The official seal is put on the signature. Seals and stamps, their types and purpose

At the beginning of April 2015, Federal Law No. 82-FZ was issued, according to which printing is no longer a mandatory attribute of organizations.

What should be

Regardless of the organizational form, the cliche of the organization should contain full name and address. An indication in a foreign language is allowed. Normative acts do not regulate either the size of the cliché or its color.

Moreover, it is not known whether it is possible to indicate the abbreviated name of the company, as well as supplement the seal with such details as the inscriptions “for documents” or “for invoices”. It can be concluded that the legislation left the abbreviated name and inscriptions at the discretion of entrepreneurs.

The common size is 38-42mm. Usually the company stamp is blue or purple. If it is lost or worn out, then the company must make a new copy. The same applies to situations where the organization has changed the details indicated on the imprint (for example, address or name).

Federal Law No. 82-FZ allows for the possibility that an organization may not have a seal, however, the legislation obliges to use a seal on strict reporting forms, in work books, and also in cash orders. It follows from this that as long as the mention of mandatory affixing on some documentation is preserved in regulations, the company is obliged to have it.

Of course, there are some exceptions to the above rules. So, you can certify an entry in an employee's work book not only with a blue imprint of the company, but also with a stamp from the personnel service.

The use of seals is mandatory if the company has not written a clause in the contract with a specific counterparty about its possible non-use. If there is no such clause, then the transaction may be considered invalid.

A stamp is placed on documents to give them legal force. However, not all documentation needs it. On some personnel documents you can skip putting down this attribute.

Some are stamped accounting papers(for example, estimates and instructions). All constituent documentation, contracts, additional agreements are obligatory and to be certified.

The imprint is placed at the bottom of the text next to the signature of the official. In no case should the stamp fall on the decoding of the signature. Sometimes a mark “M. P." or "Place of printing" and the print should be placed on it.


Primary documentation in the company refers to the so-called primary accounting, which means the very first stage of summarizing operations in an organization. Documents that can confirm the existence of any business transaction are considered primary. All information contained in the "primary" must be reflected in the accounting.

The stamp is placed on those primary papers that are made in a unified form. An example of a unified primary document is a consignment note made according to . If the company itself approves the form of any primary document, then stamping is not mandatory.


The order is an internal document in the organization, i.e. he does not go beyond it. Thus, stamping the order is not mandatory, and in most cases this is omitted. If the employee asks for a copy of the order, then the copy is certified according to all standards, with a seal and other appropriate details.

The stamp is not placed on any internal documentation in the company. The only mandatory requisite that must be present on the order is the signature of the head.

Letterhead of the organization

The stamp is placed on the letterhead of the organization, depending on how the letterhead is made. So, if the letterhead of the company belongs to the forms of strict reporting, then an imprint on such paper is required. If the letterhead of the organization is issued on multi-colored paper with the company logo, then the imprint is not put.

To certify a regular information letter on the organization's letterhead, it is enough to put down the signature of an official. In some cases, an imprint on the letterhead of the company is required to be affixed. The seal is placed on letters of guarantee, as well as on powers of attorney (for example, to represent the interests of the company in court or to receive material values).


Putting a stamp on a document on which it is not put will not lead to any proceedings. However, if you do not put down this requisite on the papers that are required to be certified in this way, then the consequences may be adverse.

A document that is not duly certified loses its legal force, and it can no longer be considered as evidence in a trial.

In addition to the above documents, they are required to be certified the following types of papers:

When filling out a work book, the following points should be considered. The stamp of the organization must be on the title side of the book. If the employee's personal data has changed - on the inside of the cover. Upon dismissal, the record of dismissal must always be accompanied by a blue seal of the organization.

Typical impressions

Depending on the organizational form of the enterprise print impressions may vary in appearance. So, the imprint of an IP is a little simpler than that of an LLC or CJSC, and contains fewer mandatory elements. Consider typical stamp impressions depending on the type and form of the company.

  1. Simple. It contains the name of the organization in the middle, and in the border there is a form of organizational activity, as well as the ORGN and the CPT. Also, the address of the company can be put into the edging.
  2. With microtext. In such seals, unlike the previous ones, there is a more complex edging, running along the edge in 2 layers. In the outer layer there is a smaller text, which is written, for example, its registry number. In the inner layer of the edging, as well as in a simple seal, there is an address, PSRN and, as well as the organizational form of the company.
  3. With edging in the form of an ornament. Large companies prefer to use fantasy prints in their activities, in which there is a pattern between the inner and outer layers of the edging.
  4. For IP. It contains, as a rule, the full name of the entrepreneur in the middle, along the edge such details as, address, as well as TIN are started up.

What documents are printed on, you can find out from this video.

Features of affixing

The seal is required to be affixed to all contracts, most personnel documents, as well as to. Letters of guarantee and acts have no legal force if they are not imprinted. Nothing terrible will happen if you put it on a document on which an imprint is optional. However, you should always put it down where its presence may be needed in the future during the trial.

Some firms develop a special provision or instructions for the use of printing. As a rule, it is approved by the head and contains such sections as a list of stamps used in the organization, their storage location, and the procedure for using them.

The stamp is placed only next to the signature of the official who has the right to sign this type of documentation. As a rule, this is either the head of the company or a trustee.

The legal meaning of this requisite is to certify the signature of the official who is in the leadership circle of people working in the company whose name is indicated on the seal.

The imprint cannot be affixed next to the signature of an ordinary employee of the company. It is desirable that the seal does not enter the signature of the official, be readable and make it possible to distinguish all the information on it.

So, since all organizations must have a seal, only one question arises: on what documents must it be present? The purpose of affixing a seal is to certify the authenticity of the official's signature on documents. There is no general procedure obliging to put a seal on all documents where there is a signature of an official. However, in some cases, the legislation still provides for the need to affix a seal. Let's consider some of them.


Civil law does not require the obligatory presence of a seal on contracts. However, the provision that the agreement and amendments to it must be sealed by the parties to the agreement is sometimes included in the text of the agreement itself. In this case, the lack of printing may result in:

Recognition of the written form of the transaction as unobserved. This means that the parties will not be able to refer to evidence in disputes;

Recognition of the contract as invalid, if such a consequence is expressly stated in the contract.

Here is an excerpt from the contract, which stipulates the condition on the need for printing.

9. This agreement, as well as all annexes, additions and changes to it, are valid only if they are made in writing, signed by authorized representatives and sealed by the Parties.

Buyer: Seller:

CEO of Alfa LLC CEO of Gamma LLC

Ivanov Ivanov I.I. Petrov Petrov V.P.

Printing company "Alfa" Printing company "Gamma"

It is better to stamp the seal in such a way that it captures not the entire signature, but only part of it.

Power of attorney

A seal is a mandatory attribute of a power of attorney issued on behalf of a legal entity. Without it, the power of attorney is invalid.


The expenses accepted for taxation purposes and the VAT deduction must be confirmed by primary documents. All mandatory details of primary accounting documents are listed in the Accounting Law. There is no print imprint among them. However, if a unified form is approved for the primary document (for example, for a consignment note - a unified form N TORG-12), then it is necessary to apply it. And if such a requisite as a seal imprint is provided for in it, but it will not be there, then the tax authorities may consider such a document drawn up with violations, which, in turn, may lead to a refusal to deduct VAT or recognize expenses. If there is not enough imprint of its seal, then the organization can correct it at any time by putting it on the document. But if there is no print of the counterparty's seal, then there may be problems with affixing it, especially after the execution of the transaction. And then the claims of the tax authorities can be removed in court. After all, the Instructions for the application and filling out forms of primary accounting documentation are only by-laws. And the absence of a seal on documents confirming the purchase of goods (works, services) does not indicate their gratuitous acquisition. Such disputes are rare. And there are courts that take the side of the taxpayers.

If there is no unified form of the document and you use an independently developed form of the primary document, you can even not print it. But then do not include in this form the props "Place of printing".

As for the unified forms of primary accounting for labor and its payment, it is obligatory to stamp only on the following documents:

Travel certificate (form N T-10). The stamps in it certify the marks of the arrival of the seconded worker at the place of business trip and departure from it. Travel certificates that do not bear the seal of the organization to which the employees were sent on a business trip were once recognized by the court as being improperly executed and, as a result, not confirming travel expenses;

Act on the acceptance of work performed under a fixed-term employment contract concluded for the duration of a certain work (form N T-73). The seal certifies the signature of the head of the organization who approved the act, or a person authorized by him.

In other unified forms of primary personnel documents (orders, timesheets, payrolls), you do not need to stamp.


The Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not require a stamp on the invoice.

But when corrections are made to the invoice, they must be certified by the signature of the manager and the seal of the seller indicating the date of their introduction.

INVOICE N -- from "-" ----------------------- (1)

goods (description
sleigh performed
nenny ra-
bot, rendered



for food

everything without




taking into account




Total payable

Nikitin (Nikitin V.A.) Alekseeva (Alekseeva T.P.)

Head of the organization (signature) (full name) Chief Accountant (signature) (full name)

Corrected: in column 4 - 40 by 45

in column 5 - 2000 by 2250

in column 8 - 360 by 405

in column 9 - 2360 to 2655

Head of the organization Nikitin Nikitin V.A.

Seal of LLC "Vasilek"

Documents submitted to the tax authorities

On statements, statements, cover letters submitted to the IFTS, there must be a seal imprint, otherwise the tax authorities simply will not accept these documents.

When conducting audits, the tax authorities have the right to require you to provide documents confirming the correct calculation and timely payment of taxes. Since not originals, but copies of documents are submitted to the IFTS, they must also be certified with the signature of the head and the seal.

Employment history

The imprint of the seal is a mandatory requisite of the work book. It needs to be posted:

When registering a work book - on the first page (title page) containing information about the employee;

When changing the last name, first name, patronymic or date of birth of an employee - on the inside of the cover, which indicates the documents on the basis of which such changes are made.

Moreover, in these cases, both the seal of the organization itself and the stamp of the personnel service can be affixed.

In addition, upon dismissal of an employee, all entries made in the work book during his work in the organization are certified by the seal of the employer.

This is how the records for the time of work in the organization are certified.

Job details


Admission information for
work, translation into
another constant
jobs, qualifications,
dismissal (indicating
reasons and reference to
article, statute)

date and number
document, on




(LLC "Bulochka")



Transferred to position

deputy chief


Fired on my own

optional, point 3

part 1 of article 77

Labor Code

Russian Federation

Human resources department inspector

Volkova V.L. Volkova

Seal of OOO "Bulochka"

With records in labor

familiarized with the book

Vasilyeva Vasilyeva

If the document is prepared by an entrepreneur

Unlike organizations, entrepreneurs are not required to have their own seal. After all, neither the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, nor the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 N 129-FZ "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs" imposes such a requirement on entrepreneurs. But the legislation does not prohibit entrepreneurs from having their own seal if they want to use it. The courts also confirm that whether or not to have a seal is a private matter for each entrepreneur. For example, it often happens that an entrepreneur has to start a seal because counterparties want to see it on the documents he draws up. And it is easier and more profitable for him to fulfill such a request than to lose these counterparties and look for new ones. Yes, and some regulatory legal acts provide for the mandatory presence of a seal on certain documents drawn up by entrepreneurs. However, the fact that any regulatory legal act that approved the form of a document provides for such a requisite as a seal does not mean that the entrepreneur is obliged to have it.

If you have any doubts about whether a document needs a seal, then it is better to put it. Indeed, even if the legislation does not provide for affixing a seal on a document, and you do this, then you will not violate anything.

lawyer, leading expert of the magazine "Kadrovoe delo"

We learned from school: a document without a seal is invalid. So we put a seal on almost all papers - you can’t spoil the porridge with oil. But is it really necessary? Which personnel documents really need to be stamped, and which ones can do without it?

Letters often come to our editorial office with questions that are somehow related to the correct use of the seal imprint. "Do I need a seal on an employment contract?" asks an entrepreneur from Samara. "Where can I find a list of documents that must be stamped?" - the Moscow personnel manager is interested. "I accidentally put the seal of another organization in the work book of an employee. What should I do now?" - Complains personnel officer from Stavropol. Today we will solve these and many other problems.

Meet Print

First, let's talk a little about what printing is. This is a hard rubber cliché for imprinting on paper in order to confirm the authenticity of a document. Technical requirements for official seals - their shape, size, text and symbols placed on them - are set out in the state standard GOST R 51511-2001 *.

* State Standard of the Russian Federation "Seals with the reproduction of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. Form, dimensions and technical requirements" (approved by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia of December 25, 2001 No. 573-st).

The technical requirements for seals without a coat of arms have not yet been fixed in the state standard. The legislation says almost nothing about the rules for using seals. It is not clear, for example, what seals should be in the organization, in what cases they should be put, who is responsible for their safety, how many seals the company should have, etc. All these issues are left to the discretion of the organization's management.
There are three types of seals: official, equated to official and simple.
Official seals(with the image of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation) are used only in state authorities and state institutions. In addition, the official seal is received by organizations that are endowed with state powers. For example, private notary offices.

A joint stock company must have a round seal containing its full company name and address

Business firms use seals equivalent to stamps. They show a company emblem, logo, or simply the name of the company is written. The TIN of the legal entity and the number of the certificate of state registration are indicated both on stamps and equivalent seals.
Private entrepreneurs also have their own seals. According to their status, they are considered equated to stamps. But on such a seal, instead of the coat of arms and emblem, there is the surname, name and patronymic of the individual entrepreneur, as well as his location, TIN and registration number.

Stamps, daters, facsimiles
- This is a type of printing of a rectangular shape with some text. Most often, stamps are used to put the details of the organization on the document. There are stamps confirming a certain action. For example, "Paid", "Issued an insert".
Dater- Stamp device for automatic date stamping. The procedure for using stamps and daters is not regulated in the legislation, so the organization must determine it on its own.
Facsimile- This is a seal or cliché with which a person's signature is reproduced. In accordance with article 260 of the Civil Code, facsimiles can only be used in accordance with the procedure established by law. However, no such order exists yet. It is impossible to put a facsimile on personnel and accounting documentation - only the handwritten signature of an official is needed there. But on letters, letters, congratulations - it is quite acceptable.

Stamped and equated seals are placed on documents that require special confirmation of authenticity - contracts, letters and certificates, work books, service certificates, etc.
Simple the seals of the structural divisions of the company, seals for certain types of documents, stamps are considered. They come in different shapes - round, triangular, rectangular, square. They are placed on those documents that do not require special authentication (certificates, passes, copies, etc.).

Technical requirements for seals without a coat of arms in the state standard have not yet been fixed

Where to place the imprint?

The imprint of the seal should be located at the bottom of the document, next to the signature of the official. Please note: the seal is placed in such a way as to partially cover the word that denotes the position, but not get on the signature and decryption of the signature.

On some documents there is a special mark "M. P." (place of printing). If it is, one less worry: put an imprint directly on it. The letters "M.P." are present on the title page of the work book, on accounting papers, certificate forms.

What is a print for?

The seal gives the document legal force - it confirms the authenticity of the official's signature. But not all personnel documents need this requisite. Unfortunately, the current legislation does not clearly define on which papers it is necessary to put a seal and what kind of seal. Based on established practice, we have compiled a list of personnel documents certified by a seal in commercial organizations. It is presented in the table on page 33.

The seal certifies not only personnel documents, but also accounting papers (orders, registers, estimates), as well as the constituent documents of the organization, the collective agreement, and various agreements. Documents not mentioned in this list do not require sealing.

Letters executed on forms (except for guarantee ones) do not need to be stamped

On what documents what stamps to put



Employment contracts, supplementary agreements thereto, full liability contracts, civil law contracts Equivalent to the coat of arms
Acts (write-offs, examinations, acceptance and transfer of cases, etc.) Equivalent to the coat of arms
Travel certificates Seal of the personnel department or equivalent to a stamp
References and characteristics from the place of work Printing of the personnel department, accounting (if it is a salary certificate), the structural unit where the employee works
Submissions and petitions (on awarding orders, medals, prizes) Printing of the structural unit where the employee works
Diplomas and certificates issued to employees Equivalent to the coat of arms
Service IDs Equivalent to the coat of arms
Archival copies and archival references Equivalent to the coat of arms
Powers of attorney (for receiving material assets, conducting cases in arbitration and court, etc.) Equivalent to the coat of arms
Letters of guarantee (for the performance of works, services, etc.) Equivalent to the coat of arms
Staffing tables, instructions, rules, regulations and other local acts of the organization Equivalent to the coat of arms
Employment books Equivalent to the stamp or seal of the personnel department

We certify documents according to the rules

Of course, nothing terrible will happen if you mistakenly stamp a personnel order or letter. But if you do not seal a document that really needs it (for example, a contract), the consequences can be very dire. Such an agreement will not have legal force, and the court most likely will not consider it as evidence.
To avoid such troubles, we advise you to clearly define the procedure for using printing at the local level. First you need to define scroll company documents, on which you will be required to stamp. Then you need to make instructions for use seals, in which to write when a seal is placed, equated to a stamp, and when a simple one, how stamps are used if they are in the organization. Specify separately where the seal will be stored and who is appointed responsible for its storage (usually the head of the organization decides this issue).

It is advisable to make this instruction, together with the list, an appendix to the general instruction on the office work of your company, and if there is none, an independent document or an addition to the charter. In the future, if it is necessary to certify with a seal a document not specified in the local act, the head of the organization issues a special order about this. The list of documents certified by the seal can be supplemented over time.

In the instructions for the use of seals, it is necessary to prescribe the procedure for destroying obsolete seals

Printing in the work book

Separately, it must be said about the imprint of the seal in the work book of the employee. The procedure for filling out work books is clearly stated in two regulations - the Rules for maintaining and storing work books * and Instructions for filling out work books **, which must be strictly observed. Having studied these documents, we conclude: there are only three cases when an organization or personnel service seal is affixed to an employee's work book (you can use any of them):

  • at the initial registration of the book - on the title page;
  • when changing the personal data of an employee - on the inside of the cover;
  • upon dismissal - after the record of dismissal in the "Information about work" section.

* Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225.
** Approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of October 10, 2003 No. 69.

In addition, there is one case when a stamp must be put in the work book - if the employee has been issued an insert. This stamp is affixed on the inside of the cover of the book or on the title page and is a rectangular imprint with the words "Insert issued".

Associate Professor, Department of Records Management, Russian State University for the Humanities:

- Unfortunately, none of the regulations governing work with a work book says how to cancel an incorrectly set seal (for example, the seal of another organization). Meanwhile, such an error may raise questions from the Pension Fund authorities when assigning a pension to an employee. We believe that it can be corrected in the same order as the incorrect entry in the "Information about work" section of the work book. After the last entry, put the next serial number and write that the seal of such and such an organization was erroneously set. For example: "The seal of the open joint-stock company "Gloria" was erroneously placed." Then put the correct one next to this seal.
It is possible that an employee with such a mark in the work book will still have to confirm the period of work in your organization with copies of orders. Therefore, give the employee the necessary copies when he leaves.

More information can be found in the magazine

The signature and seal (as well as the stamp of approval of the document) are the main details related to the composition of the document certificate, i.e. ensure its legal force. The imprint of the seal really certifies the authenticity of the signature of the official of the organization (the one who has the right to carry out organizational, administrative and financial and economic activities on behalf of the legal entity). The imprint of the seal is affixed on documents certifying the rights of persons, fixing the facts of receiving or spending financial and material resources, as well as on other documents in cases where legislative or other regulatory legal acts establish the obligation to affix a seal.

Technically, the imprint of the seal is affixed to a place free from text at the level of the title of the position of the person who signed the document, partially capturing it. At present, it is not recommended to capture a part of the personal signature (personal stroke) of an official with an impression of the seal. But the legal meaning of affixing the seal remains the same: the official, whose personal stroke (signature) is drawn up on this document, really holds this position in the organization whose name is cut out on the seal, and has the right to sign this document. In some cases, a special area is allocated on a sheet of paper for making a print imprint, which is designated as “MP” (“printing place”).

The “best practices” of organizations recommend developing a separate regulation on seals and stamps, which should establish the types of seals used, the procedure for their accounting, issuance, etc. The organization has one "master" seal and may have special purpose prints:

  • seals of structural divisions with the designation of their names, including branches and remote structural units;
  • stamps indicating the specific purpose of their use to certify signatures ("For contracts"; "For contracts for the provision of services"; "For invoices", etc.). Sometimes its number is indicated on the seal, for example, “For contracts No. 3”, if three seals are made to certify contracts that are used in three structural divisions, whose officials, on the basis of powers of attorney, have the right to conclude contracts of a specific type on behalf of the entire legal entity.

As an appendix to the position about seals and stamps, and better - as independent classifier subject to approval by order of the first head of the organization, it is recommended to develop a list of documents that are subject to certification by the seal of the organization ("main" or main seal). This list (classifier) ​​usually includes:

  • acts on the execution of contracts (delivery and acceptance of work; provision of services);
  • powers of attorney (general, special and one-time, the so-called "accounting" to receive inventory items);
  • contracts (almost all main types - labor, liability, lease, work, etc. An exception may be client contracts for the provision of services to a wide range of consumers, which are concluded within the framework of the regulations for the provision of certain consumer services and are of a massive nature) ;
  • tasks (technical);
  • applications for participation in competitions and tenders;
  • travel certificates;
  • consumption rates of fuel and fuels and lubricants, which are approved by orders of the head of the organization;
  • card of signature samples and seal imprint;
  • submissions and petitions to higher organizations, authorized state bodies and local governments;
  • letters of guarantee;
  • orders (primarily payment orders);
  • regulations on branches and representative offices;
  • regulations on structural divisions;
  • protocols of disagreements (during the execution of contracts);
  • cost estimates;
  • certificates on personnel (about the place of work, salary, income form 2-NDFL);
  • product specifications;
  • tariffs for rendered services;
  • constituent documents, charters and amendments thereto;
  • staff schedules.

The development of a specific list (classifier) ​​is important in connection with the regulation of the use of types of electronic signatures in an organization, since an enhanced qualified signature replaces, among other things, the impression of the “main” (main) seal.

Please note that we are talking about certification by seal of types of documents, i.e. the seal is placed on a document created by a legal entity. But the question of which of the officials has the right to sign these types of documents is decided by delegation of authority. It is fixed in:

  • the charter of the organization: it fixes the fact that the organization has a seal with the image of its name and (or) other details that are specifically listed;
  • an order on the distribution of powers (responsibility) between the management (heads) of the organization, in which, at the very first level, the authority to sign certain documents is established and delegated by the first head of the organization and his deputies;
  • regulation on the delegation of authority system, which elaborates and lists in detail the issues that are in the areas of responsibility of the head, his deputies, the chief accountant and other "chief" specialists (for example, the head of the control department, who is the "chief controller" responsible for working with appeals citizens, for claim work with clients, etc.) indicating the types of documents on each issue, the right to sign which is delegated to the corresponding deputy or employee;
  • regulations on structural divisions, subject to the delegation of authority to sign documents to the heads of these divisions;
  • regulations on positions, official job regulations or job descriptions, which also establish delegated rights to sign documents;
  • specific regulations, instructions and other technological and other documents. They establish processes, types and varieties of documents that provide specific processes, the rights to sign these documents and certify them with seals of a certain type; it is at this level that specific regulation of the use of special-purpose seals is carried out;
  • powers of attorney, which confirm (transfer to the attorney) the right to sign documents (for example, under the new Federal Law "On Accounting" No. 402-FZ, the head can delegate the right to sign accounting (financial) statements to the organization's chief accountant).

For example, in the regulation on the delegation of authority system and in the job description of the deputy chief accountant for tax reporting, his right to sign certificates of income of employees of the organization (form 2-NDFL) is recorded. Therefore, this document will be stamped with the “main” seal of the organization, confirming the signature (delegated signing right) of the deputy chief accountant.

So, when analyzing the legal force of a document, in case of doubt about its authenticity, as well as in cases of checks and revisions, first of all, the right to sign a document is checked on the basis of organizational and administrative documents that provide a system of delegation of authority, and not just a seal.

Props 25 "Seal impression". Currently, in Russian office work, two types of seals are used to certify the authenticity of documents and certify copies of documents in an organization:

· home (stamp or branded ) seal,

· simple seals of structural divisions (10).

The main seal of the organization certifies the signatures of the head, his deputies, heads of the financial service, the chief accountant, his deputy, as well as other officials who are given the appropriate powers by a power of attorney or order of the head.

The right to depict the State Emblem of the Russian Federation on the seal of the organization is determined by Art. 4 of the Federal Constitutional Law of December 25, 2000 No. 2-FZ “On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation”. The rules for the design of the official seal are established in GOST R 51511-2001. Seals with reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation. Shape, dimensions and technical requirements (as amended by No. 1 of 12/26/2002).

main element stamp print is an image of a double-headed eagle. The official seal certifies the signatures of the head, his deputies, heads of the financial service, the chief accountant, his deputy, as well as other officials who have been granted the appropriate authority.

Official seals are placed on documents that require special certification: related to the receipt of money or material values, on identity documents, on guarantee and contractual letters.

The stamp seal is also used to certify copies of a number of documents, for example: copies of regulations, charters sent to government organizations, copies of court decisions and some other documents. There is a list of documents on which the stamp is affixed.

Used by non-governmental organizations branded seal, which is equated to a stamp. The emblem of the organization or the abbreviation of its name is placed in the center of the seal, and the full name of the organization and its state registration number (OGRN) are indicated along the circumference.

The location of the print of the main seal in relation to the title of the position and the personal signature of the official is defined in the Standard Instructions for Paperwork in the Federal Executive Bodies (approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation of November 8, 2005 No. 536 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 27 2006 No. 418). The imprint of the seal must be well readable and capture only the ending of the name of the official who signed the document. Stamping a personal signature is unacceptable (11).

Simple Seals are used for internal documentation of the institution, on duplicated copies of administrative documents, on certificates, passes, when sealing parcels, packages. There can be several simple seals in an institution, organization, enterprise. In this case, two names are reproduced on the seal - organizations and structural units: "secretariat", "office", "case management", "personnel department", "protocol sector", "administrative department", etc. Unlike official seals, which have a round shape and standard sizes, simple seals can be of various sizes, and in shape - not only round, but also square, triangular, oval, etc.

By the nature of the materials from which the seals are made, they are divided into rubber and metal.

To affix marks on the receipt, registration, passage and execution of documents, as well as other reference marks, the relevant mastic stamps .

18.5. Marks on documents as a reflection of stages

their passage and execution

Props 26 "Note of certified copy" used to certify that a copy of a document matches the original. The mark is placed below the requisite "Signature" from the left margin of the document. The props consist of a confirmation inscription Right(with a capital letter, without quotation marks), the title of the position of the person who certified the copy; personal signature, decoding of the signature (initials, surname), certification date.

Copies of documents are certified by the head of the organization or officials authorized by him (deputy, head of the personnel service, office work, etc.).

Head of the Protocol Sector Personal signature L. I. Ivanov

On the copy of the outgoing letter remaining in the affairs of the enterprise, the date of its certification, the name of the position of the person who certified the copy, may not be indicated.

When sending a copy to other organizations, a certified copy is certified by the seal of the organization. When sending documents to subordinate organizations, their copies are certified by the seal of the department (sector) where the original document is stored. On such copies, in the place where the signature of the head is provided, the seal of the administration, office, protocol sector, etc. is placed.

Props 27 « Artist note » indicates the person who created the document. GOST R 6.30-2003 recommends only one way to design props: the initials and surname of the performer, his phone number:

V.A. Petrov

The requisite is intended for operational telephone communication with the contractor in order to obtain clarifications and clarifications on the issues raised in the document. Business etiquette prescribes addressing an unfamiliar official either by name and patronymic, or by surname in combination with the word "mister" or "madam". The method of registration of the requisite proposed by GOST excludes the possibility of the first variant of treatment (the initials do not carry the necessary information). The second option of addressing (only by last name) is not always convenient, especially if the performer's last name is not declined (Chernykh, Lominago, Shevchenko, etc.). Therefore, in the props, it is permissible to indicate the full name and patronymic of the performer instead of initials (12).

The mark about the performer is placed on the front side of the last sheet of the document in the lower left corner. The phone is indicated by three groups of numbers with no dashes between them.

In response letters, you can indicate not only the phone number, but also the office number, if the recipient of the letter expresses a desire to personally meet with the person who prepared the document. In long-distance letters, the city code is indicated in brackets before the office phone number.

Props 28 "Note on the execution of the document and its direction in the case" is affixed to executed documents to be written off to the file for subsequent storage and use for reference purposes.

The performance mark is put down on the first sheet of the document below the artist's mark. The requisite includes the following data: a reference to the date and number of the document evidencing its execution, and in the absence of such a document, brief information about the execution, as well as the words In Case No. indicating the case number in which the document will be stored; the signature of the performer and the date of affixing the mark.

The results of execution can be formulated as follows: “An answer has been sent, date, No.”; "Given a verbal answer"; “Taken into account when drawing up the application”; “Issue resolved over the phone”, etc.

Requisite 29 "Note of receipt of the document by the organization" affixed by hand or using a special numerator in the lower right part of the front side of the first sheet of incoming documents. It is possible to put a mark on the reverse side of the sheet.

The requisite consists of the name of the organization (or structural unit) where the document was received; the date of its receipt and the incoming registration number. The arrival timestamp, if necessary, may contain an indication of hours and minutes. The name of the organization is indicated, as a rule, in an abbreviated form.

03.01.2008 № 001

Requisite 30 "ID of the electronic copy of the document" is a mark (header) that is placed at the bottom of each page of the document and contains the name of the file on the machine medium, operator code, date and other search data set in the organization.

Usually, the file name reflects its contents, and also contains information about names and dates. The length of the file name (number of characters) is determined by the characteristics of the operating computer system.

Control questions for self-examination:

1) What documents are signed by the head of the organization and / or his deputies? In what case are all copies of sent documents signed?

2) In what case is only the first copy of the sent document signed? What mark is put down in other copies of the document?

3) Tell us about the rules for designing the "Signature" props.

4) What is the procedure for signing a document if there is no official whose signature is prepared on the draft document?

5) When are two or more signatures required on a document? Give examples of documents that are certified by two signatures.

6) Is it permissible to use a facsimile signature in the original document? What regulatory documents regulate the use of facsimile and electronic signatures in documents?

7) What does document approval mean? Name the methods of agreement.

8) How is the document coordinated if there are several external instances?

9) Is it acceptable to refuse approval? How is the requisite “Document approval visa” issued in cases of disagreement of an official with the content of the document?

10) What seals are used in Russian office work to certify the authenticity of documents?

11) Tell us about the rules for designing the props “Imprint of the seal”.

12) How can the requisite "mark about the performer" be issued? Motivate your answer.


· Federal Law of 10.01.2002 No. 1-FZ "On Electronic Digital Signature".

· Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”.

· GOST R 51141-98. Office work and archiving. Terms and Definitions. - M.: Gosstandart, 1998.

· GOST R 6.30-2003. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements. - M.: Gosstandart, 2003.

Standard instructions for office work in federal executive bodies, approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation of November 8, 2005 No. 536 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 27, 2006 No. 418.

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Berezina N.M., Vorontsova E.P., Lysenko L.M. Modern office work. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 256 p.

Demin Yu.M. Office work. Preparation of service documents /Yu.M. Demin. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. - 220 p.

Kryukova N.P. Documentation of management activities: Proc. allowance. - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. - 268 p.

· Kugusheva T.V. Office work: Proc. allowance /T.V. Kugushev. - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2007. - 256 p.

Novoselov V.I. Legal force of the document //Soviet archives. 1971. No. 1. S. 57-63.

Pshenko A.V., Doronina L.A. Office work: A practical guide. - M.: Yurayt-Izdat, 2004. - 182 p.

Razdorozhny A.A. Documentation of management activities: Proc. allowance. - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. - 304 p.

Spivak V.A. Documentation of management activities (Office work). - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. - 240 p.

Chukovenkov A.Yu., Yankovaya V.F. Rules for drawing up documents: Commentary on GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified Documentation Systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements. - M.: Ed. "Prospect", 2004. - 216 p.