How to feed a sphinx cat. Care and feeding, how to feed a Sphynx kitten

To properly feed a Sphynx kitten, you need to study the features of the breed. Considering the needs of the pet, you need to decide how to feed the Sphynx kitten, that is, choose between ready-made food, natural and mixed diets.

Having studied the characteristics of the breed, you can create an optimal, personalized diet for the kitten. Proper nutrition, which is controlled and adjusted, is the key to the health of the pet.

It is important to understand that even if the cat has predispositions or chronic diseases, quality care and a balanced diet can significantly improve the standard of living.

A balanced diet for the Sphynx is prevention:

  • (acne disease).
  • Diseases of the teeth and mouth.

Sphynx spend a lot of energy on heating their own body, so they eat a lot and are rarely overweight.

However, heavy feeding of a cat with disturbed hormonal levels leads to a frighteningly sharp weight gain, which is fraught with development

Many potential owners, trying to save the family budget, buy kittens with unconfirmed breed value. In most cases, such kittens turn out to be mestizos in several generations.

Unfortunately, it was thanks to the desire to save money that the myth spread that all sphinxes suffer from allergies and acne. Yes, such pathologies can worry a purebred cat, but in mestizos, they appear with almost 100% probability.

Don and Canadian sphinxes - differences and features

Many people know that there are hairless cats and do not see the differences in them. To date, hairless cats include:

  • - naked and velor.
  • - naked and brush.
  • Peterbald or - a young, hairless breed of cats, bred in Russia.
  • - a very rare hairless cat breed with rounded ears.
  • - a very rare miniature hairless cat breed.

There are also cats with a partial woolen cover:, and faces. The Canadian and Don Sphynx have absolute leadership in the number of livestock, popularity and prevalence.

How are they different?

  • Canadian sphinxes have been bred for more than half a century, the Don variety is much younger.
  • Canadian sphinxes have rounded features of the muzzle, the Don cats have a sharp muzzle with clear lines.
  • Canadian Sphynxes do not have mustaches, Don Sphynxes most often have mustaches.
  • All Don Sphynxes have a light fluff, among Canadians there are completely naked individuals.
  • Canadian Sphynxes are graceful, Don Sphynxes have an athletic physique.
  • Canadian Sphynxes have folds, Don Sphynxes have almost none.

The main difference between breeds in health! Canadian sphinxes are inferior in this respect to their counterparts due to the age of the breed. Many Canadian owners are forced to keep their pets on hypoallergenic or preventive foods in old age.

Important! When buying a kitten in a cattery, after a veterinary examination, from healthy breeders, the risks are minimal.

Choosing a place and utensils for feeding

Feeding is a key aspect of care. The choice of place and utensils for feeding directly affects the health of the pet. While eating, the cat should feel comfortable and safe, so while the kitten is small, take care that he does not have to compete for food with other pets (if any).

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Bowls should be comfortable, practical and safe. The best choice is ceramic bowls, they are easy to clean and do not slip. Ceramic bowls break, so you can choose stainless steel as an alternative. However, steel bowls slip when the cat is eating, so they are best placed on the caterer.

How to feed a Sphynx kitten - choosing the type of diet

When deciding how to feed a Sphynx kitten, you need to choose from three types of feeding:

  • Natural.
  • Industrial.
  • Mixed.

Each type of feeding implies certain pros and cons for both the owner and the pet. Let's take a look in a little more detail.

natural diet

The natural diet for a Sphynx kitten includes:

  • Feeding raw and cooked foods in pure and mixed form.
  • Feeding exclusively raw foods.
  • Feeding semi-finished products of home production.


  • Cheaper than commercial feed of approximate quality.
  • You can adjust the calories.
  • Taste variety.


  • You have to spend time cooking.
  • It is necessary to regularly conduct vitamin courses.

A Sphynx kitten can be transferred to a natural diet from a month old. By about 10–11 months, the pet will fully form taste preferences, so during this period, you need to accustom him to healthy foods.

Ready feed

Ready feed is divided into types:

  • Dry - granules.
  • Semi-moist - pieces with gravy or jelly.
  • Wet - pate or pasta.

Veterinarians recommend feeding adult cats alternating wet and dry food. Feeding only drying leads to damage to tooth enamel, and exclusively soft food harms the gums. By quality, ready-made feeds are divided into classes:

  • Economy
  • Premium.
  • Super premium.
  • Holistic.

The better the food, the more expensive it is. For healthy animals, daily premium feeds are suitable. For cats with poor health, food should be at least super premium.

If the pet has certain tendencies or diseases, the food should be chosen from a specialized line:

  • Supportive.
  • Preventive.
  • Therapeutic.
  • For malnourished kittens and adult animals.
  • Hygienic (usually treats).


  • No cooking required - saves time.
  • High-quality feed is balanced, contains all the necessary vitamins, trace elements and taurine.


  • With food allergies, the cat needs to be transferred to hypoallergenic food, and it is more expensive than everyday food.
  • There is a risk of buying fake or stale (by weight) food, and this is a direct threat to the health of the pet.

A Sphynx kitten can be fed a cat's milk replacer from birth. The industrial menu of pates and pastes is shown to kittens from the age of one month. Canned food pieces are introduced into the diet from 3-4 months of age.

Important! Dry food is introduced into the diet after a complete change of teeth.

Mixed diet for a Sphynx kitten

A mixed diet involves a menu made up of natural products and ready-made feeds. Veterinarians and pet food manufacturers do not recommend keeping pets on a mixed diet, as it is fraught with:

  • Indigestion.
  • The development of gastritis.
  • Sudden weight gain or loss.
  • Exacerbation or manifestation.
  • Exacerbation of problems in the hormonal system.

Sphynx kittens are physically unable to digest food of different structures until 4–5 months of age. Part of the food, most often food, is not digested, but rots in the intestines.

Sample menu by age

By compiling an approximate menu by age, you can calculate your capabilities ... both physical and financial. If you decide to become the owner of a hairless cat, it is better to immediately expect that the pet will have to be transferred to a hypoallergenic diet. In this matter, it is better to “retrain” than to face the unexpected.

A cat's skin is an indicator of its health. In cats with long hair, the deterioration of the skin condition may be imperceptible for some time, in naked pets, all symptoms are noticeable immediately. One of the signs of malnutrition is plaque on the skin, which leaves marks on which the cat has sat or slept.

Read also: The kitten has dirty ears: what to do at home

Up to a month

Until the age of one month, a kitten should receive exclusively mother's milk, since it contains antibodies and beneficial bacteria. If the baby is deprived of maternal care, it must be fed artificially.

Natural menu for a Sphynx kitten under the age of one month

  • Goat milk diluted with boiled water.
  • Scott's Kitten Blend.
  • Tailing mix for kittens.

Industrial menu:

  • Substitute for cat's milk.
  • From 1.5–2 weeks - infant formula "from 0" (without additives and sugar).

The daily food intake ranges from 40 to 60 ml, depending on the number of babies in the litter, individual characteristics and dimensions.

The number of feedings for a Sphynx kitten up to 2 weeks - every 2 hours, 10 times a day. From 2 to 4 weeks, kittens eat every 2-3 hours, with a night break lasting 4-6 hours, about 8 times a day.

1 month

Babies open their eyes and receive their first supplement. Natural menu for a monthly Sphynx kitten:

  • mother's milk.
  • Whole goat or cow milk.
  • Low fat beef broth.
  • Boiled minced meat mixed with broth and homemade meat pate.

Industrial menu:

  • With a lag in growth - pate for malnourished kittens.

The portion size depends on the rate of formation, development and weight gain. The daily norm of food ranges from 50-90 gr.

Number of feedings: 6-7 times a day, excluding mother's milk.

2 months

They begin to prepare for vaccination, which is accompanied by the prevention of worms. A slight weight loss immediately after deworming is considered normal. Against the background of increasing needs of a growing organism, the diet is strengthened.

Natural menu:

  • Mother's milk or natural substitute.
  • Whole milk cow or goat.
  • Calcined cottage cheese.
  • Dairy products.
  • Bouillon.
  • Boiled minced meat (thoroughly chopped).
  • Minced, raw, boiled or pre-frozen meat (beef).

Industrial menu:

  • Cat milk replacer or infant formula.
  • Canned food for kittens.

The daily norm of food directly depends on body weight and ranges from 60-100 gr.

The number of feedings varies from 5 to 6 times a day, excluding mother's milk consumed.

3 months

Usually, kittens move to a new home. To reduce the stress of moving, it is advisable not to change the diet and feeding schedule of the kitten in the first 10-14 days of life in a new home. After a period of adaptation, you can gradually transition the kitten to the type of food you choose.

Natural menu:

  • Mother's milk or its substitute.
  • Whole milk, fermented milk products, calcined cottage cheese.
  • Minced boiled, raw, chopped meat.
  • The broth is low-fat, clean or with an egg.
  • Raw quail eggs or chicken egg yolk. Can be mixed with curd.
  • Raw grated carrots, a little green apple.

Industrial menu:

  • Cat milk replacer or infant formula.
  • Canned food for kittens.
  • Semi-moist food for kittens.

The serving size remains the same, but due to the increased nutritional value, the baby stays full longer.

Number of feedings: 5-6 times a day.

4–6 months

At 4-6 months, the kitten is in the stage of active growth, in addition, the baby's teeth are changing. Increasing needs for nutrients and minerals are compensated by strengthening the diet.

Natural menu:

  • Whole milk, dairy products, cottage cheese - in large quantities.
  • Boiled and raw meat without fat and bones - beef, veal, rabbit.
  • Oceanic fish, low-fat - chopped, deboned, boiled or after deep freezing.
  • Offal beef or poultry, boiled, chopped.
  • Eggs chicken, quail - raw, boiled, scrambled eggs (without oil). Can be mixed with vegetables or dairy products.
  • Vegetables - raw, grated.

Industrial menu:

  • Pates.
  • Semi-moist food.
  • Soaked dry food.

Feeding a pet only at first glance seems easy. Cats are true connoisseurs of taste, gourmets who refuse fragrant sausage stuffed with chemicals. And such an exotic breed of cats, like the Sphynx, generally needs a special diet. To maintain a comfortable body temperature, bald pets require more calories than their furry counterparts. A full menu contributes to the proper development of an unusual kitten.

A comparative table of natural and ready-made feeds will allow you to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each type of feeding (on a mobile phone, you can scroll the table horizontally with your finger):

natural food Ready feed
  1. Good for your health.
  2. Allows you to take into account the special needs of the pet, adjust the diet if necessary.
  3. You can independently control the quality of products. Choose only fresh meat and vegetables.
  1. Practicality - can be stocked up for a long period.
  2. Convenience - Feeding takes a few minutes.
  3. Saving money. Ready-made food is cheaper. It turns out to save on electricity or gas, since ready-made feed does not need to be cooked and heated.
  4. Large selection: for different ages, for neutered, for pets with digestive problems, etc.
Flaws Takes a long time. It is necessary to carefully consider the menu, purchase regularly products and cook food. If you cook for several days, you will have to spend time warming up.
  1. Cheap food is bad for your health.
  2. Cooked food can cause allergies.

Natural nutrition - arguments for and against

Before buying a kitten, you need to find out what the owner-breeders fed him. This is very important, because the baby can stubbornly refuse unfamiliar food. This behavior often leads to exhaustion. Kittens are real conservatives in matters of feeding.

If breeders have accustomed a pet to natural products, it is advisable to continue their undertaking. There are positives and negatives to a natural diet that should be carefully considered.

Natural food should be close to the natural food of cats living in nature. Basically, the diet of wild animals consists of mother's milk, meat (mice, poultry), bird eggs, fish, grass. Cereals, vegetables, fruits enter the body by accident, sometimes cats try them out of hunger or out of curiosity.

At home, you should follow a natural diet:

It is forbidden to feed sphinxes with natural dishes from the human table. Salt, sugar, preservatives, spices are added to the products consumed by people. Cats do not need such additives, so it is harmful for them to eat sausages, sausages, canned meat and fish. Fried foods are also bad. The main list of prohibited foods includes the following:

  • fried cutlets;
  • pork in any form. Raw is fraught with helminthiasis, and boiled is too fatty and heavy for the stomach;
  • sausages, sausages, sausages;
  • chicken bones;
  • smoked meat products;
  • buns, sweets, cookies, sweets;
  • meat stew, canned fish. They contain too much salt and spices that are harmful to the health of the pet;
  • fresh milk. Many adult pets develop lactose intolerance, so it is better to refuse milk. It is replaced by fermented milk products, which have no less value for health.

Feeding scheme

The number of feedings depends on the age of the pet. The younger the baby, the more often it needs to be fed. For example, a baby at the age of two months is fed at least 6-8 times a day - this is normal, because he would eat mother's milk just as often.

From 3 months, the frequency of feeding is reduced to 5-6 times, from 6 months - up to 3 times. Pets over 9 months old are well fed at two feedings.

Because of their bald skin, Sphynxes need to be fed more. Usually they eat everything that they poured into a bowl, so the owner must regulate the amount of food. Excessive passion for food turns into problems with being overweight. Sphynx should not be overfed to avoid obesity.

Feeding according to financial and physical capabilities

Self-compilation of a natural menu is a rather complicated matter. Therefore, it is recommended to contact a veterinarian who will be able to calculate the amount of necessary products for each cat. Before making a choice in favor of natural products or industrial feeds, it is necessary to evaluate your own strengths:

Recipes for natural delicacies

You can pamper your pet sphinx by preparing such a “delicacy”:

  1. Boil chicken meat (1 kg) slightly so that the top is cooked and the inside remains raw. Meat with cartilage, but without bones, pass through a meat grinder.
  2. It is necessary to boil 2 chicken eggs. Remove the protein and chop the yolk. Mix with minced meat. For the resulting amount of meat, you will need to add: 25 ml of vitamin E, 50 ml - a mixture of vitamins B, 20 ml of taurine and fish oil. Mix these ingredients in 150 ml of water and pour into minced meat. The resulting mixture is divided into single portions and stored in the freezer. Reheat to a comfortable temperature in the microwave before feeding.

A small amount of additives is mixed into the minced meat (no more than 25-30%). In this capacity, chopped and boiled cereals (15%) are suitable - buckwheat, rice, cells, oatmeal. For a change, boiled or fresh vegetables chopped to a puree state (10-15%) are added to the meat:

Rarely, but it is allowed to pamper your pet with fish delicacies. For example, chopped and boned salmon is mixed with steamed rice in a ratio of 9: 1 (90 g of fish will take 10 g of porridge). The mixture is diluted with boiled water to the consistency of a thick soup.

You can cook oatmeal with tuna. To do this, the fish is boiled, cleaned and passed through a meat grinder. Oatmeal is added in small quantities to minced fish. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. If you cook for the future, you can put it in individual containers in portions and freeze the dish. Be sure to reheat before serving.

How to train a cat to eat vegetables

Sphynxes do not really like experiments in food, so they are accustomed to new additives gradually. New vegetables are added to meat or fish one at a time and in a minimal amount. Vegetable supplements are administered no more than 1 time per day. After that, the reaction of the cat is noted: whether he ate the entire portion with pleasure, whether there was an upset stomach or vomiting after a new delicacy.

If the pet refuses the innovation, it is not recommended to insist. The next day, you can try the new ingredient as a supplement. Some cats enjoy eating houseplants but are reluctant to try vegetables. For such pets, it is recommended to purchase grass seedlings at a pet store and put them in an accessible place for germination. The cat will be happy to feast on delicate greens.

In nature, animals eat grass in order to cleanse the stomach. Pets need it too. And although sphinxes have practically no hair, they manage to lick a shaggy friend (if several pets of various breeds live in the family). Such friendly licking contributes to the accumulation of wool in the stomach. Fresh grass helps to clear the intestines of woolen lumps.

The danger of cheap food

It is not recommended to buy food in bulk at the grocery store. Usually, cheap feed mixtures are sold this way, which will not bring health benefits. Chemicals and dyes found in cheap pet food cause serious diseases, including cancer of the esophagus. Manufacturers report the presence of chemical preservatives on the labels, so you should carefully study the composition before purchasing the mixture.

Under the term "by-products" manufacturers hide the waste of the meat processing industry. At best, it will be skins and cartilage, and at worst, crushed bones. If the manufacturer indicates that the feed consists of by-products, it is better to refuse to purchase it. This dish has no nutritional value.

Pets can happily absorb such food, but this does not mean that they have figured out its composition. Cats are well versed in natural meat and fish, but they do not understand anything about the chemical additives that manufacturers specifically include in a low-grade product. Due to the enhancers of smell and taste, the dish attracts animals. They are deceived by the delicate aroma of chicken or turkey, and in return receive a mixture that is far from being of meat origin.

Therefore, if it is decided to feed a pet with a mixture of industrial production, it is necessary to carefully study the composition. It should contain exactly meat or fish, but not offal.

Premium feed

Manufacturers of high-quality feed produce special mixtures for feeding sphinxes. Consider the most popular of them.

Orijen Cat & Kitten

A product for cats is produced in Canada. If you carefully study the label, you can find out that the food is designed not only for adult cats, but also for pregnant cats, as well as kittens.

The food has a high protein content (42%), which is necessary for purebred representatives. The cost of heating the body pays off with increased consumption of protein products. Fats in the feed are present in normal amounts (20%). On mobile, the table can be scrolled horizontally with a finger:

Additionally, the composition of the production ration includes fruit, vegetable and herbal ingredients:

In addition, the feed contains the daily norm of vitamins, macro- and microelements.

Purina Pro Plan Delicate

Suitable for adult pets who are too picky about food. The composition of the feed, in addition to the meat part, is presented:

  • rice
  • animal and fish oil;
  • yeast;
  • egg powder;
  • green peas and corn.

The finished diet is rich in antioxidants, omega fatty acids and a complex of vitamins. Large dry granules help to clean teeth and gums from plaque and calculus. Thanks to its unique composition, the food helps to normalize digestion.

Special diet for kittens

Bald babies require the introduction of complementary foods at the age of 1 month. They begin to feed them with semolina, then gradually add grated boiled meat (beef, chicken), egg yolk. At two months, the diet is supplemented with fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir).

After reaching 3 months of age, the kitten's diet can be significantly expanded. The meat should no longer be boiled and chopped, you can offer it frozen and sliced. The menu is supplemented with plants, vegetables and fruits.

If there is not enough time for cooking, the kitten is transferred to ready-made mixtures (holistic, premium and super-premium categories). It can be special canned food or dry food. Before buying food, you should carefully study the label - check the composition, date of manufacture and expiration date, as well as information about whether the food is suitable for babies. Popular brands of food for Sphynx kittens:

  • Purina Pro Plan Junior Chicken;
  • Royal Canin Babycat Instinctive for the smallest (up to 4 months);
  • Royal Canin Kitten - for older pets (4-12 months);
  • GO! Sensitivity + Shine Duck Cat Recipe Limited Ingredient Diet, Grain Free - for pets with sensitive stomachs and digestive issues.

Pregnancy and proper nutrition

Kittens need good nutrition while still in the womb of their mother cat. Therefore, special attention is paid to the diet of the expectant mother. It is best if the pregnant woman is breastfed. The number of daily feedings is increased up to 4 times a day. The rate of products is also increased. This will keep the kittens from starving.

It should be noted that an adult Sphynx pet with an average body weight of 4 kg will need at least 320 kcal. A pregnant cat needs an increased portion. During pregnancy, the norm is 1000 kcal.

The daily menu should contain raw beef (at least 50% of the diet). Supplements in the form of vegetables and cereals will help protect your pet from constipation. Fish is not recommended. Bone meal is used as a mineral supplement to dishes. It is poured into minced meat at 0.5 tsp.

Sour-milk dishes are offered separately from the main meal. For example, cottage cheese for an afternoon snack, and kefir before bed.

Feed replacement

Even the most expensive and elite food can cause indigestion in a pet. Failure with stools, diarrhea, constipation, general deterioration of well-being indicate that the body does not perceive the proposed food.

The kitten becomes restless, refuses to play with the owner, eats reluctantly. It is necessary to contact the veterinarian and examine the animal. If objective reasons are not identified, then the deterioration is caused by malnutrition. In this case, you need to change the food.

To change the power approach gradually. Choose another feed manufacturer. Some new ones are added to the old pellets and offered to the kitten. Sphynxes are very sensitive to substitution and at first they can sort out food, choosing the usual one.

The replacement process is long, if the cat categorically refuses to eat new food, you need to purchase another one. So by the method of trials, a complete replacement of the power supply is achieved. You need to be patient, because the health of the pet is in the hands of the owner.

A kitten requires care and attention, especially the Sphynx. Features of its appearance (lack of wool) leads to the fact that the kitten is cold even in summer. To maintain a normal body temperature, he needs increased food intake.

The future health of the sphinx depends on how properly balanced the diet is. If the owner does not know how to properly feed such a special pet, a veterinarian or breeder should be consulted.

They are special in every way, these hairless cats are sphinxes. And they require more attention than many other breeds. Be responsible for feeding sphinxes if you want your pets to be always cheerful, healthy and please you, their owners, for a long time.

Features of the nutrition of sphinxes

The group of hairless cats includes not only Canadian and Don Sphynxes, but also breeds bred with their participation:

  • peterbald;
  • Ukrainian Levkoy;
  • bambino;
  • Minskin;
  • elf;
  • dwelf.
Nutrition rules are the same for all hairless breeds

These animals are very different in many respects, but they are united by the complete or partial absence of wool. This feature dictates certain rules for keeping and feeding "balds".

What determines the diet for sphinxes

Due to the lack of a warm coat, the Sphynx has to spend more calories on its heating than any other cat. Representatives of hairless breeds have an excellent appetite, and their menu should be very satisfying and energetic. Organize feeding so that the pet receives only high-quality products, and the diet is strictly observed.

From age

The sphinx, like any living creature, has three ages: childhood, maturity and old age. Much is connected with this, including the mode and calorie content of feeding. A fast-growing kitten aged from one month to six months should receive the most high-calorie, but at the same time food that does not depress its internal organs, at first six, and by the time of a complete change of teeth - four times a day.

An adult animal, depending on its activity and physical condition, can “table” two or three times a day, the same parameters (plus health) must be taken into account when compiling a food assortment. By the age of sphinxes, it is better to transfer to a children's, fractional regimen - many portions in small doses, gradually reducing the calorie content of food and increasing its therapeutic component.

There is a widespread theory according to which the daily dose of food for the Sphynx should be equal in weight to five percent of its body weight. This is not only stupid, but also harmful fiction - according to this logic, an animal with severe obesity will eat a huge portion and continue to get fat, which is completely unacceptable for him.

From the floor

A cat and a cat in the normal state should eat the same - the calculation of the quality and quantity of food does not depend on the sex of the animal. But in moments when the reproductive function is realized, the approach should be completely different.

In preparation for mating (a month or two before the planned meeting), both partners should be transferred to high-protein nutrition, and the content of carbohydrates and fats should be reduced. When the female becomes pregnant, she will receive "special nutrition" for the pregnant woman, but there is also an important point here. About a week before the birth, you need to take care of the prevention of such a dangerous disease as eclampsia (milk fever, caused by a violation of calcium metabolism - hypocalcemia, that is, a low level of this mineral in the blood of a cat). To prevent illness, you should minimize the proportion of meat in the menu of the woman in labor, and instead introduce foods high in natural calcium.

A cat in an interesting position requires a special approach to feeding

From the state of health

Veterinary feeds are called so because they, like medicines, should be prescribed only by a doctor - to each cat individually, assessing the state of her health. Not a pet store clerk, not a self-employed owner, and not even an experienced breeder - just a doctor who observes the animal.

The following are considered the best of medicinal feeds:

  • GO Sensitivity Shine - to normalize digestion;
  • 1st Choice Urinary Health - for urolithiasis;
  • Gina Elite Cat Sensitive - for sensitive, allergy-prone animals;
  • Josera SensiCat - for cats with digestive problems;
  • Bozita Feline Funktion Sensitive Diet & Stomach - with sensitive digestion and obesity;
  • Hill's Science Plan Sensitive Stomach - for cats with sensitive stomachs and skin
  • Royal Canin Sensible 33 - for cats with sensitive digestive systems.

from the physiological state

Pregnancy and lactation are perhaps the most critical periods in a cat's life. At this time, you need to pay special attention to her diet, make sure that the animal receives all the necessary elements not only to maintain its own physical form, but also for the correct, harmonious formation of kittens.

The world's best brands recommend special foods for mother cats, but just as well, some breeders feed pregnant and nursing mothers with starters that are designed for the smallest kittens and are rich in valuable, easily digestible components.

During the period of feeding kittens, the cat is supposed to have an enhanced diet

Neutered or neutered pets should not be considered sick animals. But when choosing their permanent menu, this special physiological state must be taken into account in order to control the optimal weight and reduce the risk of developing urolithiasis. For sterilized and neutered sphinxes, the following foods can be advised:

  • Hill's Science Plan Sterilized Cat;
  • Eukanuba Adult Sterilized/Weight Control;
  • Almo Nature Holistic Adult Cat Adult Beef and Rice;
  • Bosch Sanabelle Sterilized;
  • Royal Canin Neutered Young Female;
  • 1st Choice Sterilized.

What is forbidden in the diet of sphinxes

The omnivorousness of sphinxes is absolutely no reason to feed them anything (and even more so - human food) or feed them with sweets from the master's table; such food is not only harmful, but also dangerous for hairless cats.

Food from the master's table is a taboo for the sphinx

The list of products prohibited for sphinxes is quite large. Here are his main points:

  • any confectionery and yeast baked goods;
  • fried, salty or smoked foods;
  • pork;
  • excess fat or adding spices;
  • river fish, especially raw;
  • liver;
  • legumes;
  • citrus.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to advise any particular food or nutrition system as a whole to an animal “behind the eyes”. Often you have to select an individual diet through trial and error - something will not suit your pet, but something will not be liked at all. When switching from one food to another, it is extremely important for sphinxes to observe gradualness - a sharp change in the menu can greatly harm digestion.

The transition from feed to feed should occur gradually over ten days.

Problems with improper feeding

The criterion “and my cat likes it” should not determine the choice of food for feeding the Sphynx, who is ready to eat anything, without thinking about the consequences. And they can be very annoying:

  • systemic digestive disorders;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • allergies and various dermatological diseases.

Sphinx, who eats with you at the same table, should not cause tenderness, but alarm

Overeating is detrimental to any cat, and for the Sphynx, whose sense of fullness is muted, it is especially dangerous. In hairless cats, metabolic failures very easily occur, and metabolic disorders lead to obesity, which is already fraught with quite serious problems - from acne to functional disorders of all body systems.

What feed is best to use

It is impossible to save on the nutrition of sphinxes - this will result in loss of health, and subsequently money for treatment. Expensive food for these cats is bought not based on the prestige of the breed, but on the basis of a special susceptibility to poor-quality nutrition. Almost all sphinxes are prone to allergies and endowed with a very sensitive digestive system.

For kittens

Often sphinxes are prolific, in their litter there can be six to eight, and sometimes up to twelve quite viable kittens. It is clear that it is problematic for a cat to feed such a number of offspring on its own. In such cases, you should support her by feeding babies from the nipple with cat's milk substitutes - such mixtures are offered in the lines of some feed manufacturers.

Little sphinxes require more energy for normal development than babies of other breeds.

The first feeding of kittens begins at the age of three weeks, introducing new foods into the diet in small doses - no more than one per day. Traditionally, many owners begin to feed babies with semolina - but this is not the best option, because there are few benefits from such feeding: only excess weight and the risk of allergic reactions. Not suitable for feeding small sphinxes and human baby food - primarily because of the sugar in its composition. Here are some "dishes" that are recommended if you want to feed kittens natural:

  • boiled yolk;
  • calcined cottage cheese;
  • boiled or frozen meat (chicken, turkey, veal);
  • boiled sea fish;
  • well-boiled cereals from buckwheat and rice;
  • greens, vegetables, fruits.

Until the age of three months, active babies should eat at least six times a day (a single serving is 25 grams). By six months, you need to gradually reach the adult regimen and dosage - two or three meals a day, 40–50 grams at a time.

Sphynx kitten needs high-calorie nutrition

It is difficult to independently build a balanced menu for a kitten that is growing and developing rapidly. High-quality ready-made feeds in this sense are convenient and reliable - pay attention to such products from the best brands:

  • Royal Canin Babycat Instinctive - mousse for kittens up to 4 months;
  • Royal Canin Kitten - dry food for kittens from 4 to 12 months;
  • Purina Pro Plan Junior Chicken - canned chicken for kittens;
  • Wahre Liebe Junge - dry food for kittens with colostrum;
  • Hills Cat Science Plan Kitten Tuna - dry food for kittens with tuna;
  • GO! Sensitivity + Shine Duck Cat Recipe Limited Ingredient Diet, Grain Free - for kittens and cats with sensitive digestion.

For adult animals

When compiling a diet for your pet, you need to be guided not only by his preferences and tastes, but first of all by the characteristics of his body and health.

Ready feed

It is not easy to choose ready-made food for an adult Sphynx. Not because there are few suitable feeds - on the contrary, it is difficult to make the right choice among the many offers.

Video: we select food for the sphinx

Natural menu

Any cat is a predator, and protein should form the basis of its nutrition. If you are a supporter of a natural diet, then it will need to be built around meat and fish - these products will occupy at least 70 percent of the total.

But even the freshest and highest quality meat cannot be the only component of the Sphynx's diet - the pet's daily diet can be built from the following products:

  • frozen beef or turkey meat - 40 g daily;
  • boiled chicken breast without skin or boiled fish without bones - 3-4 times a week;
  • boiled or frozen chicken offal (except liver), raw or boiled vegetables, fruits, herbs - 2-3 times a week;
  • pharmacy brewer's yeast - 3-4 times a week;
  • steamed oatmeal, buckwheat or rice - 2-3 times a week;
  • chicken yolk, cheese - 1 time per week;
  • chicken neck or crackers - 1 time per week (to clean your teeth);
  • vegetable oil (add a little to cooked food).

Be careful with red fruits - they can provoke allergies in the Sphynx

Are Additional Beneficial Supplements Required?

By practicing feeding the Sphynx with high quality complete feeds, the owner may not care about any additional feeding - the animal gets everything it needs without them. For cats that eat natural food, vitamin and mineral supplements are required - their composition and dosage should be recommended by a veterinarian, taking into account the characteristics of a particular animal and its diet.

Sphinxes are not only famous gluttons, but also sophisticated gourmets. Many of these cat breeds love leafy greens, rich in vitamins and minerals. You should not deny your pet this healthy treat, even if you think that his diet is completely balanced and saturated with everything you need.

Many baldheads generally feel weak for fresh greenery - even for ordinary lawn grass, which is usually recommended for breeds with long and thick hair, in order to cleanse the cat's stomach from its stray clods. But do not forget that your Sphynx will also benefit from this cleansing and vitamin natural supplement.

Let him nibbling grass better than eating your houseplants - especially since among them there may be specimens dangerous for a cat.

Video: unusual gastronomic addictions of the sphinx

Sensitive digestion and sensitive skin are two main factors to consider when considering a Sphynx's diet. By choosing a healthy diet for your cat, you will provide her with activity, vivacity and good physical shape for many years.

What to feed the sphinx?

The Sphynx is a group of hairless cat breeds. The breed has an interesting feature: people do not treat it neutrally: someone hates sphinxes, and someone just loves them. Every person who sees and strokes the Sphinx for the first time involuntarily asks himself the question: what to feed the sphinx? Surely something unusual, like the breed itself?

A few words about the breed. There are Canadian, Don Sphynx and Peterbalds. Sphynxes are very affectionate and intelligent cats, they are trainable and very attached to their owner, so do not leave the Sphynx alone for a long time.

As a responsible owner, you should be aware that Sphynx's love to eat, which is why they often become obese. Some problems may arise from the eternal curiosity of sphinxes: they constantly need to try something new!

To help your pet stay healthy and in good shape, allow your Sphynx to eat often and in small amounts. Due to the lack of hair, the Sphynx has a slightly higher metabolism than the "wool" cats, and the sensitive digestive system of the Sphynx will not allow you to experiment with your pet's diet.

Sphinxes eat very quickly, practically without chewing. When choosing food for your pet, ask yourself a few questions:

How old is the sphinx?

Are there any health problems?

What is the physiological state of the pet: pregnancy, feeding kittens, castration?

What to feed a Sphynx kitten?

Kittens up to 1 month old should drink mother's milk. If for any reason your kitten is weaned, you will need to feed him following the manufacturer's instructions.

A kitten older than 1 month is already quite capable of eating dry kitten food. If your kitten has difficulty chewing dry kibble food, you can soak the food in warm (not hot!) water at first to achieve a porridge-like consistency. Just make sure that the soaked food does not stand in a bowl outdoors for a long time.

A kitten is considered as such until 12 months or until castration. If you haven't neutered your pet at 7 months, then feed kitten food for up to 12 months. After a year, switch to dry food for adult cats.

Immediately after castration, transfer your pet to food for castrated cats and cats.

What dry food to choose for feeding the Sphynx?

We will immediately talk about premium quality food: they have a small daily serving dosage, and the cost of feeding a good quality cat food is much lower than you can imagine.

High-quality premium feed contains everything you need in the composition, and in isolated cases (strictly on the recommendation of a veterinarian) they require supplementation in the form of vitamins.

There is a special food for the Sphynx breed: this.

What is the difference between breed food and universal cat food?

Firstly, the special triangular shape of the food kibble so that your cat does not swallow food, but chews thoroughly, cleaning off plaque.

Secondly, the food is enriched with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids to maintain healthy Sphynx skin.

Thirdly, the food contains more fat (23%) than regular food, which satisfies the high energy requirements of hairless cats.

Since sphinxes are prone to certain heart diseases, taurine (an essential amino acid) must be present in the feed.

The Royal Canin food for Sphynxes contains chicken. This food is not suitable for cats with chicken allergies.

Other brands do not have a division in the line of food for different breeds of cats. The Proplan brand for adult cats is represented by two types: and.

There is no separate "Proplan for the Sphinx".

The Hills brand also differ only in composition: for adult cats, and

Regardless of which brand of food you choose as the main food for your Sphynx, be sure to follow the dosage. How do you know how much to feed per day?

Look at the pack of food: the table shows the weight of an adult cat, and the manufacturer's recommended daily dosage of food. Please note that this is an approximation and may vary by +/- 10 grams.

If it seems to you that your Sphynx is not eating enough and is running after you with hungry eyes, but the animal's weight is normal, you can increase the daily dose by 10 grams.

If your cat is prone to obesity or is already overweight, gradually reduce the amount of food to the optimal amount to maintain the desired weight.

It is important that the pet always has access to clean drinking water, it needs to be changed 2 times a day. There are times when a cat drinks little water. In this case, the cat is at risk of getting urolithiasis. Get your cat to drink more: Place bowls of water around the house so that every room in the cat can drink.

Dry food is good because the cat mechanically cleans their teeth, cleaning off plaque. In addition, feeding dry food is convenient for the owner, because the dosage is easy to calculate, and the food can be in the bowl for 24 hours. The downside is that in the case of long-term storage in the fresh air, the food loses its taste properties, the smell disappears, and the fats contained have the ability to “rancid” in the air, oxidizing the food.

Cat food has both pros and cons.

Wet canned food is beneficial due to its higher moisture content, due to which the animal receives more water, preventing urolithiasis and constipation.

Wet canned food does not clean a cat's teeth. According to statistics, cats that eat exclusively canned food or spiders suffer from tartar that requires cleaning in a veterinary clinic with a special ultrasonic scaler under anesthesia.

Wet diets are more expensive than dry diets. For feeding a cat with premium quality wet food, you will have to allocate at least 5,000 rubles from the family budget.

Ideally, if you combine feeding dry food and wet canned food.

What can not be fed to the sphinx?

Never give your pet fried, salty, smoked or sweet. Any bones are contraindicated, since the cat can choke on them, and the sharp edges of the bones scratch the delicate mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, or even pierce the intestine.

Sweets break the immune system of your sphinx, and chocolate containing theobromine can lead to death!

Potatoes and legumes are not digested by the cat's stomach. This is a useless food that provides bloating and flatulence.

Milk is not digested by cats due to the lack of a special enzyme that breaks down lactose. If you give your cat milk, then be prepared for diarrhea in your pet.

Fish is also not suitable for feeding the sphinx. Do not give the cat red fish or caviar!

In no case do not give a cat human medicines, many of them are contraindicated for use in cats!

Why is the Sphinx not suitable for human food?

Our food is not adapted to the digestive system of cats, and the statements of your friends that all cats used to "ate off the table" and lived happily ever after do not guarantee a healthy and happy life for your pet. Do not forget that man brought the Sphynx breed artificially, hence the higher requirements for the maintenance of these cats.

Why shouldn't the sphinx be given porridge?

Thermally processed cereals create an excessive load on the digestive system of cats. When eating cereals, a cat is at risk of becoming obese.

Why not combine dry food and natural food?

When feeding only dry food, a certain amount of gastric juice is produced in the stomach of a cat. The digestion of natural food and dry food requires different levels of secretion of gastric juice. And the stomach is simply not adapted to instantly adapt to a different type of food, digestion malfunctions begin: constipation alternates with diarrhea.

Feeding at first and the regular feeding resulting from it form certain taste characteristics in your purring pet. By the way, almost all representatives of the cat family are real gourmets. What then to say about exotic breeds, which include sphinxes? It is they who are distinguished by the desire to try a chocolate candy or enjoy a pickled cucumber. You can certainly satisfy your kitten's food curiosity, but these specific foods should be given in very small amounts and rarely, so as not to harm the exotic cat's health.

But before a pet in adulthood begins to surprise its owners with its original taste preferences, it is necessary to choose the right and balanced diet for it from the first months of life. Usually in the cattery you can buy kittens of two or three months of age, who have already learned to eat on their own. But if for some reason a completely unintelligent baby has come to you, then you will have to tinker with him.

Such a Sphynx kitten will not even have to be fed, but fed, offering special mixtures five to six times a day. This is due to the fact that the crumbs still have a very small ventricle, which is able to absorb only small portions at short intervals. Therefore, it is better to acquire a more independent kitten, whose catering requires much less effort on the part of the owners. So, what is the best way to feed a Sphynx baby?

Principles of natural nutrition

These animals belong to picky breeds and from early childhood react very capriciously to any changes in the diet. Therefore, not all natural products and industrial feeds are acceptable for feeding your exotic kitten. Fatty foods are very harmful for them, since animals are more likely than others to have a risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, choose dietary meat: turkey or chicken breast, beef, rabbit meat. Eliminate pork completely.

Many newly minted housewives who purchase a Sphynx kitten forget to ask the cattery about the diet that has already taken place because of the joyful feelings that overwhelm them. Therefore, be careful and do not neglect this rule, because at a young age the digestive system is very sensitive to a sudden transition from one diet to another, and therefore it is more expedient to feed the baby with the food he is used to.

But if for some reason it is impossible to obtain the necessary information, then the first and most optimal nutrition for a Sphynx kitten should be defatted veal, raw or boiled. Do not forget about the cottage cheese, which is better to do it yourself. Then you can offer the baby finely chopped eggs and homemade pates based on meat and vegetables.

The menu of a Sphynx kitten during the period of active growth and formation of the body should include a maximum of necessary trace elements and vitamins. Therefore, give the baby fish in boiled form and without bones. A fluffy, capricious purr cannot do without cereals. In order not to have problems with whims and refusals of cereals in the future, try to feed your pet with them as early as possible. It is best to start with oatmeal, and then introduce rice and buckwheat into the diet.

Many useful substances are found in the so-called by-products: the liver, heart, kidneys, lungs and chicken ventricles. But do not forget that they must be boiled, and not given raw. You can vitaminize the diet of a Sphynx kitten by adding greens to food. But the special sensitivity to smells inherent in this breed can interfere with your intentions, and the baby will capriciously turn away from the bowl.

Features of the choice of industrial feed

The easiest solution is to choose ready-made food. Commercial feeds are available, varied, and can save owners a lot of time. But not everything is so simple, because you will have to deal with a large number of bags, boxes and jars. Sometimes such an assortment is confusing, because you want to give the kitten the best food in terms of composition so that the baby grows and develops properly, and his health has always been strong.

The content of vitamin-mineral complexes in industrial feed is considered the most balanced, if we mean premium and super premium class products. They are not cheap, but you won’t be able to save on exotic food, because cheap industrial food can lead to various diseases, which are oh so expensive to treat. Therefore, from the first months of life, the diet of a Sphynx kitten should be of high quality. And no one better than a competent breeder or a specialist from a good veterinary clinic will advise you on which brand of prepared food should be preferred in case of acquiring an exotic baby and what is the best way to feed it.

You can diversify the menu with dry food and wet canned food from the same manufacturer, but pay attention to the labeling, because you are buying food for kittens, not adults. You should not stock up on large packs or jars of finished products, because when interacting with air, their contents have the ability to deteriorate and become moldy. Therefore, tightly close dry food bags and store them in a dark, dry place. Place special canned food for kittens in the refrigerator and immediately pay attention to how long they should be consumed.

If you do not want to mix dry and wet food in the diet of a Sphynx kitten and prefer to choose one thing, then consider some features of both types of ready-made industrial food. Canned food is seventy-five percent water, and the moisture content of croquettes or dried does not exceed thirteen percent. Therefore, they must first be offered to the kitten in a soaked form, and then make sure that there is always a container of fresh water next to the bowl.

Wet canned food is much better absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract of a small sphinx, they have a more appetizing look and smell tempting. But such products are not stored in open form, so you will have to stock up and constantly replenish them. Whatever you choose as your Sphynx kitten's main food, avoid feeding it expired or spoiled food. And choose only ready-made products suitable for age.

As for the amount of industrial food that a kitten needs to provide four or five feedings, a special table on the package will allow you to determine it. It clearly states how many grams your pet is supposed to eat at different age stages. If you are feeding your kitten dry, you can either pour the entire daily allowance into a bowl at once, or divide it into several doses. But canned food will have to be given strictly in portions - they will deteriorate if they lie in a bowl without a refrigerator for a long time.

The price and quality of industrial feeds depend on the ingredients used in their manufacture, as well as on the "hype" and reputation of the brand. The most important component of the finished product is protein, so it is its presence and quantity that caring owners should be primarily interested in. It is not worth at your own risk to increase or, conversely, cut the daily allowance of food for a kitten. In the first case, this will lead to overfeeding and indigestion, and in the second case, it will cause thinness, weakness and lag in the development of a small sphinx.

True, not only errors in nutrition are to blame for problems with the intestines. Kittens of this breed are incredibly emotional, therefore they are prone to stress when the environment changes, the appearance of sharp unusual sounds, and so on. If your little Sphynx suddenly has an upset stomach, do not rush to give up the usual type of food, but think about what could frighten or upset the baby.

What to do if the kitten's ready-to-eat diet is not suitable?

The fact that your exotic pet has problems with the chosen brand of industrial food is signaled not only by malfunctions in the digestive tract. The general appearance of the baby and his atypical behavior hint at this with a dull coat, refusal of outdoor games, lethargy and poor appetite. In this case, contact your veterinarian immediately for advice. It will not be superfluous to consult with the owner of the cattery where you got the kitten from.

If, after studying the results of the analyzes, the specialist comes to the conclusion that the reason for the unimportant condition of your little Sphynx was the food, which, despite the high quality, still does not suit him, then you will have to try the products of another brand. But this should be done gradually, so as not to aggravate the stressful state of the baby and not harm his health even more.

Start gradually mixing a small amount of the new food into the old food. During this period, you may encounter the fact that the kitten chooses the old habitual food and leaves untouched the one that is supposed to replace it. It's okay, interrupt the process and repeat it after a couple of days. Although sphinxes are well-known picky eaters, even among them there are rare individuals who refuse to switch to a new food for a long time. You just need to be patient and keep trying.

Do not forget that you will have to pay close attention to the diet of a Sphynx kitten even after it reaches six months of age. At this time, individuals are still considered immature babies and therefore require special care. If you belong to the category of caring housewives, then simple observations of the baby will help you determine whether everything is being done correctly to raise a healthy pet. Readiness for active games, a strong body with well-developed muscles, the absence of obesity or excessive thinness - all these signs are the result of a well-balanced diet, taking into account all the necessary requirements.

And finally, I would like to give one important advice. Do not let your guests feed the kitten with food from the table, even if the baby is happy to enjoy the offered goodies in the form of smoked meat or salted fish. As mentioned above, sphinxes are notable for a certain curiosity in terms of new food, but you should not allow everyone to indulge your charming purr. After all, the guests will leave, and you will have to eliminate problems with indigestion. Therefore, purchase special treats for kittens at the pet store, and then all family members and friends who come to you will be able to bribe the handsome “yummy”, and the hostess will not have to worry.

Do not forget that in addition to the correct balanced diet, your Sphynx kitten needs love and affection. Therefore, find time to play with him and do not leave one for a long time, because this breed is distinguished by special devotion to the owner. And if another little purr calmly reacts to the absence of a person for a whole day, while he either sleeps in his favorite place while waiting, or simply takes revenge on you for separation with scratched wallpaper and torn curtains. But the sphinx babies will be very bored and even grieve in their own way, like a cat, so take into account such a feature of them in order to subsequently have an animal with a normal psycho-emotional background.

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