Borjomi mineral water. What is useful mineral water Borjomi Indications contraindications mineral water Borjomi

Factory "Borjomi", Georgia.
The infamous Borjomi mineral water, which is banned for sale in Russia. I visited the factory and got acquainted with the history and production process. It was very interesting to find out that the potential and reserves of the springs are inexhaustible, that you can drink Borjomi all the time, and one of the main questions was "which is better - plastic or glass?". In general, Georgia is a country with amazingly positive people, I'm coming for the second time and I can recommend it to everyone.

The Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park covers an area of ​​over 700 square kilometers and is considered the largest national park in Europe. Located at an altitude of 850 to 2500 meters above sea level.

The composition of Borjomi mineral water has remained unchanged for over 100 years, which is confirmed by regular examinations and tests, which have been officially carried out since 1890. And today the Borjomi mineral water is identical to the one that was first bottled at the first factory of Grand Duke Mikhail Romanov at the end of the 19th century.

The entrance to the factory begins with the history...

In the 19th century, Borjomi was chosen as the Caucasian residence of the Romanov imperial family, who actively developed the resort. Borjomi as a resort arose with the aim of creating in Russia its own "spa" resort like Baden-Baden, etc. In 1850, the Mineral Water Park already existed in Borjomi, and in 1890 the first bottling plant began to operate. In 2010, Borjomi celebrated the 120th anniversary of the start of production.

In 1904, it was possible to partially mechanize the production of Borjomi. In 1854, only 1350 bottles were exported from Borjomi, then in 1905, after the establishment of production, the export reached already 320 thousand bottles, and in 1913 it completely exceeded 9 million.

The Sovietization of Georgia did not diminish the popularity of Borjomi. Only the elite and the status of vacationers have changed: Romanov was replaced by Stalin, who also loved this water very much. The Kremlin did not hold a single event without Borjomi.

The thaw of the 1960s gave Borjomi another chance to acquire a name abroad. In 1961, 423,000 bottles of Borjomi were exported to 15 countries, including the USA, France, and Austria. In the 1980s, the sale of Borjomi reached 400 million bottles, and this water was the most popular in the USSR.

In 1990-1995 production was severely reduced due to internal economic difficulties in Georgia. But since 1995, when Georgian Glass & Mineral Water Co. N.V." resumed the production of Borjomi at two bottling plants, water production increased 40 times.

These are the original color photographs of Proskudin-Gorsky:

Borjomi starts here:

There are two factories in the Borjomi valley: "Borjomi-1" and "Borjomi-2", I visited both factories. But let's start with the second. Bakuriani mineral water is produced here, it is non-carbonated water poured into plastic containers.

Plastic bottles arrive at the factory in the form of iPhone-sized blanks called PET preforms:

Then a bottle is blown out of them:

And filling with water:

Everything's under control:

Sorting bottles into blocks of 8:

Plant outside:

And now we are moving to the Borjomi-1 plant, which produces Borjomi mineral water.

Borjomi was one of the candidate cities for the 2014 Olympics:

The Borjomi mineral water deposit is located in the central part of the Adjaro-Imereti Range of the Caucasus Mountains in Georgia, at an absolute height of 760-920 m above sea level. Mineral water "Borjomi" is extracted for bottling from nine wells located on the territory of the Borjomi Reserve. The depth of the wells is from 140 to 1500 m, but the birth of "Borjomi" occurs at a much greater depth - more than 8000 m. Due to its volcanic origin, mineral water "Borjomi", saturated with natural carbon dioxide, is able to rise to the surface without the help of any pumps from a depth of 8-10 km with a warm stream (t 38-41C). "Borjomi" gets to the surface of the earth, along the way enriching itself with a composition of more than 60 different minerals present in the volcanic rocks of the Caucasus Mountains. All wells operate in the self-draining mode, that is, exactly the amount of water is produced that is renewed in a natural way.

One of the wells is open for visitors, where you can taste the water. It is warm and stinks of hydrogen sulfide, but it tastes absolutely identical to bottled water.
Water rises to the surface enriched with carbon dioxide, but according to the recipe it is enriched with additional CO2.
What for? CO2 is a natural preservative and flavor enhancer. CO2 at the Borjomi plant is natural, which is extracted from a neighboring plant in the mountains. The amount of CO2 in Borjomi is average and this amount is exactly the same as it was 100 years ago. That is why there are no variations of Borjomi - "with gas" or "without gas". The recipe is the same from the very beginning of production.

One of the protective properties of the bottle against counterfeiting is deer engraving. The factory does not use reverse glass, i.e. recycled glass containers. Only new bottles. Preparing glass for reuse is not cheap.

The stickers are placed strictly in the center of the bottle and deer, this is monitored by a special mechanism with several cameras worth more than $ 200,000. On an industrial scale, it is simply unprofitable to produce a fake. The characteristic bluish-green color of the Borjomi bottle is patented and even has its own name - "Georgian Green".

In numbers:

Export is carried out in 40 countries of the world
- 2/3 of production is export
- in total, 180 million liters are produced per year, 130 liters of which are Borjomi. The remaining 50 liters are Bakuriani and Borjomi Springs.
- in Soviet times, up to 400 million liters were produced per year
- about 600 employees work at the factories
- sources are inexhaustible, according to geologists, the water supply is more than 800 million liters a year
- in total there are 22 wells with a depth of 140 m to 1.5 km, 9 of which are actively used. The rest are observation wells.
- change of wells occurs every 30-50 years.
- during the period of peak loads, the plants work around the clock, in the normal mode in 2-3 shifts a day.

In general, the production process looks like this:

Passive outflow of water from wells that are within a radius of 25 km from the plants
- active transport by pumps of water to factories
- hydrogen sulfide extraction, sedimentation, water cooling
- enrichment with natural CO2
- bottling

- Additional preservatives are not added.
- Enrichment with additional minerals is not performed.

In May 2006, the Russian Federal Agency for Consumer Rights Protection imposed a ban on the sale in the Russian Federation of all products produced in Georgia, including Borjomi. The formal reason is the non-compliance of products with the technical standards of the Russian Federation. Against the backdrop of the disappearance of Georgian water from the market, sales of Nagutskaya-26 mineral water bottled in the Stavropol Territory under the name Russian Borjom began, but in 2007 the court banned the sale of water under such a similar name at the suit of the Georgian manufacturer of the original Borjomi

And loading into wagons and trailers takes place in the old fashioned way in manual mode:


During 2009-2011, according to the official data of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine and the State Consumer Standards of Ukraine, no facts of fakes and/or falsifications of Borjomi mineral water were revealed.

Plastic or glass: the water in any container is the same, as it is extracted from the same sources. Shelf life in glass 2 years, in plastic 1 year. The reason for the difference in terms is the ability of plastic to pass gas, which, over time, lowers the degree of water aeration, but even after a year, water aeration in plastic is within the acceptable norm for consumption. According to the plant employees, they are very careful in choosing food plastic suppliers and maintaining their reputation.

Ways of export to Ukraine: "Borjomi" is bottled from the same source as in 1890, in the city of "Borjomi", in Georgia. In order to get to Ukraine, Borjomi enters containers directly from the lines and is sent from the factory to Ukraine. On the way to the Ukrainian consumer, "Borjomi" covers a distance of 2000 km - from the city of "Borjomi", through the Georgian port of Poti by sea to the city of Ilyichevsk, after which it is distributed throughout the territory of Ukraine.

Is it possible to drink Borjomi constantly? The advantage of medicinal table mineral waters is their versatility: they can be used as a table drink, for prevention and systematically for treatment. One of the reasons that raises questions about the regular consumption of Borjomi is the presence of calcium in the water. But in Borjomi, the amount of calcium is 100 mg / l, which is acceptable for daily use, since the risk of salt deposits occurs only if the calcium content exceeds 200 mg / l.

Who imports water to Ukraine? IDS Borjomi International, as an international company that unites enterprises for the production of bottled mineral water in Russia, Ukraine and Georgia and occupies a leading position in the markets of the CIS and Baltic countries, dates back to 2002. Today it is an international group formed as a result of interaction and well-coordinated work of IDS Borjomi Georgia (Georgia), IDS Group (Ukraine), IDS Borjomi Russia (Russia) and IDS Borjomi Europe (Lithuania). The companies of the group produce and market world famous brands of mineral waters - Borjomi, Likani, Mirgorodskaya, Morshinskaya, Truskavets Aqua-Eco, Truskavets Krishtaleva, Holy Spring, Edelweiss and other.

This is David, who introduced us to Georgian traditions and Leo:

The main Georgian tradition is a feast and wine ... in absolutely illogical quantities:

Wine must be drunk approximately as in this photo. After such a thermonuclear strike, only Borjomi can help, whose slogan is "cleanses from excess":

Nearby is a very soulful Borjomi park, which I will talk about in the following report:

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This article belongs to the category of production reports. If you can show an interesting production and it will be interesting to me (!) - I will make a report for free. Particularly interested in: Coca-Cola, yogurt, McDonald's, cars, appliances, etc.
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Such water has a positive effect on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and increases the formation of adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP), the breakdown of which releases energy.

According to nutritionists, overweight people need to drink more fluids than the average person, because their body's water content is greatly reduced. Therefore, it is recommended to focus on mineral water containingbicarbonate and sodium sulfate ions, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide - for example, "Borjomi". This water is goodaffects carbohydrate and lipid metabolism andimproves the formation of adenosine triphosphoric acid,upon decay, energy is released. Mineral water "Borjomi" significantly improves the functioning of the digestive tract, regulates acidity. Drinking water with or after meals improves digestion. Due to its unique complex of minerals of volcanic origin, Borjomi perfectly cleanses the body.
It should be emphasized that people with more thanoverweight doctors recommend avoidinghighly carbonated water
because it stimulates the productiongastric juice, and therefore provokes a feeling of hunger, respectively, constantly want to eat. Therefore, people who want lose weight,before drinking Borjomi water, it is recommended to first release carbon dioxide from itjust shake it up and leave it open.
Since "Borjomi"it is distinguished by a balanced mineral composition, many people traditionally drink it as a dining room. It also promotes the removal of toxins and improves bowel function. Borjomi water is recommended to drink even for children, it is useful for everyone.

On the shelves of stores you can find a huge variety of different mineral waters. Such products are popular among the population, but many people buy such drinks just like that, and consume them without any need. However, such an attitude to real mineral water can be harmful to health. It should not be consumed without certain indications for such treatment, in addition, before a course of therapy, you should consult a doctor. One of the most popular and famous mineral waters is considered to be Borjomi. Let's talk about the features of its application in a little more detail.

Why is Borjomi valued? Water composition

This mineral water is characterized by a unique chemical composition, which actually determines all its useful qualities. So it contains a number of trace elements, including a significant amount of calcium, sodium and chlorine, in addition, it also contains a proportion of magnesium, potassium and sulfur. This product contains a number of trace elements, among which there are especially many silicon, boron and fluorine, as well as a certain amount of strontium, aluminum and titanium. Among other things, Borjomi also contains a certain amount of ash.

What are the indications for use of Borjomi water?

Doctors refer this mineral water to medicinal table waters, its consumption will be advisable for chronic gastritis, as well as for ulcerative lesions of the stomach or duodenum. The doctor may also advise taking it if the patient has irritable bowel syndrome or dyskinesia of this organ. Indications for the consumption of such a product also include obesity, diabetes, cholecystitis and pancreatitis. Borjomi can be useful in the treatment of pyelonephritis or kidney failure, it also corrects the pathology of the biliary tract. Experts often prescribe its consumption for diseases of the gallbladder, as well as for liver damage. Such mineral water perfectly improves metabolic processes, and helps to cope with various ailments of the urinary system - cystitis, urethritis and urolithiasis. Its consumption may be appropriate at the stage of postoperative rehabilitation.

What are the benefits of Borjomi for human health?

Borjomi is able to help cope with various colds, in this case, such a drink speeds up the healing process, cleanses the body of toxins, helps reduce fever and eliminate ailments. In addition, it can be used for inhalation in various diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and for internal consumption in the treatment of bronchitis and laryngitis. In certain cases, such mineral water effectively eliminates constipation, especially in childhood, and helps prevent the development of such a problem.

Borjomi can also be useful for professional athletes, and people who systematically go in for sports for themselves or do hard physical work. Such loads lead to the loss of various salts by the body, and such mineral water is able to stabilize the water-salt balance of the body.

Many experts advise consuming Borjomi after overeating, in which case such a drink eliminates the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, optimizes digestion processes and copes with heartburn. This mineral water will also benefit after alcohol libations, it will perfectly cope with a hangover and cleanse the body of toxins. The detoxifying properties of Borjomi will also come in handy after any poisoning.

Such a drink can be used not only for domestic consumption. So washing with mineral water will make the skin of the face fresher and saturate it with a significant amount of oxygen. But keep in mind that if the skin is too sensitive or prone to allergies, the reaction to such a procedure may be unforeseen.

Borjomi is also useful for all those people who want to get rid of excess weight. This water contains a number of elements that can activate energy exchange, improve the activity of all organs, and also saturate the cells of the body with oxygen. However, keep in mind that daily consumption of such mineral water is not advisable, and definitely will not benefit. If you need systemic consumption, you should consult a doctor.

Who is dangerous Borjomi? Water damage

As we have already clarified several times, prolonged consumption of mineral water cannot bring any benefit to the body. If you are going to take Borjomi for medicinal purposes, you should definitely consult a doctor. Self-medication can not only not help, but also aggravate the course of the disease.

So the excessive use of this drink can cause a sharp shift in the balance in the body to the alkaline side, thereby provoking problems with metabolism. At the same time, many people may experience increased swelling, as well as problems in the activity of the digestive tract.

So Borjomi is categorically not recommended to consume at the stage of exacerbation of ulcerative lesions of the stomach or duodenum. In addition, such water is not indicated for chronic dysentery, ulcerative colitis, helminthic invasions, and heart ailments prone to decompensation. If we talk about taking it during pregnancy, then this issue should also be discussed with the doctor.

Thus, Borjomi can benefit the body only with moderate and proper consumption.

Today, pharmacies and regular grocery stores offer a wide range of various mineral waters. One of its most popular types is Borjomi.

Few people know that all these types are divided into two large groups: medicinal and table water. And if the first group can be used only on the recommendation of a doctor and in a certain dosage, then things are much easier with the second group. Thus, Borjomi mineral water can be consumed by almost all people without exception, but only if its mineralization does not exceed 10 g per liter. At the same time, even despite the fact that it belongs to the group of table waters, doctors prescribe its use for preventive purposes and in the treatment of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

But, despite the large amount, any mineral water can also harm the body, and in this case, Borjomi is no exception. Its benefits and harms will directly depend on how much is drunk, on its type, on the presence of contraindications for its use, and also on its origin.

Benefits of Borjomi

Perhaps the main benefit that the body receives from drinking this type of mineral water is not only the saturation of all cells with vital moisture, but also the receipt by the cells of important chemical elements, in particular, salts of natural origin.

A separate discussion deserves the use of Borjomi by pregnant women. Benefit and harm in this case are too close. Still water helps to reduce swelling, but carbonated water, on the contrary, is the main provocateur of their occurrence. Therefore, in this case, it is better to consult a doctor.

Regular use of this product, of course, within reasonable limits, helps to normalize bowel function, get rid of increased gas formation and constant heartburn. In addition, making inhalations based on this mineral water, you can cure a cold throat and get rid of redness in it in a short time. At the same time, Borjomi mineral water, the benefit of which also lies in the choleretic effect, is sold almost everywhere, and is much cheaper than expensive pharmacy products. It is important to remember that you can drink it only in a warm form and no more than three glasses a day.

It is also very important to remember that any medal has two sides. This also applies to Borjomi mineral water. The benefits and harms of its wrong choice and use can change places. That is, instead of treating some diseases, you can only provoke their further development.

It is worth saying right away that Borjomi itself cannot do any harm. It all depends on the moment and quantity of its use. Also, exceeding the recommended doses can provoke bloating and heartburn.

It should be remembered that water extracted from natural wells and sold for sale has different levels of mineralization, and each variety has its own indications for use. One of its most useful and safe types is Borjomi. The benefits and harms of this product directly depend on the correct choice and method of its use.

"Borjomi" - natural drinking water of natural mineralization. It is used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases that affect the digestive system, metabolism. Still, its regular use has some contraindications.

And all this needs to be known to a person who has decided to include such water in his diet.

What is the power of Borjomi water?

This water has become famous for its healing properties. For everyone who uses Borjomi water, its beneficial properties become obvious. They manifest themselves not only in the form of cleansing the body, the accelerated process of removing toxins. Borjomi water is used in complex therapy for the treatment of numerous diseases, and it is also recommended to use it simply to quench your thirst. Doctors use this drink as the basis for inhalation for respiratory diseases.

The healing properties of "Borjomi" are manifested in the impact on the functioning of the digestive processes, in the control of the level of acidity. Drinking liquid while eating improves the digestion process.

A worthy place in medicine

The method of treating colds using this water is also popular. Only 100 gr. mineral water "Borjomi" should be mixed with the same volume of boiling milk. This mixture is not only able to eliminate sore throats, but also to help with coughing. It is recommended to add a spoonful of honey to it. Periodic drinking of water can eliminate the manifestation of respiratory, as well as viral infectious diseases. This action is explained by the fact that this elixir controls the acidity of all areas of the body and interferes with the formation of pathogenic microflora.

Life-giving moisture

Water "Borjomi" is good for a hangover. It retains fluid in the body, thereby removing intoxication. A person is able to feel much better if water is consumed instead of alcohol. Another important aspect - a certain amount of this water contributes to a surge of energy and strength.

The use of this life-giving moisture for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract will undoubtedly lead to good results.

Water "Borjomi": application

Many methods of treatment involve the use of 150 milliliters of mineral water (3 times a day). It is recommended to drink mineral water 30-40 minutes before eating. As a rule, such therapy is prescribed for a period of 21 days. In addition, the patient who consumes this water is recommended to correct his diet, it is necessary to eat only dietary foods and products. Doctors advise to reconsider your attitude to food. It is advisable to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Useful "Borjomi" already on the 4th day of use normalizes the acid-base balance. Patients say that they noted a decrease in heartburn, and after a week the disappearance of these symptoms, the feeling of bloating also disappears. If water alone is unable to cope with the disease, experts prescribe drugs that reduce the acidity index. The most important advantage of this mineral water is just a positive effect on

The efficiency indicators of Borjomi water (useful properties) testify to the uniqueness of the composition of this product.

Side effects from treatment with this water were not registered. In the course of the therapeutic course, when patients were prescribed Borjomi along with diet therapy, it was found that most of them have reduced or eliminated complaints, the acidity index noticeably decreases, and the overall state of the body improves significantly.

Mineral water "Borjomi" (the beneficial properties of which are confirmed by all doctors) helps with colds. This product allows you to create an alkaline environment in the body in which pathogenic microflora dies. Thus, taking an ordinary mineral water (in a warm form) initiates a speedy recovery.

The result will be most pronounced if you use 100 gr. fluids 30 minutes before meals. Make sure that the water is at the right temperature. Don't keep it in the fridge so you don't have to reheat it later. If a person has a high body temperature, he is in a fever, then the liquid is recommended to be heated to 40 degrees. This must be done on low heat so that the water does not boil. Otherwise, it will lose all the valuable substances that our body needs so much during an illness. The best option would be to heat the mineral water in a water bath.

Often, when coughing or laryngitis, doctors recommend a cocktail from Borjomi. The beneficial properties of this product have been helping humanity for more than a dozen years. In order to prepare the medicine, in addition to water, you will need milk. The components must be mixed in equal proportions. Pre-release the gas from the mineral water. The elixir needs to be slightly warmed up. The drink should be warm, but not hot.


Doctors never prescribe treatment with mineral water if the patient has been diagnosed with a lung disease that is accompanied by fever. Patients with cardiac disorders (heart disease, seizures of a different nature) cannot count on the action of the beneficial components of Borjomi. It is highly undesirable for people suffering from diabetes, migraine, gout and arthritis to use this product.