Good night message to your loved one. Good night boyfriend in your own words

All personal relationships are made up of many nuances. Here are romantic moments, and daily chores, and their little cute rituals. Among the latter, a special place is occupied by the wishes of a good night. Many couples attach great importance to this action, because a good night wish is an intimate moment that connects two lovers with an atmosphere of solitary tenderness. However, the relationship continues for a certain, sometimes considerable period of time. And every day to say the same banal phrase is like devaluing it, depriving this moment of that special charm that made both lovers smile and go to bed with a feeling of tenderness for each other. But what can be added to this ritual? How to find words to express your love for a loved one and demonstrate care for him? Let's try to find answers to these questions.

Everything has its time

The degree of frankness and intimacy, respectively, the list of relevant phrases, largely depends on what stage your relationship is at. If they are just starting, you still do not know each other well enough, while your mutual attraction is at its peak, gentle, but rather streamlined phrases are needed. If the relationship is long-term, you have become truly dear people, the phrases can be more frank or, on the contrary, light, affectionate, almost weightless - at this stage you will already know exactly what your loved one expects from you this evening.

If we divide all possible relationships between a guy and a girl according to the degree of proximity, then the following groups can be distinguished:

  • Relationships are friendly or friendly. Perhaps the girl likes the guy, she seeks to take the relationship to a different plane, but at this stage you cannot call them personal or close.
  • Mutual interest is just waking up between a guy and a girl. They gradually begin to grow bolder, to flirt with each other. In a word, this is not yet a relationship, but a light flirtation that precedes them.
  • Relationships are at a very early stage. The guy and the girl become a couple, but they are not yet too confident in rubbing against each other. At this moment, the value of cute rituals and signs of attention is especially high.
  • Relations are active, rapidly developing. A lot of passion, a lot of attention, while the routine has not yet burdened them. Behind, perhaps, there are already small disagreements, quarrels and reconciliations. In a word, some luggage behind, but not so big as to "bend impulses of feelings to the ground."
  • The guy and the girl have been in a relationship for a very long time. They became almost family to each other. There are almost no secrets left, outbursts of uncontrollable passion have turned into an even, confident attachment. At the same time, the wish of good night turned into the degree of the good old tradition.
  • The relationship is already over. For some reason, a guy and a girl can no longer be in them. However, communication did not stop. Sometimes this state is called "stay friends." Perhaps the feelings have not completely extinguished between them, sometimes they yearn for them and imagine how they would return everything back, but in reality they already call each other “ex”.

Of course, each of these situations requires an individual approach. The phrases that the girl will use to wish good night will also differ, the intonation will be different, and, of course, the result. Now a little about the phrases themselves and the meaning that they carry.

How to choose words

As for the situation described in the first paragraph, where the guy and the girl are not yet formally in a relationship, then here you can use the most concise, non-committal, but at the same time hinting at a hidden meaning of the wording:

  • “I was very glad to talk with you, but it’s already late, you must be tired. I wish you good night!"
  • “So I would chat with you until the morning, but I feel you are falling asleep. Good night, sleep well!"
  • "Well, it's time to run. I'm going to sleep. And sweet dreams to you, see you soon!
  • "Go to bed soon, I'll dream of you there."
  • "Good night handsome! And I'll go to sleep if I can sleep now."
  • “I wish you such dreams, so that it would be a pity to wake up. You will tell me later".

The very beginning of a romantic relationship, when you want to spend all your time with your loved one, when you think about him, every now and then you show signs of attention and you can’t get enough of it, requires an active expression of feelings. This condition is completely normal for this period. Therefore, words should at least partially convey all that storm of emotions that overwhelms each of you. At the same time, it is advisable to refrain from excessive eccentricity, because it is still difficult to guess what the reaction of your new chosen one will be. An example of relevant phrases in this case would be:

  • “Good night, my happiness! How I wish I could say this in your ear just before going to bed…”
  • "Wish you sweet dreams! As sweet as you."
  • "It's getting late, it's time for bed. I will fall asleep thinking about you. And you imagine me when you go to bed.
  • "Goodnight! I am already missing you. I'd rather see you again!"

Calm mature relationships are usually expressed accordingly. This is quite normal and in no way indicates that the feelings have ended or cooled down. In this case, the wish of good night rather carries a manifestation of care and tenderness for a loved one, and not a rush of passion, a desire to remind oneself or hint at one's interest. Phrases such as:

  • “Good night, dear, sleep better!”
  • “You must have been tired during the day. Go to bed soon, pleasant dreams!”
  • “Don’t stay up late, you need to rest, love. Good Night to you!"
  • “I kiss you before going to bed, sleep, dear. Till tomorrow!"

Even ended relationships sometimes require care or basic courtesy. Often people experience mixed feelings towards former partners with a touch of sadness and tenderness. Sometimes they want to remind themselves and each other of past intimate relationships, to evoke nostalgia for a love that may not have completely passed. A good night wish in this case can be a very convenient tool that matches the goal. Here are just some examples of phrases that, when spoken in the appropriate tone, can touch some strings in the soul of an ex-boyfriend:

  • "I wish you good night. Maybe we'll see you again."
  • "Good dreams to you, goodbye!"
  • “Good night to you, Andrei (replace with any other), bye!”

It should be noted that the name of the ex-boyfriend spoken aloud always sets off the spoken phrases. Especially if you pronounced this name somehow in a special way. Your voice, which once spoke his name, will remain in his memory for a long time to come. When he hears this combination again, memories of past relationships will involuntarily stir up in his soul, and pleasant memories.

What lies behind the spoken phrases

It is not so much the wording itself that is really important in this matter, but the intonation with which the words are spoken. In the same phrase, you can put a completely different meaning if you pronounce it coldly, joyfully, in a whisper, laughing or with sarcasm. Therefore, it is important to understand exactly what result you want to achieve with a good night wish. For example, let's take the simplest and shortest version of this phrase. We confine ourselves to these two words - "good night." What does intonation mean? If you pronounce it like this:

  • In a hurry, as if trying to end the conversation - this indicates the ease of communication, the absence of personal (intimate) interest.
  • Lowering your voice, with a slight smile - speaks of excitement, attraction that you are holding back because you consider it inappropriate, unrequited, etc.
  • Joyfully, on the rise, on inspiration - a sign of friendly disposition, sincerity.
  • With tenderness, quietly - speaks of falling in love, caring, wanting to hug.
  • With pressure, with aspiration, with many additional words - testifies to passion, attraction, which you do not intend to hide.
  • With sadness, quietly - speaks of tenderness, care, love, which (in any case, in your opinion) remained unrequited.

Thus, a good night wish is a universal way of showing attention, which can be suitable for all occasions. If this phrase is correctly formatted and pronounced correctly, it can replace many confessions. While in a relationship, don't forget to regularly wish each other goodnight. On the one hand, it is not difficult and does not take much time, on the other hand, it allows your partner to experience many shades of warm feelings. Such signs of attention are greatly appreciated. And this is very useful for relationships, because they will become much stronger if your boyfriend falls asleep thinking about you, or at least hears your voice before going to bed.

In just a few years, the world has completely changed. Today, modern people cannot imagine their lives without phones and the Internet. Lovers strive to be always in touch. The material will tell you how to write good night wishes in your own words to a boyfriend or husband.

Time for correspondence

Everyone who ever had even the simplest mobile wrote a message. Good birthday poems, a few phrases with parting words or congratulations on a minor victory.

People know a lot about the dangers and benefits of short news. Psychologists have also studied this problem. But experts have not found an unequivocal answer to the question of whether SMS is good or bad. Some scientists are inclined to believe that such things distract a person from work and scatter attention. Other researchers claim that short texts help fight bad moods.

Whatever the conclusions of the experts, everyone will agree that wishing good night in your own words to a guy, a beloved husband, will not bring harm. Especially considering the fact that the partners send the message closer to midnight. This is the time when all the worries and troubles of a hard day are in the past. It is then that you should tune in to a strong and pleasant rest.

The power of writing

American scientists have proven that in the body of everyone who receives a positive text from a loved one, the level of the hormone of happiness increases. Especially a surge of such energy is required for people who often suffer from depression and melancholy. Perfectly struggling with sadness wishes good night. Beloved guy in your own words can warm the soul. This is the best way to cheer up a loved one. He will receive a good SMS and understand how important he is to you.

But this situation has another, negative side. Experts have determined that a partner gets used to such positive charges, that is, to electronic scribbles. Subsequently, a character whose psyche reacts sharply to even the slightest changes will perceive the absence of a wish as an alarming sign. Consequently, new, absolutely far-fetched problems will appear. Therefore, it is better to first hint to your loved one that on this day there will be no good night wishes. The guy should explain in his own words that you will not send SMS due to lack of funds or employment.

Tenderness at midnight

Contrary to popular belief, the strong half of humanity is also delighted with affectionate and sweet phrases. No matter what stage of your relationship you're currently in, a well-written email will always come in handy. Both at the stage of the bouquet and candy period, and after ten years of married life, the partner will be pleased to read

If it plays, you can send: “In the dark, I especially miss your light. Sweet Dreams Honey".

If you treat the task with soul, you will get a beautiful wish good night. The guy should describe his feelings in his own words. Send the following text to your soulmate: “It is a pity that you are not with me now. I want you to hug me! I hope we meet tonight in a beautiful vision."

The following phrase will be no less touching: “If I could, I would weave a dream for you from the lace of stars. Instead of a pillow, she put fragrant herbs. I would cover my body with a blanket of sun rays. Love you!"

For a strong and soft night

Feel free to show your affection. Call the person you adore by names that you often use. Know that men are no less eager for romance than women. And most likely, your soul mate will respond to SMS.

Light, gentle phrases will also help you compose wonderful good night wishes for your beloved guy. In your own words, it is easier to reveal the intentions of the soul. If today the muse did not visit you, then use the following message: “My life is empty without you. When you are far away, dreams are gray. Come back to me soon! I kiss your eyelids. May good visions come to you."

If you have checked your feelings and can confess your love to each other without hesitation, then feel free to compose frank and sincere messages. For example, your betrothed will like this wish: "My love is enough to protect your sleep even at a distance."

Way of reconciliation

Good night wishes (in your own words) will please the guy. Especially in the case when you are just starting to build joint happiness. If the relationship does not allow you to write a message whose content hints at great love, then it is better to avoid such SMS. But you can send: “Everyone closes their eyes, because they want to doze off as soon as possible. And only you and I - because this will allow us to meet each other in a dream.

Gratitude can be the basis for a message. Psychologists say that sincere words and praise cheer up. Positive emotions are especially needed when the couple's relationship is unstable, and lovers only master the art of understanding. Such a letter will hint that the daytime quarrel will not affect the further course of events.

In the event that the evening ended in a misunderstanding, SMS will help you write a short text in your own words. If a person answers, it means that he absolutely plans to continue building love. You can send: “I remember my first dream about you! I don’t want to dream of the last one today.”

Little Humor

The strong half of humanity is very fond of jokes and anecdotes. A big plus for a woman is the ability to make her boyfriend laugh. Therefore, a text with a humorous context would be appropriate. For example: “Today we sleep separately, so don't forget to set the alarm. After all, you will dream of me. And such visions drag on.”

No less interesting is the following message: “This night I ordered an erotic dream for you. Tomorrow I will check if you remember everything well. A fan will be pleasantly surprised from such a letter: “I decided to wake up your conscience! Call and wish me good dreams, I can't sleep."

If you approach the task with enthusiasm, then you will definitely get a good night wish for the guy in your own words. Short texts are always the most accurate.

Double benefit

Each such letter is a kind of crumb of love and care. Sometimes it's the little things that save couples. After you send the SMS, keep your phone nearby. Most likely, your loved one will call you back and say thank you for the wish. If not, do not worry, perhaps at this very moment he is dreaming about you.

The main thing in such texts is sincerity and warmth. If your soul is burning with such feelings, then the phrases will come to mind. In the morning, be sure to fix the result with a message with the content: “I wish you a good day! Waiting for our meeting".

There are a variety of good night wishes in your own words. A guy should choose those that match his nature.

It should also be noted that not only the partner will enjoy the letter, but you yourself. Such a creative process brings a lot of pleasure, and also strengthens the senses.

Good night! sweet dreams! sleep, my love! let in a dream you dream of what will take place in the morning. and now you rest and gain strength!

I want to lie in bed with you, hug and touch your tender lips. I want to fall asleep next to you, so that in the morning I will wake up on your shoulder.

Everyone closes their eyes because they want to sleep, and I close my eyes because I want to see you in a dream! Goodnight!

Sleep sweetly, my love, don't worry about me. I miss you, I'll be there very, very soon, good night.

You are probably sleeping now and sniffing softly. May your sleep be serene, I kiss you tenderly.

My only, dear, without further ado, I wish you tender dreams. Chmok-chmuk!

Let the night take away your problems for a long time, let it relieve you of worries. Good night, my kitten, I wish you only good dreams.

My hare, I wish you good night and many wonderful dreams. Fluffy, warm little ball, I miss you very much!

I'm sorry to interrupt your sleep. It's just that I can't sleep without you, dear. Thoughts of a quarrel haunt me, forgive me for everything, I so want to be with you.

Let nothing disturb you on this starry night. Let worries disappear away, go to bed soon, good night.

More than life, I love you. Sleep, my dear, bayu-bayu-bayu.

Let the evening be warm, marvelous. A super-positive night =)

Let this night, we will meet in your dream. Good night my sunshine. Kiss gently on the cheek.

You don’t hug me before going to bed and don’t wish me good night. You completely forgot about me, your business is more important to you =(

Bright stars are frozen in the sky. I gently kiss your lips, wherever you are that night.

I can’t sleep, I remember my only one. I wish her good night, dear, I invisibly hug you.

SMS wishes good night: Look out the window, it's already dark, it's time for you to sleep for a long time, you close your eyes, I'll whisper to you: bye, bye!

I want to lie down next to you and breathe in the scent of your hair. I hope you sleepily closing your eyes, also dreaming of sleeping next to me?

This moonlit night haunts me. I would like to admire you now, I would like to kiss you very much. Come back soon, I miss you a lot.

Night falls, the city goes to sleep, know, in this world, you are very dear to me!

My bunny, you have been jumping all day on business today and you are probably very tired. Quickly lie down in bed, sleep dear, soundly, sweetly.

I bury my head in the pillow and text. Let's fall asleep with you in an instant and meet in a love dream.

Now you're sniffing in the crib and having wonderful dreams. Sleep well, my love, let nothing disturb your heart!

Hurry up and get into bed, quickly close your eyes. Sleep, Beloved, sweet, sweet, do not remember anything bad.

The world of the night is full of sweet dreams, they do not contain sadness and bitter tears. A world in which grace rules, I wish you to visit it today.

The stars lit up in the sky, the time of night has come. I'm alone in a cold bed, I'm not good without you.

Tonight I’ll look into your dream, I’ll quietly go to the bed. Gently kiss you on the cheek and say goodnight =)

Good night my Love! I wish you a sweet sleep and beautiful dreams. And when you wake up tomorrow, be sure to call me first. After all, I don’t know about others, but for me the morning comes when my sun rises! And my sunshine is you!

Dreams are different - tender and passionate, strong and bright, light, dawn, sweet, enticing, tender, inviting, bright, beautiful, fabulous, cool ... May you have these dreams today! And try to see me in them! Your night fairy.

Good night, darling,
My beloved, dear,
I wish you sweet dreams
And keep my love.

Have magical dreams, kitty!
Beautiful, gentle, sweet dreams!
You are my fairy tale, my child
My angel in the bliss of the clouds.

The night is coming, people turn off the light!
The coming dream drives away worries, as if there are no daytime problems!
You fall asleep slowly, preparing for tomorrow .....
I will hug you lightly when I come to you in a dream =)))

The whole city fell asleep and you, my love, go to bed. Falling asleep, imagine me, how I gently stroke your face and kiss your lips, how I hug you and lightly bite your ear! Believe me, soon all this will happen in reality, I dream about it!

Good night, my sweetheart! Sleep soon, because I will come to you in a dream and we will fulfill all our secret fantasies and dreams. My kisses fly to you, let them put you to sleep, but we will continue in a dream.

Good night honey! You know, sometimes I want you to be like a plush toy: always soft and always there, so that you can be put in your bed and hugged tightly, and if you make you angry, give a slap in the plush muzzle ... But then by all means apologize and kiss you hard into the nose!

So desired, like the sun in bad weather. Lie down, relax and sleep
Maybe you will see me there...

Sleep sweetly, sweetly, my cat, I kiss your paw, gently stroke your ear, good dreams my little animal!

I so want to fall asleep with you, on your golden skin, I want you to cover me and put your hand from the top, hug me with all your strength and whisper in my ear gently ... I love you, my baby!

The night has come to you baby, the whole earth falls asleep. "Good night" - as if by a book, I whisper my love to you. Beautiful eyes need sleep, sweet and serene. I will come to you with a breeze: cool, loving, and gentle.

Good night my life. Trust me, I love you.

The sun went down, silence reigned.
It shines from the sky, so beautiful, a big eternal moon.
The moonlight is cool, gentle dissolving in the river.
Close your eyes baby, dissolving in a sweet dream.

Through a hundred barriers I will rush to you in a dream to say how much I love you. And go to sleep soon lapula, that's all ... in your dream I'm waiting for you ...

May the god of sleep shower you with white red poppy petals, intoxicate you with the honey aroma of flowering gardens and take you into a sweet dream full of bliss and tenderness.

The most sweet and fluffy, kind, warm, pure, drop dead beautiful, wonderful, playful! super trendy, interesting, modern and famous! with a cool beat, with a cool bass, if necessary with a gunjubas, if you want - with delicious beer so that the night goes beautifully! or with the smell of flowers in general superfood dreams!

With a quiet, quiet step, as in slow motion, time comes to us through a dark window. Regally sits at night on his throne. May you have the sweetest dream!

Good night!
Kiss gently on the lips and both cheeks =))

And in the sky the stars shine brightly
Only the moon misses me,
I kiss you sweetly in my mind,
Good night my girl!

You sleep? Do not sleep, I beg you, imagine that I am lying next to you, that I gently stroke your body, I bite into your mouth boldly and quietly in my ear, I whisper about how I WANT you!!!

I wish you good night, Gently kiss, love, hug!!!

Sometimes my eyes envy my heart. Do you know why? Because you are constantly in my heart, but you are far from my eyes. Goodnight, my Love!!!

I will cover you with a blanket of stars,
I will soothe you with the singing of birds,
I will guard your dream with you
Sunshine I love you!!!

May your dream be as bright as a star, as bright and gentle as silk as the sun, as cheerful as a sonorous babbling stream, so that you meet a new day with joy!

Sleep sweet, sweet, let you have a terrible dream, maybe next time you will call me to your place

Sunshine, my girl!
This dark night, you sleep without me!
I wish you the best dreams!
After all, it’s not in vain that you give me your LOVE !!!
I'll kiss your ear and tell you
"Dear girl! Dream me today"

Good night, sweet dreams, a soft pillow in addition and a warm blanket of silence and roses and bye bye bye. good luck, I, too, am already flying into a dream to see you there, I want to.

I will certainly enter your dream at night. I will sweetly lure you into the world of my fantasies. Let's fly together as if in reality! Tenderness and affection, captivate feelings. I will stupefy with passion, I will drink love. It's just a dream... It's even more fun in reality!

Good night, sweet dreams, close your eyes, to the sound of the clock
Sleep, get away from the hustle and bustle Let the angel guard the dreams

Girls are sensitive creatures themselves, loving romance and all sorts of cute messages. When night falls, and a loved one is in another room, house or even a city, I want to send him the warmest and most tender wishes of a good night. Men, despite the fact that they are less prone to purring in correspondence, will certainly be flattered by attention.

good night wishes for the man of your dreams

If you have not yet entered into a serious relationship, but really want to always be with your chosen one, signs of attention will help indicate affection and love. Good night wishes to a man in poems and short sayings will help to fully express emotions.

You are strong, brave, real

And very cute when sleeping.

You rest, beloved hero,

Behold a beautiful dream today.

I hope I will come to your dream

And gently tell a story.

My baby, my sweet boy,

Do not sit at the computer for too long.

Rest, watch your dreams, gain strength

So that tomorrow only brings success.

My man is strong, important, when necessary, then brave,

You go to bed already, sleep there sweetly until morning.

Important things tomorrow! Kissing you tenderly. All yours.

Without doubts and sadness, I wish you sweet dreams,

May you dream of the sea in a sparkling expanse.

Golden beaches, too, to goosebumps right on the skin.

Sleep, my dear and dear, it is a pity that I am not next to you.

Tomorrow will be a day again, and today it's time to sleep.

Get some rest, come back tomorrow.

May you dream of calm silence

About a carefree place where we walk freely.

My dream knight, good night

Close your eyes,

See beautiful dreams

Until the rising dawn.

Gentle and sweet good night wishes for a man will help him see wonderful dreams that are associated with you.

Good night wishes to a guy with whom you have recently been in a relationship

If your relationship has just begun, you can write standard and discreet wishes before bed.

Good night to your boyfriend

I want to wish until he fell asleep.

Let something cute dream

Unpredictable and beautiful.

Let me appear in your dream

I kiss you very gently.

I will shed a clear light on my heart,

Sleep, my good, quietly and measuredly.

Good night sweet dreams!

Rest, tomorrow is another day.

Let the dream be inspired

And full of excellent music.

You are like a teddy bear, my good and kind boy.

But today we are not together

Sweet dreams and songs to you.

Dear boy, dear

Sleep, my love.

May you have a beautiful dream

I kiss you very, very much.

I want to write to you

A beautiful "good night"

Close your clear eyes

Tomorrow will be a working day again.

May you dream of something good

Very cute, you like it.

I send you kisses

I hug you and I love you.

Sweet dreams wishes in verse

You will definitely like the wishes of a good night to a man who is next to you, if you compose them yourself. You can take the following ideas:

Sweet, sweet, sweet dreams

Resting shackles.

Let the fairy tale come true,

Very kind and beautiful.

I want to wish you good night.

Get enough sleep, dear, at night, tomorrow is a very important day.

Let a decision be made in a dream, and suddenly inspiration will come.

I'm not with you now, but I send you greetings,

I wish you a sweet night, to receive an answer to everything in a dream.

May your pillow gently protect your sleep,

Know that even though I'm not there, but mentally with you.

Short SMS before going to bed to your beloved man

Sometimes you don’t need many words to express emotions, so short SMS must be taken into account.

Sleep dear, good night, I miss you very much.

The night has come, closed the light, the sun is no longer in the sky.

May the clear month save your beautiful sleep.

Close your eyes, see beautiful dreams

About a charming sunset and, of course, about love.

Hugs, sweet kisses

Sleep, my dear, go to bed.

May you have wonderful dreams

Where me and you are next to each other.

Look at your phone, there's a message of love in it.

Sweet dreams to you, dear, until the very dawn.

If you are reading now, then you will soon find out

That I miss you, tears drip in the dark.

Nothing, everything will be fine

Sleep, my dear, sweetly sweetly.

I wish you a beautiful dream

And gain strength for tomorrow.

Have a good night, close your eyes

So that we can meet as soon as possible.

Do not be afraid to show feelings if the person is really dear to you. After all, even a second of attention can inspire faith that the relationship is real, and not "just like that."

So brutal and serious that he may not appreciate the wide gesture of attention that you are going to give him, then you are very much mistaken. No matter how firm and unshakable your chosen one may seem to you, we assure you that deep down he is very soft and gentle. At least in relation to you. And if you want to give him some positive emotions and positivity, then no prejudices should prevent you from doing this.

A pleasant wish good night to your beloved man in your own words can charge him for a calm and sound sleep. And the next day, when he wakes up, your sincere words, spoken for him the day before, will still glimmer in his heart. Of course, in order to produce the strongest effect, you need to carefully consider the text of the wishes. So we would recommend that you, before acting, familiarize yourself with the list of options presented and choose at least one of them.

the site will give you everything you need to please your man before going to bed. Let him fall asleep with thoughts of you, and let him know how dear he is to you and how much you appreciate and love him.

My dear, I love you very much. You are the most precious thing I have, and I really want to wish you the most gentle and peaceful sleep. So that you dream of white bear cubs in a pink sunset and guard your dream! Gently kiss, tightly hug and very very madly in love with you !!

Congratulations on mobile

Good night my love. I wish you a good and wonderful dream, so that you have a good sleep and wake up in a good mood and with the inspiration of the soul. May this night be filled with comfort and peace, and may the morning bring bright joy and rays of good luck.

Outside the windows is evening. Narcissistic stars twinkle in the dark sky. Everything calms down and gets ready for sleep. The crazy rhythm of the day is gradually forgotten, it's time to rest. We broke up just half an hour ago, and I already miss you, my love. What a pity that our separation will last the whole night. I so want to cuddle up to you, my affectionate. But so far this is not possible, and therefore I wish you, my dear, good night and sweet dreams. May a good angel protect your nightly peace.

Favorite! Thank you for having me, for our meetings filled with love and romance. But we are separated by night and distance. But even if you are far away, I still feel your soul close to mine. Go to bed soon. Personally, my eyes are already drooping. But just don't forget to close the curtains tighter. Tonight is not cloudy. The moon and stars will definitely look into your window and think about plans to kidnap such a beautiful guy. But you know that I'm jealous. May your sleep be calm, like our love, as cloudless as tonight, and no one can disturb you. Unless I can wake you up early in the morning with best wishes for the new day. I look forward to hearing from you again. Good night!

I'm at home all alone, lying in a cold bed and thinking about you. I could not stand it and grabbed the phone to wish the most beautiful and smart guy on the planet a quiet and good night!

Darling, it's hard for me to fall asleep without the touch of your hands, I miss you, I look at the ceiling and imagine how you approach me, smile, kiss, how we enjoy each other without getting tired! I wish you good night, my love, and I believe that my dreams will come true. May this night give you a sweet and sound sleep that will energize you for the whole day. May the dreams that you will see give you a smile and a sense of calm. 'Cause every night I only think about you. And I know that even though we are not together now, our souls are outside, always together. We will always be there, if not in reality, then in a dream. Good night dear.

My sweet, my desired, my dear, I wish you good night. May your dream be strong and fabulous, may it fill you with new strength, vivacity and great enthusiasm. I wish you to get up from that foot in the morning, recharge with a positive mood and an unshakable desire to move mountains.

Let the night hug you with its fluffy and tender paws, sing you a lullaby and give you the most wonderful dream in the world! Good night to you my beloved man!

Everyone knows that the most important thing in life is love. I was convinced of this myself when I met you, my beloved. I am so glad that I have you, my only, beloved and most important person on earth. I want to always be with you, not parting for a single minute. We broke up just half an hour ago, and I already miss you. Good night, my unique one. May you have the sweetest dream, may nothing disturb your nightly rest. May the angel protect your peaceful sleep.

On this frosty winter night, I want to warm my boy with my love! May you be warm like never before, comfortable like nowhere else and calm in your soul as if I were there! Sweet dreams my dear!