How do you know if you have chronic bronchitis? How long is bronchitis treated and why is the disease dangerous? How to treat chronic bronchitis folk remedies

Bronchitis is a common inflammatory disease. It appears not only in the cool season, but also in the warm season, when open windows that create a draft save from the heat. Temperature fluctuations are one of the causes of bronchitis. It can occur unexpectedly and be acute, it can be a continuation of respiratory diseases and become chronic. Prolonged or systematic inflammation of the bronchi is often the cause of bronchial asthma and general allergization of the body, and therefore requires immediate diagnosis, treatment and further prevention.


  1. Most often, bronchitis develops as a complication of rhinitis, pharyngitis and laryngotracheitis in acute respiratory infections. Among other causes of this disease are staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci and other microbes, the activity of which is manifested in the general weakening of the body due to past infections, with a decrease in its defenses, with changes in hot and cold temperatures. With the help of characteristic symptoms, you can definitely identify bronchitis and start timely treatment.
  2. Acute bronchitis begins abruptly, with an increase in temperature to 38 - 39 ° C and malaise. There is a feeling of congestion in the chest and coughing. Initially, a dry cough, without sputum, causes a sharp pain in the chest. After 2 - 3 days, during the cough, the discharge of mucous begins, and then mucopurulent sputum, which brings a feeling of relief. The cough may be paroxysmal.
  3. Worse is capillary bronchitis, in which the lumens of many small bronchi are clogged with mucopurulent plugs. This leads to shortness of breath, as well as a deterioration in the general condition of the body due to intoxication. Possible complications in the lungs in the form of focal pneumonia or emphysema.
  4. Chronic bronchitis is a consequence of acute untreated bronchitis, nasal breathing disorders, as well as the systematic impact of adverse factors - smoking, alcohol, inhalation of harmful fumes. It manifests itself at least 3-4 times a year and is characterized by a persistent cough with a normal temperature. Chronic inflammation of the bronchial mucosa reduces their elasticity and over time can lead to bronchial asthma, as well as irreversible changes in the mucosa, with no hope of recovery. Treatment of chronic bronchitis requires a longer period, so it is much easier to prevent.

Treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies at home in adults

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi that is accompanied by certain symptoms.

Bronchitis is successfully and quickly treated at the initial stage, if its symptoms are identified in time.

But in a neglected form, it gives numerous complications in adults to other organs and becomes chronic. How to treat bronchitis at home to avoid it?

The symptoms of bronchitis are as follows:

  • Coughing;
  • Headache;
  • Increase in body temperature;
  • Weakness;
  • In some cases, tachycardia.

The causes of bronchitis in adults are:

  1. Hypothermia.
  2. Infections that have entered the upper respiratory tract from the outside.
  3. Infectious diseases of the respiratory system - influenza, runny nose, SARS.
  4. Chronic or acute infectious diseases of other organs - pyelonephritis, cystitis.

The infection, having penetrated into the respiratory tract from the outside or from the inside, is introduced into the tissues of the alveoli and bronchi. The patient feels discomfort in the throat, perspiration, then there is a dry cough, pain.

If the treatment of bronchitis at home is started, the accumulated mucus will leave the bronchi. This often results in an increase in temperature.

Factors provoking the development of the disease in adults are cigarette abuse, poor working conditions, and weakened immunity. To quickly and permanently get rid of a cough, you must definitely eliminate them too.

Timely treatment of chronic bronchitis with folk remedies will help to cope with the infection and overcome unpleasant symptoms - primarily a painful cough.

How and how to treat acute bronchitis in adults

Three main methods are used to treat bronchitis in adults:

  • Drug therapy - pharmaceutical tablets, powders, solutions for injections and rinses. Antibiotics, antiseptics, analgesics, mucolytic cough medicines are used, and, if necessary, antipyretic drugs.
  • Folk remedies - medicinal herbs, plants, bee products and other cough remedies.
  • Physiotherapy - inhalation, heating using various devices, ozocerite, quartz, massage.

In chronic bronchitis in adults, the cough is often protracted, which cannot be quickly eliminated. How to cure bronchitis in this case?

Treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies

Folk remedies can be effective for bronchitis in adults as both therapeutic and prophylactic. A variety of rubbing and compresses, inhalations and infusions help:

  1. Defeat even a prolonged cough of any nature;
  2. Eliminate accompanying symptoms - sore throat, swelling of the mucosa, temperature;
  3. Prevent the development of complications;
  4. Strengthen immunity.

They are made mainly from medicinal plants. Those herbs are selected that would help thin the sputum in the bronchi and stimulate the patient's immune system. These are licorice and ginseng root, eleutherococcus, nettle, echinacea.

You can prepare medicinal decoctions and infusions on your own, or you can purchase preparations containing extracts of these plants in a phytopharmacy.

Rubbing and decoctions for coughing with bronchitis in adults

Rubbing has a strong warming effect, dilates blood vessels and accelerates blood circulation. This is important if you need to quickly cure a cough. The following substances are used for adults:

  • Camphor alcohol.
  • Turpentine and ointments based on it for coughing.
  • Essential oils.

If cough is accompanied by symptoms such as high fever, severe weakness, chills, warming rubbing is contraindicated.

In this case, rubbing with vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 will help alleviate the patient's condition and symptoms.

With bronchitis, drinking plenty of water is indicated - you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day, especially if the temperature rises.

For the preparation of medicinal tea or a decoction for coughing, such plants, fruits and herbs are suitable:

  1. Raspberries and currants;
  2. Violet and clover;
  3. Elderberry and linden;
  4. Sage and thyme;
  5. Kalina and rowan.

All these plants can be used not only to treat coughs, but also as a diaphoretic for bronchitis in adults. We must not forget about such a proven cough remedy as heated milk. It is good to add honey, butter, badger fat, soda, cocoa butter to it.

Some recommend treating coughs in adults with alkaline mineral water, which also needs to be heated. The minerals contained in it contribute to the dissolution and discharge of sputum, increase immunity. This is Borjomi or Essentuki.

Onion syrup helps to quickly defeat a cough. It is prepared like this: an average peeled onion is lowered into a saucepan, 2 cups of water are poured. When the water boils, you need to reduce the heat, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and cook over low heat for half an hour. The resulting cough decoction is taken half a glass three times a day before meals.

To cure a cough as quickly as possible, you should alternate all means and procedures. Treatment at home with folk remedies will consist of the following stages:

  • Regular consumption of warm drinks, including herbal decoctions with honey.
  • Therapeutic inhalations and rinses.
  • Massage with fir or eucalyptus oil.
  • Compresses before going to bed (usually they are put on all night).

If massage and inhalation were performed when coughing, then the compress does not need to be put on that day.

Cough compresses for bronchitis

Cough compresses are a proven home remedy that can quickly alleviate the patient's well-being and stimulate the discharge of thick mucus from the bronchi. Dry cough after 1-2 procedures becomes wet, sputum begins to be expectorated, inflammation decreases.

The simplest and most affordable compress, if you suffer from a strong cough - mustard plasters. They are pre-soaked in warm water, then applied to the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades on both sides of the spine. You should not keep them for more than 20 minutes - this is quite enough to get the desired therapeutic effect.

Otherwise, you may burn your skin. It is possible to determine when it is time to remove the mustard plasters by the patient's sensations (burning, feeling of heat on the skin under the mustard plasters) and by the characteristic red spots. To prevent burns, a bandage is applied between the mustard plaster and the skin, folded in two or three layers.

Rubbing with turpentine ointment, camphor oil or ethyl alcohol also gives a good effect. But first you need to accurately determine whether the patient has a fever. The chest and back of the patient are rubbed with the agent, polyethylene or special paper for compresses is applied on top, then the torso is insulated with a woolen scarf or bandage.

After the procedure, you should lie down in bed under the covers. Warm milk with honey or cocoa butter will enhance the effectiveness of the compress. After three hours, the scarf and polyethylene can be removed.

Potato compresses are put on all night. To do this, potatoes need to be washed and boiled or baked in their skins. Then knead still hot, add a little vodka, fir or camphor oil. The resulting mass is applied to the patient's chest, covered with a film, warmed with a scarf from above. By morning, the cough will be much less.

The most gentle compress for coughing is steamed cabbage leaf with honey. Dip the cabbage leaf in boiling water and hold it there for 2-3 minutes. Then squeeze lightly, generously grease with honey and apply to the chest. From above, as in previous recipes, cover with a film and a woolen scarf or scarf. After an hour, the compress can be removed, the remnants of honey washed off and the skin lubricated with a greasy cream or ointment.

For resorption, you can prepare your own lollipops. To do this, sugar is heated in a saucepan over low heat until it turns into a thick golden brown syrup.

You do not need to add water, you can add licorice or a little marshmallow root syrup. The resulting caramel should harden, then it is broken into pieces and absorbed several times a day.

Inhalations in the treatment of bronchitis

For inhalation, solutions with essential oils or decoctions of medicinal herbs, boiled potatoes, onions or garlic are used. Ideally, use an inhaler or nebulizer. But if there are no such devices at home, you can simply place the treatment solution for inhalation in a saucepan or basin, cover yourself with a towel and inhale the fumes.

The procedure must be carried out carefully so as not to burn yourself. Hot steam dilates blood vessels, improves blood supply to tissues, and the medicinal substance relieves inflammation and helps to thin the sputum in the bronchi.

After inhalation, it is useful to do a massage so that the liquefied sputum leaves better. After the procedure, you can not go outside for an hour. A specialist will tell about all this in the video in this article.

Features of the treatment of bronchitis in adults

Treatment of bronchitis in adults is a complex and lengthy process that requires the attention of a doctor, since any mistakes or ignoring recommendations can lead to a lot of complications for the human body.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the entire respiratory system of a person: bronchi, trachea, air tubes in the lungs. Most often the reasons are:

  • transferred viral and infectious diseases (in such cases, bronchitis develops as a complication of an untreated disease);
  • smoking, including passive;
  • chemical reagents at enterprises;
  • cold moist air outside, prolonged hypothermia;
  • diseases associated with stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circulation;
  • chronic forms of sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • past trauma to the chest;
  • polluted air outside.

Types of bronchitis in adults

In order to understand how to treat bronchitis, it is necessary to determine the type that a person has fallen ill with. In medicine, the following types of diseases are diagnosed:

  1. Allergic. The cause of the development of the disease is some allergen. Only the correct definition of this allergen will allow you to find out how to quickly cure bronchitis.
  2. Tracheal. This disease has a combined form, in which the virus first causes inflammation of the trachea, and then affects the bronchi.
  3. Obstructive. This form is more common in children than in adults.
  4. Spicy. The disease proceeds rapidly and requires immediate treatment.
  5. Chronic. This type occurs due to improper treatment of other types of bronchitis or viral, infectious diseases of the nasopharynx. This species is divided into several subspecies:
  • simple non-obstructive, while the person's breathing remains normal;
  • purulent non-obstructive, breathing also does not change;
  • obstructive, breathing changes, strong wheezing appears in the chest;
  • purulent-obstructive, in this case, the sputum in the bronchi stagnates and turns into pus.

The latter type of bronchitis is considered life-threatening. With the wrong treatment, sepsis can develop, and the person will die. When contacting a doctor, the patient must indicate the severity of the disease itself. She may be:

  • light;
  • middle;
  • severe.

Symptoms of the disease

Depending on the type of disease, the symptoms will differ, but slightly. At the first stages, all patients complain of weakness, general malaise, fatigue, causeless headaches may begin. Literally after 2-3 days, a strong dry cough appears, which is paroxysmal in nature. In adults, there is a burning sensation, heaviness in the chest area.

Cough in the early stages will be unproductive, so each attack will only increase the pain in the chest. Due to a strong cough, the voice becomes hoarse, a sore throat appears. This stage is already characterized by an increase in temperature to 38 degrees. Headaches can become unbearable, as a coughing fit causes an increase in intracranial pressure. Some patients complain of pain in the muscles of the abdominal, femoral region.

If you start timely and correct treatment, then sputum should begin to depart on the 3rd day. Patients feel relief, as there is no pain in the body, as with a dry cough. At this stage, it is extremely important to monitor the nature of sputum. Even a small amount of pus may indicate the addition of a bacterial infection. The general course of treatment for this disease is about 3 weeks.

Treatment of various types of bronchitis

Simple bronchitis. This type of disease can be treated at home, but only after consultation with a specialist. The attending physician will prescribe medication, physiotherapy, folk remedies. To achieve a quick result, many recommend alternating treatments. Of the medical preparations, antibiotics, antimicrobials, analgesics and mucolytics are prescribed. From traditional medicine, rubbing, compresses, massage, inhalation are popular. But they can be applied only after the patient's temperature has returned to normal.

Obstructive bronchitis. This type is subject to treatment only in the acute stage of the course; after the transition to the chronic stage, it will be completely impossible to cure it. The entire treatment regimen consists of symptomatic therapy. Each patient should understand that it will take a long and difficult time to treat bronchial obstruction. For treatment, it is recommended to choose herbal preparations. Thyme and essential oils from it help well. It not only has an expectorant effect, but also helps to calm inflammation and kill existing infection in the bronchi.

Given that this type is characterized by edema and narrowing of the bronchi and trachea, bronchodilator drugs are prescribed. They can be in the form of tablets or inhalations. To convert a dry cough into a wet one, a mucolytic agent is prescribed, and for a better sputum discharge, an expectorant. These drugs for obstructive bronchitis should have an artificial basis, since herbal preparations can cause additional allergies and provoke even more swelling of the bronchi.

Almost all forms of this species are treated with antibiotics. They can be taken orally, but in severe cases of the disease, it is recommended to administer intramuscularly or intravenously. Smoker's bronchitis. It is extremely difficult to defeat a smoker's bronchitis, since it affects not only the bronchial tree, but also areas of the lung tissue. If you do not start the correct and timely treatment, then this type becomes obstructive, and pathological changes in the lungs become irreversible.

Modern medicine records cases when bronchitis has been developing in a person for several years, and he is not aware of its presence. This applies to long-term smokers. They explain a strong paroxysmal dry cough by exposure to tobacco smoke and consider it the norm. But everyone should know that a cough is a reaction of the body that warns of the development of a serious illness, so it must be properly treated.

In most cases, patients with smoker's bronchitis are treated already in the later stages, when the doctor cannot completely cure it, but only prescribes drugs that alleviate symptomatic manifestations. A specialist can recommend inhalations, warming, massage, physiotherapy. It is these methods that will allow the maximum amount of toxic substances to be removed from the bronchi.

Spicy. This type of bronchitis is treated in different ways, methods and drugs depend on the cause of the disease. If the acute form of bronchitis has a bacterial basis, an antibiotic course is prescribed, if it is viral, then not only antimicrobial therapy, but also anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out. When the cough is dry and does not turn into a wet one for a long time, an expectorant is prescribed. It helps to cleanse the bronchial mucosa and return them to normal function.

If the acute form is caused by exposure to a certain allergen, then additional antihistamines are prescribed. At home, you can use compresses from cabbage leaves, boiled potatoes, alcohol, camphor oil. They allow you to improve blood circulation in the bronchi and remove sputum or pus from them. Since acute bronchitis can cause complications, it is recommended to adhere to bed rest, drink more liquids, such as: milk with lemon, tea, warm mineral water.

If you start timely treatment of acute bronchitis, the prognosis is positive, but if you ignore all prescriptions, complications such as:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • myocarditis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • vasculitis.

Since inflammatory processes also affect other human organs, they gradually enter the bloodstream, spread through the vessels, kidneys and heart muscle. Chronic.

The chronic form of bronchitis requires careful diagnosis.

Instrumental and laboratory studies are being carried out. It is these methods that make it possible to establish the cause of a disease that has become chronic due to improper or missing treatment. Chronic bronchitis is treated with antibiotic therapy using expectorants. The course of such treatment is about 10 days. Antibacterial therapy includes antibiotics, phytoncides, antiseptics, sulfonamides.

It is actively used in the treatment of physiotherapy procedures. Heating is prescribed with mustard plasters, banks, compresses, the bronchi are affected by UHF and quartz. Some experts recommend a method of alternative medicine - acupuncture. You can reduce the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms with the help of such folk remedies as decoctions and tinctures of licorice root, marshmallow, succession, rosemary. Adults are advised to go to the Russian bath, but only in the absence of fever.

Treatment of bronchitis in the elderly

When treating a disease in the elderly, therapeutic measures are selected in accordance with the severity of its course. If the patient's body temperature reaches critical levels, intoxication of the body is observed, bed rest is recommended. Abundant drinking, inhalations, expectorant and bronchial dilating drugs are prescribed. If a virus has become the source of the disease, antiviral therapy is prescribed. Antibiotics are prescribed with extreme caution, since the body of an elderly person is already weakened by the disease itself, and drugs can completely destroy the body's defense response.

As soon as the body temperature returns to normal, elderly patients are advised to actively move, as this contributes to the discharge and removal of sputum. Such patients are also prescribed a cardiac drug with a cardiological effect. If the patient has a lack of blood circulation, diuretic drugs are prescribed.

The best treatment is prevention!

Preventive measures of bronchitis are simple, it is enough to follow the following rules:

  • give up bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • if the work is associated with an increased risk and the use of aggressive chemical components, you need to work only in a protective mask;
  • spend as much time as possible outdoors in the form of hiking, going to the square or park;
  • engage in active sports;
  • reconsider the diet and its balance;
  • perform morning exercises, including breathing;
  • minimize contact with sick people;
  • do not overcool, do not stay for a long time in cold rooms;
  • carry out regular ventilation and wet cleaning in the house;
  • do not self-medicate with viral or infectious diseases.

With bronchitis, treatment should be timely and professional and carried out only after consultation with the attending physician.

Colds are associated with cough, sore throat, and fever, but inflammation of the airways is sometimes associated with more than just colds, such as with bronchitis. In addition to viral, it has an allergic or bacterial origin. Signs of bronchitis are different for each type of infection. Are you familiar with the symptoms of this disease? The instructions below will help you recognize any of its forms.

Types of bronchitis and their symptoms

Bronchitis is divided into types according to the mass of signs, but there is a general classification:

  1. Spicy. This form is more common and is accompanied by pronounced symptoms. The cause of the disease is a viral or bacterial lesion of the bronchial mucosa or the ingestion of allergens on it.
  2. Chronic. Lack of therapy or improper treatment leads to the fact that the acute form flows into a chronic one. It is characterized by a not so bright manifestation of signs that become aggravated in the spring or autumn, because at this time there is a peak of acute respiratory infections.


The early symptoms of acute bronchitis are similar to the common cold. There is weakness and sore throat. Then they are joined by a dry cough, from which nothing helps, while the sputum is yellow, white or even green. The same pathogens that cause colds in bronchitis immerse small villi on the surface of the bronchi in mucus, which reduces their ability to purify the air. For this reason, there is a continuous cough and a temperature of 37 degrees and above.


This type of bronchitis has a leading symptom - hard breathing due to coughing, which accompanies the entire period of the disease. Other signs of an acute form:

  • chills;
  • malaise;
  • headache;
  • temperature rise to 38 degrees;
  • insomnia;
  • difficult to separate sputum;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pain in the muscles, lower chest;
  • nasal congestion and runny nose;
  • increased sweating.


If the above signs of bronchitis are accompanied by inflammation and swelling of the bronchi due to accumulated mucus, then this form of the disease is called obstructive. It is characterized by a continuous wheezing, wheezing cough that does not improve for a long time up to one month and is often worse after eating. Here are some more signs of obstructive bronchitis:

  • dyspnea;
  • difficulty in taking a deep breath;
  • bluing of the skin of the face;
  • dizziness;
  • bubbling sounds are heard in the supine position when breathing;
  • rapid rise in temperature.


If acute bronchitis is not properly treated, then the disease takes on a chronic form, which is even more difficult to deal with. The main symptom indicating an ailment is an incessant cough, which is accompanied by the release of a large amount of mucus. Other symptoms of chronic bronchitis in adults or children during an exacerbation are as follows:

  • feeling of weakness and weakness;
  • chest pain syndrome;
  • heat;
  • pale skin;
  • dyspnea;
  • secretion of clear mucus when coughing.

Characteristic signs of bronchitis in an adult

Bronchitis can be triggered not only by a cold - the disease is often the result of a weakening of the body's overall resistance to infections caused by viruses, bacteria, chemicals, fungi or allergens. For this reason, there are several forms of this disease:

  1. Infectious. It is a consequence of creating favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, such as mycoplasma or chlamydia.
  2. Allergic. This form of bronchitis develops due to exposure to the bronchi of a particular allergen.
  3. Toxic-chemical. Inhalation of vapors of toxic substances, general intoxication of the body lead to the development of this type of bronchitis.

Infectious nature

Mild infectious bronchitis has the following symptoms:

  • dry cough, gradually becoming wet;
  • wheezing, hard breathing;
  • general malaise;
  • feeling of discomfort in the chest;
  • temperature of 38 and above, which persists for several days.

If the disease takes a severe form, then when coughing, there is a feeling of pain due to overstrain of the muscles of the chest. In addition, weakness is felt more and more, breathing becomes difficult, and purulent clots are found in the outgoing sputum. Dry rales are also noted during breathing in an adult, which accompany the patient throughout the day.


When bronchitis is diagnosed without fever, in most cases it is an allergic form. It can occur upon contact with a provoking factor, such as bird feathers or animal hair. Inhalation of pollen or household products also often leads to the development of allergic bronchitis. Even your favorite down pillow can fail and cause this disease. Here's how to identify bronchitis of an allergic nature:

  • hard cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • labored breathing;
  • normal body temperature;
  • dry wheezing when breathing;
  • undulating course of the disease.

Toxic-chemical origin

Due to the inhalation of acid fumes, dust of organic or inorganic origin and various gases, toxic-chemical bronchitis develops. Among the signs indicating this form of the disease, one can note:

  • lack of appetite;
  • hard breathing;
  • headache;
  • tingling in the chest;
  • labored breathing;
  • persistent cough;
  • bluish mucous membranes;
  • state of suffocation.

Features of the course of the disease in children

The disease in a child is much more difficult also because already at an early stage it is accompanied by signs of intoxication, i.e. lethargy, high fever, loss of appetite. For babies up to a year, blockage of the bronchioles is characteristic, which leads to hypoxia, manifested by blue skin, shortness of breath and the appearance of wheezing and whistling. If the baby did not have contact with the patient, then the disease develops due to the sensitivity of the respiratory tract, narrower bronchi, or an allergic reaction.

In children who are 2-3 years old, the early stage of the disease is easily identified by a runny nose and heavy breathing, because the narrower airways are quickly blocked by even a small amount of mucus. In addition, only certain medicines are allowed for babies, such as potions or syrups. Therapy must be coordinated with the doctor, and children under 2 years of age are treated only in a hospital.

Diagnostic methods

Any diagnosis is made only on the basis of patient complaints and laboratory tests, i.е. tests and even x-rays. The following activities are carried out:

  1. Collection of complaints, identification of characteristic signs of bronchitis, determination of their duration.
  2. General examination using a phonendoscope to listen to the work of the lungs.
  3. General blood analysis. It is prescribed to identify the causative agent of infection and signs of bronchitis by the number of leukocytes.
  4. Sputum analysis. It is carried out for the same purpose - to determine the cause of bronchitis and the sensitivity of the pathogen to drugs, in order to know whether to drink antibiotics.
  5. Chest x-ray. It is done to rule out pneumonia.
  6. Spirography. The study is necessary to determine the possible bronchial asthma or obstructive pulmonary disease.
  7. Computed tomography of the chest area is the most accurate among the studies of the presence of lung pathology.
  8. Bronchoscopy. It is aimed at examining the throat, trachea, larynx and lower respiratory tract using a thin instrument.

Possible complications and consequences of the disease

Some diseases do not pass without a trace for a person, especially with untimely or improper treatment. Heredity and the bad habit of smokers are also factors provoking negative consequences. Complications can be the following:

  1. Bronchopneumonia is a consequence of an acute form of bronchitis, which develops with a local decrease in the protective functions of the body and multiple layering of bacterial infections. It is more common in the elderly and children.
  2. Asthmatic bronchitis is a complication of chronic bronchitis that occurs with bronchial edema, i.e. obstruction. The disease is characterized by attacks of dry cough with the release of yellowish sputum, congestion in the chest and lack of air to the patient.
  3. Emphysema of the lungs. Irreversible pathological changes occur in the lung tissue - the walls of the alveoli are destroyed due to their expansion, the lungs increase in volume.
  4. Bronchiolitis or bronchitis without cough. Damage to small elements of the bronchial tree, i.e. bronchioles, which do not have receptors, therefore there is no reaction to irritation.

Video about the symptoms and treatment of bronchitis

Bronchitis is the most common disease of the human respiratory system. The morphopathological basis of bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchial walls.

The term chronic bronchitis is currently considered incomplete and is increasingly being replaced by another, more clinically complete term - chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy (COBP). This term defines the whole complex of pathological changes occurring in the lungs in the case of chronic inflammation of the bronchi.

The term bronchiolitis defines acute inflammation of the small caliber bronchi and bronchioles. Most often, bronchiolitis occurs in childhood and old age when the infectious process spreads from the bronchi to the bronchioles.

Methods for diagnosing acute bronchitis

In clinical and diagnostic terms, acute bronchitis is the mildest disease. Diagnosis of acute bronchitis does not require complex research methods and can be carried out on the basis of patient complaints and objective data obtained during examination and clinical examination of the patient.

The clinical picture of acute bronchitis consists of a short prodromal period with a deterioration in the patient's well-being, sore throat, discomfort behind the sternum. Further, the appearance of a painful cough is noted. In the first days of the illness, the cough is dry. In the following days, the cough becomes productive (there is a release of mucous and purulent sputum). The body temperature can rise to 38 o C. When the bronchi of small caliber are involved in the process, the patient complains of difficulty in breathing.

Clinical diagnosis of the patient reveals wheezing during auscultation. As a rule, acute bronchitis is preceded by an episode of hypothermia or overwork.

The evolution of COPD is represented by alternating periods of exacerbation and remission. Exacerbation of the disease is observed in the cold season. This period is characterized by increased cough, fever, worsening of the general condition of the patient.

The development of the asthmatic form of COPD is characterized by the appearance of mild asthma attacks.

During a clinical examination of the patient, attention is paid to the condition of the skin (cyanosis), fingers (fingers in the form of drumsticks - a sign of chronic lack of oxygen), the shape of the chest (barrel-shaped chest with emphysema).

Violations of the pulmonary circulation can be expressed by the appearance of edema, enlargement of the liver. The appearance of these signs indicates an extremely unfavorable development of the disease.

Additional research methods for chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy
Additional research methods used in the diagnosis of chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy are aimed at clarifying the degree of dysfunction of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems occurring in this disease.

Determination of the gas composition of the blood. In the initial stages of COPD, blood gas parameters (carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations) remain within the normal range. Only a decrease in the gradient of alveolo-arterial diffusion of oxygen is noted. In the later stages of the development of the disease, the gas composition of the blood undergoes significant changes: there is an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide (hypercapnia) and a decrease in the concentration of oxygen (hypoxemia).

Spirometry- violation of the parameters of the functioning of the respiratory system is observed in the later stages of the development of COPD. So, in particular, a decrease in FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in 1 second) and the ratio of FEV to the vital volume of the lungs are determined. Also characteristic is an increase in total lung capacity in parallel with an increase in residual volume (the amount of air remaining in the lungs after a forced exhalation), which indicates air retention in the lungs characteristic of emphysema.

Radiological diagnostics- reveals morphological changes in the lung tissue: pulmonary emphysema (increased transparency of the fields of the lungs), the severity of the pattern of the lungs in pneumosclerosis, the expansion of the roots of the lungs. With the onset of pulmonary hypertension, there is an expansion of the pulmonary artery and right ventricle.

Electrocardiogram (ECG)- allows you to identify characteristic changes in the work of the heart - arrhythmias, deviation of the electrical axis of the heart to the right.

Bronchoscopy- is one of the most informative methods for diagnosing chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy. Bronchoscopy consists in the introduction of a fiber-optic imaging system into the bronchi, which allows you to examine the inner surface of the bronchi, to collect materials for microbiological and histological examination. With bronchoscopy, deformation of the walls of the bronchi, the presence of signs of chronic inflammation, the presence of purulent secretions in the lumen of the bronchi, bronchiectasis, etc., are determined.

Chronic bronchitis and the initial stages of chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy should be differentiated from tuberculosis, lung tumors, chronic pneumonia, and bronchial asthma.


  • Ivanov E.M. Topical issues of chronic bronchitis, Vladivostok, 2005
  • Kovalenko V.L. Chronic bronchitis: Pathogenesis, diagnosis, clinical and anatomical characteristics, Novosibirsk, 1998
  • Tsvetkova O.A. Acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, M. : Russian doctor, 2002

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Bronchitis in medicine is called the inflammatory process that occurs in the respiratory tract, namely in the bronchi. This disease is not considered dangerous to health and life, but if not properly treated, bronchitis can cause complications. Doctors distinguish several types of bronchitis, each of which is characterized by distinctive symptoms. In addition, the treatment of each of the types of the inflammatory process under consideration will be different.

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Classification of bronchitis

Doctors distinguish the following types of bronchitis according to the causes of its occurrence:

  • Viral bronchitis - inflammation develops against the background of diagnosed acute respiratory viral infections, influenza,;
  • toxic-chemical - appears against the background of either general poisoning of the body, or with regular inhalation of toxic substances (this can be, for example, under adverse working or living conditions);
  • tuberculous bronchitis - caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is always present in the bronchi even with early tuberculosis;
  • infectious bronchitis - bronchitis is provoked by the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria, in some cases the inflammatory disease in question develops against the background of atypical bacteria ();
  • allergic bronchitis - occurs only against the background of an existing allergic reaction to any external or internal irritant.

Another type of bronchitis is distinguished - mycobacterial, but it is diagnosed very rarely and is rather an exception. This type of inflammation in the bronchi is caused by nontuberculous mycobacteria. Bronchitis in medicine is also differentiated by the type of course (this is the most common classification of the disease):

  • acute bronchitis - which occurs with acute respiratory viral infections or influenza (most often), is easily treatable and after 3-4 weeks of competent therapy the patient recovers completely;
  • chronic bronchitis - characterized by a duration of the course (at least 6 months), a constant cough and is considered the most common form of the disease in adults.

The doctor can also determine the types of bronchitis by development. There are only 2 of them - primary and secondary. In the first case, the inflammatory process develops independently, there are no pathological changes or damage in the respiratory organs. But with secondary bronchitis, the underlying disease is always diagnosed, against which the inflammatory process developed (for example, SARS, influenza). There is also obstructive bronchitis, but it is considered without connection with other types / types / forms of the inflammatory process in the bronchi, therefore, in this article, its description will go in a separate section.

Signs of different types of bronchitis

The most important and indicative symptom of bronchitis is a cough, but with different types and types of inflammation it will have a different “color”. Therefore, doctors classify the symptoms of bronchitis as follows:

  1. Mild infectious bronchitis:
  • dry cough, which periodically turns into a wet one;
  • discomfort is felt in the chest (patients may complain of a sensation of a foreign body, pressure);
  • increased weakness;
  • body temperature rises to subfebrile levels (37-37.5 degrees), but in exceptional cases it can be high;
  • hard breathing, obvious wheezing is heard with deep breaths;
  • clinical analysis of blood remains unchanged.
  1. Infectious bronchitis of moderate and severe course:
  • a strong cough that leads to pain in the chest and upper abdomen is a consequence of severe overexertion;
  • weakness and general malaise are pronounced;
  • breathing is difficult;
  • purulent or serous-purulent sputum comes out of the lungs;
  • wheezing when listening to the lungs, moist, finely bubbling.
  1. allergic bronchitis. Appears only upon direct contact with an irritant to which the patient is allergic. Symptoms:
  • breathing is difficult, there is shortness of breath on exhalation;
  • rales are dry and scattered;
  • body temperature remains within normal limits.
  1. Toxic-chemical bronchitis:
  • excruciating cough;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • paroxysmal stabbing pain appears in the chest;
  • headache and loss of appetite;
  • after some time, respiratory failure and hypoxemia increase;
  • mucous membranes become bluish;
  • breathing is hard with wheezing.
  1. Acute bronchitis:
  • cough is strong, at the beginning of the development of the disease is dry, then it becomes wet;
  • body temperature rises to high levels;
  • rapid fatigue up to loss of working capacity;
  • chills, general malaise, severe weakness;
  • pain syndrome in the chest;
  • when listening to the lungs, dry rales are clearly audible.
  1. Chronical bronchitis:
  • cough - during periods of remission, it can be paroxysmal and dry, during exacerbation - wet and exhausting;
  • shortness of breath - during remission is practically absent, during exacerbation it becomes pronounced and disrupts night sleep;
  • sputum is always present - during remission it is the usual mucus (it can be yellow, brown and even black, which is typical for miners), which occurs after each coughing fit. When exacerbated, it is serous-purulent or purulent in nature.

The doctor tells in more detail about the symptoms of bronchitis:

Important: body temperature in chronic bronchitis may not rise at all even during an exacerbation, but this syndrome is individual and depends on the level of the patient's immune system. With a long course of chronic bronchitis and the absence of competent treatment, hemoptysis may appear. If it is the appearance of streaks / blood fibers in the sputum, then you should not worry, but if the presence of blood is too pronounced, then you need to inform your doctor about this fact - it is possible that tissue cells affected by inflammation have degenerated into cancerous ones.

Treatment of bronchitis in adults

Bronchitis, regardless of its type and form, must be treated. Directly therapeutic measures can also take place at home - only patients with severe bronchitis or with general intoxication symptoms are subject to hospitalization.

Medical therapy

Doctors must prescribe the following medications:

  1. Mucolytic (expectorant). They are suitable for dry cough or delayed sputum discharge. The most effective are Bromhexine and Lazolvan.
  2. Antitussives. They are needed for an unproductive painful cough. Most often, it is recommended to take Libexin and Sinekod.
  3. Antibacterial (antibiotics). Tetracycline agents, Amoxicillin, Macrolides, Cephalosporins, Amoxiclav, Fluoroquinolones may be prescribed.

Note: antibiotics for bronchitis are prescribed only for severe chronic bronchitis, with its frequent relapses. Acute bronchitis is perfectly treated without the use of antibacterial drugs. The specific type of these drugs is selected by determining the sensitivity of the causative agent of bronchitis to antibiotics.

If the inflammatory disease in question is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, then doctors prescribe antipyretics - for example, Paracetamol or Aspirin. But the latter is used as a drug to lower the temperature infrequently, as it has many contraindications - for example, Aspirin should not be taken by patients with diagnosed gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, and cardiovascular diseases.


Physiotherapy plays a very important role in the treatment of various types of bronchitis - some doctors assure that without it, even the most competent treatment with drugs will not give a quick and expected effect. The most effective methods of physiotherapy for bronchitis are:

  1. Warming of the chest - is prescribed only as an additional treatment after the exacerbation of chronic bronchitis has been removed or the first stage of acute treatment has been completed.
  2. Massage - done with poorly discharged sputum, provides better opening of the bronchi and acceleration of the outflow of serous-purulent or purulent sputum.
  3. Therapeutic breathing exercises - helps to restore normal breathing and get rid of shortness of breath.
  4. . It is difficult to call them exclusively physiotherapy, because for the most part such procedures are a full-fledged therapy. As a means for inhalation are used:
  • Dioxidine is an antiseptic agent, most often used for exacerbation of the chronic form of bronchitis and for the viral form of the inflammatory process in question. This drug is diluted for inhalation with saline in a ratio of 1:10, 4 ml is enough for one inhalation.
  • Atrovent is a bronchodilator drug, sold in pharmacy chains in liquid form. For the inhalation procedure, 2 ml of Atrovent should be diluted in 2 ml of saline - the amount obtained is intended for one inhalation.
  • Fluimucil is a drug that loosens/thinns sputum. This drug is specifically designed for inhalation. Therefore, it is implemented in a form that is already ready for this procedure.
  • Lazolvan is a bronchodilator that relieves cough and symptoms of shortness of breath. Pharmacies have a special form for inhalation, so you do not need to specially prepare it. For one procedure, 3-5 ml of Lazolvan is enough.
  • Ventolin - quickly relieves an attack of suffocating cough. Sold in nebulas, one is enough for inhalation, but the contents of the nebula should first be diluted in a 1: 1 ratio with saline.
  • Chlorphyllipt is an antiseptic that is diluted with saline in a ratio of 1:10 for inhalation. For one inhalation procedure, 4 ml is enough.

For inhalation with bronchitis, it is advisable to use - a special preparation that provides uniform spraying of the drug through the bronchi.

Treatment of bronchitis folk remedies

In folk medicine, there are dozens of recipes that effectively help in the treatment of bronchitis of various types / forms and types. Almost all of them are approved by official medicine and can be safely used in exacerbation of chronic bronchitis or in the treatment of an acute handicap of the inflammatory process in question. These include:

  1. Mix equal amounts of sunflower seeds, carrots and alcohol (previously dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 1). Stir and infuse for 12 hours. Then the resulting remedy is taken 1 teaspoon three times a day before meals, it is not necessary to drink or seize it. After 3 days, all the symptoms of the disease in question will disappear, and if chronic bronchitis is being treated, the frequency of exacerbations will be significantly reduced.
  2. Mix in a saucepan 500 g of interior lard, the same amount of butter and sugar. Put on fire and bring to complete dissolution over low heat. Allow the product to cool slightly and add 500 g of honey and three tablespoons of cocoa (in powder) to it. The finished product is taken 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach, washed down with warm milk (in any quantity). This remedy is excellent for acute and chronic bronchitis, quickly removing all the symptoms of these diseases.
  3. Mix a kilogram of honey, half a liter of aloe juice, half a liter of liquid lard (pork), add grated dark chocolate to the mass, turn everything into a homogeneous mass by heating in a water bath. You need to take the resulting remedy twice a day, a tablespoon before meals (at least 30 minutes before a meal) until the symptoms of bronchitis disappear.

To relieve coughing fits and ensure a restful sleep, the patient is recommended to apply compresses to the chest at night, which can be from boiled potatoes “in their uniforms” (just crush it, wrap it in a cloth and attach it to the upper chest), from an alcohol solution (alcohol is diluted water in a ratio of 1: 1 or vodka is used) or a leaf of white cabbage and honey.

In folk medicine, there are also inhalations, however, they use exclusively natural ingredients. For example, you can use sage and thyme leaves - they will relieve inflammation, chamomile flowers - have an antiseptic, oregano and mint - a sedative effect helps to relax the bronchi and relieve an attack of severe coughing.

Alternative methods of treating bronchitis can be used only after consultation with your doctor. In some cases, without drug therapy, it is impossible to ensure a full recovery.

Obstructive bronchitis

This type of bronchitis is never a primary disease and always occurs against the background of already developed inflammation in the airways. Obstruction is a narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, which leads to a serious condition of the patient.

Types and symptoms of obstructive bronchitis

Acute obstructive bronchitis is characterized by:

  • catarrh of the upper respiratory tract;
  • dry cough of high intensity;
  • the presence of sputum in the bronchi, which practically does not separate;
  • shortness of breath, shortness of breath is clearly heard on exhalation;
  • temperature of an exclusively subfebrile nature - it is this factor that distinguishes acute bronchitis from obstructive.

Chronic obstructive bronchitis:

  • cough is intense, sputum is separated in the morning;
  • shortness of breath appears only during physical exertion, but during periods of exacerbation, it worries the patient constantly;
  • breathing is difficult and is characterized by whistling;
  • with exacerbation of chronic obstructive bronchitis, sputum becomes purulent.

Reasons for development

Obstructive bronchitis can develop against the background of:

  • chronic bronchitis;
  • diagnosed tumors of the trachea or bronchi;
  • poisoning with toxic substances;
  • prolonged smoking;
  • hyperreactivity of the respiratory system;
  • allergic reactions with frequent relapses.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis

Treatment of this type of inflammatory process in the bronchi should be carried out in a hospital - only in a medical institution, doctors can constantly monitor the patient's condition. The treatment regimen for obstructive bronchitis is as follows:

  • bronchodilators - Atrovent, Berotek, Salbutamol, Teopek;
  • mucoregulatory drugs - Ambroxol, Lazolvan;
  • therapeutic breathing exercises;
  • inhalation procedures.

If the patient has purulent sputum, then antibacterial drugs (antibiotics) will be prescribed, and with progressive respiratory failure, corticosteroids.

Bronchitis during pregnancy

Pregnancy implies a refusal to take medications, so the development of bronchitis during the period of bearing a child is considered a problem. No, the inflammatory process in the bronchi does not pose any danger either to the woman herself or to the fetus. But the treatment of even acute bronchitis should be carried out only under the supervision of doctors, including gynecologists.

You must remember the following rules:

  • it is categorically impossible to take even seemingly harmless medicines on your own;
  • it is quite possible to carry out inhalations with an alkaline solution (ordinary baking soda diluted in warm boiled water in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per 200 ml of water);
  • immediately go to bed, if the temperature rises, then you can and should drink tea with raspberries or viburnum, but do not take antipyretics.

With the right approach to the treatment of bronchitis during pregnancy, the disease does not cause any complications. Bronchitis is not considered a dangerous disease, but it must not only be treated - the doctor must classify the disease, find out the cause of its development and give recommendations for prevention. The lecture of the doctor of restorative medicine - Prokofieva N.V. is devoted to the treatment of obstructive and other types of bronchitis.

The respiratory tract is made up of different sections. If an inflammatory process occurs in any of them, it must be treated, otherwise complications may arise. Bronchitis can lead to complications such as pneumonia, asthma, or other illnesses. Therefore, it is important to know how to identify bronchitis, and why it is dangerous..

What is bronchitis

The inflammatory process, which is localized in the mucous membranes of the bronchi, is called bronchitis. The disease is common and can occur in people of any age. It can occur in acute or chronic form. They also distinguish the initial stage preceding the underlying disease.

It is necessary to treat the pathology immediately, at the first signs. Otherwise, it easily becomes chronic and then difficult to treat.

It can cause such complications:

This is not a complete list of pathologies that can occur when the infection has been in the bronchi for a long time and at any time can begin to walk around the body, affecting its weak points.

Causes of bronchitis

There can be many reasons for the disease. For example:

  1. The entry of a viral infection into the respiratory tract from the outside or the activation of pathogenic microbes in the body as a result of reduced immunity.
  2. Activation of fungal microflora. This happens only in cases of severe violations in the immune system.
  3. Smoking - active and passive. Chronic bronchitis accompanies the smoker constantly.
  4. Air pollution by gases, dust or smoke. This entails inflammatory processes in the respiratory system. Prolonged exposure causes bronchitis.
  5. Congenital or acquired pathologies in the structure of the respiratory system.
  6. Hypothermia. People with weak bronchi are unacceptable to be in a draft, get caught in the rain and walk in wet shoes. Also, do not drink water from the refrigerator.
  7. Allergies. With prolonged exposure to an allergen, bronchitis becomes chronic.

Under the influence of these factors, it occurs, and if the patient does not take any measures to limit himself from these influences, the disease progresses and cannot be treated. Therefore, before you begin to be treated, you need to eliminate the cause.

The first signs and symptoms of bronchitis

To recognize bronchitis, you need to know its signs. Symptoms of the pathological process in the bronchi differ depending on the severity of the course of the disease and the age of the patient.

In adults

The bronchopulmonary system in an adult is already formed and has adapted to the outside world throughout life. Therefore, the pathologies that arise in it give some differences in symptoms from signs in children.

There are initial manifestations of acute, obstructive bronchitis and symptoms of exacerbation of the chronic form.

Acute bronchitis

This pathology occurs in people with previously healthy bronchi. Usually develops after acute respiratory infections and has a rapid course. The pathology has the following symptoms:

If the disease is started to be treated in a timely manner, on the 4th-5th day sputum begins to depart and the patient's condition improves.

The illness usually lasts up to three weeks. And if the patient behaved correctly, complete recovery occurs. If he took the treatment incorrectly or did not exclude the factors that resulted in the disease, bronchitis will recur after a while.

obstructive form

It occurs in people with asthma, with diseases of the lungs and heart, as well as in people of advanced age. Has the following symptoms:

  1. Shortness of breath, aggravated by the slightest exertion.
  2. Dry cough.
  3. Signs of oxygen deficiency.
  4. when inhaling.

It takes longer and lasts about four weeks.

Chronic form

Bronchitis of this form is aggravated during the flowering of cereals or other plants, during climatic changes or after a cold.

Symptoms are usually smoothed - cough more often in the morning, shortness of breath on exertion. In the future, the cough begins to disturb at night, respiratory failure, cyanosis and increased sweating occur. The periods of exacerbation can last for a long time and cause complications.

In children

In childhood, bronchitis is very common and is the result of previous diseases, such as SARS, rubella, measles and others.

Acute non-obstructive bronchitis occurs with the same symptoms as in adults. But the obstructive form is very common - in every fourth child. The following symptoms are observed:

  1. Rattling in chest.
  2. Shortness of breath, preventing speech.
  3. Difficulty breathing.
  4. Cyanosis of the extremities and nasolabial triangle.
  5. Subfebrile temperature.

Cough may be absent and appear only during the recovery period.

How to self-diagnose bronchitis

A doctor must diagnose any disease. But often people are in no hurry to seek medical help, hoping that everything will go away on its own. Not knowing the signs of a dangerous disease, they miss time and then they are treated for a long time. To understand that you have bronchitis, you need to know the following:

  1. The disease often occurs after acute respiratory infections or SARS.
  2. If a cough has begun, and during it it seems that something comes off inside, this is a sign of inflammation in the bronchi.
  3. If the temperature is kept above normal, but does not rise to high levels, these may be the consequences of bacterial exposure in the bronchi.
  4. Shortness of breath during exertion, increasing over time, should alert.
  5. Profuse sweating during sleep.
  6. Cyanosis of the nasolabial region indicates oxygen starvation, the cause of which may be problems in the bronchi.
  7. ARI lasts no more than 5 days. If the disease is prolonged, this is already the beginning of bronchitis.

If you suspect bronchitis, you should immediately go to the doctor and start treatment. The sooner it is started, the more likely it is to avoid complications.

One of the most common diseases of the upper respiratory tract is bronchitis. It can manifest itself in both adults and children in the form of various signs. With the inflammatory process in the bronchi, a strong cough begins, which persists for several weeks.

The main reason for the transition of the disease from the acute to the chronic stage is untimely treatment.

Therefore, it is important to know how to identify bronchitis at the initial stage at home in order to prevent complications.

Symptoms depending on the cause of the disease

Bronchitis is characterized by inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. It can manifest itself under the influence of various factors, among which are:

Therefore, the symptoms of bronchitis may differ depending on the source of the disease. There are several types of the disease that are diagnosed in adults and children, namely:

In order to correctly prescribe drug therapy, it is necessary to find out how each of the above types manifests itself.

infectious bronchitis

The infectious type of the disease is one of the most common in adults and children. It is formed under the influence of various microorganisms of a bacterial, viral or fungal nature.

Symptoms depend on the nature of the course of the disease. When a mild form occurs, the patient is noted:

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, laboratory diagnostics may not give results. After all, there are no indicators in the blood that indicate bronchitis.

With a change in the stage of the disease, signs in adults may be expressed differently. If bronchitis becomes moderate, then their intensification is noted. Among them are:

  • coughing;
  • tension and pain in the chest and abdomen;
  • malaise and weakening of the body of a strong degree;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • discharge of sputum containing pus or mucus with pus;
  • hard breathing;
  • dry rales, turning into finely bubbling moisture.

Recognizing at home the onset of infectious bronchitis in most cases is easy. It is usually preceded by a viral, bacterial disease. Bronchitis in this case is a complication.

With a disease caused by a viral infection, some characteristic symptoms are noted, for example:

The fever lasts up to 3 days. From the onset of the first signs to the end of the disease, it takes from 1 to 3 weeks.

If bronchitis is caused by a bacterial pathogen, then the symptoms are slightly different, namely:

  1. Cough in adults at the initial stage is moderate, dry. With development, the appearance of sputum is observed (after 3-4 days). It departs poorly, has a thick consistency, purulent character, yellow-green color.
  2. Breathing becomes rapid, shortness of breath appears. Wet and dry rales are observed.
  3. The person becomes lethargic, capricious, muscle and headaches are felt.
  4. The temperature rises gradually to 38°C and above. Fever may last longer than with a viral infection.

The disease proceeds in the period from 2 to 4 weeks.

allergic bronchitis

In a person prone to allergies, an allergic type of bronchitis is often noted. Symptoms of the disease appear under the influence of common allergens, for example:

  • plant pollen;
  • wool and feathers of animals;
  • household dust;
  • perfumery;
  • cosmetics;
  • household chemicals.

Recognizing bronchitis is not difficult. After all, when contact with the irritant is eliminated, the symptoms disappear on their own without any treatment.

One of the features of this type of disease is the absence of purulent discharge.

There is also no increase in body temperature. In an adult with allergies, bronchitis can be detected by characteristic signs, which include:

  • dry rales of scattered type;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath on exhalation;
  • cough under the influence of allergens;
  • violation of respiratory function;
  • change of periods of remission and exacerbation upon elimination or resumption of contact with the irritating substance.

Toxic-chemical bronchitis

Signs of bronchitis of the toxic-chemical type appear after inhalation of harmful substances. Such compounds are acids, organic or inorganic dust, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide.

The first symptoms are manifested in the form of a deterioration in a person's condition. He abruptly loses interest in food, severe headaches are noted. With further exposure to harmful substances, the following are found:

An important step in the elimination of dangerous signs in adults is the exclusion of harmful effects. Only after that symptomatic therapy is prescribed.

Signs of various forms of bronchitis

Depending on the severity of the signs and the nature of the course, acute, chronic and obstructive bronchitis are distinguished. Symptoms of the disease in adults may vary. You can identify each form yourself at home, focusing on the characteristic manifestations.

Acute bronchitis

Acute bronchitis proceeds without obstruction, beginning with a dry frequent cough, which gradually flows into a wet one. As a result of coughing, sputum is discharged.

You can identify the disease by a change in breathing. It becomes:

At the same time, there are no signs of respiratory failure and shortness of breath.

The general condition of the patient is changing. Adults have:

  • rise in body temperature to 38-38.5 ° C;
  • weakening of the body;
  • increased sweating;
  • pain in the chest;
  • sore throat, accompanied by burning;
  • headache;
  • concomitant diseases (pharyngitis, laryngitis, conjunctivitis);
  • dehydration of the body due to hyperthermia.

The acute stage of the disease lasts about two weeks.

Chronical bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis is a consequence of untimely treatment of the acute form of the disease. In this case, a painful cough appears, which worries the patient for more than 12 weeks a year. Usually it is deep, deaf, manifests itself after waking up. Coughing is accompanied by a copious release of mucus from the bronchi.

The chronic course of the disease is not accompanied by hyperthermia.

An increase in body temperature is observed at the level of subfebrile marks. If the rise is observed to high levels, it is usually short-lived.

Exacerbation of bronchitis is associated with hypothermia, SARS, as well as the onset of the autumn-winter period.

There are also specific symptoms of the chronic type. One of them is shortness of breath, which can get worse. It is caused by gradual bronchial obstruction.

When coughing, bloody discharge may appear along with sputum. In this case, it is imperative to visit a doctor to exclude tuberculosis or oncological diseases.

With a long course of chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease may appear.

Obstructive bronchitis

With obstructive bronchitis, there is a decrease in patency and blockage of the bronchi. The process is due to the accumulation of mucus, tissue swelling or bronchospasm.

The onset of obstruction is characterized by special signs. One of them is a strong cough, characterized by:

  • dryness;
  • hysteria;
  • attacks;
  • amplification at night.

With severe attacks, nausea and vomiting, lacrimation may occur.

Breath becomes wheezing. This makes breathing much more difficult. When listening to the patient, wheezing in the lungs is determined. In the process of breathing, the muscles of the collarbones, neck, and chest are involved. In the throat, tickling and burning are noted.

The fever is moderate. At the initial stage of the onset of the disease, hyperthermia is observed. Subsequently, the temperature normalizes or decreases to subfebrile condition.

At the time of the onset of obstruction, other diseases may be activated. Accompany bronchitis in most cases rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis.

The disease proceeds depending on the nature of the treatment and the severity of the symptoms. On average, symptoms are observed for 10-21 days.

Bronchitis must be detected at an early stage. If it is started, then a complication may appear in the form of bronchiolitis or other diseases. Therefore, a cough that does not go away within a few days requires immediate medical attention. He will diagnose and prescribe treatment in accordance with the type of disease.