Black discharge from the breasts. What does discharge from the nipples indicate?

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Discharge from the mammary glands is a common occurrence that any woman encounters. The appearance of a few drops of fluid from the chest can be either a natural result of the development of a specific secret in the mammary gland, or it can be a sign of a serious illness. In this case, we are not talking about secretions that appear during pregnancy or lactation, when a few drops of colostrum or breast milk flow out when pressing on the mammary gland. Fluid from the mammary glands can also appear in a non-pregnant woman. What are the causes of this phenomenon and what diseases can discharge from the mammary gland indicate?

Normal discharge

The female breast is not in vain called the mammary gland - like any gland in the human body, it produces a specific secret, which is a clear liquid, which in some cases can be released when the nipple is pressed. This is a completely natural process that should not cause any concern. But if the discharge has acquired a white, yellow, greenish tint, blood impurities have appeared in it - this may signal the development of a serious illness. Discharges are considered normal if:

  • Not a large number of a clear liquid that is released when the mammary gland is pressed during pregnancy - a physiological process that indicates that the breast is actively preparing for breastfeeding.
  • Lactation.
  • Some women may have white or clear drops for some time after breastfeeding.
  • In quite rare cases, the appearance of a small amount of white or clear liquid may be due to the use of strong hormonal drugs, antidepressants, or intense physical exertion.

Causes of pathological discharge

Pathological secretions, which are symptoms of diseases of the mammary glands, most often differ from natural ones in a sharper and more unpleasant odor, thick, rich texture and a gray, yellow or greenish tint. The transparent color of the fluid coming out of the mammary glands indicates that the purulent nature of the disease is absent at this stage.

The main reasons that can cause the appearance of pathological discharge from the mammary glands:

  • Galactorrhea is a pathological disorder, which is an excessive production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the amount of breast milk in the mammary gland in a non-pregnant and nulliparous woman. Most often it develops as a result of long-term use of oral contraceptives. With galactorrhea, when pressing on the chest, white, yellowish-green or light brown drops appear.
  • Very often, the appearance of discharge from the mammary gland can become a symptom of the development of fibrocystic mastopathy. In this case, the secret separated from the nipples has a pronounced greenish or dark, up to black, shade. The main danger of fibrocystic mastopathy is that, in the absence of the necessary treatment, a cyst in the breast can turn into a malignant neoplasm, which carries a serious risk to the health and even life of a woman.
  • Ectasia - this is the name given to the inflammatory process inside the milk ducts, which is accompanied by their filling with a clear liquid. Over time, the liquid acquires a characteristic yellow or green hue and completely clogs the milk ducts. Most often, this pathology is characteristic of older women.
  • Discharge from the mammary glands can be the result of any mechanical injury - for example, a bruise or a fall. At the same time, severe pain is often felt when pressing on the chest, and bloody impurities may appear in the liquid.
  • One of the common reasons for the appearance of thick fluid from the breast may be the appearance of papilloma in the milk duct. Papilloma is a benign neoplasm, the exact causes of the development of which have not been finally established to date. In most cases, the presence of papilloma can be determined by the bloody fluid that is released when pressure is applied to the chest.
  • Mastitis is a common disease of nursing mothers, which is accompanied by the excretion of a thick purulent liquid with a sharp unpleasant odor from the mammary glands. The yellow or greenish color of the discharge clearly indicates its purulent character. In advanced cases, there is the development of an abscess in the chest, accompanied by severe pain, fever, chills.
  • Oncological causes are the most dangerous for the health and life of a woman. Discharge can act as a symptom of the glands - while their color can be completely different, from completely transparent to bloody. Special attention should be paid to additional signs of breast cancer - redness and peeling of the skin on the bust, nipple retraction inside, enlarged axillary lymph nodes, palpation of nodules or painless seals inside the milk ducts. When the first symptoms of this dangerous disease appear, you should immediately contact an experienced mammologist and oncologist. Treatment started at an early stage of cancer is the key to a full recovery and a speedy return to your usual full life.


The first thing to do when a liquid of any color appears from the mammary glands is to immediately visit a mammologist, who will prescribe all the necessary tests and studies. In most cases, an ultrasound examination, mammography, MRI, determination of the patency of the milk ducts, a general blood and urine test are performed to determine the pathological nature of the fluid. Discharge from the chest is necessarily sent for histology - this is necessary in order to exclude the development of oncological diseases.

Depending on the results obtained during the research, the patient is assigned a specific treatment method. Most often, the most effective is the appointment of hormonal drugs, as well as antibiotics. In some cases, surgical treatment is recommended. However, do not panic - after all, treatment that is started in a timely manner in the early stages of the disease can guarantee a woman's full recovery.

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The mammary gland is designed to produce and secrete fluid, but you can often find green mucus when pressing on the chest. What can it say? What is the danger behind these secretions? When do you need to urgently contact a specialist?

Normally, contents are secreted from the mammary gland during pregnancy and lactation. Transparent discharge from the nipples, which often become a cause for concern, is also not a pathology. The nature and color of the secret can be completely different, whether it is released when pressed or spontaneously, accompanied by other symptoms or not.

In some cases, discharge is a signal that pathological changes are occurring in a woman's body, diseases are developing or progressing. In this case, you need to act quickly, contact a specialist so that he can help determine the cause and prescribe treatment.

Causes of discharge from the chest

There are many factors that can provoke secretion from the mammary glands. Of course, it is difficult to determine the true cause on your own if you are not a mammologist. But your health largely depends on the timeliness of diagnosis and treatment. The fluid is released not only during pregnancy, after the end of lactation, but also in case of serious pathologies, such as cancer, mastopathy, mastitis, diseases of hormone-producing organs.

The main causes of discharge from the chest:

  • oncological disease;
  • mastopathy, mastitis;
  • mammary gland injury;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • stress, depression, lack of sleep;
  • diseases of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland;
  • diseases of the hypothalamus;
  • lack of a normal sexual life.

Other factors can stimulate the appearance of secretions. For example, after lactation, a woman secretes a white secret for a certain period, but this is no longer milk. Even if the discharge does not cause discomfort and there are no other manifestations, you still need to go to the mammologist to be sure that everything is in order. If a disease is diagnosed, it can be treated very quickly, without complications.

Green discharge with mastopathy

A serious cause for concern is the appearance of yellow-green discharge from the mammary glands. The most common cause (96% of cases) is mastopathy.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on how advanced the pathology is. If you turn to the doctor immediately after the onset of the first symptoms, you can cope with the disease quickly and without much effort and risk.

In the body of a woman, two hormones are responsible for reproductive function: estrogen and progesterone. They regulate the menstrual cycle, cause changes in the mammary glands during ovulation, before and after menstruation. If the balance of these hormones is disturbed, tissue proliferation occurs, and this is mastopathy.

The disease occurs in one of two forms. With nodular mastopathy, a single formation is formed, with diffuse mastopathy, multiple nodules of small size appear. Seals can form from connective, glandular, or cystic tissue.

Why do they appear?

The main reason for the appearance of green discharge during mastopathy is that the secret that each woman produces in different quantities, not being able to stand out in time due to seals, stagnates, changes color, can become yellow-green or even brown-green if the disease launched. In rare cases, the fluid flows out spontaneously, more often it appears with light pressure on the chest.

Before starting treatment, you should find the cause of the development of mastopathy.

The main provoking factors include:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases and tumor neoplasms in the ovaries;
  • pathology of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • problems of the nervous system (frequent stress, prolonged depression);
  • genetic predisposition;
  • injuries and microtraumas of the mammary glands;
  • smoking, regular consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • irregular sex life;
  • abortions.

In addition to estrogen and progesterone, a woman's body produces another hormone that affects the condition of the mammary glands. It's prolactin. Usually, it is produced in a woman in the last trimester of pregnancy and during lactation and is responsible for the production of milk by the body. With an excess of this hormone, failures also occur, which lead to the formation of formations in the breast tissues.

Mastopathy affects women of reproductive age. Patients aged 30-45 years are at risk. During this period, structural changes occur most intensively in the breast, and various factors contribute to the development of the disease.

Associated symptoms

Green discharge is not the only sign of the disease. In different cases, the symptoms are expressed in different ways. Someone else at the initial stage has such signs that cause a lot of inconvenience, others begin to suspect that they have mastopathy when the pathology is already running. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The clinical picture differs with nodular and diffuse mastopathy. Often, women confuse this disease with the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

The main manifestations of mastopathy include:

  • green discharge from the mammary glands;
  • spotting (at an advanced stage);
  • dull, aching pain before menstruation;
  • breast swelling;
  • tissue swelling;
  • seals that are found on palpation;
  • swollen lymph nodes.

In order to start treatment on time and not start the disease, you should carefully examine the mammary glands for the presence of neoplasms. It is recommended to do this every month at the same time, after the end of menstruation. It is also necessary to regularly undergo a comprehensive examination. Simple preventive measures will help prevent the disease. To do this, you need to put your sex life in order, adjust your daily diet, go in for sports, or at least do exercises in the morning.

But if mastopathy has already begun its development, one cannot do without qualified help, so if green discharge from the nipples appears, you should immediately go to the doctor.

How to get rid of green secretions?

There is only one way to get rid of green discharge - to cure the underlying disease. Treatment of mastopathy is prescribed only by a doctor; in no case should you buy pills and use them without prior consultation with a specialist. In the initial stages, the pathology is treated with medication. Drugs are prescribed depending on the cause of the development of mastopathy.

If it is hypovitaminosis, it is advisable to take vitamin-mineral complexes, for problems with the thyroid gland - iodine preparations, as well as homeopathic remedies, herbal medicine, enzyme medicines.

Treatment of mastopathy with the use of hormonal drugs is necessary if hormonal imbalances are observed. In some cases, the doctor may decide to perform an operation to remove the tumors. This happens if there is a risk of their transformation into malignant tumors or there is a tendency to increase.

Traditional medicine has its own secrets that contribute to a faster cure. Home remedies include, first of all, diet therapy. It is necessary to completely abandon the use of alcohol and smoking, limit coffee, fatty foods, chocolate. An effective and quick cure is possible only if the patient consults a doctor in time and adheres to all his recommendations.

Discharge from the mammary glands

Today we will talk about a very delicate topic, familiar to a fairly large number of women. Discharge from the mammary glands can be a sign of a serious abnormality, or it can be a natural phenomenon. On your own, you are unlikely to be able to accurately determine which option your case belongs to, so it is better to trust the experts. They will simply reassure someone, assuring that this is normal, while others will select the treatment that they will need.

Discharges from the chest are different in appearance and consistency, they can ooze from one nipple or both at once, appear with or without pressure.

Let's try to figure out what to relate to.

Highlights on click

The most common reasons why a discharge may appear from the mammary glands when pressed:

  • Ectasia of the mammary glands is a pathological condition in which the milk ducts expand. This is the most common cause of discharge among women over forty. Everything happens due to the inflammatory process in the duct (ducts), because of which it is filled with a thick, sticky, green or even black secret.
  • Galactorrhea is the expiration of a milky discharge from the breast, similar to milk or colostrum in non-breastfeeding women. This can happen with a hormonal failure, in particular due to an excess of prolactin, abuse of hormonal contraceptives, disorders in the thyroid gland or pituitary gland.
  • Approximately the same is possible in the case of a miscarriage. From the first day of conception, the mammary glands are prepared for breastfeeding, and when everything is interrupted, it is difficult for them to rebuild. The abundance of secretions will depend on the period at which the unnatural intervention occurred.
  • Mastopathy - with this disease, a woman has a transparent discharge, either with a yellow or green tint. All this is due to swelling, inflammation and cyst formation in the tissues of the gland.
  • Sometimes benign neoplasms - papillomas - appear in the milk ducts. This is observed mainly in women after thirty-five and up to fifty-five. When pressing on the nipple, a translucent mixture with blood may ooze from it, although as the process progresses, the process will become spontaneous. The tumor is almost impossible to feel. The diagnosis is made on the basis of ultrasound diagnostics and examination of the secretion.
  • When the nipple is affected by Paget's cancer, bloody fluid will be released from it. In other forms of oncology, such a symptom rarely appears.
  • If the breast was injured, then the woman will be able to observe transparent or bloody discharge when pressed.

Discharge during pregnancy

Such a state as pregnancy is full of surprises and surprises. Let's start with the fact that this is a serious restructuring of the female body, both its external and internal structures. We will not be able to talk about all the changes today, but we will learn everything in detail about the changes in the mammary glands.

The female breast is an organ that is one of the first to undergo modification. The first signs of pregnancy include breast enlargement and increased sensitivity. A little further, the appearance of the nipples changes, they darken and also become larger. Somewhere after reaching sixteen weeks, expectant mothers may notice the appearance of discharge from the mammary glands. This is natural if they have a thickish structure and a white, yellow or transparent color. It looks like colostrum, which is later converted into full-fledged milk.

But even in the state of pregnancy, some girls may have a pathology of the mammary glands.

Pathological discharge looks like this:

  • They ooze from only one nipple;
  • Have a bloody color;
  • In addition to the discharge, the woman feels unwell, her chest hurts and she has a fever;
  • In addition to discharge, one breast is deformed, bumps or depressions may appear;
  • Colostrum is not pale in color, but bright yellow.

The above signs are a serious signal that needs to be studied by a professional.

Green discharge from the mammary glands

If clear or white discharge from the mammary glands looks less intimidating, then green usually puts women in shock. If you had to deal with such a symptom, then you must understand the danger, and do not postpone the visit to the mammologist even for a minute.

Green color is a sign of pus, which can form in the tissues of the mammary gland with mastitis, ectasia and other diseases. But the worst thing is the chest abscess. This is an inflammatory process that breastfeeding women are more susceptible to than others. At the time of feeding, an infection can get inside through microcracks on the nipple, leading to the accumulation of pus. Green discharge is accompanied by several more unpleasant symptoms:

  • swelling of the chest;
  • Hardening of the mammary glands;
  • Soreness in them;
  • An increase in body temperature;
  • The skin of the chest becomes hot and pinkish.
In this case, the woman needs emergency care with surgery to drain the purulent inclusion. Then she will need to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy with a restorative purpose.

As a preventive measure, to prevent any kind of mammological diseases, all women of childbearing age should follow elementary rules. Naturally, daily hygiene of the whole body is the most important condition. After a shower or bath, you should examine your mammary glands, and also feel them, making sure that no nodules or other neoplasms have formed in the breast tissue.

Inspection should take place in front of a mirror. First, just standing with a straight back, then raising your hands up. It is very important to evaluate the appearance of the breast from both sides. When you start feeling, remember that pressing and any movements should be weak and smooth. It is best to do this with the three middle fingers of the hand towards the edges. Gently squeeze the nipple and check if any discharge has leaked out of it.

Then you need to move to a bed or any other flat surface, and take a lying position. Again, walk with three fingers along each quarter of the mammary gland, alternately put your hands behind your head and feel for the lymph nodes in the armpit.

If you do not experience any suspicious or painful sensations during self-diagnosis, then you should not worry. This examination should be carried out monthly, it is best to do this a week after menstruation.

You can avoid inflammatory processes if you do not injure the tissues of the mammary glands and prevent hypothermia of the organ.

And most importantly, if you have even the slightest suspicion of a disease of the mammary glands or even just a slight malaise, you should immediately contact a specialized institution with qualified specialists.

The portal administration categorically does not recommend self-medication and advises you to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease. Our portal presents the best specialist doctors, to whom you can make an appointment online or by phone. You can choose a suitable doctor yourself or we will select one for you absolutely free of charge. Also, only when making an appointment through us, the price for a consultation will be lower than in the clinic itself. This is our little gift for our visitors. Be healthy!

Discharge from the nipples - the norm or pathology

Any gland is an organ that produces and then releases specific substances. The mammary glands perform the same functions. Their main purpose is to produce milk, but even during normal periods there is a certain amount of secretion that comes out. It is usually a colorless, odorless liquid.

What discharge from the nipples is considered normal

The secret is able to stand out only from one breast or simultaneously from both. It can come out on its own or with pressure. Normally, this should happen rarely and in small quantities. A cause for concern should be an increase in the volume of discharge from the nipples, a change in color or consistency, especially if this is accompanied by fever, soreness in the chest and headache.

Sometimes an increase in secretion or clear discharge from the nipples is considered normal. This can be called:

  • hormone therapy;
  • mammography;
  • taking antidepressants;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • mechanical effect on the chest;
  • pressure drop.

What can the color of the discharge mean?

Often the discharge from the nipples of the breast differ in color. Their shade may indicate the presence of pathological processes.

White discharge

If white discharge from the nipples is not associated with pregnancy, breastfeeding, or continues for more than five months after the end of feeding, this may indicate the presence of galactorrhea. The disease occurs when the body produces excessive amounts of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production. White, less often brownish or yellow discharge from the chest, in addition to galactorrhea, can cause malfunctions in some organs, kidneys or liver, ovarian and thyroid diseases, hypothyroidism and pituitary tumors.

Black, dark brown, or green discharge from the nipples

Such discharge from the mammary glands is observed in women after 40 years. They are caused by ectasia. The condition occurs due to inflammation of the milk ducts, resulting in a thick substance that is brown or even black or dark green in color.

Purulent discharge from the nipples

Pus from the nipples can be released with purulent mastitis or an abscess resulting from infection entering the chest. Pus accumulates in the mammary glands. The disease is accompanied by weakness, fever, chest pain and an increase in size.

Greenish, cloudy, or yellow discharge and nipples

Sometimes such discharge from the nipples, like white ones, may indicate galactorrhea, but more often they are a sign of mastopathy, a disease in which cystic or fibrous formations appear in the chest.

Bloody discharge from the nipples

If the breast was not injured, then bloody discharge from the nipples, which has a thick consistency, may indicate an intraductal papilloma - a benign formation in the milk duct. Rarely, the cause of bleeding is a malignant tumor. In this case, they are spontaneous and stand out from one breast, and are also accompanied by the presence of nodular formations or an increase in the size of the mammary gland.

Isolation of green secretion from the chest

Any woman of childbearing age should pay attention to her breasts, not only for prevention, but also to exclude all possible diseases. As a rule, the secretion of white and yellow color does not bother anyone, since it is associated with the onset of pregnancy, a change in the hormonal background.

Perhaps someone will be frightened by clots of mucus with blood - here the secret function is clearly violated, and it is not advisable to postpone a visit to the doctor. But what is the green discharge from the nipple fraught with, and what do they talk about?

What is it - the allocation of a secret

The secret function of the mammary glands is associated with the excretion of a certain amount of milk to feed the baby. The female breast was created only for this, and does not carry any other function. The lactiferous ducts are created for the permeability of the fluid that enters the region of the lobes and goes to the nipple.

If we compare the mammary gland with an inflatable balloon, air, like milk, will come out on its own due to the fact that there is a small open valve (loosely tied thread). In relation to the nipple, this is its cavity, where there are small ducts. If there is too much milk, it will flow out on its own during the period of feeding the child, at the time of remembering the feeding or the baby. This is how it works female body.

We are used to seeing only white discharge. However, there are secrets of a different nature, differing in consistency and color. The color form is the most important, since it is she who speaks about the specifics of diseases. Many women have met with green discharge from the mammary glands. On an instinctive level, any mother first of all associates such a liquid with pus or stagnation in the mammary glands.

Important! A woman can be absolutely healthy, breastfeed for a long time, not have a cold in her chest, but face green discharge.

There are no women who are not at least somewhat concerned about the condition of their breasts. There may be physiological reasons for this - concern for the health of the newborn, when there is an understanding of the value of mother's milk for him and the relationship with this state of the mammary glands. Or aesthetic, for women employed in the modeling business or simply among well-groomed ladies who want to effectively present themselves. What to do if frightening discharge from the nipples suddenly occurs. From both at once, or from one.

It happens differently for everyone. Someone in a dream, someone, having removed the annoying “harness” of a bra in the evening, discovers that its cup is wet from the inside and has changed the color of the fabric, making it from pale pink greenish with brown stains.

It is necessary to go on a trip to the doctor with varying degrees of haste. Most women decide that without being pregnant, without giving birth to a child, and finding any discharge from the nipples in 99% of cases, they will be a pathology. which must be reckoned with.

They are different in density and color, up to green or blue, which seems to be unnatural for a living organism. The norm will be white or the color of highly diluted milk. In the first case, this is the excreted breast milk, in the second case, colostrum is a specific dairy product that is no less important for a newborn than milk.

According to statistics conducted by mammologists, up to 7% of patients who come to see patients suffer from diseases of the mammary glands, in which there are discharges from the nipples.

The main causes of discharge from the nipples

Three can be named:

  • Physiological
  • Non-oncogenic nature (benign)
  • cancerous (malignant)


The most natural cause for them is postpartum lactation. They occur mainly after childbirth, when the breast begins to intensively generate milk and colostrum. The first feeds the baby, allowing it to develop, gain weight, the second serves as a strong immunomodulatory substance that protects against allergies, diathesis, indigestion and other childhood troubles.

If the discharge from the nipples is transparent, has no color, and this happens outside of pregnancy or in the postmenopausal period, the main reason is most often the use of drugs containing metoclopramide or domperidone as active ingredients. They are included in the formulation of such popular anti-nausea drugs as Cerucal, Motilium, Ceruglan, Passazhiks.

NOT oncogenic (benign)

Not giving a reason to run to the doctor, giving up everything, but capable of complicating life in the future:

  • Fibrocystic neoplasms resulting from hormonal imbalance.
  • The presence in the tissues of the ducts of the glands of intraductal papillomas - neoplasms similar to polyps.
  • Ectasia (dilation) of the milk ducts.
  • Fibroadenoma of the breast.
  • Adenoma of the nipples is benign.
  • Ductal hyperplasia is a critical thickening of the walls of the milk ducts.

The reason for the leakage of the secret of the nipples, in addition to the pathologies of the glands themselves, can equally be the presence of eczema, which is diagnosed most easily due to the external location and visibility of the symptoms. Atopic dermatitis of the nipple and, in the most difficult case, hyperprolacthymenia with its increase in the level of the hormone prolactin in the blood, which can be of a different nature, up to pathological or pharmaceutical. It is impossible to exclude the physiological, simply as one of the features of the body that does not require correction.

The nature of the discharge is different, but it is customary to distinguish several signs inherent in these pathologies:

  1. The discharge is usually bilateral, from the right and left breasts at the same time.
  2. Appear or intensify when squeezing the nipple.
  3. They are light, color from white to slightly greenish
  4. The consistency of the discharge is sticky.
  5. The structure is homogeneous, without impurities


These are already precancerous or cancerous diseases.

  • Atypical ductal hyperplasia. It is a neglected case of ductal hyperplasia, when the degree of coarsening of the alveoli exceeded the critical one, and there are precancerous changes in them.
  • duct carcinoma. It is localized on the surface of the flow walls.
  • Localized neoplasm of glandular structures, or lobular cancer.
  • Cancer of the nipple and halo around it (Paget's disease).
  • Invasion of ductal carcinoma. A malignant tumor that grows in the breast tissue, affects the adjacent lymphatic system.

Allocations in the malignant form:

  1. Unilateral, from only one breast.
  2. Their occurrence is spontaneous, pressure on the chest is not required.
  3. The color can be pink, bloody, even black. As, however, and colorless, therefore, these signs should be considered in combination with others.
  4. Large lymph nodes under the armpits are enlarged, extraneous neoplasms are palpated in the mammary glands themselves.

Discharge color and related causes

  • White, yellow, green leaks from the chest are inflammatory processes, the most common of which is mastitis.
  • Thick, dark green - the process of suppuration in ductal cysts.
  • Brown (characteristic of ectasia).
  • Watery, transparent are characteristic of the initial stage of breast cancer.
  • Bloody - sprouted papilloma in the ducts.

Discharge from the nipples associated with the lunar cycle

The second phase of the cycle is always characterized by a decrease in the level of progesterone in the blood. If this decrease does not occur and the hormone content remains as high as in the first phase, there may be discharge from the nipples just before menstruation. In turn, the discharge and the very persistence of a high level of progesterone often indicate ovarian disease.

Another reason for secretion from the chest is the use of hormonal contraceptives.

Also, in no way tied to the phase of the current cycle, nipple discharge occurs from caressing a woman’s breasts during exciting bed games. This happens from the hormone oxytocin secreted by the endocrine system during sexual arousal, which, in turn, causes the muscles of the alveolar formations that produce breast milk to contract reflexively, forcing it to squeeze out the liquid contained there from these ducts.

As we age, perimenopause comes with its radical hormonal changes. Losing the ability to conceive, the ovaries provoke the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, which can also contribute to the appearance of the secret of the nipples of various types. Which sometimes indicates the onset of oncology, which is why regular, at least 2 times a year, examinations by a gynecologist and mammologist with tests are so important. Which most often reveal alarming symptoms.

But you cannot rely only on external signs, because of the individual characteristics of the body and the state of each specific immune system in women, cross-signs can mislead even experienced doctors. The operation of hyperectomy should not cause any reaction from the mammary glands, but sometimes these reactions do occur.

So what can cause breast discharge after hysterectomy? Sometimes this is a normal process. But it may indicate the beginning of the pathology. It is possible to identify the disease and accurately diagnose it only with the help of complex measures, such as mammography, blood tests.

infections and mastitis

Abscesses of the mammary glands or their inflammations usually have a bacterial etiology. Less often - viral or fungal. Lactational mastitis, which affects the female breast, is often obtained by a woman in labor when feeding a child when bacteria multiply on the nipples of the breast. The reason is the non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene when caring for nipples. Microcracks that occur in them during their compression by the gums or even the teeth of a child, not treated and washed in time, can serve as an impetus for inflammation, which quickly enters the glands.

A constant companion of mastitis is pain, accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues and redness of the skin of the chest, with the release of a white or yellow substrate from the nipples.

With the development of the inflammation process, a purulent abscess can form, with the formation of a focus of gangrene or phlegmon, in which the chest increases significantly, a jerking sharp pain appears in it with purulent discharge. There can no longer be any question of feeding a child from such a breast, the treatment is surgical, with the opening of the affected areas, their cleaning and further treatment with the use of potent antibiotics.


The pituitary hormone prolactin, which stimulates the production of milk in parturient women, is normally released into the blood by the pituitary gland in very small quantities, each woman is strictly individual. Its production increases only during pregnancy (at first), and then, with active breastfeeding of the baby, stimulating the formation of milk in the mammary gland while actively restructuring it: both the volume of the female breast and its internal structure increase, with the expansion of the duct and an increase in their number .

Failure of the activity of the pituitary gland in the direction of increasing the generation of prolactin in conditions where there is neither pregnancy nor a child actively consuming milk is called galacteria. With her, all the same changes occur with the mammary glands that occur in pregnant women and women in childbirth. It is interesting that the medical literature describes cases when a woman lost a child, after a short time her breast milk production stopped, but then, when a baby appeared with a close relative, or if the child lost her mother, and the maternal instincts of the woman left without a child continued to act , there was a hormonal release, and the breasts were again filled with milk.

It happens that from the mammary glands from an excess of prolactin it is not milk that comes out, but just a white liquid similar to it. Moreover, this phenomenon can also occur in men, which in 80% of cases will be evidence of breast cancer. Both diagnosis and treatment of male breast cancer are no different from those of women.

Typical causes of hyperprolacthymenia are:

  1. Prolonged nipple irritation
  2. long stress
  3. Breast injuries
  4. Pituitary lesion of any etiology
  5. Enhanced nipple stimulation during sex
  6. Thyroid diseases
  7. Liver failure, chronic adrenal disease
  8. The use of oral contraceptives, individual drugs for hypertension, uncontrolled intake of drugs for depression.


Nipple discharge can begin already at the first stage of the disease, when other signs do not manifest themselves.

The main signs of a malignant tumor:

  • The liquid flowing from the nipple is watery or contains blood inclusions
  • On palpation, dense inclusions are found.
  • Nipple sunken into chest
  • A noticeable change in the shape of the breast, its deformation
  • Enlarged axillary lymph nodes.


In all cases of fluid discharge from the nipples, except after pregnancy and childbirth, be sure to go to the doctor! The timeliness of such treatment can stop oncology, in the case of its diagnosis, already in the early stages.

The mammary gland of a woman performs a natural secretory function, therefore, even in the non-lactation period, discharge from the nipples of various colors, textures and volumes can be observed.

In some cases, discharge from the mammary glands when pressed indicates the presence of health problems.

This phenomenon is associated with age, the number of pregnancies, as well as some other factors.

Having become acquainted with the nature of the discharge from the nipples, as well as the main reasons for their appearance, you can determine in which cases you should not worry, and in which, on the contrary, qualified medical intervention will be required.

There are several reasons for the release of fluid from the mammary glands when pressed. They can be both physiological and pathological.

Physiological factors include:

  • taking combined oral contraceptives - some of them contain a hormone that stimulates the process of lactation, as a result of which liquid begins to be released from the nipples (this phenomenon completely disappears on its own when further administration of the drug is canceled or when it is replaced by another agent);
  • "Training" formation of milk in the mammary glands and its periodic excretion - this phenomenon is absolutely normal for the period of pregnancy, it begins in the third trimester as a result of an increase in uterine tone;
  • lactation after an abortion is another normal physiological process, the duration of which depends on the month of pregnancy in which it was terminated.

In all these situations, the presence of secretions from the mammary glands should not cause any concern, however, there are certain pathological processes that should in no case be ignored.

They include:

  • mastopathy - a disease that is benign in nature and is related to the pathological proliferation of the connective tissue of the mammary glands;
  • mastitis is an inflammatory process in the mammary glands that develops after childbirth and brings some discomfort during lactation;
  • ductectasia - a disease that develops in women after forty years of age and is an expansion of the subareolar canals with subsequent blockage of the glands;
  • injuries of the mammary glands, which are both internal and external;
  • irritation of the nipples after lactation;
  • taking antibiotics, as well as other heavy drugs;
  • galactorrhea (excretion of milk from the nipples) caused by prolonged use of hormonal drugs and not related to the process of breastfeeding;
  • the presence of papilloma inside one of the ducts of the mammary gland;
  • the development of various diseases of the genital organs (vaginitis, cystitis, syphilis, etc.);
  • development of malignant tumors.

The essence of breast MRI is described in detail. And also about what is a conventional MRI and MRI with contrast.

The nature of the discharge

Depending on the cause of the occurrence, discharge from the mammary glands may have a different character, color, consistency and volume.

To determine whether pressure discharge is the norm or pathology, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the features characteristic of each of their types.



The appearance of secretions that have a white color when pressed usually signals the spontaneous flow of milk.

This disease is called galactorrhea and can develop in four degrees of intensity:

  1. Exclusively when you press the nipple.
  2. In the form of single milk drops.
  3. Spontaneously, with medium intensity.
  4. Very rich and intense.


Discharges from one or both mammary glands with pressure, having a transparent consistency, are the norm in cases where they are colorless and odorless, and occur in extremely rare cases.

The appearance of transparent discharge, as a rule, can be triggered by:

  • performing excessive physical activity;
  • performing a mammography procedure;
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs or antidepressants;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • mechanical impact.

In all these cases, you should not worry. The main thing is to observe your body and constantly lead a healthy lifestyle.


Discharge with blood impurities can be caused by several reasons, including trauma and damage to the mammary glands, as well as the presence of intraductal papilloma. If bleeding is accompanied by an increase in one gland and the formation of nodules in its structure, the development of oncological pathologies is possible, so you should definitely consult a doctor.


Discharge from the nipples, which has a mucous consistency with a greenish tinge and a significant amount, makes you wary.

This phenomenon signals the expansion of the milk ducts.

This disease is called ectasia and in most cases develops in women over the age of 40-50 years.

During the development of mastitis, a white purulent liquid with a greenish tinge begins to stand out, accompanied by significant soreness. Another cause of purulent discharge is the development of an abscess and the subsequent penetration of infection into the breast tissue. At the same time, a woman has an increase in body temperature, an increase in the size of the mammary glands, as well as general weakness.

With mastopathy, the discharge from the nipples has a dark green color. The same phenomenon is characteristic of various inflammatory processes with the presence of streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli and other microbes.


A dark brown or almost black liquid that is discharged from the nipples when pressed, usually occurs during the development of a disease such as milk duct ectasia.

It is typical for women over forty years old and can be caused by the following factors:

  • hormonal imbalance associated with an increase in the concentration of prolactin in the body;
  • natural age-related changes;
  • the development of inflammatory processes;
  • the development of cancer;
  • deformation of the channels caused by injuries of the mammary glands.

Norm or not?

Discharge from the nipples can have a different color, consistency and volume.

Among all the species considered, only transparent secretions are the norm, which are odorless, occur very rarely and in minimal volumes.

In order to prevent the development of pathologies associated with the mammary glands, women are advised to avoid hypothermia and injury to the breasts, as well as to maintain their normal hormonal levels and blood pressure.

Discharge from the mammary glands when pressing on the nipple can be both a normal and a pathological condition. If the discharge is transparent and has minimal volumes, do not panic. However, if you find an atypical liquid, you should definitely consult a doctor, as well as reconsider your lifestyle.

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What does discharge from the mammary glands indicate when pressed?

Discharge from the mammary glands with pressure is a common reason for women to visit a mammologist.

But even if the patient is seriously concerned about the appearance of fluid, it is not necessarily about the presence of any pathology.

What discharges are found

Exudate from the mammary glands can appear when pressed or on its own.

It can be of different shades:

  • transparent or white;
  • yellow;
  • green;
  • brown;
  • bloody.

It can also be different in consistency: both liquid, watery, and thick.

What is the norm

It is not uncommon for a woman to have clear or whitish drops that come out of her nipples when pressed before menstruation.

The appearance of such drops is considered normal and is due to the increased activity of the hormonal system at this time.

Women who have stopped breastfeeding can observe small amounts of milk from the nipples even before six months. As a rule, if the areola is not irritated, then it goes away on its own.

It is also considered normal to secrete fluid from the mammary glands during pregnancy. This fluid (colostrum) is most often yellowish in color.

The formation of colostrum is usually observed in the last trimester of pregnancy, but sometimes it can begin to stand out even earlier.

Often they can accompany any pathological processes in the body.

Milk duct ectasia (duectasia)

Duectasia is pathological. A similar phenomenon is considered a disease when it is not due to lactation or does not occur in the postpartum period.

The formation of milk in the female breast occurs not only after the birth of a child, but throughout the entire reproductive period.

It is formed in small quantities, since there is no stimulation, and even before reaching the nipples, the milk is resorbed.

When, due to some circumstances, there is a violation of the patency of the ducts or a loss of elasticity of their walls, then in certain areas their expansion can be observed.

The duct begins to become inflamed and filled with a greenish-brown fluid, which is then released from the nipple.

For reference!

Duektasia itself is not considered dangerous to a woman's health, and if the violations are minor and there are no neoplasms, then only drug therapy and constant monitoring of the glands are prescribed.

Complications can occur in the later stages of duectasia, such as the appearance of cysts on the walls of the ducts or the accumulation of milk, which can lead to inflammation of the mammary glands.

The reasons

The main causes of duectasia are considered to be hormonal changes, as a result of which an increased formation of the hormone prolactin begins, as well as a number of diseases that lead to a narrowing of the lumen of the milk ducts.

This condition is usually seen in women over 40 years of age. During this period, the level of estrogens decreases and the levels of prolactin in the blood increase, which leads to a slight increase in milk production and expansion of the ducts.

Together with these processes, there is a decrease in tissue elasticity due to a decrease in the amount of collagen. All this leads to the fact that after the expansion of the duct, the walls no longer take their original shape.

All changes that occur in the hormonal system of a woman during menopause increase the risk of developing breast pathologies. Women of this age are advised to carefully monitor any changes in the condition of the breast.

Duektasia can develop due to the appearance of obstacles in the path of milk flow. Such blockage of the duct occurs in the following situations:

  1. A woman walks around in tight underwear.
  2. There was a chest injury.
  3. Previously, surgery was performed on the mammary glands.
  4. Inflammation has begun in any part of the duct.
  5. A tumor has developed that compresses the mammary glands.

Much less often, duektasia is diagnosed in young girls. This is due, as a rule, to the presence of ovarian diseases and disorders of the endocrine system.


In addition to the appearance of dark exudate from the nipples, the symptoms of ectasia include the following phenomena:

  1. The shape of the nipples changes: they become wider and flatter.
  2. There are swelling around the nipples and areolas.
  3. The skin of the areolas becomes rough.
  4. There are red spots on the chest.
  5. There is a burning sensation and.
  6. Pain in the chest.

Duectasia in most cases is successfully treated with medication.


Galactorrhea is a discharge that is not associated with the lactation period.

Most experts consider it not an independent disease, but only a symptom of a hormonal failure in the body, which arose due to some disease.

The reasons

The causes of galactorrhea can be the following diseases:

  • disorders in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland;
  • neoplasms in the adrenal glands;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • thyroid disorders.

In addition, the disease can be triggered by long-term use of certain drugs, such as hormonal contraceptives.


The main symptom of galactorrhea is the appearance of white or whitish exudate from the nipples. In addition, the symptoms of the disease are:

  • reduced sex drive;
  • the appearance of acne on the face;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • pain in the chest.

If galactorrhea is caused by a malignant tumor, then patients may complain of intense headaches and impaired coordination.

For reference!

Since galactorrhea is a condition that accompanies a number of other diseases, its treatment consists in eliminating the cause that caused its appearance.

The disease is an inflammation that affects the tissues of the mammary glands.

In most cases, mastitis occurs during lactation or immediately after it. However, young girls and even little girls can also experience mastitis.

The reasons

Usually, bacteria of the staphylococcal group become the causative agent of infection, less often - Escherichia coli. Factors predisposing to mastitis may include:

  • hypothermia;
  • stagnation of secretion in the glands;
  • transmission of infection from the bloodstream to the mammary gland.

The disease accompanies purulent tissue breakdown, and discharge from the nipples is purulent.

Symptoms and treatment

In addition to discharge, mastitis has the following clinical manifestations:

  1. Pain appears in the area of ​​the mammary gland, which increases over time.
  2. There are lumps in the chest.
  3. In the area of ​​inflammation, the skin becomes red and hot to the touch.
  4. The chest swells and enlarges.
  5. The woman feels weak and unwell.
  6. The temperature rises.

Mastitis responds well to treatment, but in advanced cases it can lead to a number of serious complications, such as blood poisoning.

For reference!

At the initial stages of the disease, treatment is carried out with antibiotics, but if it turns out to be ineffective, they resort to surgical intervention.

Intraductal papilloma

If a woman notices the release of a clear, greenish or brown liquid, this may indicate the occurrence of intraductal papilloma.

It is a benign formation that develops in the lactiferous duct. Growths can be single or multiple - in such cases, papillomatosis is diagnosed.

This disease affects both young girls during puberty and postmenopausal women.

The reasons

The main reason for the appearance of intraductal papilloma is hormonal imbalance and the diseases that lead to it, such as:

  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • obesity;
  • adnexitis;
  • oophoritis

Hereditary predisposition to this pathology also plays an important role.


Along with secretions, a characteristic symptom of the development of intraductal papilloma is the presence of seals that are felt on palpation.

However, if the tumor is small, then it will not be possible to probe it. In this case, the presence of papilloma is determined on the basis of laboratory analysis of secretions and ultrasound of the mammary glands.

In addition, a woman feels pain in her chest when she is squeezed, and the inflammation that begins near the papilloma often leads to swelling of the tissues and redness of the skin.


Discharge from the mammary glands may indicate mastopathy.

This disease, which consists in the growth of the connective tissue of the mammary gland. The exudate may be clear, but is more commonly brown or green.

Which have a thick mucous consistency - a characteristic sign of mastopathy.

Causes and features of the course

The most common cause of this pathology is regular changes in the hormonal background in the female body.

In addition to hormonal imbalance, the appearance of mastopathy can lead to:

  • abortions;
  • transferred sexual infections;
  • some gynecological diseases;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • stress.

There are two main stages of the disease. The initial stage is called diffuse mastopathy and is characterized by the appearance of small nodules in the mammary gland.

The main symptom at this stage is chest pain, which appears before menstruation and subsides when it begins. In addition, seals on the top of the chest may periodically occur.

At the next stage - nodular - dense nodes with a diameter of 5 to 20 mm are formed in the mammary gland. The pains increase, begin to radiate to the armpits and shoulders.

On palpation of the chest, its granular structure is easily determined. In the second stage, pain and tightness no longer go away when menstruation begins.


The formations arising from mastopathy are not malignant, and surgical
intervention in this disease is indicated very rarely.

Standard medical treatment of mastopathy includes:

  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • diet
  • taking vitamins.

If the pain is very disturbing to the patient, painkillers may be prescribed.

breast cancer

The most serious cause of discharge from the mammary glands is the presence of a malignant tumor.

The liquid released in this case may have a different color: yellow, brown or greenish.

However, bleeding is the most common. The difference in color is due to:

  • type of tumor;
  • its form;
  • features of its location.

Paget's disease is a type of breast cancer that affects the nipple and areola.

For reference!

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. According to statistics, it is diagnosed in 16% of patients.


Unfortunately, breast cancer can go unnoticed for a long time. The earliest symptom is the appearance of bloody discharge from the chest.

Other symptoms of breast cancer include:

  1. Nodules and seals are felt in the chest.
  2. The integrity of the skin is broken. These may be minor wounds that do not heal for a long time. Then they turn into sores, begin to merge and spread.
  3. The shape and overall appearance of the breast is changing. It increases, deforms and loses symmetry.
  4. The color of the skin in the affected area may change. On it, you can observe the appearance of dimples, areas with flaky or rough skin.
  5. The shape of the nipple and areola changes. The nipple "presses in", becomes flattened. Enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits.
  6. The second stage of cancer is characterized by the penetration of cancer cells into the lymph nodes, and this may be associated with their thickening and enlargement, sometimes pain.
  7. Pain in the chest.
  8. Itching around the nipple, areola.

If a woman has noticed such symptoms in herself, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the higher the chances of recovery.

Early diagnosis is the key to successful treatment, so any discharge from the mammary glands should not be ignored, as they may be signs of serious illness.