Anti-stress preparations for cats. Calming preparations for cats: principle of action, indications for use

From the owners of the mustachioed and striped, you can often hear: “My cat is furious!”. And this is not a joke, but the real behavior of the pet, caused by some kind of irritant. A previously kind cat may begin to scratch, rush at the owner, randomly mark the territory, meow loudly, or even hide under the sofa and hiss angrily from there.

Our pets also experience feelings due to a change of scenery, the appearance of new people or animals in the house, an upcoming trip, noise at an exhibition, and other things. The cause of the excited state may also be the call of nature - estrus in cats or the "March" period in cats. At these moments, their little body is under great stress and needs an ambulance. Therefore, in order to alleviate the condition of an excited animal, he should definitely be given a special one. Now in veterinary pharmacies there is a large selection of such drugs. You just have to apply them correctly depending on the situation.

A very popular sedative for cats is the drug "Cat Bayun". It is presented in the form of tablets and herbal infusion and is completely natural. It has a calming effect on cats during estrus, reduces aggression caused by any irritant. The drug "Cat Bayun" is an excellent sedative for cats. It has a relaxing effect on them, relieves nervousness and excessive activity, thereby discouraging the desire to mark corners.

In the nearest veterinary pharmacy, you can buy a special remedy "Catnip" (this is the name of this sedative for cats). It is sold in the form of a spray and the herb itself in dried form (packaged). Liquid preparation should be treated with the favorite places of the pussy. Dried mint can be scattered according to the same principle, or you can fill it with a homemade pillow and give it to your pet to play. In any case, the action of the drug will have a positive effect on a restless cat: it will prevent stress, relax before the show, and give energy.

If your pet is too impressionable, and because of this, he often has a stronger sedative for cats - Fitex drops. A preparation based on hops, skullcap, valerian) relieves stress, normalizes the work of the heart and nervous system of the animal, and helps him get rid of fear. Soothing drops and "Stop-stress" tablets have a similar effect. This drug will help normalize brain activity, thereby reducing excessive arousal.

There is another universal sedative - a special collar. It contains special pheromones, under the influence of which cats behave calmly in stressful situations, whether it be traveling, moving, the presence of strangers in the house, etc. Also, the collar will help animals feel calm during sexual activity, reducing the desire to mark territory and spoil furniture. The duration of this sedative is 30 days.

You can calm your beloved pet without the use of drugs. For example, a cat during estrus needs to be stroked more often, pressed to itself, played with it. Then she will not feel lonely and will more easily survive a difficult period. The restless "March" cat can be let out into the street - let it ventilate and let off steam. If nothing helps, then for the cat - this is castration. Drugs such as "Contra-Sex" and "Sex-Barrier", which dull sexual activity, should not be carried away - they do not have the best effect on the reproductive system of both cats and cats. And if you are in any doubt, be sure to show your pet to the veterinarian.


Despite self-sufficiency, cats are quite emotional, vulnerable creatures, and like any other animals, they are very prone to stressful situations. Moving to a new place of residence, a change of owners, the appearance of new pets in the house, disrespect for fluffy purrs, and other negative factors can cause stress for your pet.

Like people, frequent stresses have a negative impact on the body and can cause a deterioration in the general physiological state and health, as well as a decrease in the body's immune defenses. Stressful situations, combined with improper care, can give impetus to the development of serious diseases and complications in the body. Remember, we are responsible for those whom we have tamed, and if your cat has experienced severe stress, sedatives and sedatives will help normalize the emotional state.

Causes and manifestations of stress in cats

Stress in cats can be caused by a variety of adverse factors. Unfortunately, most often, stressful situations are provoked by the owners themselves. What, for us, may seem insignificant, will cause emotional distress in pets. In addition, cats are very wary of change. These smart cute animals are very attached to their habitat, so a change of residence, moving to a new house, apartment can cause a lot of stress for fluffy purrs.

Cats are proud, independent animals, but despite this, like any pets, they need affection and care. Therefore, they simply do not tolerate disrespectful, and even more rude attitude towards their person.

If a cat roams freely on the street, quarrels with relatives, a struggle for territory can be the cause of stress. Animals can be frightened by loud noise, explosion of fireworks, fireworks, especially on the eve of the New Year holidays.

If your cat makes contact, trusts strangers, someone may have hurt him. Stress can be provoked by a walk on the street if your pet rarely leaves the house or apartment, as well as a trip by car, public transport, for example, if you need to be taken to a veterinary clinic for examination.

How stress manifests itself in cats

Knowing the character, behavioral habits, temperament of your furry pet, you can very easily determine that something is wrong with your cat. Most often, stress in representatives of the feline family is manifested by aggression, excessive anxiety. The cat may refuse food, favorite treats, respond inadequately to external stimuli. Animals can curl into dark corners, meow heart-rendingly, hiss, literally follow the owner on the heels, demanding increased attention.

If your pet has a melancholic character from birth, in case of a strong fright, a stressful situation, the cat may become withdrawn, not respond to the nickname, run away when trying to pick it up.

In the event of severe stress, the behavior of a pet can change beyond recognition. Your affectionate fluffy cute animal will turn into a real, completely uncontrolled aggressor.

Many cats, when they are under severe stress, in addition to a sharp change in behavior, can mark corners, do their business in the wrong place, and constantly lick their hair.

How can you help a cat

Today, the pharmaceutical industry produces many different sedatives for cats and other pets. Owners of pet purrs should remember that sedatives intended for humans are not suitable for animals. Therefore, before giving preference to a particular drug, you should always consult with a veterinarian.

The most effective drugs include:

  1. Catnip. In veterinary pharmacies, it is sold in the form of sachets, a spray based on medicinal herbs. The smell of mint is very pleasant to cats and quickly normalizes the state of the nervous system. To soothe a pet, sprinkle the contents of the sachets, spray the contents of the spray near the bedding, in the cat's house or in the places where your beloved pet sleeps. This tool is very effective and completely safe for animals.
  2. Calming drops. Such drugs in veterinary practice are most often used to calm fluffy purrs. Soothing drops contain synthetic pheromones, which are analogous to similar substances secreted by special glands located on the head of cats. Cat pheromones send signals to the brain that there is no reason to panic. Soothing drops will help if the animal, after suffering stress, hides in secluded places, does not go out to people, and shows excessive aggression.
  3. Diffuser sedatives. outwardly resemble fumigators from annoying insects. These remedies for satiety work by spraying a drug into the air, which, evaporating in the air, saturates the room with an aroma that convinces the cat that there is no reason to worry, and it is not dangerous to be in this room.
  4. Collars. In veterinary pharmacies, veterinary clinics, you can buy special collars impregnated with synthetic pheromones that mimic the pheromones of a mother cat. It is these substances that calm animals, relieve attacks of aggression, eliminate anxiety, nervousness.

Calming preparations for cats can also be produced in the form of tablets, capsules, drops, solutions, emulsions, as well as soothing treats, automatic sprays with refills.

Before using the drugs, carefully read the instructions, after consulting with a veterinarian.

Effective sedatives for animals

Some of the most popular sedatives that can help bring your cat back to calmness and help deal with stress quickly include:

  • "Stop stress";
  • Fiteks for cats.
  • Feliway;
  • Phospasim;
  • Trinorm (soothing treat);
  • Rescue Remedy Pet (Bach drops).

In order to extinguish the natural instincts in cats during estrus, hormonal preparations (“Sex barrier”, etc.) will help normalize the condition of the animal, but still, according to veterinarians, if animals change behavior during the rut, hunting, the best option is to sterilize , castration of animals . Pharmacological agents based on hormones can provoke side effects and various disorders in the body of cats and cats.

All of the above products contain natural ingredients, extracts of medicinal plants that do not have a detrimental effect on the health of pets and quickly restore the condition of animals that have undergone severe stress.

As a rule, the composition of sedatives for animals includes: mint, hawthorn, motherwort, chamomile, hops, valerian. Anti-stress homeopathic preparations for cats have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, normalize brain activity, removing activity in zones, foci of excitation, and have a strong calming, sedative effect. In addition, sedative veterinary drugs normalize the work of the heart, stabilize the heart rate, relieve feelings of fear. Preparations based on natural ingredients are not addictive in animals and have no side effects.

Chemical sedatives for cats

Chemical preparations have a pronounced sedative effect. In veterinary practice, to normalize the condition of animals, relieve nervous excitement, they use:

  • Vetspocoin;
  • Buspirone (for phobias);
  • Amitriptyline;
  • Butorphanol;
  • Nalbuphine;
  • diazepam;
  • Medetomidine;
  • xylazine;
  • Vetrankvil.

The choice of chemical sedatives is selected individually for cats. The scheme, duration of treatment, dosage is prescribed by the attending veterinarian. Sedative drugs of this group are prescribed to animals in extreme, especially severe cases, and only in the case when homeopathic medicines have not had the desired effect. It is worth noting that long-term use of chemicals can be addictive.

When to give cats sedatives

A veterinarian can provide a definite answer to this question. in some cases, the condition of animals that have undergone stress normalizes without the use of sedatives. But still, consider some aspects when giving sedatives is desirable.

  1. Before a long trip by car, public transport, of course, if your pet is not used to, does not like to travel.
  2. During the period of adaptation to new conditions, when moving to a new place of residence, changing the place of residence. Pay close attention to your cat's behavior. If the condition of the animal has not returned to normal within a few days, the animal shows aggression, it will be necessary to adjust the behavior in order to restore the peace of mind of the pet.
  3. For the treatment of mental disorders, nervous disorders that can be caused by a variety of factors (strong fear, phobias).
  4. Before visiting exhibitions, grooming salons for cosmetic procedures.

Sedative drugs will help if your pet constantly "marks" the apartment, goes to the toilet in the wrong places, shows aggression against the background of hormonal changes in the body, during the period of sexual desire.

Sedative drugs, of course, will help restore peace of mind to your pet. But still, try to normalize the condition of your pet with attention, affection and care.

Although cats give the impression of independent and fearless animals, they have a very sensitive nervous system that reacts violently to any stressful situation. It can be anything: a long trip in transport, moving, sterilization or castration, change of owner, etc. Such changes in the usual way of life can cause serious disturbances and stress, manifested in the form of increased anxiety and aggressiveness. In this case, a special sedative for cats will help.

When to use sedatives

Cats have a very complex and delicate nervous system that does not cope well with stressful situations. Sometimes, there are situations when the use of sedatives is indispensable. So what are sedatives, and when can they be given to cats?

Calming drugs are given to cats if they are experiencing stressful situations.

A change in the usual environment has a bad effect on both adult animals and small kittens. To avoid trouble when moving, a sedative is given in advance, 2 weeks before the intended trip. Such drugs have a cumulative effect, and do not begin to act immediately.

If the cat suddenly begins to regularly mark the territory, and this behavior is not the result of a hormonal surge, then this is an occasion for the use of a sedative. This condition is accompanied by aggression, obsessive meowing. So the cat expresses its discontent, shows superiority over the owner.

It also happens that cats suffer from a progressive nervous or mental disorder for no apparent reason. The disease manifests itself in the form of uncontrolled gluttony, sucking and pulling out wool, manifestations of aggression towards oneself and others. The cat may experience involuntary twitching of the head, sharp jumps. This condition is quite dangerous and requires examination by a specialist, and not only the appointment of potent sedatives, but also complex long-term treatment.

Long trips in public transport or a private car also have a negative effect on the nervous system of a cat. She starts to fuss and panic, so a sedative for cats on the road must be taken.

How do cat sedatives work?

Sedative drugs for cats can be roughly divided into long-acting and fast-acting drugs. However, they are natural (homeopathic) or chemical. They are available in the form of tablets, drops, sprays and even collars. Long-acting drugs include all homeopathic remedies, but chemical remedies begin to work almost instantly. But it is worth remembering that any chemistry has a negative effect on the animal's body, so their use at home must be approached very responsibly.

Taking sedatives makes the cat more balanced.

As a rule, when taking sedatives, the cat becomes more balanced and calm. However, it happens that even strong sedatives do not work on the animal. It continues to behave more and more aggressively. In this case, you need to consult a competent veterinarian and change the remedy. In order not to bring the cat to nervous exhaustion, the intake of such drugs should be started in advance, at the first sign of stress.

Everyone knows how mild and soothing medicinal valerian acts. But not in the case of cats. On them, valerian has an extremely stimulating effect, enhances sexual desire, causes hallucinations. Addiction to the drug occurs after the first use, as to a powerful drug. And an overdose can cause a severe epileptic seizure.

Catnip has the same effect, only to a much lesser extent. The essential oil that is part of this plant has a weak stimulating effect on cats. However, catnip does not cause much harm to the animal's body. It is often added to some sprays and vitamin complexes, because it has an attractive aroma for cats.

When using sedatives for cats, the recommended dosage must be strictly observed. Exceeding the dose can cause a sharp decrease in blood pressure, drowsiness and lethargy, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The appearance of such symptoms requires discontinuation of the drug, urgent gastric lavage and a visit to a doctor.

Contraindications for taking sedatives

Each sedative has its own contraindications, but there are some common points. Do not give sedatives to cats during lactation and pregnancy, suffering from diabetes and diseases of the urogenital area and kidneys. Direct contraindications to taking a sedative are: low blood pressure, individual intolerance to the constituent components of the drug, age up to a year.

Overview of sedatives

As already mentioned, all sedatives are divided into chemical and homeopathic. Natural herbal preparations are very popular among cat owners. So, what kind of sedative to give a cat? Let's try to figure it out.

There are many different sedatives for cats.

Relax Plus

The medicine is produced by the Latvian company GIGI, and is available in the form of tablets. The drug has a completely natural composition, one tablet of which contains 90 mg of valerian, 30 mg of motherwort extract and 20 mg of lemon balm. Relax Plus effectively copes with the effects of stress, reduces the level of emotional instability, quickly calms the animal, and has a mild antispasmodic effect.

It is very good to use tablets before the trip, because they prevent motion sickness and nausea, and help the pet to endure the road more easily. The drug has no contraindications, and no cases of overdose have been recorded.

"Stop Stress"

Very effective sedative drops for Russian-made cats. They include not only extracts of medicinal plants (motherwort, Baikal skullcap, catnip and hops), but also phenibut (a strong nootropic agent). Drops are produced in small glass bottles with a volume of 10 ml. The drug improves cerebral circulation, relieves tension, fear and anxiety, increases stress resistance, reduces aggression. A cat needs one drop of medicine per kilogram of body weight per day.

Important. The daily dose should be divided into two doses.

The course of therapy is about 15-20 days, but with strong arousal, hyperactivity and behavioral disorders, it is extended up to a month. With individual sensitivity, drowsiness or aggression, nausea, and allergies may occur. But if the dosage is observed, such signs are extremely rare.

Stop stress drops are used for 15-20 days.


This is a completely natural preparation, which includes the same medicinal plants as Stop Stress. The only difference between them is that Fiteks does not include phenibut. Herbal extracts have a mild sedative effect, normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, the nervous system, stabilize blood pressure, have antispasmodic and anticonvulsant effects.

The drug is produced in the form of drops for oral administration, and the recommended dosage for a cat is 3-4 drops, three times a day, for 14-28 days. Do not use the drug if the animal suffers from low blood pressure. Basically, "Fitex" is well tolerated and has no contraindications and side effects.

"Zoomir Antistress"

A drug of complex action, produced in the form of tablets, helps not only to cope with stress, but also to strengthen the immune system, increase the body's resistance to various infections and viruses. It consists of: motherwort extract, taurine, seaweed, brewer's yeast, B vitamins, ascorbic acid. The drug is packaged in plastic bottles, 105 tablets each.

Due to its completely natural composition, the medicine has no contraindications, and side effects are extremely rare. Only if the animal has intolerance to the constituent components of the drug, allergic reactions may occur. The dosage is selected individually, taking into account the nervous and mental characteristics of the cat.


One of the most interesting, innovative sedatives for cats, available as a spray or diffuser for an electrical outlet.

Feliway is the newest sedative for cats.

Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the composition of the drug contains a synthetic pheromone of the facial glands of a cat (F3). It has a calming effect on the animal, but at the same time it has no smell and color, it is safe for people and other pets.

The French manufacturer claims that by catching the aroma of pheromone, cats stop marking their territory, their fear and aggression completely disappear. The drug helps to painlessly adapt to new living conditions, a change of scenery.

The Feliway diffuser is simply placed in an ordinary electrical outlet, and the active substance begins to evaporate quickly, calming the cat. One bottle is enough for a month, and the coverage area is about 70 square meters. m.

The spray must be sprayed once a day, inside door and window openings, on furniture and walls. The drug has no side effects and contraindications.

Chemical sedatives for cats

Chemicals are used only when absolutely necessary, as prescribed by a doctor. If used uncontrolled, they can cause serious harm to the pet's body.

Xylazine is a strong sedative for cats.

It is a derivative of thiazine, and has a strong sedative effect. It is produced in the form of an instant solution for injections, i.e. the effect of the application is observed already 5-10 minutes after administration. It is prescribed as an anesthetic, well anesthetizes and calms the animal.

It can be used during medical manipulations and operations. Injections are made intramuscularly or subcutaneously, at the rate of 1-2 mg of 2% Xylazine per kg of the cat's weight. The drug has many contraindications, so it can be injected only under the supervision of a veterinarian.


Veterinary antidepressant for intravenous or intramuscular administration, used to correct behavior, aggression, psychogenic alopecia, anxiety, nervous disorders of various etiologies. Often, the drug is used in the complex treatment of chronic cystitis, by eliminating spasms of the bladder.

The drug is quickly excreted from the body, and side effects are often marked by dilated pupils, urinary retention, drowsiness and lethargy, and a sharp increase in weight. Do not give the drug during pregnancy and lactation. It is released only by prescription, and the treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist.

"Vetranquil 1% solution"

Produced as a solution for injection, packaged in glass bottles, 50 ml. The active substance of the drug is acepromazine. It has a pronounced sedative, adrenolytic, hypotensive effect, is used as an antihistamine and antiemetic, helps with motion sickness in transport. Intravenous injection begins to work after 5 minutes, and intramuscular injection - after half an hour.

Do not inject the drug to cats suffering from heart and liver failure, debilitated or elderly animals. Injections are made once, while side reactions are possible, in the form of a decrease in temperature and blood pressure. The dosage is selected strictly individually, according to the doctor's prescription.

Vetranquil 1% in the form of a solution helps prevent motion sickness in a cat in transport.


Refers to long-acting antidepressants, i.e., the effect of the drug appears only a month after the start of administration. Available in the form of tablets, with different dosages. It is used for anxiety, the presence of phobias and panic attacks, with serious neurological and mental disorders, effectively calms and relieves stress.

It has many contraindications, such as:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • heart failure;
  • and kidneys;
  • damage to the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • age up to a year;
  • ( , ).

Of the adverse reactions, tachycardia, drowsiness or irritability, a decrease in pressure, a decrease in appetite, urinary retention can be observed.

Diazepam (Valium)

A strong prescription tranquilizer commonly used in humans, but also commonly used in veterinary medicine. For cats, it is usually prescribed in the form of tablets or powder for oral administration. However, intramuscular or intravenous administration is not excluded. It is used to relieve stress, anxiety and aggressiveness, normalizes sleep, improves appetite. It has a calming and anticonvulsant effect, reduces irritability.

Diazepam or Valium is a powerful sedative.

Contraindications include:

  • age up to a year;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypersensitivity to the active substance;
  • heat;
  • lactation period.

Of the side effects, apathy or agitation, behavioral disorders are noted.

The article provides general information to get acquainted with the optimal solution in choosing a cat sleeping pill, which makes it possible to better understand what is worth choosing and what should be the first aid kit for a cat on any trip.

Sleeping pills for cats on the road

Transportation is stressful for the animal, so it is better to give him sleeping pills. Its action should be short-lived. The following drugs are suitable for this: Nalbuphine, injected 0.2 milliliters subcutaneously, Relanium, injected 0.3 milliliters intramuscularly.

Where can I buy a sedative for a cat on a plane trip, its price and what remedy will be the most effective

The most effective remedy is Stop stress or Fitex. You need to give them a few days before the intended trip. Thus, the components can accumulate in the body and begin to act. You can buy it in a specialized veterinary pharmacy. The cost ranges from two hundred to five hundred rubles.

Sleeping pills for a cat at home drops dosage and how to give

Barbamil - effective drops, which should be given strictly according to the instructions. Usually a few drops are dripped. A positive effect occurs about an hour after ingestion. The achieved effect lasts for eight hours, maybe a little less.

Sleeping pills for a long-acting cat for cutting and washing, not injections

In order to calmly wash the animal or cut it, you can give etaminal sodium. It is absolutely harmless, non-toxic. However, you should not abuse it, as addiction can occur.

Calming for a cat from a home first aid kit with his aggression

If the animal suddenly begins to behave aggressively, then you can calm it down with the help of motherwort or valerian tincture. You can buy it in a regular pharmacy; at home, there is almost always such a tool in the first-aid kit.

Sleeping pills for a cat that can be given through food

Trinorm - the drug is available in tablets, has a firing composition. After eating, it works within half an hour. It is given in some stressful situations, in the case when the pet is afraid of noise.

Calming for a cat during walking, stress

Perhaps the best harmless remedy for pets during stress or at the time of walking is an ordinary collar. It contains pheromones, acting on the cat's body, they begin to behave more calmly. In addition, it is recommended to wear it during sexual activity. Its shelf life is one month.

Feliway sedative for cats, xylanite, fospasim reviews, price, where to buy and instructions for use

Feliway is a pheromone that can be used to normalize the condition and behavior of a cat. It should be sprayed at a distance of twenty centimeters from the floor. You can buy it in a veterinary pharmacy, the cost of a bottle is 1500 thousand rubles, and the diffuser is more than a thousand.

Xylanite - is prescribed for the purpose of calming, helps to immobilize an aggressive animal. Used as a general anesthetic. It is administered intramuscularly. The cost is about five hundred rubles.

Fospasim - the cat has an antipsychotic effect, aggressiveness, fear, anxiety is reduced. It is administered intramuscularly twice a day. Can be purchased in drops. Its cost is about a thousand rubles.

Each remedy listed above can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy. Reviews: we needed to slightly reduce the fear of our animal, for some reason the cat was afraid to walk on the street, and sometimes he hid from us at home. They advised xylanite and fospasim, we chose the latter. The result really paid off.