When can an overdose of valerian occur, and how to treat the poisoned? What will happen from an overdose of valerian.

Valerian extract is a popular sedative. Everyone has a treasured vial of pills or in liquid form at home. A magical medicine that helps calm the nerves, the heart, drive away insomnia. However, one must be careful and take the extract in the right amount, otherwise an overdose of valerian will appear unexpectedly. Although many note only positive aspects, do not forget about the negative aspects.

Purpose of valerian extract

The drug is prescribed for the following ailments:

  • Hyperactive state
  • Insomnia
  • Headache
  • Frequent stress
  • panic attacks
  • Minor disturbances in the work of the heart
  • Disease of the autonomic nervous system

Consequences at wrong doses

If the instructions for use are not followed, of course, no one will die, but this happens.

This can happen if a person has an individual intolerance to any component of the drug.

So basically, an overdose of valerian is easily eliminated and does not have serious consequences.

Let's take a look at the worst that could happen:

  • Anaphylaxis (anaphylactic shock) is a serious, life-threatening condition.
  • In rare cases, a drop in blood pressure and poor blood supply to important organs, in medicine - a collapse.
  • Laryngeal edema

There are also such side effects after taking valerian:

  • Allergy in the form of edema, hives or tearing
  • Intestinal disorders (diarrhea, abdominal cramps)
  • CNS depression (indifference to everything that happens, weakness, drowsiness, sometimes blackout)

Symptoms that signal an overdose

It happens that valerian poisoning does not appear immediately, even if you drink a sedative course and the correct dosages. And suddenly, the day comes when an overdose of the usual valerian officinalis declares itself.

Chronic overdose of valerian is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Gastrointestinal problems (cramps, acidity, nausea)
  • The urge to vomit
  • Migraine
  • Weakness
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Apathy

Sometimes there is such an effect from valerian:

  • High pressure
  • Heartache
  • agitation
  • Strong sweating + feverish state
  • Insomnia
  • Fear for no reason

About possible side effects when taking valerian in the video:

First aid for overdose

Have you overdosed on valerian? It doesn’t matter, the main thing is to catch yourself in time and fix it. Elimination steps:

  • If symptoms are detected within 2 hours, then you should drink plenty of warm water and stimulate the gag reflex by irritating the root of the tongue.
  • If a person's condition deteriorates sharply, or more than 2 hours have passed, an ambulance is immediately called. A person is urgently hospitalized and the stomach is washed in the hospital, then treatment is prescribed for the speedy recovery of the body.
  • If any of the symptoms are present during treatment with valerian, it is better to reduce the dose of valerian or stop taking it altogether.
  • For allergic rashes, use antihistamine tablets.

So, let's sum up. Contrary to popular belief that herbal medicine has only positive aspects, one must understand that one can also face unpleasant consequences that will harm and cause disorders of the central nervous system. So that an overdose of valerian does not become an unpleasant memory, it is required to take the drug in tablets or drops and give the body a rest from therapy.

An overdose of valerian is not uncommon. The fact is that this sedative drug is freely available and its cost is low, so most people opt for it.

Valerian extract is considered one of the safe medicines. But, despite this, like any other medicine, valerian, if the dose is not observed correctly, can negatively affect the state of health.

Valerian extract in tablets and drops

You should not self-medicate and use valerian uncontrollably. There are certain daily allowances that help to cope with problems, while not causing negative consequences.

There are 2 forms of release of this drug:

  • tablets;
  • drops.

The action of the drug, produced in the form of tablets, has a cumulative effect. That is, one should not expect that immediately after taking the medicine, the effect will be instantaneous. Only after a while, when the tablet dissolves and enters the bloodstream, will it begin to act. For this reason, an overdose of valerian occurs more often in those people who do not adhere to the conditions of admission and begin to massively swallow pills.

Symptoms of an overdose of valerian tablets are the usual signs of intoxication of the body, which can occur several hours after consuming a sufficiently large amount of the drug. It is the slow action of the drug that complicates the diagnostic process. The patient may not even realize that such a sedative as valerian has become the cause of his malaise.

With an excessive amount of tablets drunk, the following symptoms may occur:

  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • pain in the intestines;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • increase in blood pressure.

An overdose of valerian can enhance its effect, that is, a person will be calm, apathy may develop, and a desire to sleep will appear. But it can be the other way around - a strong excitement. It is quite difficult to predict this reaction of the body when using an excess amount of this drug.

An overdose of valerian drops occurs more often than in cases with tablets.

Despite the fact that this form of release of the drug begins its effect on the body faster, with prolonged use of valerian, the patient begins to increase its dose, as addiction occurs.

If you drink more than the prescribed dose, the following symptoms of poisoning may occur:

  • restless sleep or insomnia;
  • violations of the functionality of the digestive system;
  • in the presence of chronic diseases of the housing and communal services, their exacerbation may occur;
  • the appearance of a feeling of nausea;
  • vomit.

With a significant excess of the dose, depression of the nervous system occurs, which can cause fainting.

Negative effects from an overdose

The consequences of valerian poisoning are rarely fatal. As a rule, a person can die if he purposefully drinks a large enough dose of the drug, and in addition will have serious problems with the functionality of the cardiovascular system.

Despite the fact that the number of deaths is small, an overdose of valerian has a significant impact on the psychological state of the patient and the performance of many systems. If you suspect an overdose of valerian in a timely manner and provide first aid, then many complications can be prevented.

The first thing to do is to provide the victim with plenty of fluids and call an ambulance. After the gastric lavage is done, the patient is given sorbents to drink. Further treatment will consist in prescribing drugs, the purpose of which is to eliminate the negative effects of valerian. In most cases, the negative effects of valerian do not require hospitalization.

We should not forget that valerian extract can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, symptoms of poisoning may appear even after taking a single dose of the drug. In such situations, you should stop using this drug, replacing it with an analogue.

Valerian extract has been on everyone's lips since childhood. It has a sedative effect on the body. You can buy it at a pharmacy without a special prescription from a doctor. Often grandmothers drip a soothing tincture for themselves with excitement or a disturbing heart, students take it before an exam.

Why is valerian dangerous?

Cats love her scent. This herb has many positive aspects, but, unfortunately, there is such a thing as valerian poisoning. The positive aspects of this medication will be the following:

  • vegetable origin;
  • leave without a prescription;
  • low price compared to analogues;
  • quick effect;
  • not addictive;
  • normalizes sleep.

Valerian tincture

Valerian in pharmacies can be found in any form:

  • coated tablets;
  • in the form of tinctures;
  • in the form of tea;
  • as part of other sedatives;
  • in the form of dried herbs.

The benefits and harms of valerian are still being disputed, it is important not to miss that line of dosage when it will have a positive effect on the body, and when it is possible to poison it. With the right dosage, valerian has a positive effect on the body:

  • dilates blood vessels, thereby improving blood circulation in the body;
  • soothes, increases the strength of sleep;
  • improves the digestive system with the help of additional production of gastric juice;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • has a relaxing property.

It is taken for vegetative-vascular dystonia. This is due to the fact that valerian extract inhibits the processes of the cerebral cortex.

Medicinal properties of valerian

Valerian extract during pregnancy and breastfeeding

From an overdose of valerian, the consequences can be different. An overdose of valerian in a person can cause symptoms and side effects: the appearance of an allergic reaction, increased pressure, nausea, sometimes vomiting, panic, fear, insomnia, diarrhea, migraine may occur.

All of the above symptoms may or may not occur, depending on the state of the human body. In any case, its overdose adversely affects health. You should always take preventive measures, that is, do not abuse the drug.

As you know, women who are expecting a baby are extremely undesirable to be nervous. Valerian during pregnancy is the safest for the fetus. It is practically not absorbed into the blood and very little passes through the placenta, having only a sedative effect on the mother and child.

Valerian is prescribed by a doctor for pregnant women

Valerian is strictly prescribed by a doctor for pregnant women. It is not recommended to change the dosage. An overdose of valerian at the time of pregnancy is impossible if taken strictly according to the dose prescribed by the obstetrician-gynecologist. In this case, there will be no side effects from it. The dose that a doctor usually prescribes during pregnancy contains no more than two tablets per day. It is tablets, and not any other dosage form.

The tablets contain a lower concentration of valerian extract than other medicinal products containing this component. Therefore, valerian during pregnancy is often prescribed to mothers and is not tolerated by children in any way, more precisely, it does not affect them in any way. As a rule, pregnant women take it in courses, taking breaks between courses of receptions.

Valerian during breastfeeding continues to be taken if the mother took it during gestation. In this case, you should consult with a specialist. Valerian is absorbed into breast milk, with side effects on the baby observed. The child will be drowsy and lethargic. If side effects are present, it is necessary to reduce the dosage or completely refuse to take the drug. From children, the medicine should be kept out of the reach of children.

Contraindications and consequences. First aid for drug poisoning

Do not forget about the section in the instructions "contraindications for use". Valerian has the following contraindications:

  • people with various liver diseases;
  • men and women of advanced age;
  • with frequent overwork and drowsiness;
  • valerian is not prescribed for children under 14;
  • suffering from alcohol addiction;
  • if you are allergic to valerian.

Valerian overdose

Often people ask themselves: “What will happen if you drink a lot of valerian? "or" is it possible to die from valerian? » Death, fortunately, from an overabundance of a dangerous drug, will not work. This is due to the fact that the accumulated poison in the human body is insignificant for the onset of death and is quickly excreted in the urine.

Fragment of instructions for the use of valerian

But there are other consequences from which people do not die, but suffer, for example, valerian and alcohol do not have compatibility. Often people, not knowing the consequences that may arise when alcohol and “harmless grass” are taken orally, bring trouble to their health, namely, they injure the central nervous system.

If you develop symptoms of food poisoning after taking an anti-anxiety medication ( diarrhea, nausea with vomiting, abdominal pain, lethargy and other characteristic symptoms), you may have overdosed on this drug and need to help yourself first.

First aid for poisoning will be as follows:

  • drink as much pure water as possible;
  • provoke vomiting;
  • take absorbents - activated charcoal, postlisorb or what is in the first aid kit;
  • make a water enema to cleanse the intestines;
  • call an ambulance.

The consequences for the body can be different - from minor consequences to requiring outpatient treatment under the supervision of a doctor. Consequences arise when the drug is used incorrectly.

Treatment in a hospital usually takes place with the appointment of sorbents, multivitamins, droppers are installed. Inpatient treatment takes less than a week and the patient is discharged home.

Valerian can be poisonous

An overdose of valerian has a variety of health consequences. Here it is appropriate to remember what you need from the drug. Benefit can easily be replaced by harm if used incorrectly. Each drug is designed to improve human health, but if it is used incorrectly, this medicine can cause irreparable harm to the body - the nervous system, certain parts of the cerebral cortex, and so on.


After watching this video, you will find out what will happen with an overdose of valerian.

The rapid development of the world can negatively affect people, which leads to constant stress.

Troubles at home or at work, unsettled life can cause sleep disturbances and the impossibility of proper rest.

In such a situation, it is necessary to use sedatives, among which it is worth noting valerian extract. Taking sedatives in tablets will help maintain vitality.

However, the availability of medications can lead to such negative consequences as an overdose of valerian.

Plant properties and release form

Human valerian is able to relieve stress, having a calming effect, therefore it is often used as an important ingredient in multicomponent cardiac preparations. Plant-based products can also have a relaxing effect on the muscles, which will effectively relieve spasm and convulsions, regulate the functioning of the heart muscle, and restore coronary circulation.

At the moment, valerian extract is produced in the form of dried herbs, dragees or tablets, infusions and teas.
Infusion is the most common form of the drug, which is in almost every first aid kit. It is produced on the basis of valerian and alcohol.

This medication can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.
Valerian extract in tablets or dragees has a similar effect with tincture, but it will differ in ease of use, especially in childhood. The effect after oral administration of the tablet form will come a little later (after 20-30 minutes).

Indications for use

  • Excited state;
  • Sleep disorders that are associated with overexcitation and stressful situations;
  • Migraine;
  • stress and anxiety;
  • Minor dysfunctions of the organs of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

If the patient is diagnosed with a mild degree of insomnia or minor stress in adulthood, then the drug may be prescribed in the form of a tincture 30-40 minutes before the intended sleep. The dose is 1.5-3 g of the plant - from 100 to 600 ml.
In childhood (up to 3 years), the effectiveness of the drug has not been established, therefore, in this age group, valerian extract is not used.

The fact is that the hyperactivity of a child under 3 years of age is not associated with nervousness.
It is recommended to take the drug for 4-5 weeks, which will prevent an overdose of valerian. Long-term use is possible only under the constant supervision of a physician.

If you have a mild degree of insomnia, then the drug can be prescribed for a period of not more than 2 weeks, at the end of this period it is necessary to replace the drug with a more effective one. It is important to understand that an overdose of valerian, like any medicine, can cause poisoning and lead to negative consequences.

Overdose symptoms

In general, the drug is harmless, but an overdose of valerian still happens. This condition is manifested by the following symptoms:

Valerian preparations are characterized by a cumulative effect, so the listed symptoms may not occur immediately, and no doctor will be able to say how many tablets of the drug must be taken in order for an overdose of valerian to occur.

Poisoning with the drug can cause a depressive state, including leading to suicide. In such cases, it is important to stop taking the medicine as soon as possible. essential remedy to avoid other negative symptoms.

Remember that drugs can affect the human body in different ways, which is associated with its individual characteristics.

As a result, the same intake regimen can lead to the fact that an overdose of valerian occurs in one patient, which will be expressed by an allergy or severe intoxication, the second person will remain completely healthy, and the third person may develop addiction.
It is important to note that an overdose of valerian can cause the opposite effect - lead to hyperactivity, because a high dose can put the brain into a stupor. In such cases, the patient will complain about:

  • Increasing pressure;
  • Hyperthermia;
  • Excessive excitability;
  • Headache;
  • Fear and insomnia;
  • Heartache.

Treatment of poisoning

An overdose of valerian can lead to various life-threatening symptoms, but it is enough to stop using the tablets or reduce the dosage to eliminate the negative effects. If the drug was taken no later than 2 hours, then it is possible to induce vomiting (it is enough to drink 2.5 - 3 liters of water). This technique will clear the stomach.

A diagnosed overdose of valerian will require symptomatic treatment and observation for several days in the hospital. If assistance was provided in a timely manner, then the negative consequences can be minimized.