What is a presentation icon. How icons are written

The word “icon” is of Greek origin and means “image”, “portrait”.

  • During the formation of Christian art in Byzantium, this word denoted any image of the Savior, the Mother of God, a saint, an angel or an event in Sacred History, regardless of whether this image was sculptural, monumental painting or easel, and regardless of what technique it was executed .
Now the word "icon" is applied primarily to a prayer icon painted with paints, carved, mosaic, etc.
  • Now the word "icon" is applied primarily to a prayer icon painted with paints, carved, mosaic, etc.
The Orthodox Church constantly refined its art both in content and in form. With the help of colors, shapes and lines, the spiritual world of man is revealed to us. Beauty here is inner, spiritual beauty.
  • The Orthodox Church constantly refined its art both in content and in form. With the help of colors, shapes and lines, the spiritual world of man is revealed to us. Beauty here is inner, spiritual beauty.
Not all images of the Savior, the Mother of God, a saint, an angel or an event in Sacred History can be called an icon.
  • Not all images of the Savior, the Mother of God, a saint, an angel or an event in Sacred History can be called an icon.
  • Archpriest Sergei Bulgakov described his impression of Raphael's "Sistine Madonna" as follows: “Here is beauty, only marvelous human beauty, with its religious ambiguity, but ... gracelessness. Praying before this image: this is blasphemy and impossibility! The beauty of the Renaissance is not holiness, but that ambiguous, demonic principle that covers the void, and his smile plays on the lips of Leonard's heroes.
The icon is prayer itself. It visually and directly reveals to us that impassibility (freedom from passions), teaches us to "fast with our eyes." And indeed, it is impossible to “fast with the eyes” before any other image, whether it be non-objective (abstract) or ordinary
  • The icon is prayer itself. It visually and directly reveals to us that impassibility (freedom from passions), teaches us to "fast with our eyes." And indeed, it is impossible to “fast with the eyes” before any other image, whether it be non-objective (abstract) or ordinary
The purpose of the icon is not to arouse or strengthen in us this or that natural human feeling. The icon is not "touching", not sensitive. Its purpose is to direct our feelings, mind and all our human nature to the path of transformation, cleansing us from any exaltation.
  • The purpose of the icon is not to arouse or strengthen in us this or that natural human feeling. The icon is not "touching", not sensitive. Its purpose is to direct our feelings, mind and all our human nature to the path of transformation, cleansing us from any exaltation.
  • The main images that occupy a central position in worship are the image of the Savior God and the image of the Most Holy Theotokos. Therefore, the first icons that appeared simultaneously with Christianity are the icons of Christ and the Mother of God.
The first icons of the Savior and the Mother of God
  • Church Tradition affirms the existence of the icon of the Savior during His lifetime - this is the image that we know under the name of the Savior Not Made by Hands. The history of this image boils down to the following: Edessa king Abgar. Sick with leprosy, he sent his archivist-artist to Christ, asking Christ to come to Edessa and heal him. Christ, seeing that the archivist wanted to paint His portrait, washed himself, wiped his face with a handkerchief, and His image was imprinted on this handkerchief. Having received the payment, Avgar was healed. This greatly influenced the spread of Christianity among the inhabitants of Edessa.
  • Plat was kept in Edessa for a long time as a precious treasure of the city. In 944, the Byzantine emperors bought the Icon Not Made by Hands from Edessa. After the defeat of Constantinople by the crusaders in 1204. traces of the board are lost.
The first icons of the Savior and the Mother of God
  • Church Tradition attributes the first icons of the Mother of God to the holy Evangelist Luke, who painted three of them after Pentecost.
The first icons of the Savior and the Mother of God
  • According to church tradition, the icon was painted by the Evangelist Luke on the board of the table at which Christ, Mary and Joseph ate. This type of icon is called "Eleusa" ("Tenderness"). It emphasizes the natural human feeling, maternal love and tenderness. This is the image of a mother deeply grieving for the forthcoming sufferings of her son and silently experiencing their inevitability.
  • Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God
The first icons of the Savior and the Mother of God
  • Another image belongs to the type "Odigria" ("Guide").
  • The icon no longer expresses boundless love, here the center of the composition is Christ, facing the coming (viewer), while the Mother of God, also depicted frontally (or with a slight tilt of her head), points with her hand at Jesus.
The authorship of the holy Evangelist Luke here must be understood in the sense that these icons are lists (or rather lists from lists) from icons once painted by the Evangelist
  • The authorship of the holy Evangelist Luke here must be understood in the sense that these icons are lists (or rather lists from lists) from icons once painted by the Evangelist
  • Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God
  • Kazan Icon of the Mother of God
  • Three-Handed (Tricheirusa)
The first icons of the Savior and the Mother of God
  • And, finally, the third icon, apparently, depicted the Mother of God without the Child. There is no clear information about this icon. Most likely, it was an icon of the "Oranta" ("Praying") type. The image of the Virgin in full growth, with prayerfully raised up her hands. The Mother of God prays for the entire human race, and the raised hands of Oranta have become a symbol of this eternal, unstoppable prayer that brings hope and protection to the world. In Russia, such images received the name "Indestructible Wall".
Through icon painting (St. John of Damascus)
  • Through icon painting “... we contemplate the image of His bodily appearance and miracles, and His sufferings, we are sanctified and completely satisfied, and rejoice, and consider ourselves happy (...).”(St. John of Damascus)

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Icon in Orthodox culture
Presentation on the subject "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" Compiled by: Т.О. Yeritsyan N.A. Geghamyan T.B. Rogova S.I. Stepanyan M.I. Bagdasaryan L.N. Kukota

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Dear to me, in front of the icon In a light golden robe, This ardent wax, Burnt by whose unknown hand. I know - the candle is burning, the Clear solemnly sings: Someone's grief subsides, Someone quietly sheds tears, This is a bright moment In the wild darkness and wilderness, The memory of tears and tenderness In the eternity of a soul that looked... A. Maikov

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An icon is an amazing, completely unique phenomenon in world human culture. We can find various images of Christ, the Virgin and saints in both Catholic and Protestant churches, but the icon in the sense that it acquired in Orthodox culture is nowhere else. The icon is one of the main symbols of Orthodox art.

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The icon is an integral part of the Orthodox tradition. It has long been customary in Russia: a person was born or died, got married or started some important business - he was accompanied by an icon-painting image. The whole history of Russia passes under the sign of the icon, many miraculous and glorified icons were witnesses and participants in the most important historical changes in the fate of the country.

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The word "icon" is of Greek origin and literally means "image". Therefore, in Russia, icons were often called images. An icon is a written prayer in Orthodoxy. Its content is not made up of historical epochs and not the richness of a person's spiritual life, but the unity of a person with God.

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It is impossible to imagine an Orthodox church without Orthodox icons. A row of icons that separates (connects) the altar from the central part of the temple is the iconostasis. In the center of the iconostasis are doors called the Royal Gates (gates). To the right of the Royal Doors is always the icon of Christ. On the left - always the icon of Mary, the Mother of God ...

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The icon helps the believer in prayer and is, as it were, a “window” into the spiritual world, a “guide” to God. Thanks to the icon and prayer, an Orthodox person can turn to Him, unite spiritually with Him. Therefore, believers treat icons with care, venerate them, thereby expressing their feelings for God, for the Mother of God, for holy people, who, according to the teachings of the Church, are all alive in the spiritual world, you can communicate with them by turning to them in prayer.

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Any unworthy treatment of an icon was considered sacrilege (an insult to a religious shrine). Entering the house, first of all, bowed to the icons, and then greeted the owners. Since ancient times, almost every large city or monastery had its own, especially revered miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, which he considered his glory and affirmation.

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The pictorial icon differs markedly from the painting. This is because the task of the icon is to show the innermost world of the soul of a holy person (including the God-man Christ). An icon is not an ordinary painting. The well-known historian and art historian Nikolai Mikhailovich Tarabukin wrote in one of his books: “The meaning of an icon is mysterious… the meaning of an icon is miracle-working.”
The Last Supper
Painting by Leonardo da Vinci

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Portrait and icon of the remarkable Russian naval commander, Admiral Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov.

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On the icon, unlike the picture, there is no background and no horizon. When you look at a bright source of light (the sun or a spotlight), you lose the feeling of space and depth. The icon shines into our eyes, and in this light every earthly distance becomes invisible.

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Light is the main thing in the icon. In the Gospel, Light is one of the names of God and one of His manifestations. Icon painters call the golden background of the icon “light”. It is a symbol of the infinite divine Light.

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The head of the saint is surrounded by a golden circle. The saint, as it were, is filled with light and, having been saturated with it, he radiates it. This is a halo (halo) - a sign of God's grace, which permeated the life and thought of the saint and inspired his love. This halo often goes beyond the edges of the icon space. This is not because the artist made a mistake and did not calculate the size of his drawing. This means that the light of the icon is streaming into our world.
archangel Michael

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One of the difficulties in the development of Christian painting was that it was necessary to answer the difficult question: how can icons be painted at all, if the Bible itself emphasizes that God is invisible.

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The icon became possible because the New Testament came after the Old Testament. The gospel says that God, who remained invisible in Old Testament times, then Himself was born as a man. The apostles saw Christ with their own eyes. And what is seen can be depicted.

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An icon painter could only be a person who had a special gift from God. All his life he had to bear the unceasing feat of prayer, to strive for moral perfection. Icon painters in Ancient Russia were almost exclusively monks.

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The first icon painter was the Evangelist Luke, and the first Russian icon painter Alimpiy Pechersky. The icons of the famous icon painters Andrei Rublev, Theophan the Greek, Dionisy, Simon Ushakov and thousands of nameless masters are included in the treasury of world spiritual art, but, above all, are the property of the Russian people.

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Icon painters depict on icons the Most Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, angels, saints who have earned veneration for their righteous life even after death, as well as events from the Old Testament and New Testament Sacred History, which are celebrated by the Orthodox Church as holidays. The most common and famous are the icons of Jesus Christ and the Virgin.

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The "Trinity" of St. Andrei Rublev (c. 1414) is recognized as the pinnacle of Russian icon painting and is one of the most famous masterpieces of world Christian art.

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Icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh
Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

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Icon of Saint Alexander Nevsky
Icon of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow

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The first icon of Jesus Christ has a miraculous, supernatural origin. According to legend, it appeared during the life of Jesus Christ. This is “The Savior Not Made by Hands” (or “The Savior on the Ubrus”) (Ubrus is a piece of canvas on which, according to ancient church tradition, the Image (Face) of Jesus Christ was imprinted).
The Icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands (VI century) from the Church of San Silvestro in Capite in the Vatican is considered one of the closest lists from the legendary “original” Image of Christ Not Made by Hands

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Above the entrance to the northern gallery of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Kremlin is the image of the "Savior Not Made by Hands" - a fresco, created, presumably, by Simon Ushakov in 1661.

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On the basis of this first image of the Lord Jesus Christ, the iconography of Jesus Christ, adopted in the Church, subsequently developed. The first images of Christ that have come down to us date back to the second century after the birth of Christ.

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A special place in the soul of an Orthodox Christian is occupied by the Mother of God - our Intercessor, Patroness and Comforter, who has chosen Orthodox Russia as Her chosen destiny.
Icon of the Mother of God Tenderness

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From the very first centuries of the adoption of Christianity, the Russian people were imbued with deep love and reverence for the Mother of God. One of the first churches built in Kyiv during the reign of Prince Vladimir was dedicated to the Mother of God. In the 12th century, a new holiday was introduced into the Russian church calendar - the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. This holiday testified that the Orthodox believe in the patronage of the Mother of God of the Russian land.

"The Icon of the Mother of God" - The presentation was prepared by: 8th grade student Artishevskaya Anastasia. Orthodox holiday of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. The return of the icon to Russia. Location. Miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God. The history of the appearance of the icon. Consequences of theft.

"Subject pictures" - A. Ivanov Appearance of Christ to the people. Religious-mythological genre. Grade 7 Teacher of fine arts: Turaeva S. Yu. Historical genre. The founders of genre painting in Russia are A. G. Venitsianov and I. P. Fedotov. Pimenov. Altman. V. Vereshchagin "The Apotheosis of War". Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf. Ivan Bilibin. V. G. Perov Seeing the dead man 1865

"Still life lesson" - still life. Performing a still life. K. Petrov - Vodkin. We use: Color spectrum. Renoir Roses and Jasmine in a Delft Vase. Mashkov, K. Petrov - Vodkin ... Still life looks better in ascending order from left to right - as we used to read. Transfer of the volume of objects. C. Monet. Drawing up a still life is a creative act, it shows the tastes and inclinations of the artist.

"Genre still life" - Composition - in the setting of a still life. The arrangement of objects in a still life. Image of the objective world - still life. Painting. Ancient Egypt. Willem-Klas Heda A. van Beyeren Breakfast with crab Still life with lobster. Still life in warm and cold colors. Still life in fine arts. Dpi. Ancient Rome.

"The Art of Still Life" - Wood, oil. 1631. Saryan, A. Osmerkin, A. Gerasimov. Wood, oil. E. Manet. Fruit. Jean Baptiste Siméon Chardin (1699-1779). Old Pinakothek. T. Salakhov Still life with a Viennese chair. Willem Claesz Heda. 1594 - between 1680 and 1682. PG Bogomolov (artist of the first half of the 18th century) Books Oil on canvas. 1737.

"Icons" - How were icons created in Ancient Russia? After drying, the gesso was carefully polished with dried horsetail to a marble sheen. Materials. V Computer, multimedia projector, slides. Kazan Mother of God. Technology. What is an icon? Andrei Rublev. Equipment. "Unbreakable Wall" Tasks: IV Poster with the plan of the conference.

In total there are 6 presentations in the topic

The history of the icon painting of the Evangelist Luke Tradition relates the creation of the first icons to apostolic times and is associated with the name of the Evangelist Luke. The oldest icons that have come down to us date back to the 6th century and are made using the encaustic technique on a wooden base, which makes them similar to Egyptian-Hellenistic art (the so-called Fayum portraits). Portrait of a young man. 2nd century AD e. Portrait of a boy named Eutychius the Evangelist Luke paints an icon of the Mother of God (Michael of Damascus, 16th century)

Andrei Rublev, son of Ivan Born in Novgorod around 1340 - 1350, brought up in a family of hereditary icon painters, received monastic tonsure in Andrei, a monastic name; the worldly name is unknown (most likely, according to the then tradition, it also began with "A"). Rublev died during a pestilence on October 17, 1428 in Moscow, in the Andronikov Monastery, where in the spring of 1428 he completed his last work on the painting of the Spassky Cathedral

"Holy Trinity" by Andrei Rublev (icon by Andrei Rublev, ~, Moscow, Tretyakov Gallery

The history of icon painting In Rublev, together with Daniil Cherny, Theophan the Greek and other masters, the Apostle Paul painted the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery and created the icons of its iconostasis

Technique of icon-painting From the types of wood often used: linden, birch, pine, spruce, cedar, larch, oak, maple. The imported cypress plank was considered the best, but also the most expensive. Boards were hewn from the chopping block with an ax and planed with an adze. Longitudinal sawing of logs into boards in Russia began only in the 17th century. But it is believed that boards cut with an ax are of better quality than others. Adze

Icon-painting technique Under the picturesque layers, the icon board is specially prepared by gluing a canvas (fabric pasted on the icon board before applying gesso). Serves for better adhesion of gesso (which is a chalk or gypsum (alabaster) powder mixed with animal or fish glue) to the surface. The side and end surfaces of the icon board can be referred to as a board or a ridge. Left-covered icon board

Icon-painting technique Most often, a special plank worker is engaged in the preparation of boards for icons, the primer is applied with gesso, the board comes to the icon painter already prepared. Icons are also known, painted on a canvas primed on both sides, “canvas tskah” or in art criticism “pills”.

Field Field The field of the icon board is the frame of the middle, usually recessed part of the icon (ark). Separated from the ark is a husk (the edge of a dihedral angle formed by the inner surfaces of the intersecting walls), along the outer edge is often surrounded by a line of contrasting background color with a husk edge of the Igor Icon of the Mother of God with a deesis and selected saints in the margins. End of the XIV beginning of the XV centuries. State Russian Museum.

Types of icon painting It is customary to separate from icon painting, on the one hand, other forms of church fine art: monumental (wall) painting (fresco, mosaic, etc.), book miniature, arts and crafts (for example, chased, cast images and enamels, sewing); on the other hand, painting of religious content, based on the author's interpretation.

Frames Reese, or salary (in the southern and western regions of Russia, shata, tsata, an overlay on icons that covers the entire board over the paint layer, except for a few significant elements (usually the face and hands of the so-called personal letter), for which cuts are made

The history of the great deception The brilliant scientist, one of the most talented painters of all time, Leonardo da Vinci was an example of a superman who had access to all the knowledge of people on Earth with equal success, he sculpted sculptures, played musical instruments, sang and composed sonnets, there was no equal in physical exercises his contemporaries, 100 years before Newton and Huygens, he predicted the wave nature of light, regardless of Galileo understood the infinity of the universe, and the place of the Earth in the solar system. But he was not alien to the craving for small jokes. And the most grandiose of them was the Shroud of Turin.

1. What picture did Andrei Rublev paint? 1. What picture did Andrei Rublev paint?

When did the icon appear? The first icon of the Savior appeared during His earthly life. The Holy Savior arose in the 1st century AD In the 6th century

An icon in Christianity (mainly in Orthodoxy, Catholicism and ancient Eastern churches) is an image of persons or events of sacred or church history, which is the subject of veneration among Orthodox and Catholics, enshrined in the decree of the Seventh Ecumenical Council of 787. An icon is a window that helps a person to look into another, higher world during prayer. With the help of a “reverse perspective”, the icon helps the worshiper to enter his own special world.

"Trinity" (also "Hospitality of Abraham"), an icon of the Holy Trinity, painted by Andrei Rublev in the 15th century, the most famous of his works and one of two works attributed to him (including frescoes in Vladimir), whose authorship, according to scientists, is reliably owned to him. It is one of the most famous Russian icons.

The Lydda Icon of the Mother of God (the Roman Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos) is an icon of the Mother of God revered in the Orthodox Church. The icon belongs to the Hodegetria icon-painting type. A distinctive feature is that the hands of the Virgin and Jesus are in contact so that the Virgin Mary covers the hand of her Son with her hand. The icon has a legendary origin. According to legend, the prototype of the icon is not made by hands and appeared in the city of Lydda, where the Christian community was founded by the apostles Peter and John. The foundation of the community was blessed by the Virgin Mary, and once the believers in the temple, while praying, saw on a pillar an image of the Virgin with the Child on her left hand. During the reign of Emperor Julian the Otsupnik, they tried to destroy the image, but, according to church tradition, the masons could not damage it. After that, Lydda became a place of Christian pilgrimage.

The Blachernae Icon of the Mother of God is a revered icon of the Mother of God in the Orthodox Church. Brought to Russia from Constantinople in 1653 as a gift to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Made in a rare wax technique and belongs to the Hodegetria icon-painting type.

The miraculous image is one of the most widespread and revered in the Orthodox world, although Christians and other denominations come to venerate this amazing shrine. The Iberian Icon of the Mother of God helps, first of all, repentant sinners to find strength in themselves and the path to repentance, while their relatives pray for them in front of her. As in front of every miraculous icon, they pray before it for the healing of ailments of the soul and body.

St. Nicholas the Saint in Historical Churches, Archbishop Mir of Lycia (Byzantium). In Christianity, he is revered as a miracle worker, considered the patron saint of sailors, merchants and children. In ancient biographies, Nicholas of Myra was usually confused with Nicholas of Pinar (Sinai) because of the similar details of the biographies of saints: both come from Lycia, archbishops, revered saints and miracle workers. These coincidences led to a misconception that existed for many centuries, that in the history of the church there was only one Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The great martyr and healer Panteleimon was born in the city of Nicomedia into the family of the noble pagan Eustorgius and was named Pantoleon. His mother Evula was a Christian. She wanted to raise her son in the Christian faith, but she died when the future great martyr was still a young boy. His father sent Pantoleon to an elementary pagan school, after graduating from which the young man began to study the art of medicine from the famous physician Euphrosynus in Nicomedia and became known to Emperor Maximian (), who wanted to see him at his court.

The Holy Martyr Boniface suffered for Christ in the year 290, during the reign of the Roman emperors Diocletian and Maximian (284305). He was a slave of the noble Roman woman Aglaida. She entrusted him with the management of her house and vast estates. Boniface was in lawless cohabitation with Aglaida (“the drunkard was wallowing in uncleanness”). At the same time, he was merciful to the poor and willingly received strangers. Conscious of himself as a slave of sin, Boniface prayed to God to deliver him from the nets of the devil and make him a winner over his lusts and passions. The Lord heard His servant, but arranged it so that he could wash away sinful deeds with blood and crown his soul with a crown of martyrdom.

Saint Blessed Basil, the Moscow miracle worker, was born in December 1468 on the porch of the Yelokhov Church near Moscow in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. His parents were simple and sent their son to shoemaking as an apprenticeship. During the teachings of the Blessed, his master had to witness one amazing incident when he realized that his disciple was not an ordinary person. One merchant brought bread to Moscow on barges and went into the workshop to order boots, asking them to make them so that he would not wear them out for a year. Blessed Basil shed a tear: "We will sew you such that you will not wear them out." To the bewildered question of the master, the student explained that the customer did not put on boots, he would soon die. A few days later, the prophecy came true.

The Holy Great Martyr Catherine was the daughter of the ruler of Alexandria of Egypt during the reign of Emperor Maximin (). Living in the capital - the center of Hellenic learning, Catherine, who had a rare beauty and intelligence, received an excellent education, having studied the works of the best ancient philosophers and scientists. Young men from the most eminent families of the empire sought the hand of the beautiful Catherine, but none of them became her chosen one. She announced to her parents that she agreed to marry only someone who surpassed her in nobility, wealth, beauty and wisdom.