Is it possible to get pregnant if you have fibroids? Treatment and success of conception

When planning a pregnancy, sometimes disorders or illnesses arise that cause anxiety about its successful completion. One of these is the formation of a tumor in the uterine cavity. If a deviation is detected at the stage of examination before conception, the problem of whether it is possible to get pregnant with uterine fibroids is very worrying for the expectant mother. To understand, let’s take a closer look at this disease.

What is fibroid

Myoma is a tumor formed in the muscle layer of the uterus. It appears in the form of nodes different sizes and can be located anywhere. Since it is somewhat difficult to determine how many centimeters the formation is, gynecologists calculate it in weeks, like pregnancy.

Causes of uterine fibroids

It is clear that the tumor will not appear on its own. She is called following reasons:

Leaking this pathology secretly and is revealed during an examination by a gynecologist or ultrasound, therefore, when planning a pregnancy, a doctor’s examination is necessary.

Is it possible to get pregnant with small uterine fibroids?

If the formation is just beginning to develop, experts confirm that you can get pregnant with uterine fibroids without large sizes. The tumor itself is not the cause of infertility, and if it is located in such a way that it does not interfere with the implantation of the embryo and its growth, then the woman safely carries and gives birth to a baby. But throughout pregnancy, medical supervision is indicated to avoid complications.

Complications in case of pregnancy with uterine fibroids

Risk of losing a child

The risk of losing a child arises under the following conditions:

  • fibroid size is more than 7 cm;
  • it is located close to the neck;
  • there are several nodes that cause deformation of the uterus;
  • the placenta is next to the node.

These factors provoke miscarriage early or late placental abruption. The larger the size of the fibroids, the more risk premature birth. This is due to a decrease in the size of the uterus, which prevents the child from continuing to grow due to a decrease in the area of ​​​​spaces

Is it possible to get pregnant with fibroids at 40-50 years old?

Nowadays, the age of women giving birth has increased, so the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with fibroids at 40-50 years old is quite relevant. Conception is possible when the ovulation process is not disrupted, the tumor is small and located in a place that does not interfere with the attachment of the fertilized egg and its growth.

Tumor treatment

Treatment of uterine fibroids with progesterone

The gynecologist, having identified a tumor before the planned conception, makes a decision on its treatment, which may be:

conservative, with the help of drugs of the progesterone group, inhibiting further tissue growth in it;

Surgical method for treating uterine fibroids

surgical, when the node is removed.

Surgical treatment is performed laparoscopically when the formation is located in an inconvenient location and is small in size (up to 12 weeks). You can become pregnant no earlier than 6 months after removal of uterine fibroids. But it is better to extend the recovery process to a year. In any case, the timing of conception is adjusted by the attending physician.

Identification of pathology in the event of pregnancy, during the development of the fetus, can cause the disintegration of the myomatous node. This happens due to a disruption in the blood supply to the tumor, which begins to collapse. The tissues die, the woman develops discharge, the temperature rises, then surgery is indicated.

Using a laparoscope, the remnants of the formation are removed if this happened at 16-32 weeks. Later intervention may have a negative impact on the fetus. Childbirth in this case will most likely end in a caesarean section.

Is it possible to get pregnant after uterine fibroids?

Is it possible to get pregnant after uterine fibroids treated with progesterone or surgery in the future, the doctor will tell you. If you follow medical prescriptions correctly during recovery period, taking into account the individuality of each female body, then there will be no problems.

Tumor and cyst - possibility of pregnancy

Sometimes a uterine tumor is accompanied by pathology in the ovaries. In this case, whether it is possible to get pregnant with uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts depends on the size of these formations and their location in the uterus. There are cases of bearing a child with such joint abnormalities, and after childbirth the cyst can resolve completely.

Is it possible to get pregnant after removal of uterine fibroids?

In the video review, the doctor talks about whether it is possible to get pregnant after removal of uterine fibroids and whether a woman can become pregnant on her own without resorting to surgery


For each woman, the process of treating uterine fibroids is different, for some it decreases, for others it does not, but experts say that after the birth of a child, the tumor returns to its original size. To get pregnant with uterine fibroids, you must consult a specialist and follow all treatment recommendations.

Uterine fibroids today are a fairly common phenomenon, and the frequency of its diagnosis has especially increased during pregnancy. It is completely logical that a woman childbearing age Increasingly, questions are arising regarding the possibility of becoming pregnant in the presence of uterine fibroids or after its removal, about its effect on the course of pregnancy and methods of its treatment during pregnancy.

The effect of fibroids on pregnancy.
It must be said right away that fibroids are a benign tumor that occurs against the background of proliferation muscle fibers the walls of the uterus. Let me clarify right away that any tumor formation in the uterine cavity sooner or later leads to its enlargement. The growth of fibroids can be very rapid, but it may not be observed at all, and for quite a long time. During gestation, the uterus also increases in size corresponding to a particular period. This is why uterine enlargement is initially associated with pregnancy, and only the results of an ultrasound can make an accurate diagnosis.

Fibroids really complicate the process of conception, since their size puts pressure on the fallopian tubes, putting obstacles to the movement of sperm, and also disrupt ovulation. As such, it is not a cause of infertility, but its removal significantly increases the chances of conceiving a baby, unless, of course, its size does not exceed twelve weeks of pregnancy. With larger sizes, the tumor leads to deformation of the uterine cavity, as a result of which it is possible to preserve the reproductive function quite difficult, since the removal of large fibroids is often accompanied by severe bleeding, and in some cases, specialists are forced to simply remove the uterus.

In the first months of pregnancy, complications may arise from fibroids; this occurs mainly when the tumor is close to the placenta. In this case, the size of the tumor is no less important. With small myomatous nodes, pregnancy proceeds without complications, and the tumor itself does not manifest itself in any way.

Fibroids in the second and third trimester of pregnancy increase the risk of miscarriage, as well as premature birth. This happens as a result of the fact that myomatous nodes leave less and less free space for the fetus, in addition, they stimulate contractile activity uterus In this situation also important role plays the location of the fibroid and its distance from the placenta (whether there is contact).

Large tumors can affect normal growth and development of the fetus. There are often cases of children being born with low weight, with an altered shape of the skull, curvature of the neck, etc.

Most experts agree that uterine fibroids affect the birth process, significantly delaying it. Also, if it is present, specialists more often decide to perform a cesarean section. In this situation, it is not the fibroid itself, as such, that prevents childbirth, but significant size myomatous nodes in combination with pathologies of the position and presentation of the fetus (transverse, pelvic and facial presentation). Sometimes, if the C-section incision matches the location of the fibroid, the doctor may remove it.

It should be noted that in pregnant women with fibroids, placental abruption often occurs, especially when the tumor is located retroplacentally (behind the placenta). During birth process doctors take this feature of the tumor into account.

IN postpartum period fibroids can also cause complications, both immediately (bleeding against the background of low uterine tone) and after a sufficient period of time long period time ( infectious diseases, the uterus does not reach its original size).

Planning pregnancy in the presence of uterine fibroids.
At the conception planning stage, it is necessary to take into account facts such as the location of the fibroid, its growth tendency, and the size of the nodes. If the location of the nodes leads to deformation of the uterine cavity, then it is basically impossible to get pregnant, since spermatozoa, without reaching fallopian tubes, settle on their surface without ever meeting the egg. In this case, the nodes must be removed.

If the nodes are small and located in the thickness of the uterine wall or outside, that is, there is no deformation of the cavity, then the probability of pregnancy is quite high. It should only be said that in the event of fertilization, a woman may have problems associated with bearing a fetus.

If a woman has a myomatous node on a thin stalk, then there is high risk its torsion during pregnancy, and this, as a rule, leads to surgical intervention and often to miscarriage. In this situation, at the stage of pregnancy planning, it is urgently recommended to remove such nodes.

It is also important to note that if, according to ultrasound data, the tumor’s predisposition to rapid growth(doubling within six months), then pregnancy planning is prohibited. This is due to the high risk of fibroid enlargement during pregnancy, which provokes malnutrition in the node, and this is fraught with miscarriage. At the stage of planning conception, such a tumor must also be removed in advance.

In the case of large uterine fibroids (4 cm in diameter and above), it is also worth postponing conception, since, firstly, this is unlikely (against the background of endometrial pathology), and if it happens, it is fraught with miscarriage, since the probability of miscarriages and malnutrition of the fetus, which will lead to surgery. Nodes are also subject to removal at the planning stage of the child.

Growth of fibroids during pregnancy.
No doctor can reliably answer how a tumor will behave during pregnancy (if it is present before conception). Plays a big role here genetic factor. In most cases, the growth of fibroids is observed in the first two trimesters of pregnancy, and in the third, on the contrary, their decrease is noted. As a rule, during gestation, fibroids are reduced in size by an average of thirty-five percent, but there is still a small percentage of cases where fibroids double during gestation, but this practically does not complicate or complicate pregnancy. However, destruction or degeneration of fibroids can contribute to various complications. This process is combined with tissue necrosis of destroyed fibroids, bleeding, formation of cysts, etc. This phenomenon can occur, frankly, at any stage of pregnancy and after delivery. In this case, the location of the fibroids matters.

Why fibroids are destroyed during pregnancy is not completely known. This can be facilitated by hormonal (increased progesterone levels), vascular and mechanical changes (impaired blood supply to the tumor due to thrombosis). This process is accompanied by pain in the area where the node is located, an increase in uterine tone, an increase in body temperature, an increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Degeneration of fibroids is diagnosed using ultrasound. Initially, the patient is advised bed rest and analgesics are prescribed; if severe symptoms persist, she is hospitalized for further inpatient treatment.

Surgical treatment is prescribed in exceptional cases if there is absolute readings(severe fever, leukocytosis, deterioration of general condition, abdominal pain acute nature, uterine bleeding). Often when surgical intervention manages to maintain the pregnancy.

I note that fibroids that grew in the first months of pregnancy may not make themselves known at all after childbirth. After childbirth, as the uterus returns to its original state, the location of myomatous nodes may change.

Treatment of fibroids during pregnancy.
Initially, fibroid therapy is conservative and aimed at stopping growth benign education. Methods in each specific case depend individual characteristics tumor and the causes of its development. During pregnancy Iron-deficiency anemia in a pregnant woman it can become a factor provoking the growth of fibroids. It is this fact that serves as one of the reasons for the constant study of a woman’s blood during this period.

Therapeutic and preventive measures for uterine fibroids are taking iron supplements, ascorbic acid and folic acid, B vitamins, diet with a predominance of protein foods. Vitamins E and A are also recommended, which have a beneficial effect on the neuroendocrine system and reduce the sensitivity of the genital organs to estrogen.

If lipid metabolism is disturbed in a pregnant woman with fibroids, her diet is adjusted: the consumption of carbohydrate foods is severely limited, any animal fats are excluded (they are replaced with vegetable fats), and more freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits are included in the diet.

After delivery, the woman is prescribed hormonal agents with progesterone, which reduces the ability of cells to divide, preventing tumor growth. If it is impossible or unsuccessful attempts to stop the growth of fibroids, a decision is made to surgical treatment (conservative myomectomy– removal of nodes while preserving the uterus).

The laparoscopy technique (an operation performed using an endoscope and instruments, under the control of a video camera installed in the abdominal cavity) significantly reduces the risk of developing adhesions in the pelvis, which in the future helps to maintain the patency of the fallopian tubes, and this is one of the main factors in pregnancy. Treatment method using laparotomy ( abdominal surgery, everything is done by the surgeon manually) is associated with a high risk of the formation of adhesions, and their formation can occur both in the pelvis and in the abdominal cavity. In the future, this leads to infertility, and sometimes to complications from digestive system(for example, adhesive intestinal obstruction). However, the large size of the nodes during laparoscopy does not allow suturing the uterus as required, which is due to the peculiarities of the technique, the angle of the abdominal instruments, and some technical issues.

As a result, laparoscopy is performed for women planning a pregnancy if the size of the nodes does not exceed 5-6 cm. In this case, suturing the uterus requires the skill and experience of a surgeon. To remove large nodes, there are new technologies for suturing the uterus, but this significantly increases the risk of uterine rupture along the scar.

If the nodes exceed 9-10 cm in diameter, the risk of uterine rupture along the scar is significantly higher than the risk of formation of adhesions due to laparotomy. Therefore, it is recommended to abandon laparoscopy and open the abdominal cavity to excise the tumor.

After removal of uterine fibroids, regardless of the technique used, conception can be planned only after eight to twelve months, it all depends on the size of the removed tumor.

It should be noted that after removal of fibroids, a woman’s labor can be managed in a natural way, if the removed nodes were no more than four centimeters in diameter, if there are no complications during pregnancy and after childbirth, if the uterine scar is in satisfactory condition. The woman’s age also plays a huge role. In other cases it is shown C-section.

Multiple uterine fibroids.
It also happens that several myomatous nodes are formed in the uterus at once, and of different sizes. Planning a pregnancy in this situation is very difficult, since removal of such formations can lead to the fact that there is no healthy tissue left on the uterus. IN similar situations doctors prescribe the removal of only those nodes that interfere with the attachment of the embryo, tend to grow, interfere with the gestation of the fetus and can cause complications, etc. After delivery, you can begin excision of the remaining nodes, or doctors can do this during a cesarean section.

Uterine fibroids are a benign tumor in the myometrium. It affects not only the uterus itself, but also nearby organs. And, naturally, it does not go unnoticed during pregnancy. This disease is not a cause of infertility, and removing small uterine fibroids increases the chance of conception. However, large fibroids can deform the uterus or be accompanied by heavy bleeding, which leads to infertility. Most patients of childbearing age are interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant with uterine fibroids and whether it is worth doing so. To determine the risk of fibroids affecting pregnancy and childbirth, it is necessary to determine general state patients, type of fibroids and presence of concomitant diseases.

Types of uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids can be either single or multiple, when several nodes develop simultaneously. The nodes differ in size and location. Small fibroids uterus does not cause discomfort to the patient, so it can go unnoticed a long period. Growing uterine fibroids or large fibroids aggravate the symptoms of the disease.

Depending on the location of the node and the direction of its growth, the following types are distinguished:

  • Intramural uterine fibroids: affected muscle layer uterus This is one of the most common types of fibroids. Intramural uterine fibroids are located directly in the muscle of the uterus. Intramural uterine fibroids lead to an increase in the volume of the uterus and the area of ​​the endometrium. As a result, blood circulation is impaired and menstrual cycle, and the duration and abundance of menstruation increases. Intramural uterine fibroids are accompanied by painful periods. Intramural uterine fibroids have the shape of an asymmetrical ball and can reach the size of a full-term pregnancy. Due to circulatory problems, intramural uterine fibroids often occur varicose veins vessels of the node, its swelling and, in some cases, necrosis. With necrosis of intramural uterine fibroids, blood circulation in the uterus itself is disrupted. This complication is accompanied by constant pain, increased body temperature and watery-mucous discharge.
  • Interstitial uterine fibroids(fibroids of the uterine wall). Located between the muscles inside the wall of the uterus. With fibroids of the uterine wall, the increase in the size of the uterus occurs evenly. Myoma of the uterine wall is accompanied by heavy and painful periods with the release of clots, bleeding between periods, nagging pain lower abdomen. Pain syndrome depends on the size of the fibroids in the uterine wall. Also painful sensations caused by growing uterine fibroids. Fibroids of the uterine wall, especially big size, renders negative action to neighboring organs. Fibroids of the uterine wall can compress the ureter and prevent complete emptying Bladder. In addition, fibroids of the uterine wall cause constipation.
  • Subserous uterine fibroids. Located on outside uterus and grows in abdominal cavity. The node often has a stalk that is attached to the uterus. With subserous fibroids, the menstrual cycle is not disrupted, since the node does not interfere with the contractile function of the uterus. However, there is a serious impact on surrounding organs and tissues, including the urinary system. Accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen due to compression of neighboring organs. Torsion of the leg of the node can also cause acute pain. Torsion can occur gradually over time, or suddenly with physical activity.
  • Submucous uterine fibroids. It grows in the uterine mucosa and is the most unpleasant and difficult to diagnose location of myomatous nodes. This position of fibroids deforms the uterine cavity and has a negative effect on pregnancy. Accompanied by bleeding and sharp pains lower abdomen. Submucosal fibroids are associated with the thin wall of the uterus muscle ligament, which becomes thinner and longer during growth. The node gradually moves into the lower part of the uterus, and its birth may occur.

Uterine fibroids during pregnancy

Many patients are interested in the question: “Is it possible to get pregnant with uterine fibroids?” or “What to do if you get pregnant with uterine fibroids?” It is not always possible to get pregnant with uterine fibroids, since myomatous nodes compress the fallopian tubes, disrupt ovulation and prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus. It is also difficult to get pregnant with uterine fibroids, because the nodes increase the contractility of the uterus, which leads to miscarriage. However, it is possible to get pregnant with uterine fibroids. The chance of getting pregnant with uterine fibroids increases if there is a small uterine fibroid and it is not submucosal. But the fact is that pregnancy with any disease is accompanied by the risk of miscarriage and abnormal development of the child. If you are planning a pregnancy, you need to thoroughly study possible consequences and find out the advisability of pre-treatment.

If you manage to get pregnant with uterine fibroids, the outcome will depend on many factors: size, location of fibroids, accompanying illnesses, general condition of the patient. Small uterine fibroids usually have no effect on pregnancy. Small uterine fibroids may be asymptomatic and not cause any complications. Large uterine fibroids or rapidly growing uterine fibroids can deform the uterus and reduce the free space for the child. Myoma can affect the presentation of the fetus and, if normal childbirth is impossible, a caesarean section is used. The gynecologist must take this into account when managing pregnancy.

Concomitant and similar diseases with uterine fibroids

There are several pathologies of the uterus that have a nodular form: fibroids, uterine polyps, adenomyosis. These diseases often overlap because they have similar causes. Uterine polyps are mushroom-shaped growths of the basal layer of the endometrium. Fibroids and uterine polyps are interconnected, because... both diseases are hormone dependent. If fibroids are detected, uterine polyps may be associated with this disease. Therefore, differential analysis is often performed for nodular formations.

Adenomyosis- This is the growth of the uterine mucosa into the muscular layer. Adenomyosis disrupts the functions of the reproductive system and can lead to infertility. Uterine fibroids with adenomyosis are a common occurrence. Mucous tissue can also grow into existing myomatous nodes. During ultrasound examination, uterine fibroids and adenomyosis are very similar, so their diagnosis is difficult. It is very important to determine what disease the node belongs to. Uterine fibroids and adenomyosis require the same treatment, but the effectiveness of treatment is different, which affects the prognosis of the disease.

Violation of the uterine mucosa, which may be accompanied by uterine fibroids, endometrium: hyperplasia. It's estrogen dependent pathological process, in which the volume of the endometrium increases. For cases of uterine and endometrial fibroids, hormone therapy is used.

A combination of pathologies of the genital organs (uterine fibroids, endometrium, adenomyosis) complicate the course of pregnancy and very often lead to miscarriages. Before planning a pregnancy, you must undergo full examination to exclude these pathologies. Timely and correct diagnosis of diseases contributes to the prescription of adequate therapy and correct treatment of the disease.

Contraindications for uterine fibroids

All restrictions and contraindications for uterine fibroids, which are recommended by the attending physician, are aimed at preventing recurrence and growth of fibroids. Restrictions apply to both daily activities and treatment choices. There are the following contraindications for uterine fibroids that must be excluded before prescribing conservative therapy:

  • sarcomatous tumor degeneration;
  • large (more than 12 weeks) size of fibroids;
  • rapidly growing uterine fibroids;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • submucous uterine fibroids;
  • torsion and necrosis of the node.

The main contraindications for uterine fibroids are:

1. Massages and warming procedures that stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic area.
2. Gynecological massages.
3. Tan, long stay in the sun.
4. Lifting weights, hard physical labor.
5. Overwork, stress.

Contraindications for uterine fibroids also apply to hormonal drugs containing progesterone. The effectiveness of progesterone-containing drugs has not been proven and is not recommended by many gynecologists. The most important contraindication for uterine fibroids is to independently determine how to treat uterine fibroids. Only a doctor at correct diagnosis and a complete examination forms adequate treatment. Compliance with contraindications for uterine fibroids is as important as following the doctor’s prescriptions.

One of complex tasks If a benign muscle tumor is detected, the woman is unable to conceive a baby. However, the presence of fibroids is not a death sentence: if a woman has a question about whether it is possible to get pregnant with uterine fibroids, then she should consult a doctor. Using everything necessary methods diagnostics, the specialist will assess the woman’s health status, the size of myomatous nodes and possible methods treatment. In most cases, pregnancy due to fibroids is quite possible. The main thing is to reveal everything causal factors and save a woman from what prevents her from conceiving, bearing and giving birth to a child.

At-risk groups

At the stage of preconception preparation, all women who wish to carry a pregnancy to term and give birth to a child must undergo a full examination, including ultrasound scanning. Ultrasound can detect the presence of uterine fibroids. It is important to accurately assess the size and location of the nodes. Depending on the data obtained after diagnosis, the doctor will identify 3 risk groups:


  • young women under 28 years of age;
  • interstitial node;
  • broad-based subserous node.

For these women, pregnancy is a very real possibility. After the examination, it is advisable to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, both at the stage of preparation for conception and from the moment pregnancy occurs.


  • age from 28 to 35 years;
  • small or medium-sized leiomyoma;
  • with centripetal growth of the node;
  • on a thin vascular pedicle.

In any case similar pathology After conception, the condition of the embryo must be constantly monitored. It will be quite difficult to carry a pregnancy to term due to the risk of early and late complications.


  • age over 35 years;
  • with pronounced deformation of the cavity;
  • large size benign tumor;
  • submucosal node;
  • complicated course of the disease (partial tumor necrosis, combination with endometriosis or ovarian cysts).

If a high risk is identified, then pregnancy occurs extremely rarely. In cases where conception has occurred, the risk is very high dangerous complications.

Complications during pregnancy

If pregnancy occurs against the background of leiomyoma, then you will need to follow all the doctor’s recommendations to prevent possible complications. The most common problems to watch out for are:

  • spontaneous termination of pregnancy (miscarriage in the 1st trimester, frozen pregnancy);
  • prematurity (late miscarriage in the 2nd trimester or premature birth);
  • placentation disorders (previa or low position of the placenta with the risk of abruption and dangerous bleeding);
  • intrauterine fetal suffering due to placental disorders;
  • weakness during labor due to low contractility uterus;
  • Heavy bleeding may occur immediately after birth.

Even if pregnancy occurs after treatment, this does not at all guarantee that dangerous complications will not arise during pregnancy. Women with uterine fibroids who want to get pregnant must be prepared to take special medications for 9 months in order to preserve the fetus.

In addition, due to vascular problems in a defective uterus the baby will not receive sufficient quantity nutrients, which can manifest itself as fetal malnutrition and low birth weight in the newborn. A life-threatening moment can occur after childbirth, when, against the background of leiomyoma, severe uterine bleeding or necrosis of the node with pain occurs.

In women with benign tumor uterus, the chances of conceiving a baby are significantly reduced. However, leiomyoma is not at all a death sentence for reproductive function. At proper preparation and following all the doctor’s recommendations, the realization of your dream becomes a very real event. Pregnancy that occurs against the background of leiomyoma requires particularly careful monitoring at all stages of gestation and immediately after childbirth, when it is necessary to prevent dangerous complications.

“Is it possible to get pregnant with uterine fibroids” - this question worries many women who first heard about this diagnosis from their attending physician. This is especially of concern to those who have not yet become mothers. After all, some equate fibroids and infertility. But is the situation really that bad? What do you need to know when starting to plan a pregnancy and how to behave in order to achieve the desired result?

This benign neoplasms, formed in muscle tissue uterus They can be single or multiple.

Myomas are distinguished by:

  • Locations – inside or outside the affected organ;
  • Sizes;
  • Types - nodes, tubercles, tumors on the stem.

When characterizing the size, they talk not only about the detected neoplasm itself, but also about the size of the uterus, comparing it with the pregnant state.

Thus they distinguish:

  • Small fibroids - the uterus is enlarged to the size of pregnancy up to 5 weeks;
  • Average – 10-12 weeks;
  • Large – more than 12 weeks of pregnancy.

The weight of the neoplasms also has a wide range - from several milligrams to tens of kilograms. The largest fibroid found weighed more than 60 kg.

This disease is considered the most common among tumor diseases of the female genital area. Most often women aged 35-40 years and older suffer. Although in Lately“rejuvenation” of fibroids is noted: young girls under the age of 25 can also get it. The main reason doctors believe its appearance hormonal disbalance(in particular, an increase in estrogen levels), incorrect operation immune defense and stress.

Fibroids and pregnancy: possible or not

Planning a pregnancy is always right and good. It becomes especially important in the presence of a tumor in the uterus.

Many experts believe that, given its hormone-dependent nature, fibroids themselves do not change hormonal background. This means that the theoretical onset of pregnancy is quite possible. However, fibroids are called one of the reasons female infertility. In this regard, the location of the nodes and their size play a role.

According to localization, fibroids are divided into:

  • Cervical. Located in the cervix;
  • Submucosal. Enough rare form, which grows under the mucous membrane in the direction of the uterine cavity;
  • Interstitial (intramuscular);
  • Intraligamentous. Located among the broad ligaments;
  • Subserous. The safest form regarding pregnancy. It grows under the outer layer of the uterus, protruding into the peritoneal cavity.

But the first two types are the source big problems. If they are present, pregnancy planning can remain just planning.

Cervical tumors and those located in close proximity to the entrance to the fallopian tubes can be a mechanical obstacle to the passage of sperm to the egg and the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. Submucosal, especially “pedunculated”, works according to the type fallopian spiral and also does not contribute to pregnancy in any way.

Intramuscular fibroids are dangerous if they are close to an implanted ovum. This is fraught with detachment of the placenta and miscarriage.

It is also problematic to get pregnant if there is a large tumor - more than 12 months. In this case, deformation of the uterus occurs, which may cause the fetus to become unattached. If pregnancy occurs, then in the presence of such a large fibroid, deformation of the child’s skull and skeleton, or its general insufficient development, is possible, which leads to low weight of the newborn.

Planning pregnancy with fibroids: what to do?

Planning for such important event should be the standard for everyone expectant mother, especially if her age has exceeded 30 years. Of course, the first step is a visit to the doctor. He examines the patient and, using ultrasound, establishes all the parameters of the fibroid, its location and other important factors.

If there is a subserous neoplasm, then it is possible to do without special treatment. Although the doctor will constantly monitor the condition of the tumor for its growth.

But in most cases, some non-surgical therapy is still carried out. It is recommended to delay the start of pregnancy for at least six months.

Surgery is a last resort method. It is used for very large tumors, or those that grow inside the uterus and severely deform it.

Two types of operations are possible:

  • Laparoscopy – removal of the tumor through a puncture in the peritoneum;
  • Traditional strip method.

In the first case, you will have to endure pregnancy for about a year, in the second – more than two years, until the walls of the uterus and abdomen are strong enough to stretch under the influence of the growing fetus.

It is also possible that planning a pregnancy was not among the woman’s priorities, and she finds out about its presence purely by chance. Then the doctor should collect all the symptoms, complaints and objective factors in order to understand how dangerous the presence of fibroids is. If it threatens miscarriage or interferes with the development of the fetus, then a decision is made to remove it. In this case, laparoscopy is performed no earlier than the 16th week to allow the placenta to strengthen, and no later than the 32nd week, when the fetus is so large that it is not possible to carry out manipulations in the uterus.

Termination of pregnancy with fibroids is postponed until the very end extreme case, according to the most compelling medical reasons. But if you follow all the instructions of a specialist who monitors the course of pregnancy, there is a high chance of a successful pregnancy. Better yet, wait a couple of years, get some treatment, and then start planning for the birth of your heir.