Use of heated wiper blades. Wiper zone heating unit Heating element for wiper blades

Probably everyone was nervous when the windshield wipers (simply "wipers") of the windshield were covered with an ice crust. Of course, you can do it, but as practice shows, in severe frosts it cannot completely melt the ice on the wipers, of course the effect is much better than without heating at all, but also what they say "NOT ICE"! For our climate, we need to look for another solution. It is desirable that the wiper rubber itself warms up - that would be to put the heat in there. It turns out everything has been invented for a long time! I will even say more - you can do everything yourself ...

A big plus of this method is that the heating element itself is located in the body of the cleaner, that is, it heats either the rubber band or the metal. So years will melt 100%, even in very cold weather (-25, - 30 degrees). Therefore, now more and more motorists are looking at this option.

In fairness, it should be noted that if you have never encountered the electrical circuit of a car, you better not get into it! Otherwise, just burn the fuses at best, at worst the car itself. There are already ready-made solutions for you, and often on the control panel, you press the button - they heat up, press it again - they turn off.

Factory heated wipers

The big plus is that - you do not need to comprehend "voltage", "amperage", materials for manufacturing, etc. We just buy a ready-made kit, now you can pick it up for almost any car or size, and change your standard cleaners.

As I wrote before, there are two options now:

  • Simple. It's just that when you stick it in the cigarette lighter, they heat up. Issue price, from 1900 rubles. Here is a photo.

  • Advanced. As I already indicated on the remote. We also install it in the cigarette lighter, only you have a remote control in your hands. Press - warm, again - turn off. Small video and photo.

I would like to note that this option can also be installed covertly, as a rule, they come with detailed instructions. That is, the cigarette lighter socket will not be occupied, which is already good. The issue price for a pair is about 3500 - 4500 rubles, it all depends on the size.

In principle, for those who do not want to comprehend the “tops” of car electrics, this is a really good solution. The only negative that I see for myself, and for you, is the wiring. You need to somehow bring the wire from the passenger compartment to the hood, or rather the cleaners. Try to make sure that it does not intersect with the engine, and even more so the exhaust manifold - the wire will simply melt. But this is not our method, we need to do it ourselves, so here is a small instruction.

What do we need?

We will need to create a heating element with our own hands. On the one hand, it is difficult, on the other, even exciting.

SO what we need:

  • A new set of wipers (preferably frameless), yet I do not urge you to train on your workers, buy the cheapest ones.

  • Nichrome thread or as many call the wire. Diameter 0.3 - 0.35 mm, this is important, do not take less, it will burn out, there will be more load and long heating. This diameter is the best. You can buy it at any radio market, as well as in radio stores.

  • Wire for main wiring. It is necessary to take copper in good insulation, the cross section is approximately 1.0 - 1.5 mm. The guys suggested that you can take a black wire for acoustics, it harmonizes with the wipers and does not stand out in the cabin.

You also need to prepare tools - a soldering iron (solder), wire cutters, a multimeter (we will measure the resistance).

Manufacturing instructions

Well, let's move on to manufacturing, I will list it point by point, it's better absorbed.

  • We disassemble our frameless "wipers", do it carefully so as not to break anything! Otherwise, you won't collect.

  • We will thread the thread into the elastic band on both sides. It is IMPORTANT that it does not fall out, that is, we hide it inside. Also, do not damage the elastic, because torn it will not clean.

  • What else I would like to note is that we faced such a difficulty - the design has two separate metal plates that hold the elastic. To insert it there, and even push the thread, you need to apply all your dexterity. Therefore, without thinking twice, they simply glued the gum with a glue gun to the plates, so it did not fall out and sat in place. That is how it was possible to shove the nichrome thread.

  • Like almost ready. However, we immediately measure the resistance. It should be 8 - 9 ohms remember! So the thread will heat up evenly, if the resistance is 5 - 6 ohms, then this is bad, the thread will heat up quickly, which is not very good in the cold, the glass may burst. Everything was fine with a large wiper, about 8 - 9 ohms, but the small one was about "6", so they added a little more wire, somewhere they made it a Christmas tree under an elastic band. In general, after 15 minutes - 8.5 ohms - you can normally collect.
  • Two holes were made in the mount for the output of wires from heating. Our black speaker cable will fit to it.

  • After in the assembled state, they tried heating. In about 7 - 8 minutes, the heating was about 49-51 degrees. Which is more than enough, given the cold weather, there will be no such heating, it will warm up to about 20 degrees outside, during the same time - what you need.
  • We put the wipers on regular places. We take the mass from the body, plus we connect it with another cleaner in parallel! And to the salon. It should be noted that we connect through a fuse, it will be enough for about 5A, also, if desired, put a relay (so that it cuts off automatically when the resistance changes - after heating)! It is possible without it, but immediately on the button, then you need to follow it yourself - which is not desirable, you can forget.

For at least one or two winter months a year, every motorist in frosty weather is faced with freezing wipers to the windshield, as well as freezing on the wipers while driving in snowy weather snow and ice. All this worsens the comfortable feeling from and reduces the safety of driving due to poor visibility of the road.

These circumstances suggest the need windshield wiper heaters or areas of their location.

Wiper zone heating installation

In order to make the heating of the wiper zone, it is not necessary to change the windshield, it is enough to glue special wiper blade heaters (NShchS). NShchS is a flexible polyester film that has current-carrying paths, one side of it is covered with an adhesive composition for gluing to the glass surface.

Mounting the NSC is quite simple. It is enough to degrease the surface of the glass at the locations of the wipers, then remove the protective layer from it and glue it.

The cost of this heater is within 600 rubles. or 150 UAH.

It is worth noting that the installation of this heater will help to thaw frozen brushes faster, this will not protect them from snow and ice freezing on them in snowy weather, when the wipers are turned on.

There is also a possibility that during frost, according to some data from -15, according to others - from -25 degrees, the use of NSCs can lead to cracks on the glass due to a strong temperature drop. In these frosty conditions, it is recommended to first warm up the glass by blowing warm air, clean it from frost, and then turn on the NSC. Another disadvantage is the appearance of the heaters, which are visible to the passengers of the car. These circumstances make us think about the advisability of installing a heating zone for the wipers.

Installation of heated windshield wipers

Of course, you can go the easy way and order ready-made heated wipers, but if you have free time, you can do the heating of the wipers with your own hands in a few winter evenings.

The first version of the manufacture of heated wipers

In this case, we will manufacture heated wipers based on frameless brushes, in which we will need to install a home-made heating element.

  • In order to make heating elements for two brushes, you will need 20 meters of MGTF brand wire with a cross section of 0.03 sq. mm.In this case, the current consumption parameters for each element will be within 2.5 A, with a power of about 35 watts.

    MGTF wire for the manufacture of a heating element

  • When the wire is purchased, take a flat board no less than the length of the brushes, and drive two nails into it at a distance of 62 cm (the length of the brushes).
  • Then wind the MGTF wire around the nails so that each turn follows the previous one without twisting.

    Drive two nails into the plank to wind the wire

  • Every 5 cm, connect the wires with tape so that you get a flat "noodle" of wire.

    Fasten the wires with tape every 5 cm

    Heating element ready

  • The edges of the wire should start and end in the middle.
  • Then you should solder two wires of 20 cm each like MGShV (copper wire with combined insulation of silk and plastic, resistant to vibration, shock, repeated actions) with a cross section of 0.12 sq. mm. Soldering points should be insulated with heat shrink tubing.

    Solder two wires and insulate them

  1. After that, a home-made heating element should be wrapped in foil, which will make the heating uniform.

    Wrap the heating element in foil

  2. Disassemble the frameless brush (remove rubber bands and plastic) and insert the heating element.

    Insert the heating element into the body of the frameless brushes

  3. Reassemble the wiper to its original state.
  4. Connect the terminals to the wires.

    Solder the terminals to the wires

  5. Put a corrugated tube on the wipers to insulate the wires.

    After installing the wipers in place, put on a corrugated tube for greater isolation from moisture

  6. The rules for connecting wipers to the car's electrical network are as follows:

The second option for the manufacture of heated brushes

The procedure for the manufacture of heated wipers

  1. Pass the thread through the hole in the silicone surface of the brush.
  2. From one edge, where the metal limiter stands, make a hole in the silicone at an angle with a pin.

    Puncture the silicone tape at an angle

  3. Insert one end of the wire into the hole.

    Thread a nichrome thread

    Nichrome wire is inserted into the Khors silicone tape

  4. Put insulation on the nichrome thread along the edges.

    Put insulation on the edges of the nichrome wire

  5. Make two holes in the middle of the wiper profile.

    Make two holes in the middle of the wiper profile

  6. Insert the ends of the wire into the holes and install the silicone band into the brush structure.

    Nichrome thread is threaded into the wiper's silicone tape

  7. Solder 2 pieces of ball screw wire with a section of 0.2 by 10 cm to the nichrome wire using soldering acid.

Additional windshield heating can significantly reduce the time it takes to prepare a car for a trip in winter, especially at night, which, unfortunately, prevails in northern latitudes.
Many modern cars are equipped with electrically heated windows already on the conveyor. Also, such glass can be bought and replaced with the usual regular one. But there is another option - to install a heated windshield with your own hands right on the spot, gluing ready-made heating threads fixed on a transparent adhesive tape.

Working heated windshield

Filaments heated by electric current are usually located at the bottom of the windshield.

The principle of operation of heating is simple - an electric current heating them is applied to the filaments applied to the glass.
Heated glass produced in an industrial way differs only in the choice of the place of heating - along the contour of the glass, along its area, partially or completely covering it. Filaments heated by electric current, applied in the direct field of view, can be distracting, so contour heating is usually preferred, which has a more frequent location of the threads at the bottom of the glass - where the disabled wiper blades stop.
Commercially available sets for equipping glass with heating are also available in various versions. The windshield heating threads are applied on a self-adhesive film and have leads for applying voltage to them.
More "advanced" types of heating are equipped with a control unit with a built-in timer that turns off the power after a specified time interval.

The windshield heating filaments should not be visible and interfere with the view.

Making a windshield heating with your own hands is not difficult, and it is not necessary to remove the glass at all.

Making a windshield heating with your own hands is not difficult, and it is not necessary to remove the glass at all. It is enough to carefully degrease the surface on which the tape will be glued. Hastily “sticky” heating will flake off in places, making it useless. In addition, poor heat dissipation in places where there is no glass contact can lead to filament failure.
Do not glue heating on cold glass, in general - such work is best done in the warm season - it will stick more reliably.

You can do a heated windshield like this:

Heated windshield

If you bought only tapes with heating filaments, do not forget to “embed” a replaceable fuse in the case into the positive power wire.

As you can see, the windshield heating filaments are located in the wiper parking area. Their arrangement will warm up the lines of contact between the working edges of the brushes and the glass, which will prevent the rubber band from tearing off the base if you accidentally touch the wiper switch lever while the car is not warmed up. Sometimes the rain sensor also works inopportunely - when the "wipers" have not yet thawed out - this happens in the spring at "near-zero" air temperatures.
It will not be difficult to run the power wires if you pre-determine the points of their connection to the threads, or rather, the locations of these points. In order that extra wires do not offend your aesthetic feelings, hide them under the lining of the front pillars - the latter can be easily removed.
If you bought only tapes with heating filaments, do not forget to “embed” a replaceable fuse in the case into the positive power wire. If there is no information about the power of the threads, first put a 10 amp fuse, if necessary, replacing it later with a 15 amp fuse.
It is also advisable to think over the connection scheme to the standard wiring - the heating powered by the cigarette lighter on many cars will work even when the ignition is off, which is undesirable - it is better to play it safe and make the heating work possible only when the ignition is on.

Heated windshield installation

Heated windshield installation

First of all, you need to buy such glass. Original auto glass for many foreign cars is usually expensive, but there are more affordable domestic and Chinese counterparts. And here, when buying, you need to be careful, because low-quality glass - with or without heating - can be made with such defects that you will regret that you started replacing the standard glass.

Signs of a good windshield:

Well, the windshield should remain transparent under any circumstances.

  1. It should remain transparent when exposed to direct sunlight - cloudy glass indicates poor sizing.
  2. In the zone of active vision (in the 28-degree viewing sector when looking in the direction of movement) there should be no distortion of the outlines of objects.
  3. Heating filaments should not stand out - they are barely noticeable on good glasses.
  4. An indirect sign of a good product is a distinct brand and carefully executed packaging that prevents any possible damage during transportation.

Windshield Heating Tapes

When it comes to windshield replacement, it’s better not to save money and trust the experts.

It is better to replace the windshield in a specialized car service - despite the seeming simplicity of work, cutting out old glass, applying primer and sealant, as well as observing the drying rules, not everyone can do it qualitatively. It often happens that after a few months, or even immediately after the replacement, the junction of the glass and the body begins to leak. Yes, and body parts, mercilessly stripped by a string, are covered with rust - especially the front edge of the roof.
A real professional will not even need to clarify whether the glass is heated or not. In addition, it will bring out the wires from the heating so that you do not have to disassemble the “jabot” when connecting.

How to connect a heated windshield

Heated windshield connection

It is better to put the windshield heating switch on the car, with powerful contacts and a reinforced housing.

It is better to connect a heated windshield in the engine compartment - this is where the wires are output, but the “positive” wire will have to be brought out to the passenger compartment - to connect a button or key. Use a car switch, preferably one that has a suitable designation on the case - it will be more convenient to use, and the buttons designed to turn on energy-intensive devices have more powerful contacts and will not melt.

Do-it-yourself heating of "wipers" and windshield washer nozzles

Heated windshield wipers

If it was not possible to buy nozzles specifically for your car, then you can always buy and install universal washer nozzles.

Heated windshield washer jets (including fan nozzles) are available from auto parts and accessory stores. If there are no such ones on sale specifically for your car, then the so-called universal nozzles are produced. There is no difficulty in installing them. The main thing is to carefully wire the wiring so that it does not hang down, but also does not break when the hood is opened. This also applies to connecting the heating - the power wires should not interfere with the operation of the mechanism - the "trapezium of the wipers".
Unfortunately, even heated nozzles cannot prevent the washer from freezing in cold weather - on many cars, the tanks are located, as they say, "outside" - outside the engine compartment. Therefore, some craftsmen equip the tank with heating by installing an electric heater at the bottom, which is also powered by a battery.

Do you need a heated windshield?

Homemade washer nozzle heating

Before you buy a heated windshield, you should finally decide whether you need it.

In general, before you buy a heated windshield or similar "bells and whistles", decide whether you need them at all. Often, excessive enthusiasm for such things either reduces the battery life, or - if they are carelessly installed - to burn out the wiring. Undoubtedly, such devices make life easier for a motorist, but, unfortunately, not everyone has the patience to do everything correctly - to conduct wiring, protect wires from breakage or short circuit, connect a fuse, etc.
As they say - "measure seven times"!

When operating a car in the winter season, car owners face many seasonal problems. One of these problems is the formation of frost on the wiper blades. At first glance, this is not a significant problem, however, it is not very pleasant. It is strange that car manufacturers do not pay due attention to this issue. Against the background of the total cost of the car, the option of heating the wiper zone, with its honest cost, would hardly seem superfluous to anyone, but the benefits are invaluable. Specialists of the Ziesta Tech Center are ready to make up for this shortcoming, on any car. Installing a heated wiper zone is possible on almost any car. For this, electrical heating tapes are used.

Service cost

Note: prices are indicative. The exact cost can be found out only after inspecting the car.

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We use domestically produced tapes, as practice shows, they are of the highest quality: solid adhesive tape, reliable and correctly located heating element, well-soldered contacts - all this ensures a long service life and proper heat distribution. There are three sizes of tapes in our range: 40cm, 50cm and 60cm, they correspond to the sizes of wipers used on cars, and the width of the tapes is 3cm. The size of the installed heating element must correspond to the size of the brush, what is its length, such is the length of the tape. For example: the size of one wiper is 40 cm, and the second one is 60 cm, respectively, the same length, heating elements must be installed.

Wiper zone heater installation process:

The whole procedure consists of two stages. To do this, it is necessary to glue heated tapes and make an electrical connection. The complexity of installing heating elements lies in the fact that they are glued on the inside of the glass in the wipers' rest area. This place is located almost at the very bottom of the glass and in most cars, access to it is limited by the car's dashboard. Therefore, first of all, we recommend thinking about installing a heated wiper zone when replacing glass. In this case, there is no need to disassemble anything else !!!

When replacing glass in our technical center !!! The cost of installing the heating zone of the wipers is only 2900 rubles !!! Taking into account the cost of equipment.

Installing the heating of the wiper zone without replacing the glass is complicated by the analysis of the torpedo. In some machines, for installation it is enough to remove the top cover of the torpedo, and in some it is necessary to remove the torpedo. However, with the appropriate experience, both procedures are not difficult. There is an absolute plus in such a secret location of the parking areas of the wiper zone. Most often, they are located so low that the heating tapes installed in these places are not visible from the outside, hiding behind the black silk-screen printing on the lower edge of the glass. From the cabin, the heating is hidden by a torpedo. In order to understand whether the heating of the parking zone on your car will be visible or not, just look at the location of the wiper blades at rest. If necessary, during installation, a slight deviation in the location of the wiper relative to the center of the tape is allowed. Such a shift may be caused by a technical feature of the vehicle design. It happens that the working surface of the wipers is located too close to the sealant seam on which the glass is glued, or vice versa, very close to the upper edge of the silkscreen. Such shifts are not critical; in general, they will not affect the heating.

Photo report on the installation of the heating zone of the wipers

Turning on the heating can be done in different ways. The most common way is when it is connected in parallel with the heated rear window. The second popular way is when an additional key is displayed to enable it. Both methods are convenient to use. Sometimes, at the request of customers, we had to connect the heating of the wiper zone to other power sources. For example: to heated seats, heated mirrors or a heated steering wheel. For such fantasies, a separate fee is not charged - we will gladly take into account your wishes. However, there are also wishes that are carried out for an additional fee. For a fee, we are ready to offer heating connection to the car alarm. This option is especially convenient for car alarms with auto start. The meaning of such a connection is that, when you come to a warm car in the morning, you can immediately use the wipers in any frost. Also, in addition to the wiper zone, any heating available in the vehicle configuration or a preheater can be connected. For connection, free additional channels are used, which are usually available in every car alarm. Important: to install the heating of the wiper zone, it is necessary to use an unloading relay and install a separate fuse.

In winter, every motorist is familiar with the problem associated with sticking wipers to the windshield. Such a nuisance can even cause a serious accident, because during a trip in bad weather you simply cannot see the road. However, there is a way out of this situation. heating is the solution.

Heating installation: option No. 1

Of course, the easiest option in this case is to buy such a device in a store. But it’s much more interesting and economical to make heated wipers with your own hands in a few evenings. There are several ways to make such devices at home.

Consider the first option based on The work will require the following materials:

  • wire - 20 meters;
  • a board of the same length as the brushes themselves;
  • a pair of nails;
  • scotch.

We hammer a couple of nails into the prepared board at a distance of 62 centimeters (the length of the brushes), wrap the wire around them in turns so that it does not twist. Take the tape and connect the wires with it like flat noodles. You need to do this every five centimeters. As a result, we get a heater tape.

At the next stage, you will need to stock up:

  • copper wire - 40 centimeters;
  • soldering iron;
  • heat shrink tube;
  • foil.

Solder 2 wires of 20 centimeters. We isolate the bonding points We wrap it with homemade foil.

We remove the rubber bands and plastic from the brushes. We insert the heating element inside and assemble the janitor. Solder the terminals to the wires. We put a corrugated tube on the heated wipers for insulation.

Rules for connecting brushes

Do-it-yourself heated wipers should be connected through a relay rated for a current of ten to fifteen amperes. The control wire must be connected to the contact in which electricity is supplied after the ignition is turned on. The switch must be installed on the dashboard. A fuse must be installed on the wire from the battery to the device enable relay.

Option number 2

In this case, wipers with a silicone band will be used, inside of which there is a hole.

The heating element will be a nichrome wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm. To determine how much it will take to work, you should measure the length of both brushes and add another 20 centimeters to this value. You don’t need to immediately insert the wire into the wipers, first you need to pull it with pliers over the fire and let it cool.

We proceed directly to the manufacture of the device. We pass through the hole in the silicone surface of the wipers. In the place where the limiter is located, we will make a puncture with a thick needle at an angle. We insert one end of the wire into it and put on the insulation. In the middle of the profile of the brushes, we make a pair of holes for the output of contacts. We insert the nichrome thread and put the silicone tape in place. We solder two pieces of wire ten centimeters each to the wire. We close the attachment points with a piece of profile using dichloroethane. After that, we solder 1.5 meters of wire to the brushes and insulate with heat shrink. Heated wipers, handmade, ready!

Pros and cons

Heated wipers have many pros and cons. The advantages of this device include:

  • no problem of brushes freezing to the windshield;
  • no problem of liquid freezing;
  • increase the life of the wipers.

However, this device also has disadvantages:

  • high cost compared to conventional models (without heating);
  • installation work.

Store wipers

Do-it-yourself heated wipers can be done by any man. If you do not want, as they say, to make such brushes from scratch, you can easily purchase them at any automotive store. The most important task in this case will be to properly install and connect them to the electrical circuit. You can install the brushes through the button and through the cigarette lighter. The last option is perhaps the simpler and faster, but less aesthetic.

To complete the work, you will need a maximum of fifteen minutes, no more. For people who do not understand anything about electricity, it may seem that the process is laborious. Be sure that there are no special difficulties in this work. It is only important to strictly follow the instructions attached to the device. With such a connection, there will be a lot of wires in the car, which, of course, is not entirely good. In addition, such a connection can lead to a quick failure of the device.

Special heaters

The quickest way to install the heater is to stick heaters made of flexible polyester film with a current-carrying track to the windshield of the car. This is done in a matter of minutes. The glass surface is degreased, then the heaters are glued. They are connected in parallel with the rear window heating circuit. This is the easiest way to make heated wipers quickly and cheaply.