Pumpkin seed oil: benefits and harms for the body of women, men and children and how to apply at home. Useful properties, contraindications and recipes for the use of pumpkin seed oil for diseases, in cosmetology and gynecology

Pumpkin seed oil is an environmentally friendly and natural product, it is obtained by using the method of cold pressing the seeds of the vegetable of the same name, due to which almost all components useful for the normal functioning of our body are preserved in it. The properties of pumpkin seed oil are highly valued, especially it is recommended as a therapeutic and prophylactic diet.


The composition and useful properties of pumpkin seed oil

Due to the unique medicinal and gustatory qualities, as well as the various range of actions, pumpkin seed oil is a rather expensive product, only cedar oil can be called more expensive than it. The labor intensity of production and expensive raw materials also significantly affect the price, because in order to get 1 liter of pumpkin seed oil, it is necessary to process 2.5 kg of seeds, which can be obtained from 30 large vegetables. The pumpkin itself is an amazing vegetable, from autumn to spring it completely retains the entire complex of substances contained in it.

Pumpkin seed oil has a high nutritional value, pleasant aroma, great taste, color can vary from dark green to dark brown.

Video: Useful properties of pumpkin seed oil.

Pumpkin seed oil is distinguished by an optimally balanced biochemical composition, which includes a large amount of vitamins, easily digestible proteins, macro- and microelements (more than 50 in total). It also contains a high concentration of polyunsaturated fats, flavonoids, phytosterols (plant hormones), phospholipids and other biologically active substances, due to which its use has a beneficial effect on the functioning of organs and body systems. In particular, with regular use, pumpkin seed oil improves the functioning of the endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular, digestive systems (improves the functioning of the gallbladder, liver, restores its structure), normalizes fat metabolism, stimulates body cleansing processes, strengthens defenses and normalizes hormone levels.

A large amount of vitamin A in pumpkin seed oil has a positive effect on the organs of vision, improves the condition of the skin in case of injuries and diseases, showing bactericidal, regenerating and wound healing properties, and also has a therapeutic effect on the mucous membranes of organs with erosive and ulcerative lesions. Pumpkin seed oil is also rich in vitamin E, which has a positive effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels, moreover, in combination with other elements, it is responsible for the normal functioning of the reproductive processes of our body (potency, spermatogenesis, embryonic development, and much more).

Pumpkin seed oil contains a complex of vitamins of group B, which is important for vision, plays an important role in the processes of hematopoiesis, the work of the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems, and strengthening the immune defense. The condition of our hair, nails and skin depends on the vitamins of this group. In the composition of pumpkin seed oil, you can find quite rare vitamins (T, K), which are necessary for our body for the proper functioning of the excretion and digestion systems and blood clotting, in addition, these vitamins contribute to the absorption of calcium by bone tissue.

Pumpkin seed oil is the champion in mineral composition, it contains more than 50 elements, the leading role is played by zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and selenium, which are involved in the most important processes of our body. The production of insulin and digestive enzymes, the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, hematopoiesis, immunity, the functioning of the brain and the musculoskeletal system are provided by these micro and macro elements. The presence of magnesium serves as an excellent prevention of many diseases (renal stones, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus).

Some components contained in pumpkin seed oil affect the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, reduce it, preventing the occurrence of atherosclerotic plaques, and also restore normal blood pressure.

Pumpkin seed oil has the ability to keep a woman's hormonal levels normal, treat some female diseases (in particular, colpitis, endocervicitis, cervical erosion, etc.), alleviate the symptoms of PMS and menopause.

On the basis of oil, there is a drug Tykveol, which includes all the biologically active substances that pumpkin contains. The drug is produced in the form of rectal suppositories, gelatin capsules filled with pumpkin seed oil and liquid form. One teaspoon of the drug contains a concentration of biologically active substances contained in 3 kg of fresh pumpkin. The daily dose of the drug is equal to the daily norm of vitamins A, E, F.

The use of pumpkin seed oil in cosmetology

Thanks to vitamins, polyunsaturated acids, biologically active substances in the composition, pumpkin seed oil exhibits a lot of useful and healing properties (wound healing, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, etc.), so it is widely used in the complex and preventive treatment of various kinds of damage and skin diseases, in particular, hyperkeratosis, cuts, trophic ulcers, ringworm, diathesis, urticaria, eczema, herpes, psoriasis, burns, bedsores, etc. The cosmetic properties of pumpkin seed oil made it possible to use it in home cosmetology, hair care, nails and facial skin.

With regular use of pumpkin seed oil in its pure form or as an addition to ready-made creams, lotions and masks, the skin receives sufficient hydration and nutrition, softens, increases its elasticity and firmness. It regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, against which it effectively fights acne, seborrhea, and dandruff. Pumpkin seed oil prevents the appearance of vascular networks on the face, has an excellent cleansing ability, eliminates dead skin cells, accelerating the regeneration processes in the epidermis. The abundance of omega fatty acids makes the product an ideal means of preventing early skin aging, prolonging its youth and preserving beauty.

Video: The use of oil in cosmetology and for treatment.

Pumpkin seed oil is suitable for any type of skin, but it shows a special effect in the care of mature, atonic, wrinkled, sensitive and excessively dry skin with signs of peeling and roughness. Pumpkin oil is often used in various products (including sunscreens) for the skin of the face, hands, lips, hair, as well as care products for the delicate skin of children.

Pumpkin oil has a calming effect on the skin, relieves inflammation and irritation, and prevents the occurrence of allergic reactions. In the care of nails and hair, pumpkin seed oil is used in the form of regenerating, stopping hair loss and accelerating growth masks.

Effective recipes for using pumpkin seed oil for face skin, hair

A smoothing & tightening mask for mature skin.

Prepare a two-layer gauze napkin, make cuts for the nose, eyes and mouth. Take so much gauze to impose enough on the neck area. Moisten a washcloth in hot water, wring out so that there is no water. Next, evenly apply pumpkin seed oil (about 30 ml) on it and apply on the face and neck. Get comfortable on the couch (lying), spread a towel over the napkin. After half an hour, remove the napkin, blot the excess oil with a paper towel. Such a mask is effective as an aging prevention, improves skin firmness and elasticity, so it is enough to do it once or twice a month. But to smooth existing wrinkles, improve facial contours, use a mask twice a week.

A daily mask for aging and excessively dry skin.

Pour two tablespoons of pumpkin seed oil into a glass and place in a bowl of hot water. Apply warm oil evenly and not too thickly on the face (including lips) and neck. After forty minutes, remove the remaining oil from the face with a paper towel. The skin after such a procedure becomes soft, moisturized, swelling and bags under the eyes go away.

Mask for cleansing pores and treating acne.

Slightly warmed pumpkin seed oil is applied to a two-layer piece of gauze soaked in hot water and squeezed well. Apply to the face without makeup, after ten minutes carefully wipe the oil off the face with light movements with a cotton pad, rinse the skin with cool water. It is good to do this cleansing procedure three times a week.

Mask against hair loss.

Rub the heated pumpkin oil into the hair roots, hold it under a film and a warm cap for half an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo. The procedure is recommended to be carried out three times a week, for prevention once every two weeks.

Pumpkin seed oil is a great help if you need a beautiful tan. It not only prevents sunburn, but also contributes to an even tan. Just before sunbathing on the beach, lubricate the skin of the face and body with oil. If you have already received a burn, pumpkin seed oil will also help, speed up healing and relieve unpleasant symptoms (pain). Just apply it in a thin layer on damaged skin.

The use of pumpkin seed oil in the treatment

The rich composition of pumpkin seed oil is also used in the genital area, it is prescribed as an additional therapy, as well as for the prevention of male and female infertility, erectile dysfunction, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, as well as diseases of the kidneys, bladder and urethra.

High anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties are widely used in the treatment of diseases of hemorrhoids, mouth and throat, respiratory and vision. Due to its sedative properties, the oil helps to eliminate headaches, treats insomnia, and various diseases of the nervous system. Natural antioxidants and antibiotics, which are part of pumpkin seed oil, contribute to the overall improvement of the body, strengthen the immune system, and also prevent the development of diseases of a cancerous, infectious and allergic nature.

Pumpkin seed oil treatment recipes

From prostate adenoma, prostatitis, reduced potency in men.

It is recommended to take oil three times a teaspoon per day. At the same time, microclysters are shown, which are placed after cleansing enemas (a liter of warm water). For one oil enema procedure, you need to take a tablespoon of oil and 50 ml of warm water. Mix everything thoroughly and inject into the rectum using a children's enema or a syringe without a needle. After the procedure, you need to lie down for fifteen minutes. The treatment course involves the use of 1 liter of pumpkin seed oil.

From constipation, hemorrhoids, fissures in the rectum, proctitis, colitis.

Drink a teaspoon (with a weight of more than 65 kg, take 2 tablespoons) of pumpkin seed oil an hour before a meal, take it three times a day. At the same time, cleansing (1 liter of warm water) and oil enemas are recommended at night (for one procedure, you need to take 3 ml of oil and 50 ml of warm water, mix everything thoroughly and inject into the rectum using a children's enema). The treatment course includes 15 procedures.

From worms.

With pinworms.

Take oil on an empty stomach after waking up (one teaspoon). To increase efficiency, include pumpkin seeds and seasoning (cinnamon, cumin) in the diet.

Treatment of liver cirrhosis, fatty degeneration, obesity, viral and alcoholic hepatitis, periodontal disease, gastritis, ulcers, colitis, stomatitis, enterocolitis.

Reception of pumpkin seed oil two teaspoons three times during the day one hour before meals. The treatment course involves the use of 700-900 ml of pumpkin seed oil.

From cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis.

The treatment course requires 600-800 ml of pumpkin seed oil, which must be taken in a teaspoon three times a day one hour before the main meal.

Treatment of cholelithiasis.

Take inside pumpkin oil. Start with a teaspoon at a time four times a day, every day gradually increasing the amount of consumption up to 100 ml per day. It is better to use it while drinking freshly squeezed lemon or grapefruit juice, in a ratio of 1:2. If, against the background of a strong choleretic effect, the stones begin to move, the dosage should be reduced (to 1/2 or 1/4 teaspoon), while prolonging the course of treatment. 1.5-2 liters of oil are allocated for the treatment course. A similar method will help get rid of stones.

Protection of the liver during chemotherapy and recovery after surgery.

Taking a teaspoon of pumpkin seed oil once every two days throughout the year.

From heartburn.

Take a teaspoon of pumpkin seed oil.

Treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis.

Drink one teaspoon of oil three times a day, one hour before the main meal. The treatment course involves the use of 500-600 ml of the product and can be carried out twice a year.

Dermatitis, eczema, diathesis, psoriasis, diaper rash, fungal skin lesions, herpes, insect bites, herpes, acne.

Treatment of fresh burns of thermal and chemical origin.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis of any nature.

Drink oil in a teaspoon three times a day for an hour of eating. At the same time, drip it into each nasal passage, 6 drops. So be treated for a week.

To relieve pain and burning sensation in cystitis.

Drink 10 drops of oil three times a day before meals (an hour), if after two days the pain does not disappear, consult a doctor.

With inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, periodontal disease, stomatitis.

With inflammatory processes in the lungs and respiratory tract.

Taking oil inside 5-10 drops three times a day for a month.

To relieve hangover.

It helps to take 2-3 teaspoons of oil.

Treatment of erosion and colpitis.

At night, insert a cotton swab soaked in pumpkin seed oil into the vagina. The procedure is carried out daily until complete recovery.

The use of pumpkin oil in aromatherapy

Pumpkin seed oil is used in aromatherapy as an excellent transport oil. To get a massage mixture, you need to combine 30 g of pumpkin seed oil with 6 drops of any essential oil (mixture of oils).

The use of pumpkin seed oil in cooking

Pleasant taste and aroma, high nutritional qualities and the presence of a huge amount of biologically active components in the composition make pumpkin seed oil a useful dietary food product. It has been eaten by people in different countries for more than one century. In recent years, it has gained popularity among adherents of vegetarianism. Europeans often use it as a dressing for vegetable salads mixed with apple cider and vinegar, add it to cereals, vinaigrette, rice, pasta, baked and boiled vegetables, and cook soups from legumes with pumpkin oil. This most valuable food product successfully sets off the taste of pumpkin and zucchini dishes, it is perfect for making marinades, sauces (including sweet ones), gravies, meat and fish dishes, and pastries. Due to its rich taste and rich aroma, pumpkin seed oil should be used sparingly. The product should be added exclusively to ready-made dishes, the oil does not tolerate high temperatures, therefore it cannot be used for frying.

Contraindications to the use of pumpkin seed oil

  • Individual intolerance to the product.
  • Patients with diabetes (only with the permission of a doctor).
  • With caution in cholelithiasis (for treatment, the dosage should be reduced, increasing the duration of the treatment course).

Storing pumpkin seed oil

It is essential to store pumpkin seed oil in a dark and cool place where there is no sunlight. Shelf life at a temperature of 10-15 degrees Celsius can be up to one year. Precipitation may form during storage, which is normal.

Pumpkin has been cultivated by mankind for many centuries. This vegetable is endowed with special taste and unique medicinal properties. Pumpkin was first brought to Russia in the 16th century, since then it has become one of the traditional and main components of various dishes of Russian cuisine. Later, the pulp of this vegetable was recognized as one of the best products for children and preventive nutrition. The beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds, containing about 40% of valuable oil, have been known since the Middle Ages. In Austria, for the first time, oil was made by hand from pumpkin seeds. In the same country, a decree was issued that the oil should be used exclusively as a medicine. At that time, it could only be sold in pharmacies. Due to its unique composition and many useful properties, pumpkin seed oil was called green gold (black) in the Middle Ages. The cost of two hundred grams of oil was equal to the cost of a golden ring. Now pumpkin seed oil is also quite expensive, since the production of this product is associated with the use of very labor-intensive technologies. A special technology for the production of pumpkin oil allows you to save a large number of components useful for the human body.

Composition of pumpkin seed oil

Pumpkin seed oil contains a large amount of easily digestible proteins, vitamins E, A, B1, B2, B6, B3, B9, T, C, P, K, as well as micro and macro elements (about 50) and biologically active components like chlorophyll, phospholipids, phytosterols and flavonoids. Especially a lot of it contains zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and selenium. The complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids included in the composition of the oil contains linolenic and linoleic acids necessary for the human body.

Useful properties of pumpkin seed oil

The healing properties of pumpkin seed oil are unique. The benefits of pumpkin seed oil are beneficial effects on the digestive, cardiovascular, muscular, nervous and endocrine systems. This valuable product cleanses the human body of toxins, toxins, carcinogens.

An important benefit of pumpkin seed oil is to strengthen the immune system and maintain normal hormonal balance. The anti-inflammatory, antitumor and wound-healing properties of pumpkin seed oil are explained by the content of chlorophyll and a large amount of vitamins F and A.

The components included in its composition play an important role in protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism, as well as the synthesis of digestive enzymes and insulin, and hematopoiesis processes. Vitamin E in this product improves the activity of blood vessels and the heart. Some of its components reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood and help maintain blood pressure at a constant level, ensuring the smooth and rhythmic work of the heart muscle. In this regard, pumpkin seed oil can bring tangible benefits in the treatment and prevention of hypertension, atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, anemia and coronary disease.

The benefits of pumpkin seed oil for the skin are due to the high content of phytosterols in it - hormones of natural origin. Oil phospholipids ensure the proper functioning of the gallbladder and liver, restoring its structure and protecting it from the formation of fatty deposits. Therefore, it is useful to regularly use oil for cholelithiasis, fatty liver, viral hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholecystocholangitis and biliary dyskinesia. The use of pumpkin seed oil is also indicated for stomach ulcers, enterocolitis, gastroduodenitis, colitis. It has a mild laxative effect and is successfully used in the treatment of flatulence and constipation.

Pumpkin seed oil also finds successful use in the treatment of helminthiasis. This herbal product is especially effective in the fight against tapeworms.

Pumpkin seed oil has pronounced sedative properties and is very effective for insomnia, diseases of the nervous system, neurotic disorders, and headaches.

Pumpkin seed oil, like the seeds themselves, is successfully used in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases of the urinary organs, as well as the male and female reproductive systems. The product has a beneficial effect on the function of the prostate gland, normalizes spermatogenesis and enhances erectile function. These properties explain the widespread use of pumpkin seed oil in the treatment of adenoma, prostatitis, prostate, as well as diseases of the bladder, kidneys and urethra.

Pumpkin seed oil is equally widely used in the treatment of various gynecological diseases - colpitis, cervical erosion, endocervicitis, ovarian and breast diseases. The product alleviates the painful conditions that accompany menopausal and premenstrual periods and normalizes the ovarian cycle.

Therefore, pumpkin seed oil is useful in the complex treatment of female and male infertility.

The anti-allergic and bactericidal properties of the oil make it very useful for skin diseases and various traumatic skin injuries. However, it cannot be used on oily skin. The harm of pumpkin seed oil for very oily skin is that it clogs pores. This can lead to the formation of pimples, ulcers.

How to use pumpkin seed oil

For the treatment of many diseases, one teaspoon of oil should be taken three times a day about an hour before meals or two hours after meals. Do not drink this product with water. The duration of the course of treatment can be from two weeks to a month.

Harm of pumpkin seed oil

In addition to the benefits, there is also the harm of pumpkin seed oil, which can manifest itself if the prescribed dosages are not observed when using it.

Pumpkin seed oil can cause harm in case of diabetes mellitus or in case of individual intolerance to vegetable oil.

In cholelithiasis, the product should be used with caution, as it can provoke the movement of stones in the gallbladder.

Often, in addition to medicines, we resort to traditional medicine. The use of pumpkin seed oil is widespread in non-traditional healing. In the fight against what diseases it can help, and how to take pumpkin seed oil for medicinal purposes correctly - we find out in this article.

When might pumpkin seed oil treatment be needed?

Pumpkin seed oil contains great amount vitamins, trace elements and amino acids necessary for human life. Traditional medicine uses it for:

  • treatment of diseases such as pancreatitis, gastritis, hepatitis, constipation, helminthiasis;
  • elimination of problems with the central nervous system;
  • getting rid of insomnia, headache;
  • normalization of hormonal levels in women (more on).

In addition, pumpkin seed oil strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, improves the activity of the cardiovascular system, etc.

Often, doctors themselves prescribe pumpkin seed oil in certain doses for diseases such as varicose veins, angina pectoris, hypertension, anemia, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, etc.

This natural product has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. As with the application, pumpkin contributes to the rapid healing of wounds.

Oil is also effective in violation of potency in men. Regular use will help eliminate the problem. For treatment, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. one hour before meals. The duration of the course is 1 month. In addition, it also lies in the fact that the product increases the activity of spermatozoa and prevents the formation of prostate adenoma.

How to use pumpkin seed oil?

You can take pumpkin seed oil for the treatment and prevention of various diseases on an empty stomach or by adding it to salads and cold dishes. It is impossible to fry or stew on it, because when exposed to high temperatures, the product loses the lion's share of its nutrients and acquires a rancid taste.

Despite all the health benefits of using pumpkin seed oil, it should be used with caution and only after consulting a specialist for people:

  • with gallstone disease;
  • suffering from pancreatitis and cholecystitis (especially in acute form);
  • allergic to pumpkin and its seeds;
  • suffering from diarrhea.

Loose stools in the first days of taking pumpkin seed oil is a normal reaction of the body to the product.

How to drink pumpkin seed oil?

When taking pumpkin seed oil for medicinal purposes, you should follow three basic rules:

  • take the product on an empty stomach,
  • do not exceed the recommended dosage,
  • don't miss an appointment.

Compliance with these simple instructions will allow you to get the maximum benefit from a natural product. The duration of the course depends on the type and severity of the disease and, as a rule, is at least 1 month.

Do not expect an instant miracle from taking the remedy. It will be possible to see the effect of the treatment after 3-4 weeks of daily use of pumpkin seed oil.

Taking pumpkin seed oil on an empty stomach

Benefits of taking this remedy:

  • even and smooth skin, strong and shiny hair, healthy and strong nails due to the saturation of the body with useful substances from the inside;
  • improved digestion, no constipation;
  • increased immunity;
  • cleansing the body of toxins.

Why on an empty stomach? In the morning on an empty stomach, the body is able to absorb the maximum of useful substances and provide itself with energy for the whole day.

You should not rush into the oil pool with your head, because. out of habit, the effect can be quite the opposite, and instead of feeling good, there is a risk of suffering from dizziness and nausea. It is worth starting the course with 1 teaspoon of pumpkin seed oil in the first 2-3 days of admission, gradually bringing the dosage of the product to 1 tablespoon.

Pumpkin seed oil capsules

On sale you can find pumpkin seed oil in liquid form and in the form of capsules (details on). If the first option can be bought both in pharmacies and in large supermarkets, then the second is sold in pharmacies or in various online stores. But, you see, ordering oil for medicinal purposes on the Internet is a rather risky business.

Pumpkin seed oil in capsules is more convenient than oil in liquid form. Firstly, because in this form it is more pleasant to drink it on an empty stomach. Secondly, it is very convenient to take it with you to work or school. In addition, gelatin capsules that provide the oil with this form are absolutely safe and do not change the original properties of the product in any way.

Pumpkin seed oil for worms

If left untreated, helminthiasis can lead to various health problems, moreover, even death.

Symptoms of helminth infection are:

  • itching and irritation;
  • psoriasis;
  • vitiligo;
  • headache;
  • depressive state;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • bloating;
  • stool disorder.
  • period of pregnancy;
  • children's age up to one year;
  • diarrhea;
  • oncological diseases;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • severe chronic diseases.

How to take pumpkin seed oil for constipation?

Pumpkin seed oil has a laxative effect, so it is great for people suffering from constipation. In addition, the oil eliminates gas formation, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract.

With the help of pumpkin seed oil, you can eliminate pathologies that provoke constipation:

  • hemorrhoids,
  • rectal fissures,
  • colitis,
  • violation of intestinal motility,
  • intestinal erosion, etc.

For treatment, you should take pumpkin seed oil 1 tsp. on an empty stomach in the morning. The course of admission is 10 days. Repeated course - in a month. In addition, you can make microclysters from 5 ml of oil. This treatment is suitable even for pregnant women who often suffer from this disease.

Be healthy! But if you still need to take medicines, then remember that simple pumpkin seed oil can enhance their effect or even replace them. But only after consultation with your doctor!

The beneficial properties of such a vegetable as pumpkin are known to everyone, but few people know what pumpkin oil is and why it is useful to use it. Due to the dark color and incredibly high price, the product was called "black" or "green" gold.

Pumpkin seed oil - benefits and harms

Like many other types, natural pumpkin seed oil is obtained by cold pressing. The taste and smell are unusual, but most people do not dislike. Those who add pumpkin and pumpkin seeds to their diet regularly know the benefits of pumpkin seed oil. The composition can be taken orally and externally, while the substance:

  1. prevents swelling;
  2. fights skin allergies and inflammation;
  3. strengthens the immune and nervous system, suitable for the prevention of colds and runny nose;
  4. contribute to the choleretic effect;
  5. responsible for the production of hormones;
  6. treats diseases of the digestive system - gastritis, hemorrhoids, constipation;
  7. helps to recover liver cells;
  8. stimulates the work of the heart;
  9. rejuvenates the skin;
  10. lowers blood pressure in hypertension;
  11. eliminates heartburn;
  12. supplies the body with iron in anemia;
  13. helps to cope with increased appetite;
  14. has an anthelmintic effect.

There is also a polar side, like every product. The main key to success when introducing a new component into the diet is gradualness. It is harmful to use it after heat treatment: vitamins in this form are not preserved, but only harm the body. Adding too much product at once can be dangerous. For starters, 1 teaspoon is enough to determine how it is tolerated.

The benefits and harms of pumpkin seed oil depend on the quality. Choose it carefully, especially for food. A safe place to buy is a simple pharmacy where you can take a good look at the packaging and get information. An online store with normal product photos will do. Starting from the date of manufacture, the period during which the oil can be stored should not exceed 6-8 months, and the temperature should not exceed 25 degrees.


Pumpkin seed oil has a high calorie content: 100 ml - 850 kcal. It contains a whole group of vitamins - C, A, B, E, useful elements - selenium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus. The product is famous for filling the need for zinc for the whole day, and this microelement is responsible for the immune system. The composition of pumpkin seed oil includes irreplaceable substances:

  • carotenoids - help slow down aging, stimulate the processes of metabolism and cell repair, promote bone growth, increase visual acuity;
  • phytosterols - prevent cholesterol from being absorbed in the intestines, preventing malignant formations;
  • tocopherols - fight anemia and loss of strength, are responsible for protein synthesis and cellular metabolism, are responsible for protecting tissues from lactic acid;
  • flavonoids - have tannic, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties;
  • phospholipids - have a healing effect on psoriasis, eczema, early aging on the skin, their functions are immunomodulation, enzyme regulation, organ regeneration;
  • pectins - they are useful for overweight.

Pumpkin seed oil for men

By adding pumpkin seed oil to the diet, the stronger sex will get excellent results. The component has a good effect on sex hormones, the benefits of pumpkin seed oil for men of any age are known from ancient recipes. Naturopathic doctors advise taking the product for diseases: prostatitis, erectile dysfunction, male infertility, prostate adenoma. After taking about a month, many patients notice that spermatogenesis and erection improve.

Benefits for women

The anti-inflammatory effect that the substance has makes it useful for women. One of the most successful qualities, if taken orally, is the ability to alleviate premenstrual syndrome and pre-climatic conditions. This is due to the rare combination of vitamins B, E, F with zinc and phytosterols. All components together affect the overall hormonal background, so the benefits of pumpkin seed oil for women are undeniable.

It is better for ladies to combine treatment with traditional therapy. It is used for gynecological problems:

  • female infertility;
  • erosion of the cervix;
  • anemia;
  • cystitis;
  • colpitis;
  • constipation
  • obesity
  • miscarriage;
  • threatened miscarriage.

Pumpkin seed oil - application

The use of pumpkin seed oil originates from European traditions. Now it covers many industries. Used in:

  • cosmetology;
  • cooking;
  • dietetics;
  • folk medicine.

In the field of cooking, the composition can only be taken cold - in salads, cold soups, ready-made sauces. You can't fry on it. This also includes the field of dietetics and fitness, these sciences of the health of the body include the principles of proper nutrition. Did not bypass the product and traditional medicine. An important rule is to start taking after consulting a doctor.

In cosmetology, the antioxidant, softening and anti-inflammatory properties of pumpkin seed oil have also been widely used. It is used in homemade and commercially produced anti-aging creams. From this healing component make masks for hair, face, body. Not bad for a complex of therapeutic relaxing massage.

For hair

A great way to make sparse hairline lush is to start using the healing properties of pumpkin seed oil for hair. When leaving, the density returns, so those people who have begun to lose hair are recommended to rub the substance into the affected areas. Ulcers from psoriasis and eczema, localized on the head, also become less noticeable. The overall effect of the product on the hair is invaluable:

  1. the roots of weakened hair are strengthened;
  2. elasticity returns;
  3. hair starts to grow back faster.

An effective way is to use the oil along with other ingredients in the mask. The procedure takes 3-5 minutes a week. Here is some of them:

  • Add 1-2 drops to hair shampoo. It is not necessary to mix a large amount at once, it is better to do this before the procedure.
  • Universal mask suitable for different types of hair. A tablespoon of oil is applied to the scalp, distributed from roots to ends and wrapped in a towel for 1 hour. Rinse with warm water and shampoo.
  • When falling out, use it together with garlic juice. The course is 3-4 times a week.

From worms

From prostatitis

Treatment with pumpkin seed oil of the genital area has not become an innovation. This is what doctors did in 2000 BC. e. This remedy, which is credited with miraculous antibacterial properties, does not contain any other additives. Pumpkin seed oil for prostatitis, decreased sexual function, adenoma is applied to a cotton swab and injected shallowly into the rectum. Another method is a water-oil microclyster. For ¼ cup of water, take a tablespoon of pumpkin seed oil. 1 liter is enough for the course.

During pregnancy

For pregnant women, the use of the product is especially indicated. Pumpkin seed oil during pregnancy not only serves as a storehouse of nutrients for the baby and mother, but also protects the skin of the abdomen from stretch marks, promotes better blood supply to the fetus in the womb. After the birth of a child, you need to continue taking it with caution. The component has a laxative effect, but use in small amounts will strengthen the immunity of the newborn and increase lactation in a woman.

For face

Burns, ulcers, age spots - for all these defects, pumpkin seed oil treatment for the face is used. Even aging skin becomes younger. The oil is applied in a thin layer on a cleansed face, left for 30-35 minutes and washed off with warm water, the excess is blotted with a paper towel. A simple homemade cream will help with oily or combination skin: 1 tbsp. l of kefir is rubbed with 1 tsp of pumpkin oil. In 10-15 minutes, the composition will be absorbed and will benefit the skin.

For weight loss

This type of oil is the basis of many diets due to its good vitamin balance. The use replenishes the function of the intestinal brush from accumulated toxins, the damaged hormonal background and the work of the digestive organs are normalized. The product is high-calorie, so you need pumpkin oil for weight loss in the diet, otherwise efforts will not reach the goal. It is necessary to observe the maximum rate of use of 2-3 tbsp. l per day and add a little oil to all dishes.


It is necessary to start using any product only after the permission of the doctor. After all, there are also contraindications to the use of pumpkin seed oil. Reception of the product is prohibited or shown with restrictions to people:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • with cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, the gallbladder becomes inflamed, the stones begin to move, their removal is dangerous;
  • with diabetes;
  • with a type of intestine that reacts sharply to oily products with the appearance of loose stools and flatulence.



In the countries of the European continent, pumpkin seed oil is called, like oil, "black" gold. More recently (in the middle of the last century), this divine extract was highly valued, and the townspeople traditionally exchanged a golden ring for a small bottle of oil. And although this product is not currently in short supply, its valuable effects have not diminished in the slightest.

Let's see what the beneficial properties of pumpkin oil are, how to take it correctly in order to get only benefits for the body and no harm, whether it should be used by children and pregnant women, and whether this product from pumpkin seeds has contraindications.

What is useful?

Pumpkin seed extract is an excellent prophylactic against all diseases. It is used as an accompanying component in the treatment of any ailments.

A rare product can boast such an abundance of useful components. The composition of pumpkin seed oil includes vitamin A, ascorbic acid, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin K, which is involved in blood clotting, muscle contraction, in adjusting the work of the heart and strengthening blood vessels, as well as B vitamins.

The nicotinic acid present in the oil establishes metabolic processes, reduces , delivers oxygen to tissues, allowing them to get rid of excess, is involved in the formation of many biologically active substances. Acid plays a particularly important role in the transformation of fats and carbohydrates.

Pumpkin oil is a real treasure trove of flavonoids, which protect cells from oxidation and destruction, and carotenoids, which are an excellent prevention of female forms of cancer.

Carotenoids also protect our eyesight and are indispensable for cataracts, myopia and eye strain. Phospholipids, which are also rich in pumpkin seed oil, serve as the building material of cell membranes and are essential.

Pumpkin kernel extract contains a lot of trace elements: and that feed the heart muscle magnesium, antitumor element , necessary for functioning and being the main element of men's health, serving as a building material for bone tissue, etc.

Of course, such a depot of nutrients affects the general condition of the body in the most favorable way. Oil strengthens the immune system, which means:

  • prevents the development of allergies, has a healing and antibacterial effect;
  • stimulates the motor function of the intestine and the discharge of bile;
  • due to its antioxidant properties, it protects the liver from toxic effects, promotes rejuvenation of the body.

In men, oil contributes to the production of a large amount of sperm and spermatozoa, in women, due to participation in the synthesis of sex hormones, it stabilizes the hormonal background, eliminates colpitis and cervical erosion, and also calms the nervous system, helps to fall asleep.

For more information about the use and beneficial properties of pumpkin seed oil, see the video:

In what form and how best to use?

To obtain medicinal properties, pumpkin seed oil is used only in its raw form as a dressing for salads, cereals, second courses, the basis for sauces. It is impossible to fry in oil, because when heated, vitamins are destroyed, and harmful substances, on the contrary, are formed.

Especially beneficial pumpkin oil affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to the effects on the liver and gallbladder, this product stimulates the contraction of the walls of the stomach and normalizes acidity which contributes to better absorption of food. It has a mild laxative property.

To prevent and treat various ailments (, duodenitis, cholelithiasis, constipation,) it is recommended to drink 1-2 tsp. oils three times a day an hour before meals for a crescent. Heartburn instantly disappears after taking 1 tsp. oils.

Prevention of atherosclerosis by this method should be carried out twice a year. This recipe in combination with an enema is suitable for men suffering from inflammation of the prostate and sexual dysfunction. During a runny nose and for respiratory therapy, oral administration should be combined with intranasal. For this they drip 6-7 drops of oil in each nasal passage three times a day.

With stones in the gallbladder, you need to start consuming pumpkin seed oil, diluted with citrus juice 2 times, from a quarter of a teaspoon, gradually increasing the rate to 1 tbsp. With a strong movement of gallstones, the dosage should be reduced. Pumpkin seed extract helps dissolve stones without surgery.

To relieve an attack of pain with inflammation of the bladder, as well as with inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and tuberculosis drink 8-10 drops for 30 days.

For problems with the intestines and the removal of worms, you should combine the intake of oil inside with night enemas, dissolving 1 tbsp. pomace seeds in a quarter cup of warm water. It is necessary to drink oil half an hour before meals or an hour after it.

For recuperation after surgery or chemotherapy you should drink 1 tsp for a year. oil once every other day.

It is common to use pumpkin oil to get rid of acne, diathesis, fungal infections, rashes, and arthropod bites. It is necessary to combine the intake of the extract inside according to the above method with lotions. A layer of oil is applied to clean skin for about a month four times a day. The seed extract also helps with burns.

The first intake of oil on a new day should always be on an empty stomach.

Potential danger and how to avoid it

The product should be used with caution by persons suffering from gallstones. Due to the choleretic effect of the oil, they can begin to move in the bile ducts.

If you decide to consume the product, you should consult your doctor, as zinc and magnesium are involved in the formation of insulin.


Taking pumpkin oil as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent is shown to everyone. In case of an overdose, poor health, belching, frequent urge to empty the rectum, colic, pain in the side are possible.

In extremely rare cases, oil can cause allergies. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.

For pregnant women and children

With brittle nails and hair, fatigue and weakness characteristic of pregnancy, squeezing pumpkin seeds will serve great stimulant.

pumpkin seed oil lubricate diaper rash on the skin of newborns, it is not used inside. However, there are no contraindications to the entry of this dietary product into the child's body through mother's milk. At the age of one and a half years, a child can safely add a few drops to complementary foods.