Terrible itching in an intimate place, what to do. Itching and burning in intimate places in women and men, itching of the labia, anus

The appearance of itching in intimate places can be associated with many reasons, ranging from a common allergy to underwear and ending with sexually transmitted diseases. To accurately determine the cause of irritation, you should consult a specialist.

When there is no time to go to the doctor, there is always the opportunity to start timely treatment at home. It also gives fast and reliable results.

Itching with odorless discharge

Take aloe leaves and grind them into a paste. Apply the resulting mixture to sterile cotton swab and wrap twice with a clean bandage. Strictly after washing and going to bed, insert this tampon into the vagina and put on cotton underwear. In the morning, carefully remove the tampon and rinse the intimate area. This course of treatment can be repeated for five days. Repeated therapy can be carried out no earlier than two months since the last tampon was used.

Swab with boric acid

This method of treatment is indicated maximum two times in a row and only when the itching in the intimate area has become acute with severe inflammation and an overwhelming sensation of itching and irritation. After thoroughly washing your genitals and hands, take a sterile swab and dip it in boric acid. After this, insert the tampon into the vagina and wait 30 seconds, then remove it immediately.

This procedure can only be carried out for two days, after which it is worth choosing another method of treatment. Boric acid quickly kills itching pathogens, but causes severe dryness of the mucous membrane.

Take two tablespoons of the plant and fill them with 300 ml of water. After bringing the mixture to a boil, leave it on the stove for another five minutes and turn it off. Strain the still hot broth and pour it into a basin with 5 liters of clean warm water. After thoroughly washing the external genitalia, sit in the basin and take such a bath. within 15 minutes. Calendula quickly relieves external itching and kills pathogenic bacteria, which allows you to get rid of the problem for a long time. You can take a course of treatment up to 10 such baths, after which a break is required.

Soda and iodine

These substances are used for daily douching twice a day. within 10 days. Take a sheet of clean boiled water at room temperature and add 5 g of soda and 10 drops of iodine to it. It is necessary to douche after thoroughly washing. If after the procedure your itching increases, you should not repeat the procedure, as most likely you will have intolerance to iodine-soda solution.

Excellent candles with a wide spectrum of action, which allows them to be used even in cases where the cause of the itching has not been determined. The course of treatment with suppositories is classic and can last from 5 to 10 days. If, after using the suppositories, quick relief comes and it seems that the problem has completely gone away, be sure to increase your suppository intake to five. This amount constitutes a mandatory course of treatment. When using this drug, be sure to take supplements for normal gastrointestinal function, since Nystatin causes severe diarrhea in almost 100% of cases.

Itching in diabetes

Chamomile is used as a remedy for itching in intimate places. douching and rinsing genitals. Preparing the decoction is very simple. It is enough to take two tablespoons of the plant and boil them in 200 ml of water. After boiling, turn off the mixture and let it stand for 20 minutes. After this, using a sterile medical syringe or baby douche, previously sterilized with boiling water, insert the decoction into the vagina. You can douche twice a day after obligatory preliminary washing. After douching, the genitals can be rinsed with the remaining chamomile infusion.


This solution can be purchased for a very low price at any pharmacy. Wash yourself with this saline solution three times a day to relieve itching and inflammation in the intimate area. After washing, wear underwear only made from natural materials to reduce the risk of re-irritation. Chlorhexidine can be used until improvement occurs and the disappearance of all symptoms.

Long-proven suppositories for treatment wide range of problems, which can cause itching in the intimate area. To use suppositories, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water and wash your intimate area. After that, accept lying position and two fingers insert the suppository deeply into the vagina. You should use candles just before bedtime. The course of treatment with suppositories is five days if itching appears for the first time. If irritation persists, a double course of treatment is necessary. During the period of taking candles, exclude bread, spicy and sweet foods from your diet.

Itching during pregnancy

To prepare a soda solution, take 500 ml of boiled water and add to it two tablespoons of soda. Stir the ingredients thoroughly to bring the concentration of soda in the water to the maximum level. Rinse your genitals twice a day after pre-washing. Usually, soda solutions help after just a couple of procedures, significantly relieving itching. You can treat with soda during one week, and then, if necessary, repeat the course of therapy. You should not douche with soda during pregnancy.

Furacilin solution

Take half a liter of boiled water 5 ml furatsilin and stir everything thoroughly. Rinse your intimate areas with the resulting mixture before going to bed and only after pre-washing.

Furacilin will kill bacteria that cause itching and, unlike potassium permanganate, will not cause drying out of the mucous membrane vagina, which is especially important during the period of pregnancy.

Hydrogen peroxide

The vagina can be treated with hydrogen peroxide several times a day. For this purpose it is taken 3% liquid and apply to a sterile cotton swab and treat the organs externally. Do not place a tampon deep into the vagina under any circumstances, as peroxide greatly dries out the mucous membrane of the organ. This course of treatment is allowed only for three days, so as not to cause irritation due to too dry mucous membranes.

One of the few suppositories whose use is permitted during pregnancy. Depending on the complexity of the disease a five-day course of treatment is prescribed if the itching bothers you for the first time and is not severe, as well as a ten-day course for chronic candidiasis and periodically recurring itching for no apparent reason. You should insert candles once a day before bedtime. It is important to wear only cotton underwear and wash your hands and genitals thoroughly.

In cases where itching occurs permanent and periodic However, it is still worth going to a gynecologist to determine the cause of the discomfort. In most cases, this requires a microflora smear. Sometimes treatment does not require complex folk remedies, but one tablet is enough. Ordinary itching in an intimate place may hide venereal disease, which requires mandatory comprehensive treatment. A timely course of therapy allows you to quickly return to your previous life, forgetting about the inconvenience for a long time.

The habitual way of life of a modern woman is always full of affairs and worries. But sometimes illnesses happen, and for various reasons a woman can feel very unpleasant symptoms in the intimate area, and this leads to a lot of problems and can completely change her usual way of life.

The reasons for this delicate and unpleasant phenomenon are manifold. From ordinary dysbacteriosis to severe infectious diseases. It is important to identify the causes of discomfort in a timely manner and carry out the necessary treatment.
Today we will talk about solving a delicate problem that can cause itching in the intimate area in women, and we will find out the causes of this phenomenon.

It will also be very important to understand how to treat itching and burning in an intimate place in women effectively and safely.

Causes of itching of infectious origin

Among all the problems that can await a woman with itching or pain in the groin area, several main reasons can be identified:

  • diseases caused by infectious agents;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • diseases of other etiologies.

Often these reasons are closely related to each other or follow from one another. In all cases, itching accompanies the inflammatory process. An irritating factor acts on the integumentary epithelium of the skin or mucous membrane, causing a chain reaction of the body, which is aimed at destroying the cause or limiting the focus.

Let's get acquainted with the main reasons according to the severity of the course and the risk of complications.

Sexually transmitted infections are a large group of infections that are sexually transmitted. According to various sources, these infections are quite widespread both in the CIS countries and abroad.

Chlamydia A disease caused by chlamydia. The most common sexually transmitted disease among all sexually transmitted diseases. It is more common in women and tends to become chronic. According to various sources, more than one billion people around the world are infected with chlamydia. Penetrating into the female body, chlamydia can be asymptomatic in 67% of women.

Among the signs, a sick woman may feel itching and burning in the intimate area, most often when urinating. Discharge with a yellowish tint and odor, pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen are also characteristic.

But the insidiousness of chlamydia is that a woman may not feel any symptoms, and the disease has already become chronic. In this case, a special laboratory analysis can identify the pathogen. Chlamydia in an advanced, untreated state can lead to infertility, the risk of ectopic pregnancy, and intrauterine infection of the fetus.

Trichomoniasis A disease that is not inferior to the previous disease in terms of prevalence among the population. The causative agent of this disease is Trichomonas vaginalis. According to the World Health Organization, about ten percent of people on earth are infected or suffer from trichomoniasis. The danger with this disease is, first of all, the risk of women developing infertility in the future and the abundance of pathological conditions during pregnancy.

Infection occurs through sexual contact and appears approximately 1-4 weeks after contact with a patient or carrier. In women, it manifests itself in the form of copious, yellow, foamy discharge with a specific odor. There are also symptoms such as itching, burning and pain, usually after urination. The external genitalia are swollen, hyperemic, macerations and foci of secondary suppuration easily appear. This provokes pain during sex.

Gonorrhea is caused by a bacterium called gonococcus. Once in the female body, it manifests itself as acute gonorrheal urethritis. Symptoms of the disease include burning and tickling in the distal urethra. Frequent urination is accompanied by pain. The discharge is purulent. Some women have no symptoms, but this does not mean that infection has not occurred.

The inflammatory process rises. In women, the inner lining of the uterus is affected in the form of endometritis, the fallopian tubes and ovaries in the form of salpingo-ovoritis. The urinary organs are affected in the form of urethritis and cystitis. The process becomes chronic and in the future increases the risk of developing infertility and adhesive disease of the pelvic organs.

Condylomas These unpleasant formations on the external genitalia occur as a result of infection with the human papillomavirus. In some women, the presence of warts is accompanied by discomfort in the area of ​​the vaginal opening and around the anal canal. It should be remembered that it is the human papillomavirus that has been proven to cause cervical cancer.

Genital herpes The herpes virus is present in the body of many people. For some, the disease manifests itself on the lips, usually after hypothermia. In other words, the virus is suppressed by the body’s immune system. When stress occurs or other diseases lower the body's immune defense, the herpes virus appears on the skin.

Genital herpes appears due to contact with a sick person or carrier. The woman begins to feel itching and burning in the intimate area. Then bubbles filled with liquid appear. In addition to the above symptoms, women are concerned about pain and redness. The infection, under favorable conditions, can penetrate the body and affect the reproductive organs.

Mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis This disease occurs in both men and women. The main symptom is pain and an unpleasant burning sensation in the urethra. Women become infected during sexual intercourse and due to the proximity of the vagina and urethra, the first unpleasant manifestations are felt in the urethra. The incubation period lasts ten days.

Women suffer from these ailments more than men. Mycoplasma affects the vagina, cervical canal and cervix. But more serious conditions can arise if a woman falls ill during pregnancy. Even if there are no active manifestations of the disease, pathology of the placenta may develop and, as a result, failure to carry the fetus to term. The chronic form causes secondary infertility.

As for ureaplasma, doctors and microbiologists cannot decide whether ureaplasma is a conditionally pathogenic microflora or whether it colonizes the mucous membrane after contact with a sick person. It is a small defective bacterium without a cell wall. The uniqueness of ureaplasma is that they cannot live and function without urea. Urea is a constituent chemical compound of urine. The clinical manifestation is similar to mycoplasma.

During the illness, burning, itching and rarely pain during urination appear. But the insidious thing is that the disease proceeds unnoticed and sometimes secretly, but, nevertheless, affects the female reproductive system. This entails problems with conception and further pregnancy.

Candidiasis - or thrush A disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida and affecting the mucous membrane of the female genital organs, and sometimes internal organs.

This disease is exclusively female, although men can contribute to its transmission. Fungi of the genus Candida live on the mucous membrane without damaging it, but under certain conditions they begin to multiply excessively and cause symptoms of candidiasis.

Conditions for the development of the disease:

  • decreased immunity;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • change in vaginal acidity.

Yeast-like fungi affect not only the external genital organs, but also the internal genital organs and intestines. In severe cases, fungi affect the oral cavity, esophagus, and bladder.

Normally, the vagina has an acidic environment, which is what stops candida from multiplying. When these factors combine, a disease occurs. Also, normally in the vagina there is a mutually beneficial relationship between fungi, viruses of special bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis and lactobacilli.

When the balance in this peaceful microscopic kingdom is disturbed, problems arise. The main regulator is lactobacilli. They deprive Candida fungi of food. The main symptoms of thrush are thick, whitish vaginal discharge. Severe itching and burning. The mucous membrane of the vulva and vagina is bright red and bleeds easily. Pain may be present during urination and during sexual intercourse.

Bacterial vaginitis This pathological condition of the vaginal mucosa, as in the case of thrush, is caused by a violation of the symbiosis between opportunistic bacteria and lactobacilli. Symptoms include itching, burning and discharge. The color of the discharge varies from white to yellow-green.

The unpleasant smell of “raw fish” remains a specific symptom. This condition causes a woman a lot of trouble and there remains a risk of complications. Any inflammatory process in the vagina can lead to an ascending infection. Bacterial vaginitis is especially dangerous during pregnancy, as a special source of infection for the fetus.

Phthiriasis This is an infestation of pubic lice. The disease is extremely unpleasant and is associated with poor hygiene. But you can become infected by using shared hygiene items and towels. The traditional sexual route is not in last place in terms of methods of infection.

Causes of non-infectious itching

Allergic reaction to male ejaulant. In rare cases, a woman may experience a reaction if a man's seminal fluid enters the vagina. Manifests itself as a normal allergy in the form of redness , swelling and burning sensation.

Itching is also a frequent companion to allergies. Particular concern should be expressed if such a reaction occurs between a husband and wife who want to have children. This may occur if a man has consumed unusual foods or medications.

The above problems await young women of reproductive age.

But there is a special category of pathologies that a woman may have during the premenopausal period or during menopause. A woman's hormonal background changes. Some types of hormones are replaced by others, but under the influence of different factors, disruptions in the ratio of hormones occur, then the following conditions arise.

Kraurosis This is a formidable precancerous disease of the external genitalia of a woman. Its essence lies in the degenerative processes of the stratified squamous epithelium of the skin and mucous membrane with the subsequent development of atrophy. The reasons are not entirely known; age-related estrogen deficiency plays an important role.

A woman complains of severe dry skin of the external genital organs in the form of itching, discomfort and burning. Over time and the progression of the disease, soft tissues begin to undergo changes. The skin becomes thinner, easily injured and macerated. The labia are smoothed out and the entrance to the vagina can become critically narrowed. The process may eventually spread to the perineum. Diagnosis is made based on microscopic examination of a skin biopsy.

Dystrophic changes in the mucosa Does not apply to a precancerous condition of the previous cause. A woman during menopause produces little lubrication, so a woman may experience some discomfort and even itching in the intimate area. There are no changes visible to the naked eye or under a microscope on the skin and mucous membranes; it’s just that with age a lack of hormones occurs.

Malignant neoplasms E This is a large group of diseases that are accompanied not only by itching, but also by a number of other manifestations. Neoplasms can affect the vulva and vagina, as well as the cervix and the uterus itself.

Fistula tracts Narrow pathological tracts in soft tissues, interconnecting in some cases the vagina and rectum, vagina and urinary organs. The reasons are varied, mainly surgical operations, cesarean section, and trauma. In addition to discomfort, they are accompanied by inflammation.

The next group of causes of itching in the intimate area does not belong to any diseases, but is not inferior to them in frequency of occurrence among women.

Hygiene Improper hair removal in intimate areas. If this procedure is performed at home using a razor and foam, then some mistakes can cause burning and pain in the labia area.

Shaving against the hair growth with a not very sharp razor, ingrown hairs, skin microtraumas and their suppuration. Improper use of shaving products and after shaving. Repetition of such mistakes provokes irritation, inflammation and maceration of delicate skin.

Personal hygiene products in the form of panty liners and pads for use during menstruation. Manufacturers have filled supermarket shelves with a huge number of sanitary pads for every taste.

But sometimes, in the pursuit of cheapness, the quality of this product seriously suffers. Low quality materials have the ability to cause allergies. If this happens, you should immediately stop using this brand of product and consult a doctor.

Insufficient hygiene. For various reasons, an insufficient number of water treatments per day can cause burning and itching; in addition, there is a high risk of developing pathological conditions such as thrush and bacterial vaginitis.

Water procedures are especially relevant in summer. During this period, excessive sweating provokes the appearance of chafing and inflammation in the intimate area. Regularly changing pads and tampons, as well as using wet wipes for intimate care, will help cope with this problem.

Diseases of the digestive tract These include systemic intestinal diseases associated with impaired bowel movements. Intestinal dysbiosis can lead to thrush. Chronic and acute hemorrhoids, chronic anal fissures, fistulas, epithelial coccygeal ducts.

These are diseases that are treated by a surgeon-proctologist. All of them bring suffering to a person and are manifested by pain, bleeding and itching in the perineal area.

Underwear The poor quality of the fabric from which underwear is made causes itching and irritation. Synthetic fabrics do not absorb sweat, and natural vaginal discharge thereby promotes reproduction pathogenic bacteria.

In addition, the greenhouse effect plays an important role here, when an increased temperature is created in the intimate area. Narrow, uncomfortable styles of underwear injure the skin and mucous membranes.

Soaps and hygiene gels - allergies often manifest themselves to the chemical components of shower gels, soaps, lotions and deodorants. Pads, tampons, and toilet paper can also act as allergens.

Contraceptives The most common type of protection is a condom. However, the material from which these things are made causes an immediate reaction in some women, manifested by itching and burning.

Lubricants, spermicides, diaphragms - all of these can cause unwanted reactions. The undesirable effect occurs directly during the use of a condom or immediately after sexual intercourse.

Diets Passion for diets in which one type of product is in the lead and a lack of balanced nutrition reduces the amount of vitamins consumed. This adversely affects the immune system. Vitamins of group A are directly involved in the regeneration of the skin epithelium and mucous membranes. A lack of vitamins in the diet causes a disruption in the structure of the integumentary layer, resulting in itching and burning.

Senile itching Very often the cause of itching is age-related changes, in this case it can be recommended to take sedatives, tranquilizers that improve liver function, take vitamins A and E. Soften the skin with good creams. In this case, Ovestin suppositories are prescribed.

Risk factors

There are several body conditions that can contribute to the development of almost all of these problems in the intimate area.

  1. Diabetes mellitus is a serious metabolic disease with impaired absorption of carbohydrates. In this case, local immunity is impaired. Develop faster in diabetes bacterial infections, mainly of coccal etiology, causing complications . Also, itching and burning in the intimate area can be an immediate symptom of diabetes.
  2. Allergic reactions are a general sessibility of the body to an allergen, which provokes the appearance of discomfort in the perineal area.
  3. Overwork syndrome is a long-term stressful situation that causes emotional tension and fatigue, and reduces immunity. But in addition to problems with the immune system, depression, increased anxiety and restlessness can cause paresthesia, including in the genital area. Itching in various parts of the body is often a symptom of mental disorders.
  4. Diseases of the thyroid gland, insufficiency of liver and kidney function, anemia of various origins. All these pathological conditions not only change the normal functioning of the entire body, but also directly affect the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

Itching in the intimate area during pregnancy

Normally, a woman expecting a baby should not experience itching or burning. Sharp changes in hormonal levels provoke the proliferation of fungi of the genus Candida and symbiotic bacteria. Therefore, if you experience unpleasant sensations, you should not wait for self-healing, but you should urgently consult your doctor.

The second factor is the reduced immunity of the poor mother. According to statistics, up to 85% of pregnant women suffer from candidiasis. When the placenta forms at the beginning of the second trimester, there will be more discharge. It is necessary to monitor the color, consistency and smell of these secretions. In case of an unpleasant odor, also contact a specialist. The expectant mother must take special care to maintain personal hygiene; this is very important for her health and the health of the baby.

What to do if itching occurs

Contact a gynecologist. The doctor will be able to professionally evaluate the emerging changes in the skin and mucous membranes. Assess the type of disease and stage. To confirm, he will order the necessary laboratory tests:

  1. A vaginal smear allows you to assess the state of the microflora and identify the pathogen.
  2. Cytological examination is an assessment of not only the presence or absence of microorganisms, but also the condition of the integumentary epithelial cells.
  3. Biopsy is a more in-depth analysis with the study of cells of the integumentary epithelium of the skin and mucous membranes with the submucosal layer. This diagnostic method is used to diagnose neoplasms.
  4. General tests - clinical analysis of blood and urine, as well as biochemical analysis to identify dysfunction of the liver and kidneys.
  5. Detection of hormone levels – reproductive and thyroid hormones.
  6. PCR is a type of analysis for the presence of a specific pathogen in a smear.

Treatment of itching in the intimate area in women

If the cause of itching in the intimate area is not dangerous bacteria that can cause serious complications and require long-term hospital treatment, then these problems can be eliminated using a few simple rules:

  1. Keep your genitals perfectly clean. Carry out water procedures at least three times a day. If this is not possible due to circumstances, then use wet wipes.
  2. Replace hygiene products that cause irritation. Choose panty liners and tampons with extreme caution, and do not buy low-grade, cheap items. Replace hygiene products at least every two hours.
  3. Wear underwear made of cotton fabric. Choose a comfortable style in the right size.
  4. Make baths with antibacterial medicinal herbs.
  5. If your doctor does not prohibit it, then douche with antiseptic substances for the skin and mucous membranes.
  6. Use skin soothing products after shaving.
  7. Avoid lack of vitamins and microelements in your food. Choose diets that comply with all the principles of rational nutrition.
  8. Maintain good sexual hygiene.

We treat itching of the intimate area at home with folk remedies

Simple and effective folk methods can relieve the unpleasant sensations of burning and itching in the intimate area in women.

Before you start using traditional methods, you must establish the exact cause of the itching and begin treatment prescribed by your doctor. Many folk remedies complement basic drug therapy well and are effective in relieving itching.

In a liter of boiling water, dilute one teaspoon of soda, cool so that the solution is pleasantly warm. The resulting solution should be used to douche the vagina twice a day - morning and evening. This method will relieve itching, but it will not get rid of the causative agent of the unpleasant condition.

Aloe pulp

To treat, you need to grind the aloe leaves in a meat grinder and soak cotton swabs in the resulting pulp. After
douching, in order for the vaginal mucosa to heal, you need to insert tampons soaked in aloe juice at night.

Iodine solution with added salt

For douching, you need to prepare a solution in one liter of boiled water. Add soda to the water - 1 teaspoon, salt - 1 teaspoon and iodine - 10 drops. You need to douche with the resulting medicinal solution in the morning and evening. This procedure has a combined effect of medicinal substances on the vaginal mucosa: washing out fungi, drying and disinfection.

Decoctions and infusions of chamomile and calendula

To prepare a healing decoction, add 2 tablespoons of chamomile to 200 milliliters of water and boil. After this, remove from the heat and leave for 20 minutes. We use this decoction for douching in the morning and evening.

In infusions of medicinal herbs calendula and chamomile, it is very good to take sitz baths; you can also add a little sea salt to these baths. This simple procedure is very helpful in dealing with itching. After taking a bath, you need to dry your genitals well.

Basil decoction

Pour a tablespoon of basil into two glasses of water and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Infuse the resulting decoction for 30 minutes, filter and take orally for treatment. You need to drink 100 milliliters four times a day. This remedy helps the body cope well with various types of infections.

Yogurt and dairy products

To restore and normalize the vaginal mucosa, it is necessary to eat various fermented milk products, such as yogurt, kefir, as they contain beneficial bacteria. It is very important to eat fermented milk products while taking antibiotics. In addition to yogurt, it is useful to take various supplements, such as acidophilus or lactobacilli.

Drug treatment

To effectively treat itching in an intimate place in women, folk remedies are used in complex therapy with mediants; this approach gives excellent results and allows one to cope well with the disease.


  1. Boromenthol is recommended when a similar symptom, namely itching, occurs during menopause, with age-related changes, kidney disease, dermatitis, diabetes mellitus and cholestasis.
  2. Nezulin - this ointment has good antimicrobial and antiseptic properties.
  3. Gistan - has a good antiallergic and antifungal effect.
  4. Fenistil - this ointment relieves allergic symptoms.


Treatment with tablets is prescribed in the hospital based on the reasons that caused the discomfort. For the following diseases, you need to take the following medications:

  • Trichopolum - for trichomoniasis;
  • Suprastin, Claritin - for allergic reactions;
  • Herpevir, Acyclovir - for herpes;
  • Metronidazole - for Gardnarella.


In conclusion, it should be recalled that women’s health directly depends on a woman’s common sense and compliance with simple rules of personal hygiene. The main function of women is to bear and give birth to healthy offspring. Itching in the intimate area in women and the causes of its occurrence can cause serious harm to the body. Sometimes, due to health problems, women remain infertile, this can forever poison life and destroy a marriage.

If a sensitive problem arises, immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe effective and safe treatment for you.

Burning is a condition in which there is a constant desire to scratch one or another part of the body, accompanied by heat. This problem occurs for many reasons, resembling pain in nature, as very sensitive nerve endings are irritated. This condition is not normal, so if there is redness of the labia or an unpleasant burning sensation, you need to think about the health of the reproductive system. Below we will look at how to treat itching and burning in the intimate area in women at home.

Causes of burning in an intimate place in women

The first cause of irritation in the intimate area is often improper care of the delicate skin of the genital organs. For example, on a long trip or hike, when it is difficult to find warm water for delicate hygiene. Sanitary napkins will help cope with the problem. Of course, they cannot replace water, but they will relieve irritation and itching. If after hygiene the discomfort of the genital organs does not go away, then consider other options for the problem:

  • allergic reaction to intimate cleanser;
  • the use of synthetic underwear that rubs the skin;
  • abuse of drugs that disrupt the beneficial microflora of the vagina;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • inflammatory diseases of the external genitalia (vulvitis or vulvar itching).
  • damage to the genitals during depilation;
  • frequent use of antiseptics such as chlorhexidine or miramistin;
  • bacterial infection of the genital organs (trichomoniasis, genital herpes, and others);
  • fungal pathologies (thrush, candidiasis, vaginosis).

Irritation and drying

Before you panic when your intimate area is irritated, take a closer look at the problem. Perhaps it arose due to loss of moisture from the vaginal mucosa. This can happen for several reasons. Vaginal dryness and irritation often occurs when a woman enters menopause, when hormonal levels are disrupted.

The risk group includes all women over 40 years of age. Another reason is a deficiency in the body’s production of hyaluronic acid, which maintains skin tone, making it elastic. Treatment of irritation and dryness of the vagina is carried out after examination by a gynecologist.

Dryness and redness

Often the cause of discomfort in the intimate area is redness of the skin of the labia, accompanied by vaginal dryness. This may occur due to allergies to bikini products or creams, condoms or medications, tampons or pads. The cause of redness of the labia in a woman can be hormonal changes that are associated with changes in the menstrual cycle. You can see what a dry vagina looks like in photos on the Internet.

Pain when urinating

Painful trips to the toilet can happen to an adult woman, a young girl, or a little girl. The most common cause of pain, cutting, and burning when urinating is cystitis. This disease is associated with the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the urethra that affect the bladder. The infection causes sharp pain, frequent urge to urinate, burning and itching in the intimate area. There are several ways that microbes enter the genitourinary system:

  • Poor intimate hygiene (ascending).
  • Kidney disease (descending).
  • Spread through the lymph.
  • Entry of fungi and microorganisms through the blood.

During menopause (menopause)

If a woman’s genitals are irritated after 45 years of age, this is a clear sign of the onset of menopause. After all, during menopause, the epithelium of the genital area becomes thinner and loses its elasticity due to the fact that collagen fibers decrease. Also, the secretory activity of the glands decreases, which leads to vaginal dryness.

All these factors enhance the development of atrophic processes that occur in the woman’s vagina and perineum. It is not always possible to endure the burning and itching, and this leads to scratching of the genital area, which, in turn, provokes the occurrence of additional additional erosions, cracks, and infections.

Burning after intimacy

Intimate intimacy does not always bring joy and pleasant sensations. Often, women complain to the doctor that they experience itching and burning in the intimate area after intimacy (sexual intercourse). If we exclude a possible allergy to latex or flavor (condom components), then the main cause of discomfort is thrush (candidiasis). This is a fungal infectious disease, which is caused by the numerous proliferation of fungi of the genus Candida, accompanied by white discharge.

You can get rid of this scourge in 1-2 weeks, and both partners should be treated so that re-infection does not occur. Men also experience itching and burning, but the symptoms are mild.

Discomfort before menstruation

Shortly before menstruation, women sometimes feel a strong burning sensation, vaginal dryness, and itching of the genitals. The most likely cause of concern is low estrogen levels, which disrupts the beneficial microflora of the vagina. An unpleasant odor from the genitals before menstruation can be caused by infectious diseases that appear during hormonal changes.

During pregnancy

Severe burning in the intimate area in pregnant women is not uncommon, because the body is in an altered state. The usual way of life is disrupted, hormonal levels are rearranged, and various medications are used to help maintain the health of the fetus. All these factors provoke discomfort in the genital area in pregnant women. To rule out allergies, infections, and remove psychological discomfort, you should immediately contact a gynecologist at the first sign of itching or burning.

After taking antibiotics

Taking antibiotics is another reason for discomfort in the intimate area in women. Itching and burning in the vagina are caused by dysbiosis, because antibiotics kill not only the infection and remove inflammation, but also the natural flora that is found in the intestines and vagina. Immunity decreases, the body loses protection, pathogenic bacteria multiply, vaginal dysbiosis develops, which causes a burning sensation and itching in the perineum.

Treatment of burning in the intimate area in women

A gynecologist will tell you the cause of itching and how to treat the burning sensation, because their origin can be different, so the course of therapy is prescribed individually based on clinical studies. Do not try to get rid of the problem yourself, diagnose yourself without medical knowledge, or treat yourself with folk remedies for itching in an intimate place on the advice of a neighbor. Self-medication leads to even greater deterioration of health.

If the doctor identifies the cause of discomfort in insufficient hygiene, he will tell you how to get rid of itching in an intimate place at home. But if the discomfort is caused by an infection, then folk remedies will not be able to relieve the burning sensation - drug therapy will be required. Based on the results of the tests, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial or hormonal medications will be prescribed in the form of tablets, ointments, suppositories, gels and other dosage forms.

What to do at home to relieve itching?

You can relieve itching and burning in the intimate area yourself if you cannot quickly get to a doctor or to relieve unpleasant symptoms. The following actions will not cure, but will quickly relieve the exacerbation:

  1. Wash yourself every 3-4 hours with a decoction of chamomile or calendula.
  2. Douche morning and evening with a solution of soda or iodine with salt.
  3. Do not use special personal care products that you used before the problem occurred.
  4. Wear underwear that contains 100% cotton.
  5. Use talcum powder after washing your labia.
  6. Eliminate alcohol, spicy and fatty foods from your diet.
  7. Avoid sexual intercourse.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor in an intimate place cannot always be associated with insufficient hygiene. During the day, a woman leads an active lifestyle - she works, moves, plays sports or does household chores.

The natural microflora in the vagina produces a secretion with a specific aroma, but it is not repulsive. The appearance of odor is always associated with a change in secretions. In order to combat such manifestations, it is necessary to find out the cause of their occurrence.


  • Inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs
  • Insufficient intimate hygiene
  • Infections of the vagina and cervix

In most cases, an unpleasant odor from the vagina appears due to the proliferation of microorganisms of bacterial origin. Against this background, discharge with a different color and smell may appear. Their consistency and quantity also changes.

Some vaginal infections are quite difficult to deal with if they are chronic, so if such symptoms appear, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist. Self-medication with folk remedies or with the help of advice from others can lead to negative consequences.

Causes of pathogenic microflora

  • hormonal changes;
  • long-term use of broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents;
  • frequent douching;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected partner;
  • hypothermia, causing inflammation;
  • inactive lifestyle, abuse of alcohol, flour and sweet foods;
  • non-venereal infections.

1. Candidiasis

or thrush is one of the fungal diseases that occurs most often in pregnant and postpartum women. The fungus quickly develops in the vagina, causing severe discomfort. In some cases, thrush may not appear for a long time. Itching, burning, and cheesy discharge with a pungent sour odor appear.

Even frequent washing cannot relieve a woman of such symptoms. The smell may become intense after the end of menstruation or in the morning. Almost always during sexual intercourse a woman becomes uncomfortable, the itching intensifies and active hyperemia (redness) begins.

Candidiasis in most cases is treated with drugs that are freely sold in pharmacies. To rule out other diseases, you need to visit a gynecologist and take smears. To treat candidiasis, medications are used in various forms - tablets, suppositories, ointments and gels.

2. Bacterial vaginosis

Previously, bacterial vaginosis was considered a disease caused by an infection in the vagina. After numerous studies, this pathology is not considered an independent disease. The etiology of vaginosis is based on the intensive development of bacteria that disrupt the normal microflora of the vagina. As a result, there is an unpleasant odor, a feeling of uncleanliness and discomfort in everyday life.

The reasons for the appearance of a bacterial surge in the microflora are sperm entering the vagina, douching, changing sexual partners, wearing tight and synthetic underwear (as a result allergic reaction), intestinal dysbiosis, endocrine system diseases, decreased immunity and cervical infections.

In most cases, the damaged microflora recovers itself over time. But to speed up this process, you can use special women's probiotics:

If bacterial vaginosis is accompanied by a sexually transmitted disease or other infectious pathology, they are treated together.

3. Sexually transmitted diseases

By the way

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The degree of complications from sexually transmitted diseases can be quite high if there is no timely treatment. In addition to the unpleasant odor and itching, a woman experiences a copious secretion with a greenish, brown or gray tint.

Gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis over time affect not only the reproductive system, but also have a negative impact on many internal organs. If there is an unpleasant odor from the vagina, pain when urinating or a change in the color of the discharge, you need to contact a venereologist. A comprehensive examination will help identify the pathogen, and antibiotics and comprehensive treatment will help eliminate the disease.

4. The period after menstruation

During bleeding, women actively produce hormones and reject the inner uterine layer, so during this period, with insufficient hygiene, an unpleasant odor may emanate from the woman.

During this period, the main thing is hygiene.

In some cases, in the first days after menstruation, the smell intensifies when there is endometrial disease. Brown discharge has a dirty appearance and a persistent unpleasant odor, which is quite difficult to remove even with douching. A woman needs to visit a gynecologist and undergo an examination.

5. Colpitis

Inflammatory changes in the vaginal mucosa can cause an unpleasant odor and other symptoms similar to vaginitis and vaginosis. When examining discharge using a smear, the secretion may contain E. coli, Trichomonas and other microbes, which cause an unpleasant odor.

In most cases, a woman with colpitis emits a smell reminiscent of rotten fish. Colpitis is a frequent companion of pregnant women, so it must be treated at an early stage to eliminate the risk of infection of the baby’s mucosa during childbirth.


If the unpleasant odor persists for a long time and is accompanied by other symptoms, it is necessary to undergo treatment from the attending gynecologist.

The doctor prescribes medications on an individual basis, taking into account the clinical picture, age category, chronic diseases or pregnancy. According to indications for the treatment of inflammation, therapy can be carried out on an inpatient basis under the supervision of medical personnel.

The use of folk remedies to eliminate unpleasant odor is possible if such a symptom is not complicated by infection. If you are healthy, then vaginal douching is not recommended more than once a week. It is enough to wash the perineum with a decoction of antiseptic herbs -