard, it is recommended to take bifiform 4 times a day, 1 capsule or tablet. The course of treatment averages 30 days. For the prevention of intestinal dysbacteriosis during the period of taking antibiotics, it is recommended to take 1 capsule 3 times a day. Continue taking bifiform 3 days after the abolition of antibiotic therapy.

For children under 1 year old, bifiform baby should be used in the form of a ready-made suspension or solution. The drug is available in special pipettes. Before taking the drug, 2-3 drops of the solution are dissolved in a liquid and taken orally. For children after 1 year, it is recommended to give bifiform baby. For the complex treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, use the bifiform complex.

Bifiform preparation - reviews of patients and doctors

Bifiform is not a drug. It belongs to biologically active additives. However, the practice of using bifiform suggests that it can be useful for various diseases of the stomach and intestines. At the moment, bifiform receives only positive feedback from patients. A few days after the start of taking the remedy, patients note an improvement in digestion processes, normalization of stool and appetite, and the absence of discomfort in the abdominal cavity. In children, the phenomena of diathesis and skin allergies completely disappear within 14 days of regular use of the drug. Diarrhea and loose stools in children under the age of one year disappear 12 hours after taking the first dose of bifiform.

Taking antibiotics is always a serious burden on the body. Is it worth neglecting the doctor's prescription and being treated with symptomatic drugs that are less dangerous in terms of side effects? No, especially when it comes to the health of children, since possible harm can always be compensated for with specialized drugs.

For example, Bifiform, when taking antibiotics, is an excellent means of preventing dysbacteriosis in both adults and the smallest patients. What you need to know about the principles of action and how to use this medicine?

It is a probiotic food supplement containing beneficial bacteria that promote the synthesis of acetic and lactic acids in the intestines. Thanks to them, the balance of microflora remains stable, supporting digestion and preventing dysbacteriosis from developing even under the most unfavorable conditions.

Several dosage forms of the drug are produced, which allows the use of Bifiform with antibiotics according to the instructions for use:

The probiotic is produced by the Danish pharmaceutical company Ferrosan AS. The average cost is 430 rubles for a pack of 30 capsules or 600 rubles. for a bottle of drops for the little ones.

How to take Bifiform with antibiotics for adults

For this category of patients, an encapsulated dosage form of the drug or chewable tablets is intended. The food supplement is prescribed not only for the prevention of dysbacteriosis, but also as a treatment for diarrhea, allergies and some other diseases. The combination of bifido- and lactobacilli provides protection and restoration of the microflora of the large intestine in case of imbalance in the period from a week to three. Usually 1 pack of capsules is enough to bring digestion back to normal.

food addiction

The manufacturer in the instructions for the drug indicates that the effectiveness of the supplement does not depend on the presence of food in the digestive tract. That is, you can take it at any convenient time, but in compliance with the 8-hour interval. It is this scheme (1 capsule three times a day) that is indicated for dysbacteriosis, when the intestinal microflora suffers from taking antibiotics. If the drug is prescribed for the treatment of acute diarrhea, then the frequency of administration increases: one capsule every 6 hours until normal stool is restored.

However, doctors often recommend taking the drug on an empty stomach, an hour before meals. What is the reason for such expert advice? The fact is that the gastrointestinal tract free from food is characterized by an optimal acid-base balance. That is, the medicine taken without any problems enters the desired section of the intestine and begins to work. And if there are foods that affect acidity in the stomach, then beneficial bacteria will reach their destination in much smaller quantities and will not have the desired therapeutic effect.

Bifiform with antibiotics: before or after?

Before answering the question, you need to understand the mechanism of operation of antibacterial agents. Once in the body, they destroy both pathogenic and beneficial bacteria. This explains the occurrence of dysbacteriosis with concomitant indigestion, decreased immunity and allergic reactions. That is, the negative impact is inevitable, but you can correct the situation with the help of probiotics.

Antibiotics must be taken earlier than Bifiform, at least a couple of hours before.

If you do this at the same time, then the process of destruction of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which are part of the drug, will begin in the stomach. Thus, the effectiveness of the dietary supplement is reduced to nothing, and dysbacteriosis will definitely develop. Taking ABP after probiotics is almost the same, but with a delayed ending. That is, beneficial microorganisms that have just entered the intestines and begin to work die under the influence of the drug. Compliance with a two-hour pause (first an antibiotic, and then Bifiform) provides support for the microflora and prevents dysbacteriosis.

Use with antifungal agents and sorbents

The drug Bifiform does not affect the fungicidal effect of the corresponding drugs. Antifungal medications can be taken before, during, and after antibiotics. But sorbents, often prescribed for intestinal disorders, need to be drunk according to a certain pattern. These drugs act on the principle of binding (absorption) of all chemical compounds present in the digestive tract. That is, both the antibiotic and the probiotic will be removed from the body and will not have the desired therapeutic effect. Thus, it is undesirable to combine antibiotics and Bifiform with enterosorbents, so as not to interfere with the healing process.

Instructions for use for children

The children's body is much more susceptible to the negative effects of antibacterial drugs. Therefore, digestive disorders, allergies and decreased immunity in young patients are much more common than in adults. Therefore, antibiotics in this case must necessarily be combined with maintenance therapy. How to give Bifiform to children to avoid dysbacteriosis?

For babies, starting from the first months of life, "Bifiform-Baby" is suitable, which is an oil solution of the active substance (a complex of lacto- and bifidobacteria). You can give the child medicine both with a pipette and by mixing it into food if complementary foods have already been introduced (the main thing is that the food is not hot at the time of addition). For older children, Bifiform is given in the form of chewable tablets or a solution prepared from their powder. The treatment regimen and dosage are determined by the pediatrician, and are also indicated in the instructions for the drug.

Marina Maksimova

Failures in the microflora of the digestive organs tend to deliver a large number of unpleasant sensations for a person.

To optimize the level of balance, special preparations are often used that contain the necessary types of bacteria. One of these drugs is Bifiform, whose action not only reduces symptoms, but also improves digestion.

However, if the substance is unaffordable for the patient, it is possible to use the Bifiform analogue cheaper, but with the same range of effects on the body.

Description of the drug

The special substance Bifiform contains useful components that are aimed at improving the functioning of the digestive system. Proper use allows you to normalize the intestinal microflora, develop natural processes of immunity to viruses that cause various types of diseases.

Bifiform belongs to the group of eubiotics, used in complex therapy to improve the general condition of a person.

Bifiform is produced in various forms:

  • capsules with gelatin shell, which, when it enters the digestive organs, quickly dissolves;
  • drops- this type is intended for use in childhood;
  • dry mix Bifiform - has various flavors and is intended for children;
  • chewing plates- most often used as an active nutritional supplement.

Bifiform bacteria contain the following components:

Bifiform action is aimed at the implementation of the following tasks:

  1. Restore the microflora of the digestive system.
  2. Increase the protective functions of the immune system.
  3. Reduce the amount of toxins and slags.
  4. Fight the development of harmful bacteria that cause indigestion.
  5. Accelerates the process of decomposition of carbons.
  6. Improves daily stool.

In addition to the main action of Bifiform, it improves the intake of beneficial compounds for their intended purpose, reduces the harmful effects of antibiotics on the body during long-term treatment.

Instructions for use

  1. Stomach upset- twice a day, one tablet or plate. The duration of treatment depends on the complexity of the disease.
  2. Improvement of microflora- 2 capsules or chewable plates morning and evening for 20 days.
  3. Prevention of disorders of the digestive system- one capsule once a day, the duration of use is 15 days.

Application for children

  1. For children from one year old, it is recommended to use the drug in the form of a powder for the preparation of solutions.
  2. The contents of the sachet must be diluted with water at room temperature and given to the child before meals.
  3. The course of treatment is prescribed individually.
  4. For children under one year old, Bifiform is used in an individual dosage, but not longer than 10 days.

Bifiform is well tolerated by the body, does not cause side effects if all dosing rules have been followed. In individual cases, an allergic reaction may occur.

Indications for use

Bifiform is prescribed for the following situations:

  • indigestion, which is accompanied by prolonged diarrhea;
  • long-term antibiotic treatment;
  • diseases of the digestive system of an infectious type;
  • treatment of the digestive system with complex therapy;

The use of Bifiform is made only after consulting a doctor.


It is forbidden to use Bifiform in the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Prices for Bifiform

You can buy Bifiform bacteria at a pharmacy without the need to provide a prescription, the substance has the following average cost:

  • Bifiform capsules - 420 rubles;
  • syrup Bifiform baby - 360 rubles;
  • baby powder - 340 rubles;
  • chewing plates - 360 rubles.

At the time of purchase, you must carefully monitor the integrity of the package and the expiration date.

Stories from our readers!
“I have had stomach problems for a long time: colitis, night pains, diarrhea, bloating, etc. I was exhausted from constant examinations, probing and other procedures.

I drank a course of these drops, they taste very pleasant, they drink easily. Feel better, and quickly! Now only comfortable sensations, the chair has improved. An excellent drug for my problem, try it, it will help you too!"

List of analogs Bifiform

If necessary, you can purchase analogues of Bifiform bacteria, which have a lower cost, but have similar properties to the body.

It is necessary to distinguish the following types of Bifiform analogues:

  1. Bifiliz. A eubiotic-type substance, an analogue of Bifiform, is used to normalize the intestinal balance. Available as a dry mix and suppositories for vaginal use. It is used twice a day for 10 days. For women, the use of vaginal suppositories is made once, the duration is 5 days. For children, it is used for internal use once for 5 days. Price up to 280 rubles. Producer Russia.
  2. . Bifiform analogue is produced in the form of tablets and suppositories for vaginal use. Improves the environment in the digestive organs and increases the resistance of the immune system to various types infections. It is applied once a course up to 21 days. For children, the duration of use is up to 10 days, one tablet each. For the treatment of vaginal infections, it is recommended to administer suppositories twice a day with a course of up to 7 nee. It is contraindicated for individual sensitivity. Price from 180 rubles. Producer Ukraine.
  3. Colibacterin. Bifiform analogue is prescribed to increase the microflora of the stomach to fight various infectious diseases. Before use, it must be mixed with water or juice. Treatment is determined for each person individually. The use of the substance for infants under 6 months is contraindicated. Price 300 rubles. Producer Ukraine.
  4. Sporobacterin. A mixture of active bacteria, the action of which improves the course of diseases of the digestive organs and prevents their recurrence. It is produced in the form of a solution for oral administration. The dosage is selected individually. The substance must be diluted with boiled water and consumed. The drug has no contraindications and is used from the age of 6 months. Price 330 rubles. Manufacturer Russia
  5. Bifiform baby. It is an analogue of the adult Bifiform, drops or powder can be used. It is used on an individual dosage no more than 10 days. The cost of bacteria 360 rubles. Denmark country of origin.
  6. . The substance is in the form of capsules, and is an analogue of Bifiform. It is used for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes of diseases of the digestive tract. It is used by adults three times one capsule for 10 days. Children under 3 years: 1 capsule for 5 days. The capsule is used before meals, washed down with plenty of water. Price 310 rubles. Country of origin Russia.
  7. . An agent that contains bacteria of the milk type. Available in the form of candles, powder and tablets. It is used to treat dysbacteriosis and infectious diseases. It is used twice a day for adults for 15 days, for children it is recommended to use powder. One dose of powder and is taken orally, the duration is not more than 5 days. Candles for vaginal use eliminate the infectious type of genital lesions, are used twice a day. Contraindicated at the age of less than 1 year, and also if the patient has lactose intolerance. The use of suppositories is contraindicated in thrush in women. Price up to 90 rubles. Country of origin Russia.
  8. A is a bacterium. The drug belongs to the group of probiotics, contains lactic acid bacteria. It is used to eliminate all diseases of the digestive organs. Assigned 4 in one dose. The duration of treatment is up to 20 days. Children over 1 year of age are prescribed 1 dose for a course of 5 days. Price 220 rubles. Production Ukraine.
  9. Biosporin. Bacteria that are aimed at improving the digestive process and boosting the immune system. For use, it is necessary to dissolve the contents of the ampoule with a liquid, drink 20 minutes before a meal. Adults use 2 doses per day for 15 days. Children are recommended to use 1 dose for 5 days. Price 250 rubles. Production Ukraine.
  10. Bifikol. A drug with the presence of bacteria for the treatment of indigestion. Assigned to individual dosage. Forbidden to children under 6 months. Price 280 rubles. Producer Russia.
  11. Lactomun. The substance is an analogue of Bifiform, contains live bacteria. It is used for general immunity strengthening. It is used twice, one capsule, a course of no more than 14 days. For children over 2 years old, take 1 capsule for 6 days. Prohibited for the age of up to 2 years and in the third trimester of pregnancy. Price 260 rubles. Producer Ukraine
  12. Subalin. The substance has antimicrobial and antiviral effects on the body. It is recommended to use to increase immunity during the period of illness. It is recommended for adults 2 doses three times for 10 days. For children over 1 year, 2 doses for 4 days. Price 210 rubles. Production Ukraine.
  13. Bactolact. The powder is recommended as an auxiliary drug for the medical treatment of diseases of the digestive tract. It is prescribed individually for each patient. Used from the first days of life. Price 90 rubles. Production Belarus.
  14. Dialect. The powder is prescribed to eliminate infectious types of indigestion, as well as to prepare a solution for douching for women with infectious lesions of the genital tract. It is prescribed for adults to use three times a day, 5 doses for 15 days. Children over 6 months: 2 doses once a day for 5 days. Price 90 rubles. Production Belarus.
  15. Lactobacillin. Bifiform analogue in the form of a powder is used for the complex treatment of diarrhea and dysbacteriosis, improves the natural processes of the immune system resistance. It is prescribed depending on the complexity of the disease. May cause side effects such as chills, allergies, stomach pain. Price 90 rubles. Production Belarus.
  16. . The drug is in the form of suppositories and powder. It is prescribed to improve the microflora of the stomach and increase immunity. It has the ability to fight various types of harmful bacteria. It is used for adults 10 doses three times for 5 days. Children under 3 years: 3 doses twice for 3 days. To eliminate vaginal infections, it is used twice a day for 7 days, it can be used as a solution for treating nipples in lactating women. Price from 100 rubles. Producer Ukraine.
  17. . Capsules, allow you to normalize the natural processes of the stomach, reduce the likelihood of progression of infectious diseases, often used as an analogue of Bifiform. The method of use is prescribed by a doctor, the duration of treatment can be prescribed up to 21 days. Appointed from the age of 1 year. It tends to cause an allergic reaction. Price 110 rubles. Manufacturer France
  18. children's. Children's Linex in the form of a powder contains specially selected bacteria that help the child's body fight and help keep the child's microflora in a normal state. It is used for children under 2 years old, one dosed package once a day. Older than two years, it is applied twice a day until the unpleasant symptoms are eliminated. The drug has no contraindications, however, in individual cases, it can manifest itself as side effects in the form of a rash. Price 290 rubles. Producer Slovenia
  19. Linex is immune. The drug is in the form of capsules, the action of which is aimed at restoring and strengthening the functions of the immune system. It is recommended to use the supplement, one capsule at a time, the course of administration for a month. The drug does not cause side effects. average price 250 rubles. Manufacturer Slovenia
  20. Lacidophilus. The substance in the form of capsules is used to prevent and eliminate the development of gastrointestinal diseases. Contains a large number of lactic bacteria. Assigned to adults one capsule three times a day. Children under 1 year old 1 capsule per 24 hours, children over 3 years old, 2 capsules per day. The duration of use is determined for each patient individually. Price 320 rubles. Production Canada
  21. . The substance in the form of drops is prescribed to improve digestion and strengthen human immunity. Adults 3 times a day, 40 drops, children over 3 years old, 10 drops twice a day. The course of treatment is individual. Prohibited during pregnancy. Price 310 rubles. Manufacturer Germany.
  22. . The cheapest analogue of Bifiform. the action of the drug is aimed at normalizing the microflora of the stomach and eliminating failures in the acid-base balance. One tablet is prescribed three times, the course is no more than 10 days. For children, the analogue is used 1 tablet once, for 3 days. Price 75 rubles. Producer Bulgaria.
Bifilis Lactobacterin Colibacterin Sporobacterin Bifiform Acipol Acilact Bificol Lactomun Subalin Bactolact Dialact Lactobacillin