Little difference between systolic and diastolic. Pulse pressure: norm and deviations

A large difference between the upper and lower pressure, exceeding a certain value, is a sign of pathology; it is necessary to find out its cause and eliminate it.

Index blood pressure(BP) consists of two numbers - upper (systolic) and lower (diastolic) pressure, which, when normal conditions rise and fall synchronously. Such changes in this may indicate a disease, but most often appear spontaneously in the context of primary hypertension. At the same time, the interval between the upper and lower pressure remains stable. In some cases it increases. What can this condition indicate and what to do if it appears? Let's talk about it.

Upper and lower pressure and the normal difference between them

Maintaining normal blood pressure depends on many systems in the body, but the main ones are cardiovascular, endocrine, and urinary. Systolic pressure depends on the condition of the heart muscle (myocardium) - it reflects the strength of heart contractions and the cardiac output that occurs after contraction. The elastic wall of the vessels closest to the heart also plays an important role - they compensate for cardiac output, absorb it, preventing the pressure reading from reaching pathological values. Normal systolic pressure is in the range of 100–129 mmHg. Art. If the upper pressure changes to dangerous levels, the problem is usually in the heart.

The difference between the upper and lower readings is called pulse pressure. Normally it is 40 mmHg. Art., an excess of 10 units up or down is permissible.

Diastolic pressure reflects peripheral vascular tone. For the constant movement of blood along the bloodstream, it is necessary that the vessels contract, exchange occurs in the capillary bed, and maintain osmotic pressure. These functions are performed by the kidneys and glands internal secretion, which secrete hormones (aldosterone, vasopressin and others). This pressure is usually 70–90 mmHg. Art., and if it is violated, this may indicate kidney disease or secondary hypertension.

The difference between the upper and lower readings is called pulse pressure. Normally it is 40 mmHg. Art., an excess of 10 units up or down is permissible. With such indicators, heart function adequately correlates with peripheral vascular resistance. Too large a difference between the upper and lower blood pressure (60 units or more) appears in a pathology called isolated systolic hypertension.

Reasons for the large difference between upper and lower pressure

The most common causes of isolated hypertension are pathology of the heart and large blood vessels, with the upper blood pressure increasing, while the lower blood pressure remains normal or increases slightly. Less often, the systolic remains within the normal range, and the diastolic decreases. The main reasons for such changes:

  1. Decrease in the content of elastic elements in the wall of the vessel, in particular the aorta - characteristic condition for older people. High systolic pressure occurs because the fragile aorta can no longer compensate for cardiac output.
  2. Atherosclerosis is the accumulation of fatty-protein detritus in the wall of blood vessels, which leads to the formation of a plaque and its overgrowth with fibrin, due to which the elasticity of the wall decreases, and fragility and the risk of rupture increases.
  3. Increased cardiac output - can be triggered by an increase in the amount of stress hormones in the blood. Due to constant psycho-emotional stress, the strength of heart contractions increases along with pressure.
  4. Impaired filtration in the kidneys - if the filtration barrier in the nephrons of the kidneys does not allow blood plasma to pass through well, oliguria develops (insufficient urine output), the volume of circulating blood increases along with pressure.
  5. Kidney failure – leads to low diastolic pressure, leading to an increase in the difference between the upper and lower pressure. In this case, loss of vascular tone plays an important role.
It is not possible to cure isolated hypertension - the elasticity of the wall cannot be restored. But you can minimize its manifestations and avoid complications.

Why is high pulse pressure dangerous?

For adequate blood supply to target organs it is necessary harmonious work all systems. A frequently occurring or long-lasting difference between upper and lower blood pressure is fraught with complications: the likelihood of transient blood pressure increases significantly. ischemic attack, and then - hemorrhages in the brain tissue, i.e. stroke. This occurs due to constant decompensated pressure surges.

The same applies to the heart - if the force of contraction of the heart muscle increases, its need for oxygen increases and nutrients. The lack of adequate trophism is a risk factor for myocardial infarction.

With prolonged isolated systolic hypertension, the development of an aortic aneurysm, and subsequently its rupture, is possible. This terminal state, which has a high lethality.

If the pathology exists for a long time and is not treated, hypertensive crises may occur against the background of isolated hypertension, with lower blood pressure remaining within normal limits. The resulting severe hypertension can increase the interval between pressures to 70, 80, even 100 mm Hg. Art. This is dangerous for target organs - kidneys, heart, brain, lungs, retina.

The disease progresses rapidly, as evidenced by the appearance of symptoms associated with the functional failure of certain systems: dizziness, spots before the eyes, blurred vision, forgetfulness, shortness of breath, arrhythmia, tachycardia, chest pain, renal failure.

What to do if there is a large difference between the upper and lower pressure?

Regardless of whether due to an increase in the upper or lower lower pressure As the interval increases, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination and begin treatment immediately.

The most common causes of isolated hypertension are pathology of the heart and large blood vessels, with the upper blood pressure increasing, while the lower blood pressure remains normal or increases slightly.

Diagnostics includes:

  • ECG (electrocardiogram);
  • ultrasound examination of the kidneys;
  • contrast examination of the renal arteries (if necessary);
  • ultrasound examination of the heart (echocardiography);
  • electrovasography of the vessels of the extremities;
  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • biochemical blood test (in particular, for the content of free cholesterol and glucose);
  • coagulogram (clotting rate test).

Blood pressure must also be measured throughout the day. Why is this necessary? Sometimes blood pressure rises only at night, and during the daytime does not provide grounds for making a diagnosis.

Once the diagnosis is established, treatment begins. All medications should be taken only when prescribed medical indications. The following groups of pharmacological agents are used:

  1. Beta blockers– affect the heart to a greater extent, reducing the frequency and strength of contractions, lowering upper pressure, but will also dilate blood vessels, restore blood flow in ischemic areas, and normalize lower pressure.
  2. ACE inhibitors– prevent the synthesis of angiotensin II, preventing systemic vasospasm. They have a greater effect on systolic pressure.
  3. Angiotensin receptor blockers– they break the pathogenesis at the angiotensin stage, like the previous group, but reduce the pressure more gradually (which is necessary in conditions of increased fragility of the vascular wall).
  4. Diuretics– contraindicated for renal failure, but in its absence are quite effective. They reduce the volume of circulating blood, thereby reflexively reducing cardiac output, reducing the difference between upper and lower pressure.
  5. Drugs that improve cerebral blood flow – help to avoid negative consequences long-term increase systolic pressure. They restore microcirculation in brain tissue, thereby returning cognitive functions to normal.
  6. Drugs that enhance coronary circulation – spasm coronary vessels is fraught with a heart attack, so it is necessary to ensure good blood supply to the heart muscle during periods of increased stress, and at the same time reduce these loads.
Normal systolic pressure is in the range of 100–129 mmHg. Art. If the upper pressure changes to dangerous levels, the problem is usually in the heart.

It is not possible to cure isolated hypertension - the elasticity of the wall cannot be restored. But you can minimize its manifestations and avoid complications.


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The formation of blood vessel tone is influenced by several factors. First of all, it is formed internal pressure on the walls. The second factor is the external vascular neural regulation. Together, these processes are combined into the concept of blood pressure. For healthy people, there is an official standard - 120/80. But in reality, meanings are never static. These indicators are flexible and change slightly every second.

Blood pressure upper and lower

The first indicator reflects the intensity of the blood pressure on the vascular walls during the contraction of the heart. In this case, we talk about upper or systolic pressure. It shows how the heart muscle contracts. The formation of systolic pressure occurs with the participation of large vessels, such as the aorta. Normal values ​​are in the range of 120-130 mm. The indicators depend on several factors: the distensibility of the vascular walls, stroke volume in the left ventricle, maximum ejection rate.

Diastolic (lower) pressure is determined when the cardiac muscle relaxes. It is also installed normal values- from 80 to 85 mm. reflects the resistance that blood experiences as it passes through the vessels. Its formation occurs at the moment of closure of the aortic valve. At this time, blood cannot flow back into the heart, and it, in turn, is filled with oxygen-rich blood for subsequent contraction.

The mathematical difference between the upper and lower pressure is called the “pulse indicator”. Normally, the level is within 30-40 mm. However, experts point out that great importance has the general condition of a person. Regardless of the numbers, everyone can have individual pressure.

Working blood pressure

This term is used by cardiologists to designate indicators with which a person feels normal. This will not necessarily be the traditional and generally accepted norm. With a blood pressure of 120 over 80, a person is called “normotensive.” Those who always have a value within 140/90 are considered hypertensive. At the same time, people feel good. If the indicators are within ninety to sixty, then this condition is defined as hypotension.

But for some people, such indicators are considered the norm. The value of upper and lower pressure that deviates from the classical one is not always a sign of any pathology. So, for example, athletes who have stopped intense exercise experience working hypotension. At the same time, this general health these people are quite satisfactory.

Is it necessary to eliminate deviations in indicators?

What upper and lower pressure will become normal for a person largely depends on his lifestyle, the presence or absence bad habits, diet, stress. In practice, there are cases of stabilization of readings to normal without taking medications. It was enough to eliminate errors in the diet and change activity.

It should be said that modern doctors are moving away from the use of “pharmacological adjustment” of blood pressure levels to previous standards. Doctors admit, and this has been proven by numerous observations, that a person can feel great if the numbers deviate from the standards. Thus, high blood pressure is typical for older people. However, the values ​​are generally static, which does not have a significant negative impact on the condition of older people. In this case, according to doctors, taking antihypertensive drugs unjustified and inappropriate. Based on the experience of past years, experts come to the conclusion that a forced change in tone only contributes to loosening of cardio-vascular system.

What can AD tell you?

Important role in assessment general condition The patient is affected by the pulse pressure difference. Between the upper and lower pressure there should be a figure in the range of 40-50. This indicator is considered optimal. However, a wider range is allowed - from 30 to 50. The pulse rate may be small. High lower pressure and high upper pressure indicate heart overload. In this case, a rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) is noted. This indicates that the organ is working hard. A large difference in pressure indicates, on the contrary, slow heart activity.

Bradycardia developing in this condition provokes hypoxia of tissues and the central nervous system. In other words, when the pulse rate is more than 50, the heart muscle becomes very tense during the process of pumping blood. This can lead to rapid wear.

If there is a different pressure difference (between the upper and lower pressure less than 30), this indicates muscle weakness. As a result, not enough oxygen reaches the tissues. Hypoxia primarily affects brain activity: patients experience fainting, nausea, and dizziness.

It should be noted that during the process some devices (electronic in particular) may produce errors. Experts recommend (for accuracy) to use Indicators are taken first from one hand and then from the second. Exists permissible difference pressure. Between the upper and lower pressure, the difference between the indicators on one and the second hand should be no more than ten units.

Some rules for measuring blood pressure

Half an hour before the procedure, you must stop eating, smoking, physical activity. Temperature changes should also be excluded. Immediately before taking measurements, you need to relax and sit quietly for a few minutes. The patient should be in a sitting position and his back should be supported. This is due to the fact that any load is accompanied by an immediate increase in blood pressure.

In a horizontal position, the hand is placed along the body, while it should be slightly raised to the line of the middle of the chest (you can put something, a pillow for example). It is not recommended to talk or make sudden movements during the measurement process.

Reasons why a pressure difference may occur

The differences between the upper and lower pressure, as mentioned above, can be insignificant, or they can be significant. In both cases, this adversely affects the human condition. Minor deviations in numbers are most often the result of a disturbance in the emotional background.

High lower pressure and high upper pressure indicate insufficient elasticity of blood vessels, myocardial expansion, atherosclerosis, which, in turn, provokes quite a lot of negative consequences. With an increase in the pulse rate, a decrease in cerebral perfusion pressure always occurs. This is the name of the force responsible for pushing blood through the vessels of the brain. This condition, in turn, causes hypoxia.

Symptoms of changes in blood pressure

A significant difference in pressure (between the upper and lower pressure, a deviation of 50 units) is considered by experts to be sufficient dangerous symptom. In particular, it may indicate a possible stroke or heart attack. With hypotension, as a rule, drowsiness, tremor, and fainting appear. Patients experience frequent dizziness.

In this case, increased pulse rates may indicate the presence of tuberculosis, damage to the digestive and biliary systems. In addition, such deviations may indicate an increase in air pressure ( intracranial pressure), heart block, anemia. Patients develop anxiety and develop endocarditis. In addition, the conditions are accompanied by an increase in stiffness in the large arteries. In some cases, a slight difference in pressure (between the upper and lower pressure is less than thirty units) indicates arterial stenosis. Fluctuations in indicators often accompany pregnancy.

Hypotension and hypertension

Both are bad. Often patients with low blood pressure exhibit the same symptoms as those with high blood pressure. In particular, there are flashing spots or sparks before the eyes, headaches and dizziness, and chest pain. In some cases, nausea to vomiting and weakness may appear.

Lack of necessary and timely assistance can lead to serious consequences. For example, if there is a risk of a hypertensive crisis, which can provoke vascular ruptures, cerebral disorders up to paralysis.

With hypotension, atrophic brain damage, cardiac arrest, and visual functions. The greatest danger in this case is the developing resistance of the body to the administration of cardiotonics. Attack sharp decline or an increase in blood pressure may occur suddenly. The person often loses consciousness. In this case, emergency assistance is needed.

How to calculate BP ratio?

There are no ideal indicators in medicine. But there is a formula with which you can calculate the optimal ratio. The lower blood pressure is multiplied by eleven, then divided by the diastolic value. If the result is a figure close to seven, then it is considered that the level is optimal for the person’s condition. These calculations can be applied from the age of twenty years.

Experts remind that any, even the smallest, difference between blood pressure may indicate problems in the body. This especially applies to people over forty years old. In this regard, to avoid dangerous consequences You should not put off visiting a cardiologist for too long.

Factors affecting blood pressure

Performance can be affected by almost all aspects of life. This includes diet and exercise, psycho-emotional background, bad habits, exhaustion, and taking medications. By following simple nutritional standards, controlling cholesterol concentrations, taking vitamins, avoiding stressful situations, a person can support normal condition heart and blood vessels.

The average level of pressure, which is considered normal, is called the parameters 120/80, with the gap between the indicators being 40.

If the difference increases or is less than normal, there is a risk that complications will arise. The conditions themselves, in which blood pressure can either rise or fall, are called hypertension and hypotension. This dangerous conditions. For example, high blood pressure leads to hypertensive crisis, paralysis, etc. As for lowering blood pressure below normal, it can cause visual impairment, cardiac arrest, and brain atrophy.

Systolic blood pressure is the number of intensity of blood pressure on the vessels from the inside during the period when the heart contracts. Since the systole indicator indicates the state of heart function, coronary arteries, sometimes the pressure can be called “heart” or “upper”. Whether high systolic pressure will be detected or the tonometer will reveal low pressure depends on the dimensions of the left ventricle, the speed of heart contractions and blood ejection.

Diastole pressure is the number during the period when the heart is relaxed. The pressure is intended to indicate the resistance that the blood encounters when overcoming the vessels.

The pressure is formed when the aortic valve closes. The tension in the arterial wall, which can be triggered by prolonged contraction of smooth muscles, can increase or decrease its performance.

Diastolic pressure in the mass is usually called “renal” or “lower”, since this organ produces an enzyme that can change vascular tone, reduce the elasticity and patency of the arteries. When the lower pressure is too low, you need to check the thyroid gland and kidneys. As a rule, lower blood pressure increases until the age of 60, then stabilizes and may decrease slightly.

In addition to the fact that there is upper and lower pressure, the upper and lower average value at which a person feels comfortable is called “working”. Even if there is some difference between the worker and normal pressure(90/60 or 140/90), then treatment at this pressure is not required.

Pulse indicator

The difference in numbers between systolic and diastolic pressure is called pulse rate by doctors. The normal difference between the upper and lower pressure is 30-50 mm. The gap between the upper and lower pressure is affected by the distensibility of the aorta and sections of the large arteries. Considering that the aorta is elastic fibers, it is not surprising why it can stretch several times. When the left ventricle contracts, the systole (contraction) phase begins, then relaxation (diastole).

Before deciding what to do if the difference between blood pressure indicators differs from the norm, you need to establish which of the indicators deviates from the standards. Both small and large differences between upper and lower pressure are dangerous to human health.

Pulse difference is outside the norm

If the difference between systole and diastole becomes large, the symptom may indicate an impending myocardial infarction or stroke. Further, increased pulse pressure sometimes leads to a slowdown in heart activity, bradycardia. Heart at high rate the pulse is overloaded, and when the systolic pressure rises above 140 and the lower pressure above 90, it is diagnosed arterial hypertension. If systolic blood pressure is normal and diastolic blood pressure is reduced, it is difficult to concentrate, and fainting, tremors, dizziness and drowsiness are possible.

High pulse pressure indicates damage to the digestive organs, gall bladder, and tuberculosis. It is advisable to consult a doctor so that he can determine the causes of the condition.

Pulse difference below normal

The main reason why there is a slight difference between upper and lower pressure is problems with the heart and blood vessels. But not those that cause a large difference between systolic and diastolic pressure. For the most part, we are talking about problems that prevent blood flow from moving with the required force through the vessels.

Another factor in which low diastolic pressure is practically compared with systolic pressure in numbers is internal bleeding. Instead of circulating through the vessels, the blood will flow into the peritoneum, the vessels will weaken and this will be reflected in pressure drops - the difference will be small. Both small and large differences in blood pressure negatively affect the body.

First, small factors appear that reduce the quality of life - dizziness, headache. Then a tachycardia attack, kidney failure, and problems with the heart and blood vessels are likely to occur.

Too much and too little difference in blood pressure

So, as mentioned above, for such a parameter as pulse pressure the norm is 40-50 units. In addition, if your high blood pressure is high and your low blood pressure is low, but they are in the range of 130/90 or 110/60, you can be relatively calm. If you experience pain in the head, pulsation in the temples and back of the head, or low blood pressure, you can go to the doctor.

If the difference is more than 70 and 80 units, and the upper pressure is high or the lower pressure is low, you should urgently find out what to take from a general practitioner or cardiologist. This difference indicates that the vascular system and the heart are working under load; as a result, the blood flow puts a lot of pressure on the vessels, and the condition of them and the heart muscle itself is impaired. You urgently need to call an ambulance and tell them that the upper pressure is high and the lower one is low, and also indicate the numbers and accompanying symptoms.

The situation when high diastolic pressure is accompanied by increased systolic pressure and vice versa is considered no less serious. How to lower both indicators so that they are within the normal range?Find the cause of the imbalance.

For example, in addition to problems with vascular beds a small pulse difference may indicate kidney pathology.

Same pressure for both indicators

In some situations, both indicators are almost the same. This indicates the presence of heart pathologies. To understand the essence of the problem, you need to imagine the circulation process. The heart drives blood through the vessels, pumping it through contractions. If for some reason it cannot do this, it stops filling with blood and contracts more than necessary.

It is precisely this kind of pathology that we can talk about if the lower pressure is 110 and the upper is 120. You should immediately call doctors, but if this is not possible, you can use the available means. More precisely, it will be necessary to increase the upper pressure and bring down the lower pressure, the lower pressure readings so that they return down, and the upper pressure readings rise to normal for a certain pulse difference.

This cannot be done suddenly. It is better to take antagonists that normalize the heart rate. Diuretics will help lower blood pressure, and sweet tea and citramon will help raise blood pressure.

Blood pressure indicators are subject to changes as a result various factors. Among the external ones, these are the daily routine and psycho-emotional stress, the presence of bad habits and taking medications, exhaustion, excessive work, etc.

By normalizing the diet and taking vitamins, reducing the amount bad cholesterol in the blood and avoiding stress, you can maintain the normal state of the vascular system and organs without encountering problematic blood pressure.

Blood pressure is an indicator of the activity of the entire cardiovascular and circulatory system. It consists of two points - lower and upper, also called systolic and diastolic. What are the norms for these indicators? And why can they shift in one direction or another?


Upper pressure refers to the force exerted by the heart muscle to push blood into the arteries. It is written as the first digit and measured in millimeters of mercury.

Diastolic pressure indicates the force that the vascular muscular system uses to resist blood pressure inside them. It is an indicator of vascular tone.


Indicators of lower pressure largely depend on the activity of the kidneys, namely on the production of renin. This is the name of the enzyme responsible for the balance of vascular muscle tone. From the above we can conclude that pressure indicators indicate not only the functioning of the circulatory system, but also the activity of the kidneys.

If the work of the heart muscle decreases due to something, and it reduces the force of pushing blood into the arteries, a decrease in upper pressure occurs.

If the force increases, then the systolic pressure also increases.
Also, if the kidneys begin to synthesize less renin, a decrease in lower pressure is observed. Due to greater production, diastolic pressure increases.

Measuring locations

In fact, blood pressure readings vary slightly in different arteries. For example, pressure increases as the vessel approaches our heart, and also as it expands. The largest values ​​are observed in the aorta, but they are difficult to measure. It is easiest to take measurements in brachial artery, and this is considered the rule throughout the planet.

The doctor must measure the pressure in both arms, and the difference between the values ​​should not exceed 5 points (mmHg). However, if the fixed difference for systolic indicators is more than twenty units, and for diastolic indicators - more than ten, we can conclude that there is some narrowing of the artery in the limb.

Operating pressure

In cardiology, this term is used to refer to the pressure that allows the patient to feel normal. This figure is not necessarily one hundred twenty to eighty, which is a classic. People with similar blood pressure are considered normotensive by doctors. Those who constantly have a blood pressure of one hundred and forty over ninety, and feel excellent, are hypertensive. People with indicators of ninety over sixty are hypotensive, and this condition is also normal for them.

These features do not always indicate the presence of some kind of illness. For example, some professional athletes who stop intense exercise experience working hypotension. But low blood pressure does not affect their overall well-being.

Every person should know their usual blood pressure, because with normal hypertension, the classic tonometer readings of one hundred twenty to eighty explain the cause feeling unwell.

Norms of indicators

Doctors say that normal interval between systolic and diastolic pressure readings should not exceed thirty to fifty readings. This figure is called pulse pressure and is usually not very informative. If this difference increases, you need to calculate which value is increased or decreased, and also pay attention to the general well-being of the patient.

Reasons for the big difference

If there is an isolated increase in systolic pressure, we can conclude that the heart muscle is working too hard. This is fraught with expansion of the myocardium, as well as too rapid wear of the muscle.

An increase in diastolic pressure indicates insufficient vascular elasticity. This is how atherosclerosis manifests itself, having a mass negative consequences.

Increased pulse pressure always causes a decrease in cerebral perfusion pressure. This is the name given to the force that is responsible for pushing blood through the vessels of the brain. This condition is fraught with the development of tissue hypoxia in the brain.

Doctors consider an increase in pulse pressure as a rather dangerous symptom. It can be a threatening harbinger of stroke, myocardial infarction, as well as myocardial expansion, etc.

Low diastolic pressure is sometimes accompanied by other warning symptoms, for example, decreased performance, excessive drowsiness, dizziness, fainting, tremors of the limbs, etc. In this case, increased pulse pressure may signal the development of tuberculosis, gallbladder lesions and digestive tract.

A high difference between systolic and diastolic pressure may be a consequence of emotional disturbances. In this case, normalization of indicators occurs after taking sedatives.

Quite often, a large difference between the upper and lower pressure is just an error in the tonometer. Therefore, do not be nervous ahead of time, measure the readings again, and if the pathology is confirmed, consult a doctor for an examination and selection of treatment.

The state of the tone of the cardiovascular and circulatory system is reflected using the blood pressure indicator, which includes data on upper and lower pressure. An increase or decrease in the pulse value between them indicates a malfunction nervous system, development of hypotension or hypertension. It is important to know the decoding of the data, what each indicator is responsible for and the factors influencing their changes.

The difference in upper and lower pressure is more than 50 mm Hg. Art talks about deviations

Upper pressure

Upper or systolic pressure is written as the first digit before the fraction, and means the force with which the blood presses on the arterial wall at the moment of maximum heart contraction. The indicator is responsible for the quality of the cardiovascular system and depends on the state of the myocardium, the stroke volume of the left ventricle and the distensibility of the aortic walls.

Causes of abnormal upper blood pressure
Promotion Demotion
In the absence of diseases Due to the presence of pathologies U healthy person For illnesses
emotional overstrain obesity early pregnancy food poisoning
excessive physical activity adrenal and kidney diseases prolonged lack of rest, sleep problems diabetes
drinking alcohol in excess doses disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system frequent physical activity bradycardia
the presence of a large amount of salt, strong tea and coffee in the diet vascular atherosclerosis sudden change in temperature brain contusions to varying degrees gravity

A long-term deviation of the indicator from the norm is accompanied by the appearance of characteristic symptoms:

The normal systolic pressure is 110-120 mmHg. Art. – exceeding the indicator up to 20 mm Hg. Art. indicates the presence of prehypotension, and a greater deviation over a long period of time indicates the development of arterial hypertension.

Lower pressure

Lower or diastolic pressure is the second number, which shows the force of blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels when the heart muscle relaxes. The indicator directly depends on heart rate, tone and elasticity of the arteries. The norm for a healthy person varies from 70 to 80 mmHg. Art.

Diseases that cause long-term deviations from the norm of the lower value
Increase Symptoms Decrease Symptoms
kidney disease pain in the area chest, dizziness, hard breath, visual impairment tuberculosis drowsiness, migraine, general weakness, dizziness
abnormalities in the thyroid gland dehydration
heart disease allergy
spinal diseases dysfunction of the aorta
hormonal imbalance during pregnancy when carrying a child - can lead to oxygen starvation embryo

Rare jumps due to sports activities, nervous overstrain or climate change are not considered dangerous to the body. Too low a number indicates the development of hypotension, sharp drop may be the primary cause of coma or death.

Normal difference between indicators

In a healthy adult, normal upper pressure ranges from 100-140 mmHg. Art., and the lower within 60-90 mm Hg. Art. Normal difference between upper limit and lower limit is 40 units with an optimal blood pressure of 120/80. Taking into account the age factor, the permissible difference between the numbers can range from 35 to 50 units.

An increase in low and high pressure with a normal difference indicates excessive strain on the heart muscle. A decrease in data, on the contrary, indicates a slower functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels.

To obtain the most accurate parameters, measurements must be performed in a calm and relaxed state on both hands several times with a difference of several minutes. The difference between the received data should not exceed 5 units.

Every person should know the working indicator of their blood pressure; it is especially important to monitor emerging deviations in patients with hypertension or hypotension.

Reasons for the gap between indicators

Pulse pressure, which is calculated as the gap between two indicators, is necessary value to compile full picture work of the whole organism, and helps to identify early stages diseases. If the cause of a large difference is identified, you should try to eliminate the problem early stage– prolonged neglect will provoke a heart attack or stroke.

Big difference - what does it mean?

A large difference implies that the gap between the indicators is exceeded by more than 50 units, and signals the presence of:

  • heart problems;
  • kidney pathology;
  • decreased elasticity of blood vessels;
  • lack of iron in the body;
  • dysfunction of the digestive tract and thyroid gland;
  • gallbladder lesions.

A high difference can occur in older people, due to stressful situations or excessive weight gain. Exceeding the indicator by more than 65 units increases the chance of developing heart pathologies, while the brain does not receive what is required for normal operation oxygen volume.

Presence of cardio vascular diseases leads to rapid wear and tear of arterial and venous walls, which accelerates the aging process of the entire organism.

Small difference - what does it mean?

Detection of pulse pressure below 30 units indicates the possibility of the development of pathological processes:

  • tachycardia;
  • heart attack associated with excessive physical labor;
  • myocarditis;
  • vegetative – vascular dystonia;
  • heart failure;
  • severe internal bleeding;
  • left ventricular stroke;
  • cardiosclerosis.

A small difference is also dangerous, it indicates the development of myocarditis

Small difference leads to paralysis respiratory tract, deterioration of brain function, cardiac arrest. The condition is very dangerous because over time it is difficult to treat with medications.

What to do if rejected?

To eliminate unacceptable pulse values ​​between readings, it is recommended:

  1. Avoid overwork. Stop playing sports for a while or reduce your load. Normalize sleep - its duration should be at least 7 hours.
  2. Balance your diet. Exclude from daily diet salted, fried, fatty and sweet food, reduce consumption of black tea and coffee. Add more vegetables, fruits and dairy products.
  3. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  4. Avoid depression, stressful situations, try to get rid of as soon as possible from their consequences.
  5. Spend more time outside, get into the habit of walking.
  6. Regularly undergo examination by a doctor.

If you have problems with blood pressure, avoid fried and fatty foods

A cardiologist and therapist will be able to determine as accurately as possible the cause of a large deviation of pulse pressure from the norm for more than 2 weeks, which caused deterioration in well-being. Based on the results of the tests obtained, taking into account the severity of the disease and individual characteristics patient, he will select an effective course of treatment.