Ulcerative colitis can be treated or not. How to treat nyak with folk remedies

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis (UC) is a disease of the large intestine that has only a chronic form. It is characterized by a severe recurrent course and erosive and ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane. UC is inflammatory in nature, but the inflammation never spreads to neighboring organs or the small intestine.

If a person has nonspecific ulcerative colitis, no doctor can tell him whether it can be cured forever.

In modern medicine, there is no cure for this disease, but an experimental treatment is being developed, with the help of which it is possible to transfer the chronic process into lifelong remission.

The disease is more common in developed European countries and the United States - 10 people on average per 10,000 population. Countries where UC is more common:

  1. England;
  2. Belgium;
  3. Denmark;
  4. Czech;
  5. Slovakia.

There is no specific age range for the occurrence of NUC. It can affect all age groups, but older people are at minimal risk. According to statistics, the Jewish nation is more prone to NUC. Also noted hereditary predisposition to the disease: in families where parents suffer from UC, the risk of the disease in children increases by more than 15%.

If ulcerative colitis is detected, the life expectancy of patients is shortened by an average of 10 years.

A reliable cause of the occurrence of NUC has not been found. There are several theories of the origin of this disease:

  • Influence of environmental factors. Under the influence of inhaled vapors of chemicals (tobacco smoke, exhaust gases), the mucous membrane of the large intestine is destroyed.
  • Taking medications. Frequent use of antibiotics causes dysbacteriosis in the intestines, including the colon, which leads to a decrease in the protective properties of the mucous membrane and the appearance of erosive lesions.
  • Microorganisms. There is a theory that UC is an infectious disease and can be caused by bacteria or viruses.
  • The theory of oral contraceptives. Explains the occurrence of NUC in women who use hormonal means of preventing pregnancy. Estrogens in contraceptives can cause the formation of microthrombi in the vessels of the large intestine.
  • Autoimmune origin of the disease. Scientists believe that UC is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system fights against colon cells as if they were foreign.

According to the case histories of non-specific ulcerative colitis, there is a connection with hereditary factors. More than 15% of patients with UC in the family also had cases of this disease.


Nonspecific ulcerative colitis - microbial code 10 K51. Also, according to microbial 10, NUC is classified as follows:

  1. K51.0 - Ulcerative enterocolitis;
  2. K51.1 - Ulcerative ileocolitis (damage to all parts of the large intestine);
  3. K51.2 - Ulcerative proctitis (damage to the rectum and colon);
  4. K51.3 - Ulcerative rectosigmoiditis (lesion of the rectum and sigmoid colon);
  5. K51.9 - Ulcerative colitis, unspecified

In addition to ICD 10, there is a NUC classification depending on localization:

  • Total;
  • left hand;
  • Total, which is combined with a lesion of the distal ileum.


In a person with non-specific ulcerative colitis, the symptoms primarily indicate a violation of the rectum. The act of defecation and the nature of the bowel movements change:

  1. Frequent urge to defecate, the number of visits to the toilet can reach 20 or more times per day;
  2. Feces have a mushy consistency;
  3. Pathological impurities appear in the stools - blood, mucus, pus;
  4. There are false urges to defecate.

In addition to impaired defecation, there is a change in the general condition. Weakness, fatigue appear, in some cases the body temperature rises to 39 0 C. Due to constant urges, a person cannot concentrate on work, attention is lost, and working capacity decreases. Due to the loss of a large amount of fluid in the feces, dehydration occurs. Human skin turns pale, sleep is disturbed, appetite disappears. Sexual function decreases, libido disappears. Significantly reduced body weight.

The water-electrolyte balance is disturbed, which leads to disruption in the work of all organs and systems:

  • Electrolyte disturbance leads to changes in the work of the heart. The patient feels a heartbeat, cardiac activity becomes arrhythmic, shortness of breath is noted.
  • The work of the urinary system and kidneys is disturbed. Due to fluid loss, the filtration capacity of the kidneys is reduced, which can lead to kidney failure. There is also a risk of kidney stones.
  • Violation of the musculoskeletal system. Joint mobility decreases due to a decrease in the amount of electrolytes, pathological fragility of bones appears.


The diagnosis of NUC begins with the clarification of the patient's complaints. Since the complaints are characteristic, after communicating with the patient, it is easy to make a preliminary diagnosis. An objective examination is carried out, which determines:

  1. Dry skin, decreased elasticity;
  2. Pain in the lower abdomen;
  3. Minor deformities of the joints;
  4. Violation of the work of the heart, and rapid, uneven pulse.

Further, additional research methods are prescribed. In the general analysis of blood, anemia, leukocytosis, a shift of the leukocyte formula to the left are noted. In the analysis of urine - an increase in its density, the presence of salts, cylinders. With a running form - the appearance of protein and sugar in the urine. In the biochemical blood test, there is a C-reactive protein and circulating immune complexes, indicating an autoimmune component of the disease.

Of the instrumental methods, sigmoidoscopy is performed, during which a piece of intestinal tissue is taken for a biopsy. There is a thickening of the folds of the intestine, their smoothness, swelling of the mucous membrane. A characteristic symptom is the presence of ulcers and erosions that penetrate shallowly into the thickness of the intestine and in rare cases reach the muscular layer. Microscopic examination determines hemorrhages and changes in the structure of capillaries, a decrease in the number of goblet cells.

If there are appropriate symptoms, consultations of related specialists, ECG and x-rays are prescribed.

Conservative treatment

Before starting treatment, a diet is prescribed for nonspecific ulcerative colitis of the intestine. Diet features:

  • Food should be liquid or soft, all solid foods must be crushed or grated;
  • The temperature of the dishes should be at least 15 and not more than 65 degrees;
  • It is allowed to drink tea, but not hot;
  • Broths are allowed only fat-free, bread - yesterday;
  • Spicy, fried or salty foods are contraindicated.

Nutrition for NUC should be balanced and rich in vitamins, it is necessary to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. If there is significant intestinal damage, the patient is transferred to parenteral nutrition.

In addition to diet, with ulcerative nonspecific colitis, an appropriate regimen is prescribed. Patients are prohibited from physical activity, it is necessary to alternate the regime of work and rest, get enough sleep.

The main directions in drug treatment are the fight against inflammatory changes and the healing of existing erosions. Drugs that have this effect are derivatives of 5-aminosalicylic acid:

  1. Sulfasalazine;
  2. Mesalazine.

They can be used in the form of tablets or microclysters. The course of treatment is lifelong. In addition to these drugs, glucocorticosteroids (dexamethasone or prednisolone) are prescribed in combination. They are administered intravenously and are used only when the disease recurs.

The drug vedolizumab is also used. It is an antibody. The drug is new, so it is not widely used. However, studies have been conducted, according to which the drug caused a long-term remission in most patients.

A side effect of the drug against UC is slowing down the movement of spermatozoa. Therefore, in men with ulcerative colitis, infertility occurs, but reversible. If the drugs are canceled, sexual function is restored.

Folk methods of treatment

If ulcerative colitis is diagnosed, treatment with folk remedies can also lead to remission of the disease, but only in combination with drug treatment. There are methods for internal use or directly injected into the rectum. With NUC, folk remedies are recommended to be selected together with the attending physician.

Herbs that help in the fight against UC:

  • St. John's wort. It is brewed for 1.5 hours in proportion to 2 tablespoons of 0.5 liters of water. It is necessary to drink 3 times a day before meals for half a glass.
  • Chamomile. It has a softening and healing effect. It is brewed in the same way as St. John's wort, and after infusion, honey is added. Take 3-4 times a day.
  • Herbal intestinal collections. Sold in pharmacies. 2 tablespoons are brewed in 0.5 liters of boiling water and infused for 2 hours. It is necessary to drink 4 times a day half an hour before meals.

In addition to herbs, you can take propolis tincture inside. It has a healing and antibacterial effect, and also relieves inflammation. The tincture is sold in pharmacies and added to tea or clean water in 10 drops. It must be taken 3 times a day before meals.

Sea buckthorn oil is used for microclysters, as it has a healing effect. It is recommended to enter before going to bed, then fall asleep. The course of treatment is 30 enemas.

Experimental treatment

In modern medicine, an experimental method has been developed on how to treat ulcerative colitis. This technique is called a fecal transplant. Its essence lies in the transplantation of normal microflora from a donor to a recipient. Since UC is a disease in which the balance of microorganisms in the colon is disturbed, the transplantation of normal microflora helps the changes in the intestinal wall to heal and the symptoms disappear. Since the method is experimental, it is used quite rarely and not in all hospitals. Despite the fact that the method does not require the use of additional medications, the diet for UC should be maintained.

Anyone who meets the following requirements can become a donor:

  1. The donor cannot be a family member or a person who eats with the patient;
  2. Must not have gastrointestinal disease;
  3. The presence of an acute infectious process in the body, HIV infection, viral hepatitis is a strict contraindication to donation;
  4. Strictly from 18 years old.

After stool is taken from the donor, it is mixed with water and injected through the colonoscope into the lumen of the large intestine to the maximum depth.

Thanks to this method, the history of recovery is known in patients with UC. Although a stool transplant does not completely cure the disease, a lifelong remission is possible, which has been compared to recovery. According to studies, this method can restore 90% of the microflora of the affected intestine.

If a person has ulcerative colitis, treatment with a fecal transplant at home is strictly contraindicated.

To avoid exacerbation of nonspecific ulcerative colitis (i.e., its pronounced resumption), it is necessary to have an idea of ​​​​the factors that provoke relapses of this disease.

They are listed below.

What causes an exacerbation of NUC?

What causes the deterioration of the patient's condition?

Practicing gastroenterologist of the State Scientific Center of Coloproctology Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Mayat studied the conditions against which patients began to relapse UC. Cases of 250 people suffering from a chronic form of the type of IBD of interest to us were considered - 167 women and 83 men.

As a result of this study, it was possible to identify the following trigger factors:

  1. the use of drugs of certain categories;
  2. seasonal changes in the body;
  3. insufficiently intensive supportive treatment;
  4. intestinal infections.

Let's consider each item separately.

Description of the causes of recurrence of non-specific ulcerative colitis

Firstly, with UC it is extremely undesirable to take NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and many antibiotics: the former disrupt the synthesis of prostaglandins, and the latter adversely affect the intestinal microflora. Over 70% of disease relapses in members of the control group were associated with NSAID therapy, 30% with antibacterial treatment. It must be remembered that the intestines in IBD are very vulnerable, and try not to injure it with contraindicated pills in order to fight other ailments.

Secondly, ulcerative colitis often aggravates due to seasonal changes in the body's homeostasis, namely, fluctuations in the level of eosinophils. This trend was revealed in 90% of patients. Patients, of course, cannot prevent the change of seasons, but they are quite capable of being especially careful during periods of increased risk.

Thirdly, the interruption of maintenance therapy can play a negative role. In people who took 5-ASA preparations (salofalk, etc.) for 12 months of remission, the frequency of exacerbations was 6%, in the same patients who stopped the course after 6 months, it reached 15%. What is the conclusion? We must not forget about NIBD even when it ceases to remind of itself with distinct symptoms.

Finally, in 37% of patients with recurrent UC, the pathogenic bacteria Campylobacter jejuni, which causes campylobacteriosis, was found. However, what should be considered the presence of these microorganisms - the cause of ulcerative colitis or its consequence - is still unclear. Either way, patients with UC do well to be especially vigilant in terms of basic prevention of intestinal infections. To clarify, campylobacteriosis is usually transmitted through insufficiently well-processed animal products - milk and meat. The infection is manifested by diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes fever.

An interesting point: the observations of L.A. Mayat showed that one of the supposed ones - the regular use of oral contraceptives - is very, very doubtful. More than 30 women from the control group used oral contraceptives for a year, and none of them relapsed during this period.

The stress factor did not receive direct statistical confirmation, however, it was not excluded from the general series: it was previously confirmed by other studies, more prolonged.

Another interesting finding: it turned out that people who, even before the first manifestation of ulcerative colitis, had acquired a stable habit of smoking, are not safe to make drastic attempts to part with this, by and large, addiction. For five years, the number of exacerbations of UC in patients who quit smoking was higher than in smokers and non-smokers.

In conclusion, we emphasize that the list given in the article, apparently, not full- the problem of prevention of recurrence of ulcerative colitis will remain relevant until the final clarification of the latter.

But what to do if the exacerbation still began? How to relieve the symptoms that cause really significant discomfort in ulcerative colitis? Do not look for salvation on the Internet. The only right decision is to see your doctor. The doctor will recommend drugs that will help achieve a stable remission, and will give recommendations for a temporary tightening of the diet.

Literature used in preparing the publication:

Nonspecific inflammatory bowel disease / ed. Vorobieva G.I., Khalifa I.L. - M. : Miklosh, 2008.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis- a formidable disease, deadly in its lightning-fast form, fraught with serious complications in the chronic course of the inflammatory process. Affecting the lower intestine (the rectum and colon are more often inflamed), ulcerative colitis manifests itself as pain in the abdomen, bleeding. When inflammation covers large areas of the inner surface of the intestines, diarrhea occurs, often mixed with mucus, blood clots.

Dehydration, constant (often painful) urge to defecate, allergies to certain types of protein foods, refusal to eat, depressed mental state, depression of most bodily functions - these are just a few. main symptoms and characteristics of the patient's condition with chronic ulcerative colitis.

Causes of ulcerative colitis modern medicine is not precisely defined. It has been established that the nature of the disease lies in the self-destructive action of the body. It is assumed that the appearance of ulcerative colitis is largely a consequence of the presence of a defect in the genes.

It is noted that nonspecific ulcerative colitis rarely found in residents of areas of traditional consumption olive oil. Since Provencal oil is inaccessible to most citizens of our country, domestic phytotherapeutists have found another way to supply the body with oleic acid (it is it, contained in abundance in unrefined olive oil, that prevents the occurrence of intestinal inflammation) in combination with astringents.

Suggesting small doses daily sea ​​buckthorn oil, and in case of symptoms of the disease, apply nightly microclysters (preferably after cleansing the intestines with infusions of chamomile or calendula, if there is a tendency to constipation) with sea buckthorn and rosehip oil, herbalists have achieved impressive results.

For cleansing enema 1-1.5 liters of infusion is required: brew 2 tablespoons of chamomile or calendula flowers with a liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain. Use warm. For microclysters enough 30-50 ml of warm oil, which is injected into the rectum for 20-30 minutes before bedtime. Part of the oil will be absorbed by the walls of the intestines and will have its therapeutic effect, the rest will come out.

But what about those patients who have been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis for a long time, and diets and drug treatment give a temporary or even dubious effect? Of course, turn to trusted folk remedies and recipes herbal medicine!

The direction of the phytotherapeutic "strike" in ulcerative colitis is anemia (a consequence of blood loss), lack of appetite, erosion and ulceration of the inner surface of the intestines, and a depressed psychological state. A complex task requires a comprehensive solution, therefore, in the treatment of ulcerative colitis, herbal preparations are used, consisting of herbal preparations of co-directional action.

As a rule, fees intended for the treatment of ulcerative colitis include medicinal herbs that give:

- enveloping effect (helps protect the affected tissue from the traumatic effects of digestive juices and food debris);

- astringent effect (vasoconstriction reduces bleeding of inflamed intestinal membranes, reduces exudation, slows down the rate of development of the lesion, minimizes the likelihood of infection with pathogenic bacterial flora);

- anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect (food allergies are a constant companion of ulcerative colitis);

- hemostatic action.

During the period of remission, fees are applied that increase the intensity of blood circulation in the mucous membranes (and thereby contribute to regenerative processes), activating wound healing.

Multivitamin teas and infusions should become an indispensable assistant to the patient: constant blood loss, limited nutrition often lead to a deficiency of substances necessary for the body.

Precious Experience traditional medicine enriches the treasury of knowledge with information about the healing power of individual plants, gives recipes for the rational use of the healing power hidden in herbal preparations.

One of the most important recommendations developed by traditional medicine and allowing in some cases to completely get rid of the symptoms of the disease concerns Icelandic cetraria. It helps to restore the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines, relieves inflammation, treats erosion. Used for diarrhea. You can drink cetraria for a long time without fear of side effects, because. it is non-toxic and does not irritate the stomach. Moss decoction: 1 tbsp. l. well-ground raw materials brew 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil over low heat or in a water bath for 5 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take the resulting decoction divided into 3 doses 30 minutes before meals.

alder bark and alder cones(overwintered, collected before the beginning of the spring sap flow), dried and crushed, used to make a decoction, or brewed as tea. Used with honey. A successful combination of alder and soothing herbs - valerian, motherwort: 3 tablespoons of alder bark or cones, 1 tablespoon of motherwort herb, 1 teaspoon of valerian roots, mix. To prepare the infusion, brew a tablespoon of the mixture with half a liter of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain. Drink 4-5 doses a day instead of regular tea.

Useful infusion of dried berries and leaves raspberries and forest strawberries. By activating the liver, raspberries and strawberries increase the overall tone of the body, contribute to the accelerated removal of toxins, and intensify the healing process of affected areas.

Beneficial for ulcerative colitis turpentine balm based on cedar resin. I recommend making a turpentine balm with extra virgin olive oil: 1 part oleoresin (resin) and 5 parts oil. Make a mixture by heating in a water bath until completely dissolved, strain through cheesecloth. Resin and the turpentine balm created on its basis perfectly heals the gastrointestinal tract, has a disinfecting effect, restores the intestinal microflora and pancreatic function, and cleanses the liver. Inside, the balm is used in its pure form or diluted in a small amount of any vegetable oil (for diarrhea, it is better to take it without diluting it). Start taking 2 drops 3 times a day, before meals. Adding 2 drops daily, increase the dose to 15 and drink for a month. This is one course of treatment. After a month break, the course can be repeated.

Long-term reception collection, consisting of equal parts of centaury, sage and chamomile, gives a significant effect in the fight against secondary bacterial lesions of inflamed areas of the intestine. To prepare the infusion, a teaspoon of a mixture of herbs should be brewed with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for half an hour, strain. Taking an infusion of a tablespoon every two hours for several weeks, you can achieve stabilization of the condition of inflamed tissues, reduce pain, and reduce the frequency of the urge to defecate.

Leaf brewed in the same way with boiling water peppermint brings noticeable relief to patients who have ulcerative colitis with severe pain. Take the infusion should be half a glass to a glass half an hour before meals.

Tannins grenade may be useful in patients with ulcerative colitis as astringents. For treatment, both dry fruit peels and fresh grains with fleshy partitions and peel are used. The decoction is prepared by boiling chopped pomegranate for half an hour (1 pomegranate cut into pieces per half liter of water). The infusion is taken a little twice a day.

It is difficult to overestimate the healing effect yarrow given to patients with colitis. The preparation of a medicinal infusion of yarrow takes time: up to a day, the grass drenched in boiling water languishes in a tightly closed opaque bowl. After the infusion is evaporated by half, cooled, mixed with a small amount of alcohol and glycerin, thoroughly stirred and aged for some time. A composition of 30 drops is taken half an hour before meals.

Gives good results cherry fruit infusion, taken as an additional remedy for half a glass before meals (2-3 tablespoons of fruits per half liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour).

Help microclysters with celandine infusion done twice a day. Celandine effectively fights pathogenic intestinal microflora, clears mucus. To prepare the infusion, 1 teaspoon of chopped herbs must be brewed with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain. For one microclyster, 50 ml of infusion is enough, which should be injected into the rectum for 150-20 minutes. However, this plant contains toxic substances, and its preparations must be taken strictly following the dosage.

bitterness, concentrated in wormwood, gentian, yarrow, dandelion and other plants, cause the gastrointestinal tract of a patient with ulcerative colitis to secrete more digestive secretions. Such a measure contributes to the complete absorption of nutrients in the upper intestines, which improves the general condition of the patient and reduces the load on the distal intestines affected by the disease.

A complex therapeutic effect in the chronic course of ulcerative colitis provides collection of herbs from equal parts of oregano herb, chopped shepherd's purse, leaves of dioecious nettle, highlander bird, yarrow, St. John's wort. To prepare the infusion, a teaspoon of a mixture of herbs should be brewed with a glass of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes. Take the infusion three times a day for half a cup before meals.

Another proven means of combating the manifestations of ulcerative colitis, suitable for use both during the period of exacerbation and during remission, is collection, composed in equal parts of grass cudweed, tea rose petals, chamomile flowers, calendula flowers, horsetail grass, dried agrimony, bitter wormwood, valerian roots, wheatgrass, rose hips, dill, St. John's wort herb, yarrow herb, midge, leaves stinging nettle, crushed Jerusalem artichoke tubers.

The healing effect of medicinal herbs of this collection applies to all manifestations of the disease. At the same time, the active substances of plants do not oppose each other (as often happens with thoughtless mixing of herbal remedies), but effectively interact with each other, helping the weakened body to cope with the disease.

However, even the most effective herbal preparations should be taken against the background of a demanding attitude to the patient's diet. Special diets, made up of easily digestible products that provide the body with a full range of nutrients, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, as well as a limited amount of fiber, will become a worthy assistant to the healing forces of nature concentrated in medicinal plants.

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Questions and answers on: nak treatment for exacerbation

2013-02-05 19:04:49

Alexander asks:

Good afternoon! I have NUC, I would like to ask you a few questions. The aggravation was already 3 times in 2.5 years, the last time in May 2012, right now, mine is starting again. Previously, when an exacerbation occurred, doctors said it was a mild form, since ulcers were not detected. I read on the Internet about folk methods of treatment with Shestokosky balm with sea buckthorn oil, I would like to try it, do you think there will be even more harm from this ??? And is it possible to play sports with this disease?? And which doctor should be consulted with a proctologist or gastroenterrologist in case of exacerbation?

Responsible Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello, Alexander. Still, proctologists deal more closely with the problem of UC, however, gastroenterologists also treat mild and moderate forms with success. From your words, you have been sick for 2.5 years, during which time you should already decide on a permanent attending physician and be under his supervision. Now regarding your other questions. I think that it will not be worse from taking Shestakovsky's balm (vinylin) and sea buckthorn oil, but traditional preparations (salofalk, pentasa, etc.) should not be forgotten either. As for physical activity, if it is a load of moderate intensity, then they are not contraindicated.

2012-07-24 02:53:22

Maria asks:

Hello, I am 18 years old. It was only last year that I was diagnosed with UC when I first discovered blood in my stool. Then I took prednisolone, sulfasalazine, salofalk in suppositories and the exacerbation went away. Since then, there have been no exacerbations and now I take Salofalk 500 hl 4 times a day and Salofalk suppositories 2 suppositories 2 times a week. I strictly follow a diet. But in the last six months, I started having serious problems with my immune system, I get a cold every month (or even more often), as well as problems in the female part of bartholinitis every month and a very strong thrush, with the use of local drugs they disappear for only a week and then again are resumed. The doctor said that with such a small dose of sulfasalazine, this should not happen. Can you please tell me what treatment for NUC can be applied regarding bartholinitis and thrush? The gynecologist advised to remove the baroline gland, is it necessary? Is there any other way out for my illness? And how soon can you reduce the dose of sulfasalazine? During the year there were no exacerbations and the state of health is good.

Responsible Lukashevich Ilona Viktorovna:

Dear Maria, you can reduce the dose of salofalk only after examining the rectum and confirming clinical and endoscopic remission. If the gynecologist sees the need to remove one of the Bartholin glands, then it is necessary. Regarding thrush, I think it is not connected with the real intake of salofalk, rather it is the consequences of taking prednisolone. But this defect is also treated, just longer than in relatively healthy patients.

2015-03-31 03:22:30

Konstantin asks:

I have UC for 10 years (I did colonoscopy at different times in three different places, they took a biopsy, etc.). Approximately 40 cm of the colon was affected. I don't take any medication. No blood, no diarrhea. There is weight loss, decreased performance, mood, etc. This year there was a slight exacerbation (as expected - blood, pain in the intestines, diarrhea, etc.), against the backdrop of the New Year holidays, but I managed to go into remission again without drugs. NUC has not gone anywhere, periodically I feel a slight pain in my left side.
1. How typical is such a case as mine for UC in terms of the nature of the flow?
2. What do you think about Fecal Transplant, which is gaining momentum in the West and which more and more people with IBD decide, even at home, out of desperation? I heard that in Ukraine they started using this method for the treatment of C. difficult.
I also want to advise all patients with UC not to despair (the feeling that my grief is wider than the universe is also very familiar to me). It is also possible for someone to come in handy - despite the recommended diet 4b for UC - it is very important to look at what foods each patient with UC has a reaction (food intolerance) - I personally have potatoes (it gets bad, very), oats (everything inside burns, diarrhea), olive oil (severe weakness) and walnuts (blood appears). And the first, most severe exacerbation, with a 1 month stay in the hospital, I had against the background of attempts to self-treat NUCL with HERBS.

Responsible Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello Konstantin. Your case is really not very typical. It is rare for anyone to be able to achieve remission of UC without the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. It is also not typical that without treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs, you manage to stabilize the spread of the disease. That is, the inflammatory process affects only 40 cm (in your words) of the colon and does not spread to other parts of the colon. However, the absence of anti-inflammatory therapy may have another negative effect. Against the background of untreated inflammation, processes of degeneration of the colon mucosa are possible, therefore, it is necessary to periodically conduct fibrocolonoscopy and perform a biopsy of the colon mucosa in its various departments in order to detect dysplasia. As for the method of fecal transplantation, this method is very promising, and in various branches of medicine. It has been shown to be effective in the treatment of antibiotic-associated colitis caused by Clostridium deficile. However, I have not seen enough data yet to support the efficacy of this treatment for patients with inflammatory bowel disease. In my opinion, this method is quite promising, I think that we need to wait a couple of years and we will receive information about the use of this method specifically for the treatment of patients with IBD.

2015-03-29 22:38:31

Yegor asks:

I am 32 years old, I was diagnosed with UC 7 years ago. After a long treatment, a remission came, I forgot about the disease for 2 years - nothing hurt, I gained weight.
Now for 8 months the exacerbation has begun. I am taking Salofalk.
Since the beginning of the exacerbation, I have lost almost 15 kg, from 80 kg to 65 kg. Constant colds, runny nose, fatigue and drowsiness. Periodically there are pains in the back, at first in the upper part, now the lower back hurts a lot.
Tell me, can this be the consequences of NUC? At the slightest hypothermia and draft - another cold, and you don’t feel like taking additional medicines at all.

2014-09-24 14:41:45

Anna asks Savvina:

Dear Fedot Gennadievich, could such drugs as a polarizing mixture + magnesia and vinpocetine in droppers cause an exacerbation of UC. A week after their treatment in the department of neurology, an exacerbation began. Despite the fact that I was on a maintenance dose of salofalk 2g all the time

Responsible Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello Savina. I think that these drugs could not cause exacerbation of UC. Now we need to reconsider the dosage of salofalk. Don't put off a visit to your doctor. Good luck to you!

2014-03-22 10:02:43

Alena asks:

Hello! Please tell me how to achieve a stable remission with UC?? I was diagnosed with a total form of UC in December 2013, but I had problems with the intestines for about 2.5 years (the exacerbation was about 2 times a year and lasted for 2-3 months, and then everything returned to normal), I just didn’t know my diagnosis and suffered self-medication. After such a diagnosis was made, I was treated: for 10 days metronidazole was dripped 2 times a day, Trichopolum tablets 3 times a day after meals, salofalk 3 g per day, folic acid 3 times a day, 1 tab. After 1 month, it became easier, but the remission is not stable, if I leave the diet a little, the stool is not normal (not liquid, but mushy) 3-4 times a day. But it gets back to normal after a few days. I am very worried and want to achieve a stable remission. For a month now, I have reduced the dose from 3 grams to 2.4 grams. Maybe "SPRING" affects my immune system and can again increase the dose to 3 grams per day ??? Thank you very much in advance!!!

Responsible Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello Alena.
It is impossible to answer your question in absentia. To do this, you need to see the patient, have the data of endoscopic examination of the colon, laboratory tests. However, you are probably right, if exacerbations of the disease continue with a decrease in the dose of the drug, then you need to either maintain the effective dosage of this drug or switch to other more effective drugs - either hormones or immunosuppressants (azathioprine, immuran). Consult with your doctor regarding further treatment tactics in your case.

2014-02-21 06:49:15

Vitaly asks:

Hello! Please help with advice. My NUC was diagnosed in 2002 at the Vishnevsky hospital. I was treated from 2002 to 2012, I was in remission, UC didn’t bother me, but I did a colonoscopy every year, everything was fine, they didn’t even believe that there was UC. And in the fall of 2012, it began, with blood, mucus, a colonoscopy was performed, the diagnosis of NUC exacerbation was treated according to the scheme of prednesolone 40g with a decrease of 0.5; salofalk in granules 3g, zakofalk, creonn, alpha-normix, duspatalin. He went into remission, there was no pain during the treatment. In the autumn of 2013, exactly one year later, NUC exacerbation, running to my doctor, began to be treated according to the scheme, pain began in the left side of the abdomen, bloating, stools without blood 2 times a day, during the day everything is fine, but in the evening it’s just a hell of a condition that you want but it doesn’t work in the toilet, the air doesn’t come out, as if the cork is clogged and there is almost no peristalsis in the intestines, you start drinking water, it starts to slowly let go, but for good, did a colonoscopy of UC but goes into remission, the inflammation process is still present in the colon and sigmoid, but not strong, there are also partial diverticula 0.5-0.7 without signs of inflammation. Biopsy everything is normal NUC without pathologies. Currently I drink salofalk in granules 1g per day, zakofalk, for pains duspatalin and in the morning dufalac, but however, during the day I feel fine, everything works and the air leaves and I go to the toilet well, but as the evening everything starts again, everything is blocked, the air does not leave, but I want to. Prompt, what is it can be and as though it is possible to try to be treated or what else inspection to pass or take place. Thank you very much in advance!

Responsible Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello Vitaly. Now he needs to undergo a fibrocolonoscopy and a consultative examination at a specialized state proctology center. Sincerely, Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich

2013-10-23 17:27:53

Olga asks:

Hello, I am 45 years old, diagnosed with moderate UC since 1998. Since that time, the disease has been exacerbated twice - in 1998 (when the diagnosis was established) and in 2008. Treatment both times took place without hormones. She underwent a planned video colonoscopy on October 23, 2013. Conclusion: UC of moderate severity, phase of moderate activity.
I have no health complaints. The release of the intestine is regular 1 time per day in the morning, the stool is formed, without blood.
I follow a 4-table diet, diet, all the advice and appointments of a gastroenterologist. What confuses me is that with such a diagnosis, I have no complaints about my health, nothing hurts, no loose stools. This surprises the gastroenterologist, the coloproctologist, and the doctor who performed the video colonoscopy. It just scares me (not that I feel good, but that there is a disease, but I do not feel its manifestation). Can this be explained by the fact that I have a high pain threshold? Have you encountered similar cases in practice?
It is very important for me to get a second opinion, because the surprise of doctors that something is wrong with me scares me very much.
Thanks in advance for your attention to my problem.

Responsible Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello? Olga. Similar cases were in my practice. Tell me if you have taken a biopsy from the colon and describe the colonoscopy in full in the next letter. Perhaps after that I will be able to tell you something.

2013-08-24 08:40:33

Olga asks:

Good afternoon! Husband is 35 years old. I was diagnosed with NUC two years ago. He underwent a course of treatment, his condition improved, but diarrhea with streaks of blood persisted all this time. Followed only a diet without medication. Recently, an exacerbation began again - weakness, loss of appetite ... We underwent an examination - a colonoscopy. She showed that the area of ​​the sigmoid colon was affected at a depth of 20 cm. Further, the mucosa is clean, normal. nothing is written about the rectum either. Now we have been taking salofalk 4 times a day for 2 weeks, Enzistal 3 times, Duspatalin - 2 times, microclysters with collargol. The general condition has improved, but the stools are 6-8 times a day with streaks of blood. I read on this site that with UC, the rectum is also affected, and in general the entire large intestine. Q: Maybe we were misdiagnosed? Our town is small and there are few specialists. We want to go to a larger clinic. Tell me what tests and tests you need to pass in order to accurately establish the diagnosis. Thank you in advance for your reply.

Responsible Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich.

Treatment of ulcerative colitis with folk remedies is the most effective way to help with this disease. Tinctures prepared on the basis of herbs and medicinal plants for ulcerative colitis are recommended not only by traditional healers, but also by many gastroenterologists.

Ulcerative colitis of the intestine is an autoimmune disease, a pathological process that develops due to the presence of trigger factors for mucosal damage: long-term medication, acidity disorders, malnutrition, bad habits, etc.

But if you turn to a gastroenterologist in time, who will prescribe a course of drug therapy and recommend traditional medicine, you can forget about exacerbations for a long time.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis (NUC) is a complex disease of the gastrointestinal tract, characterized by autoimmune damage to the colonic mucosa and manifested by weight loss, chills, pain, and bleeding in the intestines. If therapy is not started or started out of time, the disease acquires a chronically relapsing (with constant exacerbations) course, which is very difficult to treat.

After periods of improvement, flare-ups often reappear. Severe UC can provoke life-threatening complications: colon cancer, bleeding, rupture of the intestinal wall. If life-threatening complications occur, immediate surgical intervention is necessary. Unfortunately, drug therapy for ulcerative colitis is not always effective. But with traditional medicine it gives much better results.

The causes of NUC have not yet been determined. But scientists believe that the basis of the disease is a violation of the immune response, which leads to the disease. There are some factors that can provoke the development of the disease:

    malfunction of the immune system;

    diseases of the stomach, in particular autoimmune gastritis;


  • transferred infectious diseases;

    bad habits.

NUC begins with an inflammatory process in the rectum, which gradually spreads to the large intestine. The lesion passes to the mucous and submucosal layers of the intestine, as a result of which its entire inner surface is covered with ulcers.

Important! Nervous stress contributes to the progression of the disease, so therapy should also be aimed at restoring the emotional balance of the patient.

Ulcerative colitis is considered an autoimmune disease: the body, for unknown scientific reasons, opposes itself. Therefore, the therapy of the disease is a long process consisting of three stages:

    Taking 5-aminosalicylic acid preparations: Mesalazine, Salofalk, Sulfasalazine, Pentasa, etc. Therapy is aimed at reducing the inflammatory process in the intestine and restoring the mucous membrane.

To relieve pronounced symptoms, the gastroenterologist may increase the dose of the drugs mentioned above. As soon as bleeding stops and pain disappears, the dosage will be reduced to maintenance therapy.

    If the drugs of the first group do not bring the desired effect, then hormones may be prescribed by the attending physician. For example, high doses of Metipred followed by a decrease (up to the abolition of hormone therapy). When the patient's condition improves, they are transferred to maintenance therapy with medicines from the salicylates group.

    If the situation has not improved, the gastroenterologist prescribes the strongest drugs of the cytostatic group, which are used to treat tumors. Medicines of this group are prescribed to suppress the aggressive immune response of the body.

A person suffering from ulcerative colitis is advised to reconsider their diet. He is allowed to eat lean fish and meat, dry biscuits, pureed cereals (preferably buckwheat). All dishes are best steamed.

With ulcerative colitis, walnuts and honey are useful. In the acute stage of the disease, decoctions of blueberries, pears, rose hips, etc. help relieve symptoms.

Dairy products, spicy, fried and salty foods, as well as dried fruits, beets, mushrooms, kiwi and chocolate should be excluded from the diet.

In patients, food is poorly digested and partially absorbed into the blood, so you need to eat often (up to 6 times a day), but in small portions.

After the onset of remission, the diet can be expanded, but only after consultation with the doctor.

And dairy products will have to be completely abandoned.

It is possible to alleviate the symptoms and gradually cure ulcerative colitis with the help of properly selected complex treatment: medicines, herbs, psychotherapy.

Sometimes herbal medicine remains the only way of treatment when medical therapy is contraindicated, and surgery can still be avoided.

Folk remedies prepared on the basis of herbs should stop bleeding, envelop the intestinal mucosa and promote wound healing.

Herbs used to treat ulcerative colitis should have the properties described above. In addition, herbal infusions restore the water-salt balance in the body, replenish fluid loss.

Ulcerative colitis is treated with folk remedies and herbal ingredients, proven for centuries:

    Currant, strawberry and raspberry leaves: activate the work of the liver, which fights the disease.

    Nettle: reduces inflammation and cleanses the intestines, and also improves blood clotting.

    Dried blueberries: kills cancer cells and cleanses the intestines.

    Chamomile: A powerful antiseptic that relieves spasms.

    Peppermint: soothes the nervous system, restores the digestive tract and has an antibacterial effect.

    Potentilla: Stops diarrhea and promotes healing of sores.

    Sleep: heals wounds, has a healing effect on bowel function, reduces pain.

    Wormwood: Kills destructive microorganisms in the intestines.

    Celandine: promotes healing of ulcers and reduces inflammation, and also has a calming effect.

    Pomegranate (peel): An infusion of pomegranate peel will stop diarrhea and help reduce inflammation in the body.

    St. John's wort: promotes the removal of purulent contents from the intestines, improves gastrointestinal motility.

    Yarrow: restores stool, has a bactericidal effect.

    Alder: fights intestinal bleeding, heals wounds.

    Highlander bird: has a wound healing effect, reduces inflammation.

The herbs listed above can be used to make medicines and infusions to help treat ulcerative colitis. Herbs can be brewed separately, as well as combined into fees (in equal proportions). Glycerin can be added to ready-made decoctions.

Propolis, its alcohol tincture, prepared on the basis of this natural component, will help to cope with UC.

Initially, treatment begins with a minimum amount of propolis tincture (10%). Recommended dose: 30 drops of tincture diluted in 100 grams of water or milk. Drink 3 times a day.

If after 7 days no adverse reactions occur, then the 10% tincture is replaced by 20%. Dose - 40 drops diluted in milk or water. Take 3 times a day for about a month.

If the disease is chronic, then it is necessary to take a break of 15-20 days, and then repeat the course of treatment.

Some experts argue that it is necessary to take propolis even if an allergic reaction occurs. But! This is not true: the patient's body rejects the medicine! Therefore, try to choose a folk remedy that really can help you, and be sure to consult a gastroenterologist.