Why do bruises appear on the hands. What causes bruises on the body in women for no reason

Do bruises happen for no reason? It turns out that this is possible. Sometimes a person finds a blue spot on the skin, although remember that he could not get injured anywhere. Why does this happen, is it possible to get rid of bruises on the body?

Causes of bruising

Why do bruises appear in the absence of physical injuries? In this case, the reasons are internal, not external. Hematomas that occur without a cause are often a signal of the presence of some kind of ailment.


  • Skin aging. Over time, the walls of blood vessels become brittle, lose their elasticity.
  • Violation of the hormonal background. With a lack of estrogen in the body in women, the fragility of small capillaries increases, which provokes their frequent damage.
  • Taking certain medications. Aspirin, Warfarin - drugs that thin the blood, often cause bleeding. Ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have also been linked to bruising in men and women.
  • Decreased body levels of vitamins P, K and C.

These are the main factors affecting the formation of bruises on the body for no reason. formed for a reason.

Bruises on different parts of the body (legs, eyelid, abdomen)

Bruises on the legs for no reason are noted quite often. What influences this phenomenon?

The reasons:

  • Hemophilia. A serious genetic disease in which blood clotting is impaired. Often there are hemorrhages in the muscle tissue.
  • Acquired liver diseases that contribute to poor blood clotting.
  • The vessels are located close to the dermis.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Varicose veins, diseases of the veins.
  • Disruptions in the endocrine system.
  • Frequent increase in pressure, ailments of the joints.
  • Avitaminosis.

Such factors can provoke the appearance of hematomas on the lower extremities. The presence of bruises for no reason on the legs in women is more often noted. This pathology in girls is often associated with genetics. Bruising on the legs of grandmothers appears due to the thin walls of blood vessels and problems with veins at this age. Bruises on the hands that have arisen without a reason signal the presence of pathological phenomena in the body. What could be?


  • Reduced levels of vitamin C. This element is involved in blood circulation, improves capillary permeability. With its deficiency, internal bleeding occurs, bruises appear on the palms and arms.
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis. The disease provokes inflammatory processes in small capillaries. Their rupture leads to the spread of blood in the subcutaneous integument and the appearance of hematomas on the hands.

Sometimes a person notes the appearance of a bruise on the eyelid. The phenomenon indicates the presence of serious diseases.

The reasons:

  • As we age, tissues become less elastic and blood vessels become more fragile. Intense action on the eyelid area can lead to bruising.
  • Disruptions of the hormonal background. Low estrogen levels in females lead to bruising.
  • Oncology. Hematomas appear in the presence of blood cancer.
  • Taking various medications that affect the circulatory system.

Hematomas on the abdomen are serious cases and should be treated in a medical facility. If small capillaries are damaged, small traces are noted. If large veins are affected, then the condition poses a threat to human life. On the skin there will be several bruises of a rather large size.

Hematomas in children

Hematomas in children that occur without a cause are an indicator of the presence of various diseases. Doctors identify several main factors that affect the appearance of bruises in a child.

The reasons:

  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis,
  • Lack of vitamins and microelements,
  • Failures in the work of organs,
  • Taking medications that affect the state of the blood.

Pregnancy is not always easy for a woman. The body is subjected to a fairly strong load. Many women have bruises on their body after pregnancy.

The reasons:

  • Phlebeurysm,
  • Lack of vitamins
  • Hormonal imbalance,
  • low hemoglobin,
  • Taking certain medications that affect the state of the blood.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother gives a lot of nutrients to her baby. The body gradually develops a lack of vitamins and minerals. The blood becomes thicker, the walls of the vessels are weak.

Most often, women have bruises on the legs and on the abdomen. Almost every pregnant woman is prone to varicose veins. Stagnation of venous blood leads to the formation of a thin blue mesh on the skin.

Bruises under the eyes for no reason

It is possible to use additional treatment with the help of traditional medicine.


  • Badyagi powder, diluted with water at a concentration of 2/1, will help remove even a large bruise pretty quickly. Apply to the affected area for 15 minutes twice a day.
  • Onion gruel is mixed with a tablespoon of salt. The resulting substance is used for compresses, which are applied to the bruise twice a day.
  • It is allowed to do warm compresses to remove hematomas.
  • Apply softened leaves of cabbage or plantain to the damaged areas.
  • A cotton pad is soaked in chamomile extract and applied to the bruise.

Recipes can be found on the Internet, before using alternative treatment, you should consult with a medical professional.

Consequences and prevention

Hematomas for no reason are always a warning about the presence of a disease. If left untreated, it will progress further, causing discomfort to the person.

In order to avoid the appearance of bruises, it is worth adhering to preventive measures.


  • Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet, take vitamin complexes. This will help improve the condition of the vessels.
  • Treat any liver ailments in time, monitor its condition.
  • Exercise, spend more time outdoors.
  • Medications are allowed to be taken as prescribed by a medical worker, not to self-medicate.

Bruises for no reason cause inconvenience to the owner, disrupt the normal way of life. It is necessary to diagnose diseases in time, not to start the disease, to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Bruises on the body for no reason - video

Not always bruises on the body occur after an injury or bruise. Causeless spots can appear due to serious pathologies in the structure of the connective tissue and blood composition.

Subcutaneous hematomas are formed throughout the body, and even on the mucous membranes, on the neck and under the nails. Most often, bruises appear on the arms and legs. If multiple spots are observed on the palms and face, the patient may have hemorrhagic vasculitis.

Why do bruises come and go

The cause of bruising and subcutaneous hematomas on the body is not always bruises. In many diseases that are associated with circulatory disorders and connective tissue dystrophy, blue spots appear. Most often, this pathology occurs in older people.

Diseases that provoke the appearance of blue spots on the body:

  • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • hereditary factor: hemophilia;
  • immunological diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • malfunction of the liver;
  • anemia;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • diabetic heart, congenital malformation of the heart muscle.

A hematoma on the abdomen of a woman may appear due to a lack of estrogen during menopause. Bruises under the eyes can occur due to the wrong lifestyle: bad habits, chronic lack of sleep, stress, starvation. If a person does not receive enough vitamins, problems with connective tissue and blood vessels begin.

It is impossible not to attach importance to bruises, which come from no one knows where. Be sure to consult with a therapist, and go through a series of examinations. Thanks to professional diagnostics of the state of internal organs and blood vessels, it is possible to understand why hematomas appear.

Autoimmune diseases

Hereditary causes of hematomas are diseases of the autoimmune type, which are characterized by weakening and rupture of the walls of blood vessels and frequent hemorrhage into soft tissues. Bruises on the body and face are accompanied by nosebleeds, weakness, headache.

Vasculitis- This is a serious disease that affects the vessels of all vital organs. Bruises occur in foci on different parts of the body: on the arms, thighs, lower legs, abdomen. Additional symptoms include leg swelling and weakness. Vasculitis can also be acquired. Provoke the development of pathology long-term use of antibiotics, infectious diseases.

At Rendu-Osler disease multiple vascular networks and spots appear on the face, body and mucous membranes. The patient has a constant increase in pigmented foci after physical overexertion. The disease cannot be completely eliminated, therapy is aimed at stopping bleeding.

Hormonal disbalance

Bruises on the body occur for no reason in women who have experienced a hormonal failure. Such a failure occurs during pregnancy, breastfeeding, may be a consequence of menopause.

Also, taking hormonal drugs and contraceptives leads to a sharp decrease in estrogen. After such drugs, the girl develops incomprehensible white and blue hematomas, which disappear in a few days.

Hormonal imbalances and bruising on the body may indicate ovarian dysfunction and malignant neoplasms. Therefore, seek the advice of a general practitioner and gynecologist, especially if you often experience dizziness, headaches, loss of memory and concentration.

Purpura while taking steroids

Some glucocorticosteroids cause bruising on the skin. A small number of small bruises on the body and face that have arisen due to medication in medicine is called purpura. Such a symptom does not threaten the life and health of the patient, as it is a small side effect on therapy.

In this case, causeless bruising will go away on its own after stopping treatment or reducing the dosage of injections. Before starting treatment, the doctor must warn that purpura may appear.

Oncological diseases

Sometimes bruises on the body can be a sign of a serious threat to the life of the patient. Due to benign and malignant neoplasms in the blood, the level of platelets decreases and its clotting is disturbed.

Bruises on the abdomen may indicate ovarian, uterine, or stomach cancer. The causes of the appearance of large spots on the back, and especially along the spine, are a tumor or a bleeding disorder. Also, hematomas often form on the elbows and wrists, which can be caused by leukemia, blood cancer.

Platelet pathology and clotting disorders

There are a number of reasons for the appearance of bruises on the skin associated with a violation of blood clotting. In men and women, the following platelet pathologies are diagnosed with the same frequency: thrombocytopenia and thrombocytopathy.

Bruises without a cause can appear with a decrease in the level of platelets in the blood and their pathological decay. Patients feel weak, complain of bleeding from the nose.

With thrombocytopathy, platelets are normal, but their quality is much worse. The patient constantly forms painful bruises and hematomas due to the slightest external influences on the skin. Internal hemorrhages are dangerous for human life, so patients require urgent treatment with the use of hemostatic drugs.

Damage and congenital diseases of the connective tissue

Unreasonable bruises provoke diseases that are inherited and are associated with the main factor: a violation of the production of building protein (collagen). From birth, the child has sudden hematomas formed on the body, as well as deformation of the skeletal structure. The group of connective tissue pathologies includes: ulnar styloiditis; Marfan syndrome, osteogenesis; Sharp's syndrome, with a change in the nail bed.

Bruises on the body for no reason or after a minor injury in men and women occur not only because of the listed diseases. This group includes many pathologies that are incurable. Hematomas are not a threat to the life of the patient, and hemostatic drugs are prescribed for treatment.

Other reasons

Doctors also describe many cases where bruises appear for no apparent reason. The patient does not feel discomfort or other pathological symptoms, but the pathological process is running in the body.

Hematomas form on the body, face and mucous membranes in the following cases:

  • violation of blood clotting and vascular walls after an infectious disease;
  • lack of vitamin C, P, K;
  • consequences of taking drugs: antidepressants, NSAIDs, analgesics;
  • varicose veins in the form of small spider veins;
  • hypertension;
  • rheumatism;
  • kidney pathology.

A lack of vitamins leads to the appearance of yellow, red or brown hematomas on the face and body. Also, bruises on the body can form after experienced stress, as a result of which the patient's pressure sharply increased.

What are the dangers of bruising in a child

It is difficult to trace the cause of bruising on the body of a child. Due to increased activity, parents can not always keep track of the baby. But if blood hematomas appear too often, and especially on the face, mucous membranes and palms, you should consult a doctor.

The main causes of bruising that are not caused by trauma to the skin and muscles:

Also, children have internal hemorrhages in the connective tissue after severe infectious and viral diseases. Any causeless bruising should alert adults, especially if they are accompanied by fever, lethargy, lack of coordination.

Causeless bruises on the body are treated with hemostatic drugs. It is also necessary to conduct a diagnosis of all organs and pass tests to determine the composition and quality of the blood. You can quickly remove the hematoma and reduce the stain with the help of external topical ointments. However, such treatment is not the main one, before choosing a drug, be sure to consult your doctor.

To reduce bruising, use the following ointment:

"Heparin ointment". This tool stimulates blood circulation and resorption of clots that form subcutaneous hematomas.

"Troxevasin ointment". Increases the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, nourishes the connective tissue with vitamin P, prevents the appearance of new bruises.

"Rescuer". The ointment is designed to eliminate subcutaneous bruises that occur from bruises, injuries or blood clotting disorders.

If you have deep vein thrombosis, ointments can be dangerous. Also, be sure to consider the compatibility of topical preparations with tablets and capsules.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis of causeless bruises is handled by a hematologist. Children should be shown to the pediatrician immediately. The doctor externally examines the nature of the hematoma, fixes their number and nature.

To identify the exact cause of the pathology, the following tests are taken:

  1. general blood analysis;
  2. general urine analysis;
  3. clotting analysis (coagulogram);
  4. Ultrasound of internal organs.

Depending on the identified violations, therapy is prescribed. If bruising began to appear due to a congenital autoimmune disease, the patient should take drugs that promote normal blood clotting.

Bruises that appear without bruises and injuries should be shown to a doctor. The frequent occurrence of pigmentation, especially on the face and mucous membranes, can signal the presence of serious diseases.

In addition to external agents, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs:

  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • NSAIDs;
  • venotonics;
  • anticoagulants;
  • vitamins to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

If bruises appear in the form of vascular networks on the thighs and legs, the patient develops varicose veins. The neglected condition requires surgical treatment.

Prohibited drugs

There are many reasons for the formation of bruises on the body and face, so any drugs that the patient independently prescribed can harm.

If you notice the appearance of subcutaneous hematomas, consult your doctor about canceling or reducing the dosage of the following drugs: glucocorticosteroids; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, especially in combination with ointment; hormonal drugs.

Folk methods of treatment

Alternative methods are designed to eliminate the manifestations of pigmentation, reduce their color and promote rapid healing. Bruises on the body can be removed with lotions, compresses, decoctions and teas that improve and normalize blood clotting.

Simple ways to get rid of manifesting hematomas:

  • compresses from burdock, cabbage leaves, potatoes, calendula flowers, parsley;
  • lotion based on vinegar, apple, milk;
  • tincture of comfrey leaves, chamomile;
  • ointment from chamomile, marjoram oils.


The destruction of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries leads to hemorrhages in the connective tissues. Frequent hematomas can be a temporary phenomenon, or they can signal serious illnesses.

To prevent bruising, use simple rules:

  1. Do not abuse drugs that increase blood clotting.
  2. Move more and walk outdoors.
  3. Dress for the weather so you don't get cold.
  4. Do not try to treat infectious diseases yourself.
  5. Do not overeat, give up alcohol and fatty foods, watch your weight.

If bruises of unknown etiology begin to appear on the body, be sure to consult a doctor. Dangerous is a condition in which the patient has a fever, impaired vision or coordination.

Many hereditary pathologies cause thinning and destruction of blood vessels, which leads to frequent hemorrhages. But if hematomas in the connective tissues are not dangerous, then damage to the vessel in the internal organs can lead to a state of coma or death. Therefore, when causeless bruising appears, check the condition of your vessels and the level of platelets in the blood.

Article publication date: 03/05/2017

Article last updated: 12/22/2018

From this article you will learn: why bruises appear on the body for no reason, what diseases can cause this problem. What to do with it.

Causes of bruising on the body (article content):

Bruises of various sizes that occur without obvious injuries and strokes can be a manifestation of serious blood diseases, metabolic disorders, and oncological pathology.

A qualified specialist (hematologist, endocrinologist or family doctor) will be able to accurately determine the cause of such bruises, as well as how to treat them.

A single hematoma (bruise), even of considerable size, is not yet a cause for concern. It is possible that the injury was minor and therefore not remembered. Serious concern should cause the systematic appearance of bruises of any size. What is important in such a situation is not so much the size and localization as the absence of a visible cause.

Treatment will be aimed at preventing bruising on the body, and not at eliminating existing ones. The prognosis can be either favorable or not (for example, with amyloidosis) - depending on the disease.

The causes of bruises on the body for no reason in women and men are, in general, the same.

With this problem, contact a hematologist.

Pathology of the vascular wall

Rendu-Osler disease

This is a hereditary disease that is characterized by a systemic violation of the vascular wall - the vessel does not have a muscular and outer shell, therefore it is easily damaged. As the disease progresses, the vessels dilate, forming an expansion of the vessels of the skin in the form of a small spot.

The leading symptom of the disease is spider veins and bruises of various sizes that can appear anywhere on the body. Their greatest number is noted on the face, mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tract.

With any physical exertion, the number of bruises increases, bleeding may occur. 90% of patients have repeated episodes of nosebleeds.

Therapy is aimed at stopping bleeding, after which local agents are prescribed to promote skin healing and resorption of bruises. The prognosis is favorable, since massive, life-threatening bleeding of the patient rarely occurs. A complete cure is not possible.

Congenital connective tissue diseases

This is a large group of diseases of a hereditary nature, which are based on a violation of the synthesis of collagen, the main protein that forms the vascular wall. These include Marfan and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, elastic pseudoxanthoma, osteogenesis imperfecta.

Symptoms may appear as early as the newborn and progress as the child ages. In addition to bruising on the skin, defects in the formation of bones and joints are noted, for example, too long limb bones in both the male and female populations with Marfan syndrome.

A cardinal cure for any of the above named congenital malformations is impossible. Treatment consists in the possible elimination or reduction of the intensity of the patient's symptoms. For example, drugs that improve vascular blood flow can be used to reduce the severity of bruising.

The prognosis can be both favorable and unfavorable. Everything is determined by the severity of other malformations, since increased bleeding in itself does not pose a threat to the life of the patient.

Acquired connective tissue damage


This term refers to a pronounced deficiency of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). This substance is not synthesized in the human body, therefore, its insufficient intake as part of the diet or its complete absence leads to severe changes in metabolism. First of all, this concerns a violation of the synthesis of collagen - a protein that forms the vascular wall and connective tissue.

Symptoms of scurvy:

  • the appearance of bruises on the body (from small to large in a few centimeters);
  • loosening of the gums and their bleeding;
  • loosening and loss of teeth;
  • muscle pain due to massive bruising;
  • 75% of patients develop severe anemia.

The treatment of scurvy is quite simple: prescribe synthetic vitamin C and a diet enriched with ascorbic acid. With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable. In advanced cases and in the absence of necessary therapy, massive bleeding can lead to the death of the patient.

Purpura caused by long-term steroid use

Some patients are prescribed drugs glucocorticosteroids, for example, in autoimmune processes. Possible side effects include increased vascular fragility and bruising.

There is no serious threat to life, since massive bleeding is usually not observed.

The prognosis is favorable with successful treatment of the underlying disease and a decrease in the dose of corticosteroids.


This is a group of diseases in which the wall of blood vessels becomes inflamed and subsequently destroyed (necrosis). The most frequently recorded systemic vasculitis (it is also called Schonlein-Henoch disease).

The first signs of the disease occur in early childhood or adolescence. Infectious diseases, autoimmune processes, and taking a number of antibiotics can provoke their appearance.

The following symptoms of Schonlein-Genoch vasculitis are known:

  • bruises and other elements of the rash that occur suddenly;
  • after them, foci of pigmentation appear on the body;
  • the eruption is more profuse on the legs than on the arms;
  • the general condition worsens (weakness, moderately elevated temperature);
  • swollen and painful joints (often ankle and knee);
  • there may be diarrhea and catarrhal symptoms.

Dapsone, sulfasalazine, plasmapheresis, glucocorticosteroids are prescribed for treatment.

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The prognosis is favorable, the symptoms that appear once do not completely disappear, but repeated episodes of deterioration are possible.

Platelet pathologies

This group of diseases includes thrombocytopathy (a violation of the functionality of platelets - the cells responsible for blood clotting - with their normal number) and thrombocytopenia (a decrease in their number with normal function). Women and men get sick equally often. These diseases also cause bruising for no reason.

Thrombocytopenia Thrombocytopathy
The reasons Reducing the formation of platelets

their increased breakdown

Hereditary factors that change the shape and reduce the functionality of platelets, that is, they cannot quickly form a blood clot
Symptoms Bleeding from mucous membranes

Bruises of various sizes

Bleeding in the joints (hemarthrosis)

bruises on the body

Diagnostics Decrease in the number of platelets in the general clinical blood test

Increased bleeding time


General clinical blood test

Pinch and other special tests

Therapy Steroid hormones for a long time

In 80% of patients, the positive dynamics of the disease is noted after removal of the spleen.

Hemostatic (hemostatic) agents
Forecast Relatively favorable

Massive bleeding can lead to death of the patient

Complete cure is not possible

Coagulation factor deficiency

More than 10 coagulation factors are known, which, simultaneously with platelets, stop bleeding. The most well-known is hemophilia, a rare disease associated with impaired blood clotting.

There are no specific symptoms. There are bruises on the body, internal bleeding and hemorrhages in large joints. Diagnosis is difficult, as sophisticated equipment is required.

A complete cure is not possible. Therapy includes blood transfusions, hemostatic agents.

When meeting, we always pay attention to the appearance of a person, and therefore it can be said without exaggeration that the condition of the skin is our “calling card”. And it's just terrible if bruises appear on the body out of nowhere, very reminiscent of the consequences of injuries. They look completely unaesthetic, but more importantly, a person who cares about his own health cannot but be excited about the reason for their appearance.

Why do bruises appear on the body for no reason? In this article, we will try to understand the nature of the origin of such hematomas and talk about how to deal with this unpleasant phenomenon.

Why do bruises appear on the body: The mechanism of the appearance of hematomas

Every person at least once in his life faced with the appearance of bruises. It hurts enough to hit a hard object and immediately the skin at the site of impact turns red, and a little later it becomes blue-violet. Touching such a bruise, you can feel soreness.

The appearance of blue under the skin after a painful blow is associated with internal bleeding. As a result of a soft tissue injury, small vessels under the skin were damaged, and the blood from them got into the soft tissues, forming the same hematoma. Hemoglobin, contained in the blood, determines the shade of the bruise, which at first has a purple-red color. Gradually, after some time, the bruise begins to change its color, becoming purple, purple, yellow-green. The products of hemoglobin destruction stain the hematoma - these are biliverdin (green bile pigment) and bilirubin (yellow-red bile pigment). It is believed that the lower the location of the bruise on the human body, the higher the pressure inside the vessels, respectively, the hematoma will heal for a longer time.

However, this is a completely natural and familiar process to everyone, which after a few days dissolves without a trace. But what about bruises that appear without injury, for example, at night while sleeping. Doctors say that such phenomena are associated with pathological changes in the body and can signal serious illnesses.

Why bruises appear on the body: Causes of hematomas

First of all, do not rush to panic. If you have one bruise, even if impressive, this is not a cause for concern. Perhaps you had a minor injury that you just didn't notice. It is worth worrying only when such hematomas appear systematically. With a question about the reasons for their appearance, you should contact a hematologist, and in the absence of a narrowly focused specialist, a local therapist.

1. Hemorrhagic vasculitis

This is a serious disease in which the walls of blood vessels become inflamed, brittle, and begin to break down over time. The reason for this pathological phenomenon lies in the immune system, which perceives vascular cells as “foreigners” and produces antibodies against them, gradually destroying the vascular walls. In these cases, hemorrhages in soft tissues are often observed in the patient's body, which are visible to the naked eye.

The causes of the disease can be very different, for example, an infectious lesion, the development of an autoimmune process in the body, or even prolonged use of antibiotics. But regardless of the cause that caused it, vasculitis affects the vessels of vital organs - the heart, brain, kidneys or liver. Bruises in this case can occur almost anywhere - on the abdomen, back or limbs.

It is possible to suspect vasculitis in emerging hematomas, if only because the pigmentation with it, as a rule, is focal, with many small hematomas. And on the hands of rashes, usually more than on the legs. And with vasculitis, the lower limbs swell strongly, and the patient himself begins to feel weakness and observes a moderately elevated temperature.

Vasculitis is a rather serious disease that requires qualified treatment, sometimes throughout life. To combat the disease, doctors prescribe antileprosy drugs (Sulfasalazine), blood purification through plasmapheresis, and glucocorticosteroids to the patient.

2. Thrombocytopathy and thrombocytopenia

There are other diseases that can cause bruising on the body. In medicine, they are called platelet pathologies.

thrombocytopathy. Thrombocytopathy is a congenital or acquired disorder of hemostasis, which develops due to the inferiority of platelets, despite the fact that their number is normal. In this condition, a person can develop severe bleeding with the slightest injury, damage to the skin and mucous membranes. Periodically appearing hematomas under the skin indicate internal hemorrhages that can endanger a person's life.

Fortunately, modern medicine has learned to maintain the health of patients with such an incurable disease. Patients with thrombocytopathy have to take hemostatic (hemostatic) drugs throughout their lives.

thrombocytopenia. There is also a less severe condition called thrombocytopenia. With this disease, the number of platelets in the blood drops sharply, due to the weak formation of such blood cells or their rapid decay. In a person with such a disease, frequent nosebleeds are observed, mucous membranes often bleed, and impressive hematomas can appear under the skin.

Patients with thrombocytopenia have to take steroid hormones for a long time to normalize their blood condition. But if this treatment does not help, experts decide to remove the spleen. As practice shows, in 80% of cases, resection of this organ allows achieving positive dynamics in the treatment of the disease.

3. Why there are bruises on the body: Deficiency of blood clotting factors

Modern medicine knows more than 10 blood clotting factors that are involved in stopping bleeding along with platelets. In the event of a failure in their work, a person may develop a pathological condition associated with impaired blood clotting and frequent bleeding. The most well-known such disease is hemophilia.

Tellingly, such violations of blood coagulation factors practically do not manifest themselves in any way. It is possible to detect malfunctions in the body only by bleeding that does not stop for a long time, as well as by hematomas that appear on the patient's body for no apparent reason. But even in the presence of characteristic symptoms, it is rather difficult to make an accurate diagnosis for the patient, since complex and expensive diagnostics are required to confirm the violation of a certain factor.

And even having identified the disease, it should be understood that it is not possible to completely cure it. All that modern medicine can help is to maintain the normal condition of the patient through blood transfusion, taking hemostatic agents and a special diet.

4. Pathologies of connective tissue

This includes several diseases at once, in which the production of collagen, a key protein necessary for the formation and strengthening of the vascular walls, is disrupted. The list of these pathologies can include: imperfect osteogenesis, elastic pseudoxanthoma and some other diseases.

Connective tissue pathologies often manifest themselves at an early age. In addition to hematomas, the patient may have defects in the development of the skeletal system, for example, excessively long limbs.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure such congenital malformations. All that medicine can do is to maintain the condition of patients, minimizing the severity of severe symptoms of the anomaly. In this regard, to combat hematomas that appear on the body, the use of drugs that improve blood flow can be prescribed. In any case, bleeding in these diseases does not pose a threat to the patient's life, and therefore the appearance of bruises becomes just one of the ways to detect the disease.

5. Purpura caused by long-term steroid use

In some cases, the appearance of hematomas on the body does not pose a serious threat to the body, but is a side effect of taking medications. For example, the appearance of subcutaneous bruises may turn out to be purpura, i.e. a medical symptom that is associated with long-term use of glucocorticosteroids, for example, in some autoimmune diseases.

If it's all about the side effect of taking medications, you don't have to worry about your own health. As a rule, after the end of the treatment of the disease, go with a decrease in the prescribed dosage, this frightening symptom disappears without a trace.

6. Taking medication

Sometimes bruising occurs with long-term use of antidepressants, analgesics, anti-asthma or anti-inflammatory drugs. With bouts of pain, bruises often appear on the face. To protect yourself from the appearance of bruises on the face, abdomen, arms, legs and other parts of the body, it is necessary to avoid excessive physical exertion and severe hypothermia.

7. Lack of vitamin P

Vitamin P deficiency leads to impaired collagen production, the vascular walls become thinner, their fragility and permeability increase, which leads to frequent bruising. In addition to the appearance of hematomas, irritability, upset stomach and intestines (heartburn, diarrhea, flatulence) are felt, the sensitivity of the skin increases - to sunlight, cosmetics and household chemicals.

A rich source of vitamin P is freshly brewed green tea, two cups per day is enough. 3 cloves of garlic, a couple of apples or 150 g of pumpkin will also help to replenish the lack of a daily vitamin intake.

8. Why there are bruises on the body: Lack of vitamin C

With a lack of vitamin C in the body, the fragility of blood vessels increases, as a result, small hematomas (bruises) in the area of ​​​​the legs, thighs or biceps are often disturbed. Additional symptoms of vitamin C deficiency include frequent colds, systematic fatigue, drowsiness and apathy, hair loss and brittleness, skin peeling. Simultaneous lack of vitamins C and P leads to a lack of calcium in the blood.

Scurvy. This disease is characterized by an acute deficiency of vitamin C in the body. Deficiency of such an important vitamin leads to a severe disruption of metabolic processes, and above all, disrupts the synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for strengthening the vascular walls and connective tissues. It is not surprising that scurvy begins precisely with hematomas on the body, which become larger with the development of the disease.

To understand that the cause of bruising lies in the development of scurvy, just look at other characteristic symptoms of this disease, namely:

  • bleeding and looseness of the gums;
  • loosening and then loss of teeth;
  • development of anemia;
  • severe muscle pain due to massive bruising.

It is worth noting that dealing with scurvy is quite simple. It is only necessary to return ascorbic acid to the patient's diet, and his condition will gradually return to normal. In this regard, the patient is prescribed a diet, with the use of rose hips and sea buckthorn, hawthorn and red sweet peppers, Brussels sprouts and broccoli, black currants and strawberries, parsley and dill, kiwi, oranges and other citrus fruits, the doctor may prescribe a course of special medications that contribute to the maximum enrichment of the body with vitamin C. It is only important to remember that in a neglected state, the disease poses a serious threat to life due to massive hemorrhage.

When the deficiency of both vitamins is replenished, the vessels strengthen, blood pressure stabilizes, capillary permeability decreases, and the inclusion of buckwheat, plums, cherries and red pepper in the diet will make it possible to forget about the problem soon.

9. Lack of Vitamin K

With a lack of this vitamin, blood clotting worsens, and with a minimal rupture of the vessel wall, a bruise occurs. In addition to bruising, frequent bleeding from the nose is disturbing, with a small scratch or cut, the blood does not stop for a long time, and the wound does not heal well, the gums are loose and bleed.

The daily requirement of the vitamin can be obtained by eating 2 bananas or 2 eggs, a handful of nuts, 150-170 g of oily fish or a couple of tablespoons of linseed oil.

10. Rendu-Osler disease

This is a rare congenital disease in which the patient's vessels do not have external and muscular membranes. For this reason, blood vessels dilate over time, forming small blood spots under the skin. It is not surprising that the main symptom of such a pathology is spider veins and hematomas that appear on various parts of the body (most blood points are localized in the face, abdomen and neck).

A characteristic feature of the disease is the fact that in the case of physical stress, the number of small hematomas immediately increases and there is a risk of bleeding. In addition, these patients are constantly observed bleeding from the nose.

It is not possible to completely recover from Randu-Osler disease. Treatment of the disease is aimed at reducing the severe symptoms of the disease, through drugs that stop bleeding, heal the skin and resolve hematomas. However, by following your doctor's advice and taking your prescribed medications regularly, you can live a full life without severe bleeding that threatens your health.

11. Varicose veins

Varicose veins often cause small, dark bruises. The presence of bruises on the legs and the complete absence of hematomas on other parts of the body speaks eloquently of stagnant processes and the initial stage of development of varicose veins. In addition, there is the appearance of spider veins, protrusion of the veins on the lower extremities, convulsions are disturbing. The legs swell, there are pains when walking. With this disease, the outflow of venous blood is disturbed, the vessels overflow and a tear of the vessel wall is possible, leading to the appearance of a small hematoma.

If you have problems with the veins, you need to contact a phlebologist. The doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and assess the magnitude of the problem by prescribing an ultrasound of the vessels or dopplerography, as well as a blood clotting test.

12. Infectious diseases and oncology

In some cases, bruises appear on the body for no reason after a recent infectious disease. The exact cause of the formation of hematomas on the body will be identified by a qualified doctor after a thorough examination; The treatment of this disease is strictly individual.

And one more thing: one should never ignore, at first glance, an unreasonable phenomenon, since it can also indicate the presence of an oncological disease. With cancer, the number of platelets in the blood decreases, which leads to a violation of blood clotting. As a result, large bruises with blurred borders can appear almost daily. All this occurs against the background of unreasonable weight loss, swollen lymph nodes, blanching of the skin, ulceration of the oral mucosa (stomatitis) or frequent nosebleeds. With such symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor without postponing a visit indefinitely.

13. Hormonal failure

While taking contraceptives or during menopause, the hormonal background in a woman's body changes - the level of estrogen decreases. This leads to a decrease in blood viscosity and the appearance of large, light hematomas. They disappear quickly, in about 3-5 days. Concomitant symptoms include memory impairment, decreased concentration, sleep disturbances and dizziness.

It is recommended to make a hormonogram. With a slight lack of estrogen, it is enough to include foods containing phytoestrogens in the diet - 150 g of soy or legumes (beans, peas or beans), a handful of nuts or flax seeds. With a significant shortage of hormones, appropriate drugs are needed to equalize the hormonal balance.

14. Other reasons

In addition, bruises on the body can appear with hypertension, rheumatism, chronic tonsillitis, and kidney diseases. You should be tested to determine the level of platelets and blood clotting.

It is safe to say that bruises on the body never appear without a reason. True, sometimes they do not occur due to bruises, but for very serious reasons that qualified doctors should deal with. That is why you should be attentive to any changes in the body and do not hesitate to consult a doctor if you suspect something is wrong. Remember, timely detection and proper treatment of a disease often become key factors in the fight for health and life. Take care of yourself!


Bruises are a common occurrence in the life of any person. They occur as a result of trauma, blows or strong pressure, which lead to rupture of the capillaries, due to which blood seeps into the surrounding tissue layer, as a result of which a bruise is formed.

But what if bruises appear for no reason? The man did not hit anywhere, no one pinched or beat him, but more and more hematomas appear. One bruise turned yellow and passed, and after a while there is already a second, third, and so on. And the person still cannot remember where he hit like that.

Many do not pay attention to these phenomena and take them as the norm, which is in vain, these “blue marks” can mean the presence of a serious disease that can harm not only health, but also human life.

Do not ignore bruises of unknown origin, but immediately consult a doctor for advice and examination. What are hematomas, why do bruises appear for no reason and can they be quickly removed? You can learn about all this from this article.

Why do bruises appear for no reason?

Lack of vitamin C and P can lead to bruising

The bruise that forms immediately after a blow is a natural phenomenon that has happened to every person. But why do bruises appear for no reason? If there was no physical contact with a solid object, but a blue painful spot appeared on the skin, then you should be wary, because the reason for its appearance still exists and is very serious. The main reason for the appearance of bruises of a non-traumatic nature is increased fragility of capillaries. But what factors provoke the appearance of fragility of the walls of capillary vessels?

Common causes of bruising of unknown origin are:

  • skin age. With age, various changes begin to occur in the structure of the connective tissue, due to which the elasticity of the vascular walls decreases;
  • hormonal fluctuations. Hormonal disruptions in the female body occur quite often, especially during menopause. This is due to the fact that there is a lack of estrogens, as a result of which the capillaries become more permeable and fragile. Therefore, many women in this period of life can observe subcutaneous bruising;
  • lack of vitamin C and P. Ascorbic acid helps to restore tissues after mechanical damage, and vitamin P makes the capillary walls stronger and more elastic. Therefore, if there is a lack of these beneficial substances in the body, causeless bruising may occur;
  • long-term use of certain blood-thinning medications. Aspirin and its analogues, such as Plavix, are used in everyday life. They thin the blood and cause bleeding.

Most causeless bruises appear in females due to estrogen deficiency in the female body. Therefore, women should be more attentive to the appearance of skin marks, since the causes of this phenomenon can be much more serious than a lack of vitamins or skin aging. Bruising may also indicate the presence of hemorrhagic diathesis.

Hemorrhagic diathesis is a group of diseases that includes various severe changes in the body, leading to bruising for no reason. Among them are the following diseases:

  • vasopathy. This is a deformation of the vascular walls, which occurs as a result of exposure to toxic, infectious or allergic agents. A striking example of this pathological process is hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • hemophilia. There is a violation of blood clotting, which is mainly of a genetic nature and is most often observed in men. It is characterized by the manifestation of large hematomas throughout the body;
  • breast cancer. Non-traumatic bruises on the chest may indicate this problem;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • thrombocytopathy;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • liver pathology.

If bruises periodically appear on the skin for no reason, then it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and take a blood test. Based on the results, the doctor will determine the cause of hematomas and prescribe treatment. Self-medication in this case is not recommended.

Varieties of bruises

One of the types of formations is hematoma bruises.

The appearance of bruises for no apparent reason can be considered a sign of a number of pathologies. Bruises that are associated with any disease appear somewhat different from the usual blue marks after hitting a hard object. Moreover, there are several types of bruises of unknown origin:

  • hematoma bruises. They are characterized by bruising into the subcutaneous layer as well as deep into the muscles and joints. Such hemorrhages bring severe pain to their owner and lead to tissue destruction, arthrosis, muscular dystrophy and pathological bone fractures. Hematoma bruises are also large and can appear anywhere on the body. The cause of their development is usually hemophilia A and B;
  • vasculitic-purple bruising. This variety is characterized by the manifestation of specific bruises of an inflammatory nature, which is accompanied by the appearance of an itchy rash, in place of which characteristic pigmentation remains over time;
  • microcirculatory bruises. The main places of their localization are the arms and legs, as well as the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, at the site of which bleeding occurs. Moreover, the capillaries burst even with a slight rubbing of the area with your hand. This phenomenon can occur with thrombocytopenia;
  • microcirculatory hematoma bruises. This type is mixed, that is, it combines the characteristics of 2 types of bruises. It is characterized by the appearance of several large bruises in the subcutaneous fat layer. Such skin manifestations may indicate the presence of hemophilia type A, DIC, or an overdose of anticoagulants.

Depending on the type of bruise and its location, the doctor will be able to determine the cause of its occurrence. Ordinary bruises caused by a traumatic factor can be quickly removed on their own, but if the hematoma is of unknown origin or brings a lot of unpleasant and painful sensations, then you should consult a doctor.

Treatment of bruises without a cause

Heparin ointment contributes to the rapid dissolution of the subcutaneous blood clot, accelerating the disappearance of the blue tint

Quickly get rid of a bruise usually does not work. Only if you immediately lean something cold against the bruise, you can significantly reduce its size and color intensity. But if the bruise was noticed much later, the following drugs will help speed up its healing:

  • heparin ointment. Promotes the speedy dissolution of the subcutaneous blood clot, accelerating the disappearance of the blue tint. It also has an analgesic effect;
  • troxevasin ointment. It has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels and promotes a speedy recovery;
  • askorutin. It helps to strengthen the vascular wall, helps to quickly remove existing hematomas and prevents the appearance of new ones.

If bruises appear on their own, then first you need to identify the factor that provokes their appearance. If the reason for this is a lack of vitamins C and P, then you need to make up for their deficiency in the body by eating foods that contain a lot of them. These products include citrus fruits, dairy products, sea fish and much more. Also then it is recommended to take the drug "Ascorutin", which is rich in these vitamins.

But if the cause of hematomas was a serious disease, then it is necessary to carefully examine and begin to treat the underlying problem. And don't expect the healing process to be quick and easy. But the result in the form of a long and carefree life is worth it. And in order to avoid bruising in the future, it is necessary to adhere to the following preventive measures:

  • strengthen the vascular walls. It is very easy to do this if you revise your diet and add food rich in ascorbic acid and rutin to it;
  • timely treat infectious diseases;
  • lead a healthy and active lifestyle;
  • monitor the condition of the liver;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • stop contact with substances that provoke vasculitis and allergies.

Compliance with these preventive measures, as well as timely access to specialists, will help you maintain your health for long, happy years.