Way out of deep drinking at home. How to painlessly and quickly get out of binge

Alcoholism affects 3% of the Russian population. If we consider only adults, the figure will be even worse.

In an alcoholic frenzy, it is difficult for a person to adequately assess the situation, his condition, the amount of alcohol he has drunk. The more difficult it is to find a way out of the situation.

Even after oversleeping and realizing that it is necessary to stop drinking, a person prone to libations is not able to do this. He makes a promise to himself that he will take only one dose on his chest, and the day again goes down the drain. This can last more than one day, but several, depending on the health of the person, the quantity and quality of the drink.

If the patient is resolute, it is possible to get him out of continuous drunkenness. It will only take one day.

Drink a lot

An emergency withdrawal from binge should begin with the replenishment of household supplies with all kinds of drinks. The liquid removes toxins and harmful substances from the body poisoned by alcohol. The choice of drinks when you get out of binge is varied: fruit drinks, compotes, mineral water.

To bounce back in one day, doctors recommend using fermented milk products: fermented baked milk or kefir. They contain lactic acid, it is rich in proteins and amino acids, which ensure the removal of poisons accumulated in the liver and intestines.

As a result, metabolic processes are normalized, intoxication is reduced, well-being improves. Dairy products can have a laxative effect, making it less painful to get out of a binge. For better absorption, it is good to add carbonated mineral water to kefir or fermented baked milk.

If you ask a drinker how to quickly get out of binge, he will most likely answer: you need to drink brine. And it turns out to be right. This liquid is a life-giving moisture for a person suffering from hard drinking, because it contains potassium and magnesium salts, which are washed out of the body by alcohol.

The absence of these substances adversely affects the cardiovascular system, causing tachycardia, arrhythmia and other unpleasant symptoms.

Apply medicines and preparations

Activated charcoal will help to get the patient out of a serious condition in one day. This effective tool belongs to the type of sorbents.

Activated charcoal ensures the removal of harmful substances that have entered the body with alcohol. It does not allow poisons to be absorbed into the intestinal walls, preventing toxins from entering the bloodstream, and provides a milder way out of a difficult condition.

The number of tablets must be sufficient, otherwise they will not give the desired effect. 8-10 tablets.

But you should not take other drugs with activated charcoal, they can be neutralized by it. It's better to wait two hours.

Sometimes a person suffering from a hangover is sick, he is tormented by vomiting all day, the stomach turns inside out, spewing out only water and bile. In this case, take a tablet of metoclopromide, using the minimum amount of water. If it helps, repeat the reception after 15-20 minutes.

After prolonged libations, a person may feel an increased heartbeat, frequent pulse. For these symptoms, take an atenolol tablet.

Take hot broth

A popular remedy that can remove intoxication in a day is the use of hot stews. With prolonged drunkenness, the body loses many useful substances necessary for normal functioning.

The condition of a person is aggravated by the fact that during drinking he neglects a snack.

As a result, instead of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, toxins enter the body. In such a situation, a hot stew is a real find. It will invigorate the patient, make the way out of a difficult condition less painful.

Better to use chicken broth. The advantages of this dish are obvious: it does not cause disgust even with severe poisoning, it is not fatty and is easily digestible. The broth will saturate the body with essential minerals, stir up the stomach, make the intestines work, and help remove harmful substances.

Do not take cold showers, avoid unnecessary exercise

There is an opinion that a contrast shower will soften the emergency. Allegedly, a sharp change in temperature increases the tone of blood vessels, normalizes the work of the heart, and stimulates other organs and systems.

The danger of this approach lies in the fact that a person suffering from hard drinking is in a far from ideal condition. His heart is already working hard.

Extra stress can lead to a heart attack and death. The vessels of the brain are also not in good shape. It is not known how they will react to the unexpected shock. Stroke is not ruled out.

Not an option - to resort to walking or running. Excess load for a person who abuses alcohol is very dangerous.

A drunken state is an acute exacerbation of alcohol dependence, when a person cannot refuse to drink alcoholic beverages. Binge distorts the vision of the world of an alcoholic, makes an inadequate person out of a lover of "fire water", who is in constant search for a bottle.

The duration of the use of alcoholic beverages for more than three days is considered a binge. Getting out of the binge requires outside help, since the weak will of the drinker and the persistent desire to be in unconscious euphoria do not give him hope of returning to normal life.

Why is this condition dangerous?

Observing the behavior of a person who has been drinking alcohol for a long time, one can say that the internal state of the patient's organs is extremely weakened, the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines are burned, the blood is poisoned, the liver and kidneys undergo degradation, the nerves are strained, the heart is on the verge.

During binge, the human body is in great danger, and first of all, it is intoxication, which provokes a number of serious diseases:

  • Stroke;
  • heart attack;
  • Hypertensive crisis;
  • convulsions;
  • arrhythmias;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • Mental disorders (hallucinations and delirium tremens).

Alcohol abuse is dangerous at a young age, the risk of complications often occurs in debilitated and elderly people. Women's alcoholism is especially terrible and unpleasant.


Relatives of an alcoholic easily recognize the approach of a terrible period. Symptoms of the disease are recognizable:

  • excessive drinking, loss of control;
  • the volume of alcohol consumed increases, vomiting disappears;
  • degradation of behavior, joyful excitement develops into unjustified irritation and aggressiveness;
  • the patient is shaking, speech is incoherent;
  • unconscious behavior becomes commonplace, insomnia haunts, memory lapses, disorientation are typical;
  • there is an abstinence syndrome (withdrawal), requiring another dose of alcohol;
  • the purpose of the coming day is to find the required dose.

When alcohol endangers the life of a drunkard, or his actions and behavior do not fit into the framework of the law, forced withdrawal from binge is allowed, but most families, for a number of reasons, seek to cope on their own, not wanting to seek help from doctors.

General withdrawal rules

It is not possible for alcoholics to stop drinking on their own, third-party help is required

It is important to help the needy correctly and as safely as possible. There are a few simple rules to follow:

  • No need to make a fuss and take away alcohol. It is better to calm and persuade the patient to go to bed.
  • After sleep, a person will understand what they want from him, perhaps he will voluntarily persuade him to stop drinking.
  • It is necessary to constantly monitor the pulse, control changes in behavior, not succumb to persuasion to get drunk.

It is better to use professional help or take care of recipes that will help you get out of binge at home.

Folk remedies

To calm the patient, it is necessary to prepare sedative folk remedies that support the heart muscle (broths of lemon balm, valerian, mint, motherwort).

On the first day, it is preferable to eat light food: chicken or beef broth, tea with breadcrumbs, low-fat cottage cheese with honey, cabbage pickle, cabbage soup.

pomegranate and lemon

A pomegranate or lemon drink helps to relieve a hangover. Cut two pomegranates (lemons) and boil in a liter of water for 30 minutes. Drink throughout the day in small sips. The decoction will painlessly cleanse the body of harmful alcoholic impurities, weaken cravings for alcohol.

lemon cure

Families with a bitter drinker recommend using a course of citrus treatment. The duration of treatment is 14 days. On the first day, you should drink the juice of one lemon. On each subsequent day, the number of lemons increases by one. From the eighth day, the countdown starts in the opposite direction: on each subsequent day, the number of lemons decreases by one. Lemon juice should be washed down with pure or mineral water, herbal infusion to avoid stomach problems. So you can help the unfortunate get out of hard drinking at home.

herbal infusion

Medicinal herbs are often used as a means to quickly stop binge drinking at home. It's easy to prepare. It is necessary to take in equal proportions the roots of calamus, angelica, juniper fruits, add to them in a double portion of dry raw materials from mint, St. John's wort, wormwood or bitter, yarrow. Stir and pour into a glass container for storage - enough for a long time. For cooking, 5 grams of dry raw materials are enough for 150 - 200 grams of boiling water. Drink like regular tea. The daily rate is not limited (1.5 - 2 liters). The infusion cleanses the blood of alcohol.

Fluid intake

Drinking plenty of fluids is key in trying to get the patient out of the binge. Liquid (especially pure water) will save the body from intoxication and dehydration. In addition to water and tea, it is permissible to drink brine, kefir, compote, juice, decoctions and infusions of herbs, compote, fruit drink from berries.

Activated carbon

Activated charcoal tablets are an effective sorbent that will collect all the alcohol debris in the body. One tablet is used per 10 kg of body weight. You can crush the medicine and stir in any liquid.

Despite the fact that the withdrawal from the binge with the help of folk wisdom recipes has proven itself mostly positively, you should know that sometimes this is not justified, and poses a threat to the patient's life.

A binge interrupted without taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body, without proper control by a medical worker, can turn into a relapse. Even if relatives of an alcoholic are well informed about how to get out of binge at home, it is better to contact a doctor who will provide professional help and reduce possible risks.

medical methods

Domestic pharmacies offer a large selection of medications to help fight alcoholism. But the use of the drug at your own peril and risk, without first consulting a doctor, is excluded, since any synthetic drugs have side effects and can aggravate the situation.


Reduces intracranial pressure. The patient gets better.


The medicine calms the heartbeat, reduces tremor, fights sweating, relieves arterial hypertension, and normalizes breathing. Does not cause euphoria. The therapeutic effect can last up to 12 hours.


Carbamazepine is an antiepileptic drug. It is mainly used as an anticonvulsant and in focal psychomotor epilepsy. Shows good results at all degrees of hard drinking. Recommend the drug even in the presence of alcohol in the patient's blood. There is no addiction to the drug and euphoria.


Thiamine is a water-soluble vitamin. Stops the development of pathologies resulting from a lack of vitamin B1 (poor nutrition, addiction to alcohol, brain injury). Prevents the development of encephalopathy.


Tiapride is a neuroleptic with a sedative effect.

What to do with delirium tremens?

Alcoholic psychosis (in the common people "squirrel") develops after a person comes out of hard drinking.


  • lack of coordination;
  • an increase in panic and obsessive movements;
  • abstraction from the outside world;
  • the condition worsens (hyperthermia, fever, tremor of the limbs);
  • change in the color of the whites of the eyes (yellowness);
  • pallor or redness of the skin.
  • Needed help:
  • do not let out of the house;
  • calm down (take validol);
  • replenish the water and electrolyte balance (drink pure or mineral water);

In case of hyperthermia, chills, high blood pressure, convulsions, urgently call an ambulance. In a serious condition, the patient urgently needs to be dripped. Thanks to the dropper, the medicine instantly enters the bloodstream. A dropper as a primary way of salvation in case of alcohol poisoning is very effective. A dropper is placed by a nurse, otherwise the patient can be harmed, even fatal.

After removing the acute symptoms of delirium tremens at home, it is necessary to carry out detoxification methods, monitor temperature and pressure.

Enterosgel absorbent is useful for detoxification. It will cleanse the intestines of toxins, which will allow active absorption of beneficial substances.

You should change the diet, and make up for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals (preparations with potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, B1, B6 and PP).

After stopping the symptoms of fever, a prolonged period of depression, apathy, nervousness occurs. You can use antidepressants.

But without consulting a specialist, it is dangerous to be treated with antidepressants at home, so herbal infusions are better.

What can't be done?

With information on how to stop binge drinking, you also need to know what not to do;

  • It is impossible to artificially rush the elimination of toxins, especially after a long binge;
  • You can not use alcoholic tinctures and drinks. Any dose of alcohol can lead to a relapse;
  • You can not take a contrast shower and engage in heavy physical exertion;
  • You can not take potent pharmaceutical drugs;
  • You can not put droppers from hard drinking on your own.

Alcoholism is a serious and terrible problem for many families, and non-compliance with these "don'ts" can ruin the patient. Professional medical care should not be neglected, even if it is very ashamed and bitter.

Attention, only TODAY!

Binge - long-term use of alcoholic beverages (when a person drinks constantly from 3-4 days). The organism, bombarded with toxins, does not receive a complete sobering up, becoming more and more intoxicated. Every morning for the drinker begins with a painful hangover. To relieve an unbearable state, a person takes another dose of alcohol.

How to get out of the vicious circle when drinking for 7 days, what to do? You can go to a specialized clinic where the poisoned body will be completely cleansed. But there are ways to get out of binge on your own at home. We will talk about this.

Hangover syndrome leads to the development of life-threatening conditions

Drunken state (or hangover syndrome) occurs at 2 stages of alcoholism. This is a severe exacerbation, when alcohol no longer brings the expected relief, but serves only as a short-term support for an organism exhausted by poisons. To understand that a person is in a drunken state, you can by the following signs:

  1. From the sight of a new portion of alcohol, a person comes into joyful excitement.
  2. After the next dose of alcohol taken, there is no feeling of intoxication.
  3. All thoughts are focused on drinking, no other problems of a person are of interest.
  4. Alcohol addict is unable to remember the events of the previous day (memory lapses).
  5. Lost track of the time and amount of alcohol consumed (a person is not able to answer how much alcohol he has already taken and for how long).

How the body reacts

Hangover syndrome is accompanied by severe intoxication. The unfortunate liver is no longer able to cope with the removal of toxins. The poison gradually spreads throughout the body.

The hangover syndrome in dependent people is fundamentally different from the hangover state in healthy individuals.

The whole gamut of unpleasant sensations experienced by addicted people every morning leaves an imprint on the state of health:

  • vessels are destroyed;
  • the liver is severely affected;
  • the work of the pancreas is disrupted;
  • there are problems in cardiac activity;
  • there are changes in the functioning of the brain.

A chronically drinking person will never recognize himself as sick and in need of help. Alcohol dulls the sensations of one's own body, which frantically signal trouble. And such signals are very noticeable, they can be noticed by a loved one, asking the addict about how he feels:

Pain in the lumbar region. This is a signal of violations in the work of the kidneys. In chronic alcoholics, such pain sometimes reaches critical levels, leading sufferers to suicidal attempts.

Signs of alcoholism

Headache. Such a syndrome is a consequence of the collapsing vessels of brain cells under the influence of ethanol molecules. The blood vessels of the brain acquire blood clots, which very often leads to a stroke.. Gradually, entire sections of the brain begin to die off in a drunkard, provoking a lethal outcome.

Problems with swallowing saliva. This is a signal of a thyroid gland suffering from poisons. If the drinker has difficulty swallowing, he needs a thorough check of all organs of the endocrine system. The problem is confirmed by growing weakness, weight loss and high fatigue.

Painful urination. In this case, we can talk about awakened kidney stones or the development of cystitis. A constant companion of a drunken alcoholic is a pulling pain, which is noted from the right side. Such a sign is an alarming signal about the onset of the development of cirrhosis of the liver.

Symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver

Types of hangover syndrome

Narcologists and psychiatrists distinguish two types of hangover syndrome. Let's characterize them:

Pseudo-drinking. The most common form of drunkenness. It is characterized by a more adequate perception of the drinking personality of reality. A person can drink every weekend, and then go to work, not forgetting about their duties. Either a person has a significant factor-reason for drinking: a holiday, grief.

True binge. The hangover syndrome of this type is much more acute and severe. Being in a state of true binge, a person can no longer independently take a break from alcohol. There is an absolute dependence of the individual on alcohol. A severe withdrawal syndrome develops, and the obligatory hangover does not bring satisfaction.

How to get out of drinking at home

When starting to get out of a drunken state on your own, get ready that in the coming days a person will feel very bad. To keep discomfort to a minimum, make sure you have the following essentials in your home:

Medicines. To get out of the binge at home, you need some pharmacy products. Without their use, it is impossible to cope with hard drinking. In order to maximally neutralize the destructive effect of alcohol on the body, powerful therapy is needed, including the following types of drugs:

  1. Sorbents that help cleanse the body of toxins and alcohol decay products. The simplest and most effective sorbent is activated carbon. It should be taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. But coal is not recommended to be used for more than 2-3 days, otherwise useful substances will begin to be washed out of the body. In addition to coal, you can use Essentiale Forte, Polyphepan, Mezim, Enterosgel.
  2. The stress that will accompany the body in the fight against hard drinking will affect the state of the heart. Stock up on Valocordin, Corvalol or Panangin.
  3. Pain medications with which you can cope with pain in the joints, head, aches, tremors. Aspirin or No-shpa will help.
  4. To improve digestion, replenish your home medicine cabinet with products that restore intestinal motility. These are Festal, Pancreatin, Creon, Mezim, Penzital.
  5. Light sleeping pills: Melaksen, Donormil, Novo-Passit, Persen-Forte. Such sedatives will improve night and daytime sleep.
  6. If you plan to get out of binge using a long-term method, you can follow the advice of doctors and arm yourself with: Clonidine (the drug lowers blood pressure, has a calming effect and stops the tremor of the limbs). It will help to cope with binge Tiaprid (an antipsychotic that removes alcohol aggression) or Carbamazepine (removes convulsions and helps to remove decay products from the body).
  7. Vitamin complexes. Necessary for calming and restoring the nervous system, regeneration of memory and thought processes. When choosing a suitable complex, please note that ascorbic acid and B vitamins must be present in it.

Important Products. To understand how to get out of binge on your own, you should seek advice from our old people. Our ancestors successfully used products that help relieve hangovers and restore strength. These are pickles, pickles, lemon, dairy products, apples. Boil more meat (preferably beef) broth.

According to narcologists, getting rid of a drunken state at home, surrounded by relatives and friends, is much more successful than in a clinic.

There are two ways to say goodbye to the destructive state and cleanse the body of toxins. Choose the most suitable for your case.

Quick method

This method is suitable for people who have enough strength and will to stop drinking alcohol and restore the body. In this case, the relatives of the patient will help to quickly get out of the binge with their moral support.

A quick exit from binge is dangerous for its severe consequences for the psyche of a drunk person. Before adopting this method, evaluate all the pros and cons.

To achieve the goal and get out of binge in 1 day, you need to adhere to one main rule: detox at the same time as protection against dehydration. Simply put, along with the use of aids, a person will have to drink a lot:

  • on the first day of the struggle, it is better to stop at plain non-carbonated mineral water;
  • on the second day, the drinking diet can be varied with fruit drinks, juices, weak tea with lemon (green or black).

Morning. The most stressful time is when the addict feels the worst and reaches for a hangover. It is strictly forbidden to help the body by taking even low-alcohol drinks. You will have to be patient and drown out the desire with brine or mineral water in the amount of 1-1.5 liters.

Effects of long-term alcohol use on the body

Then take a couple of activated charcoal tablets and some additional sorbent. After 15-20 minutes, drink a heart remedy. Now I have to force myself to eat a little. Meat broth, a slice of bread, tea. Then go to the bath and invigorate the body with a contrast shower.

According to psychologists, the most difficult time is leisure. Here family and friends will come to the rescue. A person coming out of a binge should definitely be constantly distracted by something from the thought of drinking alcohol.

Dinner. Lunch time begins with the intake of the same drugs (sorbents). Now you need to measure the pressure. If the indicators are normal, this is very good. This means that the body has started the recovery process. At lunch, you should eat well: broth, bread, sauerkraut, tea with lemon or water.

Throughout the process of getting out of binge, you should drink as much as possible. The liquid helps to cleanse the body of the decay products of alcohols and toxins.. After dinner, try to get some sleep (sleeping pills will help you fall asleep).

Evening. The next intake of sorbents falls in the evening (after 17-18 hours). By this time, a good appetite is usually played out. But do not load the body with heavy, fried, fatty foods yet. The liver has not yet come out of a stressful state and still needs rest.

Dine on the usual dishes that you ate for lunch, take a warm bath and go to rest with sleeping pills. Tomorrow will be easier. The next day will not differ from the regime of the first day. But here the state of health will already noticeably improve.

Consequences of alcohol poisoning

Move more, go for a walk and be sure to sleep well and fully. The next day is dangerous with an upset from the emotional sphere. A person may experience depression, panic, anxiety.

Such sensations are quite predictable and are easily stopped by taking antidepressants and light sedatives. But point out that sedatives should be in tablet form, and not in the form of an alcohol solution.

How to get out of binge quickly, personal advice from people who have encountered a similar condition will help you make this way with the least emotional loss:

  1. Take a cool shower every hour. If a person who is in a binge is unable to move, seat him in a bath and pour water from the neck down the body with a stream of water.
  2. The best food to get out of a binge is rich beef broth. Eat it as often as possible.
  3. Natural honey becomes an excellent assistant. It should be eaten in a teaspoon every 20-25 minutes (honey can be diluted with milk). In just a day, it is allowed to eat up to 6-7 honey servings.
  4. Use decoctions of medicinal herbs. The best option is chamomile tea.
  5. The basis of any therapy is sound sleep. It is important to sleep a lot during the recovery from the binge, up to the feeling that you are not able to continue to lie with your eyes closed. How to get enough sleep, soft sleeping pills will help.

The main task of the process of getting out of a hangover syndrome is to instill in a person the idea that pleasure can be obtained not only with the help of alcohol. It is necessary to teach to see and receive satisfaction from other activities. Only then the body itself will begin to perceive alcohol as poison and poison.

lingering method

The method of long-term release from a hangover syndrome is based on a gradual decrease in the dose of alcohol consumed. The entire period of exit from the drunken state with a long-term method should not exceed 15-20 days.

The main thing in this method is the development of competent, nutritious nutrition with the obligatory regular intake of vitamins. Thanks to this, the body will gradually restore physical strength and protective functions.

During this period, the intake of alcoholic beverages is allowed, but only on condition that the person experiences severe painful symptoms. For a short time (1-3 days) it is recommended to completely deprive the addict of alcohol. During this period, withdrawal and indomitable thirst for a drink may appear.

But you have to endure to the limit of your own capabilities. Each new break is getting longer. Do not forget to take the recommended medications, products that help in the fight for health.

Classification of the stages of alcoholism

To understand how to get out of hard drinking, you should pay attention to the psychology of the individual. It is very important at this time to keep a person busy with something. This will help prevent the development of depression. Be sure to remove from the apartment everything that reminds you of drinking: bottles, glasses, wine glasses, faceted glasses.

How long does it take to recover

It is impossible to predict the timing of the complete exit from the hangover syndrome. How quickly a person returns to the outside world and a sober life depends on the following factors:

  1. duration of drinking. The longer the period of binge was, the more difficult it is for a person to return to sobriety.
  2. The quality of alcohol. It is much easier and faster to get out of a hangover after first-class alcohol than to cleanse the body after counterfeit alcohol of poor quality.
  3. Existing diseases. Getting rid of a hangover syndrome is complicated by the presence of any chronic ailments.

The most difficult, terrible time in the fight against hard drinking is the first 2-3 days. It is at this time that breakdowns often occur, the strongest painful reactions and aggressive behavior are observed. But the game is worth the candle. After all, a drunken state leads to complete physical and degradative destruction, and in the worst cases, to the death of a person.

Before you start reading this article, we want to give you a little warning. All information posted here is for informational purposes only. With our help, you will be able to understand the mechanisms of development, symptoms and consequences of hard drinking, as well as get acquainted with some options for removing alcoholics from it. However, we do not recommend using these methods in practice. The treatment of binges, as well as alcoholism in general, should be dealt with by narcologists.

Binge drinking is a consequence of withdrawal symptoms, which many people confuse with the usual hangover. There is a difference between these two states: a hangover is a common poisoning by the decay products of ethyl alcohol, and it disappears quite quickly in a healthy person. Withdrawal syndrome in its manifestations is similar to a hangover, however, in this case, the body begins to “demand” a new portion of alcohol to get out of this state. It can sometimes be difficult for doctors to draw a clear line between a hangover and withdrawal. This happens in alcoholics with experience, but whose physical dependence on alcoholic beverages is not yet too strong. In this sense, a hangover, it would seem, can be endured, but drinking people try to get rid of it with a new glass of vodka or a glass of beer. The final transition to a new stage of alcoholism ends when the withdrawal syndrome appears after the very first intake of alcohol and then continues with a multi-day binge.

The most pressing question that torments alcoholics (and their relatives too) during withdrawal symptoms is how to get out of the binge on your own. Indeed, such an option is possible, but it requires great willpower and good health from a person, which, unfortunately, alcoholics often lack. The difficulty of getting out of binge is influenced by several factors at once, the main of which are:

  • The duration of the binge (the longer it lasts, the more difficult it is to get out of it on your own)
  • Type of alcoholic beverages consumed and their daily dose (with excessive alcohol consumption, the risk of complications during binge increases)
  • The quality of alcohol (poor-quality, counterfeit, “scorched” alcohol can not only significantly worsen a person’s condition, but also lead to his death)
  • Previous head injuries (if any, binge is more difficult to tolerate)
  • The presence of concomitant diseases of the internal organs and systems of the body (the causes of death during hard drinking are largely associated not with alcohol poisoning, but with attacks of cirrhosis, pancreatitis, heart attacks and other diseases and pathologies)

Also, when treating binge at home, there are strict rules for relatives. In no case should you scold, reproach and appeal to the conscience of your unlucky household. Drinking is a difficult test not only for the body, but also for the human psyche, so an alcoholic needs a special approach. A person must understand that he is surrounded by care, and all his relatives are interested in his recovery. Otherwise, you can cause the exact opposite reaction in an alcoholic. For example, in retaliation for reproaches, he will begin to drink even more and respond inadequately to your comments. When he himself wants to quit alcohol, he will need help. However, we must remember that withdrawal from hard drinking and further treatment of alcoholism is a very laborious process.

Can the dose be gradually reduced?

A gradual decrease in the dose of alcoholic beverages is considered as one of the ways to get out of binge relatively painlessly. There are opposing opinions on this. Some doctors believe that the binge should be cut off immediately so that there is no temptation to drink more and enter a new round of binge. However, most experts tend to believe that a gradual reduction in the dose of alcoholic beverages can successfully solve the problem of binge drinking. First, the person will not experience the unpleasant effects of withdrawal symptoms. Secondly, the gradual rejection of alcoholic beverages will not lead to severe mental disorders (the most famous is "delirious tremens"), heart attacks and epileptic seizures.

For many years, the narcological departments of hospitals developed a mixture invented in the 30s of the last century, named after its creator, the Soviet doctor E. A. Popov. Popov's mixture includes alcohol, water and drugs, and is designed to get people out of binge drinking. Within a few days after taking this mixture, people became more calm and balanced. Currently, doctors have switched to another remedy, namely a 40% solution of glycerin.

There is no correct order for reducing the daily dose of alcoholic beverages. It all depends on the state of health of the person himself and on how comfortable he will feel without alcohol. Some people drink the same volumes of alcohol, but lower their degree - for example, diluting vodka with water. Others prefer to drink the same drink as before, but gradually reduce its dose. The general rule is not to stop drinking immediately, but to do it in stages over three days. This is usually enough to minimize stress on the body and avoid withdrawal symptoms.

Another rule on how to get out of a binge is to get out of it with the same drink that you started. If an alcoholic continuously drinks vodka, then you should not try to replace it with weaker wine or beer - this will lead to a new round of binge drinking. But it is quite possible to dilute it with water to lower the degree. But what about the lightest drink, that is, beer? The answer is simple: with a beer binge, you should reduce the amount of alcohol you drink and increase the frequency between its doses.

How to cleanse the body yourself?

The human body is designed in such a way that it independently copes with toxins and removes them naturally. When there are too many toxins, a hangover sets in; the same is true for the withdrawal syndrome. Therefore, to help the body, it is recommended to drink as much liquid as possible in order to speed up the process of removing harmful substances. It is best to drink non-carbonated mineral water (it replenishes the balance of salts and trace elements). You can also drink fruit drinks, compote, tea with honey and lemon, milk and other drinks - of course, except for alcohol. If the body categorically does not perceive everything that enters it, and responds to this with vomiting, try taking a tablet of cerucal, and after 10-15 minutes - another one.

An even more useful means of self-detoxification is the well-known activated charcoal. However, to get the effect of taking it, you need to drink a large number of tablets. Doctors recommend taking it at the rate of 1 tablet of coal per 10 kg of body weight. Only in this case, its concentration in the stomach of the intestine will be sufficient to effectively absorb toxins.

There is a downside to taking activated charcoal. This substance absorbs everything indiscriminately. Thus, you will lose not only toxins, but also a number of useful compounds (vitamins, minerals, etc.). Therefore, if 2-3 charcoal intakes have not borne fruit, it is better to switch to other detox preparations. These include Polyphepan, Enterosgel, Polisorb and others. Treatment of binge should begin with cleansing the body, and then move on to strengthening it.

Treatment of headache and general weakness of the body

Headache is one of the most annoying withdrawal symptoms. It is almost impossible to tolerate it, therefore, at the very beginning of the treatment of binge, measures must be taken to eliminate it. The easiest way is to take well-known painkillers, analgin or no-shpu. You can take them at the same time, but the total number of doses should not exceed 2-3 times a day. Aspirin is also a good remedy for headaches, which thins the blood and promotes a better transfer of oxygen to the brain cells. However, aspirin causes irritation of the walls of the stomach, so it is not recommended to take it immediately after leaving the binge.

To soothe and return the body to lost strength, you should take baths with essential oils and sea salt, extracts and herbs. But it is better not to use a contrast shower - at least for those people who experience health problems other than alcoholism. A sharp change in water temperature causes a strong load on the blood vessels, and the matter can end in a heart attack or stroke.

Also, do not resort to strong physical exertion during withdrawal from hard drinking. When a person drinks, changes occur in the structure of the blood: it becomes more viscous due to the fact that a certain part of it goes into the tissues. As a result, the heart is forced to work with an increased load, “pushing” thick blood through the vessels. If at this moment you start sports training, the heart will be strained, and the tissues will not receive enough oxygen. However, it is also impossible to completely abandon the movement. Moderate exercise with careful control of your condition accelerates metabolic processes in the body and contributes to the faster removal of toxins from it.

Fighting insomnia

Prolonged drinking leads not only to interruptions in the work of internal organs, but also causes sleep disorders. Insomnia, in turn, can later lead to the development of alcoholic psychosis. To combat it, sleeping pills are usually prescribed, but most of them are available by prescription. When a person wants to get out of the binge on his own, he has access to a limited range of freely available drugs. However, most of them are not as strong as prescription drugs, and this often leads to dangerous consequences.

A person, wanting to finally fall asleep, drinks a pill of an “affordable” drug, but nothing happens to him. He takes pills again and again, and finally the first of them begin to work. An overdose occurs, which can lead either to loss of consciousness and death, or, conversely, to excessive arousal of a person. Due to the action of the drugs, he loses coordination and cannot speak normally, but falling asleep becomes a big problem for him.

If you want to get rid of insomnia and normalize your condition, do not take drugs "for the heart" - Corvalol, valocordin or valoserdin. They can lead to loss of consciousness and coma, and phenazepam during drinking can even cause the death of a person. But glycerin, on the contrary, helps to get out of hard drinking. It reduces intracranial pressure, relieves headaches and relieves internal tension. Glycerin is sold in any pharmacy without a prescription in the form of vials. One part of glycerin should be diluted with two parts of distilled water and drink 30-50 g of this solution three times a day.

Alcoholic psychoses

Alcoholic psychoses appear, as a rule, in chronic alcoholics, and are the most dangerous manifestations of hard drinking. Probably, there is no such person who would not have heard about the most common psychosis - "white tremens" or simply "squirrel". In medical parlance, this condition is called delirium tremens. It occurs approximately on the second or third day after the last intake of alcoholic beverages.

An outwardly calm person who has finally given up alcohol, which undoubtedly pleased his relatives, suddenly becomes restless and agitated. It is as if he sees someone who does not exist and talks to this person. The alcoholic ceases to understand where he is, begins to scream and run around the apartment; tries to hide or fight with his hallucination. He ceases to recognize his relatives and friends, showing aggression towards them, and loses sleep. When the main symptoms of delirium tremens pass, the person feels overwhelmed and exhausted. On top of that, it takes a toll on his mental abilities. Chronic alcoholics, often suffering from delirium tremens, degenerate in the truest sense of the word and lose family, work and friends. Finally, "white tremens" is also a deadly disease. More than 10% of cases end in the death or suicide of the alcoholic. Therefore, at the first signs of psychosis, a person must be urgently hospitalized.

In addition to alcoholic delirium, a person can be haunted by other psychoses during binge drinking and immediately after leaving it. Easier than "delirious tremens", alcoholic hallucinosis is tolerated. In this case, the patient is conscious, answers the questions of others and even behaves quite decently. However, he is constantly disturbed by auditory hallucinations, so those around him notice with bewilderment how an alcoholic is talking to someone.

Another manifestation of alcoholic psychosis is delirium, fear and suspicion. A well-known example is the so-called delirium of jealousy, which, for obvious reasons, affects mainly men, and does not need special comments. At the same time, a person, despite the absurdity of accusations of infidelity, does not cross the line and does not become aggressive. It is more difficult to understand the delusions of persecution and fear, the causes of which are very difficult to predict. The alcoholic always suspects that they want to kill him, and in every word of the interlocutor he hears distrust. Moreover, he may perceive some objects in the hands of other people as a murder weapon, which further complicates the dialogue with him. However, as in the case of delusions of jealousy, this type of psychosis is safe for relatives of an alcoholic.

For the treatment of alcoholic psychosis, qualified medical assistance is required. If it is still possible to somehow cope with somatic disorders with the help of pills from the first-aid kit, then relatives of an alcoholic are unlikely to cope with hallucinations and inappropriate behavior. “Delirium tremens” is especially dangerous, since a person in this state becomes uncontrollable and often dies precisely because of the lack of control. Therefore, if you suspect the development of psychosis in your drinking relative, immediately call a team of doctors.

When should you see a doctor?

Alcoholism is a very insidious disease, which not everyone can cope with. It would seem that when a person feels bad, he easily vows to himself that he will no longer drink. However, time passes (sometimes only a few hours), and the body again asks for vodka or wine. But how could it be otherwise if a person drank for several days in a row, and the amount of drink was impressive? Of course not - the body is "used" to ethyl alcohol, despite the fact that it is a strong poison. Therefore, the right decision to get out of binge would be to contact a narcologist. This is strictly necessary when the binge has already given serious complications to the internal organs and the psyche. It would be useful to consult a doctor even in the absence of complications, since a sharp cessation of alcohol consumption can provoke them.

When should the medical team be called? Look out for one or more of the following:

  • Interruptions in the work of the heart (increased pulse, low or high blood pressure, arrhythmia, etc.)
  • Pain in the chest that radiates to the left arm and left shoulder blade, and is accompanied by fear of death.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, vomiting, bile feeling or metallic taste in the mouth, etc.)
  • Violation of sensitivity and pallor of the skin (or, conversely, icteric skin color)
  • Pressive hoop-type headaches
  • Increased salivation and sweating
  • Visual disorders
  • The appearance of blood in the urine and feces and other symptoms

Like all other illnesses, alcoholism needs to be treated as early as possible. Drinking indicates the presence of moderate or severe alcoholism, but even at these stages, with proper treatment and a person’s desire to get rid of cravings for alcohol, he can be cured.

Binge drinking is a terrible scourge of many families, from which the drinker and loved ones suffer. What is a binge, only an alcoholic can understand. According to the official version, this is prolonged use of alcohol, accompanied by alcohol intoxication. In fact, a drinking person is completely disconnected from the outside world for 7-10 days (as a rule, one or two days is not enough). At this time, the alcoholic completely loses his critical attitude towards himself and his actions, the actions are controlled by another person, completely out of control of the human mind. No explanations or reproaches of relatives simply do not reach consciousness. An alcoholic can only get out of a binge consciously and independently. How to quickly get out of binge at home, we will tell in this article.

When is a hospital needed?

If a person decides to stop drinking, it can be dangerous to health or even life. You can't do without a doctor if:

  1. Drinking lasts longer than usual.
  2. The daily dose of alcohol is sharply increased.
  3. There are chronic diseases (heart, liver, stomach, kidneys, etc.). It is these organs that take the hit.
  4. There were head injuries, especially concussion with loss of consciousness.
  5. The low quality of alcoholic beverages most often causes death or irreversible consequences for the body.

Attention! Even taking into account the high cost of inpatient treatment, one should not forget that a person's life can depend on timely qualified assistance!

If the state of health allows, then you can cope with the exit from the binge yourself. Otherwise, relatives should help get out of hard drinking using various methods and folk remedies.

Correct, calm environment

If you do not know how to help a person get out of binge, we will tell you in detail, but it's better to just leave it alone. The first important step to get out of binge at home is rest. It's good to be alone - any external stimuli, even loved ones, can provoke a continuation. When it is not possible to ensure complete loneliness, one should try to convince loved ones that events are under control, resolve the conflicts that have arisen and ask them not to interfere in what is happening. Experienced people say that it is better to conduct negotiations while “there is a noise in the head”. Residual alcohol will add confidence and will not allow you to slide into aggression.

Attention! The household of a drinking person should remember that at the time of exit, he is emotionally unstable and vulnerable - any careless word or reproachful look can aggravate the situation.

If it is possible to stay at home all alone, it is better to turn off the phone and doorbell, and isolate yourself completely from the world. It is good if there is a close person who understands the condition of the patient and can gently support without slipping into moralizing. If such a person is a wife or a close friend, then sex will turn thoughts in a completely different direction.

Slowly reduce your alcohol intake

Many people ask how to get out of a week-long binge? There are different opinions on this matter. Someone argues that you need to throw abruptly, but most experts are sure that this is dangerous. Therefore, we begin to slowly reduce the amount of alcohol.

If during binge the dose reached 800 - 900 g per day, then you need up to half a liter to exit. This is the maximum, otherwise you will get a "continuation of the banquet." That is, we divide the daily dose of alcohol taken during binge in half - the volume of alcohol for a soft exit.

It is necessary to take alcohol “at the exit” from a small glass, 30-35 grams. This will allow you to deceive the psyche, because the glass is filled to the top. This amount of alcohol is enough to mitigate the signs of intoxication. The same 30 g in a glass will simply be smeared along the bottom and will not be noticeable. You can not drink directly from the bottle - it is impossible to control the amount drunk.

Important! For women, a single dose should be reduced to 20 g, and the daily dose should be slightly less than half of the alcohol taken in a binge. This is an important condition, violation is fraught with another breakdown.

A complete cleansing of the body from the consequences of taking alcohol occurs only on the third day, it is almost impossible to speed up this process - you can’t change the physiology.

Drink alcohol "according to the scheme"

There is a big difference - to drink most of the daily allowance or to stretch the process. "Experts" recommend the following scheme: after waking up, drink a glass, somehow survive the next 10 minutes, then allow another one. Measure time literally with a clock in your hands or in front of your eyes. Drink slowly, stretching out the “pleasure”, making the psyche believe that you have drunk more than you actually have.

After enduring an hour (it is better to measure accurately, not succumbing to the temptation to speed up the action), you can allow the next glass. You can not go on about your weakness - only one (!) Glass per hour. It is naive to think that after taking two doses at a time, the body will agree to wait two hours before the next dose of the “medicine”. After a few hours (the exact time depends on many circumstances) it will become a little easier.

Plentiful drink

Before you start getting out of binge, it is advisable to prepare for this difficult procedure. If there is a person nearby who understands the situation, it is more correct to ask for help.

You need to prepare a lot of different drinks:

  • mineral water (preferably not carbonated, but unprincipled);
  • compotes, juices (especially tomato), fruit drinks;
  • cucumber, cabbage pickles (not marinades with vinegar);
  • milk, whey, tea (not strong), you can add lemon or honey;
  • strong beef or mutton broth (pork is too fatty, it will be difficult to drink).

The total amount of liquid drunk per day (except alcohol) should be about two liters.

Snack is a must

In addition to drinking, you need a snack that is not heavy on the stomach. Fatty and fried foods are prohibited - the liver has a hard time. A small piece of bread or a cracker for the broth, a sandwich with a slice of herring, an apple slice (preferably not sweet), a cucumber, a tomato is enough. By the way, it is herring and brine that retain water in the body, balancing the effect of alcohol, which contributes to the rapid removal of fluid from the body.

In a state of withdrawal, an alcoholic, as a rule, cannot look at food, by the way, the help of a friend will come, who will beautifully serve a snack and convince him to eat a piece. Even a small amount of food will benefit and bring relief.

Water procedures

Upon waking up, it is recommended to take a shower immediately. If there is enough willpower, make the shower contrast. Experts have not agreed on whether a contrast shower is useful or harmful in this state, so listen to the sensations and choose what is more comfortable. During the day, try to take a shower several times, regular or contrast - as it turns out. Water will wash away toxins from the body, open the pores so that the skin can breathe, and simply bring pleasure from the feeling of a clean body.

Important! You can not take a bath, especially hot. The body already carries a huge load, the effect of a hot bath on the heart muscle or blood pressure can be fatal.

Slag removal

Drinking plenty of water, of course, involves removing the consequences of drinking alcohol, but there is an opportunity to speed up the process. We will talk about drugs later, but for now we will use folk remedies: enema and vomiting. It sounds terrible, but it works and brings tangible relief.

If there is help, make an enema with chamomile infusion (brew 1 tablespoon of chamomile in 0.5 boiling water and leave for 30 minutes, then add to the enema), if not, just water (you can slightly acidify with vinegar).

Important! Enema water must be at room temperature. Warm water will increase the intoxication of the body.

Another way is to artificially induce vomiting. For this purpose, use water with salt, soda or a weak solution of manganese (the color of the liquid is pink, it turned out bright - be sure to dilute it). If there is none of the above - a large amount of water and two fingers in the mouth. Through "I can't".


Activated charcoal will help to get out of a long binge and remove toxins, but you need to take one tablet per ten kilograms of weight, that is, a person weighing 80 kg will need 8 tablets. A smaller dose will not give the expected result. Repeating the reception more than three times is not recommended - useful substances will come out along with toxins.

Between the intake of activated charcoal and the use of other drugs should take at least one and a half to two hours.

Headache, trembling and aching bones are relieved by taking analgin and no-shpa (2 tablets each). To speed up the action - chew, which is very unpleasant. Medicines are used as needed.

If you have stomach problems, stock up on mezim. The liver will support Essentiale forte. It is advisable to have heart preparations on hand, for example, valocordin.

Important! The use of any medication without consulting a specialist can do more harm than good. If there is no possibility or desire to be treated in a hospital, invite a narcologist or toxicologist to your home.

Getting out of binge at home is possible, although not easy. We need coordinated actions of the patient, his relatives and, preferably, qualified specialists. Do not forget that life is one and you can lose it at any moment.