How long can you not wet Mantoux in a child? Dispelling myths about vaccines. Effect of water on manta

Vaccinations are not allowed to get wet. It seemed like a common statement. We have been hearing about this since childhood, so we perceive it without skepticism and do not question it. But is it really so? Let's analyze why it is impossible to wet the vaccine.

Today we will figure out where the “unwritten rule” came from, prohibiting wetting vaccinations, and whether this prohibition is universal for all types of injections.

Why can't we wet the vaccine?

We will temporarily postpone the controversy about whether it is possible to wet the mantle, since it would be a mistake to call it a vaccination. It is worth saying that mantoux is not a vaccination at all, but only a diagnostic injection.

Any vaccination seriously burdens the body and leads to a complex restructuring of the immune system.

Real vaccinations are the introduction of a small amount of live (oppressed, weakened) or dead cells of the pathogen into the human body in order to "start" the reaction to produce antibodies (immunity). Is it possible to wet the vaccine? Most likely, in a medical institution you will be categorically forbidden to do this.

When it comes to DTP vaccinations (pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus vaccine), it is always stressful for a healthy body, especially for a baby's body. Combining it with bathing (especially in hot running water) is highly undesirable! Despite the fact that the reaction to vaccination is always unpredictable, it is worth excluding factors that can affect the activity of introduced ("grafted") pathogenic viruses and not to wet the vaccine at least on the first day.

Why and how much it is impossible to wet manta?

"Button" is referred to as nothing more than a tuberculin test, also known to us as mantoux (named after the French physician Charles Mantoux). By itself, it does not cure anything and does not even insure against anything, but simply helps doctors make a diagnosis, revealing the presence or absence of an allergic reaction to contact with tuberculin.

Mantoux is not a vaccination at all, but a diagnostic injection, and it is not forbidden to wet it

Why can't you wet the manta? It is forbidden to wet manta usually absolutely unreasonably. Really simple you can’t rub it, stick it with a plaster, smear it with brilliant green, treat it with peroxide. That is, you can wash yourself, but you can’t go to the bathhouse or “scrub” the injection site with a washcloth.

How long can you wet manta? Considering that the size of the papule (button) is measured after 48-72 hours, then 3 days is the optimal time during which it is better not to disturb it. However, even if the tuberculin test is positive, it does not provide information about the spread or localization of the disease. Even Dr. House makes mistakes sometimes, so don't panic if you get your manta wet and it "makes a bad verdict."

The Mantoux tuberculin test is one of the most common methods for diagnosing tuberculosis in children and adolescents. It is also a test that helps check for allergies to Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens prior to tuberculosis vaccination (BCG).

All children do the so-called Mantoux reaction at school. And at the same time, the nurse always warns: you can’t wet your hand in the next 3 days, until the doctors evaluate the result of the test. Of course, any ban intrigues and arouses interest among kids and their parents. So why are we being told not to wet Mantoux?

What is the meaning of the Mantoux test?

This test is quite simple: the subject is injected with 0.1 ml of tuberculin (a specially formulated filtrate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis) in the central part of the left anterior forearm. After the injection, a whitish porous blister appears on the arm, having a diameter of 7-9 mm, which disappears after a few minutes.

The tuberculin test result is read after 3 days (72 hours). Using a special high-precision millimetric ruler, the doctor or nurse measures the diameter of the skin reaction. If it is more than the norm requires, the person is sent to the dispensary for additional examinations.

If you have been injected with the wrong amount of tuberculin, it has been injected too deeply, or blood has appeared at the injection site, the test must be repeated on the same day, at a different place on the body.

In European countries, after the introduction of a tuberculin test, the patient is prohibited from:

  • cover the injection site with a plaster;
  • touch the bubble that has appeared with your hands;
  • extrude the injection site.

There are no restrictions on contact with water. Wetting Mantoux is prohibited only in post-Soviet countries. Why?

remnants of antiquity

Until the 70s of the last century, in our country, for the diagnosis of tuberculosis, children were given a Pirque skin test. Its essence was as follows: a reagent with tuberculin was applied to the skin, the epidermis was “scratched” in this place, and after a few days it was possible to evaluate the results. Naturally, in no case should the skin test be wetted, so as not to simply wash off the active substance.

Later, a more convenient test appeared in the arsenal of doctors, which was done intradermally - the Mantoux test. It is impossible to wash it off, and the results of the study are interpreted more accurately. An injection from a tuberculin test, in fact, can be wetted with water, because the active substance is “hidden” in the depths of the skin, where water simply does not get. But the medical staff, out of old habit (or "just in case"), continued to warn the children not to wet the injection site. Traditions are a stubborn thing. Therefore, we still have these remnants of antiquity.

So where is the truth?

Doctors, when advised not to wet Mantoux, protect patients from actions that can really interfere with the veracity of the test.

  1. Simply washing the hand that was injected will not affect the results of the test. But if a person decides to go to the bath or sauna, it will be wrong. Under the influence of high temperatures and steam, blood circulation becomes too intense, so the body can give an unpredictable reaction. Still, an injection is an intervention. Therefore, it is better to give up swimming pools, trips to the sea and trips to the bath during these three days.
  2. Each skin is unique. Some people are very sensitive. Therefore, it is not recommended to rub the tuberculin test with a washcloth - what if the body responds to this with an allergic reaction or irritation?
  3. For the same reason, you can not stick a patch on the injection site - because moisture, fat and sweat will accumulate under it, and they act quite aggressively on the skin.
  4. Some children can squeeze Mantoux - this is generally the worst thing you can do for your skin. The reagent will spread unevenly over the skin tissues, which will lead to inflammation, irritation, and in some cases to suppuration. Not to mention that one more tuberculin test will have to be done.

Tuberculosis is a very dangerous infectious disease that currently common. The disease requires a very long medication and weakens the body.

In this article, we will talk about the Mantoux reaction, that is, a test that allows you to determine the presence of a tubercle bacillus in the human body. The reliability of this diagnosis is very important, so you need to know exactly whether it is possible to wet Mantoux, and also remove all the nuances that may affect the result.

For this diagnostic sample pure tuberculin is used- extract from safe, destroyed tuberculosis bacteria. These microbacteria cannot harm human health, but they are identical with the causative agent of tuberculosis. The immune system reacts to the sample in such a way as if a tubercle bacillus, the causative agent of the disease, enters the body.

A special insulin syringe is used to inject the drug under the skin on the inside of the forearm. This entails manifestations of allergies, which can develop within three days. Three days later, the doctor evaluates the size and intensity of redness at the injection site.

What is alarming when assessing the reaction to the antigen after three days? If there is no reaction at all at the injection site, there is no swelling of the skin or the diameter of the redness is less than 0.5 centimeters, then this indicates that the body does not have immunity from the tubercle bacillus. In most cases, this reaction occurs in children who were not given the BCG vaccine at birth.

Abnormal is the size of the swelling of more than five millimeters and the presence of an abscess at the injection site. You should be aware that even if the test result is positive, this does not mean that the child has tuberculosis. In this case, you must definitely visit a specialist - a phthisiatrician, who will prescribe additional examinations.

The advantages of such a test with an injection of tuberculin are:

  • ease of procedure
  • fast result,
  • rather high information content of the result, subject to all the rules and recommendations of the doctor,

A significant disadvantage of this test is that it is extremely sensitive to various factors that can significantly distort the result. That is why many parents are wondering if it is allowed to wet Mantoux and how to avoid the wrong result.

Water and Mantoux: why can the result be distorted?

Tuberculin, as mentioned earlier, is injected directly under the skin, in turn, water comes into contact only with the top layer of the skin, so it would seem that the interaction of the drug and water is unlikely, but it is quite possible, under the influence of a number of factors. Do not overheat the child, is in a room with high humidity.

It is forbidden to visit the bath, pool and sauna, because under the influence of moist warm air the pores on the skin will open and moisture will get inside the skin. You should carefully monitor the baby so that he does not scratch the injection site, and also does not try to crush the swelling. All this can lead to the ingress of moisture into the inner layers of the skin through the open pores or damaged layer of skin. In such a situation, a false positive result is quite possible.

Factors that can influence the result of a tuberculin test

Some external factors can irritate, damage and infect the skin. This is for example:

  • mechanical damage to the skin. You should also not seal the injection site with a plaster or bandage, as the injection site will additionally be affected by sweat accumulated under the bandage and sebum. Do not dress your baby in wool and long sleeves.
  • chemical impact. In no case should you smear Mantoux with iodine, alcohol, cream, soap, and even a special baby wash gel. All this will lead to various manifestations of allergies.

Internal factors may well affect the result and distort it. They act on the immunological status of the organism. This, for example, vaccinations or exacerbation of any skin disease. By the way, the Mantoux test should be done strictly before any vaccination or after a month from the date of vaccination.

Even foods that can cause allergies can have an impact:

  • citrus,
  • chocolate,
  • spices,
  • milk, etc.

A contraindication to the injection is a feverish condition and deterioration of the child's condition against the background of any disease.

Why can't you wet Manta?

Wetting the injection site significantly distorts the result when performing the Pirquet test, in which a certain amount of tuberculin is dripped onto the skin, then make a scratch. In this case, water can really dilute the allergen and significantly distort the result.

This does not happen with the Manu test, but moisture is still best avoided. In tap water, there are various impurities and pathogens that may well enhance the manifestation of an allergic reaction and thereby affect the diagnostic result.

How many days can not wet Mantoux?

In general, the result of the test is evaluated after three days. It is better to refrain from any manipulations with the injection site until the very moment of examination by a doctor. It is forbidden to soap the injection site, and even more so to rub it with a washcloth. You should not go to the bathhouse and rooms with humid air for three days. All this can lead to the manifestation of unforeseen reactions that can give a false positive result.

What should I do if water still gets on the injection area?

It is highly desirable to prevent any wetting of the injection site, but if this happened by accident, then there is no need to panic. The injection site should be blotted with a clean cloth, but this should be done carefully and in no case should the skin be rubbed. Nothing else is required.

Most often, small amount of water in the area injection does not affect the result in any way. But, if the wetting of the injection occurred and in the end the result turned out to be positive, you should definitely tell the doctor about it.

What should be done to prevent wetting of the Mantoux test?

First of all, the child must be constantly monitored by his parents. Control should be from the moment the drug is administered until the next doctor's appointment. It is necessary to help the child wash his hands, wash his face and forget for a while that he should be an adult and independent. It is better for older children to explain what is happening and talk about why the test is being done and why it cannot be scratched and wet.

The Mantoux reaction is not a protection against tuberculosis, but a timely diagnosis of the presence of tuberculosis in a child's body. Currently, this disease is very common and it is quite easy to get infected, but the treatment is very difficult. Early diagnosis is the key to successful therapy.

In conclusion, I would like to summarize what has been said and answer whether it is possible or not to wet the sample and why it is impossible to influence the injection site. It is unlikely that a small ingress of water at the injection site will significantly distort the result of the test, but in order to to be sure of the authenticity result and to be sure that a negative test is really such, you need to protect the child from water procedures and other mechanical effects on the injection for some time.

I read a very interesting opinion on the Internet, I want to know your opinion.

Our daughter turned 10 yesterday. For ten years now, almost all of our surroundings have been wondering when we are going to have a second child. Ten years we answer that never. For ten years everyone has been wondering - how so! After all, one child in the family will grow up to be an egoist!

Yes, let my daughter grow up selfish. But my husband and I will no longer have children, because we are both from large families, and for both of us, life until the age of 18 was a real hell.

My happy childhood ended when my second younger brother was born. After my mother returned from the maternity hospital with her third child, it was announced to me, a 9-year-old snot, that now there are no toys and entertainment - I will help my mother. And I helped. My day began at 5 am, when I had to get up, cook breakfast for everyone, get myself and my first-grader brother to school, iron diapers and clothes for the baby and walk the dog. Then we went to school, came home, I did my homework, did my homework with my brother, went for a walk with the little one, then I went for a walk with the dog. And there it’s already evening, which means help with cooking, bathing the little one and sleeping. Nothing terrible, it would seem. But three years passed, and the younger sister was born. By this time, I was responsible not only for the school, but also for the kindergarten, cleaning and all the same dog.

I was now forbidden to communicate with friends, because "you are the eldest!" I have to stay at home and take care of the baby. And two years later, there was a bast on the cola, start over - another sister was born. And since I was already 14 by that time, night shifts were added to the increased daily duties - the younger sister was fed not with milk, but with a formula, and the preparation of this mixture (and the feeding itself) was now my front of work, because “mom gets tired, she need to rest". And the ninth grader did not need to rest, apparently. My grades went down almost to the very bottom, because after sleepless nights I was like a zombie, and there was no question of any fives. The class teacher was worried about me and asked my mother what was happening to me, to which she replied that I did not study well, because I was stupid, and I did not sleep at night, because I was hanging around the porches with gopniks.

There was little money in the family. We didn't go hungry, but a good sausage was a celebratory dish. However, I saw her even less often than the others, because I was not supposed to have any treats and goodies - the “older one” should give everything to the younger ones, they need to grow up. The same was true for beautiful clothes and other things. If something new was bought, then I rarely got it.

And when I turned 16, my father left the family, leaving my mother with all our brood. It got quite ugly. Mother began to drink, and I scolded the most, because my father left because of me, of course, I was such a fool and clumsy and generally always pissed him off.

When we came to school beaten up, this raised questions, but my mother either lied that we had a fight on the street, or cried that she could not restrain herself, because it was so hard for her to drag so many children alone. Everyone felt sorry for her, and we were called ungrateful pigs - my mother works so hard for us, but we do not appreciate this holy woman!

I managed to pass my final exams well, I still can't figure out how. It was definitely a miracle, because by the end of the school, absolutely all the homework and care for the younger brothers was on me alone. Mother did nothing around the house - after work she either drank or stuck at the computer.

My personal nightmare ended on my 18th birthday. Then my mother almost broke my head, throwing a sugar bowl, and yelled that it would be better if she had an abortion. And I realized that I can no longer. That evening I packed my things and left. I found a job that provided housing. Yes, it was a small cold closet, but for the first time in many years I just stupidly slept there in peace and quiet.

Then I finished courses for hairdressers and makeup artists, learned how to do eyebrows and nails, I got money to rent a house, and a few months later I dragged my first brother to me. We started working together, saving money. True, at first it was not possible to save - almost everything that remained from paying for the apartment was spent on all sorts of crap, which they were deprived of in childhood and early youth. It would seem that such a thing is to buy a chocolate bar? And for us it was something beyond. WE. SAMI. BOUGHT. YOURSELF! CHOCOLATE! Not to the youngest, not to anyone else, but to myself. But then we nevertheless pulled ourselves together and began to save our brother for education.

It was very difficult to build relationships with the opposite sex, because no one taught me how to behave with guys, moreover, it was strictly forbidden to communicate with them, because I’m a whore and I’ll bring another bottomless mouth in my hem. Out of ignorance, of course, I broke firewood, but at the age of 24 I met my husband, with whom I have been happily living for 12 years.

He is also from a large family. There were eight children there. The family was quite wealthy, but there was an unhealthy cult of the older brother in it, and the younger ones were treated as a by-product of the life of their parents. They were bought only food and supplies for the school, things were worn out one after another, but the elder had all the best. The only computer in the family is also with him. Only the eldest was taken on vacation abroad, the rest went to work out corvée to their grandmother at the dacha.

My husband also ran away at 18 and has had no contact with the family since. My brother studied at the institute and is now going to start a family. Neither he nor his girlfriend want children at all. I forgot the rest of the household, like a bad dream. The mother is trying to beat alimony out of my brother and me, because in her old age she gave birth again, and she needs money, but no one recognizes her as disabled, thank God. I don't see my other brothers and sisters, and I don't want to see them either. Maybe I'm a creep, but I don't like them. I didn’t want them and didn’t ask them, for many years they were only a source of trouble for me (I can even hardly remember their names), so let the people who gave birth to them deal with them - these are their duties, after all.

Yes, they will write to me now that not all large families are like that. But in my life I have seen a sufficient number of large families to say that such as my husband and I are in the majority. In appearance, they all seem perfect: the whole family is one team, a mountain for each other, and the love of parents is enough for everyone in abundance. So, it's not enough. Someone is always loved more, someone (usually the eldest) is always responsible for half of parental responsibilities, up to the material support of their many brothers and sisters. Such an elder can be immediately identified, he even looks different from ordinary children. If you see the eyes of a 40-year-old battered person in a 10-year-old child, you have a typical Elder in front of you. He no longer dreams of playing with mom and dad, of new books and toys, he wants not to die until adulthood, in order to finally escape from the Merry Family concentration camp.

Neither I nor my husband have a sense of comradeship and other joys that the current fighters for traditional family values ​​​​are talking about. But we are world champions in hiding food, lying and sleeping with our eyes open. For a long time we got rid of the disgusting habits that are the hallmark of a native of a large family, and when we finally succeeded, we want only one thing - that our family be left alone. Yes, we have one daughter. There will be no more children, and when I say "never" I mean "never" because I recently had a tubal ligation. Yes, we pamper this one daughter, we want her childhood to be like childhood, and not like an article in the News of Crime newspaper under the heading “Everyday life”.

Therefore, before calling on people to be fruitful like rabbits, it is better to teach them responsibility towards their children and the understanding that children are not a product of life, they are living people who need love, care and attention.

////// Are there mothers here who themselves come from large families? What do you think? Do you also want many children, or limit yourself to 1-2 children?


Elena Nikolaevna

Doctors of the department, dozens of women and newborns are in contact. The woman hid the presence of measles in the older child upon admission. She refused infection.
the official comment of the hospital in his social network:
"Good morning! In accordance with the order of the chief sanitary doctor of the North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow, from March 18 to April 6 inclusive, in the maternity ward No.
March 11, 2019 at 13:02 to the admissions department of the maternity ward No. 1 of the A.K. Yeramishantsev, located at the address: st. Lenskaya, house 15, building 1, patient X., 37 years old, applied by gravity due to the onset of labor. After operative delivery at 20:42 on the same day, the patient, along with the newborn child, was in the intensive care unit and then in the triple ward of the obstetric physiological department. March 15, 2019 at the A.K. Yeramishantseva received operational information that this patient was in a home outbreak of measles (the 8-year-old son of the patient had measles at the time the woman was admitted to the hospital). The patient had not previously reported this information about herself, including during a thorough questioning at the stage of the admission department. After receiving information about a contact in the home with a child with measles, the patient was offered a transfer to the Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital No. 1, which she categorically refused, and was discharged.
According to close contacts, 18 people of medical personnel were identified, contacts in the maternity hospital building - 252, patients - 102.
All employees of the A.K. Yeramishantsev were examined in advance and revaccinated with live measles vaccine.
All measles-contact patients and newborns were brought under the active patronage of outpatient medical organizations at the place of residence.
Maternity Ward No. 2 of the A.K. Yeramishantsev is located at the address: Kostromskaya street, house 3 and works as usual. After the end of the regime-restrictive anti-epidemic measures, the maternity ward No. 1, located at the address: Lenskaya street, house 15, building 1, will continue its work.



Good day.

In the 80s of the last century, it was not customary to talk about loneliness. In those years, people lived collectively, a person's happiness was only in a team, there was no talk of any loneliness. That is why the first marriage announcements were perceived as some kind of bad joke: how can a woman offer herself so openly?
So the film "Lonely is provided with a hostel" received rather mixed reviews.

So what's left behind the scenes? How did Arkady Inin get the idea to make a film about a "forbidden" topic? Who could play the role of a matchmaker instead of Natalia Gundareva? Why is Commandant Viktor Frolov's face decorated with a scar? I will tell you about this and many other things in my topic.

Enjoy reading!


Lioness Passionate

Have you heard of the so-called "Last Hero Curse"? Many of those who participated in the extreme show or were involved in its creation, passed away early ... I was just stunned:
*Zhanna Friske
*AT. Glagoleva
*TO. Kelmi
*Kirill Tolmatsky (Decl)
*Yu Nachalova
Less well-known are the winner of one season, actress Ya Volkov; participant S. Sakin ... This list includes S. Suponev, it is believed that it was he who came up with the name of the reality show. S. Bodrov, Jr., was the host of one of the season
Damn ready script for the next episode of "Final Destination"?

**Peace Prize.
The Swedish schoolgirl G. Thunberg was nominated for the Peace Prize. She launched a "school strike" in front of the parliament building in Stockholm last August. The girl was standing with a banner demanding that politicians comply with the terms of the Paris climate agreement ... I kept thinking, well, where is for myself Where is healthy selfishness?))). And now, G. Thunberg announced that she would not go to school on Fridays !!! until the requirements are met. Well, here I am, too, now urgently looking for a reason not to go to work on Mondays, well, there are movies and museum workers beckoning me. But I need a good reason! Please write it down...and I'll take you to accept the Nobel Prize. Well, or we will celebrate my dismissal)))

*** Well, that's absurd.
In Kazan, B. Agzamov was arrested for inciting discord between Tatars and Russians. The activist spoke (Attention! Concentrate!) with sharp criticism of the capture of Kazan by the troops of Ivan the Terrible in 1552! And no one cares about explaining the malicious violator - he just listed historical facts)))

Cheesecake today is about superstitions and absurdities. Do you believe in these ... well, spit over your left shoulder, especially in a crowded bus?))) And how to react at a crossroads, meeting a black cat and a woman with empty buckets. That's right - break the mirror and tick!))) Absuuuuuurd



Good morning!
Let's chat about the quirks you had while expecting babies.
In my first pregnancy, even without knowing about it, I wanted to tremble Schweppes. I drank for a whole week, then I didn’t like it))) my second son was not a gourmet and I already began to think that all these stories about the tricks of pregnant women are only their whim, until .... Until I became pregnant with the third. Here my brain was visited amazing wishes. For example, smoked mackerel went very well, which I polished with chocolate, now every day I crush carrot salad with garlic, before that I haven’t eaten it for five years .....
But the quirks of many relate not only to food. Shared mine. We laugh, we wonder. 159

Not all doctors immediately explain why it is impossible to wet manta. At the same time, in most cases they seek to prohibit water procedures. Is the need for an additional examination in the TB dispensary related to wet skin immediately after mantoux? Or do doctors operate with other concepts? - This one worries many parents, so it's worth looking into it more deeply.

Wash with a "button" or not?

The debate in detail on this issue can be carried on for quite a long time. First, it is worth remembering whether the mantoux has the right to be called a vaccine. It is worth saying with all certainty that mantoux does not at all apply to vaccinations, since during it a sufficiently small amount of live (which should be oppressed and very weakened) or dead cells of pathogens of various diseases is not introduced with the important goal of launching immunity to produce antibodies. So mantoux should be called just a diagnostic injection.

Now you can go to the main thing. Is it allowed to wet the vaccine? In the vast majority of medical institutions, this is strictly prohibited.

If we recall DTP vaccinations (a vaccine that includes components of whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus), then they always mention a lot of stress not only for the patient, but also for a healthy body. Toddlers experience such vaccinations even harder than adults. Attempts to combine bathing and vaccination may alter the activity of introduced ("grafted") disease-causing viruses.

It is also possible for harmful substances from a contaminated water supply to enter an open wound. The reaction to such experiments can be unpredictable. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that at least on the first day you refuse to bathe and not wet the vaccine.

What about mantu? As mentioned above, it cannot be attributed to vaccinations. Charles Mantoux developed the tuberculin test, popularly called the "button", to make a diagnosis. By itself, it does not cure anything and cannot even insure against a serious illness. Its main goal is to help doctors make an accurate diagnosis, as well as to identify the presence or absence of a pronounced allergic reaction to close contact with the tuberculin substance.

So why is it forbidden to wet the manta? Such a taboo is absolutely unfounded. Since the tuberculin test is an intradermal test, it will be necessary to inject water into the test with a pressurized syringe. Of course, no parent in their right mind would do this. In all other cases, an allergic reaction to water cannot occur.

What is the reason that almost all practicing pediatricians and nurses today prohibit wetting the sample? The answer lies in history. Until about the end of the sixties and, in rare cases, in the early seventies, skin tests (for example, the Pirquet test or the Koch test) were used instead of the intradermal Mantoux test.

A solution of the drug was dripped onto the skin from above, and then thin notches (scratches) were made through it. Naturally, this particular test could really react very strongly to bathing. In the first 24 hours, contact with water could wash the allergen out of the scratches, making it pointless to expect a true reaction.

Change is difficult in medicine. It is easier to continue to forbid everyone to swim than to make some changes to the conservative foundation. Decades of stereotypes have not been in vain.

In fact, it is desirable to abandon the mechanical impact on the manta. You can’t rub it, cover it with something, stick it with adhesive tape, treat it with a peroxide solution or paint it with brilliant green. You can just wash yourself, but you should still refuse to go to the bathhouse or use a washcloth on this area of ​​the skin.

How long to protect the hand?

You can throw all this reasoning aside and just suffer for a while without bathing. You never know, all of a sudden, in fact, water can penetrate into the subcutaneous layer. What period is the most "dangerous" for mantoux? It is enough to think about how long the papule (button) is measured. Usually they say to come in 48-72 hours to control the situation. So three days is the most optimal time when it is better not to touch or wet your hand with a manta once again.

It should be understood that even a positive tuberculin test gives only a small part of the information about the disease. To find out how common tuberculosis is or where it is localized, additional testing will be needed. In some cases, an error is found during the first test. So it is recommended to abandon the panic when making a "disappointing verdict" immediately after studying only one mantoux.

For more information on whether it is possible to divide by zero, read our next