Marigolds - medicinal properties. Marigold useful properties

There is probably no person who does not know or has not seen these flowers. In Ukraine, they are better known as Chernobrivtsi. Let's figure out what marigolds are, find out their medicinal properties and contraindications, and be sure to plant them on our plots. Both beautiful and useful.

Tages stems can be up to a meter high, upright, branched. Fibrous rhizome. Leaves can be either whole or cut. Young leaves are light green shades, the older the leaves, the darker their tone. The inflorescences are very fragrant and bright, they are bright yellow, brown-reddish, orange. Marigold buds are visible from afar. The plant forms whole bushes. If the seeds are sown densely, then the bushes of the plant can even form a hedge. Marigolds do not require special care, they are very easy to grow.

Marigolds can safely be called the flowers of sloths. They tolerate cold and heat very well. Flowers do not need fertilized soil at all. They also grow well on sandy surfaces. At the same time, they bloom almost the entire season. Tages grow wonderfully together with other flowers. Their best neighbors are chrysanthemums. Scientists have proven that marigolds do not favorably affect earthworms. It is recommended to plant them in groups. Tall varieties of black brows were very popular. But in recent years, dwarf species have come into fashion.

Marigolds adorn many gardens in summer. Few people know about their medicinal, beneficial properties. The ancient Mexicans knew all the healing properties of black-browed. Buds are used as spices for meat or fish. They improve the taste. Spices from marigolds are not only tasty, but also very healthy. With their help, strengthen the immune system, and improve digestion. But this is not the whole range of uses of the plant.

Mexicans used flowers to perform rituals. After the flower came to Europe, it almost immediately gained attention. He found application in cooking, medicine, magic.

Useful properties of tages

From the soil, the plant receives many trace elements: copper, iron, gold. All useful substances in one way or another can get a person. They are especially famous among shamans and healers. Decoctions are prepared from tages, tinctures, elixirs are made. It is believed that such broths have a therapeutic effect on the pancreas. They can cure diabetes and pancreatitis. Also, infusions have a very positive effect on the central nervous system. Improve the state of the vegetovascular system.

The medicinal properties of marigolds depend on the period of collection of inflorescences. For example, flowers collected after Makovey are used in the preparation of antiviral syrups. They also help well with group diseases. Black-browed medicines increase immunity and normalize the digestive process. A more effective folk remedy for constipation is not worth looking for, since it simply does not exist. Tages have diuretic properties. In some countries, they even treat fever.

Composition and application

The properties of marigolds are so unique that it is difficult to imagine them. Essential oils accumulate in the plant, their aromas are so pronounced that it is simply impossible to confuse with something. These are amber oils with spicy aromas that are collected during the growth of the flower and accumulate in its stems. The oil is widely used in the alcoholic beverage industry.

Marigolds for diabetes

One of the main properties of marigolds is the treatment of diabetes. The plant has a very good effect on the pancreas, and, as you know, diabetes is the result of a malfunction of the gland. Marigolds reduce sugar levels, if the disease is not running. There are many recipes for the treatment and prevention of the disease. Brown flowers are more effective for treatment. About 50 pieces of inflorescences are collected, and poured with 40% alcohol, this substance is infused for 7 days. Then use the tincture of 5 mg 3 times a day, preferably before meals.

Marigolds for pancreatitis

There is another equally effective recipe. It is necessary to crush the flower along with the seeds. Then pour 200 g of boiling water. A glass of water should be drunk throughout the day. Mother nature herself took care of the dosage, since one flower is the daily dose of medicine for the pancreas.

Marigolds for psoriasis

As you know, psoriasis is not an infectious disease, but very unpleasant. It manifests itself as red scaly patches on the skin. Our flower has a beneficial effect on the skin, relieves inflammation, removes redness. With this disease, it is recommended to take baths in decoctions, and just drink tea every morning on an empty stomach. You can also make oil from marigold flowers. Grind the flowers by filling a half-liter jar with them. Pour all the filled jars with refined olive oil. Infuse for 7 days. Then squeeze out. Store the oil in a cool, dark place. They can wipe the skin, inflamed places.

Marigolds for hair

With hair loss, the best remedy would be decoctions of black-browed. Decoctions are recommended to wash your hair once a week. You can rinse more often. Hair becomes silky, thick in no more than 25-30 days. The above mentioned oil can also be used as a mask for dry hair, but not more than once every 30-40 days.

Marigolds for vision

The plant contains lute. The lack of this element in the human body leads to irreversible, destructive consequences in the tissues of the eye. As a result, visual impairment. Evening tea with the addition of black-browed seeds will not only calm your nervous system, but also prevent visual impairment.

The only known contraindication is individual intolerance to the plant by a person. It is also not recommended to take pregnant women and women during lactation.
Now you know exactly what medicinal properties marigolds have and their contraindications, and you will definitely start this wonderful, completely unpretentious plant in your garden.

Marigolds (lat. Tagetes), in other countries, including Ukraine, are called Chernobrivtsy - a plant that many have seen and even grow flower growers at home in flowerbeds, but not everyone knows that it has medicinal properties, how useful it is if you use it to treat certain diseases. There are more than thirty species of this plant. There are perennials and annuals.

It is known for its durability, unpretentiousness in cultivation and long flowering. Flowers bloom in summer and bloom until late autumn, until frost.

The homeland of marigolds is Mexico. There they were used in cooking, as well as in folk medicine. Since marigolds are known for their beneficial properties that improve digestion and immunity, they were used in cooking, for cooking meat dishes. The use of this plant as a seasoning for meat helps to reduce the burden of such food on the body.

Marigolds: medicinal properties and contraindications

The composition of marigolds includes essential oils, so they have a special aroma. In addition, they include macro- and microelements, as well as vitamins. Infusions from this plant have a therapeutic effect if dysfunctions of the digestive tract, especially the pancreas, are found. It also contains biologically active substances that resist pathogenic microbes during influenza, colds and other viral diseases. Marigolds can be added to compotes and teas, then they will become much more useful in the fight against viruses and more.

There are no special contraindications when using this medicinal plant, however, pregnant women should be wary of using such a healing potion, since it contains essential oils. It is better to learn opinions of doctors in this occasion. Also, some people may experience intolerance to these oils, in which case they may experience allergic reactions, but this is all individual. Then the use of such a medicine is prohibited.

How are they used in traditional medicine?

Marigold photo

Consider the most common recipes using marigolds.

In folk medicine, marigold oil is used to treat skin diseases and burns. It is not difficult to prepare such oil at home. To prepare it, you will need sunflower or olive oil (preferably olive oil) in a ratio of 1:10. Marigolds are crushed and poured with oil, left to infuse for eight hours, before this mixture is heated in a water bath for half an hour. Then you need to squeeze the flowers, strain the oil and pour it into a dark glass dish and store it in the refrigerator.

You can also make an infusion. It will help to effectively cope with ascariasis and with the appearance of various worms. Prepare 300 ml of boiling water, then pour one tablespoon of dried flowers into it. Apply two tablespoons three times a day.

A decoction of flowers will help to cope with arthrosis. It must be taken in courses of one and a half to three months, drinking 2 liters of broth daily. The calculation is as follows: 1 liter of boiling water for 20-30 fresh flowers. Flowers can also be used in salads to improve vision, especially for drivers and those who work at the computer for a long time.

What do those who used the marigold blueberry recipes say?

As noted above, the main therapeutic purpose of marigolds is the pancreas. A disease such as early stage diabetes can be treated with this plant by lowering blood sugar levels. You need to grind the flower together with the seeds and pour boiling water - one glass. Drink ¼ cup 4 times a day. The same decoction calms the nervous system and treats joints, and prevents pancreatitis.

Landing and care

Since marigolds are completely unpretentious plants, growing and caring for them is not difficult. They are adapted to various natural phenomena, to various soils. Seeds can be sown in open ground, or planted in pots from early spring, and then planted seedlings in the ground in a flower bed. They begin to bloom 1.5-2 months after planting.

When to plant marigold seeds?

It is also worth considering that it is better to plant flowers after the last frost at positive temperatures. In the southern part of Russia, seeds can be planted in mid-April, and in cooler areas in early May. If you want to plant flowers for seedlings, then this should be done in March-April. They then begin to bloom in late May and early June. Some are planted in February, but then flowering will begin in early April, it is still too early to plant in open ground. Therefore, you need to think before you start sowing, unless you are going to plant seedlings on a closed glazed balcony.

Varieties of marigolds: perennial, erect, undersized, thin-leaved.

There are more than 40 types of marigolds, the main and most common of them in our latitudes are three types: upright (usually tall), rejected (undersized) and thin-leaved marigolds. Among these three species, small-flowered and large-flowered varieties are distinguished, there are also terry and densely double varieties of various colors: yellow, orange, brown, red, burgundy.

Should I plant outdoors?

It can also be sown in open ground, the main thing is that positive temperatures are established. Grows in various types of soil. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the soil.

Benefits and use at home

Photo of marigolds

What is the use of marigolds, we have already described. But it is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that this plant can be used in cosmetology, as a means of fighting skin diseases. Prepare the balm as follows: 50 ml of olive oil, add 1 tablespoon of almond oil or apricot and 2 tablespoons of crushed marigold flowers, then insist. The tool will effectively heal cracked lips, after being in the cold, in the wind, etc.

Tomatoes with marigolds for the winter: a recipe

Many housewives use recipes for pickled tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter with the addition of baskets of flowers and leaves to the marinade. This gives the blanks a special aroma and flavor, makes the cucumbers crispy. It can also be used to make salads, to flavor vinegar.

Pickled cucumbers with marigolds for the winter

For such a recipe, you need to prepare the following ingredients for a three-liter jar: cucumbers, 5 peppercorns, 1-2 bay leaves, 3, 3 marigold flowers, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 3 tbsp. spoons of 9% vinegar. We put the cucumbers in jars along with all the ingredients. Pour boiling water into a jar, after half an hour pour it into a saucepan, add salt, sugar, vinegar. Bring to a boil. Pour this brine into jars and roll up.

Marigolds as a condiment

Flowers can be used for seasoning. How to do it right? Pick inflorescences of yellow varieties, dry, then grind to a powder. This seasoning is common in Caucasian cooking. It gives dishes a special flavor and aroma.

Marigolds are one of the most unpretentious flower crops. They can be found in many cottages. Marigolds (Tagetes) are known in Ukraine as Chernobrivtsy. They are highly valued for their long and abundant flowering. Despite the prevalence and popularity, not all flower growers are aware of the healing properties of these fragrant flowers.

To date, a huge number of recipes for tinctures and decoctions based on this plant are known, because of which even desperate people were able to find hope. Next, we will look at some of the most effective tools.

Infusion of flowers

This remedy is very effective for ascariasis. To do this, take a glass of boiling water on a glass of raw materials, and then leave to infuse for half an hour. The infusion is taken three times a day. Fresh Chernobrivtsy, whose medicinal properties are very extensive, will also help to expel pinworms and ascaris. They need to be eaten 5 pieces before bedtime for adults, as well as 2 for children.

Marigold oil

Oil in the industry is obtained by extraction with vegetable inert oils. But at home, it is not difficult to cook it from marigolds. For this, Chernobrivtsy, whose medicinal properties are described in this article, are poured with vegetable oil (it is best to use olive oil). After eight hours of infusion, the mixture should be kept for half an hour in a water bath, squeeze the flowers and pour the resulting liquid into dark glass jars. The oil is stored in the refrigerator. It will help in the treatment of dermatological skin diseases and burns.

Decoction of marigolds

There is also an effective remedy for the treatment of arthrosis of the joints, for the preparation of which Chernobrivtsy (flowers) will be needed, the medicinal properties of which are described in detail in this article. Boil a spoon in a glass of boiling water. Take about 2.5 liters of this decoction for three months.

Exchange disorders

Traditional healers in violation of salt metabolism recommend treatment with a decoction of marigolds. Chernobrivtsi - flowers, the healing properties of which miraculously help to normalize the salt content in the body and remove excess. To do this, you need to take 5 flowers per liter of hot water, cook at a low boil for 3 minutes. Take twice a day for a glass of decoction. You need to spend 2 monthly courses, making a week break between them.

Fresh flowers

Can be used in salads if your work is directly related to eye strain. This applies to motorists, computer scientists, etc.


Marigolds, the medicinal properties and contraindications for which are described in this article, are also used to make balms. This cosmetic product is necessary for applying to the lips to protect against cracking (staying in the cold, chapping, etc.). To prepare it, you will need a spoonful of almond and olive oils, as well as 2 tablespoons of crushed flowers. After two weeks of infusion, the product is ready for use.

Culinary Application

Both flowers and leaves of marigolds can be used to prepare various salads, which gives them a slight sharpness and a special piquancy. Chernobrivtsy can be used to flavor vinegar by adding a mixture of other aromatic herbs (kanufer, hyssop, lofant, etc.) to it. When pickling cucumbers, some housewives add leaves and flower baskets of tagetes to marinades, which gives canned vegetables a specific aroma and elasticity.

"Imereti saffron"

This is a spicy powder that is incredibly popular in the cuisine of the Caucasus. It is prepared by grinding dry flower baskets of Chernobrivtsy. Seasoning has a pronounced taste properties and rich aroma.

Salted marigold baskets

An excellent addition to food is soups with dressing made from the salty flowers of Chernobrivtsi. Marigolds, about the medicinal properties and contraindications for the use of which have already been said a lot in this article, are distinguished by a rich aroma and interesting taste. To prepare the brine, you will need 50 g of salt per kilogram of flower baskets. First you need to prepare a brine (such a dose of salt per 0.5 liters of water). After the liquid boils, lower the prepared flowers into the water and cook for about five minutes. Salted flowers are stored in a cool place in glass jars.


The use of Chernobrivtsi for medicinal purposes and cooking has no contraindications, although the use of the essential oil of this plant during pregnancy is still undesirable. There may also be individual intolerance, due to which allergic reactions often appear. In this case, you need to stop using marigolds, the medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of which will be of interest to many.

Marigolds, or Chornobrivtsi, as they are also called, can be seen in city flower beds, in summer cottages. They are valued by gardeners for their unpretentiousness and beauty. Once they were considered a symbol of the end of summer. But marigolds are not just beautiful ornamental plants, they are used in folk medicine. To get rid of numerous ailments, you can use a decoction or tea from marigolds, the beneficial properties of which we will now describe.

plant description

Marigolds are a herbaceous annual plant with adventitious roots. Height can reach up to 120 cm. The stem is straight, highly branched, forming a compact or sprawling bush. The leaves are ribbed, pinnately dissected, gray-green or light green. Marigolds bloom in baskets, which can be terry and simple. The color of the flowers is from brown-red to yellow. Inflorescences can be up to 10 cm in diameter. Marigolds have a spicy smell, although some find it not very pleasant.

The birthplace of the Chernobrivtsy is Central America. In the wild, flowers are found in Argentina. They were brought to Europe in the 16th century. Mexican Indians considered marigolds to be a sacred flower with magical properties. The ancient Maya Indians prepared a drink called "balche" from the flowers, it was believed that it had psychotropic properties. Until now, Mexican shamans use this drink in their rituals.

The Aztecs called marigolds "cloud plant", in Mexico they gave it the name "flower of the dead". Marigold tea was used to treat stomach cramps and diarrhea. Tincture of flowers was used to enhance lactation, eliminate rheumatic pains.

plant harvesting

In order for the plant to share its beneficial properties, it is necessary to properly prepare it. Flowers are harvested at the very beginning of flowering, as soon as the buds begin to bloom. From the stem, the flowers are torn off with a small cutting. Then the raw material is dried. Buds are laid out in a thin layer in a room with normal humidity and good ventilation. Dried raw materials must be stored in a hermetically sealed container. You can store the plant for no more than two years.

The chemical composition of the plant

The composition of Chernobrivtsev includes the following substances:

  • essential oils;
  • cytamine;
  • sabinene;
  • carotene;
  • amber oil;
  • carotenoids;
  • alanine;
  • citral;
  • myrcene;
  • lutein;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamin C;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • gold;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin E;
  • iron.

Such a rich composition makes this plant the strongest medicine against the most serious ailments. The main thing is to make sure that there are no contraindications.

Marigold contraindications

Despite the fact that marigolds have a minimum of contraindications, they must be taken into account. It is not recommended to abuse tea:

  • with allergies;
  • children under two years of age:
  • during pregnancy.

In other cases, if the dosage is observed, there will be no side effects.

The effect of marigolds on the body

In folk medicine, there are many recipes that include marigolds. They have the following properties:

  • sedatives;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antidepressant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • sweatshops;
  • diuretics.

Medicines based on marigolds bring undoubted measles in the treatment of the pancreas, the production of enzymes is normalized, swelling and inflammation are removed, and the condition of the organ improves. At the very beginning of the disease, self-healing of the pancreas can be achieved. Not a single pharmacy product is capable of such a thing.

Means with chornobrivtsy help with diseases of the nervous system. They allow you to relieve nervous strain, the production of the hormone of happiness increases. Marigolds strengthen the nervous system, normalize sleep, help maintain health even with significant overloads. Beautiful flowers are able to activate the work of the brain. Makes it easier to cope with mental stress. This property of marigolds can be adopted by students.

In the midst of viral infections, the immune-boosting effects of marigolds come in handy. The plant activates the production of immune cells. Antiviral action allows the body to get rid of pathogens that enter through the respiratory system. Even with a strong epidemic, the risk of contracting a virus or flu is reduced by 70% with regular use of marigolds.

Marigolds are able to clean the walls of blood vessels from blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques. Means based on this plant help lower blood pressure, strengthen the heart. It is used to prevent stroke and heart attack.

Marigolds are an excellent wound healing agent that cleanses the wound of necrotic, putrefactive masses. They help get rid of trophic ulcers that cannot be healed by other means.

Traditional medicine recipes

The benefits and harms of marigolds have long been known to our ancestors. Flowers treated the kidneys and liver, relieved pain during inflammatory processes. Infusions of flowers improve metabolism, and the pleasant aroma of the drink will improve your mood. Applied at the initial stage of diabetes, with skin diseases. Flowers are effective for hair loss. In ancient times, marigolds were used for colds.

Marigold oil

A very useful oil is obtained from marigolds. By its properties, it is not inferior to sea buckthorn oil. To get it, you need to take fresh flowers, grind them thoroughly, pour olive oil. Eight hours this mixture must be insisted. Then put in a water bath, warm up for half an hour. Cool slightly, strain. Squeeze out the flower mass, drain the oil into a dark glass dish.

The oil is stored in the refrigerator. They need to wipe the damaged skin. With severe burns, oil baths are made for 30 minutes. With this procedure, it is not necessary to prepare a new oil each time, you can use it repeatedly. Useful compresses and lotions with oil for skin diseases.

Infusion of flowers

A decoction of marigolds

With inflammation of the joints, it is necessary to prepare a decoction. It is necessary to take 250 ml of water, which is poured into 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried flowers. Put on fire, bring to a boil. The composition is filtered, three glasses are drunk a day between meals. After three months of use, you need to take a break of 20 days, after which the treatment is repeated.

Marigolds to improve vision

Using fresh marigold flowers will help improve visual acuity. For a month you need to eat 3 buds. Children should be given one flower at a time.

For pancreatic prophylaxis

To prepare a daily dose of the drink, you need to grind one flower, pour it with a glass of boiling water. You need to drink infusion of 50 ml. This drink also helps in the treatment of diabetes.

For internal and external bleeding

Marigolds - 2 tbsp. spoons

Elm-leaved meadowsweet - 1 teaspoon

Boiling water - 2 cups

Infuse in a sealed container for 20 minutes. Drink three times a day for a glass.

For the treatment of arthritis

A decoction of marigolds is prepared according to the following recipe:

20-25 marigolds

Water - 1 liter

Brew flowers with boiling water, wrap, insist until completely cooled. You can use dry flowers, then take 1 tbsp. a spoon. The broth is filtered. You need to take a decoction of a liter or two instead of tea. Treatment usually lasts about three months. Treatment with marigolds will allow you to walk without pain in a few months. Every six months you need to repeat the treatment.

With a cold

In case of influenza, acute respiratory infections with fever, it is necessary to put 10 flowers in a thermos, pour boiling water over it, leave for an hour. For the treatment of a cold, inhalations are made from marigolds. You can do inhalation and with bronchitis.

With diabetes

You need to make an alcohol tincture:

50 pieces of flowers with dark petals are poured with a bottle of vodka, infused for 7 days. Tincture is taken three times a day for 1 teaspoon.

External use of marigolds

  • With the bites of wasps and bees, fresh juice of marigold flowers helps.
  • The use of marigold tea infusion is effective for prickly heat, skin irritations, pustular lesions.
  • You can regularly lubricate your lips with marigold oil. They will become soft and hydrated.
  • Lotion is prepared for facial skin care. For this, 2 tbsp. spoons of flowers pour a glass of boiling water. Steep overnight, then strain. Add a little vodka and a little lemon juice to the infusion. The infusion must be stored in the refrigerator. The lotion is used to wipe the face several times in 24 hours.
  • An infusion of flowers is used in the form of lotions for acne, skin diseases. The face is perfectly toned.

). Flowers are native to the Americas.. The wild species of this plant can be found in territories from New Mexico to Argentina. Flowers came to Europe only in the 16th century.

A photo

In the photo you can see what marigolds look like.

Chemical composition

All the substances that make up the plant complement each other well, which makes it unique in relation to the treatment of many diseases.

Here is just a small composition of marigolds:

  • essential oils;
  • lutein;
  • flavonoids;
  • amber oil;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • cytomen;
  • carotene;
  • myrcene;
  • ciral and others.

In addition to these components, the plant contains various minerals and vitamins, among them:

  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • gold;
  • phosphorus;
  • selenium;
  • potassium;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins B;
  • vitamin E.

Important! Due to the content of a huge amount of trace elements, marigolds are able to increase the protective functions of the body, prevent the development of complications after infections.

Based on these indicators, we can conclude about the usefulness of the plant: when used properly, marigolds can be an excellent cure for many pathologies., but before use, you should learn about contraindications.

Health benefits and harms of Chernobrivtsy

If you use marigolds as a seasoning for meat, then they can reduce the harmfulness of excessive consumption of meat dishes.

But most an important property of these plants is to strengthen the immune system and fight infections. This is achieved through thiophene, which is found in marigolds. It is able to kill bacteria and fungal growths. But this is not all the useful properties of Chernobrivtsev.

Marigolds are added to medications, as they have the following medicinal properties:

  1. Withdrawal inflammatory processes.
  2. Protection against pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Anti-edema property.
  4. They have a diaphoretic effect.
  5. They have hypotensive properties.
  6. Eliminate fungal diseases.
  7. Used as a sedative.
  8. Relieve spasms.
  9. Improve the functioning of the optic nerve, prevent the development of cataracts.
  10. Fight helminths.
  11. They have a healing effect.

For medicines based on marigolds, various methods of manufacturing drugs are used.:

  1. Oil to lubricate damaged skin.
  2. Tinctures and teas.
  3. Baths.
  4. Inhalations.
  5. Infusions and decoctions for rinsing or oral administration.

Useful qualities for women

Women love this herb because of the healing properties it has on the skin.. In particular, marigolds eliminate oily skin. To do this, soak the flowers in warm water, and then apply this water to the face.

If you prepare a lotion based on marigolds, then the remnants of cosmetics will be easily removed, the face will take on a fresh look, and its color will improve.

First prepare the infusion.

  1. For 5 flowers, 200 ml of boiling water is taken.
  2. When everything has cooled, add 1 tsp, lemon juice and 1 tsp to the liquid. vodka.

It takes time to infuse, you can cook it at night, and use it in the morning.

Besides, marigolds prevent the development of cancer. For women, it's breast cancer.

What are harmful?

Important! Despite all the useful properties of this plant, sometimes it can do harm. Therefore, always consult your doctor before using it.

When marigolds are contraindicated:

  1. During pregnancy, the use of essential oils based on these flowers is prohibited, as this can lead to the development of allergic reactions.
  2. Sometimes the plant causes a negative reaction from the body in people who, due to individual characteristics, cannot tolerate marigolds.
  3. It is not worth the risk in children under 2 years of age.

Medicinal uses of flowers

Flowers are used for such pathologies as:

  1. Digestive diseases.
  2. Cardiovascular disorders.
  3. Constipation.
  4. depressive states.
  5. Colds, flu, etc.

In the initial stages of diabetes, marigolds can lower blood sugar levels. The plant is used as a prevention of fever. Flowers have diuretic and choleretic properties.. Chernobrivtsy have a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver, kidneys and pancreas.

Healing tea to improve eyesight

The herb also helps to strengthen vision. Even doctors advise to brew marigolds as tea and drink it during the day. Permissible dose per day is a liter or a little more. After a few days of using this infusion, many noted an improvement in their vision.

Traditional medicine recipes

The plant is widely used in folk medicine. Below are some recipes for preparing medicines from marigolds:

  1. Ointment preparation from wounds, burns and other damage to the skin. Marigold flowers are crushed and poured with olive oil, in a ratio of 1 to 10. After that, the product is left to infuse for 8 hours. Next, you should warm the product for a couple for 20-30 minutes, cool and drain the oil into a dark bowl. The jar is placed in the refrigerator for storage.

    Reference! For various skin injuries, burns, etc. this oil lubricates the affected surfaces. For severe burns, baths with the addition of oil are shown.

  2. Preparation of antihelminthic infusion. 1 tablespoon of marigold flowers is poured into 300 ml. boiling water. After cooling and straining, you can apply the product. This is done 3 times a day before meals, 2 tablespoons. Treatment continues for 2 weeks.
  3. Decoction of herbs for inflammation of the joints. Such a decoction is being prepared: 250 ml is taken for 1 tablespoon of marigolds. boiling water. Put the liquid on the fire and let it boil. After straining, you can take an infusion. This is done 3 times a day before meals, 200 ml. The duration of the course is 90 days, after which a 20-day break is made, after which, if necessary, the course is repeated.
  4. Marigold bath. This bath reduces nervous tension and treats depression. You can use it after a hard day, to relieve fatigue. Another reason for taking a bath with this plant is insomnia. For a better effect, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the water.

Decoctions of flowers are widely used to treat the gastrointestinal tract. With the help of marigold, pancreatitis, diseases of internal organs and disorders in the pancreas are eliminated.