Is it possible to give a kitten of the British breed chicken. Features of nutrition and care of pets of the British breed

After the appearance of a fluffy pet in your home, you should carefully study what the nutrition of British kittens should be. The health and development of your Briton depends on a correct and balanced daily diet.

The diet of a British kitten in the first month of life, as for other animals, naturally should consist exclusively of mother's milk. It contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals necessary for life. Therefore, they do not need additional nutrition.

When the Brit turns one month old, you can gradually introduce additional feed, but in small quantities. The stomach of kittens is small, and in order not to harm him, feed him correctly - in small portions.

Food hygiene

The British are very clean animals and therefore it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the bowl from which they eat. It is advisable to wash it daily and try not to use detergents, as the pet catches the slightest odors and may refuse to eat from poorly washed dishes.

The temperature of the food should not be too hot, but not cold either. From the age of two months, you should diversify your diet: introduce cereals, vegetables, milk, dry food, special canned food.

But it is worth remembering that there should be a balanced diet, with enough vitamins, trace elements, proteins and fats.

Feed types

Food for British cats should be rich in substances necessary for normal growth and development. It should be cooked daily and the leftovers should be removed from the bowl, as their stomach is quite sensitive and reacts quickly to stale food.

There are three types of food:

  • Natural.
  • Mixed.
  • Dry food and canned food.

Below we will tell you about the types of food, and you can choose which food for British cats is right for you and your pet.

Natural foods for cats

Many owners believe that freshly prepared food is the best for good growth and development, but natural the nutrition of a British kitten does not always properly provide it with the necessary trace elements. Do not be afraid in advance - contact your veterinarian, and he will tell you what vitamins and supplements to buy.

Natural products necessary for a pet:

  • Lean meats.
  • Dairy.
  • Eggs.
  • Sea fish.
  • Kashi.
  • Vegetables.
  • Offal.

Meat is recommended to be given raw, but put it in the freezer for several hours before eating - this treatment will kill all harmful microorganisms and worm eggs. Frozen beef is also the best for training teeth(bones, chicken heads and paws for this purpose are forbidden to give to the British). Meat is given in the form of minced meat - both separately and mixed with cereals or vegetables.


Breeders of this breed advise babies to give dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, milk, sour cream or fermented baked milk), but in small quantities, and already at an older age, they can be completely excluded (although some representatives of this breed themselves refuse due to lactose intolerance).

Porridge and protein nutrition

British cats also eat cereals cooked with milk (for babies) or water (for older cats), but they prefer only semolina, oatmeal or rice.

Eggs should be given with caution - if chicken, then only the yolk, and quail, albeit whole, but no more than twice a week.

Young Britons can be fed with fish, but only sea fish (there are too many bones in the river, and they can harm the health of the animal), and older and neutered cats are strictly forbidden to eat any kind of fish. But maybe shrimp.

Vegetables and by-products

Attention should be paid - they should be present in the diet daily in boiled form. Carrots, cabbage, a few drops of vegetable oil and minced meat are a healthy and nutritious dish for your pet.

But some by-products should be treated with caution. Don't give pork liver, because it contains too much fat, but offer beef twice a week.

Dry food and canned food

Feeding a cat food or canned food is a lifesaver for too busy owners who do not have time to mess around in the kitchen. But, if you choose this type, do not forget to put more water than with natural nutrition. Also pay attention to the quality of the feed, do not give preference to cheap brands. Read on the packaging - for what age the food is intended and the production time.

As an option, you can also choose a mixed diet of British cats - alternate natural food with feed and canned food, but in equal proportions. For example, feed in the morning and evening, and natural food in the afternoon, or vice versa. This is necessary in order for the food to be balanced and fresh.

Products under the ban

The British Shorthair is not just a cat, but a family member who, on an equal footing with people, needs proper care and a balanced diet.

Improper nutrition and care for the British, the use of low-quality products can lead to unpleasant consequences, even death. To prevent this from happening, let's figure out that animals should not be eaten.

What absolutely can not feed cats

  • Fatty meats (pork, lamb, duck, goose).
  • Egg white.
  • Seasoned food (salt, pepper, onion, garlic).
  • Bakery and flour products (pasta, fresh white bread, pastries, cakes).
  • Eggplant.
  • River fish.
  • Smoked products.
  • Chicken offal - paws, skin, head, tail.
  • Raw liver.

In order for your pet to grow up strong, mobile and cheerful, as little as possible to be exposed to all kinds of diseases, proper nutrition of the British cat is necessary.

What to feed a British cat

The owners of British cats are the very people who know the difference between them and Scottish pets. However, newly minted owners do not always know what British cats eat. Care is a whole range of activities: from games to nutrition. You need to know: what, how and when animals eat. The latter, as it turns out, is the most important thing in the life of a cat.

An experienced veterinarian will tell you how to properly feed a British kitten. In addition, in cases of illness, you should also monitor what your pets eat and adjust its time and amount of food. This also applies to age. British cats live 10-12 years. In order to prolong the life of your “friend”, from the age of 10 you need to regularly visit a veterinarian in order to adjust food intake. Also, this will apply to animals that have any health problems or have undergone surgery.

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This article talks in detail about how and what to feed a British kitten, adult cats and cats, in general, everything about the nutrition of the British.

The breed standard prohibits long-haired British females from being white with a color point.

The breed appeared as a result of crossing British cats with Persians. Kittens from Britain sometimes had kittens with long hair, and special breeding only strengthened this trait. The Persians made their own adjustments to the appearance of cats, causing asymmetry of the skull and distortion of the jaw, so today only the ancestors of the first hybrids continue the genus, without involving Persian cats.

Colors of British cats

Many define British cats by a solid blue color, but today it is presented 200 different color shades.

Popular colors of the breed:

Solid colors include not only white, black or chocolate, but also red, cinnamon, fawn. Tortoiseshell colors are represented by black-red, chocolate-red, cream-blue, smoky, bicolor colors.

Each color contains variations and additions of other shades.

British cats care and nutrition

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The British breed has become widespread among pet lovers due to its pleasant appearance, as well as a calm character. To maintain the health of a pet and prolong life, it is worth paying close attention to care and feeding, since an error in the diet, quantity and quality of food can cause the development of many diseases of the internal organs.

Disputes about the choice of type of food are still ongoing. There are two options:

  • prepared food;
  • natural food.

Ready-made feeds are produced according to certain standards, which imply the content of a complex of nutrients, vitamins and elements in the food. In addition, the consistency is taken into account, which corresponds to the age and weight of the animal. The body of cats cannot produce a number of substances, these include taurine, arachidonic acid, vitamin A, so these compounds must be supplied with food.

Manufacturers add the required amount of components to ready-made feeds, which are calculated based on the age and other parameters of the pet. Some premium products are designed specifically for British Shorthair cats, which allows you to individually approach the feeding of the animal. For example, manufacturers take into account the size of the jaw, and also add special components that improve heart function.

Leading experts do not deny the benefits of natural nutrition. If the owner has chosen to feed the kitten with homemade food, you should contact your veterinarian, who will calculate the required amount of food and write down the composition of the dishes.

The menu should cover not only the energy costs of the cat, but also make up for the deficiency of vitamins, minerals and other substances. Self-selection of food for an animal can result in poisoning, the development of chronic diseases and even death, so do not neglect going to the doctor.

Thus, what to feed a British kitten should be decided by the owner himself. At the same time, it is important to take into account the type of pet food that he received in the nursery, since a quick transition to another feeding will not lead to the desired result - the kitten may have a digestive function, an allergy may form.

When choosing the type of food, it is also worth considering the age and weight of the kitten. Feeding a monthly and six-month-old pet is very different due to the fact that the body develops and grows, as well as the gradual formation of internal organs.

Many experts are inclined to believe that cat nutrition should follow the one-third rule. The principle is that the diet in equal parts includes both natural products and canned food and dry food. The complex menu maximally saturates the animal's body with useful substances.

General rules for feeding the British and depending on age

Cats are predatory carnivores, so their diet should contain a sufficient amount of protein. The amount of food depends on the individual parameters of the pet. On average, an adult needs about 300 g of food, while kittens need only 150 g. You must not exceed the prescribed amount of food, since an excess of calories leads to excess weight, which, in turn, threatens the development of dangerous diseases of the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal intestinal and endocrine systems.

If the owner has chosen natural food, it is forbidden to give food from the table. Such feeding is dangerous for the life of a pet. Natural food involves the separate processing of products according to special recipes that are developed by veterinarians. The difficulty lies in the fact that self-selection of food leads to the fact that an insufficient amount of nutrients enters the cat's body, and some food is enriched with harmful compounds. Without knowledge in the field of physiology of cats, it is difficult to choose the right diet.

If the animal has been castrated, veterinarians recommend transferring the pet to specialized premium food. This is due to the fact that sterilization increases the risk of developing diseases of the genitourinary system. Changing the diet helps prevent the occurrence of pathologies.


By the first month of life, a kitten, as a rule, gradually moves away from breastfeeding. You can replace mother's milk with cow's milk, but goat's is better. During this period, the owner should carefully introduce new products. Meals should be soft or liquid and include a large amount of protein. The feeding regimen is five times a day. This is due to the rapid growth of a young organism, which expends a lot of energy.

Food is heated to a comfortable temperature, you can not give the baby cold or hot food. Experts recommend giving kittens chicken broths, baby purees made from meat.

Gradually, the menu includes more solid food - fresh minced meat based on chicken or turkey, finely chopped fruits and vegetables.

Eating ready-made feeds means choosing premium manufacturers. Cheap products are not suitable for a baby, since such food contains less nutrients than a growing body needs.

2 months

At the age of two months, the menu of kittens gradually includes chicken meat, vegetables, fruits cut into small slices. Cereals are boiled in a large volume of water so that the consistency is liquid. The diet can be enriched with various cereals.

It is not recommended to reduce the number of meals at two months of age, so kittens are fed about five times a day. At two months old, a kitten cannot completely refuse dairy products. Cow's milk or fermented baked milk, when properly fed, makes up 50% of all products received.

half a year

At six months, the kitten is given pre-scalded, cooked or raw meat, which is introduced starting from the age of three months. The meat portion should be up to 30-40 g. Preference is given to chicken, turkey, beef and rabbit. These varieties contain the least amount of fat. Chopped vegetables are an obligatory component of the menu. You can also give puree.

At this stage, reduce the amount of feeding to three times a day. Also, six months of age is ideal for introducing ready-made feeds and a variety of canned foods into the diet. Preference is given to premium and super-premium class. The introduction of finished products should be gradual. If the kitten does not respond well to the new food, you should change the manufacturer or contact your veterinarian.

From a year and older

Upon reaching one year, the kitten turns into a young individual, as a result of which the processes of growth and development and their speed change, and, consequently, energy needs. At this stage, the owner chooses the type of feeding - natural, prepared food or mixed. In any case, it is recommended to have an examination by a veterinarian and get a professional diet selection.

A one-year-old pet is fed twice a day. The daily food intake is about 250-300 g. The amount of food depends on the initial weight of the pet and its temperament. If the cat is mobile, she needs more food. For phlegmatic animals, the total mass of products is reduced to the lower limit of the physiological norm in order to avoid the deposition of excess weight.

Veterinarians advise introducing complementary foods starting at three weeks. At this time, the kitten can gradually accept new food and wean from mother's milk. To reduce the stress of the body in response to the intake of an unknown product, complementary foods are introduced gradually.

Start with small amounts, while looking at the reaction of the animal. If the kitten refuses to eat, you can not continue to feed him by force.

The right diet for a British kitten

An optimal diet is important for a growing kitten, as food allows a small organism to develop. Before buying a pet, you should carefully study the rules of feeding.

A small pet requires five to six meals a day. At the same time, the daily ration does not exceed 150 g.

The owner should constantly monitor the drinker - it should always be full. Prolonged lack of water leads to dehydration. For kittens, this situation is most critical due to the small body weight and imperfect formation of internal organs and adaptive systems.

If there are signs of hypovitaminosis, you should contact your veterinarian. The doctor will help you choose the right vitamin complex and other biological supplements.

If the animal has a food allergy, it is recommended to eliminate the allergen product from the diet and conduct a veterinary examination.

Prohibited Products

The inclusion of certain foods in the diet of British Shorthair cats can have serious consequences.

The British cat breed was bred by man. Like all artificially synthesized species, they have low immunity and complete dependence on humans. That is why representatives of the British breed need special care and diet. In the first days of life, the kitten feeds exclusively on mother's milk, and complementary foods begin from the third week. In the future, the list of products expands and by one year the pet completely switches to adult food 2 times a day.

A further change in diet will occur in old age, after 8–9 years of age, or if your pet gains excess weight. Experienced breeders know that natural food is the best food for British cats. However, in today's fast-paced world, this often takes a lot of time, so the combination of wet and dry food with natural products is optimal. Let's look at all the feeding options in more detail.

Rules for feeding natural food

The basic requirements for natural products should be considered. Find out what the British can and what is strictly prohibited. You will learn a description of the products that are introduced into the diet of cats older than one year and what delicacies you can pamper your pet.


Before serving a treat to your pet, you need to pour boiling water over the meat. So the food takes on a look similar to industrial canned food, it will be easier for the British to eat it. Meat in the diet of a cat should be present daily. If you want to diversify the taste sensations of your pet, you can add offal: heart, liver, lungs.

Be sure to freeze them first and pour boiling water over them.


British cats are not averse to indulging in tasty fish. Choose sea and ocean representatives. You should not take river fish, as it contains many small bones that can damage your pet. Clean the carcass from scales and form a fillet. Be sure to remove all bones. Dip the pieces in boiling water for 10-15 minutes and cool them. Fish is given about 2-3 times a week.


Porridge is used 3-4 times a week.

Vegetables and fruits

A varied menu for your pet is the key to a long and healthy life. Vegetables help to restore the lack of vitamins and carbohydrates. You should know that the use of potatoes, onions, herbs is strictly prohibited. Cats eat well various types of cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, as well as carrots and beets. Vegetables should be included in the diet about 3-4 times a week.

Select fruits individually. Use unsweetened fruits no more than once a week.


Whole cow's milk is given to kittens up to one year old. Older individuals do not need it, as it often causes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. However, dairy products are an indispensable source of calcium and animal protein. Include kefir, cream, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese without additional ingredients in the form of sweeteners, pieces of fruit, preservatives in the diet. All this should have a low percentage of fat content. On average, dairy products are needed 2-3 times a week. Of the additional products, they give the yolk of a chicken or quail egg, greens in the form of fresh grass. You can grow it yourself or buy it at a veterinary pharmacy.

What food to give?

Feed manufacturers today have created several nutrition lines. For cats of the British breed, premium food is used Bosch, Innova Evo, Royal Canin (foreign production), Hill's, Iams Cat, Orijen, Acana, Farmina, Go, Optimal, Pro Plan - and other dry food daily. Canned meat is necessary choose by age.And you can also use baby food "Agusha", "Grandmother's basket", "Theme". Preserves choose the same manufacturer as the main food. Experienced breeders do not recommend a combination of natural and dry food.

However, you should remember that commercial foods do not provide a complete set of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates for a cat.

Diet and diet

The basis of the diet can be both natural and dry food. In some cases, a combination is possible. Remember that with natural feeding, you must additionally give fresh grass or special fiber. There are no problems when using commercially produced food for cats. That is why many people transfer their pets to such a menu. However, cats are much more accustomed to natural food.

Do not worry that it is too difficult, because at home it is very easy to create a delicious menu and feed the cats of the British breed. The diet includes allowed foods, pamper the pet with his favorite dishes.

Cats that are over one year old eat 2 meals a day. At the same time, meat or offal is given at each meal. Combine with vegetables 3-4 times: pumpkin, carrots, various types of cabbage, or with cereals also 3-4 times a week: buckwheat, barley, oatmeal. Be sure to take sea fish weekly, it is advisable to use fillets. Once a day, give fresh grass or dry fiber. Natural greens are ground with a blender.

You should not give milk, but various fermented milk products will become a gourmet dish for your Briton. Do not give your cats baked goods, chocolate, and various confectionery sweets. Fruits should be included in the diet no more than once a week. Vitamins and minerals are given only with the permission of a veterinarian. Most often they are required in the spring.

Diet of a pregnant cat

Pregnancy is a very important period in the life of every British cat. It is very important to maintain the correct menu, while avoiding an excess of calories. If you systematically overfeed your pet, this will lead to a large growth of kittens and to the fact that complications may occur during childbirth. You should not give vitamins either, their excessive accumulation in the body of a cat can also harm kittens.

If your cat eats dry food, it is considered mandatory to switch to a special food for pregnant women. They can be found from any manufacturer.

Diet for older pets

Remember that the older the cat, the less she moves, therefore, the caloric content of the diet should be reduced in order to prevent the development of obesity. If you feed your pet with dry food, transfer it to a special line for seniors. Hill's manufacturer has such a power system. When natural feeding, consult a veterinarian for a competent transition to dry food. If you do not want to do this, then reduce the amount of animal fats in the pet menu, while increasing the amount of vegetables, herbs, and fiber.

Menu of castrated cats and sterilized cats

Such representatives of the British are very lazy and inactive, which must be taken into account when choosing a pet's diet. If you decide to use dry food, then you just have to choose the right product line from your favorite manufacturer. When feeding with natural products, you need to reduce the amount of fatty foods. Enter into the diet an additional portion of fish, dairy products. From meat, use beef, chicken, rabbit. Watch carefully so that your pet does not begin to gain weight.

Prohibited Products

For a competent diet, you should know the list of prohibited foods, which will help not to harm your pet. The use of the following products is strictly prohibited:

  • fresh meat;
  • pork is too fatty a product rich in pathogens;
  • river fish, as it contains small bones that can hurt;
  • milk;
  • onions, potatoes and herbs - contain substances toxic to cats;
  • confectionery;
  • salted, smoked products;
  • dry food, canned food, preserves from Whiskas, KiteKat, Friskies, as they use cheap products that turn into carcinogens during processing.

These products should not be fed to the British, as this will immediately affect their health, can lead to obesity and infection with bacteria. Do not feed your pets with human food. Salty or smoked ingredients will cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

A survey about what to feed a British cat should interest the owner from the very beginning. Of course, this breed is distinguished by good health and longevity, but the role of proper nutrition is extremely important.

Basic feeding rules

First of all, it is worth understanding the basic rules of catering:

  • The most common mistake made by owners is mixing natural and dry food. There is a misconception that meat, fish or vegetables added to a cat's favorite bag will have a beneficial effect. In fact, this approach can be fraught with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the urination system.
  • Some owners follow the above rule, but sometimes allow exceptions. For example, choosing mostly natural food, sometimes pets are treated to purchased ones as a reward for something. Such top dressing is also highly undesirable, because different types of food are digested differently.
  • Catshould not remain hungry for more than 2-3 days. This is extremely important to consider when planning a long absence from home.
  • Cats and dogs should have different diets. The fact is that the latter synthesize some amino acids on their own. But the heroes of this article cannot do this, which must be taken into account by the owner of both those and those animals. Therefore, the same power scheme will have to be abandoned.
  • If the cat is fed natural food, it is worth considering an additional dose of vitamin. Dry food is balanced in advance, but fans of natural food will have to balance it on their own.
  • Whatever type of food is chosen, it must certainly be served warm. Of course, the meal should be stored in the refrigerator, but it should be warmed up before serving the pet.
  • Cat rations should not be given “while the pet is eating”, but based on the following proportions: kittens - 10% of their mass, adults - 5%.

What a British cat should not eat

It is important to understand what to feed the animal can not be categorically:

  • Low quality dry food like Whiskas, Friskas, Kitiket. Of course, they are not as expensive as premium products, but such savings will not bring benefits. The composition speaks for itself - horns, hooves, feathers, aromatic additives.
  • Food from the master's table. By the way, this is a common mistake of many owners who tenderly feed fluffy beggars with borscht, meatballs, canned food, and sausages.
  • Although it is very good to include meat in the diet, however, not all types are equally useful. So, fatty varieties are categorically contraindicated. For example, lamb.
  • Feedsalty, spicy, smoked, sweet food is impossible in any case! Spices are also not welcome.
  • Vegetables and fruits are recommended for furry pets, but not all. Eggplants, for example, are even recognized by veterinarians as dangerous to cat health. Just like onions, garlic, potatoes, citrus fruits.
  • River fish is theoretically possible, but in fact there is a high risk of small bones entering the pet's body.

About natural food

Whichthe diet can be compiled for those owners who advocate natural nutrition for pets?

  • Meat is a must! It should be an average of 65-70% of the diet. Moreover, an exceptionally fresh low-fat product is needed. An excellent choice would be chicken, beef, turkey. It is preferable to boil the game, as there is a risk of further infection of the pet with helminths. You can also pre-freeze for about two days. If the raw product has veins, they must certainly be cut into small pieces.
  • Vegetables, fruits, legumes - this is 25-30% of the diet. They are not digested as well as meat, but they are useful as a source of vegetable protein.
  • Porridges - should be about 5-10% on the menu. It is worth paying attention to buckwheat, oatmeal, rice. It is advisable to form small meatballs from porridge, chopped meat and vegetables - the cat will use them with great pleasure. Milk cereals are also preferred.
  • Offal - quite suitable when it comes to the heart, kidneys, liver. The British cat loves such food very much! It is recommended to cut it into small strips - this option is the most correct. If the pet is not yet a year old, the stripes should be quite small. It is proved that such strips serve as an excellent prevention of dental plaque.
  • Sour-milk food - surprisingly, a cat may not like milk! In this case, it is worth offering food based on milk, but not being milk in its pure form. These are cottage cheese, curdled milk, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk. Low-fat cheese is also useful, but it should be grated first. Cream and sour cream are also created on milk - they can be given no more than a spoon at a time. Even if the cat is an adult.
  • Eggs - you should treat your pet with them at least once a week. Both chicken and quail are allowed. You can boil an egg, or you can treat it raw. However, in any case, it is desirable to remove the protein from the bowl.

About dry food

And what kind of ready-made food do cat owners with experience feed their pet? As mentioned above, food should be of high quality. We can safely name the following three brands:

  • Earthborn Holistic - This dry product contains approximately 44% protein and is quite low in carbohydrates. Consists of egg, brown rice, hercules, flaxseed. There are herring, chicken, turkey flour. There are also vegetables with fruits, thanks to which the British pet receives powerful immunity protection. As for vitamins, manufacturers have added vitamins C and E in sufficient quantities. Calcium and phosphorus will perfectly strengthen bones and teeth. The granules are quite small - even a small pet can handle them. The absence of gluten and grains will be approved by owners of animals with a problem stomach.
  • Go! - feed with about 32% protein. Chicken meat, rice bran, brown rice, apples, alfalfa, oatmeal, and flaxseed oil usually do not cause allergies. But a cat can still experience such a nuisance, so a preliminary consultation with a veterinarian will not hurt. But the developed formula is suitable for all ages! Including the fact that it contains taurine, which strengthens the heart.
  • "Bosch Sanabelle Grande" - contains a low percentage of carbohydrates and about 31% protein. There are few minerals, which is clearly for the better - urolithiasis is less likely to form. Developers can boast of using mussel meat, which strengthens the joints. Even yucca extract is included, which greatly reduces the harshness of fecal odor!

How to feed a British kitten

How to properly feed an animal up to a year?

  • The first 3 or even 4 months, if possible, the milk should be maternal. The minerals, proteins and vitamins that make up its composition help to form the pet's immunity.
  • You can feed your baby from about 2 months. But mother's milk should still form the bulk of the diet. Complementary foods, ideally carried out 6-8 times a day, are recommended to be made up of the following products - cereals with milk, natural cottage cheese, cream, a little scraped beef.
  • Starting from 3 months, you can try to add some offal, vegetables and fruits, yolk, boiled sea fish.
  • After 4 months, acquaintance with chicken meat, regular milk and sour-milk products is allowed. The frequency of food intake is reduced to 4-6 times a day.
  • Starting from 6-10 months, the kitten should eat 3 or 4 times a day. It is permissible to diversify its menu with rabbit meat. Some veterinarians recommend focusing more on fermented milk products than pure milk.
  • Starting from 10 months, the animal has already been eating twice a day. It is quite possible to draw a parallel between its menu and the diet of an adult feline.

How to feed a pregnant cat

It's time to figure out how experts feed a cat that is in an interesting position. By and large, there are no cardinal changes, however, some nuances should be mentioned:

  • As for beef, it is worth serving it to the expectant mother more often. And this means not only the meat itself, but also the liver, the heart.
  • pregnantA cat should never eat too much. The saying that you need to "eat for two" is one of the most dangerous myths. With an excess of food, especially high-calorie ones, too large fruits will form in the womb of a cat. As a result, childbirth can become more difficult than with a reasonable approach to dieting.
  • If the owner pampers his pet with dry food, it is important to take care of a small menu adjustment. Preference should be given to special food for pregnant women. For example, "Royal Canin QUEEN" has earned good fame.

How to properly feed a sterilized, castrated animal

Similar to the point above, the diet of these felines does not differ much from the principles of feeding ordinary animals. However, the owners must take into account one important nuance. Namely, weight control. And permanent.

IMPORTANT: Absolutely all operated animals are prone to a lightning-fast set of extra pounds.

To be sure that the content is carried out correctly, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian. But you can do the control yourself, only by reducing the number of calories in the case of active growth of the pet in breadth.

For such purposes, the developers have come up with special feed for sterilized animals. If preference is given to natural food, you should think about reducing fat in the diet and increasing vegetables. T Also, in any case, you can not do without a vitamin.

How to feed a cat with ailments

The British, though known for their excellent health, have their Achilles' heel. Even a few. These are their signature ailments, which can be dealt with with a well-composed diet:

  • With urolithiasis, you should think about a decrease in the composition of minerals. Pets treated with dry food often fall into the mineral risk zone. It's possible that the food was chosen incorrectly. Therefore, it is imperative to monitor the absence of such a harmful component in the composition. Be sure to have clean fresh water in the bowl - without this, you can forget about ridding the cat of kidney stones.
  • With hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, it is advisable to take a closer look at the amount of salt absorbed by the pet. The less salt, the better for the fluffy core. Previously, there was an opinion that such animals should consume less protein. This point of view can hardly be called correct, since as a result the animal lost a lot of muscle mass. As a result, fewer years lived than they could have.

The British cat is extremely prone to overweight. We can say that she is the Achilles heel of furry companions. But well-chosen food will help to avoid such trouble. Like many others.

The British breed cat is one of the most popular. You can meet such a kitty not only in our country, but also from foreign breeders. The British are affectionate and beautiful, they have a smooth and shiny coat, however, with improper nutrition, a cat can lose its beauty.

British kitten food

Just as people choose products in the store to prepare their favorite dishes, cats need to be offered a special diet. The nutrition of the animal should depend on its age, state of health and personal characteristics. Little Brits, for example, should not be fed the same food as adult cats.

British cats need to be fed based on their age, health status and preferences.

Usually Brits are taken away from a cat at a tender age. Someone follows the rules of breed clubs and buys a kitten after 3 months, while someone cannot wait and takes a very tiny baby. Nature arranged everything so that the kittens were fed by a cat. It is the mother cat who instills immunity in her cub (antibodies enter the kitten's body with her colostrum). In addition, the little Briton receives all the necessary trace elements with mother's milk.

Even a person, if he is abruptly transferred from one diet to another, can get sick. What can we say about small and defenseless kittens. Babies accustomed to the taste of their mother's warm milk run the risk of being seriously harmed when they enter the home of a new person. Responsibility for the life and health of the cat from now on lies entirely with the new owner.

In order for your little Brit to grow up strong and healthy, you need to feed him properly.

Artificial feeding of newborn British

It is necessary to artificially feed a British kitten not only in those cases when he moved to a new home. There may be several reasons for this:

  • mother cat died;
  • the kitten and his mother are incompatible by blood type;
  • the cat had a caesarean section;
  • she fell ill and was treated with medicines that are incompatible with breastfeeding;
  • the mother cat has no milk;
  • She herself pushed the kitten away.

Medical reasons - caesarean section, incompatibility of blood types and illness of the cat-mother - oblige a person to feed a kitten only for a while. If the cat's milk is still not lost, then you only need to maintain lactation until the moment when she can feed her cubs herself. In the event that lactation has stopped or the cat has died, you will need to feed the kittens until they reach 5 weeks of age.

Kittens up to 1 month old are considered newborns.

Newborn kittens need to be fed every 2 hours. In this case, the presence of a heat source must be constantly monitored. Usually, a mother cat acts as a heater for babies, but if she is not around, then a heating pad will do. It is important to ensure that there are no drafts near the kittens. You also need to protect babies from viruses and infections. Experienced breeders usually arrange everything in such a way that it seems as if the cat "raises" the kittens on its own. This has a beneficial effect on both the condition of the kittens and the psyche of the cat that has given birth.

In some cases, the cat continues to feed the kittens herself, but there may be little milk, or the sucking process itself is not working properly. The first sign of proper nutrition is a stable increase in body weight of the baby. Kittens should be weighed twice a day. The baby should add from 5 to 15 grams per day. Another sign of good nutrition is sleep between feedings. A healthy kitten (especially if it is still blind), waking up, does not squeak, but looks for a nipple, after which it falls asleep again. However, sometimes kittens do not squeak because they do not have the strength to do so. Therefore, a more important criterion is weight gain.

Baby cats can be fed or fed with a pipette. For this, industrial mixtures for children (Nestogen, NAN, etc.) or special ones from cat food manufacturers are suitable. They must be diluted strictly according to the instructions. An overdose of such food can lead to constipation, so it is important to control the entire process from breeding to consumption by the kitten. He will not eat too much, so the mixture can be given in any quantity, but every 2 hours. Leftovers after each feeding should be thrown away. Check with your veterinarian, perhaps the kitten needs a drug that facilitates absorption. Usually in such cases, use Elvestin.

Some kitty formulas come with a teat and measuring spoon

The body of very young kittens is not adapted to digest and assimilate ordinary milk or cereals. There was a case in my family when my father had to take home several small kittens. They were still blind. We tried to pipette them. Since there was no infant formula, they bought goat's milk and diluted it with boiled water. It was risky, but there was no other way out. Not all kittens survived.

It also happens that at first the kitten gains weight, and then suddenly begins to lose weight dramatically and eventually dies. Most often this happens when the cat is trying to feed the cubs on its own. Approximately on the fifth day, you can determine which of the babies are stronger, they drive the weak kittens away from the sucked nipples. The kitten is not full and may lose the sucking reflex. If at the weigh-in you determined that one of the little kittens lost weight, you can do it in two ways:

  • swap kittens (let a weak baby eat from the best nipple today);
  • feed the kitten artificially.

It is necessary to control that the kitten eats about the same time as his strong brothers eat. Do not let the kitten fall asleep until he is full. If the baby still falls asleep before the rest, then it is possible that he is simply weak and sleeping on the nipple. This is a signal that you need to feed the kitten with a mixture.

Sometimes, in addition to complementary foods, a kitten also needs vitamins.

If artificial feeding with the mixture did not help, and the kitten is still losing weight, then you can consult a veterinarian about taking vitamins. Experienced breeders sometimes give weak kittens "vitamin bombs": ascorbic acid (0.5 ml), glucose (5%, 1 ml) and saline (3.5 ml). The solution is drawn into a 5 ml syringe and injected strictly subcutaneously between the shoulder blades. For 1 time, you can enter no more than 1 ml (a larger volume can have a bad effect on the work of the heart). You can give such an injection up to 3 times a day, but usually 1 time is enough for the kitten to become more active and stick to a strong nipple.

Features of nutrition of a kitten for the first few months

By the month, the little Brit will already have grown and strong teeth (they begin to grow at about 3 weeks), so he can be transferred to more “adult” food. However, the baby's stomach is still not adapted to solid food, but there is already a need for proteins and carbohydrates. From their use in the right quantities depends on how the body of the cat will be formed in the future.

From 1 month old, a kitten needs to be fed 5-6 times a day. He can already be given beef and chicken meat. Moreover, the protein product must be frozen and scalded after defrosting. In order for the animal to bite and chew meat, it must be chopped in a blender or cut into thin slices. However, veterinarians do not really welcome the feeding of such small kittens with meat. It is best to feed the cat with a special mixture, but feed it with a small amount of meat, because he needs to get used to solid food.

From two months the kitten needs to be transferred to four meals a day. The size of the pieces of meat can be gradually increased. By 3 months, the cat should eat no longer chopped meat, but finely chopped. Grind only boiled meat. Also, other foods should be introduced into the kitten's diet:

  • sea ​​boiled fish, deboned;
  • low-fat cottage cheese (small portions are given every day);
  • milk (up to six months);
  • non-acidic kefir;
  • quail eggs.

From two months old, a little Brit can start giving new foods

From six months old, a British kitten can be transferred to three meals a day, and from eight months old - to be fed twice a day, while you need to observe whether the cat is full. In any case, it is recommended that the pet be completely transferred to two meals a day by 1 year. From the age of 8 months, milk should be completely excluded, and more fermented milk products should be added to the diet - the body of a maturing cat does not absorb milk. If necessary, a grown kitten can be transferred to industrial feed, and cat grass can be used as a source of vitamins.

I buy cat grass seeds and grow them on my windowsill. Sometimes, if there were no seeds in the store, I buy already grown weed. My cat is 10 months old and has been eating grass for 2-3 months. Moreover, she somehow independently determines which sprouts she will eat, and which ones she will pinch off and spit out. In medium bags (for 40–45 rubles) there are usually 300–400 seeds of various cereals. I plant everything, and my cat only eats those with a green lower part of the sprout.

Drinking regime

The body of a cat is 70% water, it is needed for the normal functioning of the whole organism: maintaining body temperature, digestion processes, absorption of vitamins, etc. However, in cats, the feeling of thirst is weakened at the genetic level, they can drink very little (less than required), this causes problems:

  • urine becomes concentrated;
  • infections develop in the bladder;
  • stones are formed and the work of the kidneys is disturbed;
  • the water balance of the body is upset.

In addition to nutrition, drinking is also important.

The growing body of a kitten requires even more water, as his body grows, and the metabolism depends on the amount of water received. The amount of liquid required depends on the type of feed, temperature and humidity, physical activity and other factors. If the kitten eats wet food and not dry food, then he may not drink water at all. However, the term “liquid” refers to pure water. Broth and milk do not carry the qualities that water has.

If the kitten eats only dry food, then there should be 2-3 times more water. For example, if a pet eats 50 g of food, then about 100–150 ml of water is needed. With wet food, the liquid may be slightly less.

A kitten should always have clean water in a bowl.

The most budget option is tap water, but it's no secret that it is not of good quality. There are many harmful impurities in tap water, including chlorine and fluorine. In the worst case, it may contain pathogenic bacteria that threaten the pet's life. Pure water can be store or natural:

  • bottled water;
  • distilled water (the purest);
  • spring or well water (the most useful).

If it is not possible to get such water, then tap water can be purified. Some people boil it, but there is an opinion according to which beneficial properties are also killed when boiling. Therefore, tap water can be filtered, for example, by buying a special drinking bowl for cats. In such devices there is a motor that dispenses the already purified liquid in batches.

Cats drink only the freshest water. For example, my cat does not like to drink from a bowl at all, but she really likes tap water. She sometimes chokes and sneezes, but does not leave until she is drunk. Fortunately, I have a built-in water filter. If your cat also likes to “catch” a trickle from the tap, then you, too, can think about installing a filter.

How to understand that a kitten does not tolerate a particular product

Allergies are common in British kittens. If the kitten was fed artificially, the risk of getting sick increases, since he did not receive proper immunity. However, product intolerance can be confused with another similar disease. For example, if the animal is breathing heavily, then it may have asthma, not allergies. Diseases of kittens can be identified by several symptoms:

  1. The kitten sneezes, and repeatedly.
  2. Discharge comes from the nose.
  3. The kitten constantly combs some place, it can even roll on the floor or on the rug. Where the cat itches, redness, a rash (dermatitis) may appear, while you won’t see it right away, it can pour out gradually, so you need to sometimes examine the animal.
  4. Rapid fatigue.
  5. Cough, wheezing at rest and after physical activity.
  6. Diarrhea, involuntary bowel movements, loss of consciousness, the heart is working intermittently.
  7. Wet armpits.
  8. The skin can smell something sweetish and rather unpleasant.
  9. Not a very pleasant smell comes from the mouth.
  10. The kitten rides backwards on the floor, as if riding a sleigh.

Some kittens may have an individual intolerance to a particular product.

Sneezing may not be a reaction to food, but to another irritant (cigarette smoke, filler, etc.). If you still suspect an allergy to a certain product, then remember what you have been cooking lately. This is not necessarily some kind of treat from the kitten's diet. It is possible that this is an allergy to the food that was on your table, for example, oranges. In this case, it is necessary to limit the contact of the kitten with the irritant product. If the sneezing has not stopped, nasal discharge has begun, and other symptoms have appeared, then you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

British kittens may be allergic to pollen

A common symptom of food intolerance is persistent itching. If the kitten itches, and there is redness on the body (on the stomach, behind the ears), dandruff has appeared, and even more so diarrhea or nausea, then this is definitely an allergy to food. This most often happens when a kitten is given inexpensive food. Corn is added to its composition, and it can cause this kind of allergy. It is necessary to change the food to a better one, and if the kitten has sores in the places of scratching, then you need to take it to the veterinary clinic - let the veterinarian prescribe a healing ointment. Drugs intended for humans should not be given to kittens. It is impossible to start such manifestations of intolerance, otherwise the baby's liver may suffer.

Another serious allergy symptom can be "carpet riding". If the kitten rubs its back on the floor and squeaks during a bowel movement, then this may indicate inflammation of the perianal glands, which usually occurs in case of an allergy to food, shampoo or fleas. This rarely happens in cats, but if you notice it, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. I have friends who took the cat by surprise when he did this. They filmed their pet and found it funny. And some even begin to scold the pet for such tricks, although he is not to blame.

Nutrition for an adult British cat

Adult cats can also be fed commercial or natural food. Some British cat owners feed their pets a combination (dry food + natural food), but veterinarians believe that this is wrong. In industrial feeds, all the rules and ratios of trace elements have already been observed, but such food cannot be called complete. Therefore, many breeders and pet owners choose natural food. By the age of one, you should already decide how you will feed your Briton.

The diet of an adult cat should consist of only the highest quality products.

Any domestic cat retains the needs of a predator. If the cat lived in the wild, then she would eat protein foods and sometimes carbohydrates. Meat proteins would be ingested raw, and plant components would be digested. With this in mind, felinologists have long defined the rules for feeding domestic cats. But you need to make the diet of your pet, taking into account the needs of the British breed.

Raw meat and fish on the British menu

Raw meat should be given to a cat, but it must be processed

If your British cat has a blue color, then you need to exclude the liver from the menu. Liver leads to a change in coat color (as well as buckwheat). The rest of the offal, thermally processed, can be given. Meat food in the diet of the British should be at least 50%.

An alternative source of building material such as protein can be fish. Cats love any fish, but there are rules about this product too. Only good quality sea or ocean fish (hake, cod, pollock, etc.) can be included in the diet of a British cat. It is better to boil it before serving.

I usually buy salmon, salmon or cod for the whole family, and for the cat I always prepare the fourth part (if I bought cod, I save 1 steak). I boil the fish in unsalted water, and then I clean it from the bones. If you boil it for at least half an hour, then the fillet itself is separated from the ridge and ribs. I divide the finished fillet into portions (1/4 of a medium salmon is divided into 4-5 servings). After that, I wrap each portion in a separate film or put it in a small jar and send it to the freezer. I give fish to my cat once a week (too much can lead to urolithiasis). Fish prepared for 1 time is enough for a whole month.

Ready feed

British cats are relatively unpretentious in food. Most owners of such cats buy ready-made food of medium quality. It is inexpensive and convenient (saving time and effort for cooking). If your cat does not have an individual intolerance to the ingredients, then you can easily pick up such food for her. The stores have a huge selection of cat food. However, more experienced British breeders believe that not all industrial products are suitable for cats of this breed. It is best to purchase food that does not contain vegetable carbohydrates. In addition, dry food should be alternated with wet food.

If you feed a cat with industrial food, then this should be the best product.

When choosing ready-made food for a pet, you need to be guided not only by the principle of economy. Every time I buy food for my cat, I carefully read the label. It is important that the list of ingredients does not include any ingredient that is unfamiliar to me. It is also important to control the expiration date and storage conditions. Sometimes the food smells bad and the cat doesn't like it. This may indicate that the product was stored improperly, and therefore “disappeared”. At home, I store opened and pegged bags in a dry, dark and cool place.

Experienced cat breeders buy feed in medium-sized packages. If you buy the smallest bags, you will often have to go to the store. And if you take a large package at once, then this is beneficial, but the product may deteriorate even before it is eaten. For the most beloved pets, you can find food that is designed specifically for British cats. Breed lines of industrial feeds take into account the needs of cats of each individual breed.

How many times a day to feed a British cat

An adult is considered a cat that has reached the age of one year. Like any other pet, it must be measured and fully fed. However, sometimes the owners of British cats cannot control the number of feedings (for example, they are rarely at home). Sometimes such people leave a full bowl of food for the whole day. Of course, no owner wants his tailed pet to starve. But in this case, the food will become uncontrolled and the animal can “get better”. The Briton will quickly gain weight, and various health troubles will follow.

Cats love to eat often and tasty, but the owner of the animal needs to follow the regime

It is best to accustom a cat to a specific regimen from childhood. For the British, 2 feedings a day are enough (and sometimes one is enough). Most often, such animals are fed in the morning and evening. When transferred to the "adult" mode, the cat may resist and protest, but it is better to be patient and see it through to the end. Accustomed to a certain schedule, the cat will not look sad every time the owner eats something delicious. In addition, some cats may voice their demands. And if the pet is silent, then she will try to steal something edible. British cats are very smart, they remember where what "yummy" is.

But, of course, the two-feeding schedule only applies to healthy and adult cats. Pregnant, sick or elderly cats need special care.

Allowed and prohibited products

So, it became clear that cat food should be prepared only from suitable products. Permitted ones include the following:

  • lean meats (chicken, beef, rabbit, turkey, etc.);
  • organ meats (kidneys, lungs, hearts, necks, chicken wings, etc.);
  • boiled fish of low-fat varieties;
  • boiled egg yolks;
  • vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.);
  • cereals (rice, oatmeal, semolina, millet, etc.);
  • fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, cheese);
  • germinated wheat, oats or special grass.

If a cat has chosen a favorite product, this does not mean that it is good for her.

Despite the fact that egg white is considered a pure protein, it is strictly forbidden to give it to a cat. The Briton can only be offered boiled yolks. Vegetables are also given raw, but a rare cat will agree to eat, for example, raw carrots. Usually vegetables are boiled and given with meat (garnish). Some cats also eat fruit. You can give some fruits as a treat (the main thing is that they are not allergenic).

I once had a cat that ate cucumbers. She did not care about the state of the vegetable, she could eat sluggish, yellow or bitter. I heard that some cats are afraid of cucumbers like fire. This means that the cat herself will determine which vegetable she will eat, and which she will refuse.

Photo gallery: useful products

You need very little cereal, you can cook porridge with vegetables and serve as a side dish for meat Fish should be sea or oceanic Offal is better to give chicken or turkey Dairy products should be low-fat, without sugar and additives A cat can be given almost any vegetables (they contain Lots of vitamins and healthy fiber

Some people think that if the food is dietary (for example, a simple chicken soup), then it will not harm the cat, but this is a delusion. At least there is salt in the soup, and the British cannot. It can lead to a violation of the water-salt balance and urolithiasis. Of course, sometimes you want to pamper your pet with something tasty, but the fleeting gratitude of a cat does not justify such a risk.

Photo gallery: harmful products

Legumes can cause serious digestive disorders River fish should not be given to cats either raw or boiled Pork in any form should be excluded from the cat's diet Cats should not be given any food from the human table Potatoes and other starchy foods have a high glycemic index, they increase blood sugar

My cat loves sweets to shivering, even though sweet is harmful to animals. Sugar damages teeth, and its regular use can lead to the development of diabetes. If she saw a candy wrapper or someone eating candy, she will not calm down until she asks for at least a small piece. Now, if I buy home chocolates, I have to take some "cow" or creamy toffee. When the cat starts to beg, we give her a quarter of a creamy candy, and while she is trying to chew it, we already have time to hide everything else.

The owner of the British needs to monitor the drinking regimen of the pet. Of course, with natural feeding, a lot of liquid can enter the cat's body, but nothing can replace clean, fresh water. The water bowl must always be full.

If the cat refuses water, perhaps the bowl does not seem clean enough to her. Wash cat dishes and change water every day. If these procedures did not help, try putting the bowl in another place or replace it. Some cat owners put water containers in different places (for example, in the kitchen, in the hallway and on the windowsill in the bedroom). By the behavior of the animal, you will quickly understand which container he likes more than the others.

Features of nutrition of elderly and sick British cats

At 8-9 years old, the British cat becomes weaker. The activity of the animal decreases, as does the metabolic rate. The animal no longer needs as much energy as before. Therefore, older Britons are recommended to be transferred to a special diet or industrial food, created taking into account the reduction in physical activity.

Older British cats need a special diet

Usually, in order to develop a dietary diet for a cat, they turn to a veterinarian. This is especially true when your pet is sick. For example, if he has diabetes, you need to coordinate the diet with the use of "anti-diabetic" drugs. In such cases, only a specialist can give the right advice.

Other British people may have hyperthyroidism. This is a disease associated with a malfunction of the thyroid gland. A cat suffering from this disease is almost constantly hungry, but it is impossible to feed it all the time. Overfeeding an old or sick cat will lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, because a weak cat is not able to absorb all the food eaten. After the disease is cured, the appetite will return to normal.

Another common problem for older cats is weak teeth. They can be affected by caries or a stone, in addition, an old cat may have gums that hurt. Such a pet should not be fed dry solid food, because chewing it will cause discomfort or pain. Options in this case may be to switch to wet food or soak dry food in clean water. If the Briton eats natural food, you need to “soften” it as much as possible.

It is not at all necessary to reduce the amount of food “forcibly”, just adjust the menu. And if your cat does not leave an empty plate, it means that it is full. In addition, now in stores you can find special food for older cats and cats. My mother has an old cat Dusya. Mom fed her natural food, and sometimes dry food. Now Dusya has become old, so they buy her special wet food in jars. And if you still have any doubts, you can always contact your veterinarian.

Nutritional features of the cat-manufacturer

A sire cat must have "strength", so it needs to be fed abundantly. In the daily diet of the British, you need to introduce additional doses of vitamin E and protein - the vitamin will increase fertility, and protein (meat) will increase the strength of the future father. In addition, additional trace elements and carbohydrates can be introduced, which will have a positive effect on the vigor of the manufacturer. To understand exactly what supplements your cat needs, you need to talk to your veterinarian. The specialist will examine the pet and determine which microelements the animal lacks.

The stud cat needs to be fed densely and satisfyingly

You need to take into account the individual characteristics of your Briton. The amount of food offered to him may be normal, but if the cat needs more food, he will let you know. In this case, do not refuse him. The animal must go to mate in a good mood. And some cats, on the contrary, refuse to eat before meeting with a cat. Usually such animals "lean" on dinner with a double appetite.

Features of the nutrition of a pregnant cat

A pregnant cat needs a lot of food. After all, several rapidly developing kittens grow in her stomach, and this takes a lot of strength and energy. Therefore, the expectant mother should be fed not 2, but 3-4 times a day. If the pet is not full, then you need to increase the number of meals, and not the amount of servings. Cats do not follow the figure, so if a pregnant cat wants to eat, you will definitely understand this.

In addition to food, the expectant mother needs unlimited access to fresh water. This is especially important when she eats dry food. By the way, now they are also sold for pregnant cats (taking into account the characteristics of their body). Some owners of British women choose children's cat food - they are also suitable for pregnant women.

A pregnant cat needs not only food, but also peace

Before the birth, the cat may refuse to eat. This is normal, so there is no need to worry. If during the birth itself (and they can last a day or more) it seems to you that the cat has weakened, then you can support it. Of course, during the period of contractions, it will not be possible to feed her, then you can offer her a cotton swab dipped in sweet water. This will not saturate the cat, but if she sucks at least a little or licks the stick, then her strength will increase.

When the offspring is born, the cat will start eating. The appetite will return, and then it will become even better than it was during pregnancy, because it will take a lot of effort to feed the babies.

Cat food is similar to human food. Toddlers eat often, teenagers eat a lot, and adults should have a strict schedule. Only by following these simple rules can you save the health of a British cat. Control over the nutrition of a pet should begin from birth to old age.